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  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest

    What would you want in your perfect 18+ webgame?

    I´ve been playing nutaku games for a few months now and i realized that there are a lot of games where it feels that if it juuust had an extra function here or there it would be my "perfect" game. Although obviously each game has its own objective and its own staff which has an idea in mind when designing each update or event, it made me wonder if the community could input better ideas for a "good" webgame. So, what are the ideas you guys have for what you would consider a good game for a site like nutaku?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    BGR's story and character design but with actual gameplay. Closest we've got is Aigis.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Good F2P balance

    Solid story-line, heck the H-scenes are secondary - but should be varied

  4. #4
    No Gacha.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Oct 2016
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    Consistent artwork and sprites that don't look like garbage. If it's not visually appealing, I'm not gonna bother in the first place to care about gameplay.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
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    If the art and H is good and don't care about gameplay (auto runs everything) and easy to put down and play
    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

    Signature made by Myrdin

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Ericridge View Post
    No Gacha.
    Honestly, I don't particularly mind gacha, as long as you're guaranteed a highest rarity unit in a 10+1 pull. I probably spent ~$1k on FKG, but only when the Gacha (or stepup) guaranteed I'd get a max rarity girl.

    However, I will never ever ever spend a penny on a gacha otherwise.

    Anyways, good H game?

    1. Good H artwork. This is where quite a few of the games fail. (Girls on Tanks was the most recent bad art. BGR, IIRC, is my favorite so far, but the gameplay/upgrading got irksome.)
    2. "Gameplay" that gets out of the way. I am not playing ANY of these games for the gameplay. If I want good gameplay I'll play a real game on my PS4 or PC. Set up the team/squad/whatever, then autoplay and see if I win. Also, if there is upgrading, it needs to be streamlined, if not completely automatic. i.e. Kamihime desperately needs an option to auto enhance rare & normal into prefered (user selected) optimal item, (i.e. fire Eidolon into fire eidolon, axe into axe) 90% of the reason I stopped playing that game was how time consuming it was to upgrade "correctly".
    3. Long enough "recharge" that I'm not wasting energy while working/sleeping. (say, ~10 hours)

  8. #8
    Unregistered Guest
    All your inactive girls contribute to your success in some way.

    That your Gacha even in the lowest tier has a chance to pull results from any of the higher categories no matter how remote.

    That girls from other games cross over creating some sort of Nutaku-verse.

    There would be no girl that could be permanently unattainable. Since that function only serves as a slap in the face.

  9. #9
    A game that doesn't require you to whale a lot
    Last edited by HungryFan; 03-18-2020 at 11:50 PM.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    50th State
    I like brothel sim games. The types where each time you unlock a girl, she is living in your house. These girls walk about the house and every now and then they do something. When prompted, you can click on them to get something, but for the most part its like the sims. You can have mini games to gain cash, and after completing a game, you have to wait a certain amount of time to play again.

    I also like Harvest moon games, similar to that farming one. The difference is the crops can mutate, given the right season and planting specific ones next to each other. You can date the girls in town by visiting their homes, and you need some kind of mini game to waste time as your waiting for the crops to grow (similar to the current farm game)

    Lastly, i like card games. There was a card game way back at the start of Nutaku, which was pretty cool. I lost interest because the events were too far apart, and the gameplay seemed stagnant since it was almost automatically throwing your cards for you. I like yugioh, magic, and pokemon to name a few card games. Wouldnt it be cool to have something like heartstone, or a Leauge of legends team fight tactics type game

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