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View Full Version : Waifus to farm and grind with

07-19-2016, 08:04 AM
Yo guys.

So. It's my 2-3rd day playing this game, I have a couple of 5**, a bunch of 4** and a shit-tonne of 3** (picture of units attached). I was just wondering if I am leveling the right characters. I've seen someone say that Camellia was not worth grinding and stuff. So any specific advice on who not to grind through?

Thanks y'all

07-19-2016, 08:09 AM
Your highest star girl is always the one you should prioritize leveling though, until you get an even higher star. Basically, start with all your 5*, then your 4* and then any 3* neccessary to fill up your squads. I'd start with Camellia and Convallaria.

07-19-2016, 08:15 AM
Camellia not worth grinding?! If you have her, level her! Her special attack deals pretty decent damage to two targets!

07-19-2016, 08:19 AM
Camelia is good alright. I have her, and I am glad I have her. Not the best, but faaaar from the worst.
Overall you got a pretty good start. Having 2 5*stars from the get go is a Miracle for someone who just started.

Its best to prioritize the girls according to rarity when deciding whom to level up. Make sure your two 5* get all the attention until they hit at lesat level 40-50 (you will most likely lack the gold to evolve them for some time but that doesnt matter that much for now). After that do the same with the rest of your main party.
Evolve the other parties accordingly to need. Eventually you will need to strengthen them to clear mission as they get harder and harder. But always focus on one group at a time, as you will get more better girls eventually (5* from events) and they will start to replace your weaker units.

07-19-2016, 08:35 AM
Make your 5 stars and 4 stars priority on leveling. You will want to evolve those characters first as well.

Do the same for your affection as well.

A Time to Screw
07-19-2016, 08:51 AM
Just level the waifus you like.

Thinking about being optimal would ruin the fun.

07-19-2016, 09:13 AM
Camellia was not worth grinding? Who said that? If I have her she would never leave my squad T.T

Anyway, this game does not need the "best" units in terms of stats & skills. Just level and evolve them and you can clear the game with no issues. (At least based on all the maps we have so far). Ultimately, just play with whomever you fancy and don't be bothered with numbers too much.

Also, don't be afraid to evolve the lower rarity girls as well. They are easier to reach the level required, and the bloom dragons are easier to acquire as well. Their evolved forms can hold their own just fine.

07-19-2016, 10:00 AM
Just level the waifus you like.

Thinking about being optimal would ruin the fun.

I did that in other games similar to FKG before... It's fun and all, until your units gets raped at every single node in an event map o.o

- - - Updated - - -

Alright. So keep and grind Camellia, along with my other relatively-rare girls.

Are there any high level girls with crap stats that would be better for me to avoid if possible?

Ty for all of you guys replies btw

07-19-2016, 10:29 AM
You CAN'T avoid anybody if you gun for "rare" (read: premium) girls anyway. RNG giveth what RNG giveth.
That being said, it is the game that can be cleared with silvers and event golds, so don't worry about performance much and enjoy your time with your waifus.

07-19-2016, 01:55 PM
Camellia not worth grinding?! If you have her, level her! Her special attack deals pretty decent damage to two targets!

She hits everyone just like baccara, so its even better :D

07-19-2016, 02:19 PM
My advice is to only evolve your 5/4* girls. Get your 3* to around 30, which can be done with the crappy manyu, and then star evolving your 5 and 4 star girls. I'd recommend getting then to about 30-40 after evolving them as well. Ideally you should only use the matching manyu on each girl so you can maximize your xp gain. Also keep in mind every 2 weeks you get 1 free 5* from events and you should get a slow trickle of 4* from gacha seeds as well. If you get to the point where you've run outa 5/4 to evolve do a 3* of whichever type you have the least of so you can balance out your teams better.

07-19-2016, 04:14 PM
Seriously, level your rarest girls and the ones you like the most. I started playing on DMM and i clear most maps easily despite only having one girl at evolved level 70. To my knowledge there is no gold girl that is worse than any silver. There is one silver that is a must to have if you can get her though - Lilac, because of her passive that lets you pass through webs.

07-19-2016, 05:02 PM
(In fact I am currently playing with Mint 2* (Evolved and Maxed) to farm Tickets for her. I have also many 3* Girls Evolved (Level 60), with 4 Equipment slots they are not really weaker than a 4* with only 1 or 2 Equipment slots, they helped me a lot and don't regret the investment, especially if you lack of a specific Archetype (like me in the beginning with zero 4+* Pierce).

07-20-2016, 07:12 AM
What the 2/3*s lack in raw stats and skills they at least partially make up for in easily unlocked equip slots, lower costs to evolve (both coins and using lower tier dragons so fewer runs through the 80 stamina dragon maps) and more easily leveled skills. While they will eventually be replaced, they're not a bad investment per se early on.

Personally, if you're going to evolve 2/3*s, I highly recommend giving priority to the ones with high speed, since this is the one stat a 2* can beat a 6* in, and some maps have some wacky speed gap requirements to 3-medal them. After speed comes type (if you're lacking a specific one).

07-20-2016, 09:03 AM
tfw your 2* waifu is slower than Lavender or Cosmos

07-20-2016, 09:29 AM
Anchors are as useful, actually. To slow down that sanik teams with Alpina, Orchid Wylder and Edelveiss evolved XD

07-20-2016, 09:50 AM
Kinda works opposite for me. I'm using Oncidium so Strawberry and Lavender aren't lagging behind like crazy (Canola and Dendrobium balance the team out).

07-20-2016, 09:57 AM
Anchors are as useful, actually. To slow down that sanik teams with Alpina, Orchid Wylder and Edelveiss evolved XD

Well, that's taking my point from the other end lol. Ultimately, depends on if your 4+*s are fast or slow. The three you listed combined can make for a VERY fast team (which on some maps end up being the boss and ending map too soon and you miss some pests).

TLDR: If you're going to raise 2/3*s seriously, focus on ones with extremely high or low speed and use them to balance/unbalance your 4+* teams' speeds to make sure u hit all pests on map.

Kyosuke Kiryu
07-21-2016, 08:57 PM
I started playing this right when the Moonvine event begun, that's around 52 days ago and i upgraded the 2* girls, i already have maxed out all of them and i can say the investment was worthy, they allow me to clear Ultimate maps, i can't say with ease but with some planning and strategy i have cleared many Ultimate maps with 3 stars

I'm currently working on the Copper units and i'm planning to max out all of them too, i will recomend to lv up your girls equally, if you concentrate all your efforts on a few of them you will eventually run into a situation where the enemies are to many and stronger than your squads, it's better to have squads with all the members at lv 40+ than a squad with 1 single unit of lv 50+ and the rest with lv 20-30, also try to keep all your squads with similar speeds, when you need one or two speedy squads you can switch girls form squad to squad to get the speed you need for a certain map

Here's my Squads: 1552

I keep Di Yu because she was my first unit and had max affection from the start and those affection bonuses helps her a lot even when she is just lv 31, she will stay in the squad until i max out another Copper girl, i'm not saying Silver or Gold girls aren't that great, they are awesome, specially with their powerfull skills which gives stats boost, but if you don't have to many of them you shouldn't be afraid to invest on the lower rarity girls, they can fight too

07-21-2016, 09:06 PM
Pretty much what Kyosuke said, focus on all your teams equally, and when you reach a point when all your teams can handle difficult maps (with this i mean killing a few pests of ?-8 without getting rekt) then you can power up your helper squad, atm these are my squads


Now they are pretty balanced, but a while ago my helper squad was too far strong from my other squads, and i was strugling with event maps cause my other squads where so damn weak, so improve all your teams equally and you will see the magic

07-21-2016, 10:20 PM
I can't agree with simply focusing on all your teams equally. Focus on your helper team first, THEN focus on whatever you want. Unless you have prior arrangements, people you want as helpers aren't going to want you as an ally unless you can help them as well. Two really strong teams (one of them a helper) are going to be enough to get you through a large majority of the maps. For those maps that require a more balanced approach you can split up your helper team to shore up the weaker teams.

Regarding 3* girls specifically, they're not BAD, but their ability to equip four items isn't really a selling point if the higher star girls beat their stats with one equip. Level all of the ones in your teams some, but save evolution for your favorites (doesn't really matter too much which ones). That way you won't have wasted leveling/evolution on girls who will be replaced every two weeks with event girls. I've still got two evolved (but not maxed) 3* girls hanging onto my weakest team by their fingernails (and several 4*s who never did make any teams, so as I said, they're not BAD), but after I get the next event girl at least one of them will be dumped.

To be honest, Flower Knight Girl isn't all that difficult and the phase where you have to worry about stuff like this doesn't last too long. As long as you keep playing regularly, soon enough all your teams will be strong enough without really having to focus your efforts anywhere.

07-22-2016, 07:18 AM
Depends on your objectives, I suppose. For simply clearing maps and try to spawn SGs, having one high-powered team will get you farther than splitting your best units amongst the 4. Also, unless I'm mistaken, your friends' helper teams get scaled down (maybe up if they're lower level?) to your best girl so having at least 1 high level girl you've raised a lot should help. Many maps can be cleared (not 3-medal'd but just cleared) with just 1 team + helper, then you spawn SGs, get the manyus from there and raise your weaker girls. This is, if I'm not mistaken, the "suggested powerleveling" route, but like the above unregistered poster said, as long as you play regularly, the phase where your teams are weak enough you have to worry about being able to clear content won't last that long.

That said, in general, your 2/3*s are going to be replaced before too long, as you'll get event 5*s, 4*s here and there from normal gacha and if you spend the FGs you save up you might get a few good premium units as well, so as I said before, unless you're using 2/3*s with extremely high/low speed to adjust your teams' speeds to meet map requirements, I wouldn't worry about raising them too much (in particular the 2*s who even with 4 equip slots and skill level 5 get outclassed REAL QUICK by the 4/5*s, especially if you do well enough in events to get at least a 3 equip, skill level 4 event 5* every 2 weeks.

07-22-2016, 07:50 AM
Probably a good but not the BEST idea, but sort your units in priority (High-Low) and level top-left to bottom right. I've noticed that units with higher rarities PROBABLY have better stats than those in lower rarities. Hit that normal gacha every day and see if you can get four-stars, and I'd say to throw out the three-stars that don't/wouldn't make it into the 3rd or even 4th squad.