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View Full Version : Requesting suggestions regarding further team development

06-06-2016, 06:38 PM
So, lately I've found myself uncertain what the best way to proceed in improving my army is. On the whole I feel I've taken care of the main key roles, so it's more trying to decide what is the best way to proceed. Should I keep focusing on already leveled units, level something new? While I'm sure I could eventually decide something on my own, I thought I'd see what other people who may have more experience with given units suggest. Anyway, my army is displayed in the attached image. Not shown are my duplicate units, of which I have a fair few (for instance enough golds and silvers to awaken anything not needing a witch).

06-06-2016, 07:32 PM
seriously , that army is impressive. That being said , deine is really low priority seeing that gellius is the best tank in the game , and bernice is a lot cheaper and has more utility in a team anyway.

Now , you have a great core team (better then mine actually) , so u can chose to ignore some units for now and raise other units if you're not the type that needs to max a unit as he starts leveling. Anyway , here are what i would do with this acount :

1. Ive noticed you have sherry and a crapload of good gold units , so i'd try to awaken her , since she seriously buffs all goldies. Then again, with the amount of plat and blacks u have , you can easily pass 80-90% of the game without golds.

2. Mages : i saw just sasha cc-ed/aw. There is also zola that is a pseudomage i guess , but i'd actually raise mehlis or marius. Both are good to have (marius because u have olivie , and mehlis because u have sherry) , but i't take mehlis first since she's cheaper to cc and i know that her SAW is rather good when we get that.

Edit : just noticed odette as well. U can wait on mehlis then

3. Gellius : best tank in the game. Nothing else to say. I'd awaken him as soon as possible.

4. Aisha >>> becomes a lot better after AW/SAW. i'd AW her just to have her ready when saw hits. She becomes a goddess of destruction + has a rather good AW passive , that works really well with you adele's AW passive.

5. Adele. I;d awaken her just for the passive. 10% more hp to all units added to aisha's 14% , means all your units will have 24% more life. That's really good for both duelists and for tanks , and seeing that u also have great healers , that would make your team unkillable

That's pretty much all the things that was most obvious to me. Other then that , i'd prob AW tethis (becomes imune to paralyzing effects after AW >>> lesss important seeing that u got a lianna there) , lyla ( 1 of the highest dps duelists in the game) and cuterie as well. Cuterie for the drop rate boost , and the other simply because are good duelists by themselfs (but seeing that u already got great duelists , they are lower priority). Rika and claudia will be good when u need true damage as well.

06-08-2016, 10:49 AM
seriously , that army is impressive. That being said , deine is really low priority seeing that gellius is the best tank in the game , and bernice is a lot cheaper and has more utility in a team anyway.

Now , you have a great core team (better then mine actually) , so u can chose to ignore some units for now and raise other units if you're not the type that needs to max a unit as he starts leveling. Anyway , here are what i would do with this acount :
True, deine isn't a high priority, I mostly just plan to level her eventually due to the use of a tank that can deal damage when I don't need to worry about being quite as tanky as Gellius can be. Not really a priority though as you said. As for leveling units to max, while I do plan to do that eventually, I usually try to take units to level 40 or so, then move on, while coming back and leveling them as needed when not focusing on a unit that either is needed, or fills another role.

1. Ive noticed you have sherry and a crapload of good gold units , so i'd try to awaken her , since she seriously buffs all goldies. Then again, with the amount of plat and blacks u have , you can easily pass 80-90% of the game without golds.
She is one of the main contenders I have to awaken if due to being both fairly decent on her own, min costed, and her skill. That said, as you noted, I tend to only use a few golds due to having better plat and black units most of the time, so while her awaken ability is useful, it isn't as useful to me as it could be. Still, barring unexpected developments she is likely going to be awakened sometime soon. Just need more witches and one more unicorn knight orb.

2. Mages : i saw just sasha cc-ed/aw. There is also zola that is a pseudomage i guess , but i'd actually raise mehlis or marius. Both are good to have (marius because u have olivie , and mehlis because u have sherry) , but i't take mehlis first since she's cheaper to cc and i know that her SAW is rather good when we get that.

Edit : just noticed odette as well. U can wait on mehlis then
Yeah, with Odette and Sasha I've not really felt the need for another mage above silver yet. Usually I use Pallis if I need a cheaper one, and the two plats work well if I need damage. Zola I mostly just use for the Demon Crystal G map final wave.

3. Gellius : best tank in the game. Nothing else to say. I'd awaken him as soon as possible.
Mostly I've been putting off awakening him as for all that he becomes the best tank, he's presently worse than my Bernice with min cost and max skill level (compared to him being max cost and level 1 skill). For the time being I plan to wait and awaken him once I have some more rainbow fairies to boost his skill.

4. Aisha >>> becomes a lot better after AW/SAW. i'd AW her just to have her ready when saw hits. She becomes a goddess of destruction + has a rather good AW passive , that works really well with you adele's AW passive.
I have at this point awakened Aisha, as she was only waiting on one black spirit to max when that screenshot was taken. That said, I'd previously been considering holding off on leveling her post awakening due to the chance of one of the upcoming events having a fairy to take a black unit from level 1 to 99 post awaken, but in thinking on it and looking at her stats, I notice she only gains 106 attack over 99 levels, and wonder if it wouldn't be better to just level her to 50 or so and save the 1-99 spirit for a unit that benefits from being max level more?

5. Adele. I;d awaken her just for the passive. 10% more hp to all units added to aisha's 14% , means all your units will have 24% more life. That's really good for both duelists and for tanks , and seeing that u also have great healers , that would make your team unkillable

I suppose I could start on leveling her. I'd somewhat put it off due to already having Despara, but the 10% health is attractive. That said, is she worth cost reducing, or is she mainly good for her awaken ability? Because I've got two extra in one of my boxes. Either way, she'll need to wait on getting more witches to CC and otherwise take to awakening.

That's pretty much all the things that was most obvious to me. Other then that , i'd prob AW tethis (becomes imune to paralyzing effects after AW >>> lesss important seeing that u got a lianna there) , lyla ( 1 of the highest dps duelists in the game) and cuterie as well. Cuterie for the drop rate boost , and the other simply because are good duelists by themselfs (but seeing that u already got great duelists , they are lower priority). Rika and claudia will be good when u need true damage as well.
Thetis I've been planning to try leveling and awakening to have a good valk, but largely I've put it off due to generally preferring to use princesses. On the other hand, I've got 3 extra copies of her that I could use to CR and skill up her which may be useful. Cuterie I plan to awaken eventually, but I've not really been hurting on affection items for some time, so she hasn't seemed a huge priority. As far as Lyla, to be honest I've never really used bandits, so I've not really bothered with her yet. I'd certainly have leveled and awakened Cellia, but alas luck has not seen fit to give me the spirit booster (not that I can really complain about what it has given me). Rika and Claudia I plan to awaken and level eventually, but at present events and the like have not resulted in them being a priority.

06-08-2016, 12:48 PM
to be honest , having min costed witches is not a bad ideea , and valks , by the nature of what they are supposed to do , its also good to be as cheap as possible so u can place them early and benefit the most from their UP generation

That being said , i would actually keep on my copies for now if you got the inventory space, that is. In the future it is possible that we will get a new special curency , for which you can trade units. Event units can be traded , but they give pitiful amounts , while premium units give a couple times more.

With said curency , u will be able to buy a powerful Black unit for example. - DMM players can extend of this if they wish.

Ofc , this is speculation , and we don't know how far in the future said upgrade is , but i'd keep the copies for now if i were you.

06-08-2016, 01:13 PM
Yeah, the Rainbow Crystals (or whatever they end up called) are why I've not just used all my duplicate plats to mincost, instead limiting it to those I actually use regularly (or intend to).

06-08-2016, 01:15 PM
regarding the currency

Are they introducing something like the monster point system in P&D?

06-08-2016, 01:44 PM
i have no idea what P&D stands for , therefore i can't answer said question

06-08-2016, 02:03 PM
Puzzles and Dragons. They have a way of converting premium rolls into Monster Points you can then spend on OP cards as well as some token waifu cards. The prices are mostly aimed at whales though.

06-08-2016, 02:54 PM
Puzzles and Dragons. They have a way of converting premium rolls into Monster Points you can then spend on OP cards as well as some token waifu cards. The prices are mostly aimed at whales though.

That sounds about like Rainbow Crystals. You get them from discharging non-fodder units of gold+ rarity, with the amount gained being as follow:
Gold: 20 (non-event), 1 (event)
Platinum: 100 (non-event), 3 (event)
Sapphire: 1
Black: 400 (non-event), 15 (event)

So far there have only been 3 units to spend them on. Two (http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/d/%b0%c5%b9%f5%b5%b3%bb%ce) blacks (http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/d/%c0%ef%a4%ce%c0%bb%ce%ee%a5%b7%a5%f3%a5%b7%a5%a2), each costing 1000 rainbow crystals, and one platinum (http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/d/%c4%eb%b9%f1%b7%b3%bb%d5%a5%ec%a5%aa%a5%ca) costing 400 rainbow crystals.

06-08-2016, 04:18 PM
Yep. That's why i said that i would keep copies to exchange for that curency. I believe that black knight is quite strong.

But again , as it was said before , this is aimed pretty much at whales..

06-08-2016, 05:10 PM
Unless that Black Knight turns into an Anya tier cutie I don't see why you would even want one, let alone pay for one. People get stuck with Conrad because RNG is evil but willingly paying a Queen's ransom for one??

06-08-2016, 05:21 PM
Unless that Black Knight turns into an Anya tier cutie I don't see why you would even want one, let alone pay for one. People get stuck with Conrad because RNG is evil but willingly paying a Queen's ransom for one??

Some people actually don't care about that ? Some are playing the game just because it has engaging and interesting gameplay ? Haven't played aigis for h-content for more then 9 months now (keep in mind that i've started playing aigis again 9 months ago)

Actually , i personally think we have 2 few male characters , and i would love to have a male event character...even if its just a secondary reward.

After a while , the whole "save/help a girl then bang her and add her to the harem" routine gets kinda boring. At least male scenes actually give some lore and background to this story

06-08-2016, 05:33 PM
Some people actually value collecting. Some more frenziedly than others.

06-08-2016, 05:54 PM
Unless that Black Knight turns into an Anya tier cutie I don't see why you would even want one, let alone pay for one. People get stuck with Conrad because RNG is evil but willingly paying a Queen's ransom for one??
Presumably because he has black unit stats, reduces the cost of all dark knights by 2, increases the durration of their skills by 30% and his own skill will halve the attack of enemies while active.

Actually , i personally think we have 2 few male characters , and i would love to have a male event character...even if its just a secondary reward.

After a while , the whole "save/help a girl then bang her and add her to the harem" routine gets kinda boring. At least male scenes actually give some lore and background to this story
Well, then do I have some good news for you. The current DMM event (http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/6f0e8b149c4d745b.jpg) seems to star 3 new male units (two plats and a silver). So whenever the devs get around to translating it you'll have your wish.

That said, I seem to recall reading that the all ages versions of the female scenes also gave lore and background info, though we don't exactly have that in the Nutaku version.

06-08-2016, 06:08 PM
Some people actually don't care about that ? Some are playing the game just because it has engaging and interesting gameplay ? Haven't played aigis for h-content for more then 9 months now (keep in mind that i've started playing aigis again 9 months ago)

Actually , i personally think we have 2 few male characters , and i would love to have a male event character...even if its just a secondary reward.

After a while , the whole "save/help a girl then bang her and add her to the harem" routine gets kinda boring. At least male scenes actually give some lore and background to this story

Then you'll be happy to hear that the current DMM event has not one, not two, but three eye candy males for you to collect.

I've never played the game for the H-content, but I do love tower defenses. With the game being as easy as it is I value having a cute and stylish battle harem crushing everything over just slotting the most powerful units per position and AFKing.

It's a shame the SFW version of the game doesn't seem to be making its way stateside.

06-08-2016, 06:13 PM
well , that's great news. At least for the novelty factor , if not for anything else

06-08-2016, 06:28 PM
That being said, not every event has been a "save/help" the girl in all honesty. Remember Odette? Maribel? How about Ada? Or Lynn? There's a fair deal that put up a fight against you to test your mettle or for personal reasons and there will be more in the future like Faa, Miruno or a certain necromancer we'll soon encounter (hopefully. No, don't look at me like that, i can always hope for it to happen).

Besides, that male event is another "save the fuck out of them" event too.

06-08-2016, 06:47 PM
they are testing you to see if you're able to help them fight the monsters. In the end you're still helping them.

Also , this time you save guys. We need more bromances in this game

06-08-2016, 07:08 PM
they are testing you to see if you're able to help them fight the monsters. In the end you're still helping them.

Also , this time you save guys. We need more bromances in this game

just so you know, it's not even bromance, but yaoi.

Harissa: "—!? No way... the rampaging bandit is Mortimer!?"
Mortimer: "Uhoooh!? The Prince, is it!? Up close, ya have a very nice body... I'll bind and capture ya!!"
Anna: "No way... Mortimer-san is coming to attack the Prince... Everyone, please protect the Prince!"
Mortimer: "Guh... I thought I finally found a hot guy...! Damn, I'll remember this!!"
Harissa: "Hot guy!? Ah, hey, wait, Mortimer! Explain what you mean!"
Anna: "He's gone... What in the world just happened...?"

Ballad: "Fufu... Prince, so you've finally come? That body... I'll definitely steal it! Prepare yourself!"
Harissa: "Ehh!? Not Ballad too..."
Jake: "... Don't misunderstand; he's also being controlled by the Queen Ant. Prince, we have no choice but to fight."
(The Jake Man appears)
Ballad: "Jake, now! Attack the Prince! Capture that exquisite body!"
Jake: "Roger, Ballad! Oraa, here I go, Prince!"

(well, not really, but it seriously sounds that way)

06-08-2016, 07:16 PM
lol. This sounds interesting. Also , why the hell is mortimer one of the protagonists ? Can't at least be.....Conrad ? I mean who can resist conrad ?

Kamahari Akuma
06-08-2016, 08:26 PM
lol. This sounds interesting. Also , why the hell is mortimer one of the protagonists ? Can't at least be.....Conrad ? I mean who can resist conrad ?

Conrad is impossible to corrupt, he's that wonderous.

06-09-2016, 12:51 AM
Let the prince be captured I say.

06-09-2016, 01:09 AM
Let the prince be captured I say.One thing to remember: Prince is actually you ;)

06-09-2016, 02:17 AM
One thing to remember: Prince is actually you ;)

I'm fine with Conrad. He's manly. I wanna grab those.

06-09-2016, 09:01 AM
One day they will make a change and have Professor Aigis start the game asking whether you are a boy or girl and letting you pick from one of 3 starting golds.

06-09-2016, 11:17 PM
One day they will make a change and have Professor Aigis start the game asking whether you are a boy or girl and letting you pick from one of 3 starting golds.

Gonna catch em all~