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View Full Version : Gacha seed rolling results (for those that care)

04-23-2016, 11:11 PM
89 10x Draws +11 Draws

4*: 3
3*: 31+1

Got everything aside from Phala Enopsis
clustering on Serrata Rosalba and Saffron Pansy

~0.33% chance of drawing a 4*
~3.55% chance of drawing a 3*

Edit: Removed dmm draws from the math.

04-24-2016, 12:05 AM
I really believe Phala Enopsis is more rare than the others, many times I have seen these gacha results and she is almost always the lowest number (if found at all). Even for me she was the last 3* I found, it took almost a week to finally see her. Meanwhile every other 3* is fully unlocked+max skill, except Marigold and Sasanqua who also seems to be rare in my experience.

04-24-2016, 01:57 AM
Alstro Maria is the last one I found. Olive Aurantiacus, Calystegia and Astra Gallus also seems rare for me while those you mention are fully unlocked. So rng will be rng.

Thx for sharing the result.

04-24-2016, 03:53 PM
Just going to throw this out there for speculation, but I pulled a 5 star out of normal gacha seeds, unfortunately it was an AMPY not an actual character. Kind of a big disappointment when I saw the pot break from silver => gold, only to get an AMPY so early in the game. I've only seen this happen once so I can only speculate as to its rarity, but yea.