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View Full Version : The Witch Girl event guide

10-03-2016, 06:55 AM
Good timeofaday, brave Princes! T'was a long and dark weekend for all us, with expectations shattering and hopes burning down, but our cause is not all lost, and dawn comes at least, in the form of our very first Revival!
So let's relive the tale of The Daughter of the Witch!

Revival runs: 2016-10-04 to 2016-10-11

This is a Unit Farm event.

(Re)Introducing the White Witch Belinda (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Belinda)! The very first event unit, a platinum witch with Range Up II skill and the daughter of our first good witch, Cloris. For ones not blessed with Yuyu or Despara, and unwilling to raise multiple min-costed Calliopes, she represents the hope to pass the infamous Wall of Magic. Awakening brings her ever useful class-wide attack up buff (+7% to all witches if Belinda is on the team), cementing her place in our harem... I mean army) Her Skill Awakening, whenever it comes to us, marries range with firepower, bringing her mother to help out as an added bonus)
And as her skill is one shared by the number of other units, even veterans who already completed the mission when it first came up may benefit from farming her)
Oh, and since she is from the beginning of events, she benefits from not having her cost inflated. Only 3 CR to go, like for a Shrine unit!)
...Besides, dat Mother-Daughter "bonding time" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Noted enemies: all the usual
Stat correction: 0.65 for first maps, 0.7 for second, 0.8 for third, 1.0 for the rest.


The Witch, Resurrected

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 20 ║ Experience │ 190 ║ Initial UP │ 15 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 2 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 700 ║ Life │ 3 ║ Enemies │ 25 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: sorry, but none.

Drops: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/2b952310af928a2f.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/9351693b4f8acb4c.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/c0abf3a757d0d6fa.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/5946a14caf786f53.png

The Witch's Night

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 25 ║ Experience │ 300 ║ Initial UP │ 15 ║ Max deploy │ 7 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 2 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1500 ║ Life │ 3 ║ Enemies │ 25 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: sorry, but none.

Drops: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/c17d10071b0a6cce.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/2d2f2a676fb9c76b.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/ab5bade2e5fd1fb0.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/fd6f56b1ffd9904f.png

The Witch Strikes Back II

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 30 ║ Experience │ 350 ║ Initial UP │ 15 ║ Max deploy │ 9 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 3 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1200 ║ Life │ 3 ║ Enemies │ 27 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/79c06d38630d5220.png

Drops: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/76adf7ee01a55136.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/7531644ea7e0e832.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/9c7a5bf37fdb94b6.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/4bdb4b7111522371.png

The Witch's Hideout II

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 35 ║ Experience │ 400 ║ Initial UP │ 15 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 3 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1500 ║ Life │ 3 ║ Enemies │ 61 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: sorry, but none.

Drops: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/d28c8c5a164699bd.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/bcc28482a466fbff.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/587cebbc1c9f4397.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/b5678824b9ebaef1.png

The Witch's Pursuit

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 35 ║ Experience │ 400 ║ Initial UP │ 15 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 3 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1500 ║ Life │ 3 ║ Enemies │ 51 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/e5b35ede38dc5bbe.png


Drops: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/3e786f95cc281184.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/898ec972d9d863ff.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/cd0983a9e0e1a51f.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/03fd984a550c3efe.png

The Witch's Feast II

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 40 ║ Experience │ 400 ║ Initial UP │ 15 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 3 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1500 ║ Life │ 3 ║ Enemies │ 50 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/9e588c4a5f550fa9.png


Drops: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/76adf7ee01a55136.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/fbeb04da1658e46e.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/7debc976bb302acf.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/affec06cfe3f15b4.png

Comments about the event
Seeing as it is a revival of an rather ancient event, maps should pose no real problem for any developed army, not to mention Awakened one :D While there's an assortment of silvers to choose from - a mage, bandit, rogue, heavy infantry + healer, and archer - only archer shares the map with Belinda, so silver farming may preclude you from amassing her copies. And there's a rumor that drop rates are rather abysmal here, so prepare for that too.

New Characters Arriving
What new characters, it's a revival! :D

New Classes Being Introduced

All Hail to the Revivals! ;) ...Now let's hope next one won't be in the next millennium :cool:

ЗЫ. Links:

MWAWiki (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/The_Witch_Girl) (EN)
Seesaa (http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/d/%cb%e2%bd%f7%a4%ce%cc%bc) (JP)
GCWiki (http://aigis.gcwiki.info/?%CB%E2%BD%F7%A4%CE%CC%BC) (JP)
WikiWiki (http://wikiwiki.jp/aigiszuki/%3F%25CB%25E2%25BD%25F7%25A4%25CE%25CC%25BC) (JP)

10-03-2016, 07:00 AM
Already? The Maintenence didn't even begin yet :D

10-03-2016, 09:07 AM
I knew she needed only 3 CR for min cost but the map is also real cheap to run at 40/3. Those two together at a glance makes me think she cant be that much harder to min cost than any other farm unit, though someone who actually wants to do the maths with correct drop numbers can correct me here.

10-03-2016, 09:18 AM
also , assuming i understand corectly , gold+ rarity units get 3x xp during the event as well. Id actually hold my horses on silver farming and try to farm as many belindas as possible , even as a veteran , because using a plat unit as a xp unit during the event should give over 10k xp (assuming u use 3 fairies as well , duh)

10-03-2016, 09:30 AM
Boost excludes event units as before if I'm reading news correctly.

10-03-2016, 10:42 AM
Thanks for the reviv... *cough* guide! Our brave pathfinder once again lightened all roads for the princes behind him!
Did i said before i like your guides :D well, there is no event passing without im saying it...

Btw, is drop rates "that" abysmal? Cmon %8 is way too low even despite being premium-event girl (do some math and you'll see im right) At least, i hope silver drop rates are still at %10. Needed tons of archers anyway so, 7/24 40/3 map for me. I need tons of samurais as well but lets skip awing sophie, akane and marr for some other time.

10-03-2016, 11:11 AM
If the drop rates will be the same as current DMM daily version, I'd say it's like 30-50% for last map. I don't believe that I've managed to get one Belinda per every second run with just those 8%.

10-03-2016, 11:33 AM
My feelings on the listed drop rates/map costs are mixed. The percentage is bad, but on the bright side there's the guaranteed drop and her base cost appears to be gacha standard rather than increased like some other event units. Min-costing her would be a real bear, but map entry costs are low so scooping up a usable copy and moving on with your life is dead easy. That'd be appealing if there was a concurrent event to go burn my excess stamina on but as things stand it leaves me a bit cold.

10-03-2016, 11:42 AM
Even though this is a rerun, it's still a useful rerun.

10-03-2016, 01:11 PM
@Koskha I guess its 3 or 4th revival of belinda you're talking about, no? I thought revivals be like collection events, or was these future revivals? not exactly know.

10-03-2016, 10:59 PM
@Ramazan If my understanding is correct, it'll be farm event, not a collection (if it were, they should've mentioned addition of time crystals to TP). Collection revivals are usually used as reprints to star- and collection- events, while revivals of farm events are farm events.

10-04-2016, 12:18 AM
Pretty glad were finally getting revivals. I'm sad though cause I awakened YuYu the day before it was announced, oh well.

Jay Rich
10-04-2016, 01:57 AM
Pretty glad were finally getting revivals. I'm sad though cause I awakened YuYu the day before it was announced, oh well.

I have awakened my Yuyu too but she is still a good unit as she packs a bit more power than Belinda who is a plat unit and for a gold unit that is pretty good, though Yuyus other stats aren't as high as Belinda's. Plus she can be mincosted to 11, 10 when awakened where as Belinda can only go down to 12 but of course will be easier to min cost than yuyu.

10-04-2016, 04:14 AM
Yay, we're finally getting revivals! :D

Though I hope they aren't planning on putting breaks between them and running them as normal events, since that would make things far too slow...

10-04-2016, 05:29 AM
nanaly literally soloed the entire event

Jay Rich
10-04-2016, 05:51 AM
Well that was surprisingly easy, are revival events easier than the normal ones usually?

10-04-2016, 06:01 AM
Well that was surprisingly easy, are revival events easier than the normal ones usually?

It depends on how far back the event was, for the witch girl she is LITERALLY the first event aigis had. Which was 2013 for dmm / march of 2015 for nutaku.
Given how much time we have to strengthen our armies, no surprise we can handle it. (It was meant to be cleared without CC units.)

10-04-2016, 06:39 AM
Got one Belinda in six runs, but that Belinda gave me the last cost reduction on my -2, 5/5 Belinda.

Meh. Guess I'll keep farming for Yuyu and/or Mehlis, assuming these 30CC Mehlis copies fail to do anything.

Jay Rich
10-04-2016, 06:56 AM
It depends on how far back the event was, for the witch girl she is LITERALLY the first event aigis had. Which was 2013 for dmm / march of 2015 for nutaku.
Given how much time we have to strengthen our armies, no surprise we can handle it. (It was meant to be cleared without CC units.)

Yeah that is one of the reason I thought it was easy, I thought as time went on Aigis would have grown and more things would have been added such as new units and unit type plus awakening thus making the game harder as well.

My other thought was maybe the revival event was easy so that it could be run along side another main event (which is not the case here) but this revival event doesn't seem to use the same system I have heard about from DMM's revival system, maybe they are working towards getting that implemented.

I know Nutakus Aigis is quite behind DMM's but I still hope in the future they hope to run revival events along side new events, though with things the way they are currently it may be awhile off. Still one step at a time and we are making progress towards a better Aigis on Nutaku.

10-04-2016, 07:06 AM
What we are having now is quite literally DMM-side's Revival system, the first one. Farm events stay farm events, Star Trials / Item Collections turn into Time Crystal farming to buy copies of event girl from TP. And it runs along side new event to boot! Well, said event is Drop Rate Up, but it is an event, even on DMM-side ;)

MUCH later on (as in, couple of months ago) Farm events will be removed from regular revival circulation and restructured into Daily Revival system, that is, Farm Revival in a day, every day XD Don't expect that one before 2020 here :o

10-04-2016, 08:14 AM
Belindas Event was meant to be cleared with none cced or a few cc10-20 units i was never expecting it to be challenging, it cant. If u want a challange try to beat the maps with all your none cced units (not counting princess and the likes here :P)

10-04-2016, 10:04 AM
Yeah, I'm not complaining, really, but it is kinda funny to hear Anna talk about retreating when my Prince could just fix the problem by untying Sophie from his bedpost for a few minutes. Priorities, I guess.

10-04-2016, 10:34 AM
There's actually Iron Man mode (read: extreme low rarity, iron-bronze) videos for the event back there in the guide so yeah :o

10-04-2016, 11:04 AM
I had Christopher drop instead of Dorca on "The Witch's Pursuit." It was the only unit that dropped, but I can't see him replacing Leanne for a drop over the other units on that map.

10-04-2016, 11:35 AM
I had Christopher drop instead of Dorca on "The Witch's Pursuit." It was the only unit that dropped, but I can't see him replacing Leanne for a drop over the other units on that map.
I did have Leanne drop on me, so it seems like we have a different healer.

- - - Updated - - -

nanaly literally soloed the entire event

Betty also had quite a bit of fun, though she may need a heal every once in a while.

10-04-2016, 02:30 PM
Fixed the healer displayed in guide. Added event banner.

10-04-2016, 04:05 PM
well... I got Belinda to CR twice... 1 more CR and then I can try and get some mages. I couldn't get a single mage last event and they're literally the only fodder i need atm, with exception of a few rogues. I've about 18 silver healers now dropping needlessly from the past 3 events...

10-04-2016, 04:58 PM
I got only the guaranteed one so far, I have the feeling that I'll have to sink quite some sc here for mincosting Belinda :X

10-04-2016, 05:44 PM
I kinda doubt this, but I'm just going to ask to make sure. Is there someone with some ability that can increase unit drops or something along those lines? Because waiting for a drop is killing me.

10-04-2016, 06:02 PM
I kinda doubt this, but I'm just going to ask to make sure. Is there someone with some ability that can increase unit drops or something along those lines? Because waiting for a drop is killing me.

http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/d/%c8%eb%bf%cf%a4%ce%b0%c5%bb%a6%bc%d4%a5%b8%a5%e5%a 5%ce%a5%f3

Rogue Junon can increase the drop rate of silvers.

Jay Rich
10-04-2016, 08:58 PM
I got only the guaranteed one so far, I have the feeling that I'll have to sink quite some sc here for mincosting Belinda :X

Yeah I am getting the same feeling, I have only had the guaranteed drop so far and have done the last map quite a few times. I wont to be able to also enjoy the increased drop rate on dailies!!

10-04-2016, 09:25 PM
I don't mind farming Belinda and Archers. Once I have Belinda min costed I move on to Heavies and Healers. At least farming this event is cheap stamina-wise.

Apart from lacking Valkyries that will hopefully cover my current shortages.

10-05-2016, 12:38 AM
Well, as for me the last map gives me what i all need, still drop rate is very low for me, only 1 black spirit apart from guaranteed and silvers while clearing other maps till now.

10-05-2016, 06:55 AM
Well, as for me the last map gives me what i all need, still drop rate is very low for me, only 1 black spirit apart from guaranteed and silvers while clearing other maps till now.

So your luck is identical to mine, lol. Is it really 8%?
If so: 8% = 12.5 runs per drop (minus guaranteed), so on average...
Just get unit: 1 run
CR -1: 13.5 runs = 40.5 stamina
CR -2: 38.5 runs = 115.5 stamina
Min-cost: 88.5 runs = 265.5 stamina = MUST use SCs because that's over 11 days worth of regeneration and it only lasts a week.


Jay Rich
10-05-2016, 07:16 AM
So your luck is identical to mine, lol. Is it really 8%?
If so: 8% = 12.5 runs per drop (minus guaranteed), so on average...
Just get unit: 1 run
CR -1: 13.5 runs = 40.5 stamina
CR -2: 38.5 runs = 115.5 stamina
Min-cost: 88.5 runs = 265.5 stamina = MUST use SCs because that's over 11 days worth of regeneration and it only lasts a week.


The missions may be easier but getting a completed unit is much harder with this drop rate, I got a feeling I wont be able to enjoy the daily drop rate as all my time will be spent on the perfect event unit...

Maybe I'll just bulk farm on the weekend with SC for the perfect unit. This event must be painful for F2P users.

10-05-2016, 08:06 AM
9 runs on the last map (excluding the 100% drop run) got me 1 event unit and a black fairy :D

10-05-2016, 08:06 AM
The missions may be easier but getting a completed unit is much harder with this drop rate, I got a feeling I wont be able to enjoy the daily drop rate as all my time will be spent on the perfect event unit...

Maybe I'll just bulk farm on the weekend with SC for the perfect unit. This event must be painful for F2P users.

I doubt the goal of a F2P is to "must get min-cost", I am happy enough with my 3 drops of belinda.
She will be a frequent repeat for revival anyway, assuming nutaku speeds up.

10-05-2016, 08:06 AM
It's only painful if you were absolutely required to min cost her to be usable. The fact that she has a guaranteed copy from very easy maps that's as good as a premium makes it a godsend for F2P. You can get a shrine lvl plat unit with -1CR and maybe a silver or two while still making it home in time for Thursday and Monday boosted dailies with no SC spent. If you're a F2P hoping to mincost all your event units, you're being unrealistic.

10-05-2016, 10:47 AM
It's only painful if you were absolutely required to min cost her to be usable. The fact that she has a guaranteed copy from very easy maps that's as good as a premium makes it a godsend for F2P. You can get a shrine lvl plat unit with -1CR and maybe a silver or two while still making it home in time for Thursday and Monday boosted dailies with no SC spent. If you're a F2P hoping to mincost all your event units, you're being unrealistic.

This. If you look at my post, Cost -1 Belinda will take you 41 hours worth of stamina regeneration on average. That's just Saturday and Sunday, where you don't conflict with dailies (other than Saturday's Orb daily) and you'll have a -1 cost, same as if you pulled the same premium unit twice.
Cost -2 would take 116 hours/24 = almost 5 days but you can still take Monday and Thursday dailies and have an almost min-costed Belinda. It only gets ridiculous if you just HAVE to have that final CR.

10-05-2016, 11:24 AM
Those are only averages ofc. You can get it in 4 copies (combining 3) and also miss after 20 copies. Again pointing to the fact if you aren't willing to spend you really shouldn't be expecting perfect event units.

10-05-2016, 11:52 AM
Yep, as I noted earlier she starts out at standard plat witch cost anyway, so if you're only mildly interested in her this event's pretty sweet. You get a bunch of SC for a piddly amount of stamina and the unit is usable out of the box. I got lucky and pulled an extra Belinda on my first run through so from my F2P perspective I got the equivalent of what would be a CR -3 for most farm event units from burning less than a day's worth of stamina. It'd be nice if the drop rate was higher since silver fodder is worth weekend farming but I am in no way pained.

10-05-2016, 01:12 PM
Well, personally speaking, seeing as I have AW Despara, Adele and Yuyu, I'd likely use Belinda only for AW Witch buff if at all, so I have the guaranteed copy and I'll go for more but not spending any SC on the event. Besides, she's usable with just one copy.

10-05-2016, 01:32 PM
waste all day worth stamina in last map ...... 1 SINGLE witch

10-05-2016, 01:49 PM
Well, personally speaking, seeing as I have AW Despara, Adele and Yuyu, I'd likely use Belinda only for AW Witch buff if at all, so I have the guaranteed copy and I'll go for more but not spending any SC on the event. Besides, she's usable with just one copy.

Well if you use depara often then you'll definitely want the best belinda you can get. She is a direct upgrade of yuyu and more useful than adele in most situations.

10-05-2016, 03:12 PM
Well if you use depara often then you'll definitely want the best belinda you can get. She is a direct upgrade of yuyu and more useful than adele in most situations.

Hm... Yuyu costs two less (mine is min-cost + AW's -1) than min-cost Belinda, but Belinda can use skill 5 seconds earlier and has AW buff. Depends on effort I suppose, if I get lucky with drops and CR then sure, but if I never get more than guaranteed without whaling... Cost gap gets bigger (10 vs. 15 without CR, most likely 14 as I doubt I'll have THAT shitty luck). On the other hand, AW buff means Belinda will be around often if Despara/Adele combo is deployed so... likely would want her min-cost just so I don't use a 4th slot on Yuyu lol.

Yuyu would actually win Attack as well as Cost if not for Belinda's AW buff and she's cheaper in exchange for skill usable 5 seconds earlier. The only issue is, like I said, I'd likely want to have Belinda on team for AW buff if I'm using witches, thus do I really want to use both AND Despara/Adele? Likely not (except maybe War of Magic but once that's 3*'d Yuyu's play-time will be VERY limited if I do get min-cost Belinda; 2 UP rarely will make or break a 3* map)

10-05-2016, 04:19 PM
If you already have Yuyu min-costed and both other premium witches I certainly wouldn't bother going for CR on Belinda, but AW and having in sortie is still a pretty big buff to your magic dmg even if you never deploy her.

10-05-2016, 04:26 PM
so...old account with cr2 belinda , has gotten 6 new copies and the new 1 barely got 2 (with the guaranteed 1). RNGessus is making fun of me

10-05-2016, 04:54 PM
She is a direct upgrade of yuyu and more useful than adele in most situations.

Eh, I'd still give the nod to Adele long term. Belinda can be deployed in out of the way places and has better base attack but Adele has a big lead in damage when her skill is up and her HP buff is nice even on maps where witches may not otherwise be relevant. As much as I love my Despara I'd AW Adele to expand my tanking options before I'd AW Belinda just to buff a unit that doesn't really need much help.

10-05-2016, 07:32 PM
1 Belinda (guaranteed), 2 bronze archers, 1 Soma, and 2 black fairies in 20 runs

10-06-2016, 07:01 AM
Well, I got lucky last night, got two copies and both CR succeeded so my Belinda is now CR -2. I think I'm now going to farm event only on Saturday/Sunday where it doesn't conflict with dailies, since that's still very good and Yuyu min-cost AW60 can handle most of the Range Up stuff. AW Adele is a staple in my team even when she'll never be deployed, and IDK if I'd say Range Up > Increase Attack in "most situations" in my experience it's only when ranged spots are at a premium and you're going to want a witch out for a while (often they get swapped out later in the map when UP permits it)

10-06-2016, 07:12 AM
Used up the last of my Harissas to 30CC a Sanosuke (for AW'ing Mehlis), so I need to switch gears and working on map 4 now.

Unfortunately, no dice after six runs. Somehow I've gotten less gold fairies than black fairies, even.

10-06-2016, 09:51 AM
Just what i needed! Both!

10-06-2016, 10:06 AM
that setup is overkill. Seriously , ive did this map with just nanaly and prince without using nanalys skill (prince died tho). If u want , u can do it with nanaly using skill , or simply using nanaly + spicaș...or simply using bashira+ spica if lacking nanaly. Point being , 1-2 awakened plat archers are enough

10-06-2016, 10:26 AM
Just what i needed! Both!

Rofl, nice. Now you can confidently say it was easy without CC.
Looking at the units, sometimes I wish I could test out all blacks but my frugal childhood ingratiating just won't let me spurge my savings.

10-06-2016, 11:55 AM
Well i wished for a nanaly too but these are what i get, aand actually, only mikoto and farne (and prince obviously) were enough despite mikoto %40 farne %0 affed and both are being lower than 30 level. Most enemies cant even reach to leanne, seriously mikoto is so broken... now i know why there were people looking to purchase an account with mikoto in it haha. Farne was just an emergency button, but essential for last witch wave.
Hey this wasnt my first run :P i just wanted to share %5 and %8 chance together.
You dont need to pay for testing them :rolleyes: buut that takes time, took my 3 days to get one...

10-06-2016, 06:39 PM
Given the low drop rates my farming so far has been surprisingly good. 4 healers, 1 heavy, 1 archer and 3 Belindas (including 100% drop). I consider myself pretty lucky.

Makes up for the crap farming I had last couple of events. Goes to show even if numbers are bad one event over time they even out.

Aaand now I have probably jinxed myself for the rest of the event LOL

Jay Rich
10-06-2016, 08:34 PM
that setup is overkill. Seriously , ive did this map with just nanaly and prince without using nanalys skill (prince died tho). If u want , u can do it with nanaly using skill , or simply using nanaly + spicaș...or simply using bashira+ spica if lacking nanaly. Point being , 1-2 awakened plat archers are enough

Been having fun letting my AW Sybilla solo the last map, I do use the prince for his title and I also do need a healer but only for the last 2 big enemies. Otherwise she solos the whole thing.

10-06-2016, 09:23 PM
update 19 runs :D 2 belinda copy, 4 soma, 2 archer bro and 3 black fairies.

10-06-2016, 09:50 PM
So far, 1 Belinda, 1 Christopher, and a bunch of useless iron and bronze. Sometimes, I get none.

Taking a break to farm DC today. Hoping to reach 200 DC to get Spica for the first time.

10-07-2016, 06:43 AM
Started this event without any Belinda, mincosted her a few minutes ago... Got 4 of her in addition of the 100% drop... Guess I've been lucky ^^'

10-07-2016, 09:27 AM
Started this event without any Belinda, mincosted her a few minutes ago... Got 4 of her in addition of the 100% drop... Guess I've been lucky ^^'

4 extra copies
Average to Min-cost: 7
CR Chances:
1st: 100%
2nd: 50%
3rd: 25%
Ignoring the 1st (since it's guaranteed), getting the 2nd and 3rd in 3 tries and assuming it took 3 tries and not 2 (you did not have a spare copy left over):
.5*.75*.25 = .09375
.5*.5*.25 = .0625

Add the two and you get .15625 = 15.625% chance of it happening, slightly better than 1 in 7.

Yeah, you were lucky.

10-07-2016, 09:59 AM
I have approximately 54 hours to decide if im gonna do monday daily or not ^^ if i crmax her then i'll do that, no need to farm her anymore. -2 on alt but still didnt used any copies at main, gonna use them all with plat spirits at sunday night, see if she's max cred.

10-07-2016, 03:09 PM
ok, i got the mage and the archer for cc belinda, but where i suppose to farm the witch??

10-07-2016, 04:51 PM
you can simply go on the first page of this thread and look what each map drops

edit - in our case , nowhere. No map drops silver witches in this event

10-07-2016, 06:18 PM
I just mincosted her too. She's a nightmare to drop but she got min-costed with only 6 copies for me. she also skill-upped to lvl4 to boot. Much better than Lolonee who took over 30 copies to mincost.... Now I gotta farm Valeries....

10-07-2016, 06:27 PM
I just mincosted her too. She's a nightmare to drop but she got min-costed with only 6 copies for me. she also skill-upped to lvl4 to boot. Much better than Lolonee who took over 30 copies to mincost.... Now I gotta farm Valeries....

Oh that sounds good. I barely got 2 Belindas so far.

10-07-2016, 06:33 PM
Oh that sounds good. I barely got 2 Belindas so far.

Yes it is. I'm quite happy with it. And within these 10 minutes I got 3 Mage drops consecutively. Must've been my lucky day, ha! Now I'm gonna switch to farming Rogues.

10-08-2016, 12:53 AM
So after mincosting her, should I go for broke and max out her skill or should I move onto greener pastures, like maybe getting some silvers for future purposes?

Jay Rich
10-08-2016, 01:04 AM
So after mincosting her, should I go for broke and max out her skill or should I move onto greener pastures, like maybe getting some silvers for future purposes?

Depends if you feel like you would benefit from silver fodder for lvling more than maxing her skill. I will be going after the perfect unit with Belinda but in reality her skill isn't a die for skill being 'range up'. It has its benefits and is useful don't get me wrong but with the rate Belinda drops in this event you need to ask yourself do you need silvers more than a perfect unit?

Take into account you can always farm silver in other events and you can always use rainbow spirits to get her skill up (Though I would save them for much better units.)

See this table for how each skill up benefits her Skill:


10-08-2016, 01:17 AM
Depends if you feel like you would benefit from silver fodder for lvling more than maxing her skill. I will be going after the perfect unit with Belinda but in reality her skill isn't a die for skill being 'range up'. It has its benefits and if useful don't get me wrong but with the rate Belinda drops in this event you need to ask yourself do you need silvers more than a perfect unit?

Take into account you can always farm silver in other events and you can always use rainbow spirits to get her skill up (Though I would save them for much better units.)


To be honest, I think I used up all my luck on just mincosting her, and she's still at a 2/5 level on skill. I think I'll try to grab some silver units I need right now before going after another copy of her. Like you said, I can always use Rainbow Spirits if I really wanted to.

10-08-2016, 06:53 AM
I feel depressed reading this when i look at me and realize that i dropped belinda only once (twice with garunteed drop). My luck with her is not high. I didnt expect anything more though but reading about u guys dropping her 6+ times makes me rethink my expectations <m<

Jay Rich
10-08-2016, 07:11 AM
I feel depressed reading this when i look at me and realize that i dropped belinda only once (twice with garunteed drop). My luck with her is not high. I didnt expect anything more though but reading about u guys dropping her 6+ times makes me rethink my expectations <m<

My Luck with her dropping is pretty low, only thing going for me is the SC I have the help speed things up, I don't usually farm like this with SC for event units but my hand is being forced with the low drop rate.

At the moment I have her min-costed but that last skill lvl is giving me trouble, have put four fodder Belinda units into my main and one rainbow spirit with no luck :(

Have currently farmed 9 Belinda's and I feel like I have done a lot of runs of the last map.... Best of luck Nero.

10-08-2016, 08:15 AM
It's luck based (or dev-trolled:P ), on my additional account i had 5 copies (including 100%) in 14 runs, on my main, only guaranteed (similar amount of runs). This 5 copies were enough to minicost and skill 4/5.
Sometimes i struggled with 15 or so copies to get -3 cr, sometimes (like with rita) i had 100% cr on every copy used. On momiji event i farmed 29% drop map, and had around 45% drops and managed (also with luck) to minicost her + 8/10 skill. On Imelia event, even when i throwed around 10SC i managed to get 400-450 collectibles (farming map with best drop rate) :P So it's random, although on average there is droprate of x% when looking at results of all players.

Jay Rich
10-08-2016, 08:48 AM
It's luck based (or dev-trolled:P ), on my additional account i had 5 copies (including 100%) in 14 runs, on my main, only guaranteed (similar amount of runs). This 5 copies were enough to minicost and skill 4/5.
Sometimes i struggled with 15 or so copies to get -3 cr, sometimes (like with rita) i had 100% cr on every copy used. On momiji event i farmed 29% drop map, and had around 45% drops and managed (also with luck) to minicost her + 8/10 skill. On Imelia event, even when i throwed around 10SC i managed to get 400-450 collectibles (farming map with best drop rate) :P So it's random, although on average there is droprate of x% when looking at results of all players.

Yeah the random factor is present for most online games nowadays so it is hard not to be screwed over by the loot systems at some point, though you will get other times where it works in your favour. Some events I breeze through them like Imelias event I had very good luck with her drop rate and getting the perfect unit quickly.

This event however is where my luck seems to have gone for a turn in the other direction though it may just feel like that due to the low drop rate of Belinda. I have been lucky in getting a lot of copies of Soma however which I will need to AW Nanaly so this event has been kind to me in another regard even though I wasn't farming archers.

10-08-2016, 09:06 AM
My Luck with her dropping is pretty low, only thing going for me is the SC I have the help speed things up, I don't usually farm like this with SC for event units but my hand is being forced with the low drop rate.

At the moment I have her min-costed but that last skill lvl is giving me trouble, have put four fodder Belinda units into my main and one rainbow spirit with no luck :(

Have currently farmed 9 Belinda's and I feel like I have done a lot of runs of the last map.... Best of luck Nero.

Thanks. Going for last SU is always a pain... i never did it until now :x my only max skill units are the Star Rush ones.

EDIT: The run i did right after writing this post i got my second drop - so i at least have a chance on -2 cr now xD i keep collecting. Im gonna feed them with plat spirits later as im getting short on plat armors. I will propably farm Monday (last day with 1.5 drop rate boost) with SCs and skip the event like i did at thursday when i farmed 500 DCs for saki and AW spirits. Have to use the 1.5 drop chance while its there. Since i was playing without barracks until a few days ago i thought it was time to get 70 SCs and not spend them on the shrine even if it is boring. So i spend them to get to first barracks and then buy it and spending the rest on DCs and Gold/Plat Armors (im low on all of those). I will keep the leftovers... mabe 20 SC. My luck usualy always hits the statistics. If i dont Summon at least 10 times i wont see a plat (3 out of 3 i always got plat as tenth pull).

10-08-2016, 05:11 PM
during waltz event , i wasted 20 scs to try to max cr her.....after i cr-ed her to 4 with 6 copies.


10-08-2016, 08:42 PM
Right now i have 3 copies of belinda and if this stays the same till the end of the event. Is it still worth to lv belinda up and use it? or since i have 3 i shouldn't bother?

If i somehow min-cost her with 2 copies is it still good to be used in a team?

- - - Updated - - -

Try reading through the thread you're in before posting a question unregged. That's already been answered.

Jay Rich
10-08-2016, 10:05 PM
Thanks. Going for last SU is always a pain... i never did it until now :x my only max skill units are the Star Rush ones.

EDIT: The run i did right after writing this post i got my second drop - so i at least have a chance on -2 cr now xD i keep collecting. Im gonna feed them with plat spirits later as im getting short on plat armors. I will propably farm Monday (last day with 1.5 drop rate boost) with SCs and skip the event like i did at thursday when i farmed 500 DCs for saki and AW spirits. Have to use the 1.5 drop chance while its there. Since i was playing without barracks until a few days ago i thought it was time to get 70 SCs and not spend them on the shrine even if it is boring. So i spend them to get to first barracks and then buy it and spending the rest on DCs and Gold/Plat Armors (im low on all of those). I will keep the leftovers... mabe 20 SC. My luck usualy always hits the statistics. If i dont Summon at least 10 times i wont see a plat (3 out of 3 i always got plat as tenth pull).

Since getting my Army(Harem) lvled to a point that I can do most of these events now I am always aiming for the perfect unit. I am a completionist and if I can I am to get all units and lvl them to their max. Seeing as event units are the easiest to get maxed CRed and Max Skill I feel the need to get them perfect and get quite disappointed if I don't.

It is not game breaking for me if I don't get the perfect unit I mean look at Lolonee's event I only maxed Cred her but to her skill changing after Class Change making it hard to max her skill but I am ok with that.

I did the same thing with Thursday daily and also farmed 500-600 worth of DC's which I am going to use for awakening units with spirits. I am going to farm the hell out of Monday's daily to replenish the money and play armors I have lost for lvling.

during waltz event , i wasted 20 scs to try to max cr her.....after i cr-ed her to 4 with 6 copies.


That has gotta hurt, RNG sure doesn't play nice when it wants to.

Right now i have 3 copies of belinda and if this stays the same till the end of the event. Is it still worth to lv belinda up and use it? or since i have 3 i shouldn't bother?

If i somehow min-cost her with 2 copies is it still good to be used in a team?

Are you asking if Belinda is worth lvling or cost reducing? That depends on your team and if you believe she will be useful to you. If you don't have Yuyu or another high lvl witch besides Cloris she is worth having as you will need her to complete War of Magic.

10-08-2016, 10:56 PM
That depends on your team and if you believe she will be useful to you. If you don't have Yuyu or another high lvl witch besides Cloris she is worth having as you will need her to complete War of Magic.
She is very useful even if you have Yuyu or another witch. Aside from her solid stats, her AW ability gives +7% attack to all witches and her SAW gives her 2x to damage and range. Even some of the whales from DMM still using her. So I'd say that she's useful regardless of your team.

Jay Rich
10-09-2016, 07:39 AM
She is very useful even if you have Yuyu or another witch. Aside from her solid stats, her AW ability gives +7% attack to all witches and her SAW gives her 2x to damage and range. Even some of the whales from DMM still using her. So I'd say that she's useful regardless of your team.

You do indeed make a good point and another point is not everyone will have Yuyu which makes Belinda a great unit to have.

I am just farming her on normal regen now and I think the drop rate is going to be what beats me in the end for the list Skill Up I need. I may just give another Rainbow Fairy ago rather than this 5% chance and use what ever Belinda's I get now on my Yuyu, Fedora and Mehlis for a skill up chance.

10-09-2016, 08:35 AM
Todays 2nd belinda and 3rd soma. But all in one? o_O

10-09-2016, 09:15 AM
The drop rate on this is killing me. I luckily have a max CRed Belinda, but am in desperate need of some Leannes. I have run her stage a bunch and have gotten 7 Christophers, 1 bronze bandit, and 2 platinum fairies. I have the worst luck when it comes to HA drops.

10-09-2016, 09:15 AM
seriously bro , dont take this the bad way ,but that avatar pisses me off somehow :(

edit - still need 1 cr and 2 su for my second acount belinda :(( Wasted 4 copies for nothing. No cr , no su :(

10-09-2016, 09:44 AM
Gonna change it if we have an event this week :) that only means they somehow kept their promises and gonna give us better game. If not... (i got tired of this part of the story rly)

10-09-2016, 01:31 PM
Min-costed her after all. -3 / +3 after 5 copies or so. Was starting to lose hope to get enough of her to do that.
Will leave her last two skill points to Christias and hit first map in hopes of Valerie. My mage reserves are running dangerously low now...

10-09-2016, 02:52 PM
Would be better to run monday daily tho, especially if you at least -2 cred her and while there is a daily drop boost event active. Cant imagine the tin can rain tomorrow :cool:

10-09-2016, 05:09 PM
Got 3 Eunice, 3 Soma and 5 Belinda, one being discarded for 3 RC cause she was already maxCR, and without using any SC for a refill... Quite a good event for me I guess.

10-09-2016, 05:17 PM
damm, i been doin the first map lookin for mage since friday...none so far...even Belinda was "easy" to farm..

10-09-2016, 06:11 PM
So, I finally managed to get my grubby hands on 3 adittional Copies of Belinda ... fed them to my first Belinda together with a fairy ... got her mincosted in one fel swoop.

Well, I guess this makes up for the terrible luck i've had with Emilia, thanks RNGsus!

10-10-2016, 04:38 AM
That's it for me, I'm going to take advantage of the increased drop rates and farm armors.

Final tally:
Maps 1, 2, 4 and 5 were ran once.
Map 3 was ran twice because I messed up but I got a Belinda the second time so it was for the best.
Map 6 was ran 32 times with no SC spent. I got 7 archers, 3 Belindas and 2 Black Spirits. My final Belinda has 4/5 skill, CR-1. I hope she will be enough for War of Magic but if not, I can always wait for daily revivals to eventually come to Nutaku in 7-8 years. :cool:

10-10-2016, 08:31 AM
Total Count - 2 Belindas (including 100% one) 1 Leeanne, 1 Valerie, 1 Eunice. Didn't spend time wasting my stamina on this event only on Thursday and on Monday (today). Yeah... It could have gone better :\

10-10-2016, 10:15 AM
I had a way above average number of Belindas but had poor luck with actually getting her CR'd.

10-10-2016, 04:28 PM
-2cr , 8 black spirits , 5 somas. I would actually spend sc on her if i didnt expected a god damn collection in the near future (as well as actually running out of space)

Edit - last 3 stamina before going to sleep (would probably wake up long after the dayroll). Decided to do a last run and try my luck. I got a belida , and ive managed to max cr her. Skill still 3/5 , but whatever...

10-10-2016, 10:04 PM
-1/+2 Belinda (4 extras), 4 Healers, 4 Archers, 1 Heavy, 1 Mage and I spent all my stam so far today farming for a Belinda that gave nothing but XP

Wish I farmed Armors instead in retrospect. But I have enough to CC Belinda and I Awakened Elizabeth this week so its ok. Given the drop rates the silvers weren't bad at all. Would have prefered a -3 cost Belinda but she's still usable.

10-10-2016, 11:08 PM
5 belinda copies (CR-2/SU+3), 6 soma, 11 archer bro and 7 black fairies. I missed a day of farming her tho.

10-10-2016, 11:17 PM
Final day of farming. Results:

Main: Belinda mincosted with 3/5 skill and 8 Somas. 2SC spent.
Alt: Belinda -2CR/+2SU and 3 Somas. No SC spent.

Not bad I guess. My alt. got the unlucky side on drops as very few Belindas dropped on the 40/3 map. Still pretty good to get that -2CR. My main account otoh was very lucky drop-wise. 15 Belinda drops with 2 days taking a break from 40/3 to farm for Valerie on 20/2 map. Guess Calliope and Cloris will be replaced by Yuyu/Belinda/Adele/Mikoto now.

10-10-2016, 11:31 PM
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Min-costed belinda with 5 copies 3/5 SU

Back to afk farming till karma revival. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

10-10-2016, 11:37 PM
4 Belindas, 3 Somas, 1 Christopher and 4 Black Fairies. I have too much Black Fairies in storage and no Black Units at all in my army. Waiting for that 1st Black Unit. The RNG Goddess is cruel with the Gacha.

Still grinding until the last hour

10-10-2016, 11:56 PM
Well that's me spent.

It started out slow, but picked up quite a bit at the end. Managed to get about 10 Belindas but was kind of pointless as I couldn't get her CR down that last point and her skill was stuck at 3.... I did get about 8 or so Somas, which is probably the only silver lining in all this as I managed to pull Nanaly from the last break event (never manage to get the boosted unit -_-). So needless to say I put them to good use.

10-11-2016, 12:02 AM
How do you guys get so many belindas? I spent at least 3 days farming nothing but last mission and I haven't got anything but 100% one from it >_< RNG is a F...ing B......t.

10-11-2016, 12:14 AM
Max SU and -2 cost. 5 SC spent and got around 10 Belindas...meh

Edit: Got 3 more copies with a few more SC but still nothing. Guess I'll have to wait a few years to give that last CR another try :rolleyes:

10-11-2016, 01:56 PM
Tried to do Monday Daily Missions and got nothing but gold armor. Should have just tried to get silver units and Belinda again.

10-11-2016, 03:47 PM
I spent 2 SC and got a min cost 4/5 SU Belinda, with all my time and energy free to spend on Monday daily which got me 4 tin cans. Just about the most successful a farm event as I've ever spent SC on. I am 100% tapped on fodder units, plat fairies, almost all my silver fairies, and most of my gold fairies as well though. Belinda is CC70 already so I need the rest of the week to farm, CC a Cali, and then I can awaken Belinda before the next event.

Is there any event that just drops faeries like they're in season? I'd unlock another rax and then just go nuts if I could stack it full of plat fairies.

10-11-2016, 11:10 PM
Is there any event that just drops faeries like they're in season? I'd unlock another rax and then just go nuts if I could stack it full of plat fairies.Well, of course. And it just ended ;)
Yes, I am talking about Daily Missions Drop Rate Up event we had. :cool:

10-13-2016, 06:42 PM
I only did each mission once and is enjoying my one sole copy of belinda. No other special copies. Cuz drop rates suck so I didn't bother, farmed daily quests instead.

10-13-2016, 07:34 PM
I only did each mission once and is enjoying my one sole copy of belinda. No other special copies. Cuz drop rates suck so I didn't bother, farmed daily quests instead.

1 coppy works since belinda starts at a premium cr already. Still , you could have tried to get another for the 100% guaranteed cr.

And hell , there were plenty of people that maxed cr-ed her during this event. Belinda is actually a very good witch.

That being said ,she is still plenty usable even at no cr

10-14-2016, 09:23 AM
1 coppy works since belinda starts at a premium cr already. Still , you could have tried to get another for the 100% guaranteed cr.

And hell , there were plenty of people that maxed cr-ed her during this event. Belinda is actually a very good witch.

That being said ,she is still plenty usable even at no cr

Meh, Daily Quest drop boost more valuable to me, if I tried to get belinda maxed, I won't have gotten spica+ other stuff I needed. I can wait til better version of Belinda's revival event where drops are guaranteed.

10-14-2016, 10:48 AM
u do understand that this revival had a guaranteed drop ? And the enxt belinda revival won't be again for a really really long time on nutaku

Jay Rich
10-14-2016, 07:55 PM
Meh, Daily Quest drop boost more valuable to me, if I tried to get belinda maxed, I won't have gotten spica+ other stuff I needed. I can wait til better version of Belinda's revival event where drops are guaranteed.

There was also the weekend which has not dailies (except Saturdays orb daily) that you could have farmed Belinda for (note I did farm the dailies during the week more than Belinda). But you did what you thought was best for your account not everyone is going to aim for a perfect unit, some are just happy getting the unit and it is not like Belinda had a great drop rate.

She was a tough unit to get perfect and for me to do so and farm dailies drained my SC stash (perks of being a p2p).

10-14-2016, 10:10 PM
u do understand that this revival had a guaranteed drop ? And the enxt belinda revival won't be again for a really really long time on nutaku

TO the best of my knowledge, the final stage have the guaranteed drop of Belinda. Its what I got and moved on from the event. Its how I have my single copy of Belinda.

And yeah jay rich, I'm currently cranky at Aigis for being a colossal jerk at me and refused to give me even one unit that I wanted from spotlight last month so I went back to being a free player until Aigis decides to be nice to me again and give me one of my waifus I wanted from the spotlight last month. I wasted something like 100 dollars. For that much I expect to get at least 1-3 of my waifus.

It's aigis's fault that it didnt' get to make money from me this month. Not my problem :3

Jay Rich
10-15-2016, 12:17 AM
TO the best of my knowledge, the final stage have the guaranteed drop of Belinda. Its what I got and moved on from the event. Its how I have my single copy of Belinda.

And yeah jay rich, I'm currently cranky at Aigis for being a colossal jerk at me and refused to give me even one unit that I wanted from spotlight last month so I went back to being a free player until Aigis decides to be nice to me again and give me one of my waifus I wanted from the spotlight last month. I wasted something like 100 dollars. For that much I expect to get at least 1-3 of my waifus.

It's aigis's fault that it didnt' get to make money from me this month. Not my problem :3

I know how you feel, that is one of the biggest things Aigis can catch you with, the chase for your waifus. I am forever chasing after Marr and now wouldn't mind getting Grace. But that's RNG for ya when it does work for you it is awesome!!!! but majority of the time you will feel the pain of loss and sorrow.

It's not like the cost of missing out is small either as it is taken directly from you pockets!! I wouldn't mind spending money to get units if I at least got one of my desired units each time.