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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2015

    3 Unit Dragon Hunting!

    A few days ago there was some talk of strategies for unit placement on the /jp/ thread to make Dragon Hunting quicker to get to the point where you can afk/fast forward and forget for Maximum Laziness. Here's a 3 unit placement strategy with nothing super special involved, and no skill activation required.

    Drop order is Witch, Archer, Prince. My prince is 96, but obviously he's got some health to spare and he doesn't even need to take that much damage (you can drop him right after the first dragon uses fire breath on your witch and save him some HP.) Cloris and Soma are both 50cc/40 100% affection. Nothing unreachable or that you can't be expected to get by the time you're able to do Dragon Hunting. The timing window isn't super strict, so if you have a better Archer/Witch that costs more unit points you can probably get away with it.

    Happy hunting!

  2. #2
    I've done it with the same 3 units in different placements, heh.
    Belinda where she is, Prince on opposite side of her, and then Soma right next to Prince.

    Edit to add:
    I had seen it mentioned elsewhere and figured I'd give it a shot myself. Turns out this setup works with just two units. Note that my archer in this case is a 50CC60 Spica. Can just drop her and prince and afk through the rest of it.

    Last edited by Kotono; 06-06-2015 at 12:59 AM.

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