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View Full Version : [Nutaku] Sign this Petition to Bring Edelweiss Back!

06-21-2016, 06:13 PM
Hello, i am being very active in the Nutaku chat of FKG, i was concerned about having to wait 6 months until the revival event so i could get Edelweiss, which is a VERY strong 5* that can only be found in events, so i asked a Developer if theres a chance to bring her back earlier, and his answer was that, if they get enough petitions for her, it can happen, so i am here leaving this Petition so you guys could sign it.

I hope you guys understand how important is she, so bringing her back for the users that didnt joined the game so early could be nice, Thx for your time!

http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/bring-back-edelweiss-in-the-next-short-event <<-- Sign it if you agree!

06-21-2016, 06:40 PM
Check the link, it's broken.

06-21-2016, 07:12 PM
Check the link, it's broken.

Sorry, i fixed it.

06-21-2016, 07:31 PM
Lavender, Edelweiss and something else are like permanent revivals on DMM at the moment that you can nab anytime you want. I imagine they'll bring that in later on.

06-21-2016, 08:01 PM
Lavender, Edelweiss and something else are like permanent revivals on DMM at the moment that you can nab anytime you want. I imagine they'll bring that in later on.

Yes, we know about that as you can see in the Petition, the point is, Edelweiss ability is almost unique, and there is a huge disadvantage for those of us that didnt know that this game exist at all and missed the event in order to wait 6 months until they release the Revival event (yes, the revival will happen in 6 months), thats why we are making this petition, to at least bring her back now with out any item slot before those 6 months, we dont even care so much about Lavy because she is good but is not so important as Edel.

And like i said, a Developer of Nutaku told us that if enough players ask for it, they could bring her back.

06-21-2016, 08:33 PM
If she was brought back with item slots and equip slots later then I'd sign it...

My Edelweiss is skill level 1 and equip 1 lol
Got her in 1 day just before the event ended after starting the game

06-21-2016, 09:05 PM
You could use that for for at least one more equip slot, and even then, this petition is asking to bring her back, it is also possible that they could bring her back with all the equip slots and skills, you will never know if you dont try.

06-21-2016, 10:35 PM
I won't sign it based on principal. If they're going to bring the event back, then wait. I'm sick and tired of little children thinking that they "deserve" something right now, right this minute. The game was widely announced on Nutaku's Twitter, FB, and their own website for weeks in advance. This game has been out on DMM for a long time now. This is no different than petitioning Blizzard to hold the Christmas event during Valentines because you can't wait a whole year.

If you bust ass and get lucky, in 6 months time, you won't care about that girl.

06-21-2016, 10:55 PM
I won't sign it based on principal. If they're going to bring the event back, then wait. I'm sick and tired of little children thinking that they "deserve" something right now, right this minute. The game was widely announced on Nutaku's Twitter, FB, and their own website for weeks in advance. This game has been out on DMM for a long time now. This is no different than petitioning Blizzard to hold the Christmas event during Valentines because you can't wait a whole year.Just my thought. This game can be cleared even with 2* girls, if you are persistent enough, so you don't NEED 'weiss or any other singular girl to succeed. And revival WILL be held, not even in year, but in 6 months. Just how entitled one must feel oneself be to even think about whining to developers to give out the event reward one missed earlier, right this minute.

Missed the event? Nobody is to blame but you yourself. Man up, raise your garden of girls game already throws at you and wait. They will come back, even permanently later on.

06-21-2016, 11:20 PM
And i will say it here again, Edelweiss for herself is not great, not bad, but not as great as you let it sound. The Slots/Skill Upgrades are good, but that goes for every Event character. She just helps to bring the Slice Characters through, since mostly everything in 12-5 is weak to slice. Thats why the Slice Gacha opened the flood gates for many. And 12-5 is still for 300k+ TP, you may be able to clear it beforehand, but surely not 100% of the time will being afk and not using the Solar Blast. Maybe someone can only get this broader view after clearing it and starting to concentrate on other things.

06-21-2016, 11:38 PM
Sorry but, no

....it's not like you NEED her, you WANT her

I want a couple of the 6* they have unique skills etc - but I'll have to put time and effort in, as people have said she'll come back around - by then you'll have a full roster and she'll be another mouth to feed

06-21-2016, 11:42 PM
I won't sign it based on principal. If they're going to bring the event back, then wait. I'm sick and tired of little children thinking that they "deserve" something right now, right this minute. The game was widely announced on Nutaku's Twitter, FB, and their own website for weeks in advance. This game has been out on DMM for a long time now. This is no different than petitioning Blizzard to hold the Christmas event during Valentines because you can't wait a whole year.

If you bust ass and get lucky, in 6 months time, you won't care about that girl.

Litteraly all you are saying it, they only announced the game betwen their own hentai sites, dude, is not even normal play so many different hentai games so obviusly i didnt know, i just joined for this one because it have real quality, and the only reason why i found it is because a youtuber published it correctly, have no sense publish the game inside their own website if no new players are going to find it, which is the reason that most of us lost the first 2 events, because this didnt exist for us at all.

Either way i stand in my position since in just a few hours i collected a decent amount of signs, and some of them already have Edel but they understand how important is she, i am pretty sure that is possible even with the negativity of those users that already got her and refuse to help us. If you want to sign it, well tyvm, if not, theres no need to hate, giving a polite comment is more than enough, because being rude at one stranger in the other side of the world sound more like a ''children'' than my petition.

06-22-2016, 12:14 AM
If she's brought back sooner via petition, what happens to the event that would've been in that month with a probably fresh girl that none of us have yet? Does that get pushed back two weeks? If thats the case, I'm definitely not cool with it (as I'm sure a lot of us here 24 medaled those Phases). If its running side by side with another event, as we can have multiple Premium Gacha, thats something different.

And to avoid something similar in the future, for you, Shooter Girl is starting soon on Nutaku.com, with pre-registration now. Go.

06-22-2016, 12:34 AM
If she's brought back sooner via petition, what happens to the event that would've been in that month with a probably fresh girl that none of us have yet? Does that get pushed back two weeks? If thats the case, I'm definitely not cool with it (as I'm sure a lot of us here 24 medaled those Phases). If its running side by side with another event, as we can have multiple Premium Gacha, thats something different.

And to avoid something similar in the future, for you, Shooter Girl is starting soon on Nutaku.com, with pre-registration now. Go.

My main plan, with a short, but hard event is that it can be run next to another event like the limited ones, since Nutaku can do that, i am not planning to stop future ones because i am also waiting for one specific event and i wouldnt like it to be delayed one month, so no, dont worry about it, i already talked with the dev about it before starting the Petition.

06-22-2016, 02:22 AM
Lets be fair, there currently is no real hard content in the game. With a 5* comming out every 2 weeks there is no need to have Edelweiss now. My Edelweiss could use some more battle skills and inventory, I started like 5 days before the completion of the event, barely knowing the importance of medals, but I'll wait. In 4 weeks you'll forget all about Edelweiss too.

06-22-2016, 02:28 AM
As rupturezz said, actual content is easily achievable (dont know if i spelled that right) with a full team of evolved 4* girls, and thats kinda easy actually with some gacha rolls, even thou i want edelweiss too, i dont like the idea to rush things like putting edelweiss right away just because we missed it, what i would really want is like catch up mechanics, or make nutaku a bit more fast-paced in terms of events and things like that, otherwise we will like never catch the dmm version, like with blade&soul, patches are released really fast to catch the korean version some day, nutaku should do the same with this game, however this shouldnt be like super fast, just not 2 weeks events, a lot of people, and like really a lot, get 3* on all stages of an event the first couple of hours is out, so i believe nutaku can make things a little faster and it shouldt hurt anyone.

06-22-2016, 03:11 AM
In a year, people will say: "What? Edelweiss AGAIN? We already have her, c'mon Nutaku!"
So, I don't really see the point to bringing her back ahead of schedule.

06-22-2016, 03:18 AM
THANKS for the heads up @Stuff !
I didnt know about that one, as I dont follow Nutaku page outside of playing the game I have chosen.
I wanted to start another game other than FKG, but didnt want to jump in mid way through and look back at all the events I missed (hence the reason why I am enjoying FKG so much is, that I´ve joined since first or second day of launch). However with Shooting Girls just before the launch I think it might be worth giving a shot. ;)

06-22-2016, 11:10 AM
I see no reason to bring her back faster. If you cannot clear the hardest content you are either underleveled or are plainly bad in planning your squad. More events will mean more 5* girls which will mean your power will rise regardless.

06-22-2016, 02:02 PM
I won't sign it either. As people said, you don't need Edelweiss to clear out all the event or normal maps. I understand that her skill is very useful but regardless need. If you just want her for collection, then wait. You missed the event, that's all your fault. If they bring her back right away when you have enough signature, then it won't be fair for all of us whom spent time to think how to arranged our squad/speed/power and prayed for RNG to cleared out the event. It's not like she never come back, it's just take sometimes. So be patient.

06-22-2016, 09:44 PM
Well as i can see, i wont get any good feedback from this forum, since it always work like a chain, if the first and second comment are negative, the others will follow the drill, but as in others places the firsts posts were more positive, so i actually got good feedback from other sites and from the official FKG chat.

But its ok, we are already almost half way for the original goal with the Signs in a day and half, but still thx for taking your time to post with negativity.

06-23-2016, 01:01 AM
Reality - we post with reality

No reason for nutaku to change the format - entitlement and must have it now attuitudes shouldn't win

06-23-2016, 01:35 AM
This is hilarious, I think I'm going to demand a guaranteed 5* gacha because I missed the second one at the very start of the game. I'm currently very crippled, at a huge disadvantage and there's no way I'll ever complete the harder maps without it. Please hear me nutaku, spoonfeed me with content I clearly missed because I'm going to tell mommy if you don't.

06-23-2016, 04:52 AM
But its ok, we are already almost half way for the original goal with the Signs in a day and half, but still thx for taking your time to post with negativity.

Half? On my screen it says you have 30 out of 1k. I'm pretty sure that's 3% which is 47% off from half.

As for negativity. The problem is that you overestimate Edelweiss. She is in no way shape or form necessary to fully clear all the maps and you should just keep leveling your team instead of worrying about that one gold girl you couldn't get.

It will take a while to get fully maxed out girls, sure, but if you're smart about how you spend your stamina you can easily get your squad up to a level where you can clear everything. Do mind that 12-5 is a huge leap and IS the final map we can currently do in story mode so it is natural that it will be harder and that newbies cannot clear it for a longer time. 12-3 is a very nice alternative to it in the meantime.

06-23-2016, 05:30 AM
So, are you having trouble clearing a map ?
Cuz Im pretty sure I could rather easily farm 12-5 before getting Edel, so....

And remember that Edel is only really useful on maps with lots of small flying pests... (and toad lily is usually better in those, so, yeah)

06-23-2016, 06:01 AM
This is an useless complaint , wait for the right time as it should be .

06-23-2016, 11:09 AM
Tbh, I missed her event, reading about her ability HECK YES I'd love to have her. That said, I won't sign just because it feels like you're arguing based on entitlement, as some above posters have said. Yes, they probably released her earlier than they should have, I had no clue the game even existed at that point, but am I going to demand we get her NOW? No. Especially with her being VERY likely to show up again in 6 months.
I play MWA, and you know how long people have been waiting for revival events? Years. They still don't exist. There's no news on them coming to Nutaku any time soon, we JUST got Awakening a few months ago and that's been around in DMM for years. There's been 3 weeks of break now (middle week was a farming boost, that hardly qualifies as a legitimate event), while FKG gets a new event every 2 weeks. If I can deal with stuff like that without feeling ENTITLED to stuff DMM has and we don't, I can deal with waiting 6 months for an already announced revival event.

06-23-2016, 12:26 PM
There's also an issue that has not been addressed, that is, "Where do you draw the line?" As the same thing would be repeating itself again and again as there will be players that missed original event and the revival event (starting an account in the dmm game, for example), then, new players would be missing both revivals...etc.

That's one of the reasons why companies won't alter their event's order based on players desires unless they are heavily pressured to. (That's how lobbyes work. Extra tip: For Nutaku's case, better convince the whales in chat first, before trying with the company itself).

Anyway, i was a player of Kancolle for a long time, i even contributed to the wikia some times during events, and, just because i started 1 and a half month later than other people, i couldn't get my hands on Akagi (she was really easy to get, there never was hard work involved as some veterans like to claim left and right ), the only medical ship which is much more of a boon to players in Kancolle than Edelweiss is to FKG players.

Well, in the end, it took me nearly 2 years to get her. Of course i complained, but i didn't ask for her as a reward, i and more newer people asked them to put her as a rare drop faster (and rare drop in KC is like less than 0.2 %, and that's if you get a drop) as she was much, much more useful than any other ship. In the end, much as any other ship, it took around the same amount of time to become droppable in events, and well, they increased her avaiability just because they added some functionalities that need her, so she shouldn't be rare anymore. But people still has to work their ass off much more than veterans ever did.

What i'm trying to say, is that, no matter what you miss, any game is doable, can be fun, and probably (for sure in FKG) eventually will give you chances to get it. So, i find gathering signs and trying to pressure the developer/publisher kinda unreasonable and a bit unfair.

Btw, there's also another example in Kancolle, about an awesome plane that makes things much easier than olnly people than played the ame since the very beggining has. So 99.9% of the players don't have it. Yet no one has ever gathered signs for it. Why? Because everything is doable without it and Kancolle is not a heavy PvP game, such as FKG is without Edelweiss as people has beaten 12-5 wthout her, which in fact, is a collaborative one to boot.

06-23-2016, 09:46 PM
Summer time = 10 years old everywhere

06-23-2016, 10:27 PM
I noticed exactly zero difference between how easy/hard it was to clear maps before and after the Edelweisss event. If you can't clear the maps without her, you can't clear them with her either. Do the work to level/evolve your girls...no one unit will make any difference if the rest of your units suck.

This is a game we're lucky enough to be able to play for free if we want to, and they regularly give away free codes for some of the girls. It's unbecoming to demand more.

06-30-2016, 12:08 PM
sorry, if she gets a new event and it wasnt a revival type, thats means 1 event with 1 new girl will be delayed..so no..

01-27-2017, 06:43 AM
Do even 1000 people from the game even browse the forums/official chat? Like even if you magically had everyone agree, halfway is probably the best you'd get.

01-27-2017, 06:50 AM
Literally why the fuck was this necro'd.

Edelweiss already got her reissue. The TC has likely fucked off long before that. Either way, this thread was useless seven months ago and is still useless now.

01-27-2017, 08:28 AM
Literally why the fuck was this necro'd.

Edelweiss already got her reissue. The TC has likely fucked off long before that. Either way, this thread was useless seven months ago and is still useless now.

My thoughts exactly. I wish it was possible to "lock" thread that have been a "one time thing" like most forums have, to keep non-relevant topics from raising as zombies :P

01-27-2017, 08:49 AM
you know the character from the next event (Lily of the Valley Tree) is a hit type, has aoe attack skill and the exact same ability as Edelweiss but also gets skill activation rate increase so i don't see what the problem is

01-27-2017, 11:26 AM
can some1 ask the developer if we can make nazuna a real character ?

01-27-2017, 11:54 AM
Pointless Necro and dead thread aside, I wish they did Fate but if DMM hasn't we won't/can't remember the festival fiasco ?