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05-13-2016, 01:15 PM

Just as an information, since the last MT for the new "oh so great" premium gacha, lot of people have issue with gathering. Instead of adding the bonus stamina it will decrease your current. Reloading/clearing cache doesn't help it seems.

Just happened to me twice in a row so becarefull ;)

05-13-2016, 03:06 PM
It just happened to me also. Went from over 80+ stamina to 50+ after using Gather.

05-13-2016, 03:31 PM
Clear your cache and reload. Should fix it, did for me at least.

05-13-2016, 04:10 PM
Did it twice and still buged so I don't know :/

05-13-2016, 04:59 PM
Lets hope for another apology rewards for this :D send tickets to support.

05-13-2016, 05:34 PM
happend 3 times for me

from 220 to 175... from 130 to 20 lol and another little number

05-13-2016, 05:44 PM
It was working normally for me so I thought I was fine, but then it took away about 40 stamina on my next gather :(

05-13-2016, 07:05 PM
Got dc'd when doing my 3rd Saturday gold daily, got 400 stamina out of nowhere. Then I do gather once and got 100++ stamina too.

I should have rolled gacha and get 11 rainbows.

05-13-2016, 08:00 PM
Yeah, I just emptied my stamina, did one gather ->somehow full stamina. Not sure what's going on. I'm ~500 exp to level though so I need to run a lot of gold missions instead of being able to use it though...

05-13-2016, 09:02 PM
I am having an issue where every time I reload the game it sets me back to 501/251 stamina (and I got to 501 after a Gather). So if I run 3 gold missions and hit Refresh, I go back to 501.

I'm just... going to go to bed with a lot of stamina. Don't like feeling like I am abusing a bug. Someone could theoretically use this to level up infinitely. :|

05-14-2016, 12:51 AM
I have the same problem, gathering decrease my stamina

05-14-2016, 02:09 AM
Got boosted to 375 Stamina once and abused it to get the 360k Gold for my 3 Evo's. :S
After that the next worked normaly.

05-14-2016, 02:54 AM
Karma police strikes, just did gathering and stamina didn't increase at all. What a mess

05-14-2016, 03:15 AM
yup, now i got 400+ stamina too after refreshing the game. i'll use it once for the lost ~200 stamina to make my level up and wont restart the game for weekend i guess. sadly i havent seen a response on weekend by them. think they dont work at weekend. it might be fucked up for some days. i hope they punish people for abusing it hard. (boost over 2 level or 200k+ gold is already hard abuse for me)

05-14-2016, 03:21 AM
yup, now i got 400+ stamina too after refreshing the game. i'll use it once for the lost ~200 stamina to make my level up and wont restart the game for weekend i guess. sadly i havent seen a response on weekend by them. think they dont work at weekend. it might be fucked up for some days. i hope they punish people for abusing it hard. (boost over 2 level or 200k+ gold is already hard abuse for me)

ops I wasnt logged in :0

05-14-2016, 03:48 AM
yup, now i got 400+ stamina too after refreshing the game. i'll use it once for the lost ~200 stamina to make my level up and wont restart the game for weekend i guess. sadly i havent seen a response on weekend by them. think they dont work at weekend. it might be fucked up for some days. i hope they punish people for abusing it hard. (boost over 2 level or 200k+ gold is already hard abuse for me)

I don't agree with you and hope you change your mind.
Seriously, punishing people for what? It's their mistake here, they just thrown a random crap gacha pack without any 1st time discount and then the game went all mess up.

In any case players are responsible for it, and everything is random: sometime works correctly then you either loose stam or win a lot. So this is not something you exploit, you are just playing a perma stamina lotto.
And it's not like we haven't spammed the discord report chat with it. It makes almost 20h and we have 0 answer from them.

Now I hope they are just on week-end and will work on it. But I start to have serious doubt FKG will have a bright future on Nutaku. Simply because I'm pretty sure they don't make a lot of money with it. All their fault again with such crap gacha and high price: you need an average of 1000$ to get ONE 6*, when 50-100$ seems already high. And when you look at some other games where you have big whales throwing that amount of money easly they may just give up on FKG like they did with HC.

I'm feeling this way because they just threw a random gacha, then went missing. It has been reported pretty fast on discord chat but they were already out it seems. So I really hope my feeling is false but I won't be surprised :/

05-14-2016, 03:53 AM
Interesting, it's been behaving absolutelly normally for me. Karma 0 i guess.

05-14-2016, 03:54 AM
Just happened to me, went form 86 to 58 stam, instead of getting +6 :/

05-14-2016, 04:01 AM
I don't agree with you and hope you change your mind.
Seriously, punishing people for what? It's their mistake here, they just thrown a random crap gacha pack without any 1st time discount and then the game went all mess up.

In any case players are responsible for it, and everything is random: sometime works correctly then you either loose stam or win a lot. So this is not something you exploit, you are just playing a perma stamina lotto.
And it's not like we haven't spammed the discord report chat with it. It makes almost 20h and we have 0 answer from them.

Now I hope they are just on week-end and will work on it. But I start to have serious doubt FKG will have a bright future on Nutaku. Simply because I'm pretty sure they don't make a lot of money with it. All their fault again with such crap gacha and high price: you need an average of 1000$ to get ONE 6*, when 50-100$ seems already high. And when you look at some other games where you have big whales throwing that amount of money easly they may just give up on FKG like they did with HC.

I'm feeling this way because they just threw a random gacha, then went missing. It has been reported pretty fast on discord chat but they were already out it seems. So I really hope my feeling is false but I won't be surprised :/

The Refill doesn't have anything to do with Gathering. Just Reload the Game and get full Stamina + 200 extra. Lol Thats obviously not intended, if u abuse something like that "hard", it should be punished.

05-14-2016, 04:04 AM
Well, when I reload my game it doesn't happen for me. So guess here I don't know anything on this.


Oh god this is the opposit, I loose around 12 stamina each time xD

05-14-2016, 04:11 AM
And just when i say something i proceed to lose 13 stam instead of gaining 27 D=

I don't know, i would recommend only gathering with really low amount of stamina, to minimize losses and, i don't know, maybe stamina stepping into negative might trigger the stamina oveflow.

But yeah, feels kinda unfair if there is people that can exploit it due to knowing the cause or luck. Even one win can bring more stamina than several losses. And seems like there's people that gets that stamina overflow constantly, who knows how. But i don't agree with punishing people, cause seems like nobody knows what triggers it, so it's not actively exploiting a bug, although it's unfair for those who don't get extra stamina.

EDIT: Just tried the reload thing, it went 101->101->104->101->101->101, so no exploit for me, but that behavior is weird as ****.

05-14-2016, 04:12 AM
Ahw, good to know, just refreshed again and everything was normal without getting more Stamina. That's good, last 4 Gather's had no Stamina remove, too. I just saw the post from Shadowfae, then I pressed F5 and had full Stamina again. Thought it will work everytime when u refresh the game. Since his post mentioned it, it happens more than one time.. I didn't want to try it out once more, cuz it felt pretty lame to me. That what have been a game breaking bug. ~ I would've lost a huge amount of moral, if it was abusable that easy without punishment.

I had like 197 Stamina when i should have 50+ By Gathering, It was to much Stamina (over max) with it and I lost like 100++ stamina.

i tried to refresh instant after this some times, and nothing happend, i used my energy and went to bed. had nearly full energy when i was there again, i thought this was a bit much for my little rest. guess there was something wrong already with it. well then i used some stamina and pressed f5 and had 400+ stamina again. If u add or take it away i was never under Zero with it - but 1 time over.

edit2: I tried to refresh some more times.. always 74 energy, and i wont regenrate over time.. if i keep constantly refreshing, If it's under 1 Minute, it will be +1,xx Minute when i refresh.

05-14-2016, 06:48 AM
Yeh I'm getting done over by this one too! Refreshed and nadda

05-14-2016, 07:24 AM
Ahw, good to know, just refreshed again and everything was normal without getting more Stamina. That's good, last 4 Gather's had no Stamina remove, too. I just saw the post from Shadowfae, then I pressed F5 and had full Stamina again. Thought it will work everytime when u refresh the game. Since his post mentioned it, it happens more than one time.. I didn't want to try it out once more, cuz it felt pretty lame to me. That what have been a game breaking bug. ~ I would've lost a huge amount of moral, if it was abusable that easy without punishment.

Yep. I did 3 runs (I should have had enough STA for that based on what I was saving up for coins), then refreshed. I was back at 501 again. I did another run, refreshed, back at 501. Did a final check just to be sure, was back at 501 (I should have long since been empty, my max is just 251!).

At that point I just looked at my 501/251 stamina, gave a big sigh, and went to bed. So far this morning things are working fine (I logged on and it showed me at 251/251, which is more than I should have regenerated overnight, but gathering is giving me the appropriate pluses). I have not tried refreshing because I am kind of terrified that it will break again.

I'm one of those people who feels the burden is both on developers not to make bugs, but also on players not to exploit them-- just because it is there does not make it fair or right to abuse, imo.

05-14-2016, 08:41 AM
Seems like stamina is removed instead of added but if it dips below 0 because it that it rolls back to 500+ (which might just be the maximum value, I'm not sure).

I've abused this once as compensation for all the stamina I lost from this bug yesterday. Surely they're not going to ban us over this, right?

05-14-2016, 08:45 AM
Lost some stamina as well, from 40 something to 35. Didn't see how much stamina was gathered (not a habit of mine) but I'm sure it's not a negative value. No difference with refreshing / cache clearing.

05-14-2016, 10:20 AM
Seems like stamina is removed instead of added but if it dips below 0 because it that it rolls back to 500+ (which might just be the maximum value, I'm not sure).

I've abused this once as compensation for all the stamina I lost from this bug yesterday. Surely they're not going to ban us over this, right?

Yay, I dont think so, it's stupid too, if u can't play some days. xD There should be no reason to ban, if not abused real hard. like 5+ times full, to boost your level or farm coins. I used the energy 1 time and reported the bug meanwhile.

05-14-2016, 10:42 AM
1. I didn't get that 400~500+ stamina bug, but i lose mine when gathering too
2. Yesterday with 30k seed i got 2 4* repeated hit type girl
3. Today finally 50 gems i tried premium gacha, the result was 8 3* and 2 4* repeated hit type girl
i want to cry =D

05-14-2016, 10:54 AM
The bug strikes sometimes, but not always; hard to say what's going on in the backend. I've lost stamina to this too, but it'd take a bigger bug than this to ruin my mood after I got Toad Lilly from the new 10+1 roll.


Gather section Stamina incident

Saturday, May 14th 2016

We have received reports of incorrect stamina result after going through a Gather mission.
We are investigating the issue during this week-end. If you are experiencing problems, please report them via a Customer Support Ticket or on the #issue_reports chat channel( don't forget to give us your Nutaku ID). We will update this page with more information.

We apologize for the inconvenience,
The Flower Knight Girl Team

Looks like the devs are on it.

05-14-2016, 12:04 PM
1. I didn't get that 400~500+ stamina bug, but i lose mine when gathering too
2. Yesterday with 30k seed i got 2 4* repeated hit type girl
3. Today finally 50 gems i tried premium gacha, the result was 8 3* and 2 4* repeated hit type girl
i want to cry =D

2 isn't bad - the 2nd equip slot maybe a skill up....and 2 from 30k is quite ok

3 - is what I had nearly (i got 2x4* but at least diffrent)

05-14-2016, 12:31 PM
i get these bug when the page crash and the message reload the page yes/no pop up ,it get struck there, so i refresh and get over stamina, it already have happened to me like 3 times in last days

05-14-2016, 01:31 PM
i get these bug when the page crash and the message reload the page yes/no pop up ,it get struck there, so i refresh and get over stamina, it already have happened to me like 3 times in last days
I got that bug and the Gathering -Sta bug too.

05-14-2016, 01:59 PM
I have such bug, whenever i refresh page i get stamina, i've reported this to Nutaku support

05-15-2016, 07:48 AM
And, how can I send a ticket? I ve lost around 200 since yesterday

05-15-2016, 08:03 AM
Gawd, this pest only started bugging me since yesterday. Sometimes it works when I refresh, sometimes it works when I clear my cookies and sometimes it doesn't. And now the game just plain up stole 100 Stamina from me after my latest cookie clear. WTF IS WRONG GLITCHES!?

05-15-2016, 08:52 AM
My stamina is constantly below 10, if I leave the page open until I have enough for a mission/event, the game crashes and reloads with 10 stamina. If I reload the page manually, I'm always somewhere between 5-10 stamina. After 24 hours of trying everything possible to fix it and actually play the game, I'm going to try something new:

Does anyone know the trick to abuse the gathering glitch to get infinite stamina? I only ask because I'm losing out on the Edelweiss event because the game is glitchy, so I don't mind abusing the glitch to get what I otherwise would have legitimately gotten. So if anyone knows how to abuse the glitch, let me know! I really don't want to miss out on Edelweiss!

05-15-2016, 09:23 AM
I would recommend that you only gather at less then 8 stamina if you can as otherwise you end up loosing lots


This sometimes results in larger gains then it should

Right now im stuck abusing a little or loosing a little.....

05-15-2016, 09:28 AM
Gimme da glitch plz. Right now, the game insists on stealing chunks of my stamina whenever I log out. I WANNA STEAL BACK MY STAMINA!
(that, or it's da players using the glitch that's stealing mah energy :mad:)

05-15-2016, 09:45 AM
just gonna post this here so I can store the image link somewhere more easily accessible.

05-15-2016, 01:45 PM
I close the game with 60 stamina, 2 hours late when i reopen 40 stamina @_@, i couldn't do the daily. Next I got 80 and could do the daily, now it's gathering time 9 + 14 = 84 .-.

i gave up, i can't understand it anymore.

05-15-2016, 05:48 PM
Current Stamina: 337/227. Yes, 110 Stamina more than my max. I don't know what's going on, but I hope they fix it soon.

05-16-2016, 02:35 AM
I usually lose stamina during my first gather attempt every time I log in to the game, and succeeding gathers function properly.
So this time I tried to gather with stamina almost depleted (10/317 stamina), and this is what happened after.


I could just wish they'd resolve this soon.

05-16-2016, 02:43 AM
Yeah, sometimes I got half stamina from gather. And still get disconnected when starting mission despite other sites working fine. Sure getting extra stamina from reloading is good but I afraid this is counted as abuse, despite the disconnect was purely accidental.

But alas I think we'll stay with this bug until Edelweiss event end.

05-16-2016, 02:46 AM
So to sum this up bugs that have been appearing is :

Stamina decreasing when going gathering and refreshing page
Stamina increasing when going gathering and refreshing page (over the max stam you can have)
Gathering doesn't give you anything but used your gathering point
Gathering costed 2 gathering points
Page Crashed and stamina got increased (again over the max stam)
connection retry loop (not sure if it's just me or if anyone got this also)

did i miss anything ?
for the fix some ppl apparently cleared their cache and everything is fine
i still have it after 4 times doing this anyway

and is it just me or the gathering bug only happen when you first logged and do gathering for the first time ? since 2nd and 3rd always works fine for me

05-16-2016, 04:14 AM
This seems to be a fairly accurate description of how the Gathering bug works. Credit goes to zhouzhu who posted this on the Hongfire forums.

After half a day into it, this seems to be the rule of bug - not even close to 100% though:
- The moment you quit and then start the game fresh will be marked as (state 1).
- After spending some time afk while leaving the browser on, it will tell you to refresh. Press refresh. This mark as (state 2).
- Somehow after you refresh, the UI will be loaded as (state 2) but the stamina value will be revert back to (state 1) after you go on gathering.

A note for resolution: If you don't want your stamina runs low after gathering there are 2 tricks:
- Keep your stamina high whenever you leave your game in (state 1). Then come back to game before the game tell you to. Which then will be count as a fresh start.
- Burn all your stamina to 0 as much as you can before go on gathering. This case will help whenever you decide not to care about what the-hell-is-states I mention earlier.

If you want to abuse it, take some time research and follow trick 1. It can yield around 2-3x your max stamina per day. But since it's a bug, I won't recommend you abuse it. Nutaku won't be happy to find out.

05-16-2016, 06:58 AM
By going with that logic of being at "state 2" using gathering would revert stamina value into "state 1", if we were to go into any dungeons that decrease the stamina below "state 1" using gathering would logically increase it instead of decreasing it but by going with the fact it'll still decrease your stamina so... yeah i believe that kind of description is false

05-16-2016, 06:19 PM
Somehow my stamina went back to normal when I logged earlier (317 / 317). I gained a level and used some of it, and tried gathering, seems it is functioning properly now. However, I still get the feeling that stamina is regenerating fast. I logged off earlier with 194 stamina left, came back after an hour and a half, only to find it at 264.

05-16-2016, 07:04 PM
Yeah, its regging to fast. Usualy i get around 1 level up per Day, but now its 2,x per day. Sometimes the Stamina Desynced, the Reg Time Counter wont work correctly if u refresh. But its way to fast.

It's now the 2nd time I got this over Max energy bug now. Just happend before 2 minutes. So it's still bugged. :> Hope it will be fixed after the Event End tomorrow. But the last 2 days it was stable. Not many Gathering Bugs happend to me since then.

05-16-2016, 07:32 PM
Got 85 stam, wasted for daily 80 stam blue dragon stage, 6 stamina left. Do gather once and it says I got 12 stamina, as the result I have 90 stamina right now.

Yep still no fix.

05-17-2016, 08:49 AM
First thing I try after the update: Gather... still bugged... I lost ~60 Sta... yeah...

05-17-2016, 09:31 AM
Despite hours of maintenance the game just gave me 331 free stamina after gathering.

I want to play the event.

I also don't want to get banned for abuse.

Do I just wait until I would've regained my stamina normally?

This sucks...

05-17-2016, 09:38 AM
Despite hours of maintenance the game just gave me 331 free stamina after gathering.

I want to play the event.

I also don't want to get banned for abuse.

Do I just wait until I would've regained my stamina normally?

This sucks...

Since it's not happening often I use it. And sometimes it's a loss for you. :d There should be no issue, i guess.

Got a Reply on my Ticket:


We are aware of this issue and are actively working on a fix.
Compensations will be handed out once the fix is deployed.

We apologize for the inconvenience,
The Flower Knight Girl Team"

05-17-2016, 02:16 PM
I think right nao the advice is: clear cache, then refresh twice.

05-17-2016, 10:31 PM
I don't mind this too much, we get free stamina and then free flower gems (hopefully) when they fix it :D As long as you gather when you are almost out of stamina you don't lose too much.

I have bad bug RNG though, it didn't give me bonus stamina at all today.

05-17-2016, 10:44 PM
Now my gathering working fine, I did reset cache first. Sad, recalling how big stamina cost for ?-4 event map right now.

06-28-2017, 06:37 AM
its there again, yay

06-28-2017, 08:20 AM
its there again, yay

Holy necro Batman!

06-28-2017, 08:35 AM
Holy necro Batman!

...Until I read this post, I didn't notice that this was a necro'd thread. Because what it's describing is exactly what I'm seeing. That, and "Communication Error"s when trying to start a stage sometimes.

06-28-2017, 11:43 AM
Coimmunication errors eventually also eat the stamina - not amused