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07-06-2016, 04:56 AM
Need some help in this event:

1. Does 12000 materials include the total amount of metal, gunpowder, chemical and fiber used during the event?

2. What's the best way to craft a 4* equipment? Exactly how many for each material? Any tips?

Thank you.

07-06-2016, 05:19 AM
1 It probably does.
2 According to the wiki, the cheapest 4 star equip is anti-(type) bullets, type being close range/mid range/long range. The recipe is 3000 metal + 2000 gunpowder + 2500 chemicals + 2000 fiber

07-06-2016, 05:14 PM
1. It should be listed under main missions. Create the cheapest thing you can, and see if it's a running tally or not. I made a 4 star face paint and got the gloves, but that costed more than 12000 to make.

2. Depends on what you want, you'll need lots of stuff for 4* equipment, which means you'll likely need to hold off on running too much for a day or so.

HERE (https://translate.google.ca/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwiki.kanmuryou.com%2Fshooting-girl%2Findex.php%3F%25E6%258A%2580%25E8%25A1%2593% 25E5%25AE%25A4&edit-text=&act=url) is a link to a crafting list, along with how many of what you'll need to craft specific things (Credit to Xellon on the ulmf boards). You may want to bookmark it.

The 5* gloves that you get from the quest are +3% Eva / +3% Def... In case you were wondering.

07-07-2016, 08:43 PM
Are any of the crafting rewards actually worth the cost it takes to get them?

07-08-2016, 04:38 PM
From the given list, I think 6* are worth it since they have the highest stats. Crafting is best done in unison with your favorite girl, preferably girls with high stars. If she's an HG, then stacking up evasion (primary) and defense (secondary) would be a good idea in my opinion, accuracy for SR and so on.

07-08-2016, 06:46 PM
The gear is important for sure, but this early in the game - probably not so much. Grind up your girls, spend a bunch on the dailies... If you have TONS of Chemicals and Fiber like I do, you might consider making something that costs more of those 2 materials so that they drop below your maximum and you start their regen again. During this event I made a 4* item to get the free 5* item... it was worth it for me - but I use HG's a lot (I have the HG that heals) so I pumped up her EVA with gear. She lives way longer now, but I'm back to spending all my metal and gunpowder grinding up my team levels (especially this week with the 50% buff).

07-09-2016, 07:15 AM
the cheapest 4 star equip is anti-(type) bullets, type being close range/mid range/long range. The recipe is 3000 metal + 2000 gunpowder + 2500 chemicals + 2000 fiber
...I tried with 3000 of everything and guess what? I got a 3* Equipment...

07-09-2016, 05:14 PM
...I tried with 3000 of everything and guess what? I got a 3* Equipment...

Same here. I guess we're both unlucky.

120-5999: his own (★ 1)
6000 or more: Tsuchinoe (★ 2)
12000 or more: Ding (★ 3)
18000 or more: hei (★ 4)
24000 or more: B (★ 5)
30000 or more: instep (★ 6)

Here is the minimum required materials for a guaranteed equipment production. From the quoted part, you need a total of 18000 which is equivalent to 4500 for each mats more or less.

My question is: if I follow the recipe (cheapest 4* bullet -> 3000 metal + 2000 gunpowder + 2500 chemicals + 2000 fiber = 9500) down to every detail, is there still a chance that it will change into a random 3* item?

07-09-2016, 06:12 PM
Not that i've seen (though admittedly my sample size is low), if you follow the recipes you'll either get the item listed, OR it will be a failure (crafting can fail, you get some of your resources back).

07-09-2016, 06:19 PM
@LastSensei: Would be nice to know, indeed.

Honestly, this is pure madness. 18k or more, that's the Material you get in 2-4 days (and only if you can stock as much, or with a lot of Mission bonus) for just a little Equipment +3%/+3%...

07-10-2016, 01:10 AM
2. Craft any 4 Star equipment and receive a 5 Star Military Glove.
Special Training for Girls:
+50% Special Training stats increase (HP/LUK/EXP).
50% Shorter time for injured players.
I don't think it's a little equipment with these bonus effects. It will be a great item in the long run. Plus it's a limited edition item and you won't be able to obtain one in months. Totally worth the effort to get it.

Edit: One more try and I give up lol. I tried crafting again with 3300 mats each this time and it only produced a 3* glove. What a huge waste of time and resources. I could have advanced to level 15 if not for these two failures. One more try. This time I'll try the exact bullet or face paint recipe. If still it fails, then welp I'm chickening out.

07-10-2016, 08:33 AM
I don't think it's a little equipment with these bonus effects. It will be a great item in the long run. Plus it's a limited edition item and you won't be able to obtain one in months. Totally worth the effort to get it.

The 5* gloves that you get from the quest are +3% Eva / +3% Def... In case you were wondering.
What you quoted are other effects of the Boot Camp (even if I doubt the Infirmary 50% shorter time because I have sometimes 20+min...), not the 5* Glove.

I tried once again, this time with the exact ressources (3000 metal + 2000 gunpowder + 2500 chemicals + 2000 fiber) and... I got a freaking 2* useless Equipment.

I am done with that "game". Too many things I don't like at all here, I return to Kanpani Girls and Flower Knight Girls.

07-10-2016, 01:06 PM
What you quoted are other effects of the Boot Camp (even if I doubt the Infirmary 50% shorter time because I have sometimes 20+min...), not the 5* Glove.

I tried once again, this time with the exact ressources (3000 metal + 2000 gunpowder + 2500 chemicals + 2000 fiber) and... I got a freaking 2* useless Equipment.

I am done with that "game". Too many things I don't like at all here, I return to Kanpani Girls and Flower Knight Girls.

I haven't tried it, but according to the japanese wiki it should be:
3000 metal/iron + 2000 CHEMICALS + 2500 GUNPOWDER + 2000 fiber

I used 30 metal/iron + 9000 chemicals + 30 gunpowder + 9000 fiber, and got a "Type 0 Radio 4*" (EVA +3%, ATK +3%)

07-10-2016, 03:44 PM
I don't think it's a little equipment with these bonus effects. It will be a great item in the long run. Plus it's a limited edition item and you won't be able to obtain one in months. Totally worth the effort to get it.
Err, the 5* gloves are 3% atk / 3% eva. This week only we get 50% off infirmary time and the training stats increase... that has nothing to do with the gloves i'm afraid.

07-10-2016, 03:50 PM
@ Zenithale @Sakob
Thanks for the correction. Now it's 150% undeniable that I've squandered everything for a useless item. I wish they could have written it separately on a 3rd number bullet instead of a comma because it could cause misunderstanding if you put it that way.

I used 30 metal/iron + 9000 chemicals + 30 gunpowder + 9000 fiber, and got a "Type 0 Radio 4*" (EVA +3%, ATK +3%)

That is because you used 18060 resources. The guaranteed minimum for a 4* equipment is 18000.