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View Full Version : Two Saints event guide

11-22-2016, 01:39 AM
Good timeofaday, brave Princes! It is a good time to live now!! With a chain of NO BREAK events, and introduction of much-needed l*li units, dawn have decisively come to our lands. And next logical step would be implementation of skipped events, right? Yep, IT IS HAPPENING!!!
So let's warmly welcome the long-awaited Two Saints!

Event runs: 2016-11-22 to 2016-12-06

This is a Star Trial event.
Main reward:

Clear total of 3 event missions - Noel becomes a friend
Clear total of 4 event missions - Noel: initial level 10
Clear total of 5 event missions - Noel: sortie cost -1 (CR1)
Clear total of 6 event missions - Noel: sortie cost -1 (CR2)
Clear total of 7 event missions - Noel: sortie cost -1 (CR3)
Clear total of 8 event missions - Noel: sortie cost -1 (CR4)
Clear total of 9 event missions - Noel: sortie cost -1 (CR5)

Achieve total of 12 ☆ on missions - Kagura becomes a friend
Achieve total of 13 ☆ on missions - Kagura: initial level 20
Achieve total of 14 ☆ on missions - Kagura: skill level 2
Achieve total of 15 ☆ on missions - Kagura: sortie cost -1 (CR1)
Achieve total of 16 ☆ on missions - Kagura: initial level 30
Achieve total of 17 ☆ on missions - Kagura: skill level 3
Achieve total of 18 ☆ on missions - Kagura: sortie cost -1 (CR2)
Achieve total of 18 ☆ on missions - Kagura: initial level 40
Achieve total of 20 ☆ on missions - Kagura: skill level 4
Achieve total of 21 ☆ on missions - Kagura: sortie cost -1 (CR3)
Achieve total of 22 ☆ on missions - Kagura: skill level 5
Achieve total of 23 ☆ on missions - Kagura: sortie cost -1 (CR4)
Achieve total of 24 ☆ on missions - Kagura: sortie cost -1 (CR5)

Introducing the Fairy Priest Noel and Shrine Maiden Kagura! Two birds with one event! :cool:
- Fairy Priest Noel is a Gold rarity Bishop of Dwarven race. So as a Bishop she's a hybrid of mage and healer, spewing fireballs normally and switching to healing on skill. Attack speed is of a mage, more expensive to field, but more powerful than her gold peers and well comparable to platinum bishop Marius (thanks in part to her dwarf blood), and, after Class Evolution, have more rang as well (270). Skill increases her already high attack power by 1.3 (skill level 5) and turns her into the healer. Speed is still mage-like slow, but power makes up for it :) 10 seconds uptime for 25 seconds of downtime. Take note that regardless of event results, she will be at skill level 1 so you will need to feed her rainbow fairies to up her skill. But her real gem is her Awakening passive: "Staff of fertility: Just by being in the team, gold gain at the end of the mission increased by 10%". ALL gold gain, including Gold Get! procs, multiplied by star rating and all!!! Mia (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Mia)'s ability is upgraded version of this one and does not stack through, so take note if you obtain her)
- Shrine Maiden Kagura is a Platinum Rarity Shaman. So she is a Witch that become Healer upon skill use. As a witch, they have slightly lower attack speed with higher range. As a healer, they have slightly higher attack speed with lower range. Less powerful than Shiho (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Shiho), but more robust. Her skill, aside from turning to healing, raises her speed instead of power, making her one heck of a fast healer, twice as fast, in fact :) 12 seconds of uptime for 17 seconds of downtime. And her Awakening ability is delicious +5% attack to all melee units by just being in team.

http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/ac09f76e9643831c.gif http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/c1ee6c2b60fc546e.png

http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/507ec3d7a89a9908.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/86f8f4ddf410a582.png

Side rewards:


Noted enemy stats

┌──────────────┬ ────────────┬─── ───┬──────┬───── ─┬────┬─────┬─── ─┬────────────── ──────┐
│ Name │ Attack type │ HP │ Atk │ Def │ MR │ AS │ Map │ Notes │
╞══════════════╪ ════════════╪═══ ═══╪══════╪═════ ═╪════╪═════╪═══ ═╪══════════════ ══════╡
│ Living Ax │ Physical │ 2000 │ 500 │ 150 │ 0 │ 64 │ │ Is considered Armor │
│ Armor (white) (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/4/44/White_Axe_Armor.png/revision/latest?cb=20161122103436)│ Melee │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
├──────────────┼ ────────────┼─── ───┼──────┼───── ─┼────┼─────┼─── ─┼────────────── ──────┤
│ Old demon │ Physical │ 12000 │ 700 │ 300 │ 0 │ 70 │ │ Is considered Demon │
│ (blue) (https://i.gyazo.com/cbc837ad9cb6b8bed59977c5da84954c.png) │ Ranged │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
└──────────────┴ ────────────┴─── ───┴──────┴───── ─┴────┴─────┴─── ─┴────────────── ──────┘

Stat correction: 0.75 for first maps, 0.8 for second, 1.0 for third, 1.0 for fourth, 1.0 for fifth, 0.85 for sixth, 0.9 for seventh, 1.0 for eight, 1.1 for ninth.


Stolen Holy Treasure

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 20 ║ Experience │ 120 ║ Initial UP │ 10 ║ Max deploy │ 10 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 1 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1050 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 35 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: http://yui.oopsup.com/readfile.php/aigiswiki/1402569411_0.png



Drops: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/41f7a510bb9163b9.png http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/yWh5DU.png

The Harvest Staff

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 50 ║ Experience │ 150 ║ Initial UP │ 10 ║ Max deploy │ 10 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 1 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1200 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 56 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: http://yui.oopsup.com/readfile.php/aigiswiki/1402572132_0.png



Drops: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/c17d10071b0a6cce.png http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/dYkR9W8x.png http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/pWd9kzfFi.png

A Swarm of Birds

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 50 ║ Experience │ 200 ║ Initial UP │ 20 ║ Max deploy │ 10 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 3 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 2250 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 81 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/2a1488942c82b963.png




Drops: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/74102971285afe2c.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/5f6f12c083c60f29.PNG http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/b5678824b9ebaef1.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/575582c9bbc6866f.PNG

Armours X

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 60 ║ Experience │ 300 ║ Initial UP │ 25 ║ Max deploy │ 9 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 5 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 3000 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 96 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: Poison (-10 HP / 0.5 s.)
Map: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/32542a1d0a85afc2.png




Drops: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/beaf141f236ac7ba.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/fbeb04da1658e46e.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/974e526f9c3a4500.png* http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/575582c9bbc6866f.PNG
* Should have beet Nenya T_T

Whirl Power G

┌──────────┬──── ╥────────────┬── ───╥──────────── ┬────╥────────── ─┬─────┐
│ Charisma │ 100 ║ Experience │ 200 ║ Initial UP │ 25 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ╫────────────┼── ───╫──────────── ┼────╫────────── ─┼─────┤
│ Stamina │ 2 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 2250 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 100 │
└──────────┴──── ╨────────────┴── ───╨──────────── ┴────╨────────── ─┴─────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/2efaf62ec4f356b2.png



Drops: http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/dYkR9W8x.png http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/pWd9kzfFi.png http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/dy05hw.png
Completion Reward: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/575582c9bbc6866f.PNG

Cursed Holy Treasure

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 50 ║ Experience │ 150 ║ Initial UP │ 15 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 1 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1200 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 52 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: Gigantic Enemies
Map: http://yui.oopsup.com/readfile.php/aigiswiki/1403323011_0.png



Drops: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/9351693b4f8acb4c.png http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/v3CgTIun.png http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/Ax8D7.png

Giant Army Corps

┌──────────┬──── ╥────────────┬── ───╥──────────── ┬────╥────────── ─┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 50 ║ Experience │ 200 ║ Initial UP │ 15 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ╫────────────┼── ───╫──────────── ┼────╫────────── ─┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 3 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 2250 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 32 │
└──────────┴──── ╨────────────┴── ───╨──────────── ┴────╨────────── ─┴────┘

Gimmick: Gigantic Enemies
Map: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/41542d321536fdb3.png



Drops: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/c7c15afe2edc1e11.png http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/dYkR9W8x.png http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/pWd9kzfFi.png http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/dy05hw.png

Beast Rage X

┌──────────┬──── ╥────────────┬── ───╥──────────── ┬────╥────────── ─┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 60 ║ Experience │ 300 ║ Initial UP │ 25 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ╫────────────┼── ───╫──────────── ┼────╫────────── ─┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 5 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 3000 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 51 │
└──────────┴──── ╨────────────┴── ───╨──────────── ┴────╨────────── ─┴────┘

Gimmick: Gigantic Enemies
Map: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/6d21e722a6362d7e.jpg



Drops: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/2b952310af928a2f.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/3717683a569e0580.png* http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/03fd984a550c3efe.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/03fd984a550c3efe.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/575582c9bbc6866f.PNG
* Should have been Kagerou

Torrent G

┌──────────┬──── ╥────────────┬── ───╥──────────── ┬────╥────────── ─┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 100 ║ Experience │ 200 ║ Initial UP │ 20 ║ Max deploy │ 10 │
├──────────┼──── ╫────────────┼── ───╫──────────── ┼────╫────────── ─┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 2 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1500 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 84 │
└──────────┴──── ╨────────────┴── ───╨──────────── ┴────╨────────── ─┴────┘

Gimmick: Gigantic Enemies
Map: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/adf580062bb39649.png



Drops: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/4bdb4b7111522371.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/b5678824b9ebaef1.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/affec06cfe3f15b4.png
Completion Reward: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/c8312011687722f1.png

Drop rates:

┌─────────────── ──────────────── ┬─────────────── ─────┐
│Stolen Holy │ Dorca (10) │ Bouquet (50) × 2 │
│Treasure (20/1)│ │ │
├─────────────── ──────────────── ┼─────────────── ─────┤
│ The Harvest │ Eunice (10) │ DCx1 (60) │
│ Staff (50/1) │ DCx3 (30) │ │
├─────────────── ──────────────── ┼─────────────── ─────┤
│ A Swarm of │ Bernard (10) │ Sanosuke (10) │
│ Birds (50/3) │ Gold Spirit (50)│ Platinum Armor (5) │
├─────────────── ──────────────── ┼─────────────── ─────┤
│ Armours X │ Cecily (10) │ Soma (10) │
│ (60/5) │ Calliope (10) │ Platinum armor (15)│
├─────────────── ──────────────── ┼─────────────── ─────┤
│ Whirl Power G │ DCx1 (60) │ DCx2 (50) │
│ (100/2) │ DCx3 (50) │Comp: Platinum Armor│
├─────────────── ──────────────── ┼─────────────── ─────┤
│ Cursed Holy │ Roy (70) x 2 │ Crystal (50) x 2 │
│Treasure (50/1)│ Ruby ​​(10) │ │
├─────────────── ──────────────── ┼─────────────── ─────┤
│ Giant Army │ Crave (10) │ DCx1 (100) │
│ Corps (50/3) │ DCx2 (60) │ DCx3 (20) │
├─────────────── ──────────────── ┼─────────────── ─────┤
│ Beast Rage X │ Valerie (10) │ Platinum Spirit(20)│
│ (60/5) │ Saizo (10) │ Platinum armor (15)│
├─────────────── ──────────────── ┼─────────────── ─────┤
│ Torrent G │Gold Spirit (60) │ Silver Spirit (100)│
│ (100/2) │Black Spirit(110)│Comp: Rainbow Spirit│
└─────────────── ──────────────── ┴─────────────── ─────┘

Comments about the event
A Star Trial with a two stories in one go! Noel's side spouts poison maps while Kagura's menaces with gigantic enemies, who has increased grith and power, so prepare a good healing force. There will be assortment of enemies, and in a rather big numbers, so some good AoE will be in order. Also, say hello to returning Black Oni, Goblin Kings, Viking Armors and Lich armies :D Of course, since it was supposed to be a rather ancient event, it shouldn't be TOO hard, but tis a Star Trial, so be vigilant!

Interestingly, rewards of this vent not entirely dependent on star count: while Kagura's status is indeed tied to it (needing 12/27 ☆ to get her basic version and 24/27 ☆ for full CR and skillup), Noel is dependent on the number of maps cleared with at least 1 ☆ (3 maps for basic version and ALL 9 to max CR. No skill-ups for her).

On a silver farming front, here's a run-down of possible drops:

Healer (Dorca (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Dorca)) (map 1);
Bandit (Eunice (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Eunice)) (map 2);
Heavy (Bernard (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Bernard)) (map 3):
Samurai (Sanosuke (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Sanosuke)) (map 3);
Rogue (Cecily (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Cecily)) (map 4);
Archer (Soma (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Soma)) (map 4);
Witch (Calliope (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Calliope)) (map 4);
Soldier (Crave (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Crave)) (map 7);
Mage (Valerie (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Valerie)) (map 8);
Ninja (Saizo (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Saizo)) (map 8).

So it should be a chance to meet other two skipped silvers, Cat Witch Nenya and Ninja Kagerou!

New Characters Arriving

Note: This is based off of current JP version stats for perfected units.

Fairy Priest Noel

┌─────┬──────╥── ────┬─────┐
│ HP │ 1184 ║ Range │ 260 │
├─────┼──────╫── ────┼─────┤
│ Atk │ 663 ║ Block │ 0 │
├─────┼──────╫── ────┼─────┤
│ Def │ 98 ║ Cost │ 31 │
├─────┼──────╫── ────┼─────┤
│ MR │ 15 ║ │ │
└─────┴──────╨── ────┴─────┘

Skill: Heal Magic: 10s; attack 1.3x; focus on recovery; AS: 192; WT: 16.7; CT: 25
Awakened Ability (NI): Staff of Fertility: On mission clear, Reward G increases by 10%
Awakened Skill (NI): Change Attack: 10s; attack 1.4x; focuses on recovery until Change Heal used; AS: 192; WT: 13.3; CT: 20. Changes into Change Heal upon use.
Change Heal: 10s; attack 1.4x; focuses on attack until Change Attack used; AS: 192; WT: N/A; CT: 20. Changes into Change Attack upon use.
* Is a Dwarf

Shrine Maiden Kagura

┌─────┬──────╥── ────┬─────┐
│ HP │ 1674 ║ Range │ 220 │
├─────┼──────╫── ────┼─────┤
│ Atk │ 456 ║ Block │ 0 │
├─────┼──────╫── ────┼─────┤
│ Def │ 110 ║ Cost │ 15 │
├─────┼──────╫── ────┼─────┤
│ MR │ 0 ║ │ │
└─────┴──────╨── ────┴─────┘

Skill: Quick Healing Prayer: 12s; shortens intervals between attacks; focus healing; AS: 72; WT: 8.5; CT: 17
Awakened Ability: Magic mallet: All melee units +5% attack if she is in the team.
Awakened Skill (NI): Double Support Prayer: 25s; attack 0.7x; heals one ally and attacks one enemy at same time; AS: 132; WT: 15; CT: 30

Tentacle l*li Witch Fignelia

┌─────┬──────╥── ────┬─────┐
│ HP │ 1581 ║ Range │ 210 │
├─────┼──────╫── ────┼─────┤
│ Atk │ 578 ║ Block │ 0 │
├─────┼──────╫── ────┼─────┤
│ Def │ 101 ║ Cost │ 12 │
├─────┼──────╫── ────┼─────┤
│ MR │ 10 ║ │ │
└─────┴──────╨── ────┴─────┘

Skill: Increase Attack IV: 45s; attack 1.9x; AS: 105; WT: 12.5; CT: 25
Awakened Ability: Fast cast: Increase attack speed.
Awakened Skill (NI): Lunatic Thorn: 20s; attack 1.3x; attacks 3 enemies within range; skill automatic; AS: 105; WT: 10; CT: 20

Didn't make it
Cat Witch Nenya

Kunoichi Kagerou

New Classes Being Introduced


Viva la unskipped events!!! :cool:

ЗЫ. Links:

MWAWiki (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Two_Saints) (EN)
Seesaa (http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/d/%C6%F3%BF%CD%A4%CE%C0%BB%BD%F7) (JP)
GCWiki (http://aigis.gcwiki.info/?%C6%F3%BF%CD%A4%CE%C0%BB%BD%F7) (JP)
WikiWiki (http://wikiwiki.jp/aigiszuki/?%C6%F3%BF%CD%A4%CE%C0%BB%BD%F7) (JP)

11-22-2016, 01:49 AM
whats minimum level to clear all the map? im just started the game on Thursday last week

11-22-2016, 02:30 AM
sorry mate , but star trials tend to be the hardest to clear of our events. On the bright side , star trials require stars (duh) to complete , and not farming unit drops to get a max CR/SU unit.

On a side note , star trials have 2 weeks at their disposal , so you can easily try to power level first 10-11 days and try your best during the last 3-4 days. >> you should be able to at least get the units even if at no or very low CR/SU. Not that their classes are that great , but their awakening passives are really damn good. Both of them

Seeing your team might give us some better imput

11-22-2016, 04:12 AM
Event should run until 12/6, not 11/29.

Also, Calliope dropped on map 4 again, not Nenya. Sadly.

Needless to say, I'm flabbergasted that the tentacle-loving loli witch Fignelia is in the shrine. She was basically the #1 unit I was expecting to never reach Nutaku.

Maybe dreams do come true after all.

11-22-2016, 04:52 AM
Event should run until 12/6, not 11/29.

Also, Calliope dropped on map 4 again, not Nenya. Sadly.

Needless to say, I'm flabbergasted that the tentacle-loving loli witch Fignelia is in the shrine. She was basically the #1 unit I was expecting to never reach Nutaku.

Maybe dreams do come true after all.

but it DOES run until 12/6

Damn black archer almost killed Odette and ruined the 3* :mad:

I'm left with 4 STA and 3 maps to go, i need to go to school so the rest of the maps will be done by night... oh the wasted STA...

11-22-2016, 05:00 AM
Both units seem pretty nice - glad they decided to bring back skipped events. Thanks for the guide!

11-22-2016, 05:10 AM
Ya, fixed the duration, map names and new units. Even tackled the drop rate table as a bonus! ;)

But really, they can give us tentacle-lovin l*li witch Fignelia but not Nenya and Kagerou? WTF?!
Guess devs really did wipe them out of existence, reusing their database IDs and all...

11-22-2016, 07:35 AM
Is Nenya really a loli? I've seen her scene in DMM and she's quite busty. Of course I have no idea what the text says.

Anyway, happy to get my hands on a bishop, I really like that class. Also samurai, finally. My units have been waiting for them.

11-22-2016, 09:16 AM
Nenya gives herself a boobjob in her first scene.

She goes back to her normal size in her second.

11-22-2016, 09:27 AM
That's her first scene. A witches pills can do that for ya)
Second one is proper petite stuff :cool:

11-22-2016, 09:35 AM
Okay, three-starred everything. Blind running the last map is pretty tough with those black oni. Luckily AW Berna pulled through.

Unluckily, the fairy drops aren't guaranteed, so I missed one and have to run it again.

11-22-2016, 02:29 PM
Did a blind run and my 3 star streak was over when I got to Armours X. A blue demon w/ a shield came in and spam sword waves, killing my healer before I could react. I was okay on the left side since nothing that OP came and attacked us. 254125422543

RNG Goddess didn't give me any drops for my 1st attempt.

11-23-2016, 01:42 AM
Noel is such a godsend for me. I've been running with Cyrus as my main mage for so long! I'll finally have someone to relegate him to second :D

11-23-2016, 02:28 AM
Apparently I'm extremely careless, kept on letting one or two little guys slide by when I wasn't looking and it dropped a star off my runs. Lasts for two weeks though so I'm not too salty about that, just hope they didn't have anything good to drop.

Though on the actual event and not the drops, I'm fairly sure I can three star all the maps (once I redo the messed up ones) except for the last. Because I don't have a giant robot for chicks to dig and to punch out black ogres. Seriously though, my repeated lack of a spare HA is constantly killing me, and judging by how online vids seem to need Bernice on this one puts me in an ironic situation of me getting a perfect Kagura (24 stars) before Noel (9 missions completed). I really need to get Maribel up and running soon to at least placehold the spot.

11-23-2016, 03:29 AM
Because I don't have a giant robot for chicks to dig and to punch out black ogres. Seriously though, my repeated lack of a spare HA is constantly killing me, and judging by how online vids seem to need Bernice on this one puts me in an ironic situation of me getting a perfect Kagura (24 stars) before Noel (9 missions completed).

Check VP Games guide (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CC2V1rgkmk). He uses Leanne and Bernard for the tanking. Awakened Bashira is not needed, though you do need quite a bit of single target DPS. Hope it does help a bit.

11-23-2016, 03:32 AM
Logically, you only need to 1* a map for Noel, else one would need more stars for maxing out a gold event unit compared to platinum one.

And it seems everybody else do the last map same way, but with Leeanne and Bernice)

Updated the guide with our-side videos from usual trio. Many thanks to them!)

11-23-2016, 06:19 AM
Apparently I'm extremely careless, kept on letting one or two little guys slide by when I wasn't looking and it dropped a star off my runs. Lasts for two weeks though so I'm not too salty about that, just hope they didn't have anything good to drop.

Though on the actual event and not the drops, I'm fairly sure I can three star all the maps (once I redo the messed up ones) except for the last. Because I don't have a giant robot for chicks to dig and to punch out black ogres. Seriously though, my repeated lack of a spare HA is constantly killing me, and judging by how online vids seem to need Bernice on this one puts me in an ironic situation of me getting a perfect Kagura (24 stars) before Noel (9 missions completed). I really need to get Maribel up and running soon to at least placehold the spot.

Awakened Imelia with skill on can easily tank it (while healed by a single healer). She didn't even dropped under 50% hp

11-23-2016, 07:00 AM
3* all maps on my main account. It was a close call on the last map with the giant black cyclops. Good thing Deine and Bernice were able to tank them. Farming Beast Rage X for the plat fairy and armor now. Valerie is also nice to get too.

3* all but the last map on my alt. account. This was just me withdrawing Cloris and Leeanne too late on the last map. Otherwise, I should be able to 3* on my 2nd (or 3rd) attempt.

11-23-2016, 07:00 AM
Did a blind run and my 3 star streak was over when I got to Armours X. A blue demon w/ a shield came in and spam sword waves, killing my healer before I could react. I was okay on the left side since nothing that OP came and attacked us. 254125422543

RNG Goddess didn't give me any drops for my 1st attempt.

Yeah that blue thing was SO close to kill my Nananly without me noticing, luckily i activated her skill just in time and the first run was a success

still have 3 maps to blind-run tho

11-23-2016, 11:23 AM
We're having more events these days... quite cool !
It was easy but enjoyable ;)

11-23-2016, 07:12 PM
This is probably my best star event so far. Managed to get three stars on everything save the G stages and I am not even going to bother with them. I'm just happy I did as well as I did and nearly got perfect units to boot:).

So bishops are a (maybe stronger?) cross between a healer and a mage whereas shamans (or rather shrine maidens) are a faster yet slightly weaker cross between a witch and a healer. Huh, interesting. These would be good when your are in a bind where you have few range slots but I would have liked if these were passive changes like a battle priest rather than being skill dependent. This makes them a little limited and niche in terms of use for me but the're a welcome addition nonetheless.

11-23-2016, 07:39 PM
the skill awakenings makes them much better. Those 2 also have really good AW passives

11-24-2016, 11:01 AM
Finding where my obstacles are. I can't clear any of the G missions. 3 Star the Armour X mission and 2 Star the Beast Rage X missions. Found the X missions to provide the units I need. Need to farm those events.

11-24-2016, 06:14 PM
Well, I enjoyed the event quite a lot. Landed 3 stars on everything but Torrent G, because I don't have Bashira and I still haven't got lucky enough to get an unit who could replace her.

Reached lvl 204 by now, and still hurts to not have her.
Anyways, I'll use the rest of the available time to farm some heavies. I need a couple of them so this event came just in time, lol.

11-24-2016, 08:09 PM
the skill awakenings makes them much better. Those 2 also have really good AW passives

That is true. With Noel it makes getting funds easier for upgrading and Kagura increases attack of units which is always welcome.

I will say though that I like that Kagura's skill cool down is quick which when you're in a pinch is a good thing. Noel's isn't that quick but I have to remember that she is primarily an offensive unit with defensive support capabilities. Either way I am happy I got them:).

11-28-2016, 01:13 AM
Hm, this is a bit unrelated to the actual event, but after picking up a Saizo unit, I wondered if silver ninjas are used for any CCs or AWs? Or any reason why I shouldn't just feed him to my Saizo for the standard CR & Skill up.

11-28-2016, 02:00 AM
I wondered if silver ninjas are used for any CCs or AWs?
Dancer and Sailor awakening uses ninjas, don't recall any CC requiring them though.

11-28-2016, 02:00 AM
Hm, this is a bit unrelated to the actual event, but after picking up a Saizo unit, I wondered if silver ninjas are used for any CCs or AWs? Or any reason why I shouldn't just feed him to my Saizo for the standard CR & Skill up.

Not sure about CCs in our (Nutaku) version, but they are definitely used in some AWs (sailors, maybe somewhere else)

Jay Rich
11-28-2016, 02:01 AM
Hm, this is a bit unrelated to the actual event, but after picking up a Saizo unit, I wondered if silver ninjas are used for any CCs or AWs? Or any reason why I shouldn't just feed him to my Saizo for the standard CR & Skill up.

From what I can recall and researched just then I believe at this stage Ninjas aren't used in CC or AW as fodder. Not sure if they are used as CC/AW fodder in DMM but I would guess you would be better of adding them to your main Saizo. Not to say that they may eventually become useful.

11-28-2016, 02:24 AM
If you have barrack space, leave a couple of em floating around. Not being able to Class Evolve or Awaken your unit due to lacking that one-two silvers is quite a pain after all)

11-28-2016, 05:50 AM
Hm, this is a bit unrelated to the actual event, but after picking up a Saizo unit, I wondered if silver ninjas are used for any CCs or AWs? Or any reason why I shouldn't just feed him to my Saizo for the standard CR & Skill up.

Trading post to exchange for Dan (silver monk), whenever the hell they decide to update the TP.

Silver monks in turn are then used to AW Rikka.

11-30-2016, 01:10 PM
Didn't farm today. Used yesterday and today to attempt to 1 star Torrent G. Had a couple of fails. Did 1 star it. Trying to figure out why the completion reward won't drop.


11-30-2016, 04:33 PM
Didn't farm today. Used yesterday and today to attempt to 1 star Torrent G. Had a couple of fails. Did 1 star it. Trying to figure out why the completion reward won't drop.


You're missing the black fairy drop.

11-30-2016, 06:38 PM
From what I can recall and researched just then I believe at this stage Ninjas aren't used in CC or AW as fodder. Not sure if they are used as CC/AW fodder in DMM but I would guess you would be better of adding them to your main Saizo. Not to say that they may eventually become useful.

used to AW dancers (waltz/marnie) and Sailors (Marie/Viera) I believe.

Jay Rich
11-30-2016, 07:32 PM
used to AW dancers (waltz/marnie) and Sailors (Marie/Viera) I believe.

You are correct! Just looked at my CCed Marnie and yes she does use silver ninja to awaken, my bad.

11-30-2016, 10:09 PM
Didn't farm today. Used yesterday and today to attempt to 1 star Torrent G. Had a couple of fails. Did 1 star it. Trying to figure out why the completion reward won't drop.

26962697IIRC your missing black spirit is from that giant black mounted armor. Is it keep escaping in your 1* runs?

12-02-2016, 01:10 AM
IIRC your missing black spirit is from that giant black mounted armor. Is it keep escaping in your 1* runs?

Unfortunately, I think my team is weak. I can't take him down yet. Well back to farming. Thanks for the help.

- - - Updated - - -

Slim pickings today: got a Valerie. The coolest thing I had was CC my Cornelia with the Bernard drop.

12-05-2016, 10:54 AM
So many silver archers.........

Managed to get enough stars for two perfect event units and some witches. I have so many silver archers now it's almost sad that I was lacking them a few months back. Looking forward to next event.

12-05-2016, 06:49 PM
Loved this event from a farming perspective. I'm swimming in Plat Armors even after using many with the double Plat Fairy drops.

Picked up loads of Heavies and Archers. Given I have Gelluis to level/Awaken and Jessica/Flamel to Awaken I need them. Used some of the archers to Awaken Nanaly last week too.

12-05-2016, 10:28 PM
Guess -3 noel would be enough for my alt, dont want to bother doing G map and stress myself with 2 healers while all guides used 3 ;/

12-05-2016, 11:33 PM
Didn't get a whole lot of drops for this one. As often as not I'd get nothing from a mission.

Torrent G was extremely frustrating. Tried it no less than 9 times tonight, and every time something went wrong. Problem with using a video guide for help is that if your lineup isn't exactly what they have, (and generally maxed), problems spring up.

Got a lot of silver and gold spirits, at least.

12-06-2016, 10:31 AM
Didn't get a whole lot of drops for this one. As often as not I'd get nothing from a mission.

Torrent G was extremely frustrating. Tried it no less than 9 times tonight, and every time something went wrong. Problem with using a video guide for help is that if your lineup isn't exactly what they have, (and generally maxed), problems spring up.

Got a lot of silver and gold spirits, at least.

No sir, the problem with using video guides is getting dependant on them (to them?), if you know your units, you can replace almost any line-up you see in a video. If you have weaker tanks and the video places the healers later on the map, try placing yours earlier; replace one duelist with another, most times than not a bandit can do the same work as a valk against magic attackers when 1-on-1 situations etc etc

The point is to think outside the box and use the guides as just that, guides to follow and improve, not instructions that need to be obeyed to the letter

This same thing happened to me when i was first starting and watched videos because i was too weak to clear things, but then i was too weak to fulfill the video's units level or roles.

12-06-2016, 01:39 PM
Yeah, guides are very useful but ultimately there's only so much they can do for someone who's under-leveled or whatever. On the bright side if you stick with the game long enough you should eventually hit a turning point where event units and gachas allow you to start from a Common Unit/Low Rarity guide and simplify from there rather than struggle to keep up on most maps. For example, my own team has enough single target damage capability that I can often look at a video mostly to identify the early rushes and then simply brute force my way through things that would require tank swaps and a ton of skill activation if i were using silver units.

12-06-2016, 02:45 PM
Yeah, guides are very useful but ultimately there's only so much they can do for someone who's under-leveled or whatever. On the bright side if you stick with the game long enough you should eventually hit a turning point where event units and gachas allow you to start from a Common Unit/Low Rarity guide and simplify from there rather than struggle to keep up on most maps. For example, my own team has enough single target damage capability that I can often look at a video mostly to identify the early rushes and then simply brute force my way through things that would require tank swaps and a ton of skill activation if i were using silver units.

^This. The videos are more what you call "guidelines" than actual walkthroughs ;)

Best ways to use them are:
1) See early rushes ahead of time, as well as hard hitters that could murder your units if they catch you off-guard
2) Get a GENERAL IDEA of how to handle the map, with an emphasis on deployment order and what units are used to counter which enemies
3) Take the video's plan, substitute units used in the video with your own, or even take out some parts because you have stronger units than those used in the video (a princess or angel can spare you the trouble of lightning rod swaps, like how some Forbidden Beast videos are swapping bandits/heavy armors at the end like crazy with the Lich, if you have sufficient heal support)

12-06-2016, 02:49 PM
Yeah, guides are very useful but ultimately there's only so much they can do for someone who's under-leveled or whatever. On the bright side if you stick with the game long enough you should eventually hit a turning point where event units and gachas allow you to start from a Common Unit/Low Rarity guide and simplify from there rather than struggle to keep up on most maps. For example, my own team has enough single target damage capability that I can often look at a video mostly to identify the early rushes and then simply brute force my way through things that would require tank swaps and a ton of skill activation if i were using silver units.

Learned that hard way when I try to imitate Key Kii's videos only to learn he had a max Prince and his Silvers are max affection and ability. I thought to use those vids because most of his units I had them in my army but less lvl