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View Full Version : Premium summon rate

07-24-2016, 04:26 AM
Is the premium summon rate really 50/50 chance for non silver unit on the Nutaku version?

I've drawn over 15 units so far and I've only had a single gold unit out of it, everything else was silver.

At this rate, 5$ per silver unit, it's really not worth spending any more money on this game, it really doesn't look like it's 50/50. I'm not saying thin-foil hat/it's rigged, just that maybe the rates are different than those on DMM? The wiki states the rates, but there is no source stated.

Or maybe it's weighted towards the more SC you have, the higher your chance is?

Or am I pressing the wrong button? I'm using the "Summon Premium Unit, 5 Sacred Crystal". Am I supposed to use the "Summon Rare Unit, 3 Sacred Crystals"?

07-24-2016, 05:32 AM
You're using good button, 3 SC is similar but less chance for rarer units (75/25 i think). Also you can add 4 of my silvers in row to that table :p

07-24-2016, 05:36 AM
Premium Summon Rate is definitely 50/50, mate.
It's all your bad luck that you got so many silvers. I've wasted way too much money to know for certain it's not rigged.
There was a streak i had where I got literally no silvers and only golds or better for 10 or so summons so it can go both ways.
It just seems to have been your incredibly bad luck.
Also you get the summoning rates in-game is in the Shrine. Go to the Shrine and there is a red box named "Summons Data." Click on it and you will see.
Hope you'll get better summons.

07-24-2016, 07:17 AM
RNGesus just hates you at the moment...but it really is random. my last set of 9 gave 3 silver, 4 gold and 2 plat, set before that was 8 silver and a plat. It all depends on if the RNG hates what your wearing that day.

King Dong
07-24-2016, 08:01 AM
RNGesus just hates you at the moment...but it really is random. my last set of 9 gave 3 silver, 4 gold and 2 plat, set before that was 8 silver and a plat. It all depends on if the RNG hates what your wearing that day.

Are you saying RNGesus is more likely to bless those who wear sandals? :p

07-24-2016, 09:35 AM
It sucks that you got just silvers for all that money. At one point I kept getting only silver samurai's. Really pissed me off.

On the bright side, you will be set to awaken units..... Providing you didn't just get silver samurai's -_-;

07-24-2016, 09:53 AM
It's a tragedy in Nutaku Aigis BUT a completely normal occurence if you're playing the DMM version :p RNG there are way harsher they only get better unit than us because they have more than double the chance to gacha.

07-24-2016, 12:02 PM
My take on the whole RNG thing is based on personal observations and could be completely wrong, but here's what I think:

I believe the RNG implementation is sub par. Technically it's a 50% chance for something, but practically it depends on a seed value and to me it seems there are periods where RNG spread is biased. Even though the majority of players will dismiss this, I've observed similar behavior in other RNG based games.
I've done huge amounts of 2k rolls on Aigis and there are periods where barely any silvers drop, which is normal. There are, however, significantly long periods when silvers drop more often. To some this may not proof of anything and just be good or bad "luck". To me it means that there is a dependency that shouldn't typically exist in a well implemented RNG.

I realize that this will probably stir up some controversy, but that's not really my goal. I'm merely providing a point of view. In the end everyone should always try to learn more, and maybe even provide the rest of us with a definitive answer backed up by solid facts.

07-24-2016, 05:13 PM
Are you saying RNGesus is more likely to bless those who wear sandals? :p

He must, i put my sandals on when i rolled my alt account and hit Aisha, Flamel, Stella and 2 silvers off 5 draws:) Okay, so Stella is kind of a waste right now, but it's still a gold.

07-25-2016, 12:26 AM
My take on the whole RNG thing is based on personal observations and could be completely wrong, but here's what I think:

I believe the RNG implementation is sub par. Technically it's a 50% chance for something, but practically it depends on a seed value and to me it seems there are periods where RNG spread is biased. Even though the majority of players will dismiss this, I've observed similar behavior in other RNG based games.
I've done huge amounts of 2k rolls on Aigis and there are periods where barely any silvers drop, which is normal. There are, however, significantly long periods when silvers drop more often. To some this may not proof of anything and just be good or bad "luck". To me it means that there is a dependency that shouldn't typically exist in a well implemented RNG.

I realize that this will probably stir up some controversy, but that's not really my goal. I'm merely providing a point of view. In the end everyone should always try to learn more, and maybe even provide the rest of us with a definitive answer backed up by solid facts.

I have a mountain of anecdotal evidence of this. Ever since I was little I always noticed that I could play a game for 10+ hours looking for a rare enemy/item and after getting one I would keep getting them for awhile before they disappeared again. I have always noticed this from the nes (dragon warrior) through snes and on through even mmorpgs (mostly offline).

I have kept a record of 2000 straight 2k summons and more than half of the silvers are bunched up together.

I know that it's just anecdotal and that in the long run the numbers equal out to the proper statistical values, but I've always thought that RNG was based on some in game values that when lined up resulted in "lucky streaks".

07-25-2016, 12:54 AM
Since the chance is 50% for silver and 50% for higher-than-silver, i think it would be nice if it was like: 1 pull silver , 1 pull nonsilver and then repeat. That way randomization is settled and you get steady supply of silvers and better units c:

Kirito Rick
07-25-2016, 04:37 AM
Sorry to disappoint you guys by saying this...

but the official data says that the chance to get a silver is 'slightly' more than 50% ...
and chance to get a black is 'slightly less' than 3%
Read this at ULMF...when i think bout it...it makes sense..why it not silver~non silver~silver~ summon

07-25-2016, 05:56 AM
Chances are the same as on DMM, but do remember you're not the only one summoning or playing the game. You might have rolled 4 silvers in a row while another who rolled the same time as you just got a black and a gold. In the end random is random and i can tell that when i rolled last week i had a black, mostly golds and a few silvers in my 10 rolls.

07-25-2016, 11:51 AM
I just started to record my premium summon last month. Based on 73 summons, I got 41 silver, 24 gold, 6 platinum and 2 black. Which is 56% silver so I think it is really around 50%.