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View Full Version : Looking for Super Elite Guard hunters !

10-12-2016, 05:38 AM
Hello guys, I'm doing a big sweep in my friend list and I'm looking for other active players with 250k+ base SED for the elite guard event.

I'm currently at 361k base SED, 750k "modded"

My ID is : 2603804

Thanks in advance !

10-12-2016, 05:22 PM
Hi I've put a request out to you.

Can you or anyone else explain the etiquette or strategy behind this event.

Is it bad etiquette to take the kill? (I try to leave it for the finder)
Is it better to release any you find to the group?
Do you try to put at least 1 attack on as many as you can?

On a different note.
The event started throwing rewards at you in the early stages, then it becomes increasingly harder but the rewards are not proportionally better.

10-12-2016, 05:55 PM
On taking the kill, it really depends on the person. I don't mind others getting it, but I'm just in it for the eliminations.

Depends how kind you're feeling. I generally put out every SEG that I don't one shot.

Other people's SEGs I'll hit once, unless it looks like it's not gonna get taken out. Hit your own as many times as you like.

10-16-2016, 12:32 AM
for older people i noticed this EG is more lonely than previous ones.

I left my ID, 454836.