1. Hitsuji
  2. Tia

How to get
Rare, Limited and Ticket Gacha
"I wanna show you a circus show too, Templar ...kya! The m-monsters are too close!"

"A-Actually, that's trauma material! To be so shamed...I wouldn't be fit to be anyone's bride!"
A member of a traveling circus. She's an apprentice in monster taming, performing acrobatics accompanied by monsters. Her parents are monster tamers in the circus, so she naturally decided to take the same path. She's still in training and hasn't performed in a real show yet. When she was a kid one of the circus monsters gave her a minor injury, so she can't give them firm orders. She was raised in the circus and thinks of the members as her family.


Skill (at level 5)Light Claw - Front Line Strike I
Light Claw - Front Line Strike II
Skill (at level 15)ATK Down Forwards I
ATK Down Forwards II
Skill (at level 25)INT Down Forwards I
INT Down Forwards II
Leader skill-
Abnormal reduction
Makes it hard to suffer from an abnormal condition


Lv1 (0/1)1293123246814
25 (1)-------
50 (1)890199115122404967
75 (1)-------
100 (1)-------


NormalAwaken 1
A member of a traveling circus. She's an apprentice in monster taming, performing acrobatics accompanied by monsters. Her parents are monster tamers in the circus, so she naturally decided to take the same path. She's still in training and hasn't performed in a real show yet. When she was a kid one of the circus monsters gave her a minor injury, so she can't give them firm orders. She was raised in the circus and thinks of the members as her family.A member of a traveling circus. She's an apprentice in monster taming, performing acrobatics accompanied by monsters. Her parents are monster tamers in the circus, so she naturally decided to take the same path. She's still in training and hasn't performed in a real show yet. When she was a kid, one of the circus monsters gave her a minor injury, so she can't give them firm orders. She was raised in the circus and thinks of the members as her family. She's a praise worthy girl who works harder than anyone at practice, chores, and getting the word out about the circus all for the sake of the circus, the group, and the monsters.


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