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View Full Version : What can you tell me about Prison Wars then

08-12-2016, 01:32 PM

....really bad

08-14-2016, 01:14 PM

....really bad

tried it- it is a remake of very common model from 5-10 years ago, where you used to run motorcycle clubs, be pimps, be pirates: limited graphics, text based- they did put in energy timers instead of the old 'step/action" per day timers. The old games were rated for language/actions taken. Since this is SFW, I am guessing its more of the same.

You can -
spend money on your cell, to make it nicer and earn booze/cigarettes
sign up for jobs, to earn money over time (jobs based on your base stats)
sign up to sell drugs, to earn money over time (based on your level)
PVP fights to take money from others
commit crimes, with a success chance of 0-95%, to earn cash and exp (uses Nerve bar-max nerve based on your level)
work in gym, to improve stats (uses energy bar)
Buy better gear (based on level)

If you want to get ahead, hit the gym, store your money in the bank (at level 5, hitting for around 35, I was attacked by someone hitting for 3500+- either they really hit the gym, or were using level 12 weapons), and steal money form others. At 4 energy ever 2 minutes, you should be able to work your base stats up pretty well, even more if you use the drugs to double your increases.

There is more content at levels 10 and 15 (fight club, major drug pushing), but I am not sticking around to find out if its actually new stuff, or just more of the same.