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06-11-2017, 12:27 PM
As a rule of thumb , you don't roll for blacks (even with premium rolls , that chance is 3%). You roll when the spotlight has good plats

Still , that's tough mate. But you must have gotten at least some decent plats at least

06-11-2017, 06:23 PM
Yeam got jerome and zenobia 2x of each and a bunch of other plats.

06-11-2017, 06:28 PM
i have jerome , and i can tell u from first hand experience that he is a good unit. I heard that zenovia is as well....but geting doubles is unlucky.

06-11-2017, 06:39 PM
Lol did one last yolo pull and got rion.

06-13-2017, 12:30 PM
Rather, yesterday, but. Got myself a nice 1500 items to ensure a maxed Pippin, and decided to do a 10 pulls to round up SC spent on her towards the L card (still way to go). Got 4 silvers, 5 golds (them being another dupes of Fuuka, Stray, Chizuru and two Anemones... Gah, exp increase event, where art thou?!) and a plat. A freaking MIA!!! That's it, I am going to level up an use Pippin before you just out of spite. :mad:


06-14-2017, 06:08 PM
Got my first black in a long time.

Berna #4.


06-15-2017, 12:37 PM
Rather, yesterday, but. Got myself a nice 1500 items to ensure a maxed Pippin, and decided to do a 10 pulls to round up SC spent on her towards the L card (still way to go). Got 4 silvers, 5 golds (them being another dupes of Fuuka, Stray, Chizuru and two Anemones... Gah, exp increase event, where art thou?!) and a plat. A freaking MIA!!! That's it, I am going to level up an use Pippin before you just out of spite. :mad:


Thats... well... i mean... i am totaly not laughing right now but...
its funny.

06-16-2017, 08:38 PM
I got Uzume sometime during Shuka's event.

Thankfully it was a star trial so no amount of farming was wasted, but yeah.

06-18-2017, 07:50 PM
i just got the thief leda but i canĀ“t find anything about it class in wiki, how her pasive work ???

06-18-2017, 11:44 PM
If she's in your active team she will increase affection item, DC and collection item drop rates but also makes the enemies have more health and hit harder. So basically, only put her in your team if you feel you can take on tougher enemies.

Rolled 20 basic summons and then 80 SP crystals. I got absolutely nothing. Annoyed at this i bought 35SC and rolled Eva + Minerva. Today was a good day.

06-27-2017, 10:53 PM
Did three ill advised rolls given I am a freemium player since I really like Alta, wasn't expecting anything. First roll was a Claire which stung since I have her CC already, third was Cecily which was what I was expecting. The secound though, was a B. Iris... Good God Aegis finally smiled upon me!

Granted this is the third black I get that was not being promoted. First one on Nutaku was Berna trying to get Sophie, secound on DMM tried to get Sylvia and got a black alchemist, and lastly B. Iris for Alta (Altair sounds better). I am not complaining, anyone who does so is mad, but can someone please explain the boosted summon to me?

06-27-2017, 11:03 PM
it's chance UP, not guaranteed. if you have a 5% chance to get any black and a 10% chance to get the boosted unit then it counts.

06-27-2017, 11:57 PM
The spotlight works like this:
When you do a summon you do 2 rolls.
1st roll - determine what rarity you get
2nd roll - determine what unit within that rarity you get

It's the 2nd roll that the premium spotlight affect, the rate i do not know.

For the sake of argument, let's say the effect makes it so you have a 30% chance to get the black in the spotlight. Then that's still 70% chance to get any other black. 30% chance is still way better than the normal rate, though, which is 100 divided by every nutaku black :P

06-28-2017, 08:16 AM
Im kinda... idk how i feel.

I HAD to buy my third barracks (hold off for weeks until there was just no other way around anymore) so why not make next month a legend stamp card. At my fifth pull i see a black light and am all hyped up, i only got 2 blacks since 1 1/2 years of playing and i never got one that "easy" or "fast" (spend 250 sc for those 2 i have). And out of all the 30 blacks i could pull i get one of the two i already own, being Grace... -1 CR doesnt even help her. Like for real.
THAT is GATCHA. At least i can still laugh about it.
Funny talking about chances here, how high is the chance for that to happen to me? Theres a 6.6% Chance for me pulling a black i already own (not considering the chance up black), considering the 3% chance of a black appearing theres a 0.198% chance of pulling a black i already own. Guess i got lucky xD

EDIT: I honestly cant stop laughing. Shortly after my dublicate black i draw the first plat, being Shasha which is litelary the first time in 1 1/2 years of playing that i draw a plat/black chance up unit. Thats ok, i mean i already have grace, farne and garania and rather rly need some physical dmg instat of magic but Sasha is a good unit.
Two pulls later the second plat glow and im pulling a duplicate Sasha! Thats too great xD
9 pulls 1 black 2 plats. Which sounds pretty awesome. 1 Black duplicate and 2 times the same plat jesus. And they are both units who dont care about Cring at all lol

06-28-2017, 12:42 PM
Finally reached 55 SC on my DMM account (1 (https://agentfakku.tumblr.com/post/162364482460),2 (https://agentfakku.tumblr.com/post/162364568220),3 (https://agentfakku.tumblr.com/post/162364814250)) just went randon on 3 premium gachas - didn't know which to pick


Dis is my furst pull - plz be good

3 Plat - only recognized Seria
4 Gold
3 Silver

well, dat not too bad, hoping my Plats are useful for a newb playa

06-28-2017, 01:59 PM
celia is good

06-30-2017, 05:26 PM
long time no posting here, well got lyla+jessica+flamel this month, lets see what plat ticket gonna bring tomorrow

07-01-2017, 01:40 AM
i got both lyla and jessica. Havent used lyla much because i got her after i awakened celia and imelia , but jessica is really good IMO

07-01-2017, 02:03 AM
Ppl who used her before says the same and i already got her to 5/5 with level 10. This GR and Sunday/Saturday daily (SAW) not gonna let me farm fodders for her... hoping for a star rush. As for lyla i levelled her to aw50 on old main, she was getting to 2.5k+ attack with skill, ending up wrecking everything nutaku currently has, levelled imelia to aw40 ish before like you too but heck saw have came and lyla will get aoe roflstomping!

07-01-2017, 04:06 AM
My 70 Pieces of Crystal gave me a Conrad and 4 silvers, a yolo roll I did yesterday to get to Legend stamp card gave me (another) Claire. Today's Platinum Ticket gave me Altia. That means one more soldier fighting for a slot, but the instant skill should help, even if it takes longer for it to reset.

07-01-2017, 05:21 AM
I got Diina from my plat ticket. Considering i got Grace 2 times... im underwhelmed with her.

07-01-2017, 09:10 AM
I got Diina from my plat ticket. Considering i got Grace 2 times... im underwhelmed with her.

Also got a Diina from plat ticket.

07-01-2017, 10:29 AM
Just Eva from mine. At least not a dupe)

Yesterday rolled Ellett from premium summon after getting a gold glow on Base (that was Stray, I think). So far it seems every time Base Summon yields any sort of glow (that is, not bronze and iron unit), Premium Summon have something better than Silver :cool:

07-01-2017, 10:57 AM
After spending like 250 in each of the last 2 months trying to snag elyse during her spotlight(s) (and getting all sorts of other blacks), I used my ticket this morning and BAM, Elyse... so I mean... i guess I got her with that money in a rather roundabout way... the good news is, i got the 2 black bonded units that reduced her to cr-2 for me right away... so neat?

07-01-2017, 01:40 PM
Hina from plat ticket here, she's the best ninja so, guess its a happy pull.

07-06-2017, 02:50 AM
Got Nanaly as my 3rd random pull when I started.. the other 2 were robert and 3 star pegasus rider which are so so...
Still very happy XD

07-06-2017, 03:08 AM
nanally is a really good pick. You should be happy

07-06-2017, 07:52 AM
did 5 rolls with saved up SC and got the following in order:

Priest Sharon, Phyllis, Mia, Kuri and the last one was Marr lol

07-06-2017, 08:46 AM
seems that healers love you. I actually kinda like the ideea of multiple fengshui users , on a map to keep all your units topped (because they can heal multiple units at once. Thats really nice especially on negative terrain like poison) , while keeping your actual healers as burst healers....but i dunno....i don't see that many maps to require such heavy healing (because having double feng shui kinda forces your team into bringing another healer for burst healing when fighting bosses ) , and 3 slots of a team used on healing seems a bit much

That being said , if you want to raise only 1 of them , Marr has the better AW ability (she gets range) and AW skill (when we get saws for plats) IMO , so i'd chose her if i were to raise 1.

Mia has a decent boost to gold gained per map assuming u lack Noel (assuming you care about said passive)

07-11-2017, 10:23 PM
Tried to roll for Leda since I still don't have her.

I got Iris, which does me no good since mine is mincosted.

The next roll after that got me Cornelia. Okay...?

07-12-2017, 04:18 AM
i actually have 3 ledas....all on 1 account. I'd give you 1 of them if i could
Actually having the ability to trade same rarity units between accounts would be awsome

Still , that could be easily exploited by account farmers and would make people spend less , since they could trade for units they like instead of spending real money

Still , it would be a cool option

07-13-2017, 06:58 PM
Salia seemed interesting for me and I thought, well I try once. So I bought 150 SC and used 130... but I think I won't draw this month again, RNG might bite me back for this spending-round:


For Ledas... I got 3 in a row with the SP-Summon-Crystals (used 75 of them) ... Aside from spending SC that would be your best bet to get her.

Thanks for the advice about Marr and Mia. Will concentrate on Mia for the passive for now, +15% gold is a nice passive, considering that I need to build up gold again.

07-14-2017, 04:09 AM
U got aisha there. Screw Mia , raise her. She's straight up busted. I have an awakened (and saw-ed) aisha , and i can tell you , she;s awsome.

She covers 80% of the map with her meteor swarm , and each one hits like a truck (around 1.5-2k)

07-14-2017, 05:29 AM
Oh, ok, will change focus then. Thanks for the advice

07-14-2017, 06:13 AM
i was exagerating , but honestly speaking , aisha is a very strong unit. She is considered top tier even on DMM as far as i know for the simple fact that she is a good all around unit. For 1 , she is cheap to place , has a good passive skill (reduces the skill cd of allies) , and a good AW passive (gives 14% bonus hp to all alies).

On top of that , she trows 5 meteors (each hit a single target tho) which can hit 3x her normal damage (which at max awakened level s 475 without prince or other units bonuses. That means that her skill will hit at the very least 1425 per meteor. Add prince and other boosters , and she gets close to 2k.)

To that u add her SAW , which also increases her skill range to 300% , and she will be able to cover almost the entire map.

I also have nanaly btw , and i can tell you that she is pretty damn strong as well. Actually , i'd say that you got very strong blacks. Kikyo has an insane aw passive , on top of being able to change at will from heal to dps , and grace is also a very strong unit with a pretty strong passive (+10 magic resistance to all your melee units)

07-14-2017, 08:24 AM
Thanks for the input, will level aisha then Mia. As my screenshot shows, I lack gold.

Nanaly is the only of these Blacks that I had already wit -2CR. What would be your advice? Try for another CR or level the her?

Another questions, considering shrine summon: Has anynone managed to pull Gadoras via 2k or crystall? I did miss to save one of him for AW Anya and want to know how likeyl it is to get him via summon, since it is unclear, when we will get him again via events..

07-14-2017, 10:05 AM
yes , i actually pulled a gadoras today from the sp crystals i got on finishing total domination. Actually i've pulled him from 2k summons before as well. Technically you can pull any unit from 2k summons (i got a lyla once , and a couple golds as well) , but the chances for anything above silver are really low. Even the chances for silvers are not that great (3% if i remember corectly)

Actually , dunno what to suggest about your nanaly issue. Personally , i wouldn't cr black units. They are really damn strong on their own , and 1 cr ain't gonna make 1 much better then having 2. Having 2 nanaly will shred pretty much anything that isn;t seriously armored. Add a dancer on them and SAW both , and you have insane dps... Actually , when second awakening comes , i believe that all blacks can chose between 2 different routes with different art and bonuses. You might want to keep both for that.

And if you're one of those guys that dislike doubles , well , there is always the option of discharging them for rainbow crystals. In the future , we;re going to get some pretty good units (even now , the black knight is pretty strong if you have the money to trow at him)

07-14-2017, 10:12 AM
I did almost 3 Million in 2k Summon and only got every other silver that is actually available there, thats why I asked. But then I don't have to give up hope in someday pulling him before another revival or event which features that unit arrives.

I am not against doubles, will store her for the time being

07-17-2017, 07:42 AM
Tried to roll for Leda since I still don't have her.

I got Iris, which does me no good since mine is mincosted.

The next roll after that got me Cornelia. Okay...?

And I just did another batch of rolls since I'm not interested in Patra next.

Got a dupe Uzume and Sophie. Because I really needed the black angel right before we got the event one.

07-18-2017, 07:20 AM
Got Black/ Olivie from the Piece of Crystal (SP Crystal?) summon today!

07-18-2017, 09:53 AM
that#s extremely lucky. gratz

07-18-2017, 10:51 AM
Got Black/ Olivie from the Piece of Crystal (SP Crystal?) summon today!

the hell, oh man, I should pool my SP


never knew you could pull black from SP

07-19-2017, 06:28 AM
Yolo'd another black.

Nanaly #4.

*flips table*

07-20-2017, 02:41 PM
the hell, oh man, I should pool my SP


never knew you could pull black from SP

You can get blacks even from base summon. You shouldnt even expect plats from either of those though.

07-20-2017, 02:52 PM
i got plats from both tho. But yeah , the chances of plats and blacks are less then 0.01% from base summons , and around 1% for plats and around 0.3% for blacks from sp , if i remember corectly

07-20-2017, 06:19 PM
You can get blacks even from base summon. You shouldnt even expect plats from either of those though.

I should probably at least do a free base summon a day. Ugh, I feel dumb for wasting potential luck

07-21-2017, 06:05 AM
Uh, yeah, freebie base summons shouldn't really be ignored, especially on younger accounts. Sure, the benefit of one free summon is negligible but over time you can reasonably expect to get the occasional silver unit you can use for fodder purposes.

07-21-2017, 07:54 AM
i've got plenty silvers from the free summon. Enough not to ignore it even now.

But yeah , its still pretty damn unreliable

07-25-2017, 04:36 AM
Rolled a couple times hoping for Amanda, got Jerome.

07-25-2017, 11:12 AM
had 40 SC (will spend 3 SC next time to complete 150 SC for the legend stamp)

No Amanda T_T - I shouldn't hope and I shouldn't think - I broke the sacred rule of Gacha, - don't think of da one you wanna pull LOL


4 Silver - 2 Barrad, 1 Saizo, 1 Misha

3 Gold - Anemone, Stray, Betty

1 Platinum - Elenia


07-25-2017, 06:04 PM
Got myself Amanda, Daisy, Sakuya and a dupe Liddy. Quite amazed i got 3 non-dupe characters. Rolled for Amanda/Raven this time and i guess i got the black i rolled for. The gyaru getup alongside that perfect title made me giggle enough to want to get her. All hail the "Next generation" bandit!

07-26-2017, 03:08 AM
decided to roll a bit as well since i don't have most of the spotlight units , and i've wanted raven since forever.

So....i did 30 rolls , got 2 plats in tethis (which i have twice already) and 1 daisy , which i didn't really cared about , 13 golds ( got my 4th leda , 3 kriles , another Mel , and so on. The only gold i didn't had that i got was bela) The rest were silvers.

Obviously , this was a shitty roll all in all , and i kinda regret wasting my scs on. Will get a plat ticket for next month , but i don't expect much from that one either looking at my luck this time around.

07-26-2017, 07:19 AM
The contrast between Tenhous upper post and lolix lower post is real. I feel you.

07-28-2017, 09:58 AM
my last 5 SC was a dupe Monica (3rd one - still no CR hehe LOL)


Congratz Tenhou

07-30-2017, 04:12 AM
Got Black/ Olivie from the Piece of Crystal (SP Crystal?) summon today!

Why such things never happen me /o\ im at 50 sc no rolling on nutaku side. As for dmm i have total 300 sc on both accs now but dunno if i should dump them all on 1.5x or roll some :/ since i've been blessed with many blacks recently (be it event or gacha)

07-30-2017, 04:29 AM
if you've been blessed with plenty of blacks , why complain ? Also , there is no point in having all the units int eh game if you didn't raised any. I suggest you level what you've got first and then try to obtain more (unless the spotlight has something you really really want)

07-30-2017, 10:33 AM
if you've been blessed with plenty of blacks , why complain ? Also , there is no point in having all the units int eh game if you didn't raised any. I suggest you level what you've got first and then try to obtain more (unless the spotlight has something you really really want)

Cuz im a black collectionist! I play the game especially for them... *jk*

Jokes aside ur right but it'll be hard to control my urges and wait for 1.5x to come with the sight of 150 sc on right top of the screen :/

07-30-2017, 10:36 AM
Tho dunno if i should roll for the black sailor, she looks so appealing and i could use a melee ranged on alt other than miruno :confused: even if i did its another question to leave her at normal skill or saw since my alt is heavy on ranged units (minerva+lapis+rachel+dolce and some decent others) so that 1.2x might come in handy :confused:

07-30-2017, 12:50 PM
I just got free 300 RC... eeehm i mean i just got a black from SP summon. Funny story since i never even got a plat from it in 1 1/2 years. Guess what black i got out of the 30 possible ones? *ding ding* Liana - a free rainbow crystal ticket.

07-30-2017, 01:36 PM
I just got free 300 RC... eeehm i mean i just got a black from SP summon. Funny story since i never even got a plat from it in 1 1/2 years. Guess what black i got out of the 30 possible ones? *ding ding* Liana - a free rainbow crystal ticket.

You mean 400 RC :p well i'd keep her in case some rock falls to dev's head and he decides to gib a free black to all liana users at some time .-.

07-30-2017, 02:04 PM
You mean 400 RC :p well i'd keep her in case some rock falls to dev's head and he decides to gib a free black to all liana users at some time .-.

yeah your right, theres nothing in trading post i would spend RC for anyways atm. Until something appears shes going to wait, like my 2nd grace copy.

07-30-2017, 04:07 PM
I have rolled too many things. My second barracks is at 229/250 and my third barracks is at 194/250, and my first barracks is nearly full too.

Do we ever get more inventory space? I've been stockpiling silvers for future need but I've just got so many of them now.

07-30-2017, 10:41 PM
Do we ever get more inventory space? I've been stockpiling silvers for future need but I've just got so many of them now.

Eventually we will get the Spirit Barracks and the Silver Barracks. Details can be found here (http://aigis.wikia.com/wiki/Shop#Barracks_Extension). Put simply though, they can hold 99 copies of each of their respective unit type, though in the case of the silver barracks, level and affection will be reset (if the unit is at least level 30, you'll get a spirit that can combine with a silver unit to provide enough xp to take it to level 30). These are both gained automatically if you have the Third Barracks.

07-30-2017, 10:41 PM
Eventually (as in, in two-three years) we will get dedicated freezer for fodder (spirits and armors) and after that, for silvers. Until then, CR your main silvers and prepare Awakening fodders in advance to burn excessive buildup (and with us crossing into 100% first drop territory, buildup will be.)

08-01-2017, 04:43 AM
and for my plat ticket ....i got gelius. Which is one of the better plats IMO (especially since he got his saw). Somehow i still am a bit disapointed , since i have plenty of tanking capability on this account , between AW99 anya and AW cornelia. I guess i can at least saw anya now , since i wont require her to tank anymore

08-01-2017, 08:54 AM
Dmm alt rolled for 150 SC, only got Uzume+Tengu girl as plat+ units. Plat ticket gave Cellia dupe. Was a doomed day for my dmm alt.

As for my Dmm main however i did 10 SC roll and:


she's melee version of minerva! (kinda) Was so happy, then plat ticket gave me:

Welp, 400 RC is something isnt it... Main still have 95 SC remaining, lets see what future spotlights bring...

08-02-2017, 12:51 AM
Aaaand, dupe ticket gave me Rachel copy. As expected of a dupe ticket :mad::rolleyes::D

08-02-2017, 01:39 PM
Id love to get a physical dps machine for a change. My best physical dmg dealers are still spica and bashira... and well i could say shizuka, Diina and Imelia lol
For heavy magic damage i only have Garania, Sasha, Grace, Farne, Sherry, Fignelia, Elenia...

08-02-2017, 05:06 PM
DMM's 2nd pull - 20 SC (https://agentfakku.tumblr.com/post/163685000100/20-sc)

3 Gold: Anemone (New), Leaf (new), Kururu

1 Silver: Renarde (New)

Nutaku's ? Pull - 15 SC (http://imgur.com/a/rt5XW)

1 Platinum: Rachel (New)
2 Silver: Eunice and Iroha

08-02-2017, 07:50 PM
Helloooo Racheeeel dont you want to come to me toooo?~

08-03-2017, 02:50 PM
Well, i was on a vacation so soranokira took care of my account. He rolled 3 rolls because he wanted to and netted me:

Pretty neat, the Nanaly was not a dupe.

08-03-2017, 06:30 PM
Helloooo Racheeeel dont you want to come to me toooo?~

She's so fucking good. Tho she wants saw to be better.

Alt did 15 SC rolls, got that plat jester. Welp i'll just see if 2 plat tickets on next month give me a nondupe plat&black then i'll continue playing it despite the overwhelming rolls it had :/

08-04-2017, 08:47 AM
Well, i was on a vacation so soranokira took care of my account. He rolled 3 rolls because he wanted to and netted me:

Pretty neat, the Nanaly was not a dupe.

Sora, dont ya want to roll on my Acc too? xD

08-06-2017, 07:59 PM
Rolled 5 SC on Nutaku, got another Rachel - dat goes my chance to get Amanda

Edit: Spent a total of 40 + 5 + 20

Rolled 15 SC (https://agentfakku.tumblr.com/post/163888756915) to get a new stamp - Got Stella (New), Mao, Christopher - 1 Gold and 2 Silver

08-07-2017, 04:15 AM
Sora, dont ya want to roll on my Acc too? xD

Unfortunately I do not have consistent luck, so I doubt you will want to bet on me.

my own rolls: (that account started in christmas 2015)

evidence of my horrible roll luck:

Dec 2016 22 rolls: 12 silvers 9 golds 1 plat 0 black
------Plat = Mia ; no Rino/Margaret/useful golds from the 9.
------Mia obtained in 11th roll.

Jan 2017: 30 rolls 3 plat 0 black (Cellia, Zenobia, Shizuka)
Feb 2017: 10 rolls 0 plat 0 black
Mar 2017: 10 rolls 1 plat 0 black (Sakuya, 6 silvers, 3 golds, one of which = monica)
------------14 rolls 1 plat 0 black (Leora, 5 gold, 8 silvers)
Apr 2017: 15 rolls 0 plat 1 black (Tifa-chan <3, 3 gold, 11 silvers)
------Tifa-chan obtained in 3rd roll

1st rolled black in 22+30+10+10+14+3 = 89 rolls
and that ends my data tracking.

08-07-2017, 05:33 AM
Tenhou's godly presence is powerful enough it rubbed off into her account and that luck is working even when she let somebody else run it!
It all makes perfect sense! ;) :cool:

08-08-2017, 09:40 AM
Rion/Elyse spotlight.

Yolo'd a black.

It's a fucking Cornelia dupe.

God fucking dammit.

08-08-2017, 12:05 PM
Rion/Elyse spotlight.

Yolo'd a black.

It's a fucking Cornelia dupe.

God fucking dammit.

still better then Liana xD But realy i feel ya

08-12-2017, 05:05 AM
was bored so decided to roll a couple accounts just for shits and gigles. If someone can tell me how is it possible to roll the same stuff on 3 different accounts , i'd be grateful. On the first 2 i gathered 10 scs , and rolled momo and bernard. On the 3rd got bored so gathered just 5 scs and rolled momo.


08-12-2017, 03:35 PM
was bored so decided to roll a couple accounts just for shits and gigles. If someone can tell me how is it possible to roll the same stuff on 3 different accounts , i'd be grateful. On the first 2 i gathered 10 scs , and rolled momo and bernard. On the 3rd got bored so gathered just 5 scs and rolled momo.


Heh, lolix being lolix again :v need to save up those precious sc. Save 30 in the corner for any occasional item collection.

08-12-2017, 03:46 PM
actually , its been a while since i've rolled anything less then 150 scs on my main accounts. Those were 3 new accounts that i made for shits and gigles out of boredom. I rolled momo on all 3 on the first roll

08-17-2017, 10:21 PM
lost track of what stamp was I on - know I needed 46 SC - might as well get the new one in case it's a legend stamp card

I did a 40 SC right now http://imgur.com/a/0aedK

All I got was 6 Silver + 4 Gold - no new units

will get the 6 SC done later 6051

08-20-2017, 01:22 PM
I just rolled Sheryl from SP Summon. Thats my first plat from SP. Shes kinda niche but tbh a lot more usefull then the event one collin. 18 UP when AWed is awesome 15 when DMM patch happens and 30 sec halfed def that stacks as well as 25% increased global def for allys as saw is cute. Guess ill just raise her and wait till one day shell shine for me

08-20-2017, 02:04 PM
i followed my gut and rolled the premium cacha, once. and out popped anita. i know thieves aren't the strongest but having one at all can really help net some drops.

08-20-2017, 02:37 PM
I've gone and made this a sticky

08-20-2017, 10:49 PM
Whyyyyy???... :D
Honestly, it feels like there are already too much stickies up there.

08-21-2017, 02:09 AM
i kinda feel the same way as zero - too many stickies here.

Also , the nature of this topic means that it's always going to be on the first page , so nobody has to search for it (not like it would actually help that much anyway to see what other rolled in the first place)

08-21-2017, 07:20 AM
I'm also removing stickies

08-22-2017, 05:29 AM
Good news everyone, but first a story.

Ok, I'm here not sleeping and I feel like I should get in some MWA while I'm up. Naturally a new day means a free roll so a click later I get a nice and shiny Claire. Alright, alright, I feel a bit lucky so I go for a Premium Roll, plus I usually do just one whenever there's a new event. So I roll... a Leeanne.


Normally that'll be just that, I say "that's life" and pack up my luck for the day. But for some reason, I feel a bit... miffed. So I say to myself, ok, just one more roll, besides I like all the units they have up for increased chances anyways so might as well. I do one more 5 SC roll of hope...and I get my first black unit ever (you know, besides events and Saki):

...ok I tried to post my screen shot like 10 times but apparently the site doesn't want me to post links. I know there's something I'm supposed to do to let me do it but I can't remember that right now, so I'm just going to say I got Grace and be done with it.

Sigh, I really wanted to post that picture too. 1st Black man, you don't get that chance too often.

08-22-2017, 06:01 AM
Rubinas (or Lupine, if you must) is finally here, so it's time to put my plat tickets to use...

All of them were plats, btw.

1st ticket = Sheryl
2nd = Uru
3rd = Figunelia (!)
4th = Marius dupe (ugh)

I only had 6 SCs, so I rolled once and...

Black. Of course. The one time I'm shooting for plat instead, and I get...

Oh. Estelle. A non-dupe. Uh... okay. She is waifu, I guess.

Then about 300 SP crystals later, I got another plat. Sabinne dupe. Urgh.

08-22-2017, 08:28 AM
2 SP rolls: 2 useless bronze units
5 Basic rolls: 3 silvers


I trully hate getting bronze units on rolls... i mean, irons are needed to CC, silvers are needed to CC and AW (which need to be CC'd so another point for the irons) and they are a core part of the game, very usefull tier all and all. Obviously golds+ are always good

Let me stress the words "ON ROLLS" because bronze are one of the best fooder but when rolled they are lv1 so you would be wasting gold when combining and lets be honest, when was the last time you used a bronze mage or a bronze heavy? the only bronzes i have are 3 mincost bronze soldiers for early rushes scenarios but usually my silvers can handle them

08-22-2017, 09:23 AM
i never found myself in need of mincost bronze units even for rushes....but hey , that's just me

08-22-2017, 06:03 PM
Rubinas (or Lupine, if you must) is finally here, so it's time to put my plat tickets to use...

All of them were plats, btw.

1st ticket = Sheryl
2nd = Uru
3rd = Figunelia (!)
4th = Marius dupe (ugh)

I only had 6 SCs, so I rolled once and...

Black. Of course. The one time I'm shooting for plat instead, and I get...

Oh. Estelle. A non-dupe. Uh... okay. She is waifu, I guess.

Then about 300 SP crystals later, I got another plat. Sabinne dupe. Urgh.


08-27-2017, 11:42 PM
10 SP roll (http://imgur.com/a/dEyZV) - 2 silvers + 1 Gold + 1 Plat

Not bad at all

08-28-2017, 10:02 AM
10 SP roll (http://imgur.com/a/dEyZV) - 2 silvers + 1 Gold + 1 Plat

Not bad at all

pretty lucky

08-28-2017, 03:06 PM
I had a lot of SC on DMM and decided i wanted Livre. I rolled 9 last week and did not get her. I got a dupe Lapis instead + the latest new unit who is rather cute. Then today i had scrounged up another 50SC through exchange quests and lo and behold, 2 summons later i finally got the plat unit i craved. Guess i will spend the rest on the possible archer banner on thursday...

08-29-2017, 06:21 PM
So I've been playing Aigis for like 3 months. Finally having an army that can do some final event maps I went to 100% Eterna and went crazy today to get about half of the needed items. I looked at my stamp and I needed 10 more for the special card for Sept and I wanted Dorothy since I'm trying to build a non-human army. So I go to do two rolls expecting silvers. First roll, Dorothy. Awesome.

Then my second roll. I see a golden glow and am like cool, another gold. Probably another Dorothy which would be great. Nope. Altia. What I thought was the gold glow was black. My first shrine black. Today's a good day...

08-29-2017, 08:07 PM
i just got the plat Theasure hunter but i already have the gold one too, the % will stack if i put them together???

08-29-2017, 08:29 PM
i just got the plat Theasure hunter but i already have the gold one too, the % will stack if i put them together???

I was about to say just "no" but then i saw it wasn't an abillity but a class trait; i actually would like to know also
inb4 it doesn't

08-29-2017, 10:44 PM
Indeed it doesn't. Strongest one takes priority.

Still, you can have one untouched and second at AW1 to be able to fine-tune the level of challenge you wish to take ;)

09-14-2017, 01:31 PM
30 SC spent trying to get Shade
no Shade but 2 new units: da gold guy and Plat gurl

09-14-2017, 11:46 PM
Just had to share this one. Finally started on DMM and hit the first 50SC roll part. RNGesus apparently loves me on DMM...
9 rolls
2 silver
3 gold - Kaname, Rino, and Matilda
2 plat - Prim and Siena
2 black -Silvia and Rakshasa

Just damn...:)

09-15-2017, 01:59 AM
seems that monster girls like you.

09-16-2017, 04:32 PM
Those SC I'd been collecting for a while finally burnt a hole in my pocket, did 5 premiums..

Barbastroff, 2x Mel, and 2 silvers.

09-17-2017, 10:03 AM
Those SC I'd been collecting for a while finally burnt a hole in my pocket, did 5 premiums

>SC i'd collecting for a while
>5 premiums
>25 SC

How many SC do you guys usually have? i mean what's your number? Where you say "ok i have enough stashed, now i can use the exess on premium rolls"

09-17-2017, 12:45 PM
DMM: 62

Nutaku: 12

I don't really have excess - I should only spend when im @ 150 SC but my dick keeps beting my brain

09-17-2017, 04:24 PM
I tend to sit between 0-5 because I like to mincost most events, since I didn't bother with Eterna and I didn't have to spend any for the last few events I had a bit of a stash. I was sortof running off the assumption that since we've had several collection and farm events, we'll get a couple of gold/star rushes back to back and I'll be able to restock a bit before the next collection.

09-18-2017, 02:14 AM
So i dumped 80sc today at premium and again no black Q.Q ull prolly say i was still lucky but ..


09-18-2017, 04:51 AM
last time i rolled , i trew 150 scs and barely got 2 plats (1 of which i already had , and the other being a daisy)

09-18-2017, 09:34 AM
So i dumped 80sc today at premium and again no black Q.Q ull prolly say i was still lucky but ..


I wouldnt say youve been lucky... just avarage. But i would say you should work at your mindset, if you roll to get blacks u will get hurt.

09-20-2017, 01:23 AM
Shooting for my first Legendary card I did 20 summons and got;

10 silver
9 gold new Bella, Leda x3 <--(wanted her)
1 plat dupe Mia

Was Hoping for Cellia, & Amanda would have been nice ofc.

...if you roll to get blacks u will get hurt.
I don't roll much but when I do I roll for plat mainly as the only gold I would even care for would be Leda (yea!) & Robert. If I got Cellia I think I would roll almost exclusively for black (without expecting anything ofc).

Out of curiosity, would you sell dupe Mia for 100 RC or combine for 1CR (mine is AW 90 5/5 skill no CR). I imagine I'll sit on her for awhile until I can sell 1000 RCs of units.

09-20-2017, 08:04 AM
Did 10 rolls because the gacha has a lot of the units I want (pretty much any of them except Ersha.) Got Amanda and Leda so I'm pretty hyphy now.

09-20-2017, 08:25 AM
I wouldnt say youve been lucky... just avarage. But i would say you should work at your mindset, if you roll to get blacks u will get hurt.

Well tried now my luck with 3 rolls,, gold gold silv,, lil bit ... tried 3 more silv silv,,, and last roll Aisha =) now since i have adele too All HP Up (L) & All HP Up (M) stacks together or highest only?

09-20-2017, 08:53 AM
they stack. As long as they don't have the same name , they stack.

Actually , assuming you have imelia as well , u'd have some monster bandits there

09-20-2017, 03:22 PM
Well tried now my luck with 3 rolls,, gold gold silv,, lil bit ... tried 3 more silv silv,,, and last roll Aisha =) now since i have adele too All HP Up (L) & All HP Up (M) stacks together or highest only?

Well thats some luck, congratz. Makes room for a lot of cheese.

09-21-2017, 12:48 PM
I finally got lucky! I only use 5 SC for YOLO and got my 2nd black, Amanda
Yeah baby

oh yeah, got a few silver and one gold from SP Summon

In DMM, got a new silver

it might be considered spoilers so I link it (https://agentfakku.tumblr.com/post/165576161425)

IN DMM there is an IMperial something Gacha theme and you spin 5 SC per day to get up to 10 Rainbow Spirits in October something

09-28-2017, 09:17 AM
So i finally rolled my first gold out of 2k so i wanted to share:


10-01-2017, 01:45 AM
ah, forget this thread existed for some reason, but yeah i rolled amanda last week during her drop rat up. she just devours the dark knights in this event. high base attack + berserker bonus vs heavy armor + risk life = a lot of pain.

10-01-2017, 02:43 AM
congrats, Amanda is pretty good

I got her last month

10-01-2017, 04:07 AM
I only ever had 3 plat tickets... 2 of them gave me shizuka (which was my 4th plat to pull ever so both been a dupe). Idk how much luck someone needs that this propability hits lol

10-01-2017, 04:35 AM
Oh I forgot about this thread.

Did my first roll a couple of days ago. Sabinne, Bernard, Mehlis, 2xEllett, Leda, Marnie and some other Silvers

10-01-2017, 05:11 AM
Oh hi Uzume. After 39 summons, 7 plats 4 of em dupes, 3 spothlight plats all being fucking Patra i finaly got Uzume. First unit in like 50+ summons worth raising asap.

EDIT: I did 50 summons and got 9 plats which is like 18% drop chance which is pretty good. 4 dupes (Dhalia, 2*Patra, Camilla) the others being daisy (whooo... not), Mia, Victoria and Uzume. All besides Uzume being... pretty much not of use for me. Unless retaliation mechnics hit nutaku and i might need Victoria. No blacks. Plat ticket gave a dupe too (third shizuka). All in all i could say... typical nutaku luck for me. Guess thats the payback for me being so lucky to get a black from sp summon... Liana xD My last black has been over 100 pulls ago now.

10-01-2017, 03:35 PM
Yesterday on DMM a lot of people got blacks from their plat tickets in the discord channel. They were all told "gz!"

I too got a black (Silvia) and was greeted with "fuck you tenhou" and "why am i not surprised?" I had to giggle.

A few days ago i rolled a few SC on DMM and got one of the new blacks, Wurm. She looks great :D

Today i got Saria from the plat ticket, thus making me now have every healer on nutaku. Today was a nice day.

Earlier this week i rolled a bit on nutaku. I did get a black, but not Nataku. Sue me.

10-01-2017, 03:57 PM
sometimes i wonder just how much money you invest in the game. Nobody can be that lucky with just free scs.

10-01-2017, 05:58 PM
Sometimes i wonder what im doing with my life

(@lolix thats the question i ask myself when i look at people with like 8 blacks in team and then look over at my 3 not counting liana and remembering that i already spend like 400$ over the past 2 years)

10-01-2017, 08:50 PM
Sometimes i wonder what im doing with my life

(@lolix thats the question i ask myself when i look at people with like 8 blacks in team and then look over at my 3 not counting liana and remembering that i already spend like 400$ over the past 2 years)

As a rule of thumb: if you enjoy your experience by spending money it's not wasted money, the problem begins when you start spending out of compulsion rather than enjoyment
I haven't spent anything on aigis yet but I had this other game a few years back that I spent easily the equivalent of 300 usd and it was crystal clear on which stage of spending I was on every time i made a purchase. I stopped throwing money when it was just compulsion and not fun anymore

10-01-2017, 11:31 PM
I'm happy with my first two Shrine Blacks in Nutaku. Did score Wurm (unintentional since I was trying to spend 150 SC) in DMM which is really odd considering it took me almost a year to get my first black in Nutaku

DMM, it was only 3 or 4 months since I play it

10-02-2017, 04:51 AM
i have 2 level 240+ accounts. 1 has 3 blacks (nanaly , cornelia and aisha) and a number of good plats (uzume , gelius , jerome just to name a few). On the second account i spent around 100$ (fhaven't spent anything on the first account) and i got cornelia and aisha (and gelius from the plat ticket) , which is honestly luckier then what most get from premium rolls. Nanaly i got her on my very first roll.

I;d rate my second account pretty high since it has all good event units maxed and a good number of good blacks and plats , and my account still pales with stuff that some of the whales here have. I mean , i know games like this are catered to whales , but still. I can't see myself investing more then 100...maybe 200 bucks in aigis.

10-02-2017, 05:05 AM
Some yolo roll a black with 5 free sc. Some spend 250 sc and dont get any. Some have 8 top tier blacks not knowing what they do and others get thier first dupe black after having 2 unique blacks out of 30+ blacks aviable. Some get Elyse other get Liana. Thats how gatcha works, but still it kinda sucks. Its just... one has to understand that, otherwise spending would be the total opposite of fun. All those things apply to me, but its ok i knew what i was doing xD
And its not like it didnt bring me a great diversity of plats, even if im missing many top tier ones. I already -1 cred Marnie, Dhalia, Shizuka, Camilla, Fignelia, Farne, (could grace but feels like a waste), Sasha and Patra. Min costed Zola and Ellet (as those are sometimes usefull).

10-02-2017, 10:03 AM
Had some error in brain yesterday... spent 250sc on premium,, got only 3 plats 0 blacks,, and from 1st of month ticket got plat too.. Plats were Liddy, 2x Uzume and Gellius

10-02-2017, 10:16 AM
Some people are simply unlucky, some are not. That's really all there is to it. I do spend a bit albeit the main part of my spending goes into 1.5x events to bloody get fairies and fodder to level stuff.

I mean, with 20 summons when i started DMM i got 4 blacks, that's just how it is. Many times when i have just noticed "oh i have 20SC, let's roll" i have gotten a black. Most of those times i spent nothing at all.

It really is in how you see things. You see people with 4+ blacks and think they must be whales. I see people who say they've spent 800SC without a black and think "How's that even possible? I'd have gotten like 10 blacks with that."

To give you some perspective on some of my rolls:

-As said, my first 20 summons on DMM yielded me 4 blacks. There was no money involved.

-I had 20 SC and decided to go for Leda when she came out, i got Esther instead. There was no money involved. This and a few others led sora to start joking that i have a 25% chance to get a black.

-I haven't spent any money on DMM since the start of the year, i have still gotten some blacks.

-When Kibahime and Lapis came out on DMM. I had 20SC and there were 2 new blacks i REALLY wanted! I bought a whole 150SC! I ended up getting both within 4 rolls. Yes, i would have gotten them both with just the 20 free SC i had -_- Later at different times i used those remaining SCs and got 2-3 blacks i believe.

That's just some examples for times when i did not actually spend anything. Currently i have placed an oath to not spend on DMM again unless a character with my irl name appears. At that point i shall whale til i get it. Unless it is an event unit, obviously.

I tend to spend quite a bit on nutaku when the 1.5x events come up. Depending on how much SC i have i will buy so i get to the 150SC limit for that month, use most of the stuff on dailies and the usually 30-50SC to roll. Tends to score me a black. That's about my usual spending. I don't spend every month though. There are units i will spend for, however, like Kayou. And if i am low because i just rolled and a collection event shows up i will spend to get enough SC to mincost the unit.

10-02-2017, 10:32 AM
Several years back ive played roulette actively for ~1year,, for a number to drop there its 2,7% lil bit less than 3% like black here but not that much apart and in all that time i seen number to not drop in 300+ rolls in a row,, or to drop one number 4times in a row rng is just a luck either u hit it or dont,, but as luck goes that something we can whine about =))

10-02-2017, 02:26 PM
this game is f.. kiddin me.. rolled few more now,, got 2plats and one black,, buut that black was 2nd esther, tho i have only 3 gacha blacks and one plat was 2nd sherry..

10-02-2017, 02:39 PM
uzume and gellius are rather good plats , but still....250 scs.... Its better to go for 150 at a time , and get a plat ticket.

With 250 , you could have easily raised another 50 , and go 150 this month , and 150 next month and get 2 other plat tickets

edit : sorry to hear that iggzikof. honestly you should never try to roll after reading 1 of tenhou's post because she has insane luck compared to the rest of us and might make you feel that it's possible to get better , when its not. I've done that mistake some time ago and i wasted 150 scs and got just 2 plats , 1 of it being daisy which is trash and the other being tethis which i already had ... like 2 or 3 of her already.

10-03-2017, 05:58 AM
Had some error in brain yesterday... spent 250sc on premium,, got only 3 plats 0 blacks,, and from 1st of month ticket got plat too.. Plats were Liddy, 2x Uzume and Gellius

I may have gotten 9 plats with those 250 sc though your plats are more worth than all the 9 combined that i got xD at least for me

this game is f.. kiddin me.. rolled few more now,, got 2plats and one black,, buut that black was 2nd esther, tho i have only 3 gacha blacks and one plat was 2nd sherry..
same happened to me with grace, only had 2 shrine blacks and the third i got was a dupe (grace).

10-05-2017, 01:25 AM
Rolled 210...got two plats (one dupe Cynthia, the other Flamel - yaay, me likes!), no blacks. Seriously?
This game makes me feel, dunno..the more I play the more it punishes me in rolls. :D

10-10-2017, 02:05 PM
I rolled Anelia and Altia today. Anelia I think could be pretty useful seeing as I've not yet rolled a Princess, and her multi-attack while her skill is active is pretty neat. Not sure about Altia yet, although from the way the wiki further outlines her skill she could be a really good unit to have when or if you need to perform some really rapid fire deployment. Not to mention the boost to my Soldiers, should allow them to take a few more hits.

I also managed to land a Zenobia during that same roll with Call Reinforcements III, and Salia made it onto my team just for her skill alone.

Zola and Katina were a nice icing on the cake to finish off my rolls.

10-10-2017, 02:32 PM
Not sure about Altia yet

I got Altia back when she was introduced thanks to my then platinum ticket. My advice is to get her skill to 5/5 while she's still lvl 1, then use her before CC as a quick UP generator.
When you CC her, her cost goes up by 3 which does hurt UP generation a bit, but once awakened, she does hit quite hard. I'd advise against SAWing her yet, since her continuous UP generation will slow even further, and the "drop, activate, withdraw" only nets you a handful of UP. When her SAW is patched though to what DMM currently has, she does become an excellent UP generator.

10-10-2017, 02:46 PM
i myself have anelia and have her maxed. I personally love her and found her very useful on subjugations maps , but considering your other drops , she might not be your first priority.

Still , solid unit overall

10-10-2017, 06:52 PM
Yea I have her in my team mainly because I don't have a Princess yet. I mean, I do have other sources of magical damage, but her range allows for some good damage against armored enemies before they get too close to potentially be a threat.

10-10-2017, 11:13 PM
Well I have Anelia at CC34 and she massacred the pirates on that two boats stage for G difficulty. Her brionac really lets her do alot of damage.

10-12-2017, 09:41 PM
yep. I was actually thinking about her saw. IMO it doesn;t seem worth it. I'd rather have the more spread up damage , rather then bigger damage but fewer targets. I guess it depends how big the boost is in the end...

Still , a really good unit overall. Also , she's imelia's sister

10-12-2017, 11:33 PM
It boosts her attack speed to 60/83 (from 60/112), so about four SAW attacks for normal skill's three.

10-13-2017, 12:40 AM
2 less targets tho. What is better ? 4 is bigger then 3 , but so is 5 :p

10-13-2017, 04:34 AM
Well, the biggest problem with hitting more targets is that you actually need to hit those 5 targets to justify the normal ability being better than the SAW. The SAW has more general use and i'd pick...

10-13-2017, 07:32 AM
lots of people udnerestimate her value as a lot cost , on skill pseudomage if that makes sense....

I;ve used her plenty of times as a cheap aoe magic damage dealer. I;d say there are pros and cons , but i definetly like her normal skill.

10-14-2017, 10:02 AM
Well, the thing as i said, with her normal skill, is that you need to be able to justify her hitting 5 targets at once. She fires faster with SAW meaning she will kill off the weaker ones faster as well, leaving her with only whatever stronger ones left to kill and those she will then kill faster. Chances that you get 5 enemies that need heavy magic damage and that also take a lot of time to kill, is rather small on most maps so her increased damage potential is generally a lot more valuable (i mean, with or without SAW she will just demolish the weaker mobs anyways).

10-15-2017, 12:54 PM
Late to this party, but to me the final straw is that the SAW has better uptime. BRIONAC is a great skill and is an A+ when you're killing shit that comes in multiples of 5 but the Sea God Gun is 80% as good in that situation while being better against anything less than that. It's a worthy upgrade overall, it's just low priority because the original is no joke. It's hard for SAWs to shine when the base skill doesn't leave much room for improvement without becoming overpowered. I think of it as the Curse of Elizabeth.

10-17-2017, 10:44 AM
Plan: Have my first roll-a-thon, going to go until either 50 SC or a black unit.
Result: About 2-3 rolls in, I get Cornelia. Well... rather short lived roll spree but hey a black unit is a black unit.

10-17-2017, 11:02 AM
Some just have it going for them

10-17-2017, 01:46 PM
i have cornelia as well , awakened and sawed. She is a a very good tank. Probably one of the best in the games. Honestly tho....i ended up using her more vs undead then vs megabosses.

10-17-2017, 05:29 PM
Some just have it going for them

Yep. I've pulled a half dozen gacha blacks and spent nothing. Debating whether I should try my luck going for Salia. She's great but I'm not impressed by the rest of the banner aside from Eva being kinda cute.

10-17-2017, 05:37 PM
Burned through my small pile of SC again, 5 summons, 4 silvers and a gold. I really should stop.

10-17-2017, 05:50 PM
my non black account is reaching 150 scs as well. Was thinking of going a summoning spree soon. Not sure yet...

10-20-2017, 02:03 AM
Rolled 25 SP crystals 3 irons(sold) . a Vincent (sold) and then i saw the black glow and got hyped but it had to be sybilla, not a dupe but i find her pretty underwhelming compared to sylthseth . thinking about turning her to RC. rolled 5 times with SC got Ravenx2 (sold) , Mia , and lastly saw Black glow and ... Dorthea woot woot !!!!!
not too bad for todays month considering i got Black Star Wurm with 15 SC ( 100% damage Negation for whole team op) and Black star Dancer Miyabi from Plat Ticket :)
Thank you DMM SAMA . stay tuned ^o^

10-20-2017, 10:11 AM
Is it better spending at 150 SCs, or waiting for 200 (or is it 250?) for the highest stamp card?

10-20-2017, 12:00 PM
In general it is better to go for 150 since all that the 250 gives you are a few CR fairies. With 150 you get the legendary ticket and getting more of those tickets is better for free players in the long run.

11-01-2017, 04:57 AM

Spent all of my remaining SCs now that the game is shutting down.

Got two blacks out of it, Ingrid and Nanaly.

11-01-2017, 06:29 AM
this morning i lost my patience and i decided to roll my scs as well. I had 150 scs on my non black account and 85 on the other.

I rolled an ingrid and a lianna on my non black account , and considering dayroll didn't happened yet , i also got a plat ticket which got me estelle...which is actually one of the units i kinda like.

My other account rolled 85 scs and got an ingrid as well.

Fun stuff. My non black account had no blacks for almost 3 years...and when they decide to close the game , i get 3.

11-01-2017, 07:26 AM
I did my last summons and was adopted by Bashira. Fair enough. I never pulled her dupe from shrine. I end where i started.
My Plat ticket gave me Flamel. I actualy really like her artwork,she kinda remindes me of jeanne d arc.

EDIT: I still have like 30-40 plat armors and more then a barrack full of spirits as well as a max lvl spirit. I guess i throw them unto whoevers scenes i want to unlock. What a waste though

11-15-2017, 05:22 PM
Last summons round 1 (going to split my remaining pile in half just in case I need to use the other half to get enough supplies for scenes) results:
Ingrid (woo...I guess), Uru(already got), Stray (already got), and Garrett (don't actually have and on the one hand I don't need to waste resources to get scenes for but on the other hand not a waifu).

Round 2 is for... I dunno, when I got everyone to 100% I guess.

12-09-2017, 08:06 AM
so , i awakened the knight commander a week or so out of boredom. I jsut realize just how awsome his ingame sprite is.....

I'm out of rainbow fairies (jerome keeps eating them for me. he is at 4/5 skill for like 14 fairies now) , but i'd lvoe to saw him. He seems really good post saw.

Unfortunatly , i don't think he'll ever get sawed before the game closes.