View Full Version : Am i the only one that has made stupid mistakes?

04-29-2016, 02:55 PM
1. I had 140 exp to go to leveling had 23 stamina and few second to 24th... Figured by time I got done with 12 stam dungeon I'd have 12 stamina to do bonus or next run. Got out click Quest went to select my helper just as "not enough stamina use flower?" came up and sure enough my click hit yes lol

2. Looking at my team mates individual powers using squad three. Forgot to switch back and hit raid. Funny seeing individual do very little damage to boss lol

3. when startin a couple days ago I didn't realize you had 3 uses of the gathering... so first few level waisted not using them..

Have any dumb mistakes you make?

04-29-2016, 02:57 PM
I was juggling two accounts at once and accidentally spent a gem to replenish raid points. Thanks to how many free gems we get, no fucks were given on that day.

04-29-2016, 04:11 PM
I figured out that they gave us too many gems, its true, but only at the start. Remember the first week daily login bonuses? It was 5x fg each time. Now its only 1. Still, its more than aigis gives us though. And most of us get all fg from daily, story missions so you should be careful from now on and dont spend them recklessly if you're free player.

Mistakes eh? Well i didnt miss that gathering too much, only at the beginning when i was doing rerolling spree. I dont make mistakes too often so nothing came to my mind but lets see what other people say and maybe i can figure out something about this. 10+1 roll can be counted as a mistake though :P but hopefully i didnt do it twice, saving gems for special things, fkg gms are full of suprises :)