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04-16-2016, 04:20 AM
Hello all. First of all I am a new player in FKG at level 23 at the moment of writing this. With that cleared I'd like to make a thread about how I moved so far in the game, the choices I have made etc., but also asking the more experienced players from the DMM version or Canada for the next steps. I have no intention to call this thread a guide (hence the question mark at the title), but I hope that this thread will be of some help (even the minimal) to players who just start out. It can also be used for Questions and Answers and giving tips to each other.


Once you start the game follow the tutorial. It will cover you the basic mechanics of the game. You will learn about the missions and how you complete them, how you make your squad(s), how you level up your characters, how you use the Gacha to gather equipment for your knights and how to recruit new girls. And finally you'll learn how to raise the affection of your girls unlocking the H-Scenes by giving them gifts.


Make sure that you log in the game at least once per day, even if you can't play because of work or any other reason. This is to get the login bonuses and sometimes get gifts from the developers. In the DMM version when they have a maintenance they tend to give Flower Gems to players for the inconvience. This could probably happen in Nutaku version as well. A few extra gems won't hurt.


Now that you are free to wander around the menu, you can start your FKG experience. From what I've gather, Flower Knight Girls is a slow game, meaning that it will take you some time before you are able to have maxed characters, unlock H-Scenes and generally get the good stuff. The first thing you should do is get some levels by playing the Campaign. The first Missions/Stages are very easy and you can clear (even complete them) in your first try. But before that...


From Level 1, before you level up, you want to look EVERY TIME at the Gather feature and use it. In this mini-running simulator you will see your main Knight (the one greeting you in the menu) running and collection stamina, gold & gacha seeds. At the end she will find a chest with a random present inside. What you gather is entirely random. You can skip the whole process by clicking on the running knight. You have 1 Gather run per 2 hours at a maximum of 3 total runs. When you level up, your Gather points get refilled, so it's a good idea to use all of your runs before you do a mission and you level up. Also do not use them again immediately after you level up. This applies mainly when you have reached a higher level. Instead use them when you are almost out of stamina to get some more and do more missions.

Regarding leveling, it gets increasingly difficult to level up the higher you are. Currently the easiest way to level up is farming EXP at the Campaign maps. In one post (http://harem-battle.club/flower-knight-girl/1301-stuck-mission-post25635.html#post25635) in this forum by an Unregistered user you can see the EXP/Stamina ratio. The ratio is copied from that post in the spoiler below:

Mission Stam Xp Ratio

10-1 32 422 13.19
10-2 34 456 13.41
10-3 37 507 13.70
10-4 31 406 13.10
10-5 32 422 13.19

9-1 32 422 13.19
9-2 35 473 13.51
9-3 29 374 12.90
9-4 30 390 13.00
9-5 31 406 13.10

8-1 33 439 13.30
8-2 27 343 12.70
8-3 28 358 12.79
8-4 29 374 12.90
8-5 30 390 13.00

7-1 25 313 12.52
7-2 26 328 12.62
7-3 27 343 12.70
7-4 28 358 12.79
7-5 30 390 13.00

6-1 24 298 12.42
6-2 25 313 12.52
6-3 26 328 12.62
6-4 27 343 12.70
6-5 30 390 13.00

Secret G 50 100 2.00

5-1 23 283 12.30
5-2 24 298 12.42
5-3 25 313 12.52
5-4 28 358 12.79
5-5 22 268 12.18

4-1 22 268 12.18
4-2 23 283 12.30
4-3 25 313 12.52
4-4 21 254 12.10
4-5 22 268 12.18

Secret G 12 134 11.17


The Flower Gems are one of the game's most important items. You can use these to restore your Stamina when it runs out, expand your maximum Character and Equipment capacity and draw from the Premium Gacha. Definitely avoid using them for stamina refills. I've read that you should use a few of them to expand your character capacity. Personally I have used 2 Gems and have a capacity of 60, but some people recommend to do it up to 100. For the start of the game, you can keep them for the time using 1 or 2 for capacity expanding, but no more than that. It is highly recommended that you have 50+ at all times in order to draw from the Premium Gacha once an event starts. Always use 50 and not 5 at a time, because you get to draw an extra girl.

The gems can currently be obtained by login bonuses, completing a mission (get all 3 medals in a stage), doing quests and reaching maximum affection with a knight. If you are super lucky, you may get a Flower Gem during a Gather run!

CAMPAIGN (Mission 1)

It's a good time to start playing the Campaign now. The first mission has very easy stages. You will be able to clear them with your initial party/squad and even complete them. If you have any troubles, then you should power up your girls a bit.


By clearing a stage and collecting the chests in the stage, you'll acquire some 2* knights. These are extremely weak and not worthy to level them up. Keep (use the lock feature from the Squad menu) at least one of each for collection reasons and the affection bonus. You will use the rest you collect to level up your characters. Use these girls to reach your Knights to level 8. Try and reach your locked 2* knights at level 8 as well, your Squad will initially be filled with some of them and you need all 4 squads to complete a stage in the more difficult missions. When leveling up 2* characters ALWAYS use copies of the character you are leveling up if you have some (thanks to Moonblack for this tip). This gives you three bonuses
1) There is some bonus experience for using the same color (for example Slice)
2) There is a chance to level up the character's skill, since the characters sacrificed have the same skill as the upgraded character
3) You will unlock the additional equipment slots, because you are using copies of the same character

2* characters are rather weak, but with level in the 8-11 range, skill at level 5, and 4 equipments boosting their stats they can be quite useful at the earlier mission, until you manage to get some 3* or better characters to replace them.

You level your knights with the girls until level 8, because after that it becomes extremely expensive if you use them and it's not worth it. After all of your knights are level 8, every 2* girl you get, you should sell them. So how will you level them?


You collect Manuys by Gather, getting chests in stages and completing quests. In certain days there are some special missions that you can do to get more of them. More of that later though. These are your main leveling material. They are not used for anything else. These manuys/fairies each have a certain colour/attribute (purple, red, yellow, blue). They are matched with the attributes the knights have. ALWAYS use the same colour of Manuy to the knight you are leveling for maximum experience. Do not waste these to a 2* character. Focus on 5*, 4* and even 3* knights at the beginning.


The quests are split in daily, main and special. You should focus on doing the daily quests every day to get the rewards. When you see an exclamation mark on the quests tab, you should immediately go there and claim the reward. For daily quests this is a must, because the next level of a quest will not begin/count until you have claimed the reward. This does not apply for main and special quests.

For main quests, these are one-of-a-time. You can complete them any time you like.

Special quests request you to have a specific Knight in order to do their side-story. If you don't have them, they're unavailable.


When you finish a stage, you may get a notification that there is a raid boss. ALWAYS, and I repeat, ALWAYS go there and spend your Raid points when one is available. Use the Weak Attack (1 raid point) EVERY TIME you discover or fight a boss. It doesn't matter if you kill it or not, the fact that you participated in its extermination will grant you the reward (Equipment Gacha Seeds) when the monster is killed. So don't hesitate to fight a very strong boss that someone else discovered. Your raid points get replenished each time you level up.


Like Raids, you may also get a notification at the moment of clearing a stage that there is a bonus mission. These award you with a lot of coins and some Manuys for your trouble. but they are available for a very short amount of time (<5 mins). The only downside is their Stamina cost. The Beginner stages costs 12 Stamina, the Intermediate 50 stamina and the Advanced 80 Stamina. Always do these stages as long as you have enough stamina. The boss there is laughable easy, even a party of only LVL 1 2* Knights can defeat it.

Each mission unlocks a certain bonus stage (thanks to Drayvhen for the information)

Mission 1 to 5 for the 12 stamina (Beginner) bonus stage
Mission 6 to 10 for the 50 stamina (Intermediate) bonus stage
Mission 11+ for the 80 stamina (Advanced) bonus stage


This is the friends system of the game. Your maximum capacity of allies increases each time you level up. Always have as many as you can, so you can use their helping squad in missions. Also you need a lot of allies to complete a certain main quest.


The Shop should be out of bounds at the start of the game for you, unless you want to buy some Flower Gems using Nutaku gold. In the Exchange center you use Life Crystals for Manuys and other goodies. You collect these crystals by clearing the final level of daily quests. These are very slow to collect, so don't think of the shop right now.


You can't forget about this. You raise the affection of each Knight by offering them gifts. There are four kind of gifts; Books, Jewels, Toys and Cakes and each kind of gift has 3 different levels. Each Knight has her favourite type of present. ALWAYS give them their favorite for faster increase in Affection. You get these gifts from Gather, Completing a stage and getting the chests in there, completing daily quests and doing the Special present stages. It is a very slow way of unlocking an H-Scene, but I guess it'll be worth it. Focus on raising the affection of your stronger girls first, as they also get a bonus in HP, Attack and Defense. What I do is raise the affection of four girls, each of them having a different favorite gift. When you reach 100% affection with a character, you'll earn a Flower Gem.

CAMPAIGN (Complete the Stages)

Now that you are aware of how the game works, use all of that knowledge and go through the missions and their stages. It is possible and you SHOULD get all 3 medals in every stage. You get a Flower Gem and other goodies. As you go through the missions, you will see that they become harder and harder. Level your girls accordingly in order to make it through. Your best squad should always be the first one, so your friends and other users will be able to use them. Every time you complete the last stage of a mission, you get a 3* Knight. Level her up and put her in a different squad than your main, to help the weaker units. You want to have a good total power in all of your squads, giving priority to the first one.

I have personally completed all stages until Mission 7 as of writing this and my team had a power level of 75k+ with my most leveled characters being level 33 and then ranging from 30 to 16 (all 2* Knights at level 8). Level 30 is a good milestone regarding the first event that hasn't yet occured as of writing this according to some users here. The random routes a squad can follow is totally random, so just keep trying until you eventually kil every enemy.

REMEMBER: It doesn't matter if a member or an entire squad die. As long as one squad reaches the flag, the mission is a success and if you have all 3 medals, you complete it. It's also good because they don't get EXP from missions, so it's ok if they are K.O.'d.


When you have a lot of Gacha seeds, you should use them in the Gacha. You have a chance of getting a 3* or a 4* Knight, although it's very very rare. All 2* knights should be sold. If you have a lot of Equipment seeds, use them as well to get powerful items for your team that will boost their defense and attack. Save your flower gems for the time. Whenever an event launches, new girls will be added in the Gacha. Use the 10+1 Premium Gacha ALWAYS and go for them when you see there is something you want.


Each day of the week has different daily missions. They are the following:

Monday Mission - Get Dragons for Slice-Types evolutions (red ones)
Tuesday Mission - Get Dragons for Hit-Types evolution (blue ones)
Wednesday Mission - Get Manuys (yellow and purple)
Thursday Mission - Get Dragons for Pierce-Types evolution (yellow ones)
Friday Mission - Get Dragons for Magic-Types evolution (purple ones)
Saturday Mission - Get more Coins! Needed to level up and evolve your knights. And you need a lot of gold.
Sunday Mission - Get Manuys (red and blue)

When you start the game you want the Manuys to level up your girls along with the gold to be able to do it. Leave the dragons for later when your knights are about to evolve (more on evolution later).

A note regarding the Gold mission on Saturdays. It has been calculated by a user in the forums, Tenhou, that if you have a level lower than LVL 50, then the gold missions are stamina-inneficient compared to some Campaign stages. The thread can be found HERE (http://harem-battle.club/flower-knight-girl/1313-saturday-gold-efficiency-vs-newbies.html) with all the details. The outcome is that you should do the gold quest when you are about to level up or do it once in order to get the flower gems. They are very easy to complete, even a squad of level 30s+ can clear the Advanced stage.


This is as far as I've gone and recorded. I am currently doing Mission 8 stages in Campaign while switching with daily missions a bit. After you have cleared a lot of stuff, you'll see that it's a little difficult to find Manuys to level up your girls more. But there are events coming as well. Level up your girls with whatever you have and prepare for them (for the first event, level 30 is said to be good). If a mission is too hard to complete or clear, try different combinations or give it a rest and retry it when you are stronger.

UPDATE: 17/4/2016


In the Gacha section of the game, you can use Equipment seeds that you obtain from participating in the extermination of raid bosses in order to obtain some new Equipment, which can be given to a Flower Knight to boost her defense and attack stats. Each Flower Knight can have up to 4 different pieces of Equipment. I bold different, because you can't have e.g. 2 bracelets in the same girl. However, initially a girl can get only one piece of equipment. In order to unlock the 3 additional slots, you must upgrade that character with another copy of the same character. For example, to unlock all 4 slots of Cepha Lanthera, you need to find 3 more copies of her and upgrade her using them.

It is advised not to sell any piece of equipment you get, so you can use most of them to upgrade your stronger ones when you reach level 40. More on equipment upgrading on a future update.

You have a capacity of 100 equipment pieces in your inventory. You can expand it by using Flower Gems. Avoid wasting your gems in that way unless you have so many (way more than 50) that you don't know what to do with them.

CAMPAIGN (Mission 8)

So, if you play the game regularly, in a few days you will have probably reached this mission. This is where things start to become challenging. Mission 8 Stage 2 is your first obstacle not only in completing it but also clearing it. With a team power of 75k+ (level 25) I was able only to clear it by having all squads start from the same starting point. If you are in a similar spot, you may think the same thing and notice that your team needs to be leveled up. The best missions to farm are 4-3 and 5-4. Both of these trigger the Beginner Bonus mission, which give out some nice gold and a couple of Manuys (+ offer nice EXP providing some fast level ups). Keep farming and practicing until your team is strong enough to tackle this mission.

All of the above were written with 4+ days of playing the game as a f2p user. Good luck and have fun.

04-16-2016, 05:00 AM
When leveling up 2* characters ALWAYS use copies of the character you are leveling up. This gives you three bonuses:
- first is some bonus experience for using the same color (for example Slice)
- second is a chance to level up the character's skill - since the characters sacrificed have the same skill as the upgraded character
- third is unlocking the additional equipment slots - because you are using copies of the same character

2* characters are rather weak, but with level in the 8-11 range, skill at level 5, and 4 equipments boosting their stats they can be quite useful at the earlier mission, until you manage to get some 3* or better characters.

04-16-2016, 07:38 AM
what are life crystals i got some but can't find them

04-16-2016, 07:44 AM
You can use them at the Shop -> Exchange Center, but you probably don't have enough for anything yet, so just ignore them for now

04-16-2016, 07:57 AM
I did use flower gems in the shop to increase my maximum girl capacity to 100. I found that to be very helpful, +5 capacity per flower gem.

04-16-2016, 08:24 AM
It's a good deal given how much of a pain in the ass inventory slots are.

04-16-2016, 08:34 AM
I got a flower gem from gathering, so you can get those there too

04-16-2016, 08:38 AM
I got a flower gem from gathering, so you can get those there too

Yes, should be in all caps!


Gosh, am I just confusing things now???? I usually try to run my gathers when I have about half stamina left so I don't waste any. But pay attention to your EXP, use them all if you are really close to leveling as they replenish when you level and you will lose them if you don't use 'em.

04-16-2016, 09:31 AM
what are life crystals i got some but can't find them

You can get Life Crystals by completing the daily quests. Remember to check on your progress in the Quest screen every now and then. Each daily quest has multiple tiers to complete, and you have to collect the reward from the previous tier before the game will start tracking progress on the next tier.

04-16-2016, 09:37 AM
Yes, should be in all caps!


Gosh, am I just confusing things now???? I usually try to run my gathers when I have about half stamina left so I don't waste any. But pay attention to your EXP, use them all if you are really close to leveling as they replenish when you level and you will lose them if you don't use 'em.

I mentioned it because they doesn't include it as a way to obtain them under the flower gems section

04-16-2016, 12:50 PM
So is the best way to level up, and still get some manyus, to spam 5-4 and do the bonus mission? 5-4 has the best xp ratio and also the higher bonus mission has a horrible ratio.

4-3 might be better cause its easier to get all 3 chests and its not that much worse for xp.

04-16-2016, 02:10 PM
Note to mention. Don't sell your equipment whatever it is useless. You will need it after 40 lvl to upgrade your best equipment.

Sigh, this tip is from my experience.

04-16-2016, 02:53 PM
I mentioned it because they doesn't include it as a way to obtain them under the flower gems section

Yup, thanks for that I added it in my last edit.

So is the best way to level up, and still get some manyus, to spam 5-4 and do the bonus mission? 5-4 has the best xp ratio and also the higher bonus mission has a horrible ratio.

4-3 might be better cause its easier to get all 3 chests and its not that much worse for xp.

Because of 5-4 triggering the Intermediate bonus stage, I'd say 4-3 is much better to spam. Great way to get some Manuys and levels.

Note to mention. Don't sell your equipment whatever it is useless. You will need it after 40 lvl to upgrade your best equipment.

Sigh, this tip is from my experience.

Thanks for that, I'll add it to the Equipment section in my next update.

04-16-2016, 03:12 PM
Because of 5-4 triggering the Intermediate bonus stage, I'd say 4-3 is much better to spam. Great way to get some Manuys and levels.

5-4 triggers the beginner stage, 12 stam, at least every time Ive had it happen.

04-16-2016, 03:24 PM
About the stamina/xp ratio, the more stamina a campaign mission takes the better the ratio will be. However at this stage girl xp is probably more important.

Stamina XP Ratio

21 254 12.10
22 268 12.18
23 283 12.30
24 298 12.42
25 313 12.52
26 328 12.62
27 343 12.70
28 358 12.79
29 374 12.90
30 390 13.00
31 406 13.10
32 422 13.19
33 439 13.30
34 456 13.41
35 473 13.51

04-16-2016, 03:40 PM
@nip, confirmed I just tried it and I got the beginner bonus.

04-16-2016, 03:50 PM
chapter 1 to 5 for 12 stamina bonus stage
chapter 6 to 10 for 50 stamina bonus stage
chapter 11+ for 80 stamina bonus stage

04-16-2016, 03:56 PM
Might want to add in that the saturday gold daily is stamina/gold inneficient as long as you are below level 50ish. See the thread i made on the subject.

Also, the 50 stamina bonus stage is more like a trap, rather do 12 stamina bonus stage farming if you want manyus until you can get the 80 stamina bonus stages. Both the later stages are stamina/exp inefficient but at least the 80 stamina one gives some hellish manyus.

Also, nice guide in general.

I'm a bit miffed by the bold text being in the middle though, hurts my eyes. Rather want all of it on the left side.

04-16-2016, 04:08 PM
So, at this particular point of the game - very beginning - is it better to roll first 50 Gem Gatcha as soon you get em, or wait till the Monday and its event?

04-16-2016, 04:12 PM
I'm waiting, the event supposedly brings a girl i want into the gacha. It is totally up to you though. Check the list of what is in the gacha and if there is anything you want, go for your first roll, otherwise save up.

04-16-2016, 08:03 PM
I'm waiting, the event supposedly brings a girl i want into the gacha. It is totally up to you though. Check the list of what is in the gacha and if there is anything you want, go for your first roll, otherwise save up.


totally forgot about the closeness of the event... should've saved those gems for when the gacha updated...
oh well, there's no point in regreting it now
i'll keep that in mind from now on tho

04-16-2016, 09:17 PM
Don't worry you wouldn't of gotten the girls you wanted anyways :D

04-17-2016, 02:03 AM
Might want to add in that the saturday gold daily is stamina/gold inneficient as long as you are below level 50ish. See the thread i made on the subject.

Also, the 50 stamina bonus stage is more like a trap, rather do 12 stamina bonus stage farming if you want manyus until you can get the 80 stamina bonus stages. Both the later stages are stamina/exp inefficient but at least the 80 stamina one gives some hellish manyus.

Also, nice guide in general.

I'm a bit miffed by the bold text being in the middle though, hurts my eyes. Rather want all of it on the left side.

Thanks, I added the gold thing, along with a link at your thread. Also removed the center alignment, let's see how it looks now.

chapter 1 to 5 for 12 stamina bonus stage
chapter 6 to 10 for 50 stamina bonus stage
chapter 11+ for 80 stamina bonus stage

Thanks for that as well, I added it in the bonus stage section.

Updated the Bonus Stage, Daily Missions and Gacha sections. Added some sections regarding Equipment and Campaign Mission 8.

04-17-2016, 02:27 AM
Also, the order of attack from your squad is always the same (left to right), so setting your aoe user to attack first is probably a good idea. Allow you to not waste a turn on a almost dead ennemy with a strong single strike.

04-17-2016, 02:40 AM
Dunno if it's been mentioned but you got 1 flower gem for each 100% affection girl

04-17-2016, 02:52 AM
Also, the order of attack from your squad is always the same (left to right), so setting your aoe user to attack first is probably a good idea. Allow you to not waste a turn on a almost dead ennemy with a strong single strike.

But whether a knight uses her skill or not is random (I think). I have my Convallaria full right in the formation and she uses her skill occasionally. There should really be a gauge meter regarding their skills.

Dunno if it's been mentioned but you got 1 flower gem for each 100% affection girl

Yes, it's mentioned in the Affection and Flower Gems sections.

04-17-2016, 03:05 AM
I just got a Sacred Beast HP Ampy (5 star) from the Normal Gatcha. At first I was confused when I saw the pot turn golden since I thought you can't get any 5 star girls from the Normal Gatcha. Turns out I didn't (but at least I got a new 3 star girl and a copy of another 3 star I already had).

Anyway, any advice about the Sacred Beast Ampys (I know there are two more types - for Attack and Defense)? For now I think I'll keep it.

04-17-2016, 12:12 PM
But whether a knight uses her skill or not is random (I think). I have my Convallaria full right in the formation and she uses her skill occasionally. There should really be a gauge meter regarding their skills.

Its a %, you can see it in character details.

04-17-2016, 12:46 PM
I just got a Sacred Beast HP Ampy (5 star) from the Normal Gatcha. At first I was confused when I saw the pot turn golden since I thought you can't get any 5 star girls from the Normal Gatcha. Turns out I didn't (but at least I got a new 3 star girl and a copy of another 3 star I already had).

Anyway, any advice about the Sacred Beast Ampys (I know there are two more types - for Attack and Defense)? For now I think I'll keep it.

Use them all on your fav girl and use her forever~~

04-17-2016, 02:07 PM
I just got a Sacred Beast HP Ampy (5 star) from the Normal Gatcha. At first I was confused when I saw the pot turn golden since I thought you can't get any 5 star girls from the Normal Gatcha. Turns out I didn't (but at least I got a new 3 star girl and a copy of another 3 star I already had).

Anyway, any advice about the Sacred Beast Ampys (I know there are two more types - for Attack and Defense)? For now I think I'll keep it.Make your 6* / 5* girl even more powerful)

Another fun use of them might be giving them to your favorite **/* girl to make her competitive :p
But that way of doing it should definitely be reserved for one of your most loved for waifus, should she happen to be low-rarity, not for regular use, admittedly.

04-17-2016, 04:28 PM
Thanks for the guide.

May I ask where to get Bloom Dragons to Evolve my Characters Level 50? Few days ago there was an Event and get Yellow and Purple Dragons, but is that possible to get/buy some elsewhere? Or we must wait for a specific Event each time? :confused:

04-17-2016, 04:38 PM
They are daily missions, different dragons each day. Check further down in the guide and you'll find them.

04-18-2016, 04:46 AM
So I got this chunk of wisdom from browsing MWA wiki (yes I also find it pretty funny place to get an advice on other Nutaku games):

For free starters the priority is to get at least 1 5/6 star to level 70. Abuse story maps for the seeds and free gacha the seeds for some bronze/silvers; use this as your main setup for the first 2 weeks while you get your 5 star maxed out. Your helper's strength scales with your highest leveled unit; rely on helpers to help you clear and farm higher tier maps even if you can't 3 star those since the stones aren't your highest priority right now. Depending on your 5/6 star's attribute farm the respective experience fodder to cut your expenses. Sell off the 2 stars and basic gears; you only want to keep +10 intermediates and refrain from equipment upgrade at the moment since it's a huge gold sink.
Note the first and third sentence. I wonder how it actually effects things?

04-18-2016, 12:50 PM
so i have all these dragons sitting around and i dont really know how to use them, it seems that they wont level up the knights. should i just sell them? cause i cant really evolve any of them yet

04-18-2016, 12:56 PM
so i have all these dragons sitting around and i dont really know how to use them, it seems that they wont level up the knights. should i just sell them? cause i cant really evolve any of them yet

Well this matter talked over and over again... save your dragons and dont farm anymore if you lack storage space. Your storage should be more than 100 btw. As game progresses you'll gonna get a lot more dragons, girls, manyus etc.

04-18-2016, 01:24 PM
yeah sry for repeating this, didnt read the forum :) yeah my storage space is 100 currently. i bet this was asked too, but still i dont have much time right now. where can i farm manyus?

04-18-2016, 01:48 PM
yeah sry for repeating this, didnt read the forum :) yeah my storage space is 100 currently. i bet this was asked too, but still i dont have much time right now. where can i farm manyus?

Well dont get me wrong, you are always welcome to ask any questions that we might know :)

04-18-2016, 02:57 PM
so i ve read about saving those flower gems for events, cause gacha should cost only 3 instad of 5 gems. so apparently this event does not count. i guess we should save them up for next event and hope for a gacha update... or am i missing something

04-18-2016, 03:04 PM
Any missions to farm for raids? Or to avoid? I want to ensure my 5000g daily raid quest gets done.

04-18-2016, 04:16 PM
so i ve read about saving those flower gems for events, cause gacha should cost only 3 instad of 5 gems. so apparently this event does not count. i guess we should save them up for next event and hope for a gacha update... or am i missing something

Dunno much about event types but with some patience 4* rolls from normal gacha would be enough for the time being. Just use gems only for character slots but not for equip slots, 100 is enough already.

Any missions to farm for raids? Or to avoid? I want to ensure my 5000g daily raid quest gets done.

The more allies in your friend list the more likely you get raid notice and why would you avoid raids? Its the only source of equip sets.

04-18-2016, 05:57 PM
I mean avoid missions with a low chance to encounter a raid. Like maybe if there's a high chance of a special mission, there's a lower chance of a raid?

04-18-2016, 10:40 PM
Thats completely rng based. Every map has the same chance but if you go higher maps raids u'll get more equipment seeds per raid points.

04-19-2016, 01:26 AM
where can i farm manyus?

You get 4 lvl 1 manyus from one of the dailies, and you get two per run of the bonus stages. The bonus stage is kinda like a raid boss, it'll randomly show up after you beat a stage, but is only available for 4-10 minutes. The bonus stage you get depends on what mission you were doing, missions 1-5 gives you the 12 stamina one, and mission 6 and up gets you the 50 stamina one, so you should try to have extra stamina when doing missions.

Other than that, there are two manyu dailies, the red and blue one is one sunday, I'm not sure when the yellow and purple one is.

04-19-2016, 01:55 AM
You get 4 lvl 1 manyus from one of the dailies, and you get two per run of the bonus stages. The bonus stage is kinda like a raid boss, it'll randomly show up after you beat a stage, but is only available for 4-10 minutes. The bonus stage you get depends on what mission you were doing, missions 1-5 gives you the 12 stamina one, and mission 6 and up gets you the 50 stamina one, so you should try to have extra stamina when doing missions.

Other than that, there are two manyu dailies, the red and blue one is one sunday, I'm not sure when the yellow and purple one is.

Monday Mission - Get Dragons for Slice-Types evolutions (red ones)
Tuesday Mission - Get Dragons for Hit-Types evolution (blue ones)
Wednesday Mission - Get Manuys (yellow and purple)
Thursday Mission - Get Dragons for Pierce-Types evolution (yellow ones)
Friday Mission - Get Dragons for Magic-Types evolution (purple ones)
Saturday Mission - Get more Coins! Needed to level up and evolve your knights. And you need a lot of gold.
Sunday Mission - Get Manuys (red and blue)

He cant have extra stamina after doing missions above level 40, the stamina barely enough for to clear missions themselves.

04-22-2016, 07:20 PM
What is it Eqip Upgrade? Just use same jewels for upgrade? Any tips or notes for it?

04-22-2016, 10:42 PM
so i have st. paulina and there is her quest, already did 1 of them but seem didnt get anything worth from it.... is character quest all worthless?

04-22-2016, 11:00 PM
so i have st. paulina and there is her quest, already did 1 of them but seem didnt get anything worth from it.... is character quest all worthless?

you're supposed to complete all the quests to get character accessory (earring)
which seems to give around 200+ atk and 10+ def.

04-22-2016, 11:41 PM
What is it Eqip Upgrade? Just use same jewels for upgrade? Any tips or notes for it?

Equipment upgrade is said to be extremely expensive, costing way more than upgrading your units. So I think it'd be better to leave it for a bit later for when your team is fully leveled and evolved. If you want though, do not upgrade your LVL 1 equipment, instead try to upgrade the mid-gear equipment from the harder bosses.

04-23-2016, 12:15 AM
I'm sick of never being able to 3* a single stage because the rotating arrows always send all of my girls in the same direction.

04-23-2016, 12:31 AM
Game will later add too many character quests, dunno any of current girls gonna get it apart from the ones who already have but dont focus too much on equipment upgrade except if your inventory fills up and upgrade mostly silver ones. It has been just 1 week since game start we're only at the beginning, we'll get many items, girls, other things such as ampys from events.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm sick of never being able to 3* a single stage because the rotating arrows always send all of my girls in the same direction.

There is nothing you can do about it, you cant change rng :P

04-23-2016, 12:49 AM
you're supposed to complete all the quests to get character accessory (earring)
which seems to give around 200+ atk and 10+ def.

oh thanks for the answer :)

04-23-2016, 11:28 PM
Any tips on what to do with duplicate 4 star or higher units? I'm thinking just keep them? I don't know if it's worth sacrificing all their stats for an extra equipment slot and a chance to get a 1% increase on skill.

04-23-2016, 11:37 PM
Any tips on what to do with duplicate 4 star or higher units? I'm thinking just keep them? I don't know if it's worth sacrificing all their stats for an extra equipment slot and a chance to get a 1% increase on skill.

No real point in keeping them. As the game goes on you will be swimming in them. Use them for the extra gear slot/skill ups. Not to mention all the resources you would waste on leveling a second copy when those resources could be better spent on leveling your initial 4* and higher units.

04-23-2016, 11:48 PM
No real point in keeping them. As the game goes on you will be swimming in them. Use them for the extra gear slot/skill ups. Not to mention all the resources you would waste on leveling a second copy when those resources could be better spent on leveling your initial 4* and higher units.

Ah okay good points. I guess equipment and stuff will eventually make up the difference as the game progresses, so it'll be good to have those slots. Would you recommend doing the same for 5 and 6 star units too?

04-24-2016, 01:15 AM
Ah okay good points. I guess equipment and stuff will eventually make up the difference as the game progresses, so it'll be good to have those slots. Would you recommend doing the same for 5 and 6 star units too?

If you manage to get multiple 5* and 6* units first thank RNGesus. And then yeah I would probably use them to buff the first one. Sorta like Aigis. Build a powerful team and CR/SU when you can if it doesn't mean sacrificing much.

04-25-2016, 02:28 AM
Regarding leveling, it gets increasingly difficult to level up the higher you are. Currently the easiest way to level up is farming EXP at the Campaign maps.

I have a little quibble with this.

While Campaign maps are the best exp/stamina ratio available in game currently (may change with future events), you can't just look at the table for the ratios and base your activity solely on that. Missions in each chapter not only become progressively challenging, but the bosses that randomly pops up corresponds to those missions. The higher level the mission, the higher level the bosses. For example, I farm one map specifically in a chapter, and no matter what happens, the bosses that I encounter are always level capped to that mission (e.g., level 21) This gives several advantages, but mostly in that if you factor in killing the boss in one round, and not expend your "raid energy" beyond that, you could theoretically deal with up to 3 bosses, before having to wait for it to refresh and/or for you to gain your next level.

This may not be important early on, as the levels tend to fly fast, and you have absolutely no time to expend raid energy and/or stamina, but it becomes crucial after a certain point (I think it was around level 12) as you have to be very mindful on what you're planning to do in the game.

Also, there are quests, and players need to be mindful about these as well. Pay attention to exclamation point that may appear indicated a requirement of a quest being fulfilled. Immediately claim your reward, so that any subsequent quest will be active, and you can continue doing whatever it is. For example, if you're increasing affection of a character, the first time you do it after server reset, you fulfill a quest objective. If you keep increasing affection without claiming the reward, you're going to regret it, as the subsequent quest requires the same thing, except three more times.

Stuff like this requires some brain activity, unlike the other offerings from Nutaku.

04-25-2016, 04:25 AM
The point is if you are farming Manyus you should be grabbing a raid boss and just leaving it there until it is about to expire. Killing the raid boss limits the number of gardens you can get since on stage completion it is a chance at a boss or a garden. Right now you should always be going for gardens since you can get more Manyus.

04-25-2016, 10:19 AM
Is there a best practices with ampies we should be aware of?

04-25-2016, 10:22 AM
Is there a best practices with ampies we should be aware of?

Use it on your fav waifu and keep doing so for eternity. That is all, really.

04-25-2016, 07:33 PM
I'm at a point where almost all of my 3 star units have all their equipment slots unlocked and the ones who can be skilled up with 2 star units are already max skilled, so when I get a copy of a max skilled/max slotted 3 star I've just been feeding it up to level 7 then using it as exp fodder or just selling it. Is it worth keeping more than one copy of a 3 star unit? I'm assuming no, but wanted to double check in case I've been throwing the extras away when I shouldn't be.

04-25-2016, 09:06 PM
I'm at a point where almost all of my 3 star units have all their equipment slots unlocked and the ones who can be skilled up with 2 star units are already max skilled, so when I get a copy of a max skilled/max slotted 3 star I've just been feeding it up to level 7 then using it as exp fodder or just selling it. Is it worth keeping more than one copy of a 3 star unit? I'm assuming no, but wanted to double check in case I've been throwing the extras away when I shouldn't be.

Kind of, some people go full OCD on making single type raid teams (there's 6 slots for a reason).
I'm doing something similar, doubling up on the 3* once I maxed one, I've more gold than I know what to do with anyways. It's good to have them (especially the slower characters as I found out too late T.T) since there are missions where you want a slower speed and shit.

04-25-2016, 10:37 PM
Perhaps I missed this somewhere.. but what exactly are the dragons and what to do they do?

Edit: A quick check of the wiki answered my own question. Thanks!

04-25-2016, 10:54 PM
The point is if you are farming Manyus you should be grabbing a raid boss and just leaving it there until it is about to expire. Killing the raid boss limits the number of gardens you can get since on stage completion it is a chance at a boss or a garden. Right now you should always be going for gardens since you can get more Manyus.

I think game just skips that boss map i tested it a bit myself. I mean if you delay your boss fight and keep spamming 2-1, gardens will show up on normal value and nothing appears for to replace boss fights, this means no increase to luck for getting gardes like you expected. You sounded like gardens replace the missing boss fight and i dont think the system works like that.

04-25-2016, 11:39 PM
I think game just skips that boss map i tested it a bit myself. I mean if you delay your boss fight and keep spamming 2-1, gardens will show up on normal value and nothing appears for to replace boss fights, this means no increase to luck for getting gardes like you expected. You sounded like gardens replace the missing boss fight and i dont think the system works like that.

Could be but I seem to have better luck getting more gardens if I leave the boss up. It's all RNG for sure and without knowing how it is seeded I doubt we will ever know for sure. All we can go on is what people report.

04-26-2016, 08:42 AM
Could be but I seem to have better luck getting more gardens if I leave the boss up. It's all RNG for sure and without knowing how it is seeded I doubt we will ever know for sure. All we can go on is what people report.

Even so, spending raid points on a weak boss like that seems like a waste.

04-26-2016, 09:31 AM
Does the [Stage] ability global to the map?
Or is it only for that Squad?
And does the girl need to be squad leader for me to benefit from it
or it can be anywhere on the slot?

Sorry for the english

04-26-2016, 09:39 AM
^For above, sorry, I don't know...


Do you use your Flower gems to replenish your stamina from time to time or in your opinion that's better to keep them for later (Special offer or something like that)? (I have currently 68 FG.)

04-26-2016, 04:52 PM
is there any trick not to miss the raid boss from my allies?? a sound or pop-up or something i can switch on?

04-26-2016, 05:07 PM
No, but when fighting raid bosses for the quest use 1 raid point as a time and you can get credit for up to 3 fights, you can always run the first mission to try get boss, though once you find one...

04-26-2016, 05:21 PM
Best place for farming gold? I'm actualy using 3-1 and i think is not a bad one (1k-1.5k , 150 seed, 3 chest, 12e bonus stage)

04-26-2016, 06:02 PM
is there any trick not to miss the raid boss from my allies?? a sound or pop-up or something i can switch on?

i do have this issue where the raid notification doesn't update all the time, i have to refresh the whole page and see 1 or 2 raids 5 minutes in already, i don't know if it's just me or if anyone else has this issue also

04-26-2016, 11:00 PM
is the 25 (2chest) or 50 (3chest) stamina mission better on the special wednesdays spirit mission? (blue and yellow manyus)

04-27-2016, 05:18 AM
?/4 event map

04-27-2016, 06:13 AM
Does the [Stage] ability global to the map?
Or is it only for that Squad?
And does the girl need to be squad leader for me to benefit from it
or it can be anywhere on the slot?

Sorry for the english

Need confirmation for this.

04-27-2016, 09:17 AM
is the 25 (2chest) or 50 (3chest) stamina mission better on the special wednesdays spirit mission? (blue and yellow manyus)

25 give you only tier 3 manyu, 50 gives you at least 1 tier 2, 80 gives you chance for tier 1 - but not guaranteed.

04-27-2016, 09:56 AM
maybe it has alrady been asked...
Fuse 4* or keep both? (freemium atleast for 1 year or always^^)

04-27-2016, 11:44 PM
someone says to me when a raid boss comes and i killing it, the chance be get the secret garden is lower and anything about a 2h cd? is this true?

pls can anyone explain it? i don't get it

04-28-2016, 12:17 AM
someone says to me when a raid boss comes and i killing it, the chance be get the secret garden is lower and anything about a 2h cd? is this true?

pls can anyone explain it? i don't get it

Uh do you mean clearing a mission and then having either a boss pop up or a secret garden? People suggest not killing your boss so that it cant block a secret garden from spawning. Since only one choice can happen. I'd only do this if your farming 2-1 or other low maps.

The 2h cd probably refers to how long the boss stays up? since after 2h it will run away and you can encounter a new boss.

Also guest asking about fusing 4* or not I personally am going to fuse them since you get inventory space/skill up, Eventually we'll start getting more 5*s from events to fill out our teams so I don't want to waste time lvling 4*s that wont be as effective in a few of months.

04-28-2016, 07:01 AM
maybe it has alrady been asked...
Fuse 4* or keep both? (freemium atleast for 1 year or always^^)

I've been fusing them. Don't think it's worth having duplicates since you'll get plenty more in the future anyway.

04-28-2016, 09:18 AM
is just me or they did a nerf on the chances getting bonus stage?

04-28-2016, 10:27 AM
is just me or they did a nerf on the chances getting bonus stage?

Sure seems like it. Did 8 runs of 2-1 in a row with nothing... Already had a boss up but didn't kill it.

04-28-2016, 11:52 AM
Sure seems like it. Did 8 runs of 2-1 in a row with nothing... Already had a boss up but didn't kill it.

i tried both ways, first leavin the boss alive...then killing it, but only the boss kept spawnin..none bonus and my stamina went to zero...(if u spent 230+ stamina trying to get something and get nothing...thats something...)

04-28-2016, 11:54 AM
Been getting secret gardens just fine today. Had a dry streak last night or the night before though.

04-28-2016, 06:25 PM
Been getting secret gardens just fine today. Had a dry streak last night or the night before though.

Same here, secret garden is unaffected for me
it's all RNG people, don't read too much into it :)

04-30-2016, 07:51 AM
I don't know where I have read that, but the Seed Bearer bug is now resolved, I just fought against one (90 HP), and get 300 Advanced Seeds.

05-02-2016, 06:10 AM
Which girl is the best in their class? 3* stars girls

05-02-2016, 07:23 AM
Which girl is the best in their class? 3* stars girlsWhichever you like.
Really, they are gonna be replaced with event golds anyway, so don't sweat it too much and just run with your waifus or girls complimenting your silver rolls for now.

05-02-2016, 12:48 PM
Yeh I've started to consider stopping levelling my 3* as they'll start to drop out soon.....

Early days but now they're all pushing 30/35 I think that's far enough

Each event will add a 5*

...and in a few weeks I'll be able to make another premium roll....by this time by 4s and 5s should be making up 2, maybe 3 squads easily - within 6 - 8 weeks I should have pretty much a full 4/5* roster if I want it

05-02-2016, 01:00 PM
Really depends on yourself. I still have a fancy deal of bronzies in my team and i'm saving up gems for the day that my waifu appears in the gacha. Events will roll in new 5*s but it will still take a while. Having some decent bronzies will be nice in the end, but focus should still be on your better units.

05-02-2016, 01:11 PM
3 stars are easy to evolve also and after I evolved one of my bronze she is second power wise in my group, only one above her is my evolved 4 star. My 5 star max level (non-evovled) is even under her power wise and she has 4 equip slots so... Bronze can be quite powerful members until you can get/afford/evolve all your 4 star members...

05-02-2016, 01:14 PM
Yup, it's rather easy to get all the equipment slots + Max skill on a bronzie (at least, it's a lot easier than for 4*+)

05-02-2016, 03:51 PM
So this may be a silly question, but I wanted to know for sure. Do the attack and defense battle buffs stack? If no one knows, I might just try this myself when I have extra stamina.

EDIT: I'm dumb. I just turned off fast forward and could see the buffs. It looks like they stack additively.

05-05-2016, 03:54 PM
So i decided to have a little look at the 1-3 vs 2-1 argument because i randomly started playing on DMM as well. This naturally meant i must pick a farming map for my early levels.

After checking the average gold per map as well as seeds and the gold from selling the 2* girls i can conclude that the difference is:

1-3 costs 3 less stamina.
2-1 gives more seeds and more exp per stamina.
Both of them have about the same gold efficiency if you count in gold from both selling girls and map gold itself.

So in the end it boils down to whether the one choosing decides that he wants less seeds and exp in favour of an amazing 1-3 more runs at early levels.

05-05-2016, 05:05 PM
If someone is concerned about seeds and exp they should be running 5-4 anyway, its easy enough to get to and gives the best seeds and exp of all the maps that lead to the 12 stamina secret garden.

05-10-2016, 06:24 PM
Quick question - which Gacha has the best chance of obtaining St. Paulia?
I really like that character and see so many people with her, I'd like to have one for my team too.

05-10-2016, 06:40 PM
Quick question - which Gacha has the best chance of obtaining St. Paulia?
I really like that character and see so many people with her, I'd like to have one for my team too.

Out of the 3 gachas currently out, probably the normal premium gacha, since the premiums have a much higher rate of 4-stars than the free one and the new character priority premium gacha would favor the new 4-star instead of the one you want. I've rolled 2 St. Paulias from the free gacha, but that's over a much longer period of time. The chances of you getting a particular 4-star you want (other than the new 4-star from the priority gacha) are pretty low though.

You could also save your seeds and wait until they release other priority gachas that might favor her.

05-10-2016, 06:40 PM
The non-limited one. The limited has increased chances to get the new girls. She can also be gotten with a lot of luck from the seed gacha though.

05-10-2016, 07:10 PM
Out of the 3 gachas currently out, probably the normal premium gacha, since the premiums have a much higher rate of 4-stars than the free one and the new character priority premium gacha would favor the new 4-star instead of the one you want. I've rolled 2 St. Paulias from the free gacha, but that's over a much longer period of time. The chances of you getting a particular 4-star you want (other than the new 4-star from the priority gacha) are pretty low though.

You could also save your seeds and wait until they release other priority gachas that might favor her.
Ahh, alright. I saved up 50 gems once and didn't get anything truly amazing.
Keep saving them up for the 10+1 rolls?

Is it worth spending the 5 gems on the Limited 1 Gacha at all, or even once just to try?

05-10-2016, 07:25 PM
Limited 1 Gatcha has exactly the same chances and expected results as the non limited premium one.

The only difference is that if you get a 6*, 5* or 4*, it's more likely to be Cattleya, Camelia, and Lirium respectively than others 6*, 5* or 4*. Limited one also has 3 more characters, so it's less likely you get repeated characters than in premium one, but the difference is pretty small, so you can totally neglect it.

So in the end, nope, doing a 5 gems roll in limited is basically as worth as doing a 5 gems roll in premium. Whatever the gatcha is, saving up to 50 for the 11th girl is always better...unless you are extremely desperate for one of the new characters, and i still would recommend against it.

05-10-2016, 07:27 PM
Ahh, alright. I saved up 50 gems once and didn't get anything truly amazing.
Keep saving them up for the 10+1 rolls?

Is it worth spending the 5 gems on the Limited 1 Gacha at all, or even once just to try?

The only difference between that gacha and the normal premium one is that if you do happen to get a 4, 5 or 6 star, it will be more likely to be one of the featured girls. There's no increase in the rates of getting 4, 5 or 6 stars. The only reason to roll it over the normal premium would be if you want one of those 3 featured girls more than other stuff. I'd personally save up and ignore this limited gacha, especially if you're trying to roll a St. Paulia.

EDIT: Ninja'd :)

05-10-2016, 09:39 PM
Not sure if this is a known thing or not, but if you are like me and even Fast Forward mode seems to take too long.. you can click on the screen continuously to skip all the fighting and skill animations.

05-11-2016, 01:31 AM
Not sure if this is a known thing or not, but if you are like me and even Fast Forward mode seems to take too long.. you can click on the screen continuously to skip all the fighting and skill animations.Word is, even rolling the mouse scroll wheel does that.

05-12-2016, 07:29 AM
I'm actually pretty pissed with the whole Yellow Dragon quest set. I have Toad Lily at level 60 for quite some time now, I played the advanced stage today 6 times and I got only 1 LVL 100 dragon (2 left)... This color is the worst...

05-12-2016, 01:34 PM
Did the 80 stam quest 2 times today (needed 3 more lvl 20 drags to evolve a 3*), got 2 lvl 5, 3 lvl 20, 3 lvl 100.


05-12-2016, 02:35 PM
I'm trying to upgrade all my units so I can get as many medals as I can for the current event.
My first team is almost all max level, and my other groups are now all bronze with many past levels 20 and 30.

Should I start awakening some units now? I have Canola at level 50, max affection. But I haven't had another copy of her to do her skill upgrades yet.
Or does it not matter and I should just run the mission and get the dragons so I can up her power for the event?

05-12-2016, 04:18 PM
Yes, start evolving those units, don't think about leveling up the skills so much right now. Focus on 5* first (6 stars if you were absurdly lucky), then 4*. 3* are not recommended but if you don't have many 4* to fill the spots, then you should evolve a few of them, enough to fill the vacant spots in your squads.

05-12-2016, 06:41 PM
Evolving 3* is ok, unless he got lucky with dragon daily. Evolved 3* will gain ability like increase atk/solar damage/def, still inferior to silver/gold but still better than nothing. Evolving units with 100% affection will double the aff bonus, so if you have basic/plain flower knight with 100% aff, do her first.

Besides you need good foundation to beat 80 stam dragon daily, which needs minimum 150k total damage. Doing 50 stam for 100y dragon is like torturing yourself.

Skill upgrades are not really important, you will get dupes from 11 rolls anyway.

05-12-2016, 09:42 PM
Evolving 5* is a terrible idea early on, because of the max. level 60 needed for them. The XP and Gold you need to burn to bring a 5* from 50 -> 60 can easily be used to bring every member in the 30 to 40 range. And like Nikonana said, your 3* will most likely have 4 Slots and a high Skill Level that their potential Power can be raised further than what a 5* can get you, excluding the Event Girls.

05-12-2016, 10:03 PM
^ I agree with not rushing to evo 5-stars first. The most immediate boost evolving gives is doubling the the affection bonus. 4-stars and 5-stars have the same affection bonus stats gains (compared to 3-stars which have lower average gains from affection), so early on it's probably best to focus on evolving 4-stars rather than 5-stars for more cost effectiveness, until your team is a little more established. Also consider that 5-stars need 3 large dragons, which can be a ton of stamina to get if you're unlucky.

05-12-2016, 10:21 PM
I really can't agree evolving 3*, but i'm not that good player.
yet if you're out of options, maybe it's ok.

05-12-2016, 10:46 PM
Alright well I have two 5*: Lily Rubellum and Lavender. I only have three 4*: Canola, Hinoki Cypress, Violetta Tulip and Yulan
So not very many. I have a bunch of 3* is all really..

05-12-2016, 11:32 PM
1st. Can you beat 80 stam dragon daily ?
2nd. Which stage you grinding at the moment?
3rd. Do you have enough money?

I probably will try to evolve 4* first because they're cheaper.

05-13-2016, 01:00 AM
How exactly are you guys' habits for manyu collection & character capacity? I've seen that capacity of 100 is recommended, and that upgrading should be done using 10 manyu together for gold efficiency. Following this, I'm now having insufficient space waiting for 10 of the same manyu type. We have a total of 12 types of manyus (4 types x 3 levels), say I have 7 of each, that would occupy 84 slots already.

Is it considered a waste to expand beyond 100 capacity?

05-13-2016, 01:57 AM
That 4th Round Login Bonus!! 10 Flower Gems there for the taking.

05-13-2016, 02:06 AM
How exactly are you guys' habits for manyu collection & character capacity? I've seen that capacity of 100 is recommended, and that upgrading should be done using 10 manyu together for gold efficiency. Following this, I'm now having insufficient space waiting for 10 of the same manyu type. We have a total of 12 types of manyus (4 types x 3 levels), say I have 7 of each, that would occupy 84 slots already.

Is it considered a waste to expand beyond 100 capacity?

I'm currently sitting at 111/160 capacity. I was at 150 but started to overflow stocking up manyus before the 1st event ended. I don' think I need as much space as I have, but space is relatively cheap and will always be useful. It's also nice for doing a lot of free gacha pulls before having to sell stuff off. Besides my 5 and 4 stars, I'm currently keeping 1 copy of every 3 star girl, extra copies of Marigold (since her skill can be used to level the 4-star Hibiscus, which I don't have yet), and a few 2-stars for speed adjusting/seed bearer hits. I'm also holding dragons for characters I'm planning on evolving and of course manyus. If I ever feel like I'm pushing my capacity, I'll expand again. I also tend to expand when I get a few new 4+ stars to accommodate the extra units. I don't always feed in 10's, but I try to when possible to save money.

tl;dr No I don't think it's a waste to expand beyond 100 capacity. Partly due to convenience, but also for hoarding mayus for event girls and efficient 10 manyu feeding.

05-13-2016, 06:06 AM
I think expansion until 100 was recommended because of lack of flower gems at the start and because you won't really be getting 5* manyu to hoard for leveling. but once you start farming the 80 stamina dailys (dragons) and chapter 12 maps for both ampy and 80 sta SG, you should probably expand as and when necessary. by the time you get to this point, you probably would've already spent 50 or 100 flower gems on rolling at least (which was all that was necessary for a stronger start), so my guess is start expanding any time after your 1st or 2nd 50 gem roll.

05-13-2016, 09:15 AM
Now the Maintenance ended there is a new Limited Gatcha (featuring 3 knights elected on Facebook...). Do you know if there is an explanation somewhere regarding the increased of drop-chances of featured girls (in Limited 1 and 2, or in general)?

05-13-2016, 11:04 AM
Now the Maintenance ended there is a new Limited Gatcha (featuring 3 knights elected on Facebook...). Do you know if there is an explanation somewhere regarding the increased of drop-chances of featured girls (in Limited 1 and 2, or in general)?

Basically, the game rolls twice.
1. Rolls for rarity
2. Rolls for what girl you get within the rarity that was rolled. This is what the spotlights affect.

In other words, just a fancy way of saying "if you are lucky enough to get a 5-6 star girl there will be a higher chance for her to be these girls!

Your chances to get a gold/rainbow doesn't increase the slightest.

That said, there is a button that shows the drop rates for the rarities, those being 0.5% for rainbows and 6% for golds.

05-13-2016, 11:10 AM
I knew about the 0.5%/6%/30%/63.5%, but not how the "increased drop-rate for spotlighted girls" work. So, thanks a lot, that was exactly what I feared already in Kanpani Girls (I guess that's the same system used in both games).

05-13-2016, 11:40 AM
It's pretty much how every spotlight in any game that has them works sadly.

05-13-2016, 12:36 PM
Still, you shoul be rolling the one with the 3 new ones, since they are not available in the other premium gachas. I still consider rolling, but with Cattleya i would have 8 Magic Girls at 4* and above. Would be interesting to know how to Reroll, since some people talk about on the wiki and i don't know how they do it.

05-13-2016, 12:59 PM
Would be interesting to know how to Reroll, since some people talk about on the wiki and i don't know how they do it.Delete / abandon account, start anew, repeat until your first couple of summons give you girl you like.

05-13-2016, 02:28 PM
So it's done that way, i thought you could by force closing your Browser or so. :/
Spend some money at the beginning to do some extra 11 Pulls for the start. Still have 3 3* in my Team but hey, i will just try it out. Propably will go with the Facebook one, since i want Sakura and/or Toad Lily, Orchid i have but it would be some Equipment Slots.

05-13-2016, 07:08 PM
1st. Can you beat 80 stam dragon daily ?
2nd. Which stage you grinding at the moment?
3rd. Do you have enough money?

I probably will try to evolve 4* first because they're cheaper.

I have not tried.
I was grinding 5-4, switched to doing 2-1 while occasionally doing 5-4 still.
As for money I have 370k.

What I am doing right now is trying to power through the missions so I can get to 12-3. Not going for 3 medal since mission 8, and I just unlocked 12-1.
My team could sort of handle the monsters in the 40s, and only the lead team could handle the ones in the 50's.

05-13-2016, 07:51 PM
Still, you shoul be rolling the one with the 3 new ones, since they are not available in the other premium gachas. I still consider rolling, but with Cattleya i would have 8 Magic Girls at 4* and above. Would be interesting to know how to Reroll, since some people talk about on the wiki and i don't know how they do it.

They'll be put in the normal premium gacha once the limited is over. The limited thingie is only for their improved rate.

05-13-2016, 08:46 PM
I have not tried.
I was grinding 5-4, switched to doing 2-1 while occasionally doing 5-4 still.
As for money I have 370k.

What I am doing right now is trying to power through the missions so I can get to 12-3. Not going for 3 medal since mission 8, and I just unlocked 12-1.
My team could sort of handle the monsters in the 40s, and only the lead team could handle the ones in the 50's.

I guess you can do 80 dragon daily just fine. Just try your luck on getting 100y dragon there.

05-13-2016, 10:13 PM
I guess you can do 80 dragon daily just fine. Just try your luck on getting 100y dragon there.

At this point I am sure I could. The last 80 stamina daily I tried was for one of the manyu groups and I couldnt do it, but that was several days ago, and my team has improved significantly since then.
When should I be ready to start farming 12-3?
My lead team has a power of 39k, and the other 3 are between 23k to 29k.

What player level does it become viable at too, because I have 179 stamina right now, and I know the advance mission costs 80 stamina alone...

05-14-2016, 02:53 AM
At this point I am sure I could. The last 80 stamina daily I tried was for one of the manyu groups and I couldnt do it, but that was several days ago, and my team has improved significantly since then.
When should I be ready to start farming 12-3?
My lead team has a power of 39k, and the other 3 are between 23k to 29k.

What player level does it become viable at too, because I have 179 stamina right now, and I know the advance mission costs 80 stamina alone...

Player level doesn't really matter.

What's important is team power, as long as you have total 150k (with helper) you can do 80 stam daily just fine. Even better if your helper is quite strong.

05-14-2016, 03:14 AM
At this point I am sure I could. The last 80 stamina daily I tried was for one of the manyu groups and I couldnt do it, but that was several days ago, and my team has improved significantly since then.
When should I be ready to start farming 12-3?
My lead team has a power of 39k, and the other 3 are between 23k to 29k.

What player level does it become viable at too, because I have 179 stamina right now, and I know the advance mission costs 80 stamina alone...

Player Level only matters, when you are not online often enough to never waste your natural stamina Regen.
You can just start pushing towards 11-1, where the advanced garden starts to spawn. If your team doesn't make it until there, you know you have to farm some more in the early areas.

05-14-2016, 11:28 PM
Player Level only matters, when you are not online often enough to never waste your natural stamina Regen.
You can just start pushing towards 11-1, where the advanced garden starts to spawn. If your team doesn't make it until there, you know you have to farm some more in the early areas.

No my question was at what player level will I have enough stamina to start farming.
I'm already passed the 11's, I unlocked 12-1 last night and haven't those missions yet. I didn't go for three starring since mission 8, with how much my team has improved since I passed mission 8 I'm sure I could three star those ones, not sure about 10 or even 9 though.

05-15-2016, 03:37 AM
Bit of an odd question

I'll soon have 4 5* (have 24 medals on current event)

10 4*

So squad wise I can nearly make 3 squads already with 4*+

My question is...are any 3* worth keeping and evolving? They easily get 4 slots and level 5 skills....so I was wondering are there any real gems amongst the 3* that are really worth keeping or do they phase out gradually over time?

05-15-2016, 04:27 AM
If you've reached this point, when you almost have an entire team of at least 4* knights, then 3* are a drag and just cost you money. You should use them to fill the missing spots, but soon you'll have more than enough units for that and probably start replacing some of your 4* units.

You should keep them however, you never know where they may come in use for, just look at this event we had to use our 2* units.

05-15-2016, 04:45 AM
There will be country-specific maps in the future, ones that only allow girls from specific county. I kinda doubt you are going to have full team of 4*+ for each country any time soon, so...

05-15-2016, 04:58 AM
..so keep them but don't focus on getting them up too high - gotcha - thanks

05-15-2016, 05:05 AM
Getting 100% aff on any flower knight grants you flower gem, so if you really 'desperate' for gems you can use 2* and 3* girls

05-15-2016, 07:34 PM
The one 3-star that stands out to me is probably Marigold because of her battle skill (shared with the 4-star Hibiscus) which hits for 3 instances of damage. This makes her one of the best at killing the enemies that only take 1 damage from everything. Most of them now are harmless (bonus stage bosses) or you don't want to kill them too fast (seed bearer), but they might introduce more dangerous ones eventually.

05-16-2016, 04:27 PM
Well assuming wiki is correct I think Astra Galus (25%/1.9x), Blue Lotus (25%/1.8x with life drain) and other girls with similar skills are especially good. Yes they overkill sometimes compared to Triple Drill and Double Thrust but I think the extra damage is worth it, especially against bosses when it really matters.

I'd say the most useful 3* overall are the ones with high speed though. You don't want a slow 3* to drag your squad down and a fast 3* can help speed up your slow 4* girls. Sasanqua for instance is actually the fastest pierce type right now.

- - - Updated - - -

The arrows on the paths may not be as random as they seem. Simple test:

1) Go to a low-stamina map with seperate starting points. Ideally, they don't even share their first arrow-nodes, but come together a but further down the uhmmm road.

2) Put all your teams on one track, but put your Helper on the other starting point. Ideally, your first team is the fastest, makes it easier to time things.

3) Now, start playing, but, when you're about to click the next button on a move that will land your fastest team on top of or past an arrow node, time your click with the arrow pointing in a specific direction.
4) Take note which exact direction the arrow was pointing when you clicked and where your teams end up.
5) Finish the map and start over at #2 on the same map. Try to time your click again with the arrow pointing in the *exact* same direction.
6) Compare where your teams ended up with the first time you did it (you took notes, right?)

With practice, you *can* figure out which direction the arrow has to point to take a specific path, at least for the first team that passes. But, the arrow doesn't necessarily have to point towards the path you want to take. But, once you figure out the correct arrow-direction, you can replicate it. And it can still take several attempts to get a 3-medal out of a map.

Now, some things I'm not certain about (yet, I just didn't test this properly):
-whether the arrow offsets persist between changing maps back and forth
-whether the arrow offsets persist between logins, new downloads or server updates
-whether changing speed of a team by changing one or more of its members affects direction
-whether these offsets are the same for everybody

But, at least for now, you can figure out the "ideal path" by watching carefully and taking notes on your attempts.

Final note: Character Quests can't be repeated, so unless these arrow-offsets are identical to everybody and someone insists on making a perfect walkthrough with very specific teams, there's no point taking notes for them.

05-16-2016, 04:51 PM
By far the most interesting theory i have heard so far, compared to all the "speed matters on the random tiles" i have refuted many times with my 2-1 runs in the past.

Rest assured, it is random. When things are random and not going one's ways, one tends to try to find patterns. Maybe it's the current time that matters, maybe speed matters, what if i spin around in my chair twice and then pressing the button 10 times quickly?

All in all, it is a simple coin flip that can really go one way or another.

That said, if you can replicate this 50ish times in a row without any failures i might start trying to have a look at it myself. I was unsure whether they were random when i started too and tried to see if it really mattered, but in the end i just reached the conclusion that it's random and later when i asked they said random, so i'll keep believing it is random until someone can bring me proof that is more than "i did this 2-4 times and it was a great success!"

05-16-2016, 04:55 PM
On another note, you can also get ampys in gold chests from normal missions, seems as rare as getting them in the normal gacha. I did find it in 12-2 when i finally 3 Medal it.
http://fs5.directupload.net/images/160517/t4q98aff.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

05-16-2016, 05:42 PM
Well yes. There is a reason many of us grind 12-3 or 12-5. Aside from giving us high level gardens and good exp/seed/coin, they also give ampys at decent intervals. Can get anything from 1-5 ampys a day or more.

05-16-2016, 05:43 PM
On another note, you can also get ampys in gold chests from normal missions, seems as rare as getting them in the normal gacha. I did find it in 12-2 when i finally 3 Medal it.
http://fs5.directupload.net/images/160517/t4q98aff.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

It's only stage 12 missions, but they're a lot less rare than getting an ampy from the normal gacha. You'll usually see 1+ a day if you spend all your stamina farming stage 12. And sometimes you get extra lucky:


I can count on one hand how many ampies I've gotten from god knows how many normal seed pulls though...

05-18-2016, 11:10 PM
I don't recall seeing it anywhere - but is it a good idea to unlock all 5 ability levels and the 4 EQ slots before evolving a character?
I have several characters now ready to go, I just need the dragons. Just making sure I can still up their abilities after evolution.

05-18-2016, 11:39 PM
I don't recall seeing it anywhere - but is it a good idea to unlock all 5 ability levels and the 4 EQ slots before evolving a character?
I have several characters now ready to go, I just need the dragons. Just making sure I can still up their abilities after evolution.
Nah it doesn't matter. Skills and slots remain the same and you can upgrade it before/after evolution without worries.

Your only worries is skill up chance (pray to rng) and money cost (only if your base character have very high level, but in general it doesn't take too much money)

05-19-2016, 12:35 AM
What goes here


I'm guessing one may be a 4* is the other 3* maybe the 12-5 3 medal reward?

05-19-2016, 01:28 AM
What goes here


I'm guessing one may be a 4* is the other 3* maybe the 12-5 3 medal reward?

The 3-star between Marigold and Sasanqua is Blue Lotus (http://harem-battle.club/wiki/Flower-Knight-Girl/FKG:Blue-Lotus). I think the other one is Hibiscus (http://harem-battle.club/wiki/Flower-Knight-Girl/FKG:Hibiscus), but I don't have her so not 100% sure. I'm just guessing based on filtering by pierce and seeing one empty slot before my Canola.

05-19-2016, 01:28 AM
What goes here


I'm guessing one may be a 4* is the other 3* maybe the 12-5 3 medal reward?

Blue Lotus after Marigold, Jasmine is 12-5's reward, Blue Lotus is a reward though, but for 10-5, you can go look at the gacha contents to see what you're missing from 3*+ rarities.

05-19-2016, 11:23 AM
Nah it doesn't matter. Skills and slots remain the same and you can upgrade it before/after evolution without worries.

Your only worries is skill up chance (pray to rng) and money cost (only if your base character have very high level, but in general it doesn't take too much money)

Good! I think I already read that affection isn't important because that can still be raised too. Not really worried about money, after a certain point it started accumulating really fast and even the 3 girls I got 50 yesterday didn't really cost that much.

Funny the above posters mentioned, Blue Lotus is probably going to be the first unit I awaken :)

05-19-2016, 11:37 AM
The 3-star between Marigold and Sasanqua is Blue Lotus (http://harem-battle.club/wiki/Flower-Knight-Girl/FKG:Blue-Lotus). I think the other one is Hibiscus (http://harem-battle.club/wiki/Flower-Knight-Girl/FKG:Hibiscus)

I have both of them and it is correct.

05-20-2016, 07:35 PM
is there link to the maxed equipment list? want to know if it worth upgrading gold equip from story character.

05-20-2016, 08:31 PM
is there link to the maxed equipment list? want to know if it worth upgrading gold equip from story character.

The wiki has the max level stats of the +10 equipment in parenthesis

The character specific equipment so far is all earrings, so they'll be better than normal earrings and give both ATK and DEF, but they give a lot less than the rings/bracelets (since they're still just earrings).

EDIT: Also, higher rarity equipment takes more exp to level and leveling equipment ends up getting expensive at higher levels, so that's something else to keep in mind.

05-20-2016, 08:48 PM
The wiki has the max level stats of the +10 equipment in parenthesis

The character specific equipment so far is all earrings, so they'll be better than normal earrings and give both ATK and DEF, but they give a lot less than the rings/bracelets (since they're still just earrings).

EDIT: Also, higher rarity equipment takes more exp to level and leveling equipment ends up getting expensive at higher levels, so that's something else to keep in mind.
Funny to see that leveling the Attack ones just gives ~50% Boost, while the Def ones get ~100% or more boost.

05-20-2016, 10:42 PM
The wiki has the max level stats of the +10 equipment in parenthesis

The character specific equipment so far is all earrings, so they'll be better than normal earrings and give both ATK and DEF, but they give a lot less than the rings/bracelets (since they're still just earrings).

EDIT: Also, higher rarity equipment takes more exp to level and leveling equipment ends up getting expensive at higher levels, so that's something else to keep in mind.

Thanks for the link...yeah maxed all my +10 mid grade bracelet and necklace since it's cheaper. want to try upgrading ring and CQ equip but dont want to waste if the attack result doesn't add much

05-21-2016, 12:37 AM
Wow, it seems leveling up necklaces makes a big difference. Good thing they are really common :o

05-21-2016, 01:25 AM
Yeah, because of how common they are and the max level of 30, the defensive items are really easy to max in 2-3 feedings. I think it's worth pumping some exp (like one 10 feed) into the rings, but I wouldn't worry about maxing them until later.

Also, it's usually more efficient to feed two level 1 equips together and then feed that to the equipment you want to level rather than feeding both of them straight.

05-22-2016, 09:57 AM
Please help me to 3 medal 10-5....been going at it for few days :mad:

05-22-2016, 10:43 AM
Please help me to 3 medal 10-5....been going at it for few days :mad:

Ooh, yeah, that was a tough one.. Just did it myself for the first time last week. I will NOT be back.

Unit. ATK/SPD - Members
1. 57522/488 - St. Paulia, Violet, Yulan, Violetta Tulip, Cary Ophyllus
2. 55800/530 - Scarlet Salvia, Rose Diana, Bianca Pansy, Rosa Novalis, Saffron Pansy
3. 44875/386 - Hydrangea, Serrata Rosalba, Ipomea Nil, Kikyo Bellflower, Lily Rubellum
4. 48269/342 - Jasmine, Sasanqua, Blue Lotus, Olive Aurantiacus, Lavendar

I started unit 2 on the bottom along with a fast helper (say, 50k/600), unit 1 at Camp 2 and HOPED that she went straight instead of up. 3 at the top, alone, with unit 4 in the 3rd slot. One time Unit 1 zipped completely along the top and beat the stage before my girls could catch up after all the forks. You pretty much need everyone important to hang around the bottom half of the stage, and hold your breath when they get to that break for the bottom boss. If one goes alone, they'll probably die via fly, or someone else will finish before you're ready. The time I had it, I think 3 girls dropped down. It wasn't easy, probably the most annoying stage I've dealt with. Poop.

As for my units, haha..I construct them based on where they're from, I'd be surprised if anyone (honestly) on here did something like that as well. I dunno, it makes it fun for me, thinking "oh, these girls used to hang out years ago" or something. I wanted all 3 Pansy sisters in the 2nd unit, but the one with purple hair is just two darn weak (right now) and I'd be benching a perfectly good mage in favor of her. I didn't have too much Lilywood representation until just recently, but now that I got Edelweiis last week, and then drew her maid -- Snowflake -- on the gacha (who I'd been waiting for since the second I'd laid eyes on her, swooon), I've got 5 pretty good Lilywood girls (well, 4; Dandelion is another story..) I might have to do some shifting, thinking of moving some of those Bergamot Valley girls up to the back row of 1 and letting Lilywood be my new 4th slot.

But, of course..you didn't ask about that, HAHA!.. Good luck out there though.

05-22-2016, 08:03 PM
okay...finally 3 medal 10-5 YAY ;) finished with 2 unit at bottom with 700 speed and 500 speed helper, the other -/+ 450 speed

05-23-2016, 02:19 AM
As for my units, haha..I construct them based on where they're from, I'd be surprised if anyone (honestly) on here did something like that as well. I dunno, it makes it fun for me, thinking "oh, these girls used to hang out years ago" or something. I wanted all 3 Pansy sisters in the 2nd unit, but the one with purple hair is just two darn weak (right now) and I'd be benching a perfectly good mage in favor of her. I didn't have too much Lilywood representation until just recently, but now that I got Edelweiis last week, and then drew her maid -- Snowflake -- on the gacha (who I'd been waiting for since the second I'd laid eyes on her, swooon), I've got 5 pretty good Lilywood girls (well, 4; Dandelion is another story..) I might have to do some shifting, thinking of moving some of those Bergamot Valley girls up to the back row of 1 and letting Lilywood be my new 4th slot.

But, of course..you didn't ask about that, HAHA!.. Good luck out there though.
I leveled Bianca Pansy to pair her with her sister but I didn't go all out like you did :D I try to pair the servants with their master too like Mountain Lily and Casablanca. I hope we get the "world defensive battle" thing soon so there will be a reason to sort by land.

05-23-2016, 08:21 AM
I leveled Bianca Pansy to pair her with her sister but I didn't go all out like you did :D I try to pair the servants with their master too like Mountain Lily and Casablanca. I hope we get the "world defensive battle" thing soon so there will be a reason to sort by land.

Yeah, I saw that in one of the sections and had no idea what it was.. I'm glad that sorting by land is apparently a thing -- I'm ready!

Buster Wolf
05-23-2016, 11:05 AM
At what point should one stop doing 2-1 for farming and go for stage 11+ based on their team (I stopped at 8-2 since I heard it's a big spike in difficulty)?

Also do the Big Bloomdragon only drop in Advance or can it drop in the lower difficulty?

05-23-2016, 11:28 AM
At what point should one stop doing 2-1 for farming and go for stage 11+ based on their team (I stopped at 8-2 since I heard it's a big spike in difficulty)?

Also do the Big Bloomdragon only drop in Advance or can it drop in the lower difficulty?

The 100 Dragons can also drop in the Intermediate Stage, but with really low rates, like really low. It would be wise to just do the 80 Stamina one and retreat with the first 3 chests, if you are sure you can't beat it.

05-23-2016, 11:46 AM
At what point should one stop doing 2-1 for farming and go for stage 11+ based on their team (I stopped at 8-2 since I heard it's a big spike in difficulty)?

You want to stop doing 2-1 when all the silver and bronze in your squad are evolved and at around level 20-30, at that point the gold efficiency will strike back at you. Gold units can be raised to evolution point too, but it might be difficult to do the jump from 50 to 60 with just lvl 20 manyus.

05-24-2016, 08:47 AM
Should I always max a girl's affection before evolving her? In other words, does the double affection bonus trigger the moment I evolve a girl or is it active as long as the two conditions: "evolved" and "100% affection" are met?

05-24-2016, 09:47 AM
Should I always max a girl's affection before evolving her? In other words, does the double affection bonus trigger the moment I evolve a girl or is it active as long as the two conditions: "evolved" and "100% affection" are met?

You can max Affction before, while evolving, after you have done it. The 2x Bonus will always trigger.
But still you should start with that before evolving, since the affection Bonus is a big + in Stats along with the fast first 40 levels. The new/enhanced Ability does only really make a difference at 5* or 6*, sure some exeptions here and there but still.

05-24-2016, 04:45 PM
I personally find affection to be one of the most important things to raise on a girl. You get so many extra stats from 100% on 4*+ girls that it's close to another 30 or so levels and then you get to double that on evo!

Always check your stam when near new levels and if you have extra burn it on the 80 stam gift mission, it is worth it.

11-04-2016, 04:46 PM
Anyone figured a good way to farm life crystals? I need more manyus, and maybe an equip slot.

11-04-2016, 05:00 PM
Anyone figured a good way to farm life crystals? I need more manyus, and maybe an equip slot.

The only efficent way to farm Life Crystals is to run Event Maps. Preferable the 80 Stamina Maps. How many Life Crystals drop from those Maps is different in each Event though.

You can't get Dressblooms from the Life Crystal Shop only Skillblooms. That means you can only get Skill Levels not Equipment Slots.

11-04-2016, 05:06 PM
The only efficent way to farm Life Crystals is to run Event Maps. Preferable the 80 Stamina Maps. How many Life Crystals drop from those Maps is different in each Event though.

You can't get Dressblooms from the Life Crystal Shop only Skillblooms. That means you can only get Skill Levels not Equipment Slots.

Second this. Also, if you just want to farm life crystals, wait for the second half of the event and grind the final map there (?-8) instead as you'll get an extra crystal per run compared to the last map of the first half (?-4).

11-05-2016, 12:31 AM
Yeah, got mixed up there. It's for skills rather than equipment slot. Either way, they are both insanely hard to get (when was the last time you got 3 copies of the same 5* girl, not even mentioning a 6* here), so it wouldn't be the worst idea if they include an item that would add +1 equip slot for any 4*, 5*, etc. They can even make it cost the same as skill items.

Alright then. Since someone else already mentioned the best way to collect Fireworks is by doing Advanced, guess I'll keep there until Ultimate Phase 2 is up. And as a plus, you already get a couple of crystals there.

11-05-2016, 06:27 AM
Yeah, got mixed up there. It's for skills rather than equipment slot. Either way, they are both insanely hard to get (when was the last time you got 3 copies of the same 5* girl, not even mentioning a 6* here), so it wouldn't be the worst idea if they include an item that would add +1 equip slot for any 4*, 5*, etc. They can even make it cost the same as skill items.

Alright then. Since someone else already mentioned the best way to collect Fireworks is by doing Advanced, guess I'll keep there until Ultimate Phase 2 is up. And as a plus, you already get a couple of crystals there.

I think the only good way to get equipment slot for a specific 5* is to save up fg and spend it on limited gacha. On the other hand you alway get random 5 * on gacha and ticket.

11-06-2016, 08:47 PM
By the way, is the game working for any of you? It says "Application error" for me. And yes, I cleared the cache, twice.

11-06-2016, 09:33 PM

11-06-2016, 11:45 PM
Anyone figured a good way to farm life crystals? I need more manyus, and maybe an equip slot.

You do the dailies. Every. Single. Day. Don't skip any. It'll add up over time. I played for months now, and amassed over 1,000 of these things. You get them from event rewards. You get them from events themselves. You get them from Exploration. Just save it up. For Manyus, farm it on the days it comes up, since that's far easier than farming crystals to then "waste" on Manyus. You can also get Manyus from certain events (you farm up the required currency and trade them for the manyus once you've obtained the 5★ unit, and all the skill and dress blooms for it)

11-07-2016, 12:54 AM
You get 3-4 crystals from dailies. Not exactly time-efficient, hence my question for an alternative. If by exploration you mean gathering, I have yet to see a single crystal drop from that. I did have a Flower Gem drop, once. And no, not talking about dailies here (go on 4 gathers, 5 gathers), but exploration itself. Same goes for event. You only get them in fancy chests, not by 3 medaling a stage (that's Flower Gems, again).

I am on the part of the game where ampys are low priority and will only be of any use in 4 months from here. Same drill for 6* and 5* skill blooms (I have no 6*s, so it's pointless). Manyus on the other hand are something needed in this moment, in other not to burn so much gold in upgrading, saving it for evolutions instead, and equipment upgrade. So, sticking to Advanced 1 will be the thing for now, until Ultimate 2 is up.

11-07-2016, 08:56 AM
Life Crystals aren't as rare as they used to be, because you can farm them from ?-4 and ?-8 of most events these days (not, NOT the revivals, the new ones)

11-08-2016, 12:35 PM
This is a general Q&A thread right? Few questions, I'm sure they're common questions.

1. So I just started playing this game yesterday and I've kinda reached a standstill on leveling units. What's the recommended method of leveling up units early game? Playing normally really doesn't be the right route as fodder units from rewards and normal gacha give barely any exp. The bonus stages for those manyus jumped from 12 stamina to 50 which is too much for me right now. Is farming low level stages for chances the only option or is there something else I can do to level?

2. Is there a consistent way of obtaining flower gems? As in not one time reward stuff but rather farmable content, even if very low rate, or am I stuck having to rely on events and daily log ins (after I finish the campaign)?

3. Assuming there isn't a reliable method, are there any 5+ star girls available without gacha or events?

4. I was doing a mission and when choosing a helper, there was a Lv120+ player. Note that I was only Lv10~20. Does this happen often?

5. I want to do the fireworks event but obviously spamming the beginner mission isn't great. Is there a suggested Lv/Total Power for the stages?

That should be all for now. Appreciate any answers.

11-08-2016, 12:44 PM
This is a general Q&A thread right? Few questions, I'm sure they're common questions.

1. So I just started playing this game yesterday and I've kinda reached a standstill on leveling units. What's the recommended method of leveling up units early game? Playing normally really doesn't be the right route as fodder units from rewards and normal gacha give barely any exp. The bonus stages for those manyus jumped from 12 stamina to 50 which is too much for me right now. Is farming low level stages for chances the only option or is there something else I can do to level?

2. Is there a consistent way of obtaining flower gems? As in not one time reward stuff but rather farmable content, even if very low rate, or am I stuck having to rely on events and daily log ins (after I finish the campaign)?

3. Assuming there isn't a reliable method, are there any 5+ star girls available without gacha or events?

4. I was doing a mission and when choosing a helper, there was a Lv120+ player. Note that I was only Lv10~20. Does this happen often?

5. I want to do the fireworks event but obviously spamming the beginner mission isn't great. Is there a suggested Lv/Total Power for the stages?

That should be all for now. Appreciate any answers.

1: As you found out, the intermediate secret garden of 50 stamina is very stamina inefficient, not just at your level, it will always be. Your best bet currently is to farm 2-1 over and over for the beginner secret garden. It is not a glorious task, but will be your best way to level for a pretty long time until you gain some evolved girls and some decent (power)levels. Then you can push for 12-3 to farm advanced gardens.

2: Alas, there is not. Welcome to the suffering we all experience, after clearing all content once you are stuck with daily logins and events.

3: In general, no. Sometimes there might be some kind of promotion with a serial code (we had one once for Chocolate Cosmos) but in general the gacha and certain events (like the current crossover event) are the only way.

4: I do not know, people in your allied list do show up so if you have high leveled allieds that can be a big help in clearing maps. In addition to that, you will not see the full potential of helper squads until you have one girl at the max level, because helper squads scale with your highest leveled girl.

5: You are in luck actually, this is one of the few events where spamming the first map will yield you just about the same firework ratio as the advanced map. I would guess that they did this so the people from Idol Warz doing the cross-over don't need a fully upgraded team in order to farm for their rewards.


These are the stamina/firework ratio's of the current event.

11-08-2016, 12:47 PM
This is a general Q&A thread right? Few questions, I'm sure they're common questions.

1. So I just started playing this game yesterday and I've kinda reached a standstill on leveling units. What's the recommended method of leveling up units early game? Playing normally really doesn't be the right route as fodder units from rewards and normal gacha give barely any exp. The bonus stages for those manyus jumped from 12 stamina to 50 which is too much for me right now. Is farming low level stages for chances the only option or is there something else I can do to level?

2. Is there a consistent way of obtaining flower gems? As in not one time reward stuff but rather farmable content, even if very low rate, or am I stuck having to rely on events and daily log ins (after I finish the campaign)?

3. Assuming there isn't a reliable method, are there any 5+ star girls available without gacha or events?

4. I was doing a mission and when choosing a helper, there was a Lv120+ player. Note that I was only Lv10~20. Does this happen often?

5. I want to do the fireworks event but obviously spamming the beginner mission isn't great. Is there a suggested Lv/Total Power for the stages?

That should be all for now. Appreciate any answers.

1. Ok for farming Manyus and Leveling early on do 2-1 and It's Secret Garden. They both give the exact same Exp and have a good Exp Ratio per Stamina. They drop Lvl 20 Manyus. You should use Lvl 5 Manyus until a Girl reaches Lvl 30. After that you use Lvl 20 Manyus and for the last 10 Levels you can use Lvl 100 Manyus.

2. After you have got all Flower Gems from the Campaign the only ways to obtain FG is through Events, Daily Login Bonus or Maxing a Girls Affection.

3. Unfortunately No.

4. Nope usually you get a Helper who has your Lvl and Total Power at least for the early Leveling Process. I am not sure about this maybe someone else knows more about this. But that was my experience.

5. To Clear the most difficult Event Maps i think a Total Power of 200000+ is recommended. You could do it earlier if you have strong Allies in your Friendlist.

11-08-2016, 01:03 PM
Thanks for the answers. I guess its off to farming 2-1 for a while then. A bit down I won't be able to get any high ranked girls but I guess we'll just see how the future events hold for me.

11-08-2016, 06:59 PM
4. I was doing a mission and when choosing a helper, there was a Lv120+ player. Note that I was only Lv10~20. Does this happen often?

4. Nope usually you get a Helper who has your Lvl and Total Power at least for the early Leveling Process. I am not sure about this maybe someone else knows more about this. But that was my experience.

On occasion, a high level helper does appear on a beginner's public helper list; it might be a special feature to help new players gain access to strong ally because they will be generally matched to players at or near the same level/power prior to a mission. I remember picking up 2-3 players who were at Level 80-ish on my first day in the game.

11-08-2016, 09:14 PM
In response to Hentai:

Keep in mind that you actually do not need anything above 3* to beat the game (though this was before 14-x was released, so who knows). A couple of 4* and 5*s, then the rest below that are all you need. Needless to say, everyone must be 100% affection, evolved and with mid grade equipments (though all of this are mid-late game things, so everything at it's appropriate time) Anything else is a privilege/luck. Event girls are the exception. As long as you are persistent enough, you'll get them as well.

If it's not too late for you, it's recommended that you get Lavender. Shes an A-B class 5* (B for the low speed). Maybe a bit too late since the event is going to end soon, but we won't know till we try, that's for sure. If not, then get Mirabilis.

Also, if you try Idol Wars and do the Dream Fest thing (this is only for the ongoing crossover, no more after it ends), you can get up to 2 5* tickets. So there's that as well.

As for the Flower Gems here's the deal: Logins, Events, Campaign, Special Missions, achieving 100% affection with any girl, and gathers (very rare, but possible). Flower Gems are premium ingame currency, so unless you're willing to pull out the credit card, that's all you'll get.

Always farm beginner stages when it comes to events. Even high level players do them occasionally when they're done farming ampys and/or crystals.

11-09-2016, 02:44 AM
Most important bit: always check whether you're about to level up and have any gathers left. If so, use those gathers before running your next map, since with leveling up, you also get new gathers. The rewards from gathering are more beneficial than your personal leveling.

11-09-2016, 07:42 AM
On occasion, a high level helper does appear on a beginner's public helper list; it might be a special feature to help new players gain access to strong ally because they will be generally matched to players at or near the same level/power prior to a mission. I remember picking up 2-3 players who were at Level 80-ish on my first day in the game.

High level helpers appear for beginners to make sure those beginners don't have too many issues while getting acclimated to the way the game works (at least, I'd guess that's the reasoning). However, whether those high levels will accept invites (so they'll be on FL and appear consistently) is in question.

@Hentai: If you're looking for higher level farming early, there's a speed-leveling strategy.
Step 1) Check the two topics here associated with Friend's List and get some people here to pick you up
Step 2) Pour all your early manyus into your 4* starter (can be another girl, but the 4* will become obsolete a lot later than 2* or 3* girls)
Step 3) Rely on your Friends' Helper Squads to carry you to clear (note, not complete aka 3*, clear) maps you couldn't normally clear
Step 4) Ride the Helpers through 12-1/12-3 and farm those and their associated Advanced Secret Garden to get level 20 and 100 manyus a LOT earlier than you normally would be able to

If you're wondering about Step 2, it's because your helpers are scaled down to the highest level girl you have (probably need her in Squad 1 as well, not sure but why wouldn't you have your strongest girl in Squad 1 anyways? That's your helper squad!) so you need to powerlevel one girl so your FL helper squads aren't hindered in their effectiveness too much. Even evolved level 70 rainbows get scaled down to level 20 un-evolved in effective stats if that's where your best girl is. If you got an event 5* (or a gacha one, whatever) level her instead of the 4* starter

11-09-2016, 07:51 AM
High level helpers appear for beginners to make sure those beginners don't have too many issues while getting acclimated to the way the game works (at least, I'd guess that's the reasoning). However, whether those high levels will accept invites (so they'll be on FL and appear consistently) is in question.

@Hentai: If you're looking for higher level farming early, there's a speed-leveling strategy.
Step 1) Check the two topics here associated with Friend's List and get some people here to pick you up
Step 2) Pour all your early manyus into your 4* starter (can be another girl, but the 4* will become obsolete a lot later than 2* or 3* girls)
Step 3) Rely on your Friends' Helper Squads to carry you to clear (note, not complete aka 3*, clear) maps you couldn't normally clear
Step 4) Ride the Helpers through 12-1/12-3 and farm those and their associated Advanced Secret Garden to get level 20 and 100 manyus a LOT earlier than you normally would be able to

If you're wondering about Step 2, it's because your helpers are scaled down to the highest level girl you have (probably need her in Squad 1 as well, not sure but why wouldn't you have your strongest girl in Squad 1 anyways? That's your helper squad!) so you need to powerlevel one girl so your FL helper squads aren't hindered in their effectiveness too much. Even evolved level 70 rainbows get scaled down to level 20 un-evolved in effective stats if that's where your best girl is. If you got an event 5* (or a gacha one, whatever) level her instead of the 4* starter

That's right what Ivan said :)

N1 Explanation btw.

...except you get a 5* at the Beginning for free... You should Powerlevel her instead of the 4* Starter :p

11-09-2016, 12:55 PM
That's right what Ivan said :)

N1 Explanation btw.

...except you get a 5* at the Beginning for free... You should Powerlevel her instead of the 4* Starter :p

...Oh, the beginner introduction reward thing? Right, forgot about that lol

11-09-2016, 04:42 PM
...Oh, the beginner introduction reward thing? Right, forgot about that lol

No, you get to pull a 5* after you almost done with the tutorial. It is before the chibi Nazuna appears IIRC.

11-20-2016, 04:58 AM
i heard getting mint and giving her all the ampies and getting her to max and she can go toe to toe with most 6 stars i have seen a few times in chats.

11-20-2016, 04:59 AM
i heard getting mint and giving her all the ampies and getting her to max and she can go toe to toe with most 6 stars i have seen a few times in chats. name is razier btw forgot to set it

11-20-2016, 05:33 AM
name is razier btw forgot to set it

it's true you can make every unit somewhat reliable but please consider 6* Girls have amazing Abilities and 2* Girls have no Abilities at all.

From a Gameplay Point of view it's wiser to give all your Ampies to your free 5* you will get at the beginning of the game cause she is even stronger as a maxed out Mint then.

If you consider Mint to be your Waifu though you can do whatever you want ;)

11-20-2016, 05:43 AM
Hey all ;)
I'm level 60, reached campaign lv 14... I kinda like this game... but farming is taking SO MUCH TIME !
Is there any way/trick for farming faster?
I've spent hours yesterday farming the "Gold" mission, today hours farming the "Spirit" mission... at this stage it's purely farming, no skill involved just being stuborn... at lest in Aigis you can speed up the farming when a map has been 3 starred...
If there's any technique, please tell me before I hang myself :).

11-20-2016, 05:54 AM
Hey all ;)
I'm level 60, reached campaign lv 14... I kinda like this game... but farming is taking SO MUCH TIME !
Is there any way/trick for farming faster?
I've spent hours yesterday farming the "Gold" mission, today hours farming the "Spirit" mission... at this stage it's purely farming, no skill involved just being stuborn... at lest in Aigis you can speed up the farming when a map has been 3 starred...
If there's any technique, please tell me before I hang myself :).

Hmm the only way to farm faster is to make your first Team very speedy (800+), very strong (Squad Power 100000+) and hit the "Next Button" as fast as you can ;)

Some Girls boosting your Squad's Speed:






11-20-2016, 06:39 AM
There is a thing called Autorun button. Switch it on and let the game play by itself.

11-20-2016, 08:07 AM
Hmm the only way to farm faster is to make your first Team very speedy (800+), very strong (Squad Power 100000+) and hit the "Next Button" as fast as you can ;)

Some Girls boosting your Squad's Speed:






Ok thanks... that's what I feared... nothing better than Autorun and optimizing speed...

Well ok It's a hardcore game :)

11-20-2016, 10:01 AM
Ok thanks... that's what I feared... nothing better than Autorun and optimizing speed...

Well ok It's a hardcore game :)

Opposite of what you think, this game is pretty lax. I usually login 3 times a day, and each time is minimum 30 minutes. The higher level the more stamina and you dont have to spend more times a day to log in.

11-20-2016, 11:08 AM
Opposite of what you think, this game is pretty lax. I usually login 3 times a day, and each time is minimum 30 minutes. The higher level the more stamina and you dont have to spend more times a day to log in.

3 times 30min a day is pretty lax?
That's my definition of hardcore but you're probably right, for most players that must be "lax".

11-20-2016, 11:45 AM
3 times 30min a day is pretty lax?
That's my definition of hardcore but you're probably right, for most players that must be "lax".

It's lax on routine and gameplay, i can flexibly log in just 2 times a day. The hardcore part of this game is getting a 6 stars fkg without paying anything. :D

11-20-2016, 12:59 PM
...yeh 90 mins a day isn't hardcore especially when most of that 90 mins can be sepnt on forums etc

I easily dedicated more then that to a game - Marvel Avengers Alliance - easily more then 90 mins a day total concentration - more like 2 - 3 hours and sometimes entire days/nights

This is fine, I tend to only get 2 log ins a day and I'm comfortably f2p seeing everyhting I do donate $2 a fortnight on the 2x100gold rolls as my contibution and as I like to put a little into a game I enjoy

11-20-2016, 01:52 PM
im done with 2x 15 minutes a day with events like this during the week. Wake up collect 3 times, blow all stamina on the event map and done. Get home, gather 3 times and repeat.

11-20-2016, 02:55 PM
My maximum stamina at lvl 120 is 365. So, with 1 stamina per 3 minutes, it takes 1095 minutes or 18 hours and 15 minutes to fill my stamina bar from 0. That means I'd need to play only twice a day to use all my stamina.

Gather points are the same for everybody: 1 gather point every 2 hours, with a maximum capacity of 3 gather points. So, to use all your gather points, you'd need to log in at least once every six hours. Few people manage that (work, sleep, etc), so logging in multiple times a day is all about cutting down on their losses by preventing their gather count from hitting the cap.
Note: the rewards from gathering are also "the same" for everybody. Higher levels don't improve the rewards, it's always 0-40 stamina (on rare occasions it might be a bit more, my personal record is 63 stamina from a gather, which happened only once), similar gold, similar seeds.

Then there's raid points: 1 raid point every 30 minutes.

The raidpoints are what many people actually plan their session around: use at least one raid point right away if there's a raidboss available, then use at least one gather point, then use their stamina, and by the end of their session, if there's any raid or gather points left, try to use those. With a bit of luck, another raidpoint should almost pop up as well because it's only a 30 minute timer, so they simply wait for that, then log off until their next session. And that a few times a day, to not let any gather or raidpoints go to waste.

The higher your level, the harder it is to let your stamina hit the cap. You're actually always short on stamina, and the moment you have enough for a map + a possible Secret Garden (so generally, somewhere between 120 and 160 stamina, depends on what maps you run), you use it, and start waiting for when you have enough stamina or a gather or maybe some raidpoints again.

11-20-2016, 04:17 PM
3x30 min each day is not a lot since you can run the game as background app and keep doing whatever you're doing. I'm using computer 10+ hours a day so that's not a lot time consuming for me

11-20-2016, 09:48 PM
Hardcore is 25 hours a day 8 days a week. 2x15 minutes a day is piss easy.

- - - Updated - - -

*grumbles* Youngsters these days. *grumbles* :cool:

11-20-2016, 10:07 PM
I just usually log in every 6 hours to optimize my gathering. :D Unless an event demands me to be logged in for longer hours like tagging event raid bosses.

11-20-2016, 11:31 PM
My stamina bar take around 12 hours to fully recharge, so I check the game near midday and a 2° time in the night (usualy before maintenance time, that is like 1 am here) <br />
<br />
Aside from that, nothing...

11-21-2016, 01:24 AM
Once I reached that point, I changed my objective from &quot;just reach the end&quot; into &quot;reach the end without Waifu dying!&quot;. Including the occasional cry &quot;You killed Waifu! BASTARDS!&quot;

11-21-2016, 07:42 AM
I don't choose waifus, they chose me! :D

11-22-2016, 10:04 AM
Any recommendations on what to do with Beast Amphys? I don't have any 6 stars to use them on and well, they're taking up 10+ slots, which is a bit overkill for me if I plan to save them for a 6 star that who knows when or if I'll ever get. Alright to just use them on a unit I like?

11-22-2016, 10:07 AM
Give them to your waifu.

Alternately, give them to 5*s, especially the fully unlocked event girls.

11-22-2016, 10:37 AM
New question.

Duplicate 5 stars. Recommended to upgrade using the 2nd copy or better off using both?

11-22-2016, 10:42 AM
Dupes are usually fed to the original. It's still your call though.

11-22-2016, 10:46 AM
Hmm, guess I'll hold on it for a bit, will most likely feed her to the original though as I don't care much for the unit (Gerbera).

11-22-2016, 02:18 PM
New question.

Duplicate 5 stars. Recommended to upgrade using the 2nd copy or better off using both?

100% merge them - in the long run spending anytime now levelling a 2nd copy let alone the mannys and prezzies to get affection will be a huge drain

11-23-2016, 12:28 PM
100% merge them - in the long run spending anytime now levelling a 2nd copy let alone the mannys and prezzies to get affection will be a huge drain

Unless she has op skill

11-23-2016, 04:31 PM
If you're just starting, and don't have many 5* or even 4* girls yet to fill your roster, then it might be beneficial to keep the dupes seperate for a while. Designate one as the "main dupe" and the other as secondary right away.
-Don't level the secondary dupe beyond lvl 40 (unevolved). It's really a waste of money to level her any further than that.
-Feed the secondary dupe to the primary dupe not too long after you evolved the primary dupe. Definitely before the primary dupe reached lvl 30 evolved.
-Don't feed ampys to the secondary, only manyus

Some of the leveling you did to the secondary will carry over to the primary when you merge the two, it's really very similar to merging two low quality rings resulting in a leveled low quality ring, which improves a high quality ring better than a non-leveled low quality ring would. But, even though you invested a dozen manyus in the secondary, it won't give the primary as much experience as an ampy would. So to still see some noticable increase in experience, you really want to merge when the primary is still relatively low leveled.

The nice thing about evolving the primary is, that it will restart at lvl 1, so it gets back down to a low level, and the merging will be more noticable in experience, while you still benefitted from having two good units for a short while.

12-07-2016, 12:01 AM
Hi, I just recently started this game a few days ago and I have to say thanks for the guide! It has been insightful for me as it was kind of hard finding a Beginner Guide at first.

My question is, Why would I choose to farm 2-1 over something like 5-4 / 4-3? Experience-wise, the latter is better, isn't it?

12-07-2016, 02:35 AM
Hi, I just recently started this game a few days ago and I have to say thanks for the guide! It has been insightful for me as it was kind of hard finding a Beginner Guide at first.

My question is, Why would I choose to farm 2-1 over something like 5-4 / 4-3? Experience-wise, the latter is better, isn't it?
2-1 has the better rewards overal (experience, coins and seeds) per point of stamina used. 5-4 and 4-3 cost a bit more stamina, and can be run less often when you start out with a full stamina bar.
What's generally ideal, is trying to get 3 medals in the highest map you can handle for which you didn't get the three medals yet, to grab the Flower Gem reward, and at the end of your session, dump the remainder of your stamina into 2-1.
Notable exception to this rule are the 11-X maps, which are RNG-hell. You wouldn't be the first not to bother with 3-medaling those and move onto 12-1 (which is a good farm spot again) as soon as possible.

12-29-2016, 06:03 PM
Are Flower Gems supposed to be obtainable EVERY DAY in the daily quests?
For the last week, every time the daily quest renews, the beginner and intermediate quests are marked already completed with 3 medals and 2 flower gems received ... even tho I haven't even started the quests.
I haven't been able to receive any flower gems from daily quests since before xmas since I don't do the 80 stamina advanced quests. Is this normal, a glitch, or a punishment for having 2 accounts?

12-29-2016, 06:06 PM
Are Flower Gems supposed to be obtainable EVERY DAY in the daily quests?
For the last week, every time the daily quest renews, the beginner and intermediate quests are marked already completed with 3 medals and 2 flower gems received ... even tho I haven't even started the quests.
I haven't been able to receive any flower gems from daily quests since before xmas since I don't do the 80 stamina advanced quests. Is this normal, a glitch, or a punishment for having 2 accounts?

No. That's why it's so hard to get gems later on. No consistent source besides new events and the occasional 2 FG/10 days.

12-29-2016, 07:48 PM
Are Flower Gems supposed to be obtainable EVERY DAY in the daily quests?
For the last week, every time the daily quest renews, the beginner and intermediate quests are marked already completed with 3 medals and 2 flower gems received ... even tho I haven't even started the quests.
I haven't been able to receive any flower gems from daily quests since before xmas since I don't do the 80 stamina advanced quests. Is this normal, a glitch, or a punishment for having 2 accounts?

Daily Quests gives life crystals, dude

Flower Gems for daily logins usually happens twice per 10 days. There are times when you get a Flower Gem loaded stamp card.

Just play and the enjoy the game at your own pace. Hoard those Flower Gems.

01-24-2017, 05:47 AM
Just bumping this thread with a very tiny detail:

When you gather, the stamina timer resets to 3 minutes again.
Effectively, this means that if you go gather when there's just 5 seconds left on the stamina timer, that you effectively lost 2 minutes and 55 seconds of stamina regeneration.
If the stamina ticks over while you're gathering, you may notice that stamina shown (you can just see it above the gather screen) + stamina gathered does NOT add up.

So, to get the most out of your stamina and gathering practices, start your gather right after your stamina ticked over. On a daily basis, this can save you several minutes of stamina regeneration (upto 8 points worth of stamina if you do the A-hunting daily). No, it's not that much, but it's something. :)

01-24-2017, 05:57 AM
Just bumping this thread with a very tiny detail:

When you gather, the stamina timer resets to 3 minutes again.
Effectively, this means that if you go gather when there's just 5 seconds left on the stamina timer, that you effectively lost 2 minutes and 55 seconds of stamina regeneration.
If the stamina ticks over while you're gathering, you may notice that stamina shown (you can just see it above the gather screen) + stamina gathered does NOT add up.

So, to get the most out of your stamina and gathering practices, start your gather right after your stamina ticked over. On a daily basis, this can save you several minutes of stamina regeneration (upto 8 points worth of stamina if you do the A-hunting daily). No, it's not that much, but it's something. :)

wow, i've never noticed that

01-24-2017, 09:50 AM
Just another tiny detail about that, if you wait the end of the 3 minutes and go gather, stamina+stamina gathered still not add up anyway. I don't know how it works actually but when you gather the game often steals you 1 stamina. And in that case, you lost more time than go gather before the end of the 3 minutes.

01-25-2017, 02:19 AM
Gathering doesn't reset the stamina timer. It re-synchronizes all of the timers with the server.

04-17-2017, 10:33 AM
Wish I found this thread/forum before I re-rolled!

I've been using the 5 gem gacha, but I did get some decent FKG's. Also expanded character inventory to 70.

1x 6* Flowering Peach
4x 5* Ivy, Oxallis, Evening Primrose, Camellia
5x 4*

I'm at lvl 36 now and have 12 gems saved up. Would be dumb to re-roll again?

04-17-2017, 11:43 AM
Wish I found this thread/forum before I re-rolled!

I've been using the 5 gem gacha, but I did get some decent FKG's. Also expanded character inventory to 70.

1x 6* Flowering Peach
4x 5* Ivy, Oxallis, Evening Primrose, Camellia
5x 4*

I'm at lvl 36 now and have 12 gems saved up. Would be dumb to re-roll again?

It is up to you. 50 FG pull gets you one extra Knight, so in the long run you get more out of it, but on the other hand, when at lower levels, you do want those extra 3, 4 and 5 Star Knights to help you level up.

Same thing with Manyus and Ampies. It is much more cost efficient to do 10 at a time with the upgrade, but you will be waiting a long tim at level 36 to get 10 of the same colour Manyu. So I do a bit of both still even at Level 100+ - I do 10 Manyu/Ampies mostly, but still do the odd single Manyu/Ampy upgrade if it will gain me a level that I can start using straight away.

04-17-2017, 12:10 PM
I'd call one rainbow and 4 decent golds a great place to start. It's possible you'd do better on a reroll but I don't think likely.

Bloodsport Bloom
04-17-2017, 01:23 PM
You should save that start. A lot of players don't naturally roll a 6 Star for months/a year.

04-17-2017, 06:56 PM
Thanks guys!

I didn't know gems were hard to come by later on, so now will hoard them like a squirrel. :P

07-22-2017, 05:26 AM
Discovered just today ( XD ) that Character Special Quests count towards the Daily Secret Garden Quests. Pretty ideal to do during events where you don't spawn secret gardens and have plenty of stamina, like the current Raid Boss event, just clearing one character per day.

07-22-2017, 06:28 AM
Discovered just today ( XD ) that Character Special Quests count towards the Daily Secret Garden Quests. Pretty ideal to do during events where you don't spawn secret gardens and have plenty of stamina, like the current Raid Boss event, just clearing one character per day.

Found this out today myself. Too bad we cannot re-do those missions.

07-22-2017, 10:09 AM
all right, I was doing Flowering Peach since didn't notice they got her CSQ up


07-27-2017, 04:01 AM
I came back to the game after a couple of months away and am slightly confused about the Needed Power now listed on missions. Does it stand for total power or a recommended average power between squads?

07-27-2017, 04:54 AM
Total power.
If it was average between squads, I would really be in deep sh*t

07-27-2017, 04:57 AM
Thanks. Kinda figured as much after seeing the Whale but just wanted to make sure.

11-25-2017, 01:26 PM
Since this has come up a few times, I'd like to add this to the compendium of info for beginners:

Exchange tickets cannot be saved until the next unit pool update (typically when a new event begins and the featured girls from the previous event are added to the general pool), and sometimes expire well before the pool update.


11-25-2017, 05:31 PM
Since this has come up a few times, I'd like to add this to the compendium of info for beginners:

Exchange tickets cannot be saved until the next unit pool update (typically when a new event begins and the featured girls from the previous event are added to the general pool), and sometimes expire well before the pool update.


Its very unfortunate how many people report this issue every single time there is a ticket on sale.

11-27-2017, 07:36 AM
Is either the "Enemy ATK down" or "Skill activation Rate" significantly better than the other if you only have 1 in a group? Trying to decide between 2 girls with the 5* ticket, and can't make up my mind.

11-27-2017, 07:47 AM
ATK down is barely noticeable as a one of, and skill rate is always good.

11-27-2017, 07:50 AM
A single atk down character doesn't make much of a difference. They only shine when stacked. Skill rate up makes easy battles faster, which happens to be most of the game.

11-27-2017, 08:00 AM
Is either the "Enemy ATK down" or "Skill activation Rate" significantly better than the other if you only have 1 in a group? Trying to decide between 2 girls with the 5* ticket, and can't make up my mind.
If you have only either one of those within a squad, then I'd say the Enemy ATK down skill adds more to the survivability of your squad (which means your units survive longer and thus deal more damage in the long term) than the Skill Activation Rate would add to its DPS.

On the other hand, if you plan to make dedicated squads in the long run, then a Skill Activation Rate squad is much easier to form than an ATK down squad, it's more probable you'll gather random additions to such a squad from gachas and events, simply because there are more of them, especially when you also take bloomed forms into consideration.

Looking at an even longer term, assuming you eventually gather both a dedicated ATK-down squad and a dedicated Skill Activation Rate squad, it's very interesting how the two have different strengths. ATK-down squads are great against raidbosses, while Skill Activation Rate Squads are much better at wiping out the smaller trash-mob pests and map-bosses.
Simply put:
My ATk-Down squad tends to deal 2-3 times more damage against raidbosses than my Skill Activation squad. But my Skill Activation squad (by now) wipes out the pests on the whale maps on the first round of combat, without taking a single hit, while my ATK-down squad does take damage from those.

11-28-2017, 09:08 PM
So, what's up with the 'Second Affection' mechanic? Is there any benefit to using it with characters after maxing affection the first time around?

11-28-2017, 09:23 PM
So, what's up with the 'Second Affection' mechanic? Is there any benefit to using it with characters after maxing affection the first time around?

Another boost to stats plus you get 2 flower gems for maxing it out.

You also get another H-scene but those haven't been added yet.

12-27-2017, 11:33 AM
just registered in the game(DMM), received a bunch of bonuses, as much as his eyes fled.
I want to ask whether there is a graphical guide to the game, there are many tabs, there are so many of them for nutaku while they are not.
yet, that for pots with 3 stars, such gray ones give, where to exchange them?

if there is no translation in the graphical form of the interface I can help, with some help of course

12-27-2017, 12:04 PM
I'm talking about this. a pot and a coin are not understood

12-27-2017, 12:15 PM
Hello. I had stupidly forgotten to exchange the tokens/currency for the previous event and before I knew it, maintenance hit earlier this evening and now there's a new event. I can't seem to find a way to exchange them anymore. So did I just manage to waste hours of effort farming the currency? I've heard of reissues ; does that mean if I want the same items I'll need to farm the event all over again?

Man, that just sucks. :(

12-27-2017, 12:17 PM
I'm talking about this. a pot and a coin are not understood

The silver pot is a coin that you use to buy stuff for the garden and the coin is currency for the ongoing event
If you giving dmm a chance you should pay a visit to the dmm thread,we can help you there.

01-12-2018, 04:38 AM
If you giving dmm a chance you should pay a visit to the dmm thread,we can help you there.

has not yet found this topic.

01-12-2018, 04:50 AM
has not yet found this topic.

Boop. (https://harem-battle.club/flower-knight-girl-dmm/) There you go.

01-14-2018, 02:46 AM
How do I complete the center of the panel missions? It reads "challenge a mission" which is vague as all hell. When I click it it takes me to the special missions campaign tab.

01-14-2018, 02:54 AM
How do I complete the center of the panel missions? It reads "challenge a mission" which is vague as all hell. When I click it it takes me to the special missions campaign tab.

Nevermind, I just figured out I can press and hold the panel on my phone and it tells me what to do.

09-10-2018, 11:31 PM
What are the coins for? Seriously because I don't find ANY use for it, can someone tell me where or how can I spend the money that I win in the game? Everything is about flower gems and other things -.-'