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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Two life quality changes that would improve Harem Heroes

    Hi there,

    I tend to play HH allot and end up accumulating cash which I then spend on 10 games of Pachinko. Unfortunately, since recently you can't spam the Pachinko as used to and you have to see the individual items revealing animations.

    Making the revealing skipable would improve life quality of HH alot, as you could then spam pachinko games. This wouldn't just benefit the common Pachinko but also epic Pachinko for those times where you want to play more than one game.

    Furthermore, when playing pachinko alot, you get alot of junk that you're going to want to sell. Having a sell all button would once again improve life quality as well as reduce server load, since every sell calls out all sprites in a different area of the screen and is basically like a micro load.

    I don't think this would take much effort and it would make me play Pachinko more often, as right now the waiting gets me bored sooner than later and I stop playing Epic Pachinko because of it.

    Thanks and let me know what you think about it.

  2. #2
    Change the +1 stat button to +10 or something... clicking on it 5 thousand times is not very exciting.

    Btw you can still open the pachinko a bunch of times in different tabs with ctrl+click, click roll on all of them, and close the tab.
    Last edited by vem; 09-14-2017 at 12:48 PM.

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