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  2. Region 6 - Drachen Region

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Magma River

Fire type Dungeon. Weak against water.

Quest nameStamina costBattle count/EXNote
Boiling River99
Magma Fever99
The Silent Knight1010S10: Daris
Up The River1010
Sudden Battle11/113/18S13, 17: Emma, S15: Daris, S18: Mireia

Amarna Wetlands

Water type Dungeon. Weak against Thunder.

Quest nameStamina costBattle count/EXNote
She Who Dwells in the Wetlands99
Demons Prefer Rain99
A New Enemy1010S10: Orthia
The Nuisance1010
Threat to the Prince's Life11/113/18S13, 17: Jennifer, S15: Orthia, S18: Alice

The Calm Wastelands

Wind type Dungeon. Weak against Fire.

Quest nameStamina costBattle count/EXNote
Assassin from the Wastelands99
Demon With Bared Teeth99
The Iron Hammer1010S10: Riana
Wasteland Monsters1010
Raiders from the Calm Wilderness11/113/18S13, 17: Alicia, S15: Riana, S18: Estelle

Thunder Cloud Plateau

Thunder type Dungeon. Weak against Wind.

Quest nameStamina costBattle count/EXNote
It Never Rains but it Pours99
Thunder Demons99
The Nun1010S10: Karin
Intense Thunder1010
The Watcher11/113/18S13, 17: Odette, S15: Karin, S18: Badam

White Night Prairie

Light type Dungeon. Weak against Dark. Keep in mind this weakness goes both ways.

Quest nameStamina costBattle count/EXNote
The Place Where the Sun Never Sets99
White Night Demons1010
The Unmotivated Healer1010S10: Marissa
The Monsters Attack1110
Time Deviation1111
Strong-willed Assassin12/114/19S14, 18: Shirley, S16: Marissa, S19: Mikoto

The Tower of Darkness

Dark type Dungeon. Weak against Light. Keep in mind this weakness goes both ways.

Quest nameStamina costBattle count/EXNote
Inside the Tower99
Assault from the Darkness1010
The Girl Who Comes from the Shadow1010S10: Leonora
Misleading Darkness1110
Hierarchy in the Tower1111
The Hard-working Knight12/114/19S16: Leonora, S18: Riria, S19: Galatea

Amarna Kingdom Royal Castle

All different elements Dungeon.

Quest nameStamina costBattle count/EXNote
Demons in the Royal Castle99(Fire/Light monsters only)
Endless Battle Against the Evil Forces1010(Wind/Thunder monsters only)
Battle Against the Nun1010(Water/Dark monsters only)
S10: Katy
Endless Trial of Strength1111
The End is in Sight1111
Another Believer1212S12: Riko
Siege of the Royal Castle13/1/1/1/1/x/x15/20/25/30/35/x/xS15: Lars Dragon
(Fire) S17: Daris, S19: Emma, S20: Kirie;
(Water) S22: Orthia, S24: Jennifer, S25: Nicole;
(Wind) S27: Riana, S29: Alicia, S30: Ellen;
(Thunder) S32: Karin, S34: Odette, S35: Sonya;

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