- Hello!
- Hey all
- Hiya!
- Heya
- Hi!
- Oh well, hi xD
- Hey there
- Uh, Hello!
- Yoh
- Hello
- Hello!
- New mem!!
- Hello to the new member: Hornyg4mer
- Hello everyone
- Hello!
- Coucou
- uh... Hello
- In the far future...
- Hi Hi
- Hi everyone!
- Little late
- Sup
- Hello
- Hi Epelybadeh :v
- Hello all :)
- One word....SEX
- Hola a todos
- The new Guy
- Your friendly omelette says hello.
- Hello
- Welp
- Hello!
- >> Noob Who Reads
- Hello everyone!
- Hello!!! :)
- Hello
- ....
- Hello
- Hello
- Greetings
- Yo Howdy Aloha Ni-Hao
- This IS... Narihari
- Finally decided to join this forum so hello
- Hi ! :3
- Hello and well met
- Ohaiyo from the secretary table :D!
- Well Hello and How the Hell are ya?
- Nice to meet you all
- Hi
- Hello, friends!
- Konichiwa
- hey,heyyyy
- Well, hello girls and boys.
- Daddy says hellooo
- Hello
- Greetings!
- Sage advice dispensed here
- A new guy in town
- Just noticed their was an introduction thing
- Greetings!
- Greetings!
- Nice to meet you all.
- Thought I'd say hello
- Hi
- I'm not a robot
- Figured I'd say hi ;)
- Hello everyone!
- A Greeting
- Hello.
- Hey there
- Ossu minna!
- hello internet :)
- Hey there!
- Hi there,
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