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06-05-2016, 05:16 PM
Does Gold Get stack? I've recently-ish gotten a 2nd betty and was wondering if I deployed both of them would both trigger gold get?

06-05-2016, 05:21 PM
The idea is Betty is meant to kill them all using 2 Betty's is a waste

06-05-2016, 05:30 PM
Alright thanks, i'll save the rogues for .. something else.

06-05-2016, 05:39 PM
Either sell them later for crystals or combine the Betty's aha

06-05-2016, 05:53 PM
Or use them as awakening fodder instat of an cc´d silver

06-05-2016, 06:39 PM
Well you would wanna use silvers if you have them.

06-05-2016, 08:18 PM
Either sell them later for crystals

? Explain please

06-05-2016, 09:09 PM
At some point we will get what's called rainbow crystals you trade them in for a very good unit and gold/plats/blacks can be sold for rainbows crystals when they come in

06-05-2016, 09:10 PM
? Explain please

there's a new currency in the trading post in DMM Aigis, called rainbow crystals, which can be obtained from discharging gold+ units. (shrine-summon-only units can be sold for more rainbow crystals, while event units will be sold for pitiful amounts) These rainbow crystals can be used to purchase a couple of rather useful units (black dark knight, a spirit that can fight, plat rearguard leona etc.)

06-05-2016, 09:12 PM
? Explain please

Sometime down the road, we will have the option of trading golds and higher for rainbow crystals (RC). You can trade RC for different units that will be made available. The higher the rarity, the more crystals you will get when you exchange the unit. Also, shrine units will net a higher yield than event units.

This feature will not be available for a long time. So you will have time to reconsider what units you want to trade, and which units you want to combine.

EDIT: And Soara beat me to it :D

06-06-2016, 06:35 AM
How rewarding is AW Betty actually? Is the amount of extra gold worth the resources and time?

I have a few Betty's lying around and have been on the fence about awakening her or just using her as AW fodder.

06-06-2016, 07:23 AM
How rewarding is AW Betty actually? Is the amount of extra gold worth the resources and time?

I have a few Betty's lying around and have been on the fence about awakening her or just using her as AW fodder.

if you're willing to put in the effort to farm, it will be. if not, not really. link in my sig.

06-06-2016, 07:43 AM
How rewarding is AW Betty actually? Is the amount of extra gold worth the resources and time?

87 documented runs of Pastoral gate for me so far, average gold of about 2225 without selling units, 3219 with selling them. So AW Betty gives me about 1300 gold more per pastoral run than if I just commissioned it. Considering the 200K awakening cost, one would need to run Pastoral Gate a few hundred times to recoup the costs of awakening Betty, but it does pay off in the long run.
24 hours of charisma regeneration means 40 runs of Pastoral Gate, so ~120K gold per day from it. If you don't need to level units, it is a decent (if tedious) way to make some gold, or to do a few normal summons.

06-06-2016, 11:50 AM
Thanks for the responses. I guess I won't be missing out on too much by not awakening her or staying on the fence for a while longer until I feel I really need that extra gold.

06-06-2016, 12:14 PM
Betty suffers from the fact that she's in direct competition with Cypria and that rogues in general aren't all that amazing. I don't regret awakening her but I'd definitely rather have Lyla.

06-06-2016, 02:22 PM
i do. I have 2 accounts , so farming pastoral gate , is rather ridiculous , and time consuming , even tho i have aw betty on just 1 of them. Prepared to aw betty on second , but i gave up after i saw the results on the first.

Actually , realistically speaking , u can make a decent amount of gold per day with betty , biut it just so damn ...tedious to do. I mean , if u can't farm monday dailies , she's a good unit to have for when u have that extra stamina and u can farm a bit , but that also require u not being lazy