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View Full Version : gold or garden?

06-03-2016, 11:25 PM
Hi, i started some days ago, my teams have 32k, 19k, 17k, 17k. did 1 50 flowers but no 5* :S. only 1.

Atm im doing 1-3. I only did 1st and 2nd gold match to get the *2 flowers, should keep doing that matchs or keep with 1-3?

06-04-2016, 01:23 AM
I never felt short on gold, as long as you don't waste it feeding 1* manyus to your level 30+ girls I don't think you will lack gold either. I get plenty just farming for gardens. The gold map is not very good either, even some event maps gave better return (I don't know about this one but I got lots of gold with Lavender's event)

06-04-2016, 04:04 AM
As long as you don't waste it feeding 1* manyus to your level 30+ girls I don't think you will lack gold either.

Now I now why I'm always broke in this game. x) What do you do with your 1* manyus though? Assuming you don't have any girls less than lv30.. do you just sell them?

06-04-2016, 04:05 AM
Gold shouldn't be an issue if you've only just started some time ago. You should focus on farming to level yourself & your girls up.

06-04-2016, 04:45 AM
Now I now why I'm always broke in this game. x) What do you do with your 1* manyus though? Assuming you don't have any girls less than lv30.. do you just sell them?

Feed the lowest manyus to things that are below level 30, feed 3* manys to things that are below 50. Feed 5* manyus to things that are above evolved level 40ish.

As for what to do if you don't have any lower than 30 girls. I tend to save them for girls that will evolve soon so they get that first boost to 20 after evolving. If nothing like that i just feed them to something else as i keep one copy of each girl no matter what rarity. There's always something to waste them on.

Otherwise i guess selling is what some do.

To answer the topic: The gold dailies are almost never worth it.

06-04-2016, 10:09 AM
Now I now why I'm always broke in this game. x) What do you do with your 1* manyus though? Assuming you don't have any girls less than lv30.. do you just sell them?

Yeah as Tenhou said I mostly save them for when I evolve a girl. To be honest sometimes I do use them on high level girls if they are close to evolution level and I get impatient :rolleyes: Also I farm 12-5 so I get less of them than farming 1-3.

If you need gold instead of manyus, I think the ultimate mission right now is pretty good. It doesn't give quite as much gold as the daily but you also get a ton of gacha seeds and a boss which gives a lot of equip seeds. That can help your team a lot more than only gold.

06-05-2016, 03:20 AM
Now I now why I'm always broke in this game. x) What do you do with your 1* manyus though? Assuming you don't have any girls less than lv30.. do you just sell them?
-Save them for low level girls (after evolving a girl, her level drops back down to 1, though she hardly looses any of her stats)
-Use them to "top off" a girl you're leveling up. I won't use just 4 lvl 5 manyu's on a lvl 40 girl, but I might use them in combination with several higher level manyu's.

Also, try using as many Manyu's at once as possible.
If three Manyu's raise your characters level by 3, then use them all at once, instead of three times just one Manyu. The cost of using a manyu goes up with every level, however, all manyu's used while a girl is at a certain level cost the same, no matter how many levels the manyus would give. 300 gold for 3 manyus at once is cheaper than 100 gold + 150 gold + 200 gold for those same three manyu's used in a row.

06-05-2016, 08:57 PM
To save more gold in the long run make sure you have enough space to collect manyu's and only feed to a girl when you can feed 10 at a time. The only exception to this rule is when you are near level cap and don;t need 10 to get there.

Best feed rate for lvling girls is as follows:

10 x Lvl 5
10 x Lvl 5
10 x Lvl 20

And continue with 20s and 100s if you have them after that. those 20 lvl 5s should lvl your girl to lvl 29-31.

Also late game the 80 stam GOLD mission is the best for getting just gold. Nothing in game yet can beat it.