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05-23-2016, 04:19 AM
Hello boys and girls, Well I can't say that I'm not surprised that we didn't get Franc's event... though I was hoping they were hinting at Yurina with those Dark Knight Orbs.... but nope! Hopes crushed again... I really should stop raising though. Anyway it is time to grab one of your cheerleaders! She shall make your units strong!

ETA: 24/5/16


Introducing the Dancer of Passion Waltz! For a lot of people this will be your first access to a dancer. While I know some of you may be waiting for Hana's event to come for that. I honestly wouldn't... Well I wouldn't pass this event up. Simply because Hana's event is fairly different from standard events. So.... I am not currently willing to say we will get it.

This is a farm event.

Noted enemy stats

Attack type: Physical Melee
HP: 7000
Atk: -
Def: 120
MR: 0

Note: There is two listing for Waltz. I'm assuming this second one is for a skill active Waltz.


Imprisoned Dancer

Charisma: 20
Stamina: 1
Experience: 140
Gold at 3☆: 500
Initial Unit Points: 10
Life: 10
Max # of Deployed Units: 8
Number of Enemies: 20
Drops: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/93235d5f32366b5c.pnghttp://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/587cebbc1c9f4397.pnghttp://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/2447c044dcd996c7.png

Devoted Dance to Darkness

Charisma: 25
Stamina: 2
Experience: 180
Gold at 3☆: 750
Initial Unit Points: 10
Life: 10
Max # of Deployed Units: 8
Number of Enemies: 19
Drops: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/93235d5f32366b5c.pnghttp://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/74102971285afe2c.pnghttp://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/2d2f2a676fb9c76b.pnghttp://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/dYkR9W8x.png

Enthusiastic Dancer

Charisma: 30
Stamina: 3
Experience: 220
Gold at 3☆: 1000
Initial Unit Points: 10
Life: 10
Max # of Deployed Units: 8
Number of Enemies: 30
Drops: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/93235d5f32366b5c.pnghttp://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/c7c15afe2edc1e11.pnghttp://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/3112578cd60cbed3.pnghttp://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/dYkR9W8x.png

Burning Stage

Charisma: 40
Stamina: 5
Experience: 300
Gold at 3☆: 1500
Initial Unit Points: 10
Life: 10
Max # of Deployed Units: 8
Number of Enemies: 26
Drops: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/93235d5f32366b5c.pnghttp://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/41f7a510bb9163b9.pnghttp://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/5c4782f27889d89f.pnghttp://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/4bdb4b7111522371.png

Two Melodies X

Charisma: 55
Stamina: 7
Experience: 420
Gold at 3☆: 2700
Initial Unit Points: 10
Life: 10
Max # of Deployed Units: 10
Number of Enemies: 27
Drops: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/93235d5f32366b5c.pnghttp://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/edff4cc05a5af4a3.pnghttp://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/a6db0b93d540419f.pnghttp://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/03fd984a550c3efe.png

Dance of Darkness G

Charisma: 100
Stamina: 2
Experience: 200
Gold at 3☆: 1500
Initial Unit Points: 10
Life: 5
Max # of Deployed Units: 8
Number of Enemies: 58
Drops: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/b5678824b9ebaef1.pnghttp://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/03fd984a550c3efe.pnghttp://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/affec06cfe3f15b4.png
Completion Reward: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/c8312011687722f1.png

Comments about the event

Well AW still won't be required for farm events. Most people with trained evolved units should be able to easily handled this event with no problems. Farm either 40/5 or 55/7 depending on the silvers you need, and you should be good to go.

Dancers take a Valkyrie and Two Healers to evolve so remember that. Do not want to get stuck at 50/50 and not be able to assure getting a -5CR Dancer

Spotlight Units

Black Princess Olivie

Platinum Princess Sherry

Gold Princess Themis

New Characters Arriving

Note: This is based off of current JP version stats. We may not get the same if we get a previous version of the units, but they will eventually get to this point.

Dancer of Passion Waltz

HP: 1388
Atk: 374
Def: 334
MR: 0
Range: 170
Cost: 4
Skill: 40% Increase to range for 25s| 100% of stats passed on instead of 10%| WT: 30; CT: 60
Ability: -
Awakened Skill: 40% Increase to range| 30% of stats passed on instead of 10%| Activates automatically| Last Forever| WT: 20; CT: 40
Awakened Ability: 50% Chance to dodge physical attacks.

New Classes Being Introduced

Nothing this time guys.

05-23-2016, 04:28 AM
thx for the work again lafate. I'm actually pumped for this. I like the concept of dancers

05-23-2016, 04:38 AM
DMM dancer stat comparison:

waltz is the most attack oriented, marnie has the best overall boost (as well as def), while hana has the best range.
SAW waltz has 30% buff permanent, marnie SAW has (once again) the best overall boost, while hana SAW is a burst-heal dancer.
AW ability-wise, only marnie's is really worth anything: -1 cost to melee units when deployed.

05-23-2016, 04:45 AM
ehh those x map silver drops.. like could they stop with the pirates already

King Dong
05-23-2016, 04:55 AM
I'm experiencing a high level of disappointment right now...there are no archers to farm. :(

With that said I will do my best. (without SCs)

Time to watch the video's for fun, and to see what I will need to succeed.

05-23-2016, 05:28 AM
I like the low level farmable Heavies. Will plug the last hole in my team :D

I'll likely aim at getting a few of those then spend the rest of my time on the healer map after 3 starring as much as I can.

05-23-2016, 07:02 AM
Dancer event eh. A buff unit would be nice to have. And are we SERIOUSLY getting another 55/7 map with Verotte in it?! I guess I'll know who will pop up more frequently than the others. -_- Not Khuri it seems, but we'll never know. Might as well farm the 40/5 map and hope for healers to drop so I can AW Fedora.

King Dong
05-23-2016, 07:28 AM
Bernard is strictly better than Leeanne, and one of my accounts only has one CCed Leeanne anyways, so I will be hoping for some of him. With that said I will likely just 3* what I can, and farm the healer map on the one that has two CCed Leeannes unless there is a reason I might need the third heavy?

And I guess I might as well ask I have Leeanne 50cc50 and Leeanne 50...Should I just aim for one Bernard to CC 2nd Leeanne, two so I can level Bernard and CC him instead, three so I can CC both, OR some other option I left out?

05-23-2016, 07:50 AM
I wouldn't say Bernard is STRICTLY better, def the most important stat and Leeanne has more after affection while giving up some hp and att, also on that note easier to 100% affection Leeanne than 100% trust Bernard. If you don't mind using dupes, they're close enough that I'd just use all Leeanne only because you've already invested fodder. I don't know of any maps or common situations where you'd ever want to have a third heavy leveled up but maybe someone more experienced can correct me on that.

05-23-2016, 07:55 AM
bernard is better then leanne vs mage units because he has more hp and defense don't matter. Other then that , a leanne at max level and skill level , has (when she uses her skill , ofc) the same defense as a maribel at max level before AW , (which is a plat), during maribel's skill usage (when she gains black tier - stats). That's a crapload of defense for a silver unit mate. She is rather strong for a silver , and it's generally accepted that she is a tier above bernard

King Dong
05-23-2016, 08:27 AM
Thanks for pointing this stuff out guys! I didn't factor in affection bonuses for some reason, and well at 0 affection he is literally better in every stat at every point. This is a good lesson, for me, in not being lazy when comparing units. My goal will just be to have two Leeannes maxed on both accounts then. (I have 2 50cc40's, one has 100 affection, on one account already, and a 50cc50 100 affection, and a 50, on the other currently)

EDIT: To stay on topic this information pertains to the event via me deciding I don't "need" any Bernard drops on one account, AND I only "need" one drop on the other. ;)

Thanks again! :D

05-23-2016, 08:36 AM
as i said , bernard is better vs mages and liches , so he can have his uses. It's not like he gets destroyed by the lack of extra defense that leanne has. He's just simply worse. But getting 1 for male maps might be worth. I didn't even touched the X and G maps yet , simply because i have thrash tier males , and i did hte others with bronzez and irons..

King Dong
05-23-2016, 08:41 AM
I'm not saying that if I had him I wouldn't use him. It's just farming him seems less beneficial than farming the healer map, and I seem to have acceptable heavies as is.

In general when it comes to units that I only need roughly 2 of I would prefer to have 2 females and 1 male, but that can't always be the case. For example (using only silvers) I would prefer 2 Leeannes and 1 Bernard, 2 Alissas and 1 Christopher, 2 Pallis and 1 Valerie ect.

05-23-2016, 08:57 AM
this event seem good to farm silver. Out of my first 10 draws I got 5 healer so I cant wait to have enough material to CC a 3rd one, beside Iris and Alissa.Khuri is nice, her damage is insane for a silver and I also can skill up my Leanne and CR my own bernard

King Dong
05-23-2016, 09:16 AM
this event seem good to farm silver. Out of my first 10 draws I got 5 healer so I cant wait to have enough material to CC a 3rd one, beside Iris and Alissa.Khuri is nice, her damage is insane for a silver and I also can skill up my Leanne and CR my own bernard

Good for you maybe. :p

I want to farm archers, and archers, with my archers for...well archers. lol.

05-23-2016, 09:22 AM
Kind of wanted the VH... Oh well, I'll settle for the dancer for now.

If the drop rates aren't piss poor, I can use more fodder units. I'm finally getting to the point where I can seriously think about awakening some units.

05-23-2016, 09:25 AM
Well, guess it'll be an event where i actually farm up another mincost as opposed to if it had been Fran. On the funny note, a dancer's cost only increases by 1 when CC'd.

King Dong
05-23-2016, 09:27 AM
Kind of wanted the VH... Oh well, I'll settle for the dancer for now.

If the drop rates aren't piss poor, I can use more fodder units. I'm finally getting to the point where I can seriously think about awakening some units.

Well, first of all congrats on getting to the point were AWs are on the table! :D

With that said I too wish it was Frans event, but it isn't and so we deal. :(

Good luck with the drop rates! :cool:

05-23-2016, 10:45 AM
Good for you maybe. :p

I want to farm archers, and archers, with my archers for...well archers. lol.
What were you doing last event when you can farm lauren? I achieve 400 souls farming the 4sta map and got more than 11 copies of Lauren, enough to blast away the male trust X map with that.

King Dong
05-23-2016, 10:54 AM
What were you doing last event when you can farm lauren? I achieve 400 souls farming the 4sta map and got more than 11 copies of Lauren, enough to blast away the male trust X map with that.

I missed the beginning because I have an addiction problem...Overwatch! Then, when Overwatch beta ended, I pushed on to the hardest map I could to try to get enough souls for -2 cr...I ran out of time. (in retrospect I should have done the basic math, and knowing I didn't have the time, I would have just farmed archers on both accounts)

All in all last event was the first even I participated in, and I didn't do a good job. I will likely finish Spectral March completely on both accounts so that is a step in the right direction.

Buster Wolf
05-23-2016, 10:59 AM
How long was it till DMM started having the 90/12 maps that have 100% drop rate of the farm unit?

I'll probably go for the map that drops Healer and Valkyrie since Dancers need those for CCing...after I get the 4 Bernards I need

05-23-2016, 12:23 PM
How long was it till DMM started having the 90/12 maps that have 100% drop rate of the farm unit?

I'll probably go for the map that drops Healer and Valkyrie since Dancers need those for CCing...after I get the 4 Bernards I need

90/12 maps first implemented on Rorone (http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/d/%bb%b3%c2%b1%b2%a6%a4%d8%a4%ce%c6%bb) event if i remember correctly

05-23-2016, 02:36 PM
i need bandits to CC my Imelia :'(
Valks and Healers are welcome, and they being on the same map is even better

05-23-2016, 03:54 PM
What do you mean by this:
"Dancers take a Valkyrie and Two Healers to evolve so remember that. Do not want to get stuck at 50/50 and not be able to assure getting a -5CR Dancer"?
Do you have to class change in in order to be able to max-CR-reduce? If so, this is something I never knew.

05-23-2016, 04:07 PM
Some people who like being efficient tend to bring a girl up to 40ish and then throw copies at her with fairies until she hits 50. After this she is CC'd brought up to 40 again and the process continues.

05-23-2016, 04:13 PM
I missed the beginning because I have an addiction problem...Overwatch! Then, when Overwatch beta ended, I pushed on to the hardest map I could to try to get enough souls for -2 cr...I ran out of time. (in retrospect I should have done the basic math, and knowing I didn't have the time, I would have just farmed archers on both accounts)

All in all last event was the first even I participated in, and I didn't do a good job. I will likely finish Spectral March completely on both accounts so that is a step in the right direction.

The fodder units will come over time. Work on upgrading what you can with what presents itself for now.

I'm taking a similar approach to awakening too as I have to juggle what I can farm with, which orb maps I can reliably beat, gold production and DC farming. Luckily all I need to awaken Adele (whom I wanted to do fairly quickly) is 29 more DCs for the fairy. I awakened Katie last week.

05-23-2016, 04:17 PM
Some people who like being efficient tend to bring a girl up to 40ish and then throw copies at her with fairies until she hits 50. After this she is CC'd brought up to 40 again and the process continues.

Ohh, I see. I am not being this efficient. :) I just level everything up to 40 (since my core team is pretty fine as-is, so I just upgrade other units as the mood strikes me and try to get everything up to a point where I can push them up for CC whenever I feel like it).


05-23-2016, 04:34 PM
And are we SERIOUSLY getting another 55/7 map with Verotte in it?!
You called?

King Dong
05-23-2016, 04:37 PM
You called?

You better not show up on Overwatch tonight.

That is all!

EDIT: No but seriously, your user name is Lag and your avatar is extra troll-y. You're ok in my books. Have a nice day. :cool:

05-23-2016, 04:48 PM
Can I ask what everyone's opinion of Waltz is?

I know that she can be made cheap... real cheap... like 4 unit cost, but do people use her on DMM enough to warrant spending SC min-costing her?

Note also that i'm not exactly a fremium player, I've spent more on this than I care to admit... (Thanks a lot Lafate... you ass. :P)

Kamahari Akuma
05-23-2016, 04:56 PM
Can I ask what everyone's opinion of Waltz is?

I know that she can be made cheap... real cheap... like 4 unit cost, but do people use her on DMM enough to warrant spending SC min-costing her?

Note also that i'm not exactly a fremium player, I've spent more on this than I care to admit... (Thanks a lot Lafate... you ass. :P)

It depends on what you need once they hit AW and Skill AW I think (Correct me if I'm wrong)

Waltz - Keeps a good tempo with her constant good stat boost once her skill is on.

Marnie - Crescendos and Decrescendos with skill usage with a side of -1 UC to any units you've yet to place.

Hana - Her range is decent and comes with an emergency heal like if you placed AW Iris or Camilla.

Please don't hurt me I couldn't resist.

05-23-2016, 07:48 PM
Can I ask what everyone's opinion of Waltz is?

I know that she can be made cheap... real cheap... like 4 unit cost, but do people use her on DMM enough to warrant spending SC min-costing her?

Note also that i'm not exactly a fremium player, I've spent more on this than I care to admit... (Thanks a lot Lafate... you ass. :P)

DMM dancer stat comparison:

waltz is the most attack oriented, marnie has the best overall boost (as well as def), while hana has the best range.
SAW waltz has 30% buff permanent, marnie SAW has (once again) the best overall boost, while hana SAW is a burst-heal dancer.
AW ability-wise, only marnie's is really worth anything: -1 cost to melee units when deployed.

The only thing I need to add on to answer your question that isn't answered in my post on the 1st page, is that dancers are bread and butter for dmm veterans. and that dancers will be hard to get used to at the beginning, but when you AW'd a ton of units and starting searching for fast-clear methods, dancers will boost your overall dps by a lot.

05-23-2016, 07:50 PM
whats so hard to use about a dancer? you place it use skill when needed

05-23-2016, 08:09 PM
whats so hard to use about a dancer? you place it use skill when needed

because a dancer doesnt attack and you basically forgo a ranged slot to place her down where you could've placed another ranged dps

05-23-2016, 08:40 PM
The only thing I need to add on to answer your question that isn't answered in my post on the 1st page, is that dancers are bread and butter for dmm veterans. and that dancers will be hard to get used to at the beginning, but when you AW'd a ton of units and starting searching for fast-clear methods, dancers will boost your overall dps by a lot.

Thank you Kamahari and Soranokira, I did know the difference between the three dancers because of your previous post, I just wasn't sure how often a dancer (the class) would actually be used and whether or not they were worth giving up a ranged slot for. I think I understand that it would be very much a good idea to get a max-CR dancer on your team given the chance. So if need be I shall spend a few SC's to CR waltz this event. Thank you both for your input!

05-24-2016, 03:52 AM
as a general idea : if we get an event that gives a unit of a class we don't have yet , or the class is very very rare (just 1 other dancers , and that's a premium plat) , it's generally best to try to at least get her at a decent CR , because there aren't many that can fit her shoes. Especially since buffers aren't that many..

King Dong
05-24-2016, 04:31 AM
Let's do this! :cool:

- - - Updated - - -

First four maps down on both accounts, all 3*ed, and zero Waltz drops. I received two Silvers so far from the eight runs. Time to wait for natural regen before proceeding.

05-24-2016, 07:31 AM
Well 3*ed everything, used a stone to refresh stamina in order to run the last stage and 7 stamina stage twice. Still not Waltz, but I got 2 demon crystals and a verotte so far. :/ This event seems even easier than previous farm ones.

05-24-2016, 08:01 AM
yeah. haven't done the g map yet , but the normal event maps were stupidly easy even going in blind. got 2 drops on 1 account , 0 on the other. Hope i won't have to waste many scs for this 1

05-24-2016, 08:07 AM
Well I wanted to get my 50 stamp card since I'm not hurting as much for space right now.... was hoping to maybe get Zola...

https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/s851x315/13226778_10204708423869426_337527803597777072_n.jp g?oh=46f474823b7095973f1cb34416f1eca2&oe=57D034EB

Now... I just won't bother leveling her until after we know if we are getting her event or not...

05-24-2016, 08:10 AM
gratz lafate.

05-24-2016, 09:02 AM
Man this x map is a joke don't even need a healer..

05-24-2016, 11:59 AM
Awakened Gellius tank G map by himself...

05-24-2016, 05:07 PM
Well, blinded every map apart from the 100/2 map, which i also oneshot. Need those damn 90/12 maps already -_-

05-24-2016, 05:19 PM
i agree. I got 0 drops after an entire day. That being said , this event is seriously easy.

05-24-2016, 05:52 PM
Well it IS a farm event, they tend to be easy. I want 90/12 because those maps tend to give a bit more of a challenge. Well i guess the 100% guaranteed drop is a plus too, but i have only done each map once today, had no stamina for more.

05-24-2016, 10:20 PM
got 1 dancer from X map, i had run each map once and twice for X map, only iron and bronze unit, 1 dancer, no silver drop, i hope to at least -2 UP khuri after the event

05-24-2016, 11:21 PM
Yeah 90/12 maps will be good need more of a challenge already aha

05-25-2016, 12:34 AM
So I already have the Dancer Marnie(have had her forever just never leveled) and already have spent enough to have the Deluxe card next month, so I am assuming that wasting SC on this event would be pointless and I should just farm silvers and save my SC for next month?

05-25-2016, 03:05 AM
Well I wanted to get my 50 stamp card since I'm not hurting as much for space right now.... was hoping to maybe get Zola...

Now... I just won't bother leveling her until after we know if we are getting her event or not...

Umm. I looked at my stamp card, and saw I needed to spend 26 SC to get my next stamp card. First unit was Vincent. Then this happened...


05-25-2016, 03:19 AM
So I already have the Dancer Marnie(have had her forever just never leveled) and already have spent enough to have the Deluxe card next month, so I am assuming that wasting SC on this event would be pointless and I should just farm silvers and save my SC for next month?

pretty much yes. although they both fulfill different roles, it is pretty rare that you need 2 dancers. waltz has higher attack boost considering pre-SAW for both, but if you're not too particular about it, it's not an issue.

Jay Rich
05-25-2016, 04:28 AM
Managed to do the G mission but only 1* it. One of the Dark armors managed to slip through so I guess I need more dps, Calliope is only 50cc20 but cloris is 50cc60 so need to get Calliope leveled up more.

And I also underestimated one of the armored cavalries hits, he instant killed my Bandit (who I was using to block him for a short period, although he is only lvl 30 though so I guess I was kinda asking for it.

Once I fix these I should be able to 3* this no issue.

Have gotten 3 Waltz so far from only really running the missions once, i did the X mission twice as I only 1* it the first time round.

05-25-2016, 05:11 AM
3 Waltz, 1 Bernard, 1 Dorca so far as well as 3 stars for first 5 maps. Nice haul for day one.

Decided to try my luck in the gacha to aim for Barbie or Zola. First roll I see gold mist so its hopeful. Kojuro - CRAP! Second roll was Valerie but at least Mages are versatile fodder. Samurai aren't so useful.

On to day two!

05-25-2016, 05:50 AM
Results for day 1: zero waltz and zero silvers for both main and alt accounts (T_T). I have a question for our DMM players. I was wondering if you guys have an idea when will Rion be added to the shrine approximately. Hopefully is not "years" from now. If that's the case i'll waste SC on another target unit.

Jay Rich
05-25-2016, 05:54 AM
3 Waltz, 1 Bernard, 1 Dorca so far as well as 3 stars for first 5 maps. Nice haul for day one.

Decided to try my luck in the gacha to aim for Barbie or Zola. First roll I see gold mist so its hopeful. Kojuro - CRAP! Second roll was Valerie but at least Mages are versatile fodder. Samurai aren't so useful.

On to day two!

I was lucky and got Zola a few weeks ago, haven't found a use for her yet but all in good time. I too got Kojuro this week. Have only had two attempts got him on my 2nd, alissa from my first. I can see an advantage to Samurai but not sure when I would use them over another member in my team.

05-25-2016, 06:24 AM
I was lucky and got Zola a few weeks ago, haven't found a use for her yet but all in good time. I too got Kojuro this week. Have only had two attempts got him on my 2nd, alissa from my first. I can see an advantage to Samurai but not sure when I would use them over another member in my team.

I use the silver cannoneer on DMM. She's like an AOE pirate or a cheaper to play mage. My Nutaku team is more advanced so I'd welcome Zola as a gold cannoneer.

Samurai are a good idea in theory but they suck in practice I've found. A middle ground between a duelist and a heavy that costs similar to a heavy and does a worse job than both. Main problem is lack of defense so it can't really tank as it hits things. Samurai do nothing other units can't cover and most likely do better.

05-25-2016, 08:41 AM
Got 3 Waltz and 1 plat fairy. Fed both extras and six plat fairies to my main one and got her up to lv. 43 non-CCed with -2/+2. Luckily I pulled Alissa from premium summons yesterday, so I got all the CC material I need for her.

05-25-2016, 07:00 PM
6 run for X map and still 2 dancer + 1 plt spirit, this is sooooo sad

05-25-2016, 08:48 PM
6 run for X map and still 2 dancer + 1 plt spirit, this is sooooo sad
You might want to try map 5sta instead.I got like 6 copies from it already and I didn't farm X map even once.

05-25-2016, 09:38 PM
Yeah run 5 stamina. For half the chance at dancer.. good idea

05-25-2016, 10:02 PM
Yeah run 5 stamina. For half the chance at dancer.. good idea
Just personal perspective man, and I DO read the wiki so I know the chance but it's simply RNG-sama idea to give it to me when I farm map 5sta and not 7sta.Ofc, if anyone else has better gain, pls do tell.I even see a guy who has Waltz CR-4 Skill 8 on the second day already.

05-26-2016, 01:22 AM
Just personal perspective man, and I DO read the wiki so I know the chance but it's simply RNG-sama idea to give it to me when I farm map 5sta and not 7sta.Ofc, if anyone else has better gain, pls do tell.I even see a guy who has Waltz CR-4 Skill 8 on the second day already.

Mine is currently at CR-4 Skill 7 running Two Melodies X, though I did use all this event's (except for G, can't manage to get that yet) 3 star SCs as well as a level up stamina reset.

05-26-2016, 03:43 AM
just pulled diene on the alt from summons niceeee

Jay Rich
05-26-2016, 03:49 AM
just pulled diene on the alt from summons niceeee

Gratz on getting Deine! I always looks forward to the next time I take my chances on summons. Most of the time I leave dissapointed but you get those few rays of sunshine.

05-26-2016, 03:53 AM
i was like please atleast be a usefull gold aha second pull was a chris.. so atleast i have him and stray for male maps

05-26-2016, 08:59 AM
I'm up to 6 Waltz, 2 Bernard, 1 Dorca.

Switched to farming The Scorching Stage as 2 Bernard is enough to fill the Heavy hole for now (1 to CC Leeanne, 1 for Male team). Awakening priority Iris is a little ahead of Bernice for utility so I'll aim for at least 5 Dorcas (want 1 to CC Christopher too) and more consistent Waltz drops.

Edit : make that 8 Waltz. Fed them all to one and have main Waltz -3/+3 currently.

05-26-2016, 08:58 PM
Max CR skill 8 so far, think I'm going to switch to farming silvers now. Shame there are no archers or mages, those are what I'm low on atm.

Leaving 1 of each for collection sake I have
5 Rogues
8 Warrior
3 Archer
7 Witch
4 Pirate
4 Vampire Hunter
6 Bandit
9 Healer
6 Valkyrie
2 Heavy
3 Mage

For evolutions/awakenings (plus a couple of useless golds.)
Looks like I'll spend the rest farming 25/2 until I get another 3-4 Heavies then I guess 100/2 for spirits or back to normal dailies.

Jay Rich
05-26-2016, 09:04 PM
Max CR skill 8 so far, think I'm going to switch to farming silvers now. Shame there are no archers or mages, those are what I'm low on atm.

Leaving 1 of each for collection sake I have
5 Rogues
8 Warrior
3 Archer
7 Witch
4 Pirate
4 Vampire Hunter
6 Bandit
9 Healer
6 Valkyrie
2 Heavy
3 Mage

For evolutions/awakenings (plus a couple of useless golds.)
Looks like I'll spend the rest farming 25/2 until I get another 3-4 Heavies then I guess 100/2 for spirits or back to normal dailies.

That's a nice collection you have there. I should be able to 3 star the G mission tonight, have lvled my required units to a point I think they will complete the mission. Then I shall be able to start farming silvers and waltz for skill ups and CR's.

05-27-2016, 07:37 AM
damn, i got 3 waltz today from X map after 4 runs and only one valk yesterday after 3 pathetic run for G and 2 run for 5 stamina map, my plan to farm for khuri and healer is done for unless i am willing to spend SC for this event
just feed the prime 3 copies, now she's -2 cr/ +1 SU

King Dong
05-27-2016, 05:03 PM
What is the most efficient way to level event units? (Example, Fodder til 40, Feed 4 duplicates at a time, CC, fodder to 40, Feed 4 duplicates at a time, ect.) I ask because this my first farm event unit and I want to make sure I'm doing it right.


BTW My example was just a guess maybe I should be using plat spirits, or something, just let me know.

05-27-2016, 08:00 PM
What is the most efficient way to level event units? (Example, Fodder til 40, Feed 4 duplicates at a time, CC, fodder to 40, Feed 4 duplicates at a time, ect.) I ask because this my first farm event unit and I want to make sure I'm doing it right.


BTW My example was just a guess maybe I should be using plat spirits, or something, just let me know.

it's subjective. if you're talking about pure efficiency, leveling to ~35, feed 1 copy with 3 plat fairies twice to get to 50, cc, level to 40, feed copies with 3 plat fairies until cc70, AW, level to 40, feed copies with 3 plat fairies until AW90.

for a non-impossible setup, I level to 40 then combine 2 copies with 2 fodder fairies (anything that isn't gold+. even gold fairies can be considered fodder fairies if you have 100 and no gold units to level) until 50, CC, level to 40, then back to 2 copies with 2 fodder fairies.

but in the end, it doesn't matter. basically, an event unit copy gives 600 exp (base). how you want to make full use of a unit that gives 600 base exp is up to you. plat armors give 1k base exp and level 20 bronze hashim gives 195 exp, for a comparison.

Kamahari Akuma
05-27-2016, 08:48 PM
Welp time to see if some spare Valks will drop before events end.


Not since Shiho has any farm event unit reached max CR. Truly it is a sign from Tenhou.

05-27-2016, 08:57 PM
Main Waltz is currently at -4CR/+4SU. Least I got her CC'ed.

Kamahari Akuma
05-27-2016, 09:25 PM
Main Waltz is currently at -4CR/+4SU. Least I got her CC'ed.

We require more Valkyries. You need more Valkyries. Spawn more Valkyries.

05-27-2016, 09:40 PM
despite the horrible drop rate, I managed CR4 5/10 (that's 4 SU) from 6 waltz copies, which is pretty decent. 4 SCs used so far...

05-27-2016, 10:16 PM
So what are the general uses of a dancer? The only thing that jumps out to me is combining her with Nanaly (or Bashira to a lesser extent) and just owning anything. Atm when I pop her skill my Nanaly hits for 1070ish and throwing in quad shot basically melts anything. I guess she could do work with vampire hunters as well since they get free 3x shot also.

05-27-2016, 10:20 PM
hy guys what is the best map for farm this event unit?
im doing at Two Melodies likes 10 times but just got 5 so far and thats make me sad
btw what is CR/SU you're talking about?

05-27-2016, 10:37 PM
hy guys what is the best map for farm this event unit?
im doing at Two Melodies likes 10 times but just got 5 so far and thats make me sad
btw what is CR/SU you're talking about?

Best map should be two melodies with a 50% drop rate. CR is Cost reduced and there's a max for 5 for waltz. SU is skill up and there a max of 9 skill ups (for a total of 10/10 skill levels).

05-27-2016, 10:38 PM
hy guys what is the best map for farm this event unit?
im doing at Two Melodies likes 10 times but just got 5 so far and thats make me sad
btw what is CR/SU you're talking about?

Cost Reduction and Skill Up.

Two Melodies worked fine for me, spent the 5SCs I got from completing the event mission though, got her max CR, just need 1 more SU for 10/10.

05-27-2016, 11:46 PM
Cost Reduction and Skill Up.

Two Melodies worked fine for me, spent the 5SCs I got from completing the event mission though, got her max CR, just need 1 more SU for 10/10.

rainbow'ing the last SU is probably a better idea than farming more waltz at this point for you.

rip complaining about 5 waltz from 10 runs when it's average drop rate.

@nip you just answered your own question.

05-28-2016, 03:51 AM
@soranokira, do you actually get each chance at SU/CR when combining multiple copies at a time like in your two copies two fodder fairies example? If so, I've been making this much more difficult than it needs to be waiting on spirit drops to finish combining farm event units after the fact -.-

05-28-2016, 04:31 AM
do you actually get each chance at SU/CR when combining multiple copies at a time like in your two copies two fodder fairies example? Yes, rolls for each unit fed are handled separately. So, if you feed four copies of a unit to itself at once, you will have four CR and four SU chances, for -4/+4 upgrade at once, should you luck be high enough)

05-28-2016, 04:36 AM
seriously , fuck this event. 8 scs used , crap drop rate , even crapier combination rate. Standing at 2/5 cr ad 5/10 SU.

Considering 1 cr is 100% , i literally managed to get 1 god damn cr in 8 scs. Thx aigis

05-28-2016, 05:14 AM
fed prime one with 7 copies till now, first time 3 + 1 plt spirit and 4 copies simultaneously not even -1 cr:(

Kamahari Akuma
05-28-2016, 08:03 AM
seriously , fuck this event. 8 scs used , crap drop rate , even crapier combination rate. Standing at 2/5 cr ad 5/10 SU.

Considering 1 cr is 100% , i literally managed to get 1 god damn cr in 8 scs. Thx aigis

Now you know how I felt when dealing with Farm event units since Shiho :P

05-28-2016, 08:30 AM
Yes, rolls for each unit fed are handled separately. So, if you feed four copies of a unit to itself at once, you will have four CR and four SU chances, for -4/+4 upgrade at once, should you luck be high enough)

Is means, identical to using fodder 4 times in a row, right?

Not 25% x 4 = 100% for 1 skill up?

- - - Updated - - -

Is means, identical to using fodder 4 times in a row, right?

Not 25% x 4 = 100% for 1 skill up?
Yeah, that's it.

05-28-2016, 08:41 AM
Got Waltz to mincost and I only spent 3SCs. Pretty good progress for this event. Still at SU4 though. Now, farm for Khuri or farm for valks and healers? I guess I'll for the latter for AW'ing materials, though CR/SUing Khuri will help me in Danger in the Oasis. Decisions decisions.

05-28-2016, 08:53 AM
i have enough khuris and pirates to mincost 2 of each. i swear. At least i got 1 more cr for my waltz. sitting at cr 3 right now

05-28-2016, 09:30 AM
Waltz at -4CR/+6SU. Pulled 11 from the event so far. I have been extremely lucky I think as I have been farming for healers.

Scored a Bernice from free daily summon today which was awesome. Can either CR Bernice or use it as fodder to awaken her if the Bernard farm plan doesn't end up happening later in the event.

05-28-2016, 10:29 AM
2 bernice is a pretty strong tank line , and as we know , there are events that require multiple tanks. That being said , i cr-ed and su-ed mine , since i was too lazy , and having cheaper tanks is not that bad either.

05-28-2016, 09:16 PM
Max CR 7/10 Skill 50CC56 so far feeding her 2 waltz + 2 fairies at a time. Tried deploying her and loved the bonus. When does the dancer awakening come? I'd also love the advance guard re-balance because the idea of placing Waltz on the field for 1 UP sounds pretty freaking nice.

05-28-2016, 11:55 PM
2 bernice is a pretty strong tank line , and as we know , there are events that require multiple tanks. That being said , i cr-ed and su-ed mine , since i was too lazy , and having cheaper tanks is not that bad either.

I have CCed and invested in Leeanne so that covers tank #2 anyway. As for tank #3 I could work on Bernard for male team. I think awakening Bernice takes priority as it will make her a much better tank and buff Leeanne should I play her too.

05-29-2016, 08:10 AM
fuck me last 3 days ive gotten maybe 4 dancers each on 2 account and neither have gone up in su or down in cost.. ehh dont know if its even worth my spending sc ill probs get no drops or it wont add anything when combined

05-29-2016, 08:35 AM
mate , i've wasted 9 scs and standing at 3 cr. Barely got drops and barely got crs when i got drops as well.

05-29-2016, 08:46 AM
yeah i dont feel like using sc at this rate im also sitting at 3 cr have been for like 4 days now aha

05-29-2016, 10:10 AM
the other options are marnie or hana when we'll get her event , and hana is a different type of beast then waltz. I'd rather min cost waltz if possible...especially since we will most likely get a star event as our next event

05-29-2016, 02:34 PM
Ehh can't stand getting no drops from maps. Like if I don't get the event unit I atleast hope for the spirit or silver.. getting nothing feels like a huge waste of my stamina and time

05-29-2016, 04:35 PM
Ehh can't stand getting no drops from maps. Like if I don't get the event unit I atleast hope for the spirit or silver.. getting nothing feels like a huge waste of my stamina and time
Here's some of my personal tips : Ignore the game until the time pass enough for at least 7 Sta(more or less is fine) and doing the 7sta map.If you got one, IMMEDIATLY use SC and roll them out until you got no drop then stop, but DONT use them yet.Next time you try this if you score a Waltz then immediately go to combination and pray you got it right.

05-29-2016, 04:47 PM
That sounds retarded, I bet you're the kind of person who thinks different browsers give better gacha summons too

05-29-2016, 07:52 PM
Gambler's Fallacy, don't get caught up in it. Ignore whatever hot or cold streak you might be on and play the game rationally or with whatever your daily schedule allows.

05-29-2016, 08:19 PM
That sounds retarded, I bet you're the kind of person who thinks different browsers give better gacha summons too
No I don't and as I said that's my personal tips, you can take it or not is none of my business.I merely state a way that it work for me, so if you don't have any other way you may want to use it, no one ever force you to do it and if you think that you can force someone to follow your own idea then that's is the retarded one.

- - - Updated - - -

Gambler's Fallacy, don't get caught up in it. Ignore whatever hot or cold streak you might be on and play the game rationally or with whatever your daily schedule allows.
Then if you play the game rationally and you still get nothing, pls don't come and whine since you don't want to sacrifice anything and yet want it all.Why do you say rationally when it's clearly a gamble, anyway(and a double one at that as well, you can have 10+ copies and still can't reach further than CR-1/SU+1)?

05-29-2016, 08:31 PM
I just went yolo on the event. CR-5 SU-6, this is the 1st time I got a max CR unit from this type of event. Usually I just get CR-3 at best, oh and no SC used.:D

05-29-2016, 10:01 PM
Tho I do believe some accounts are purely more lucky then others. On my main after 4 months of playing I only have 2 blacks in and have maxed stamp card every month. On my alt account I roll a black and plat on my first 2 rolls and a gold on my first free summon. And 2 weeks in and maybe 10 summons later another black.

05-29-2016, 10:42 PM
I just went yolo on the event. CR-5 SU-6, this is the 1st time I got a max CR unit from this type of event. Usually I just get CR-3 at best, oh and no SC used.:D
Congratz, on all of my 3 accs I must have spend 10+ on 2 of them and 5+ for the other, and yet that one got the min-costed first, still other acc got a 9/10 and 4/5 so that's still quite something.

05-30-2016, 02:49 AM
not sure how many bloody times you can fail a 25% cr and su. i think ive added 20 now between 2 accounts for 1 su on the alt account i think

Jay Rich
05-30-2016, 05:27 AM
not sure how many bloody times you can fail a 25% cr and su. i think ive added 20 now between 2 accounts for 1 su on the alt account i think

Gotta love that chance factor, always seems to be against you when you want it or need it most.

05-30-2016, 05:35 AM
khuri was mincosted and skill 4 in 4 units and i dont even like her enough to use on my main lol

05-30-2016, 05:42 AM
not sure how many bloody times you can fail a 25% cr and su.Potentially, as many times as you try.
Remember, every time you try, you have your set 75% chance to fail, each. This does not change, no matter how many times you roll. So if you are unlucky enough...

05-30-2016, 05:45 AM
just noticed most veterans don't even bother posting much anymore. wonder if it's due to giving up complaining about breaks.

Jay Rich
05-30-2016, 05:48 AM
Potentially, as many times as you try.
Remember, every time you try, you have your set 75% chance to fail, each. This does not change, no matter how many times you roll. So if you are unlucky enough...

The chances always sound much worse when you say it the other way :(

For instance, while trying to get Dorca I have a 10% chance to get her and you always tell yourself that the 10% chance will eventually come around but truth be told that the odds are 90% chance you wont get her. The odds are the same whether it be 10% I will get her or 90% I won't, just the much higher number makes it seem a much more difficult task in my opinion.

The joys of farming I guess. I could have chosen a mission with better odds, I just wanted more healers as I have a lot of Khuri's at the moment so really didn't need to farm her mission.

05-30-2016, 06:04 AM
I managed to get Waltz to -4CR and 8/10 skill. I'm happy with that as is. I don't want to sacrifice gold/possible XP income to chase the last CR. I have some rainbows so I could try for 10/10 skill if I really wanted.

Silver farming I did ok. 3 Dorca, 2 Bernard, 2 Elaine. Enough to CC Waltz and fill some gaps. Even though I wanted more for awakening fodder it doesn't matter. Plenty of things I need to level in the meantime.

Considering I spent no SCs I feel very lucky this event. But I have had others where the drops haven't come so it evens out.

05-30-2016, 06:23 AM
just noticed most veterans don't even bother posting much anymore. wonder if it's due to giving up complaining about breaks.Event - Break is our schedule. It was for quite a long time, it is, and it will be forevermore. No use to complain, not to mention our complains fall to the deaf ear of japanese DMMAigis devs at best or to powerless Nutaku staff at usual, anyway.

Besides, I LOVE breaks! :cool: :p

05-30-2016, 06:41 AM
Been farming The Scorching Stage for the last few days and my drops were pretty good. 4 Waltz, 4 Dorcas, and 2 Elaines. Got enough Dorcas to AW Fedora and enough Elaines to AW a Princess unit or Thetis. Also dropped enough silver fairies for me to CC some of my AW fodder. Overall, a pretty productive farm event for once.

05-30-2016, 07:15 AM
Then if you play the game rationally and you still get nothing, pls don't come and whine since you don't want to sacrifice anything and yet want it all.Why do you say rationally when it's clearly a gamble, anyway(and a double one at that as well, you can have 10+ copies and still can't reach further than CR-1/SU+1)?

Because gambling is something you absolutely can do rationally as long as you understand how RNG works and can do some simple math to estimate a range of what you need to invest (cha/sta/SC/time/etc) in order to reach a result you want. You "sacrifice" up to what you deem acceptable for the result you are aiming for, enjoy feeling lucky when you're ahead of the curve, and either cut your losses when behind or reconsider how much more you are willing and able to spend. You aren't playing against another player, it's strictly you vs the dice. When you feed 10+ copies and get no progress you feel awful, of course, but accept that it was within the range of possibility and learn to appreciate star and collection events all the more for it.

05-30-2016, 07:20 AM
just noticed most veterans don't even bother posting much anymore. wonder if it's due to giving up complaining about breaks.

People used to post to exchange strategies and ideas about events before. But as you pointed out , most of us are veterans (at least on this forum) , and aigis didn't had any really hard event in a while.

05-30-2016, 08:52 AM
Managed to min cost Waltz to max and get her to skill lvl 4. One silver Valkyrie and VH.

Pretty bad drop rates for me, but not overly a big deal.

May get another Waltz when I get back from work, but I'm not counting on it -_-

05-30-2016, 10:22 AM
fed her 11 copies, she is now 4 UP 3/10, i am about to get a lazy dancer, it seems

05-30-2016, 12:10 PM
For me personally as a freemium player, I just lower my expectations. May it be gacha rolling, crafting or enhancing. If I get something or the results are good, then great for me. If not, then better luck next time. But I do sometimes find myself raging and facepalming, like those gacha tickets from osawari that lets you see a roster of eromon but still only getting them at random. I mean the results are already set when you use the ticket unlike PPS that lets you pick the one you want from a roster you pulled by using a reveal card. Unless they let us use monster gems on gacha pulls, the roster is kinda redundant. Like it is just there to tease/troll the players. (System: Oh Ichigo took the bait! should I capture her? nah, I'll just capture a generic R girl instead.)

05-30-2016, 12:49 PM
Aaaand, done. -5/+9. Last skill-up is better be done with rainbows, anyway)
Used quite a number of SCs, but feelsgoodman)
Even gotten her evolution materials off the event, and couple of Khuris)
All in all, a good conclusion. Praise be to the RNG!

05-30-2016, 03:19 PM
just noticed most veterans don't even bother posting much anymore. wonder if it's due to giving up complaining about breaks.

People used to post to exchange strategies and ideas about events before. But as you pointed out , most of us are veterans (at least on this forum) , and aigis didn't had any really hard event in a while.

Totally agree with lolix here, this event is not that hard, so people who have (has?) time in the game can manage with no real problem; but remember that event where they buffed the fucking fish? we were all over the thread reading and posting results because of those difficult maps

ps. i farmed for silvers (healers and valks) and still got 50% drop rate (yay :) ) but combining just hated me, waltz is at -2 / +3

Also can someone point out whether "people" is treated as singular or plural? i get confused whenever i use it :/

05-30-2016, 09:36 PM
Having Aw has made events so much easier. Tho this one by far is the easiest we have had in a while

- - - Updated - - -

Skill 8, -cr 4. Guess that will have to do as I can't fit in another run aha

Buster Wolf
05-30-2016, 10:50 PM
CR -3 3/10 wasn't really trying (had a drop the first times I did maps 2, 3 & 4), then again I'm not gonna use SC for a farm event unless 90/12 maps get implemented :/ (gonna use her to buff Betty when I start Gold GET! farming eventually). Got 2 Bernards, 3 Elaines and 1 Dorca.

05-30-2016, 11:05 PM
Final result after combining my last two Waltz copies is mincost Waltz with 7/10 skill. Not bad.

05-30-2016, 11:27 PM
final result mincost 8/10. actually have 1 run of 5 sta left, but doubt i'd get so lucky to get both waltz copy and 2nd last SU from it, so this is probably the final result.

05-30-2016, 11:28 PM
Been running the second to last farm map primarily for the silver healers. Ended up with 3 CR and 4 SU, and exactly 0 healers :rolleyes: 2 SCs used.

05-31-2016, 12:12 AM
Well X map was super easy, but 7-8 tries of G map always ended in 2* my problem with g maps is real :c

05-31-2016, 12:25 AM
Min cost 9/10. Happy with how it ended up. Sucks that there's a break, but I can atleast farm up some affection items now I guess, next will likely be a star event, right?

05-31-2016, 12:30 AM
Min cost 9/10. Happy with how it ended up. Sucks that there's a break, but I can atleast farm up some affection items now I guess, next will likely be a star event, right?

or anna's. which is a mix of gold rush and star.

05-31-2016, 12:45 AM
Spotlight is a filthy lie. Got some SC left to Legend card, rolled the premium summon, seen the green light of Platinum... got Sabinne. Geh.
Where's my Zenobiaaaa?!!

05-31-2016, 01:05 AM
You fell for my trap card.. mwahaha everyone knows spotlight is a lie unless it's a gold unit that you don't want. I got deine instead of healer aha but I'm happy with deine

05-31-2016, 01:06 AM
Spotlight is a filthy lie. Got some SC left to Legend card, rolled the premium summon, seen the green light of Platinum... got Sabinne. Geh.
Where's my Zenobiaaaa?!!
Unless your RNG-sama indicate Jerome, which is a pla soldier then you'll get Zenobia.That's how chance up work(supposedly).In fact, I'll be very surprised if anyone gacha Jerome this event.

05-31-2016, 01:27 AM
ive had 2 jeromes, niether were in spotlight. confirmed

05-31-2016, 01:46 AM
ive had 2 jeromes, niether were in spotlight. confirmed

I rarely get spotlight units. So..umm...double confirmed?

05-31-2016, 02:12 AM
Quite happy to see how it turned out for me, I ended up with Waltz being -3CR and 6/10 SU, without spending any SC. Plus got a few Khuri, and was able to mincost her too ! Should be able to pass Danger in the Oasis now...

05-31-2016, 02:24 AM
i got double aneilia during hers aha

05-31-2016, 05:40 AM
Wow, Nutaku fail much. Aisha is a chance-up unit, yet they didn't even put her on the main event banner. I was wondering why I didn't see any black units on the chance-up poster. Rolled Julian on my yolo 5SCs today. Guess he's an improvement from Phyllis.


05-31-2016, 06:54 AM
i got marnie and a couple silvers. Aigis has a strange sense of humor, especially considering i wasted 16 scs on my other account tryying to mincost waltz , and barely managed 4 cr and 6 skill. Ironically enough , the account that got marnie , has a min cost waltz with skill 8....in just 1 sc

05-31-2016, 08:26 AM
Decided to roll 25 sc on my alt account and got sophie, thetis and a bunch of silvers after getting bad results for the Waltz event. My luck is starting to get better again :)

King Dong
06-01-2016, 05:16 AM
After failing the G map a couple times on my stronger account I decided to ignore it, and just to focus on the getting the best event unit I could without spending any SCs. My results were -3/+6 on my stronger account and -2/+2 on the weaker one. I believe that is good enough to make the unit useful, but certainly far from perfect. One day I will be at a point were I can afford a perfect event unit. Until then I settle for what I can get. Over all the event was meh drop rates on silvers were horrible, and drop rates on the event unit was good on one account and bad on the other. The CR and SU luck wasn't there (I combined like 11 into prime on main).