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View Full Version : Should I skip Emilia's event?

08-08-2016, 02:41 PM
I have a couple Kerrys that I haven't raised yet from shrine, should i just skip emilias event after getting the completion SCs? From what I've read Emilia is the worst of the event valks anyway.

08-08-2016, 02:48 PM
depends (mostly by what other units u have avaible). It's obviously that u can skip some events , if u already have a better unit that can fill the same role , and concentrate on farming and leveling up for example.

It depends a lot on what u have , and what u need.

08-08-2016, 03:00 PM
If you lack duelists, including bandits and princesses, then yes do get Emilia. If you have a stable amount of other duelists, she's skipable.

08-08-2016, 03:35 PM
Emilia may not be worth shooting for but silver farming always is. Skipping that will hurt a lot more.

08-08-2016, 10:47 PM
If you have any intention to farm only good silvers present in that event, you will not be able to "skip" Emilia, as said silvers are on the map that also offers best drop rates for her. But yes, no need to go out of your way to collect more copies of her than ones you'll get over the course of your normal silver farming, should you already have gotten the competent physical duelist.

08-08-2016, 10:59 PM
Farm event units you don't plan on using are at least worth farming to use as mini platinum armors, so it's always worth taking the time to go through the event.

08-08-2016, 11:19 PM
I have lyla and sophie in my army but no valkyrie, what'd you suggest for me?

08-09-2016, 02:16 AM
I have lyla and sophie in my army but no valkyrie, what'd you suggest for me?
Valkyrie is the early ramp-up unit and occasionally duelist( since bandit is more common as duelist type, especially given the buff again armor they receive recently).However, in some map like subjugation the ability to ram would be invaluable, so you should always have at least a valkyrie in your army.And Sophie is more commonly refer to the best lightning rod, not duelist (her block make it hard for her to survive without adequate healing). The best bandit out there in term of ATK is Lyla, then you have Imelia and Celia for tanking again physical and magical, respectively.

08-09-2016, 04:14 AM
Yeah, you should focus on Rem instead.

</obligatory anime joke>

08-09-2016, 04:17 AM
Why the hell would you skip the only event in the month? Farm more dailies and Phallanx 2? 눈_눈
Also the bests silvers are from 7 sta map anyway and silver farm isn't skip. Use Emilia as exp boost is fine tho

08-09-2016, 04:51 AM
As i read her wiki page, emilia have a good skill if not good base stats which is comperable even with clissa? Tell me if im wrong. And 40 sec isnt a short time.

08-09-2016, 06:14 AM
Yeah, you should focus on Rem instead.

</obligatory anime joke>

Why Subaru whyyyyy.

08-09-2016, 07:36 AM
Why the hell would you skip the only event in the month? Farm more dailies and Phallanx 2? 눈_눈
Also the bests silvers are from 7 sta map anyway and silver farm isn't skip. Use Emilia as exp boost is fine tho

Actually that depends on what you have. I have a ton of silver and gold rogues and healers. On the other hand, I have zero valks. So I will be spending my time there for 4 or 5 days.Plus I really wanna get my hands on Ars

Kamahari Akuma
08-09-2016, 08:23 AM
Least at the end of the day, when I max out Emilia I'm chucking future clones to Maribel. Its so nice when they both share the same skill.

08-09-2016, 05:07 PM
As i read her wiki page, emilia have a good skill if not good base stats which is comperable even with clissa? Tell me if im wrong. And 40 sec isnt a short time.

it's a marribel in valk form. Marribel is considered to have black tier stats during her skill , but be silver tier outside of it. And while that works decently well for marribel (even the passive aw skill is better for marribel , since she takes a whole lot more hits) , for a valk ,it's not that good , since u generally place the valk early to either ramp up or because they are cheap duelists. COnsidering her skill , emilia is a very crap duelist compared to other valks outside of her skill , and she's literally a better elaine out there at a higher cost for a good amount of time.
That makes her really situational , since she can't ramp up as fast as other valks that 1-2 shot most crap mobs , and u can't trow her against strong bosses right of the bat either , since she has to be on the field for a while to be able to use her skill

That makes her skill rather awkward to use , even if the effects of it are rather storng...

08-09-2016, 06:39 PM
Just stick to using Kerry until either RNG blesses you with a better Valk from the gacha, we actually get the loli Valk that hits way above her pay-grade, or one of the better Valk event units shows up (star event for the plat Meirin (http://aigis.gcwiki.info/?%B8%D7%C9%B1%A5%E1%A5%A4%A5%EA%A5%F3), item collection event for the black Reshia (http://aigis.gcwiki.info/?%B1%D1%CE%EE%A4%CE%BC%E9%A4%EA%BC%EA%A5%EC%A5%B7% A5%A2)).

NutakuDev has stated they want to get the loli in, and who knows maybe the JP devs will include her in the second map, in which case she unofficially becomes the real event unit while Emilia cements her place as a tin can replacement / Marribel skill up fodder.

08-09-2016, 10:29 PM
Not sure about others, but I'm basically never using Valks for their UP generation expect during the Subjugation map. I use it as more of a poor man's princess to tank out magic hits. Having this unit around would've made many lich maps a lot easier if you didn't already have a princess. As pointed out, 40 sec is a long time to have stats that high on a gold lvl deployment so I'll be using her as another MR tank and probably replaces Elaine and/or Kerry on most deployments. I probably wouldn't be as stoked if I already had Clissa or Thetis and 3 MR tanks even for the cheap cost.

08-10-2016, 01:57 AM
Eh, let's just compare them side by side then) <br />
┌───────────┬─── ──┬─────┬─────┐ <br />
│ Character │ HP │ Atk │ Def │ <br />
╞═══════════╪═══ ══╪═════╪═════╡ <br />
│ CC Kerry │ 1948 │ 409 │ 315 │...

08-10-2016, 02:40 AM
Looking at it, with max CR so she only costs 10 UP. She certainly has a role as an early ganker/UP generator vs fast ground units. Plus you get more points back when she's withdrawn. Or you can drop a soldier/archer if you have the time and UPs.

Not sure if I can be bothered leveling her or not. If I can get her to 10 UP deployment she's a handy tool in the arsenal for her cost.

08-10-2016, 07:31 AM
Even though I have Thetis, Kerry (min-cost) and Dahlia for Valks and Sybilla, Olivie, Sherry and Sophie for lightning rods/duelists, I'm still going to go for min-cost event unit because, COME ON, WE FINALLY HAVE AN EVENT AGAIN, SO WHY NOT???

...Well, if you're busy leveling other units then there's a reason not to if you have better duelists like I do but meh, whatever, I'm just happy we'll have another event. At least get the SCs from the first few maps, and maybe one copy for harem completion purposes ;)

08-10-2016, 10:29 PM
If you have Kerry reduced I guess you don't need Emilia, but getting an event unit that can be max reduced relatively easily sounds enticing enough with those stats.

08-10-2016, 10:34 PM
Definitely, if you don't have Kerry with any cost reductions, no MR duelists, or just all around lacking in your lineup then sure Emilia can be worthwhile, especially max reduced. If the loli valk is introduced though I say people should farm that second level and cost reduce her instead if all you want is a cheap solid valk that can generate some UP. Better duelists will come our way and two of them are superior valks.

08-12-2016, 10:54 AM
Looking at it, with max CR so she only costs 10 UP.

Yeah, that's the primary draw far as vets are concerned. If you only care about killing liches regardless of UP cost then Claudia and Horace just aren't terribly impressed with what Kerry and Emilia can do. Where valks really shine is ramp and situations where cheap tank swaps are appreciated.

08-12-2016, 11:50 AM
Yeah, that's the primary draw far as vets are concerned. If you only care about killing liches regardless of UP cost then Claudia and Horace just aren't terribly impressed with what Kerry and Emilia can do. Where valks really shine is ramp and situations where cheap tank swaps are appreciated.

Yeah, obviously from a pure combat standpoint, Claudia mops the floor with Kerry and Emilia. Valkyries exist for UP ramp, minor lightning rods, and cheap, easily replaceable duelists, either because you're swapping out lightning rods or dealing with rushes too early for some heavier units to be deployed without screwing your other deployments due to UP cost.

By the way, question for the veterans here: If I were to raise one Valkyrie, would you recommend Dahlia, Emilia, min-cost Kerry or -1 Thetis? Thetis' AW is niche, but very useful within that niche, Kerry is min-costed which is nice but not sure about slowing attack for sake of power, Dahlia gives Valks +7% attack which is tempting indeed, and Emilia, not sure what her ability is. Or would you recommend both Dahlia and Thetis? I guess a priority list would be better than just "keep one, bench the others" since I'll eventually be able to level them all, I've got my main team all AW and several backups as well.

08-12-2016, 11:57 AM
I have -1 cr kerry now with todays pull should i need 2nd valkyrie? Last subjugation map needed 2 valkyries but i do have a Julian too, so what'd you guys suggest for me. Well like others said we farm last event map anyway for silvers but the main question is focus on emilia or not after event?

(and off-topic question: anybody here actually using victoria? I have both spica and -1 cr bashira)

08-12-2016, 01:26 PM
I have -1 cr kerry now with todays pull should i need 2nd valkyrie? Last subjugation map needed 2 valkyries but i do have a Julian too, so what'd you guys suggest for me. Well like others said we farm last event map anyway for silvers but the main question is focus on emilia or not after event?

(and off-topic question: anybody here actually using victoria? I have both spica and -1 cr bashira)

I doubt having a second Valkyrie would HURT lol, though prioritizing depends on where your other units stand.

As for Victoria versus Spica versus Bashira, Victoria loses out most of the time (Spica u want for the AW bonus, extends her range and attack for a VERY long time, and is easier to CR since she comes with -1 built-in and is guaranteed access via TP, plus she has Skill UP fodder in the silver Lauren; against Bashira, enemies need to have really high defense for Victoria to beat Bashira in damage, or she has to be attacking for the majority of her much longer lasting skill). In the end, they fill different niches. Bashira is burst, Victoria is sustained damage and Spica is sustained damage that trades some power for more range.

08-12-2016, 01:37 PM
Should level her too then. Tho i already have so many ranged units :/ monica, stray, maxed soma, vincent...

08-12-2016, 01:51 PM
Should level her too then. Tho i already have so many ranged units :/ monica, stray, maxed soma, vincent...

Skip Stray, IMO, he does get a MASSIVE range boost (60!) but his attack speed slows down to the point where I'd just go with Pirates who have only slightly less range, similar attack rate while having huge attack lead (plus if you AW your Monica you get Demon Crystal drop rate boost!). He does get an attack 5 enemies or something like that Skill AW, I think, but given his attack speed...

Soma is silver so she shouldn't be hard to raise if you want a cheap, decent archer

Vincent is OK, his class is insane when AW vs. undead but the event that spams them at you just passed so IDK if you want to level him right now.

of the ones you've stated you have so far, IMO leveling priority should be:
Spica > Monica = Bashira (sustained + DC drop boost vs. huge burst) > Victoria > Soma > Vincent > Stray

08-12-2016, 02:06 PM
i have spica (aw maxed) , bashira cc-ed max , and nanaly aw 89. Adn that's bsides a max lvl aw monica and some other ranged units i can't remember now. I even wanted to cc the plat event archer which name i can't remember as well since i like her art quite a bit .

generally speaking , having archers is not bad. Problem is that they are expensive to cc. Also , having extra duelists is not bad either

08-12-2016, 02:26 PM
Skip Stray, IMO, he does get a MASSIVE range boost (60!) but his attack speed slows down to the point where I'd just go with Pirates who have only slightly less range, similar attack rate while having huge attack lead (plus if you AW your Monica you get Demon Crystal drop rate boost!). He does get an attack 5 enemies or something like that Skill AW, I think, but given his attack speed...

Soma is silver so she shouldn't be hard to raise if you want a cheap, decent archer

Vincent is OK, his class is insane when AW vs. undead but the event that spams them at you just passed so IDK if you want to level him right now.

of the ones you've stated you have so far, IMO leveling priority should be:
Spica > Monica = Bashira (sustained + DC drop boost vs. huge burst) > Victoria > Soma > Vincent > Stray
Well dead king isnt the only event that contains undead, imelias event and even shukas event had undead units so i'd put vincent at more upwards. Other than that yeah, i wont bother with stray while have 2 plat archers, probably use him at aw or rainbow crystal exchange since he's premium.

- - - Updated - - -

i have spica (aw maxed) , bashira cc-ed max , and nanaly aw 89. Adn that's bsides a max lvl aw monica and some other ranged units i can't remember now. I even wanted to cc the plat event archer which name i can't remember as well since i like her art quite a bit .

generally speaking , having archers is not bad. Problem is that they are expensive to cc. Also , having extra duelists is not bad either

That should be rita. I would prioritize on victoria over monica, but you've seen the patch notes, pirates are so awesome right now with their increased speed and slow (tested it myself with monica) they already had higher damage and range. Anyway should level them both then if you say so.

08-12-2016, 02:57 PM
not a bad ideea....but do that if u donțt have other stuff to do first.

Both are good units , but they arențt core. Assuming , u donț need to level other stuff , yes , then they are good to have for your army. You never know when they will come in handy

08-13-2016, 12:53 AM
From what I heard, current DMM meta is Pirates >> Archers. Take it any way you want ;)

By the way, question for the veterans here: If I were to raise one Valkyrie, would you recommend Dahlia, Emilia, min-cost Kerry or -1 Thetis? Thetis' AW is niche, but very useful within that niche, Kerry is min-costed which is nice but not sure about slowing attack for sake of power, Dahlia gives Valks +7% attack which is tempting indeed, and Emilia, not sure what her ability is. Or would you recommend both Dahlia and Thetis? I guess a priority list would be better than just "keep one, bench the others" since I'll eventually be able to level them all, I've got my main team all AW and several backups as well.Thetis and Dahlia, with Thetis being a bit higher in priority due to -1. You may leave Kerry at CCmax for the situations where you can't deploy Thetis fast enough, or raise Emilia to CCmax for that role, should you manage to min-cost her, but I'd keep in mind Mischa's release after the takeover to fill the cheap valk role here :)
ЗЫ. Emilia's AW passive is 15% chance to nullify incoming blow, same as Maribel the early event plat heavy.

08-15-2016, 08:33 AM
From what I heard, current DMM meta is Pirates >> Archers. Take it any way you want ;)

Thetis and Dahlia, with Thetis being a bit higher in priority due to -1. You may leave Kerry at CCmax for the situations where you can't deploy Thetis fast enough, or raise Emilia to CCmax for that role, should you manage to min-cost her, but I'd keep in mind Mischa's release after the takeover to fill the cheap valk role here :)
ЗЫ. Emilia's AW passive is 15% chance to nullify incoming blow, same as Maribel the early event plat heavy.

I pulled a spare Dahlia so she could be -1 too, does that change anything? Good to know about Kerry and Emilia though, thanks. And as for Mischa... well, I'll take her into account when we get her lol

- - - Updated - - -

Well dead king isnt the only event that contains undead, imelias event and even shukas event had undead units so i'd put vincent at more upwards. Other than that yeah, i wont bother with stray while have 2 plat archers, probably use him at aw or rainbow crystal exchange since he's premium.

- - - Updated - - -

That should be rita. I would prioritize on victoria over monica, but you've seen the patch notes, pirates are so awesome right now with their increased speed and slow (tested it myself with monica) they already had higher damage and range. Anyway should level them both then if you say so.

I'm aware there are plenty of Undead around still lol, but since we're not being swamped with them, I'd still put Monica over Vincent AND Victoria if only due to Pirate buff + DC drop rate boost. Victoria idk about, sustained damage is great but Spica gets sustained damage (less boost but higher base due to elf race, plus extended range, though skill timer can be an issue) AND boosts all archer attack, which is why Victoria is lower on my priority list. Vincent could move above her, but IDK about moving above Monica/Bashira (Bashira's burst is great for when it's needed; I don't use her but that's because I have her upgraded version Nanaly)

08-15-2016, 08:50 AM
Does that mean Beatrice actually sees use on DMM? Although now they have Sabrina as a plat event pirate and she looks pretty great.

08-15-2016, 09:43 AM
Does that mean Beatrice actually sees use on DMM? Although now they have Sabrina as a plat event pirate and she looks pretty great.

Well i dont think so. Beatrice have crappy skills. Her saw lasts 25 secods and 1 time use 0.o her skill reduces her range so badly. I'd use monica instead of her. Tho i love her aw art :) so cute and badass.

08-15-2016, 11:14 AM
Does that mean Beatrice actually sees use on DMM? Although now they have Sabrina as a plat event pirate and she looks pretty great.

Only time you'd use Beatrice over other pirates like Monica/Rachel/Sabrina is if you WANT the range reduction so she only attacks certain enemies (there was a desert event map a while back where some videos used her specifically to cover a single path, using the skill to make sure she left other enemies to other units). Normally that range reduction hurts a lot.

08-15-2016, 11:12 PM
Far as Dahlia vs. Thetis is concerned I prefer the latter--she has status immunity and well-rounded stats while Attack IV instead of Risk Life III isn't a terrible trade if you're mostly using her on rare maps where you need to UP ramp or tie up paralyzing units anyway. Dahlia mostly shines vs magic users and that's a role which faces a lot of competition from outside of the Valkyrie class. I don't really foresee myself ever using Dahila much given that I've already invested some fodder into Sybilla, Thetis, Claudia, Imelia, Horace and Conrad.

08-16-2016, 07:31 AM
Far as Dahlia vs. Thetis is concerned I prefer the latter--she has status immunity and well-rounded stats while Attack IV instead of Risk Life III isn't a terrible trade if you're mostly using her on rare maps where you need to UP ramp or tie up paralyzing units anyway. Dahlia mostly shines vs magic users and that's a role which faces a lot of competition from outside of the Valkyrie class. I don't really foresee myself ever using Dahila much given that I've already invested some fodder into Sybilla, Thetis, Claudia, Imelia, Horace and Conrad.

Hmm... I think I agree with that, I have Sybilla, Olivie and Sherry to deal with mage dueling, plus Sophie when they come with others, could raise Claudia as well. Guess the psycho lesbian gets priority lol

08-16-2016, 03:55 PM
Plus, the other issue I have with budget duelists like rogues and valkyrie is that I like big buffs and I cannot lie oftentimes the Prince is OK if you just need a reasonably tough unit to help hold the fort without demanding a ton of heals.

08-19-2016, 11:55 PM
I think that the base Max stats of Emilia is not so bad compared to Kerry. Differences:
HP -44
Atk -20 (without the Ability "Power Attack" of kerry that gives 35%)
Def -41
Cost 0

Maybe you say that the ability kerry is better and the ability of Emila is not efficient because she block only 1.

OK, Power Attack gives a lot of atk to kerry. (maybe not relevant but it decreases the attack speed if you forgot)
does not matter that Emila can block only 1 because it's a percentage, so the only thing will change is our perception about this ability.
the ability is not more effective with Maribel then with Emilia.
OK, the ability is activated more often, but do not forget that she takes more hits.

What I mean is that she is not a bad unit off her skill, but she becomes a god when activated. (may reach 1166 attack with the ability of the prince)

I saw a lot of people talking bad about her and I wanted to defend her, I remember they did the same thing with anya when she was released and I didn't say a word, though already I thought about her potential for tank, so I wanted to redeem myself this time.:)

08-20-2016, 09:41 AM
I think that the base Max stats of Emilia is not so bad compared to Kerry. Differences:
HP -44
Atk -20 (without the Ability "Power Attack" of kerry that gives 35%)
Def -41
Cost 0

Maybe you say that the ability kerry is better and the ability of Emila is not efficient because she block only 1.

OK, Power Attack gives a lot of atk to kerry. (maybe not relevant but it decreases the attack speed if you forgot)
does not matter that Emila can block only 1 because it's a percentage, so the only thing will change is our perception about this ability.
the ability is not more effective with Maribel then with Emilia.
OK, the ability is activated more often, but do not forget that she takes more hits.

What I mean is that she is not a bad unit off her skill, but she becomes a god when activated. (may reach 1166 attack with the ability of the prince)

I saw a lot of people talking bad about her and I wanted to defend her, I remember they did the same thing with anya when she was released and I didn't say a word, though already I thought about her potential for tank, so I wanted to redeem myself this time.:)

Despite what ppl think about Anya, she's my most wanted event unit after Rowanna. Regardless of their use, they're both gorgeous. I'd definitely find a way to implement them both in my teams which shouldn't be difficult.

08-20-2016, 10:16 AM
actually anya is a very high tier unit even on DMM if i remember correctly. Not sure where did u got the idea that shes useless <br />
<br />
As for emilia...u have to realize that shes a bad unit for the...

08-21-2016, 10:22 AM
I could see myself using her as a ganker where i could also use elaine (when u gank and dont want to lose UP) but just let her stay instat of taking her away and use her skill (after just like 12...

08-21-2016, 11:48 AM
I wasn't paying attention and got to this event a bit late.
I've finished mission 4 and got my gauranteed unit. But, is farming that mission the only way to get more copies for skill ups? There wasn't much discussion or explanation on this event.

08-21-2016, 11:58 AM
I wasn't paying attention and got to this event a bit late.
I've finished mission 4 and got my gauranteed unit. But, is farming that mission the only way to get more copies for skill ups? There wasn't much discussion or explanation on this event.

You can check it on Wiki (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Warmaiden%27s_Oath). The missions that require 1, 5 and 7 Stamina drop Emilia. The higher ammount of stamina required, the higher chance of getting event unit. Tho it's less then two days of this event left, so you barely will get enough of Emilias to perfect her. You can try to farm for other Silvers tho. In the link I dropped, you can see all available information on the event.

08-21-2016, 01:29 PM
You can check it on Wiki (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Warmaiden%27s_Oath). The missions that require 1, 5 and 7 Stamina drop Emilia. The higher ammount of stamina required, the higher chance of getting event unit. Tho it's less then two days of this event left, so you barely will get enough of Emilias to perfect her. You can try to farm for other Silvers tho. In the link I dropped, you can see all available information on the event.

Okay, so it was the "100% gauranteed drop first time" that threw me off and made me think it was inherently different from the other events.
Well, it's not like I have any other perfect units. Not for lack of trying, I'm just never able to get enough stars or get all the drops.

08-21-2016, 01:31 PM
They are random, so don't care about it too much. It seems to be the way RNG is working here anyway :D

08-21-2016, 01:43 PM
They are random, so don't care about it too much. It seems to be the way RNG is working here anyway :D

I mean like the star collection too. I always end up missing a few stars.

08-21-2016, 01:56 PM
Give it time, I think it took me like half a year from the moment I started playing to get a perfect unit from Star Rushes :D Either way, to level up the skill you can do Tuesday and Friday dailies and hope that you'll get Rainbow Spirits. They have a chance to level up the skill. As for unit points, it's not that important I guess, but if you are after a collection of perfect units like me, you can hope that some day Nutaku will implement most of the content that DMM - the place where this game is coming from, have in their version.

08-21-2016, 03:05 PM
This event was a complete fiasco for me. Not a single silver nor a cred emilia. I could only achieve -2/3 seems im doing monday daily but dunno what to do with emilia. If lafate was here he'd tell us not to farm this :/

08-21-2016, 04:27 PM
If lafate was here he'd tell us not to farm this :/
Sometimes you just need to use your own brain, and make decisions yourself, you know?) Besides, DMM veterans all as one kept telling that as unit Emilia is almost useless. Personally, I'll keep my 11 copies of her until Maribel's revival (who have the same skill and is MUCH more useful for free players, such as myself).

08-22-2016, 04:10 AM
This event was a complete fiasco for me. Not a single silver nor a cred emilia. I could only achieve -2/3 seems im doing monday daily but dunno what to do with emilia. If lafate was here he'd tell us not to farm this :/

SO...me repeating in both the event thread and in the aigis chatbox that emilia is useless doesnt count ? Or the fact that several DMM players mirrored my opinion ?

Im sorry but , lafate , while being a much more active and helpfull community member , also takes his info from the same places the rest of the veterans do. The info doesnt change if he says it or if anyone else does.

You just have to either learn to trust yourself , or decide to trust others...whichever is best for you

Jay Rich
08-22-2016, 04:36 AM
Where it may be true this event wasn't worth farming or spending the time doing I guess it all comes down to the individual and what they want. Me personally I hate missing event units regardless of how useless they will be in the future and any chance to get silvers I will take.

08-23-2016, 07:51 AM
Well that was a week of futility. Farmed 1 healer (first time on that map), no valkyries and a few Emilias. I have her currently at L50 with -2/+3 and a couple of spares to use when I CC her and hope I get another CR. Buuut the event didn't drop Heavies anywhere and the Valks refused to drop for me anyway.

I rolled in the gacha and got the other healer I needed at L30 so I was still able to awaken Iris but it could have gone so much better. Aaaand now we wait another 2-4 weeks probably for an event where we get no silvers at all.

08-23-2016, 08:43 AM
Well that was a week of futility. Farmed 1 healer (first time on that map), no valkyries and a few Emilias. I have her currently at L50 with -2/+3 and a couple of spares to use when I CC her and hope I get another CR. Buuut the event didn't drop Heavies anywhere and the Valks refused to drop for me anyway.

I rolled in the gacha and got the other healer I needed at L30 so I was still able to awaken Iris but it could have gone so much better. Aaaand now we wait another 2-4 weeks probably for an event where we get no silvers at all.

And what event drops 0 silvers? Every single event I've seen has silvers at a 10% drop rate or so, except maybe the Gold Rush (but then you're getting Gold units instead, not something to complain about lol)

08-23-2016, 09:25 AM
he was most likely saying that HE WONT get silvers again because of bad luck....not necesarily that the event doesnt drop them

At least thats how i understand it

08-23-2016, 10:13 AM
Or next event will be another Daily Multiplier. Or another Total Domination. Those are treated as events on Nutaku.

08-23-2016, 11:48 AM
Or next event will be another Daily Multiplier. Or another Total Domination. Those are treated as events on Nutaku.

I'd take either over nothing any week. That said, we've only had 1 TD so another would be nice, SOMETHING to bide us over a bit before Nutaku takes over and hopefully brings us a storm of events, new and skipped, plus the excluded "loli" units that should have been brought over ages ago (Nutaku's end they aren't censored but DMM has kept them from us, or so I understand). That said, I probably am wishing for too much lol.

08-23-2016, 06:21 PM
Give it time, I think it took me like half a year from the moment I started playing to get a perfect unit from Star Rushes :D Either way, to level up the skill you can do Tuesday and Friday dailies and hope that you'll get Rainbow Spirits. They have a chance to level up the skill. As for unit points, it's not that important I guess, but if you are after a collection of perfect units like me, you can hope that some day Nutaku will implement most of the content that DMM - the place where this game is coming from, have in their version.

In the remaining two days I had, I used up my stamina from waiting and spent like 3 shards. Why not, I never use them anymore I just save them.
I managed to get her skill up to level 4. But, I didnt get any cost reductions I think? Is 10 her base unit cost?

08-24-2016, 06:50 AM
In the remaining two days I had, I used up my stamina from waiting and spent like 3 shards. Why not, I never use them anymore I just save them.
I managed to get her skill up to level 4. But, I didnt get any cost reductions I think? Is 10 her base unit cost?

It will tell you next to her cost (Limit Value) if she is min-costed. Event units in general start at +2 compared to others of the same class and rarity, and are capable of 5 CRs to be the same -3 that premium units are, just easier to get (since premium units are randomly acquired from a huge pool)

08-24-2016, 07:34 AM
In the remaining two days I had, I used up my stamina from waiting and spent like 3 shards. Why not, I never use them anymore I just save them.
I managed to get her skill up to level 4. But, I didnt get any cost reductions I think? Is 10 her base unit cost?

No, her max cost is 12 before Class Evolution and 15 after. So I assume you got -2 UC from your combinations. That, or -5, if you got her Evolved. :)

08-24-2016, 10:48 AM
I have posted this some time ago on wiki, but still not sure what todo with 14 copies of Emilia.
Note: Kerry 11 UP

1) AW Kerry and boost her lv because class bonus EXP combination

2) Lv up not same class plats (Probably Imelia or Shizuka) using 2 Emilia + 2 Spirit OR 1 Emilia + 3 silver spirits (I have a lot of them unexpended)

Also, do I need Emilia as a unit? Because I don't fell like rising her at all. My duelists at the moment are Sherry, Claudia, Imelia, Kerry and Conrad. I don't know if I can call her duelist, but there is also Horace.

08-24-2016, 10:57 AM
Emilia's about dead even with Kerry without skills (and have a better skill), so between them use one that costs lower)

Second one bring to CC1 for a proper bed warming :o

08-24-2016, 11:35 AM
With Kerry already reduced twice and leveled and no need for extra duelists, I'd probably skip investing a lot into Emilia. Unless you're in a rush for xp on a particular unit, you should always aim to get more bonus xp by combining same class if you still need levels. As for 2-2 or 1-3 on spirit usage that depends on your number of spare spirits and space constraints, only you can answer that. Typically I do 2-2 for farm units myself though.

08-24-2016, 11:46 AM
I have posted this some time ago on wiki, but still not sure what todo with 14 copies of Emilia.
Note: Kerry 11 UP

1) AW Kerry and boost her lv because class bonus EXP combination

2) Lv up not same class plats (Probably Imelia or Shizuka) using 2 Emilia + 2 Spirit OR 1 Emilia + 3 silver spirits (I have a lot of them unexpended)

Also, do I need Emilia as a unit? Because I don't fell like rising her at all. My duelists at the moment are Sherry, Claudia, Imelia, Kerry and Conrad. I don't know if I can call her duelist, but there is also Horace.

14 Emilias? You should get:
1 Guaranteed (2 used, original and 1st fodder)
50% chance for next CR = 2 for this one (4 total, original + 3 fodder)
25% chance for each subsequent CR = 4 for 3rd CR (8 total)
4th CR: 12 total
So on average, you should have Cost -4, 50% chance of perfect -5. After CC UP cost: 11, maybe 10

1 Guaranteed (2 total)
75% chance: let's call it 2, be a tad pessimistic (4 total)
50% chance: 2 more (6 total)
25% chance: 4 more (10 total)
4 extras if things aren't on average
Average Result: 5/5 skill

Thus you should be at -4 UP, 5/5 skill, with a potential -5 UP if u get lucky, if you go by averages

Now that said, how does she compare to your mentioned duelists?
As a duelist: You drop her in advance or everyone besides Kerry mops the floor with her. If you can do so, she'll rock the target enemy better than any of them (her stats during skill are better than the Black Valkyrie Clissa) except against high defense enemies where Sherry and Claudia's magic damage will outperform (though her defense will be higher to take hits)
As a lightning rod: Loses to all of them due to HP
As a UP ramp: only Kerry is competition, Kerry is a better UP ramp AW without Skill AW due to much higher attack to one-shot the weak enemies that are prevalent early in maps, after Skill AW Emilia wins easily

Conclusion: She will likely outperform Kerry unless you get unlucky with your combinations, the rest are generally preferable as duelists since they do not require advance deployment to function as proper duelists. She'll either make your team as a Kerry replacement or you'll keep one copy for harem completion purposes and use the rest as lesser platinum armor fodder (recommend for Sherry, Claudia and Imelia)

08-24-2016, 04:39 PM
14 Emilias? You should get:
1 Guaranteed (2 used, original and 1st fodder)
50% chance for next CR = 2 for this one (4 total, original + 3 fodder)
25% chance for each subsequent CR = 4 for 3rd CR (8 total)
4th CR: 12 total
So on average, you should have Cost -4, 50% chance of perfect -5. After CC UP cost: 11, maybe 10

1 Guaranteed (2 total)
75% chance: let's call it 2, be a tad pessimistic (4 total)
50% chance: 2 more (6 total)
25% chance: 4 more (10 total)
4 extras if things aren't on average
Average Result: 5/5 skill

Thus you should be at -4 UP, 5/5 skill, with a potential -5 UP if u get lucky, if you go by averages

Now that said, how does she compare to your mentioned duelists?
As a duelist: You drop her in advance or everyone besides Kerry mops the floor with her. If you can do so, she'll rock the target enemy better than any of them (her stats during skill are better than the Black Valkyrie Clissa) except against high defense enemies where Sherry and Claudia's magic damage will outperform (though her defense will be higher to take hits)
As a lightning rod: Loses to all of them due to HP
As a UP ramp: only Kerry is competition, Kerry is a better UP ramp AW without Skill AW due to much higher attack to one-shot the weak enemies that are prevalent early in maps, after Skill AW Emilia wins easily

Conclusion: She will likely outperform Kerry unless you get unlucky with your combinations, the rest are generally preferable as duelists since they do not require advance deployment to function as proper duelists. She'll either make your team as a Kerry replacement or you'll keep one copy for harem completion purposes and use the rest as lesser platinum armor fodder (recommend for Sherry, Claudia and Imelia)

Idk. U forgot that he has SHERRY. With Sherry in his team Kerry gains an additional 5% HP, ATK and DEF wich works with her skill. Thanks to Sherry boost she will actualy end up at both skill use (depending on her skill level) same or even more ATK then Emilia and he has her on 11 up. Its just that Kerrys Attack Speed is lower. Ramping up she wins and with sherry and being cost reduced and skill upped idk if Emilia stands a chance, even comparing both during skill use outside of pure tankiness vs physical damage.

08-25-2016, 03:47 AM
14 Emilias? You should get:

1 Guaranteed (2 total)
75% chance: let's call it 2, be a tad pessimistic (4 total)
50% chance: 2 more (6 total)
25% chance: 4 more (10 total)
4 extras if things aren't on average
Average Result: 5/5 skill

Thus you should be at -4 UP, 5/5 skill, with a potential -5 UP if u get lucky, if you go by averages

https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/.eJwNyVEOwiAMANC7cADakWl0ifEQnoDNBhugECjbh_Hu7ve9r xktmcV8VOsCsHMQUiVnD47srZStlMhkT4XMKZEIj3z45jlwB84-UAcH7g2veP6otkqARjt3LgLJK3V9buvD4XTBG054n684m98fr2 Uqrw.gBJgEjHIP9-k8lUiv1fjhdBspVU.jpg

also, emilia copies are not rainbow fairies.


08-25-2016, 05:14 AM
We need more sora presence on the forums to keep these crazies in line :0

Jay Rich
08-25-2016, 06:00 AM
https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/.eJwNyVEOwiAMANC7cADakWl0ifEQnoDNBhugECjbh_Hu7ve9r xktmcV8VOsCsHMQUiVnD47srZStlMhkT4XMKZEIj3z45jlwB84-UAcH7g2veP6otkqARjt3LgLJK3V9buvD4XTBG054n684m98fr2 Uqrw.gBJgEjHIP9-k8lUiv1fjhdBspVU.jpg

also, emilia copies are not rainbow fairies.


Ouch those last few Skill Ups look painful with same unit, makes me feel lucky on getting Emilia Skill up within 8 units!!

08-25-2016, 06:37 AM
https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/.eJwNyVEOwiAMANC7cADakWl0ifEQnoDNBhugECjbh_Hu7ve9r xktmcV8VOsCsHMQUiVnD47srZStlMhkT4XMKZEIj3z45jlwB84-UAcH7g2veP6otkqARjt3LgLJK3V9buvD4XTBG054n684m98fr2 Uqrw.gBJgEjHIP9-k8lUiv1fjhdBspVU.jpg

also, emilia copies are not rainbow fairies.


FML, you're right, I was looking at the Rainbow Fairies' SU chance.

Re-calculating SU chance:
1st guaranteed = 2 copies total
2nd 50% = 4 copies total
3rd 25% = 8 copies total
4th 5% = highly unlikely to get within the remaining 6 copies

End result: CR -4, possibly 5, SU 4/5, have to be REALLY lucky to get 5/5

@Nero: True, AW Sherry buffs Kerry to have an edge without skill, but while AW Kerry will undoubtedly one-shot trash, if they come in groups, she will also undoubtedly leak through due to lower attack speed. Yes, you'd have to level Emilia a LOT to one-shot but without knowing enemy goblin stats, I'd think it possible. Kerry will always one-shot goblins AW but will leak them through with that much lower attack speed, so it might balance out. During skill there's no contest as a duelist, so it's a toss-up. Personally, I'd stick with Kerry just because the amount of resources required to raise his Emilia, not to mention needing a bit of luck for her cost to be on par (quite a bit more to be 1 less), when he can just keep one copy for harem and use the rest as mini-plat armors... yeah, I'd stick with Kerry myself, especially with the AW Sherry.

08-25-2016, 08:44 AM
It's decided then, Kerry are going to be the cheap valk for now. This not only prevent extra resources spent on Emilia, but also saves Kerry from the dust corner. Thanks a lot ღ・ω・ღ