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View Full Version : Ryuujin Invasion Revival event guide

12-05-2016, 06:25 AM
Good timeofaday, brave Princes! It is that time of the week again, and it is once more a Revival time! What's more, it is a revival of non-farm-based event, and even more, event for a Black rarity (Dragon) Princess, the one and only Anya! Well, technically for Aria, but we all know who is the real star here ;)
So let's relive the Ryujin Invasion!

Revival runs: 2016-12-06 to 2016-12-13

This is a Moment Crystal collection event. You farm event maps for special Moment Crystal drops and use it to buy event target(s) from Trading Post
http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/2/24/Aria_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/140?cb=20150525212115 http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/b/bb/Dorania_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/270?cb=20160710184904
http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/4/46/Fleur_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/149?cb=20150822020653 http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/a/a7/Echidna_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/210?cb=20150521013317

(Re)Introducing the Lieutenant Aria (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Aria). She may be only Gold rarity, and not as tanky as Katie, but she has better attack and, more importantly for Reinforcement soldier, can be min-costed. Awakening gives her ability to improve party's attack power a little (2%) by simply being in team. And Skill Awakening makes her so much worse in her primary role of a ramp that it might as well not exist :P

Likewise, (Re)Introducing the Sealed Dorania (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Dorania). He (yes, he) might be the first Black rarity event character, but not many would ever put him on the team, as he is capped at level 30. But that is because he was never intended to fight on his own! Right, his only purpose in life is to be reborn into everybody's favorite Black Dragon Princess, Anya! Do note however that you will need to level up Dorania to level 30 and use Bronze Ryujin Soldier (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Ryujin_Soldier) and Silver Gadoras (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Gadoras), as well as Spirit of Time for that. Worry not, both bronze and silver unit needed will be available at the second half, the revival of "Return of the Dragon Princess", from 20th to 27th.
You do not need more then one copy of Dorania to make Anya, and Anya will already be at her minimal possible cost from the moment you unseal her.

To make that possible, (Re)Introducing the Spirit of Time Fleur. This fairy can reduce the cost of any unit she is fed to with 100% guarantee! Unfortunately, only one can be obtained, and she is necessary component of Class Evolution (or rather, Unsealing) of Dorania into Anya, so if you are new, cost reductions will have to wait.

And even if she is technically from the another event, (Re)Introducing the Dragon Shaman Echidna (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Echidna). First (and currently only) of her special class (meaning, no class evolution necessary), Echidna is a healer-mage hybrid who is normally seen healing injured allies, but piss her off and she pops her skill to unleash her draconic heritage and become a fireball-breathing killing machine ;) Awakening makes her strengthen all draconic units' health and defense by merely being in the team. And yes, that includes Dragon Riders like Lucille) Skill Awakening, whenever it will come to us, turns her into all-healer, restoring health of every unit in range and even buffing defense for draconic units in range as a bonus!

Last but not least, (Re)Introducing the star of this show, the one, the only, Black Dragon Princess Anya (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Anya)! A Princess who can block two and (after Awakening) attack them as well. Her Skill, trusty "Holy Blade Ascalon" cuts all (but magical) incoming damage in half! Awakening ability grants her 20% MR. Skill Awakening, whenever it will come to us, turns her skill from defensive into offensive, granting her ability to attack all enemies in range with double the power.

http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/b/bf/Aria_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160708004336 http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/c/c8/Aria_AW_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160708004535
http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/8/86/Echidna_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160710183336 http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/4/41/Echidna_AW_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160710183452
http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/c/c5/Anya_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160704190929 http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/8/8a/Anya_AW_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160704190942

Noted enemies:

┌───────────┬─── ─────────┬────── ┬──────┬──────┬─ ───┬─────┬────── ──────────────┐
│ Name │ Attack type │ HP │ Atk │ Def │ MR │ AS │ Notes │
╞═══════════╪═══ ═════════╪══════ ╪══════╪══════╪═ ═══╪═════╪══════ ══════════════╡
│ Red Dragon (http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/f/fb/Dragon_Mage_red.png/revision/latest?cb=20160908053935)│ Magical AoE │ 5400 │ 500 │ 400 │ 0 │ 170 │ Is a dragon │
│ Mage │ Ranged (160)│ │ │ │ │ │ (Claudia delights) │
├───────────┼─── ─────────┼────── ┼──────┼──────┼─ ───┼─────┼────── ──────────────┤
│ Dragon │ Physical │ 6400 │ 600 │ 400 │ 0 │ 181 │ Is a dragon │
│ King (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/9/9d/Dragon_King.png/revision/latest?cb=20160908053758) │ Melee │ │ │ │ │ │ (Claudia delights) │
└───────────┴─── ─────────┴────── ┴──────┴──────┴─ ───┴─────┴────── ──────────────┘

Stat correction: 0.8 for first, second and third maps, 0.9 for fourth; 0.8 for fifth, sixth and seventh, 0.9 for last /two.


Enormous Hole

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 20 ║ Experience │ 190 ║ Initial UP │ 10 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 2 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 750 ║ Life │ 3 ║ Enemies │ 69 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: What crawls from the sudden emerging large hole ... ... invasion of the dark race begins!
Drops: http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/yWh5DU.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/2d951f392058326f.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/5946a14caf786f53.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/d28c8c5a164699bd.png
Moment Crystals: 1x, 1x

Invasion from Below

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 25 ║ Experience │ 300 ║ Initial UP │ 10 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 2 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1125 ║ Life │ 3 ║ Enemies │ 58 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: Face dragon people, protected with thick scales!
Drops: http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/v3CgTIun.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/cd0983a9e0e1a51f.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/fd6f56b1ffd9904f.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/17f36a2e15601fc5.png
Moment Crystals: 1x, 1x, 1x

Dragon Caller

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 30 ║ Experience │ 350 ║ Initial UP │ 20 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 3 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1500 ║ Life │ 3 ║ Enemies │ 67 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: What comes out of a huge hole ... Protect the country from an evil dragon!
Drops: http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/v3CgTIun.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/bcc28482a466fbff.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/fd6f56b1ffd9904f.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/9460da3d3aa30d33.png
Moment Crystals: 3x, 3x, 3x


┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 35 ║ Experience │ 400 ║ Initial UP │ 20 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 3 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1875 ║ Life │ 3 ║ Enemies │ 51 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: The real aim of Dragon Men is the all-out war with the temple of the goddess!

Drops: http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/Ax8D7.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/844c4ffb17fa8cb0.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/4bdb4b7111522371.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/74102971285afe2c.png
Moment Crystals: 3x, 3x

Grand Invasion 1

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 35 ║ Experience │ 400 ║ Initial UP │ 40 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 3 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1875 ║ Life │ 3 ║ Enemies │ 58 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: Fight against the great invasion of the dragon men what is finally started!
Drops: http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/12/15/Ax8D7.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/9351693b4f8acb4c.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/4bdb4b7111522371.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/fbeb04da1658e46e.png
Moment Crystals: 3x, 3x

Grand Invasion 2

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 35 ║ Experience │ 400 ║ Initial UP │ 40 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 3 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1875 ║ Life │ 3 ║ Enemies │ 54 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: Hit the army of the dragon men advancing to the residential area!
Drops: http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/11/03/ZGTcSRFX.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/7531644ea7e0e832.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/b5678824b9ebaef1.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/beaf141f236ac7ba.png
Moment Crystals: 3x, 3x, 3x

Grand Invasion 3

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 40 ║ Experience │ 400 ║ Initial UP │ 40 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 3 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1875 ║ Life │ 3 ║ Enemies │ 62 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: Defeat the dragon men who invaded the residential area!

Drops: http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/11/03/ZGTcSRFX.png http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/11/03/ZGTcSRFX.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/2d2f2a676fb9c76b.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/b5678824b9ebaef1.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/c7c15afe2edc1e11.png
Moment Crystals: 5x, 5x, 5x

Ryuujin King

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 40 ║ Experience │ 450 ║ Initial UP │ 40 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 3 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 2250 ║ Life │ 3 ║ Enemies │ 89 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: Decisive battle with the Ryuujin's king / Defeat the enemy army pouring in!

Drops: http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2015/11/03/ZGTcSRFX.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/7debc976bb302acf.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/4bdb4b7111522371.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/5c4782f27889d89f.png
Moment Crystals: 5x, 5x

Three Kings

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬─────┐
│ Charisma │ 90 ║ Experience │ 450 ║ Initial UP │ 40 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼─────┤
│ Stamina │ 12 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 3300 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 130 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴─────┘

Gimmick: Increased enemy speed
Map: The dragon kings rally their troops! Stop the advance of the Ryuujin Army, which numbers exceeds one hundred!



Drops: -
Moment Crystals: 3x, 3x, 3x, 5x, 5x, 5x

Comments about the event
Seeing as it is a revival of an rather ancient event, maps should pose no real problem for any developed army, not to mention Awakened one :D Do note however that enemies are numerous, and there are only three life points, so be careful to not let anybody slip by.)
Your main aim her is to grind up as many Moment Crystals as possible. Not only they are needed to buy the copies of event target units, but they also carry over to the next revival. Unfortunately, nearly all maps have rather low payoff. 90/12 map is quite good, but no silvers :P
Also, woo-hoo, 100% first time drop baby!!!

There are some silvers to choose from:

Rogue (Harissa (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Harissa)) (map 1);
Rogue (Cecily (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Cecily)) (map 6);
Bandit (Mortimer (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Mortimer)) (map 2);
Soldier (Phyllis (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Phyllis)) (map 3);
Soldier (Crave (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Crave)) (map 7);
Valkyrie (Misha (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Misha)) (map 4):
Valkyrie (Elaine (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Elaine)) (map 8):
Heavy Infantry (Bernard (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Bernard)) (map 4)
Archer (Soma (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Soma)) (map 5)

Map 4 has Valkyrie + Heavy combo, and more importantly, it has Misha!

Revival MC Shop:

Aria - 70 (50 for subsequent);
Dorania - 300 (250 for subsequent, as long as you didn't turn first copy to Anya)
Fleur - 5]ONE copy)
Echidna - 150 (100 for subsequent)

In short, 800 MC to buy all Anya components. Have fun)
Remember, there will be second "half" of this event at 20th-27th, so you will have additional week to grind up necessary MCs.
It would probably be best to first buy a copy of Aria, then Dorania, then Fleur (Spirit of Time), and only then start working on Echidna and min-costing Aria.

New Characters Arriving

It's a revival!

New Classes Being Introduced

All Hail to the Revivals! :cool:

ЗЫ. Links:

MWAWiki (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Ryujin_Invasion) (EN)
Seesaa (http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/d/%ce%b5%bf%cd%a4%ce%bf%af%b9%b6%b9%b6%ce%ac) (JP)
GCWiki (http://aigis.gcwiki.info/?%CE%B5%BF%CD%A4%CE%BF%AF%B9%B6) (JP)
WikiWiki (JP)


Q: Do I need to buy more than one Dorania / Anya to min-cost my Anya Prime?
A: No, Anya will be at her minimal possible cost the moment you obtain her, and is not affected by Dorania's cost.

Q: Will Anya be at maximum skill level as well?
A: No, Anya will be at skill level 1.

Q: WHAT?! They expect me to make multiple Anyas to raise her skill?!
A: No, Christia, Rainbow Spirit (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Christia#Christia.2C_Spirit_of_Rainbow) exist exactly for that.

Q: 800 MC for one Anya?! And only in one week?!! That's insane!!!
A: Wanna go Black? Cough up some Sacred Crystals. But remember, there will be second "half" of this event at 20th-27th, so you will have additional week to grind up necessary MCs.
Anyway, spending 15~20 SC is par the course when you want to min-cost a Item Collection unit)

Q: Is it me or drop rates are good? I got everything on the first try!
A: 100% drop rates for the first drop are indeed a thing now. Second and subsequent drops are with regular rates.

Q: Speaking of drop rates, specifically for Moment Crystals...
A: Unknown. But it appears that 90/12 have >90% drop rates and seems to be the best map to farm them.

Q: What will happen to unspent Moment Crystals when event ends?
A: You will keep all unspent MCs and will be able to use them to purchase target units in other MC Revivals. And yes, that meant pre-grinding for future events is possible.

Q: Can I buy more than one Fleur, Spirit of Time? Pretty please?
A: NO.

12-05-2016, 06:31 AM
thx for the guide:)

12-05-2016, 08:09 AM
Early guide huh? :D looks like someone got very excited :D thanfully i still not awed katie, but i can aw aria after event. Welp, a hard week awaits us :D

12-05-2016, 08:12 AM
I'd skip Echidna entirely unless you have SCs to spare for her, tbh. I've never deployed her since I got her. (Granted, I got Camilla and Chydis early...)

IMO, I'd prioritize first-copy Aria > Fleur > Dorania > mincosting Aria > farm silvers > Echidna > get another Dorania >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mincosting Echidna.

12-05-2016, 08:14 AM
I saw no awed units at last map guide, my alt will be happy

12-05-2016, 08:42 AM
i can understand the reason for getting aria mincosted , but for us the ones that have aw jerome and for which aria is not that high of a priority , can anyone explain how dorania works and why shouldn't we aim for an min cost unit ? I mean...she does retain her cr levels after becoming anya ?

And i'm curious , how good is the droprate anyway for this kind of revivals ?

12-05-2016, 09:08 AM
Dorania/Anya doesn't need mincosting, if that's what you're asking. One copy is all you need (unless you're planning ahead for SAW and you want a defense-oriented Anya as well as the attack-based Anya, for some reason).

12-05-2016, 09:09 AM
i can understand the reason for getting aria mincosted , but for us the ones that have aw jerome and for which aria is not that high of a priority , can anyone explain how dorania works and why shouldn't we aim for an min cost unit ? I mean...she does retain her cr levels after becoming anya ?

And i'm curious , how good is the droprate anyway for this kind of revivals ?

Pretty sure the moment you "CC" Dorania, Anya is already mincosted so it's pointless to buy copies of Dorania unless you want two Anyas.

90/12 map usually has good drop rates. Even better if you have a thief unit which we don't have as of yet. I'm worried about the fact that we won't have the 1st time guaranteed drops that DMM has. Would have loved a good head start before spending SCs.

12-05-2016, 09:32 AM
Pretty sure the moment you "CC" Dorania, Anya is already mincosted so it's pointless to buy copies of Dorania unless you want two Anyas.

Yup, very much this.

As for Echidna she is indeed rather unimpressive, so grab your bedroom copy while you can and skip CRing her unless you really really want to

12-05-2016, 09:49 AM
well since i already have my mincost Aria and Anya i will only farm for the time fairy so i can CR someone, maybe i will get a second copy of Anya since her SAW really changes her... who knows :D

12-05-2016, 09:56 AM
Looks plenty impressive to me ;)

But yes, first (two) time(s) around, grab Anya components first, worry about Echidna latter.

12-05-2016, 10:14 AM
Ok , that is good to know. I didnt played during anya's event so i had no ideea that she gets min costed when u unseal her. Guess i'll go for 1 coppy of aria and echidna and if the farming goes well , ill get more fairies

12-05-2016, 10:52 AM
Time Fairy is a only-one-Anyas-even-pair deal.

12-05-2016, 11:30 AM
I was hoping this would be the next revival. I was kind of weak the first time around and only managed to barley get Echidna. Looking forward to getting Anya!

12-05-2016, 11:37 AM
@ZeroZet - Not sure if you put this somewhere in your guide, but you should mention that Fleur can only be exchanged ONCE per revival. So players without Anya have to decide whether they use Fleur to get her or get the guaranteed -1 cost for another unit. Of course all new players should go with the former. XD

12-05-2016, 11:49 AM
Wait, so for those of us who weren't around for the original version, this means that we'll have to depend on our combining luck to mincost Aria instead of guaranteeing it through star rush?

12-05-2016, 12:05 PM
Wait, so for those of us who weren't around for the original version, this means that we'll have to depend on our combining luck to mincost Aria instead of guaranteeing it through star rush?

If the devs are nice, we would get 2x chance for CR/SU. That means the first 2 CRs are 100% and the last one for her is 50%. All revivals at DMM have them. She only needs -3CR to get to mincost.

12-05-2016, 01:13 PM
Wait, so for those of us who weren't around for the original version, this means that we'll have to depend on our combining luck to mincost Aria instead of guaranteeing it through star rush?Yes, and this will be a standard for ALL future Star Rush / Item Collection revivals.

Gotta thank Aigis Anya can't be CR'd (or if you look at her from different angle, comes pre-mincosted :p). THAT would be a nightmare ;)

12-05-2016, 01:17 PM
guess karma's going to be a bitch...

12-05-2016, 01:28 PM
At least you will be able to get both Immortal AND Vampire variants of her ;)

12-05-2016, 02:53 PM
guess karma's going to be a bitch...

Isn't karma always a bitch? ;)

That said, at least we will be able to get both versions of her... and on that note, is there a "better" version, that we would want to min-cost, while just settling for harem version of the other?

12-05-2016, 03:16 PM
The "harem" version is just a recolour. Personally, while i see use in plat Karma, there's other units that work better. Black Karma has immortality and is something you should aim for. I mean, 13 seconds of being unable to die is very hand in some situations.

But let's talk about that when her actual revival appears :P

12-05-2016, 03:31 PM
If I have this units, will I have a chance of beating the second part of the event maps

also should I consider CC Pallis or Rachel :confused:


12-05-2016, 04:05 PM
I'd rather just min cost black karma. Mari , anya, karma and echidna are the only characters i missed because i took a break after i created my account. Oh , and the avenger elf.

So , i will most likely try to max karma if possible

EDIT : that should be a serviceable team kira. Can;t say for sure since i haven't actually played this event , but considering this was ....what ? The 3rd event we ever had in aigis , it shouldn't be that hard to beat

12-05-2016, 06:09 PM
On DMM when this revival happened I burned SCs like mad in the first half not knowing the second half was coming.

For me Echidna is well worth getting as my Healer stocks aren't great (best 2 are Flamel and Iris). Aria min-costed is a fantastic replacement for Katie if you need her.

I'm not so wild about Anya on DMM. She needs fairly heavy healer support I find. But thats pre-Awakening. Still worth getting though. A guaranteed -1 cost to something vs a new black princess - I'd rather the Princess.

12-06-2016, 02:19 AM
Say we get 2 doranias, we make one into Anya, and then we need to wait for next spirit of time Fleur, if i'm not mistaken. When will get another chance at obtaining Fleur? :X In a year or two again?

12-06-2016, 03:07 AM
Does this event really has 100% first run drop or is it just my luck?

12-06-2016, 03:08 AM
Does this event really has 100% first run drop or is it just my luck?

According to the event banner, it does. :)

12-06-2016, 04:02 AM

People also say Kagero and "Naynia" (yes, "Naynia" :rolleyes:) are both in the gacha

Sooo, celebrations! :D

12-06-2016, 04:30 AM
Also got naynia three times from premium summon, yeah a silver in the spotlight :D (poor me tho...)

12-06-2016, 04:58 AM
so... is it even remotely possible to get Anya without spending SC's?

Jay Rich
12-06-2016, 05:05 AM
Have gone past my internet usage so I have very slow internet at the moment and since the maintenance I can no longer access Nutakus Aigis (As it wont download the new content fast enough and give me error codes.)

Thankfully I get my full speed internet back tomorrow so I don't have to suffer for long. It sounds like I am going to need all the time I can get to get Anya. Is Echidna any good? She is also another unit I have wanted for awhile and wouldn't mind adding her to my main team. I probably have better units than her but there's not always the need to play Aigis with you most powerful units right?

12-06-2016, 05:08 AM
12 stamina map confirmed :v

It's farm time!

12-06-2016, 05:22 AM
so... is it even remotely possible to get Anya without spending SC's?Yes, it is... But not this time around :cool:
Remember, MCs carry over, so you can grind out them across several other Revivals (disregarding their units exchanges) and then sink them into buying Anya components next time they revive these events. Buuut, can you reeally wait that long? :D

12-06-2016, 05:48 AM
First-time drop doesn't apply if you got the drops last time, apparently.

And stupid me, I was farming Dragonewt back in the day for some reason, so no guaranteed Misha for me. Thankfully she showed up in five runs anyway, but still.

12-06-2016, 05:54 AM
Any ideas on the Time Crystal drop rates of Grand Invasion 3 vs 3 Kings G?

12-06-2016, 06:36 AM
Any ideas on the Time Crystal drop rates of Grand Invasion 3 vs 3 Kings G?

Im not sure about grand invasion 3 since I did not count the crystal drop there, but 3 kings G gives you a total of 24 crystals for max drop. (5x3 and 3x3)

12-06-2016, 07:45 AM
Im not sure about grand invasion 3 since I did not count the crystal drop there, but 3 kings G gives you a total of 24 crystals for max drop. (5x3 and 3x3)
Yes, this is 2 "Moment" Crystals per stamina.
I'm interested if the rate in GI3 is let's say above 50% per MC drop. This would make it more efficient in terms of stamina since with max drop it amounts to 3.33 MC/sta.

12-06-2016, 07:52 AM
Yes, it is... But not this time around :cool:
Remember, MCs carry over, so you can grind out them across several other Revivals (disregarding their units exchanges) and then sink them into buying Anya components next time they revive these events. Buuut, can you reeally wait that long? :D

Many thanks. It will be hard to forfeit some of the units, though...

12-06-2016, 09:29 AM
Somebody asked this above, and it didn't get answered. So if we grab an extra copy of Dorania, we're also gonna need an extra copy of Fleur for unseal right? Since we can only grab one Fleur, does that mean we gotta wait for future events with Fleur or something?

12-06-2016, 09:48 AM
Somebody asked this above, and it didn't get answered. So if we grab an extra copy of Dorania, we're also gonna need an extra copy of Fleur for unseal right? Since we can only grab one Fleur, does that mean we gotta wait for future events with Fleur or something?

Precisely. On DMM there have been other events that give you one rather easily, but not sure when they'll ever hit nutaku. Might as well prepare if you want to do so though.

Edit: These start maps, while tedious, are wonderful when you have Betty...

12-06-2016, 10:39 AM
Say we get 2 doranias, we make one into Anya, and then we need to wait for next spirit of time Fleur, if i'm not mistaken. When will get another chance at obtaining Fleur? :X In a year or two again?

Somebody asked this above, and it didn't get answered. So if we grab an extra copy of Dorania, we're also gonna need an extra copy of Fleur for unseal right? Since we can only grab one Fleur, does that mean we gotta wait for future events with Fleur or something?

yes, you can only get 1 time fairy per event so you would need to wait until another time they give her

also, if you get enough MC to get 2 doranias and 1 fairy it would be 1050 MC and would really want to see that happen in just 1 week (i want to see the amount of SC spent to make it possible)

12-06-2016, 11:21 AM
Added some clarifications an a FAQ section. Anybody have things to add there?

12-06-2016, 12:24 PM
Anybody have things to add there?
Nothing for the FAQ now, but the map image for Grand Invasion 2 seems to be wrong.

12-06-2016, 12:47 PM
So am I able to buy everything to get Anya during the second half? What I mean is like can I only buy dorania during the first half or something.

12-06-2016, 01:36 PM
On DMM you could buy everything the second half as well.

12-06-2016, 02:50 PM
Started Aigis in July 2016. Glad to see revivals. Kind of get the gist of this event after reading the FAQ a few times.

Kind of like how they mixing up events and making them different.

I might make a dragon theme team. LOL - don't have enuff units to fill an entire team

12-06-2016, 04:48 PM
I want to know what in the hell I'm gonna do with all these Princess units. I already had Lilia and Sherry, but the game just tossed me Olivie when I drew earlier and I don't see me being unable to get Anya. Like, why game? Why?

12-06-2016, 05:02 PM
so there will be a second half? and crystal will carry over?

12-06-2016, 05:26 PM
I am confused by this revival, I was not around the 1st time this ran thru when it was a star event. Is this still a star event or collection only? Because I already have 24 stars. which would have unlocked Aria at lowest cost and get you sealed Dorania. I am wondering if I have to worry about actually buying the units from this event or just having buy to get the time fairy for the upgrade, in the 2nd half?

12-06-2016, 05:37 PM
its literally a collection event atm. except you will get none of the rewards unless u buy them with crystals

12-06-2016, 05:43 PM
since idk the drop rate of every moment crystal in every map and there is no average crystal per stamina, which is the best place to farm Moment crystal because idk if i can clear the 12 stamina map? (i get 1 star on the previous map)

12-06-2016, 06:01 PM
generally speaking the G maps tend to be the best. Other then that , just look at which map costs the least and drops the most...

12-06-2016, 09:20 PM
90/12 map drop, but is that best place to farm? Too many sta spent, may be it better to second to last map, or may be any other?

12-06-2016, 09:41 PM
90/12 map drop, but is that best place to farm? Too many sta spent, may be it better to second to last map, or may be any other?

90/12 is the best map, you get 2 crystals per stamina almost every time you run it. the x5 are 100% drop rate, the x3 are like 90%-95%. All other maps have a much lower drop rate.

12-06-2016, 09:42 PM
90/12 is the best map, you get 2 crystals per stamina almost every time you run it. the x5 are 100% drop rate, the x3 are like 90%-95%. All other maps have a much lower drop rate.

Seconding what the anonymous said. I ran it like six times or so today. Its true.

12-07-2016, 01:27 AM
so there will be a second half? and crystal will carry over?
From guide:

Remember, there will be second "half" of this event at 20th-27th, so you will have additional week to grind up necessary MCs.

Q: What will happen to unspent Moment Crystals when event ends?
A: You will keep all unspent MCs and will be able to use them to purchase target units in other MC Revivals. And yes, that meant pre-grinding for future events is possible.

Kili Krieger
12-07-2016, 02:25 AM
So you CAN actually get 0 mc from a 40/3 map? Here I was hoping that it wasn't true.... 90/12, while I can clear, is still a bit of a gamble....

12-07-2016, 03:11 AM
Can't farm the last event until I 3 star the 2nd to last map. Thought, I had it but those lizard mages.

12-07-2016, 03:22 AM
Hmm? I 3 starred last map and couldnt get one 5 yc drop once. At least one of the 5yc drop isnt guaranteed imo but the rates are high as hell, never got less than 19 yc, sometimes full drop.

12-07-2016, 03:36 AM
assuming you have a perfect run:

12 stamina = 24 MC
1 hour = 1 stamina

and the event last for 1 week so:
48 MC a day times 7 times a week = 336 MC

but there is a revival 2 weeks for a week so:
336MC times 2 is 772MC

if you buy all the characters in the shop once, that would be 70+300+500+150=1020 MC

thats assuming that:
1. you start at zero stamina at 0:00
2. you dont level up that restores stamina
3. you probably didnt use SC to restores stamina i accidentally use one
4. and you magically unlock the last map from the start

since, i cant clear the last map (i cant even clear the first wave) maybe im just using my MC on aria that minicost reinforcement is eye catching to me

you can probably earn more than that but i doubt that you can get all the characters without using a SC

12-07-2016, 03:42 AM
Invasion 3 can give 0 / 5 / 10 crystals for 3 stamina.

But also drops silvers and fairies. And it less catsastrofic if the game crash =)

12-07-2016, 03:55 AM
*sigh* Yes, like it is an IMPOSSIBLE to get a perfect Item Collection unit without spending SC, you can't expect to get a perfect reward (mincost black AND a gold AND a platinum) without spending some from such revival.

So man up and pop dem SCs!

12-07-2016, 04:24 AM
I treat last map as averaging 20 crystals a run. You will usually do better. On that, to get everything once (1020) its about 50 runs (the other 20 is picked up from earlier maps).

Spending SCs is a must to get there. But farming for the smaller prizes can work too if Anya is too far. If I knew this event was coming I wouldn't have spent so many SCs last week upgrading my barracks.

I think the SC investment is worth it. You are getting a guaranteed black, platinum and the start of a CR replacement for Katie. You don't get odds like that burning 20-30 SC in the gacha. I'm tempted to go with my DMM strategy of ensuring Anya in the first week with SCs so I can cruise and pick up the other 2 with some CR in week 2.

12-07-2016, 05:56 AM
was it really possible to get 800 crystal without spending sc?

a, its already answered.

my next question, how much sc would spend to get perfect collection unit?

12-07-2016, 07:47 AM
generally quite a lot. It is possible to get a perfect dorania tho with very few for the simple fact that you dont need to get copies of her (like other revival collection units do). You just need...

12-07-2016, 07:49 AM
was it really possible to get 800 crystal without spending sc?

a, its already answered.

my next question, how much sc would spend to get perfect collection unit?

if what you mean of a perfect collection unit is a full CR and SU of that unit, then its possible with the 70 crystal gold unit (you probably spend a 320 crystal or more if you unlucky enough like me, idk about the other.

thats leads me to another question: does the 2x increased chance of CR and SU of crystal shop is also available in the next event? (20-27)

advance thanks

12-07-2016, 07:57 AM
Anyone have a map detail of the 2nd half ?
I need to spent my SCs to collect Anya and min cost Aria.
But, I want to know that my team can or can not beat the last map of 2nd half.
So, i can plan to use my SCs.

Thank you.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

12-07-2016, 08:06 AM

12-07-2016, 09:11 AM
Not taking into account trying to CR Aria and Echidna, as mentioned before it's 1020 MC.
1020 MC / 20 per run (I typically get 21, sometimes 24, occasionally 18 but for simplicity's sake we say 20) = 51 runs - 1 for previous maps

50 runs x 12 stamina = 600 stamina = 25 days (so obviously, natural regeneration alone will not suffice)


If we assume you ONLY use SC to refill stamina (and never charisma, since Stamina is the primary issue here):

To reduce 25 days to 7 requires a reduction of 18 days; conveniently, that's our max stamina, therefore you need 24 SC spent on Stamina to reduce it to one week (24 hours in a day x 18 days / 18 stamina per SC spent)

This is to get one copy of each TP unit at a rate of 20 MC per run, assuming no level ups (level up would take out 1 SC), IN THE FIRST WEEK!

If you're willing to go into Week 2, we can cut down our SC spending because we have 7 extra days. 168 extra hours/stamina / 18 stamina per SC = 9.333 SC saved, let's call it 9 so 15 SC spent in 2 weeks to get ONE copy of EVERY TP unit in 2 weeks.

Min-costing Aria and/or Echidna will depend on luck with the CR rolling.

12-07-2016, 01:10 PM
So I made two runs of the 3 Kings G map. The first run came from me slightly modifying some of the 3 star runs I found on youtube, which resulted in 2 stars and me missing one of the crystal drops. The second run was me trying to perfectly mimic one guide, key kii's guide specifically, and that attempt somehow imploded itself and I lost 12 stamina for no good reason. To prevent further waste, I decided to just ask people far more strategically minded than me for help in this task. Here are my units:

...and apparently I can't link to imgur so here's it broken up


Any advice at all would be nice

12-07-2016, 02:10 PM
generally i start with uzume/shuka , after which i place 2 archers on the second slots from the spawn points on each side. The issue is that i dunno if your archers do enough damage....since mine are a max level awakened spica and a max cc-ed bashira/aw nanally on the other account.

Generally if you can 2 shot the basic units , you are good. place prince , place katie/jerome to block the path , wait till i get enough up for mages. Place 1 more on the first slot from the spawn point on each side. Go afk...

Ofc this is MY strategy and i tend to have a number of awakened stuff which buffs the damage of my archers (spica+uzume) , so i can brute force it. Generally speaking having 2 strong archers at start is needed to clear the first waves. On the nanaly/spica account i don't need a healer since i kill the dragon mages fast enough. On the bashira/spica , with my un awakened bashira , i ned healer as well as be carefull with my blocking since bashira can let stuff live at times.

2 bad you lack solano. she is also very good on this map.

Edit : i don't advise trying my way , since as i said it before , it's a brute force kinda way. I just told you what i do , hoping you get some inspiration from it in some way

12-07-2016, 02:12 PM
Basic strategy/deployment I'm using on 90/12 (if it helps anyone)

Team :

Map Deployment:

Deployment Order :
Spica, Nanaly, Prince, Katie, Flamel, Claudia, Iris, Dorca, replace Nanaly with Cyrus, replace Spica with Noel, replace Katie with Bernice (though my awakened Katie can probably handle it)

On DMM The units I used weren't awakened and it still worked. However they were CCed and most were max level, I also used slightly different ones. My healer and mage quality is better on DMM and I deployed prince in the middle instead of the top, upgrading both soldiers (I used Katie and Julian) to heavies later. I also used Spica and Bashira for the archers. Any duelist will do in the middle as long as they can take a beating and hit like a truck.

12-07-2016, 02:27 PM
Drop Shuka first, followed by Katie. Kerry or Prince for 3rd row (probably Kerry for UP ramp) then archers/pirates. Percis and mages should be dropped when UP permits (the hordes of weak enemies that come rushing throughout the map pretty much demand this). Dropping Iris followed by a lightning rod (angel ideally if your ranged damage is good enough, princess or Valkyrie if not) to take the dragon mages attacks.

Sorry, but you lack the levels in ranged damage to brute force this map, so you'll have to be more tactical in dealing with the dragon mages. Witches might be useful for the kings, but I'd stick with mages. Speaking of which, yours are underleveled. Badly, outside of Sasha. You need to powerlevel Cyrus or Percis for a second competent AOE attacker if you want to be comfy with this map. You have level 70 Sasha and then... 32 Valerie and 20 Cyrus? Yikes! Percis is CC32, so I'd go with her if you want to get back to this map ASAP. Not super strong, but CC50 max affection should be sufficient for the mobs in this map. You might need to drop a duelist on the dragon mages or kings, then withdraw, depending on how things go.

12-07-2016, 02:45 PM
Drop Estelle, drop a soldier, drop other things necessary for survival, done :P

12-07-2016, 03:21 PM
This might be a stupid rookie mistake. I was curious and just did a blind run for no reason on 3 Kings G. Wow, a shit ton of lizards. Fun fail - I know wasting stamina wasn't good. Yesterday, I was trying to 3 star all the other maps before trying G map for the first time.


I set up my archers first and then tanks. Yet, those axe guys killed the archers and eventually, I got overrun.


That was cool. Don't think I'm ready yet since I lack the mages, Valkyrie, and HA.

12-07-2016, 10:47 PM
Well after another failed attempt I think I'm just going to go back to my 2 star method... which I forgot so gosh darn it. Sigh, maybe just a previous map plus using up my SC stock will at least net me one of everyone.

12-07-2016, 10:49 PM
You could give it a shot to atamerisan's run (it's the third video in the tab of Three Kings on first page of this thread). You have two AOE magical damage in Sasha and Pallis, but I imagine it will only work if both are max aff, and for Pallis at max level (maybe the UP will be a slight problem, but depends how much damage Katie can take; another issue is, Percis Range is surperior to that of a mage, so you'll have to be really careful of where to place your mages, I think one of each lanes of Ranged Units should work); other than that, you can cross Pallis with Percis andn keep her close to the Base to handle the remainders of the huge waves. You also have both Bashira and Khuri, they could be a great way to handle the first few waves, Khuri practically plows through the early enemies at max level, and Bashira is, well herself xD Since atamerisan doesn't use Spica AW'd, you could pull it off with both of them. Iris and Alyssa are your healers to go, they will manage to keep your units alive long enough. I'd try and raise Ertel's level to max too as well as her aff. The witch, well now that's a problem, it's one of the few units from atamerisan's run that I see had CR'd, so Calliope will have to do unless you are willing to risk with Yuyu/Cloris. Then the Valkyrie, Elaine should resist long enough without putting so much stress on your other units. I'm assuming you have the Savior title, I have run this with both the Savior and the Big Hero titles, and both prove the boost to endure and hit as hard as you need.

If anyone can enlighten me if there are any patches modifications to our game in play, I'm welcoming it since I made the calculations with my own units and the stats of the units in said run that were used. Though, be warned, in both runs, one or two lizardmen almost got away (when I used the Savior title it happened and I was like what happened xD but Bashira managed to shot it down).

Using atamerisan's also as a reference, in your case I guess I would need to ask first where and order you positioned your units. I've done it and they only hit Khuri using atamerisan's vid too as a reference. The good point from his vid is, since you have a mincost Khuri, you have an additional 3 UPs to use in a better witch than Calliope, and Belinda is your go for her skill on range. The problem I do see though, is you don't have a second AOE troop, I'd go for Cyrus but I think he'd need a few level ups before hitting the level required and again we run into the issue of range between a mage and a cannoneer. Ertel, you'll have to corss her out and choose a HA, the issue I might see is the additional healing, but Ertel will be mainly blocking so your healers (Iris and Alyssa) should handle the healing factor on their own, hopefully.

That's all I can give as tips so far, as for me, I'm at 90 MCs at the moment and tomorrow I start using SC's (I should've saved those last SC's from past events, but well, at least I got some good units for my army from them) and then wait to see the second half of the event and wait for the best for the moment.

Edit: If memory serves me right...to transform Dorania into Anya, we need 1 Gadoras, Ryujin Soldier, and Fleur; and to AW her, we need a CC'd Gadoras (which uses a silver HA) just as Echidna does correct? Giving us a total of 3 Gadoras required for AW and CC, and the second half of this event hands us 5, so we should be fine those of us that missed these two events correct?

12-08-2016, 12:53 AM
For 3 Kings G I personally drop Shuuka (center) > Julian > Katie on the left-most column, then Berna on the center of the map to deal with a couple of lizards that might otherwise slip past 2-blocking Shuuka and bait axe throwers to waste some time trying to attack her (dodging sure is helpful!). Any other rogue or generally low-cost dodger should do just as fine.
When ReinIII skills come up, I use them and drop Mehlis and Zola on second ranged spots from the left. Who goes top and who bottom matters not.
When UP permits, I drop two healers on first ranged spots from the left. AW Iris with her healbomb is a lifesaver!)
When Berna gets uncomfortably low on health or when red dragon mage comes close to her, I withdraw her and drop Thetis on the central lane, third spot from the left, as my dueller and lightning rod.
That's it!

Admittedly, I, for added fun, replace Julian with Grace and exchange Katie for Pallis / Barbie after bringing out y valkyrie, but that's superfluous)

12-08-2016, 02:48 AM
am i the only 1 that places his units near the spawn point ? If you kill them as soon as they spawn , you don't need a lightning rod. Hell , the 3 kings can be killed off before they even start moving.

12-08-2016, 07:05 AM
am i the only 1 that places his units near the spawn point ? If you kill them as soon as they spawn , you don't need a lightning rod. Hell , the 3 kings can be killed off before they even start moving.

I do that as well, though I use Sophie as a lightning rod anyways for added safety net ;)

@Tony: Khuri and Bashira should be able to handle the first waves, but the tricky part is getting Pallis, Sasha and maybe Percis out for handle the masses that come running through (archers/VHs won't kill the masses quick enough). Definitely go Shuka -> Katie -> Phyllis at the start, followed by Khuri and Bashira when able (this should set you up for early rush). Pop the Reinforcement skills, bring in Sasha and Percis (drop Percis near the back, her skill increases shot area of effect, as a safety net), withdraw Khuri and drop Iris then use Kerry as a lightning rod (in range of Sasha's skill and Iris' healing). Pop Sasha's skill if Kerry ends up dueling one of the kings or her health starts dropping and if she drops too far, swap her out for Prince. CCMax Shuka or Katie should be able to handle their row with just Percy for support (I'm preferring Percy for higher range and expanded AOE skill with less cost over Pallis but Pallis should work too) but have Alissa and a heavy ready to replace them if they're in trouble. Also, Shuka's skill provides EVERYONE DEPLOYED an attack buff if you need to increase Sasha and Percis/Pallis' AOE damage to deal with a wave (and if you dropped Shuka first, it WILL be up by the time you need it)

Hope that helps!

12-08-2016, 09:38 AM
Garania trivializes this event as much as she did the first time around (back when she was in the spotlight and thus half-cost).

No strategy required for me there.

12-08-2016, 10:16 AM
You start with 40 UP, enough to summon any mage and an archer, if your archer can 1-shot basic enemies (with prince's buff) then you are fine leaving said archer for the rest of the map, then you need a unit to call for rein. and the prince, another unit for single blocking near the mage and a lighning rod (replacing the rein. soldier) dead center with healer support

got it first time which was a little risky for that stamina to run blind lol

anyway i'm halfway to get my fairy and i'm still deciding if i want a second Anya

12-08-2016, 12:43 PM
As a free player, is Anya actually worth spending my SC on refilling stamina? Been saving up for when one of the more useful gold/plats show up on spotlight. I can easily 2 star the final map, potentially 3 starring it if i switch things around a little.

12-08-2016, 12:49 PM
it is. Keep in mind that all u need to get a min costed anya is dorania and the time fairy.

12-08-2016, 01:03 PM
I was meaning mostly on just getting the crystals. running Final map, I tend to average 10crystals. I currently have 61. Running 2x a day for 19 more days is only 400 crystals. I'd have to spend 40 SC (I have 36 atm) just to get the 800 needed for her.

Edit: With the possibility of Fleur popping up in the future, would it be a better idea just to shoot for sealed currently. And hope fleur returns at a reasonable time.

12-08-2016, 01:47 PM
Not taking into account trying to CR Aria and Echidna, as mentioned before it's 1020 MC.
1020 MC / 20 per run (I typically get 21, sometimes 24, occasionally 18 but for simplicity's sake we say 20) = 51 runs - 1 for previous maps

50 runs x 12 stamina = 600 stamina = 25 days (so obviously, natural regeneration alone will not suffice)


If we assume you ONLY use SC to refill stamina (and never charisma, since Stamina is the primary issue here):

To reduce 25 days to 7 requires a reduction of 18 days; conveniently, that's our max stamina, therefore you need 24 SC spent on Stamina to reduce it to one week (24 hours in a day x 18 days / 18 stamina per SC spent)

This is to get one copy of each TP unit at a rate of 20 MC per run, assuming no level ups (level up would take out 1 SC), IN THE FIRST WEEK!

If you're willing to go into Week 2, we can cut down our SC spending because we have 7 extra days. 168 extra hours/stamina / 18 stamina per SC = 9.333 SC saved, let's call it 9 so 15 SC spent in 2 weeks to get ONE copy of EVERY TP unit in 2 weeks.

Min-costing Aria and/or Echidna will depend on luck with the CR rolling.

Quoting myself so I don't have to repeat my original calculations of how many SC must be spent to get EVERYTHING (once).

If you take out Echidna and Aria (220 MC), you take out 11 runs x 12 stamina/run = 132 stamina / 18 per SC = 7.333 (round down to 7). Thus in 2 weeks, you can have Anya with only 8 SC spent if you're level 200 (and thus have 18 stamina max).

800 / 20 = 40 runs x 12 stamina = 480 stamina = 20 days. To cut it down to 14, you need to eliminate 6 days (144 hours) which will require spending 8 SC (same thing I just said, but down from scratch instead of taking previous work and working backward. ;)

TLDR: 8 SC (9 at worst, 7 at best if you level up at some point) is pretty darn good for a min-cost Black Princess. Just saying ;)

12-08-2016, 02:08 PM
I was meaning mostly on just getting the crystals. running Final map, I tend to average 10crystals.

then don't do the last map if you can't get all the drops. (i'm assuming you can't complete it 100%. If it's rng related....well that sux ) the last map (12 stamina) is only good because it gives a lot of cristals at once. If you can't complete it without letting stuff pass , do the 3 stamina maps. You will definetly get more then 10 cristals in 4 runs of the 3 stamina maps

12-08-2016, 02:47 PM
You could give it a shot to atamerisan's run (it's the third video in the tab of Three Kings on first page of this thread). You have two AOE magical damage in Sasha and Pallis, but I imagine it will only work if both are max aff, and for Pallis at max level (maybe the UP will be a slight problem, but depends how much damage Katie can take; another issue is, Percis Range is surperior to that of a mage, so you'll have to be really careful of where to place your mages, I think one of each lanes of Ranged Units should work); other than that, you can cross Pallis with Percis andn keep her close to the Base to handle the remainders of the huge waves. You also have both Bashira and Khuri, they could be a great way to handle the first few waves, Khuri practically plows through the early enemies at max level, and Bashira is, well herself xD Since atamerisan doesn't use Spica AW'd, you could pull it off with both of them. Iris and Alyssa are your healers to go, they will manage to keep your units alive long enough. I'd try and raise Ertel's level to max too as well as her aff. The witch, well now that's a problem, it's one of the few units from atamerisan's run that I see had CR'd, so Calliope will have to do unless you are willing to risk with Yuyu/Cloris. Then the Valkyrie, Elaine should resist long enough without putting so much stress on your other units. I'm assuming you have the Savior title, I have run this with both the Savior and the Big Hero titles, and both prove the boost to endure and hit as hard as you need.

If anyone can enlighten me if there are any patches modifications to our game in play, I'm welcoming it since I made the calculations with my own units and the stats of the units in said run that were used. Though, be warned, in both runs, one or two lizardmen almost got away (when I used the Savior title it happened and I was like what happened xD but Bashira managed to shot it down).

Using atamerisan's also as a reference, in your case I guess I would need to ask first where and order you positioned your units. I've done it and they only hit Khuri using atamerisan's vid too as a reference. The good point from his vid is, since you have a mincost Khuri, you have an additional 3 UPs to use in a better witch than Calliope, and Belinda is your go for her skill on range. The problem I do see though, is you don't have a second AOE troop, I'd go for Cyrus but I think he'd need a few level ups before hitting the level required and again we run into the issue of range between a mage and a cannoneer. Ertel, you'll have to corss her out and choose a HA, the issue I might see is the additional healing, but Ertel will be mainly blocking so your healers (Iris and Alyssa) should handle the healing factor on their own, hopefully.

That's all I can give as tips so far, as for me, I'm at 90 MCs at the moment and tomorrow I start using SC's (I should've saved those last SC's from past events, but well, at least I got some good units for my army from them) and then wait to see the second half of the event and wait for the best for the moment.

Edit: If memory serves me right...to transform Dorania into Anya, we need 1 Gadoras, Ryujin Soldier, and Fleur; and to AW her, we need a CC'd Gadoras (which uses a silver HA) just as Echidna does correct? Giving us a total of 3 Gadoras required for AW and CC, and the second half of this event hands us 5, so we should be fine those of us that missed these two events correct?

I remember I placed my Archers first, Soma and Bashira on the middle. Then, when the guys got through, I had little UP, I just summon Katie and the Prince.

Well, it was a quick loss.

I figured I'm underlvl and need to grind before I tackle this map. I thinking of using Noel instead of Cyrus since Noel is min cost and my Cyrus is not. I have to CC Noel before this event is over.

Thanks for the help.

I lack Valkyrie which might help get more UP back.

12-08-2016, 03:26 PM
Huh, crazy enough, RuneKnight's advice to try out atamerisan's run worked pretty well. The replication I attempted got me all 5 drops, which is all I really care about. If I try to modify things, I think I can even get 3 stars on it. Thanks man, this is great, now I don't have to spend nearly as much SC as I thought.

Hmm, I just need to account for those few stragglers I missed and pull out my prince early like the video showed. Hmm, yeah I can do this.

- - - Updated - - -

So upon looking back at the cold hard facts, it turns out there are 6 drops somewhere.

...eh, I'll manage.

12-08-2016, 04:30 PM
did someone notice the event banner in main nutaku page on the top right side it says the event will run for 11 more days wheich makes it a 2 week event or am i wrong about this ??

12-08-2016, 05:17 PM
That's misleading as hell, everything else implies that it's a 7-day event, followed by something else, followed by the connected 7-day event. Maybe

12-08-2016, 07:19 PM
Tony, glad that video worked for you. I went for keykii's method the first run and I couldn't kill all (and I let the red mage slip through unfortunately), but then tried that one, did some math on my units reference, and the ones that mattered the most (Katie, Bashira, Khuri, and my mage) manage to hold their ground perfectly. As a matter of fact on the drops, it's funny how that map works. Yesterday I got full drops 4 times, today? 4 runs, 2 of them gave 6 drops, the last 2 gave me 5 drops (in these ones, I missed one of the 5 crystal drops) so as people suggest, I guess it's mainly RNG since it could be around a 90%-95% to get each crystal, so it's just luck I guess.

12-08-2016, 08:12 PM
Tony, glad that video worked for you. I went for keykii's method the first run and I couldn't kill all (and I let the red mage slip through unfortunately), but then tried that one, did some math on my units reference, and the ones that mattered the most (Katie, Bashira, Khuri, and my mage) manage to hold their ground perfectly. As a matter of fact on the drops, it's funny how that map works. Yesterday I got full drops 4 times, today? 4 runs, 2 of them gave 6 drops, the last 2 gave me 5 drops (in these ones, I missed one of the 5 crystal drops) so as people suggest, I guess it's mainly RNG since it could be around a 90%-95% to get each crystal, so it's just luck I guess.

Estimating drop rates to be around 80-90%. I typically get 5-6 drops with an occasional 4.

12-08-2016, 10:02 PM
at 118 moment crystals. Might be lagging behind since I can only grind the 2nd to last map since I keep failing the last map.

12-08-2016, 11:17 PM
And I officially completed the last map at 3 stars.

...Now to do it without feeling like I'm disarming a bomb.

12-09-2016, 05:55 AM
question: does the 2 times CR and SU chance will be included in the 2nd part of the event?

12-09-2016, 01:00 PM
Since im a bit lost ins this event i must ask some questions^^"

1. i only need to get 1 time "Sealed Dorania" und 1 Spirit of Time for a min cost Anya if i understood right?
2. i only need to buy Aria (my focus is on getting her min cost) und Echidna?
3. i always read 2. part event, can i farm the moment crystal also there or is there a new currency to farm?

12-09-2016, 01:26 PM
1. yes.
2. You need to buy aria and copies and cr her and echidna the classic way
3. most likely yes

12-09-2016, 01:46 PM
Since im a bit lost ins this event i must ask some questions^^"

1. i only need to get 1 time "Sealed Dorania" und 1 Spirit of Time for a min cost Anya if i understood right?
2. i only need to buy Aria (my focus is on getting her min cost) und Echidna?
3. i always read 2. part event, can i farm the moment crystal also there or is there a new currency to farm?

1. yes.
2. You need to buy aria and copies and cr her and echidna the classic way
3. most likely yes

in adittion to lolix's comment
for every revival that needs collection the currency will be the same, so if you buy what you need this event and still have say 300 MC, they will carry over for further events, so next one you will start with 300 MC and start adding as you collect more that event

12-09-2016, 01:50 PM
Ty for the info and btw regarding the best farming stage is it the 90/12 map for the 24 crystals or Invasion 2?

12-09-2016, 01:59 PM
Ty for the info and btw regarding the best farming stage is it the 90/12 map for the 24 crystals or Invasion 2?

well, higher STA maps tend to be better in collection events (also farming events), so i farm 90/12, i get 20 per run on averge which is 20/12=1.66 cristals per STA. Not sure about other maps' drop rates

12-09-2016, 02:38 PM
on 2 separate accounts , i never got less then max untill now

12-09-2016, 03:32 PM
anyone else finding that the moment crystals drop really infrequently? (outside of 3 kings at least, my team is way to weak to beat that stage). I've drained my stamina the last few days and only gotten about 20 crystals.

12-09-2016, 04:32 PM
anyone else finding that the moment crystals drop really infrequently? (outside of 3 kings at least, my team is way to weak to beat that stage). I've drained my stamina the last few days and only gotten about 20 crystals.

Yes, drop rates blow outside of 3 kings. I have to squeak my alt account through getting 1 star each time and i still get more than any other map.

12-09-2016, 06:27 PM
Yea, I'm not going to end up getting the dragon princess from this event. Without a full 30CC50 team, you're not going to pass the last map, period, which I hear is the best way to get the crystals. Even if I blow my 11 SC back-to-back, that's only 220 crystals (assuming they actually drop every time I clear a lower stage). Got 4 days left for the event, STA refills every 12 hours, so in that 4 days I can maybe get 380 crystals. *sigh*

Really getting tired of missing out on all these cool events because I have to spend most of my time attempting to grind levels so I can even do the event in the first place. Like, what's even the point? Sure, there'll be more events in the future, but it seems like the event units I'm really interested in are all gate-locked behind difficult events that I have no way to actually partake in. And then the units that I don't really care for or even catch my interest are handed out like candy.

And whoever claimed could have a full team of 30CC50 in a single month is a dolt. I've been on almost as soon as my charisma refills every 6 hours for over a month now and I don't even have half my team CC'd yet. Guess there's nothing I can do but grind on and hope like hell I'll get to a point where I can actually have fun in the game.

12-09-2016, 07:03 PM
Yes, drop rates blow outside of 3 kings. I have to squeak my alt account through getting 1 star each time and i still get more than any other map.

That's weird. Of all the times I've run Ryuujin King the only time I didn't get 5 MC was when I didn't kill the bottom wizard when I accidently inverted my units. The second MC drop has crap rates, but the first might as well be 100% for me.

12-09-2016, 09:23 PM
Without a full 30CC50 team, you're not going to pass the last map, period, which I hear is the best way to get the crystals.

for all that is good , please tell me i read that wrong. Please don't tell me you gimped all your units by cc-ing at 30.

Other then that , yes the last map has the best drop rate , which is obvious cosnidering it was literally a map made for farming. At the same time , it's also a G map. G maps are the hardest maps possible in general , but i'd argue that for a G it's not that hard. Still not something that a newbie will be able to do in less then a month.

Other then that , this event will have a part 2. You will still be able to farm crystals and get the units untill 27/12

12-09-2016, 10:13 PM

for all that is good , please tell me i read that wrong. Please don't tell me you gimped all your units by cc-ing at 30.

i think he is miss-using it like a few people, maybe he meant the unit is lv 30 after CC-ing at 50, hence 30cc50
if that's the case then you need to know it's mostly said "50cc30", first you say the level you cc-ed at, and then the current level, so on 50cc30 you cc-ed at lv50 and then kept leveling the unit until lv30 after said cc
if you cc-ed at lv30... well that's gonna cost a lot of time to fix

12-09-2016, 10:36 PM
Yea, I'm not going to end up getting the dragon princess from this event. Without a full 30CC50 team, you're not going to pass the last map, period, which I hear is the best way to get the crystals. Even if I blow my 11 SC back-to-back, that's only 220 crystals (assuming they actually drop every time I clear a lower stage). Got 4 days left for the event, STA refills every 12 hours, so in that 4 days I can maybe get 380 crystals. *sigh*

Really getting tired of missing out on all these cool events because I have to spend most of my time attempting to grind levels so I can even do the event in the first place. Like, what's even the point? Sure, there'll be more events in the future, but it seems like the event units I'm really interested in are all gate-locked behind difficult events that I have no way to actually partake in. And then the units that I don't really care for or even catch my interest are handed out like candy.

And whoever claimed could have a full team of 30CC50 in a single month is a dolt. I've been on almost as soon as my charisma refills every 6 hours for over a month now and I don't even have half my team CC'd yet. Guess there's nothing I can do but grind on and hope like hell I'll get to a point where I can actually have fun in the game.

Its a revival event, it will come back again later. I picked up Echidna+Aria but not picking up Anya because I spent too much for blackfriday/thanksgiving/xmas. I intend to pick up anya the next time event rolls around next year.

On Three Kings map, that red dragon mage is just barely tough enough to slay an CC60 Katie. Average level of my units in the team I use to clear it is CC50. And besides its God Difficulty map. God Difficulty isn't intended to be cleared so easily. G stands for God. X stands for Xtreme. H stands for Hard.

I started around the first week of May. That was when this event took place. http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/The_Princess,_The_Bandits,_and_The_Capital_of_Evil _Spirits

I managed to collect the minimum of 25 spirits to obtain Imelia even when I spent most of the month of May leveling up my irons/bronzes for lols.

Just calm down and relax and grind as you go on. I've been having fun when I finally could do the H difficulty on gold daily during mondays. That's when the game got fun enough for me. It was pretty annoying grinding for gold in pastoral's gate I'd admit. Spend every single stamina you got for Monday daily H difficulty and it gives you like what.. 150k-250k gold? depending on how lucky you are with golden armor drops and you should be good for a week or less. If you run out of gold early, practice on some map you have hard time on.

Accept the fact that you won't have perfect units in every single event until you're up to the snuff. Or crack open your wallet and level up your units like nuts in a day or two.

Actually if half of your team is CC30, try pushing the boundaries on the maps to see what your limit is.

But if you leveled your units to 30 then CC'd them immediately and after CCing, you leveled them to 50.. then you done screwed up good man. Your units is missing out on twenty levels worth of stats.

Also that 220 crystals = 150+70. You can get both Echidna+Aria!!!! O_O I got both then I decided that I want a min cost aria and mincosted her. And I'm done with this event :P U should see Echidna's awakening art. She got that awesome sideboob.

And Moment Crystals carry over to next revival events so if you do enough revival events, you'll eventually have 800 Moment crystals so that when anya's event rolls around again, you can just buy her outright without doing her event again. lol

12-09-2016, 11:03 PM
Yea, I'm not going to end up getting the dragon princess from this event. Without a full 30CC50 team, you're not going to pass the last map, period, which I hear is the best way to get the crystals. Even if I blow my 11 SC back-to-back, that's only 220 crystals (assuming they actually drop every time I clear a lower stage). Got 4 days left for the event, STA refills every 12 hours, so in that 4 days I can maybe get 380 crystals. *sigh*

Really getting tired of missing out on all these cool events because I have to spend most of my time attempting to grind levels so I can even do the event in the first place. Like, what's even the point? Sure, there'll be more events in the future, but it seems like the event units I'm really interested in are all gate-locked behind difficult events that I have no way to actually partake in. And then the units that I don't really care for or even catch my interest are handed out like candy.

And whoever claimed could have a full team of 30CC50 in a single month is a dolt. I've been on almost as soon as my charisma refills every 6 hours for over a month now and I don't even have half my team CC'd yet. Guess there's nothing I can do but grind on and hope like hell I'll get to a point where I can actually have fun in the game.

I'm in the same boat as you. I'm at lv. 140 with only CCed units. Only have 1 black unit because I got lucky on Black Friday. I can't pass the last map and used all my SC and failed the map 4 times.

I decided just to play at my own pace to get Aria instead of the loli dragon.

I'm fine since some events were easy, some were challenging but doable on teh skin of my teeth, and some were fucking horrible like Belinda's event.

Just enjoy yourself.

12-10-2016, 12:07 AM
After next week, there will be second part of Echidna's event in the week after the next week. more SCs by then.

12-10-2016, 01:23 AM
if the time fairy can be buy at dec 26(?) along with others does the 2x minicost chance is still intact by that
since i cant clear the last map, and if the 2x chance isnt there then i will use my MC for aria...

12-10-2016, 04:46 PM
Time fairy accuired
Now... do i really want a second Anya?
People with Anya from the original event, will you guys get another copy? or just farm crystals for future revivals? just curious

12-10-2016, 05:41 PM
Yea, I typed that wrong. Most of the units I did CC I did at level 50, with one or two done at 45 instead (like my two archers, because I felt that huge increase in range was a little more important...

12-10-2016, 06:39 PM
a lot of people when making new accounts farm till they get a black. By farm i mean they make new accounts till their first 2-3 rolls give them a black

Having a good black (for example i got a nanally on my second account right on the first draw) can make most newbie maps a triviality. Even not cc-ed she has triple shot and she can mop the floor with most enemies on the vanilla maps. Desert and eastern maps are a different thing tho.

Other then that , sure , i know how a bitch the rng can be. My main account still lacks a black (other then saki) and i'm really excited for getting anya.

12-10-2016, 08:30 PM
a lot of people when making new accounts farm till they get a black. By farm i mean they make new accounts till their first 2-3 rolls give them a black

Having a good black (for example i got a nanally on my second account right on the first draw) can make most newbie maps a triviality. Even not cc-ed she has triple shot and she can mop the floor with most enemies on the vanilla maps. Desert and eastern maps are a different thing tho.

Other then that , sure , i know how a bitch the rng can be. My main account still lacks a black (other then saki) and i'm really excited for getting anya.

Wished I knew to do that. I blindly started the game in July 2016 b/c I was laidoff and had a lot of spare time and eventually wondered to Nutaku thru Sankaku Complex. Tried Aigis, got addicted to it.

Restarting it at that point would been better. Now, it's too late for me. Don't have the energy to restart plus going thru this events (since I'm struggling to get thru) would be tough

Shit, I wish I found this site and Beginner guide back in July. oh well, just got to go w/ the flow and keep playing.

12-10-2016, 08:43 PM
u can always make another account for shits and giggles.

At higher levels , it wont eat that much time since u will have a larger max stamina. Im playing on 2 accounts for example (both over 200) and i have no issues yet

12-10-2016, 09:07 PM
u can always make another account for shits and giggles.

At higher levels , it wont eat that much time since u will have a larger max stamina. Im playing on 2 accounts for example (both over 200) and i have no issues yet

Bad idea, alt account will steal all the luck from main account and taunt it with all the blacks the main will never get.

12-10-2016, 09:13 PM
Bad idea, alt account will steal all the luck from main account and taunt it with all the blacks the main will never get.

true story. My alt got nanally , jerome , uzume , lyla for example. My main got carppier draws.

If that happens , u make your alt your main then

12-11-2016, 06:47 AM
Happened the opposite for me <_<

12-11-2016, 07:31 AM
I'm in the same boat as you. I'm at lv. 140 with only CCed units. Only have 1 black unit because I got lucky on Black Friday. I can't pass the last map and used all my SC and failed the map 4 times.

I decided just to play at my own pace to get Aria instead of the loli dragon.

I'm fine since some events were easy, some were challenging but doable on teh skin of my teeth, and some were fucking horrible like Belinda's event.

Just enjoy yourself.

I to was having trouble with the last one at level 132(with just Kaite A/W), i'd still get the completion but with 3/10 life left. If you have the SC to spare i'd recommend using 7 SC for the 5 day bonus, it helped wonders.

12-11-2016, 10:26 AM
I still think rerolling accounts defeats a little bit of the game
I mean, if you want to just fly throu early maps with little to no fun then go ahead, maybe you are a veteran who is starting a new account and want to catchup quickly, maybe you are a new player who just wants to advance as fast and as far as you can; but i really enjoy the troubles a map can give you, and i do over 90% of my maps blindly simply because i like to come up with my own strategies and have my own problems while beating maps

My experience if you want to read it
I started playing Nutaku Aigis since the very first day, got an army and got to the shrine with the tutorial summon (kerry at the time, Bashira now) and later rolls were, in that order: Bashira, Jerome, Sheril, Calliope, Valerie. But then i used CE and the great "accounts rollback" for cheaters so i had to start over, i really thought of rerolling accounts until i got a black so i could have a head start. But i decided not to; first months of premium rolls were all silvers (i cannot stress MONTHS enough) and i already flew throu the maps since i already new the layout, enemies and all that. It was when first Anya event came and i managed to barely get enough stars to beat the event. Then i got something other than silvers, i got my Sybilla, not just any black but my waifu; i quickly got her to lv80 and fed her all the rainbow fairies i got. a few events later i got Nanaly and i use her on my main team ever since.
I don't use Sybilla on the first run of any map, nor use Nanaly's skill; i like to have a feel of the map before deciding if i need OP blackness or it can be done with the main team. It's all part of the fun, and eventually you will get the units you need and some of the ones you want :D

12-11-2016, 10:53 AM
oh drop it. My first account still lacks a black (and i only have 2 premium plats as well in camilla and the dancer) and i made that account during the very first days when they released aigis.

Thinking that everything will balance out is pure bullshit. It doesn't and the rng can be really cruel.

I had months of being stuck just trying to do stuff with crappy silvers , and whole events that i couldn't complete because of that. Meanwhile , my second account , made 3 weeks before odette , that got a nanally at the start (pure luck. at that time i had no ideea what rerolls were. i made that account for shits and gigles and got lucky) had only 1 or 2 events that i couldn't perfect from the start (and that was not odette's contrary to what 1 might believe. It was solanos - still got a perfect unit tho , and 1 of those with the golden wolfs since i didnt had karma to block. can't remember which event had golden wolfs)

If you want to roleplay with what you got its all fine and nice blaxter , but keep in mind that's just you. But doing that , especially if you don't want to invest money in the game , will pretty much guarantee a shitty lineup for a long long time. I'd advise most f2p players to reroll because of that.

12-11-2016, 12:00 PM
Thinking that everything will balance out is pure bullshit. It doesn't and the rng can be really cruel.

I agree. RNG is just like that. Completely unpredictable. If it was predictable, it won't be RNG anymore.

12-11-2016, 02:54 PM
1.i made that account during the very first days when they released aigis.
2.I had months of being stuck just trying to do stuff with crappy silvers , and whole events that i couldn't complete because of that.
3.can't remember which event had golden wolfs)

4.If you want to roleplay with what you got its all fine and nice blaxter , but keep in mind that's just you. But doing that , especially if you don't want to invest money in the game , will pretty much guarantee a shitty lineup for a long long time. I'd advise most f2p players to reroll because of that.

1. your account didn't get rolled back, right? just to make sure
2. what maps/events were the ones where you got SO stuck? i mean months sounds like a lot unless you missued silvers e.g. cc-ing before lv50 or using them for CR early on instead of leaving them for CC
3. I think it was Solano's event, i couldn't get 3 stars on the last map, which was, i believe, the one with golden wolves
4.yes i do :D , but don't treat my statement like i'm telling them to follow my lead; i just said that having troubles whle clearing the maps is normal and part of the fun (hence the lack of interest in rerolling for a carrying unit), but getting stuck to the point of it beign frustrating is not and that do sucks, i had a lot of trouble clearing Ada's event to the point of rolling premium out of desperation/frustration, got conrad (which i didn't even use in that event) and silvers (again, not usefull for that situation)

12-11-2016, 04:38 PM
i didn't rerolled for any account. I just made 2. The second happened to get nanally at start. In that sense , i didn't farmed for a black

The events i couldn't complete ? Let's see.... It was len's event. I couldn't 3 star the last map since my team was pretty crap.(i think i needed 1 more mage and heavy ? Can't remember exactly) Then again , len was not a priority unit..so i got her at like 1 or 2 cr farming the other maps

After that it was the monk event ? The maps itself were not that hard , but there was a map that u couldn't use any ranged support , adn without a ninja , that map was pretty annoying. I remember 3 staring all the maps except that one since i didnt had saki at the time , and all my duelists were silvers at the time , and would have required switching 2 or 3 , and at the time i didn't had enough.Hell , even now i got crap duelists on that account (except imelia).

And after that was solano's event (and i'm pretty sure sollano didn't had golden wolfs) which i still didn't 3 starred , but managed to get perfect unit anyway

So 3 events....considering the duration of said events , and the breaks we took between them , i'd say that those were "entire months"

And getting stuck yes , it does suck. Especially if the rng treats you badly. It's 1 thing to start an account with silvers and hope that in time it will get better rolls (and you don't) and it's another to start an account with a black (or good plat) even if you don't get good rolls after

12-12-2016, 07:05 AM
I got another quick question since tomorrow Ryuujin Invasion is ending.
Dragon Princess event start on 20 dec and we have the same crystal to farm but do they reset, which mean all crystal i saved up atm are lost or can i continue farming crystal for Anya, Aria etc.?

12-12-2016, 07:11 AM
I got another quick question since tomorrow Ryuujin Invasion is ending.
Dragon Princess event start on 20 dec and we have the same crystal to farm but do they reset, which mean all crystal i saved up atm are lost or can i continue farming crystal for Anya, Aria etc.?

Crystals should remain, so you can also start farming for Karma (or any other unit that will be revived in the future).

12-12-2016, 10:29 AM
I got another quick question since tomorrow Ryuujin Invasion is ending.
Dragon Princess event start on 20 dec and we have the same crystal to farm but do they reset, which mean all crystal i saved up atm are lost or can i continue farming crystal for Anya, Aria etc.?

First of all, sorry if this sounds rude, i don't intent to be in any way

ok then, that was already answered higher in this thread, by me, to you actually

in adittion to lolix's comment
for every revival that needs collection the currency will be the same, so if you buy what you need this event and still have say 300 MC, they will carry over for further events, so next one you will start with 300 MC and start adding as you collect more that event

again, not trying to be rude or anything, just wanted to clarify because it's kinda hard to note people's intentions by plain text on the internet :D

12-12-2016, 10:37 AM
Welp~ Looks like I won't be even getting Dor this time around. Oh well, hopefully we will get better drop amounts next time.

12-12-2016, 12:14 PM
As we got the lastest variation of this particular revival, expect exact same maps with exact same drops next year too.
OTOH, you might save up MCs from other Exchange-type Revivals throughout the year to get Anya next time she comes around)

12-12-2016, 12:49 PM
As we got the lastest variation of this particular revival, expect exact same maps with exact same drops next year too.
OTOH, you might save up MCs from other Exchange-type Revivals throughout the year to get Anya next time she comes around)

i will totally stock up un MC when Len's revival comes around :D

12-12-2016, 02:49 PM
Remember we still have the second half to follow in a week.

I'm pretty happy with my progress this week. Burned all of my SCs but I am only 281 moment crystals shy of the 1020 grand total for 1 of every unit. With more SCs to farm this week plus others from second half I should get these with few problems.

I opted to buy Aria, Echidna and Doriana first. Aria and Echidna will help now where Anya will be a long term project.

Jay Rich
12-12-2016, 04:12 PM
I managed to Min Cost Aria which is really no big feat considering the x2 CR chance and am slowly working on Echidna min cost and max skill up. Looking forward to part two in a weeks time to continue and hopefully get my Anya.

12-12-2016, 06:51 PM
Bought Fleur and 5x Aria. Got Aria to mincost after those 4 copies. Now I can finally replace Phyllis for my secondary soldier until Lieselotte's event. For those that don't want to CC every Aria copy to SU her skill, you could always wait for Liz since she has ReinIII at pre-CC.

Decided not to get Dorania until Echidna's event since I don't even have his evolve materials to get Anya.

12-13-2016, 10:25 AM
Ugh, by the time I logged in on Monday (completely forgot to all day), event was over. Again.

As a result I can only purchase one copy of Echidna or two copies of Aria. But from reading here it seems there will be other events with Moment Crystals?

12-13-2016, 10:39 AM
You can still farm for MCs and aim for Dorania/Fleur next week.

12-13-2016, 11:17 AM
Also, ALL events that have been Star Trials and Item Collections will be revived as MC Exchange. So you can grind up crystals on one revival and spend them on entirely another unit on another revival.)

12-14-2016, 03:47 AM
Ugh, by the time I logged in on Monday (completely forgot to all day), event was over. Again.

Haha, I totally did that as well (it was like 3 minutes into maintenance in my case :p). On the bright side I got a head start on Colin's event and I already have a good amount of crystals anyhow.

Other then that , sure , i know how a bitch the rng can be. My main account still lacks a black (other then saki) and i'm really excited for getting anya.

Also, totally know how this feels >_< And all those useless black fairies...

12-19-2016, 09:49 PM
Is there still going to be a part 2 to this? News says next event is Return of the Dragon Princess and nothing about MCs.

I bought Dorania and Echidna (seems like that was a poor decision if I can get a full CR Echidna from next weeks event?).
I've got 272 MCs left, should I get Aria now just for my collection and save the rest for whatever the next MC event is? Hopefully I don't have any issues getting Fleur from the next event to get Anya.

Jay Rich
12-19-2016, 10:01 PM
Is there still going to be a part 2 to this? News says next event is Return of the Dragon Princess and nothing about MCs.

I bought Dorania and Echidna (seems like that was a poor decision if I can get a full CR Echidna from next weeks event?).
I've got 272 MCs left, should I get Aria now just for my collection and save the rest for whatever the next MC event is? Hopefully I don't have any issues getting Fleur from the next event to get Anya.

I'm pretty sure there will be MC drops being a revival mission, otherwise having those units in the TP for this long without part 2 dropping MC would be pointless and only tease those who didn't collect enough MC in the first week, which would be hard for free players.

Arias update didn't say there would be MC drops either only that the MC system was being implemented. So I would say it is safe to say that like Arias event, there will be certain maps that drop MC. Not to mention getting those few units needed for Anya.