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View Full Version : Brave Girl Raven - Have SSR+ JoL Lilium? I need some stat data assistance

11-02-2016, 06:45 PM
Problem solved, much appreciated to those who helped.

Been working on the BGR wiki but having a problem with base stat values for some units. I've been just taking numbers from JP Wiki but I'm inclined to believe some of it is wrong.

My comment on Lilium's page.

I'm feeling opposed to using JP's values for Lilium when they have her UR SPD (753) value higher than her UR+ SPD (742). (http://bravegirl2.wiki.fc2.com/wiki/%E3%83%AA%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A6%E3%83%A0)

Because stats are added into your stat display, it can be a hinderance to find the base values unless you're guildless and I'd rather not leave my guild just for this. I'm not going to make an alternate account just for this as getting the characters this game is far too RNG.

So basically I'm stuck having to do math to get the base value. (Formula in the next quote)

The following is a shortened copy and paste of my comment in a wiki page.

...if you go to the Rank Up or Enhance tab, you can view almost their base stats. The thing is, in that screen, if you're in a guild, the bonus stats appear to be added in. Subtracting that percentage will net you the max level stats which are the same as the ones in the recruiting unit table.

...if you're not in a guild or one that has no stat boosts, you can probably just take the values from their Rank Up or Enhance window after selecting them, do not use their values from the main unit window nor Attach tab. Just make sure they're max level and remember to take off their equipment. You can view UR and UR+ in Enhance window since they can't rank up.

In case you don't know the formula:

( ( X / ( 100 + Y ) ) * 100)
X being the unit's stat value with the guild boost added.
Y being the guild stat boost %.

Confirmation that the formula is the correct:
My Guild boost is
2% HP
3.2% ATK
2.4% DEF
1% SPD

My N Lilium at max level (Lv40) has the stats in the Rank Up window.
HP 1766
ATK 1029
DEF 397
SPD 617

The N Lilium in the recruit unit table has the stats.
HP 1732
ATK 998
DEF 388
SPD 611

( ( 1766 / ( 100 + 2 ) ) * 100)
( ( 1766 / 102 ) * 100)
( 17.314 * 100 )
Unit Table stats 1732

( ( 1029 / ( 100 + 3.2 ) ) * 100 )
( ( 1029 / 103.2 ) * 100 )
( 9.971 * 100 )
Unit Table stats 998

DEF and SPD also match.

Though that was just an example with a N to compare since we have the actual base values for confirmation.

So using my UR Lilium who has 2288 ATK displayed in the Enhance and Rank Up window with my 3.2% ATK guild boost, the base value for her ATK would be 2217 after calculations.

I've upgraded my Lilium to UR+ and since I can't say everyone has a UR+ Lilium, we're gonna use SSR+ Jack o Lanturn Lilium since a lot of people are at that point of the event. If you have UR+ Lilium, feel free to share those numbers too.

So what I need you to do specifically do:

Take off all equipment on JoL Lilium SSR+ (or normal Lilium UR+).
Go to Enhance window and select her.
Post her stat values shown.
Post your guild's bonus stat values or say if not in a guild.
Use the formula in the first quote if you have guild bonus (if you don't want to do it, I'll do it for you, I still need the numbers).
Post values after formula (if you had guild bonus) and see if they match my stats or JP wiki stats in the spoilers below.

Lilium UR+
My Lilium base stats at UR+:
UR+ HP = 4063
UR+ ATK = 2534
UR+ DEF = 1408
UR+ RNG = 140
UR+ SPD = 743
UR+ MOV = 310

The JP wiki's listed stats:
UR+ HP = 3916
UR+ ATK = 2534
UR+ DEF = 1388
UR+ RNG = 140
UR+ SPD = 742
UR+ MOV = 310

JoL Lilium SSR+ (fixed)
My JoL Lilium base stats at SSR+
SSR+ HP = 4030
SSR+ ATK = 2485
SSR+ DEF = 1533
SSR+ RNG = 160
SSR+ SPD = 727
SSR+ MOV = 345

JP Wiki's listed stats:
SSR+ HP = 4031
SSR+ ATK = 2484
SSR+ DEF = 1533
SSR+ RNG = 160
SSR+ SPD = 727
SSR+ MOV = 345

11-02-2016, 08:49 PM

mine has this, with the 150 HP from Feeling.
+3% HP, 3.2% Attack, 2.4% defence, 1% speed from guild skill

hp: 150 bonus removed first= 4030,097087378641 //// removed after= 4025,728155339806
atk: 2484,496124031008
def: 1533,203125
spd: 726,7326732673267

seems like my HP is the only one that doesnt match
its not a print from the enhance screen but the numbers are the same if she has 0 DP

11-02-2016, 10:49 PM
Sorry but i couldnt understand the whole matter. Are you saying ranking up units while in guild gives them extra, broken and permanent stat bonus?

11-03-2016, 03:58 AM
Here you go.


Has 150 extra hp from feeling bonus, and have never been in a guild.

11-03-2016, 04:28 AM
Sorry but i couldnt understand the whole matter. Are you saying ranking up units while in guild gives them extra, broken and permanent stat bonus?

what hes saying is that he's been getting different numbers on the stats comparing his units with the JP wiki.

guilds give bonus stats to your units as long as you are a member of a guild

11-03-2016, 02:25 PM
Thanks you for the images and info. It helped a lot. It was my error since I wasn't aware that feeling/PF gave boosts every 10%. Also didn't notice my guild defense boost went up when I made the topic. So after re-calculations my values for SSR+ JoL Lilium matched the JP and my UR+ Lilium was so off because of having several boosts from PF. So the formula is correct, JP wiki values are correct and it was just my error.

Again I appreciate it guys.