View Full Version : "Garden" is available now. It's great.

11-25-2016, 10:23 AM
It even makes me to think about spending a little on this game now.

I mean, too many girls just stay in the inventory like pictures; now they have a chace to move around, as if have a bit lives.
and most items are so affordable.


A piece of information

Damage formula : 攻撃力×攻撃アビリティ+装備分)÷2 -相手防御力÷4]×乱数(0.95~1.05)× 点・クリティカル補正×スキル倍率

[(AttackxAttack Skill+ Equipment)/2-Defence/4]xRandom(0.95~1.05)xweakness modifier(1.5)xcritical modifier(1.5)

11-25-2016, 12:04 PM
Im guessing its just - well pretty