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01-27-2021, 02:26 PM
Speaking of the 4-panel theatre, today's post refers to Ivy as Iris.

01-27-2021, 02:40 PM
Speaking of the 4-panel theatre, today's post refers to Ivy as Iris.

True, thanks for pointing it out. :)

01-27-2021, 07:48 PM
If anyone has questions about Oath, I got around to making the page that explains it.


01-28-2021, 01:29 PM
Thanks Myers. So, the Gold ring only unlock a kiss scene and voice line? No gameplay mechanics or bonus? that's sad. And a bit useless for a such rare and expensive item.


I totally forgot to do my yearly little survey this year. So, let's do this now.
This include all FKG stuff from 2020 New Year event to 2020 Christmas event.
Multi-answers or none allowed.

• Who was your favorite new 6*? (=a totally girl added in 2020, not an alternative version of an existing girl)

• Who was your favorite new 5*?

• Who was your favorite new event 5*?

• Who was your favorite alternative version of a previous girl?

• Who was your favorite reworked girl?

• What was your favorite event?

• What was your favorite new feature? (gameplay mechanics, new feature or any kind of big change)

• What was your most disliked new feature?

• What do you really want to see in the game for 2021?

• Anything else?

I'll start:

• Who was your favorite new 6*? (=a totally girl added in 2020, not an alternative version of an existing girl)
Battlewise, clearly Cardamine. She lead me through so many stuff. Awesome for both offensive and support purpose.
For waifu material, Osteospermum is the winner. She is cute and I love her outfit.

• Who was your favorite new 5*?
There was not that muc new 5*. I guess it's Harujion. She is not that strong or anything but I find her funny. A little loli girl with giant iron fists. Well. Not that good but still a nice Crit girl anyway.

• Who was your favorite new event 5*?
Mertensia. I love her sprite and artwork, that's all. She is my Raid boss fighter for that reason (even if that means she dies a lot).

• Who was your favorite alternative version of a previous girl?
Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams). I admit it, I'm a Pinkladies fan (but I promise, I don't vote for her every year).

• What was your favorite event?
Event 146: Island of Wavering Recollection.
The event was very basic and forgattable but I really liked that new mysterious coral island. It was like discovering a totally new land like in the Lotus Lake discovery event. Even if it was just a random coral island.

• What was your favorite new feature? (gameplay mechanics, new feature or any kind of big change)
I wanted to say Flower Memories and girls rework. Both are great. Rework made old girl actually viable or totally awesome (did I said Dendrobium?) and FM added a nice customisation touch with a lot of cool and usefull abilities usable by anyone. It's a good way to gives girls wanted abilities they don't have naturally. Or make very effective combos.
But actually, my most favorite feature was event FM. Too bad it stopped after 3 event. Maybe one event FM, one event girl was too much. I guess one event FM, two event girls would have been better. Event FM are great, uesfull and it make easy fully unlocked FM for good stats bonuses.
I wish FKG devs tries to remake it for 2021.

• What was your most disliked new feature?
R-medal shop rework, with 6* limited to early 2020. All the 2020 (and 2021) girls are really hard to get now. It's gacha luck on their event, pity for 500 FG, greater gacha luck on the reissue or wait for a fabulous infinite reroll gacha. Or pay for it on very expensive choose your 6* waifu gacha.

• What do you really want to see in the game for 2021?
On the utopic side: 2020 girls added on the R-medal shop and event FM return.
On a bit more realistis side: an alternative 5* version of Isogiku. With a HP drain single target skill. And good abilities <3

• Anything else?
2020 added a lot of nice FtP features (monthly login rewards tables, gogo roulette, shower of salt tickets...) but I miss the good old login campaign in a certain way. It was not better at all and gave less stuff. but it was a bit more unexpected. Or expected but it was something we were waiting for. It made things a bit more spicy.
But in a certain way, they do thing with the special 6th anniversary gogo roulette. But with a bit more randomness in it.

01-28-2021, 03:12 PM
• Who was your favorite new 6*? (a totally girl added in 2020, not an alternative version of an existing girl)

It's a toss-up between Diamond Frost and Cypress for me. I like the looks of Diamond Frost the most out of all of the new 6* Knights and I like Cypress in general (walking around smacking pests with a giant coffin, summoning a spirit stag to run over pests, etc).

• Who was your favorite new 5*?

Definitely Hemlock. There's something about a character who puts the 'mad' in 'mad scientist'.

• Who was your favorite new event 5*?

See above.

• Who was your favorite alternative version of a previous girl?

This was a tough one at first until I checked and found out that Jersey Cudweed (New Years) was released on 1/1/21. With that being the case I'd pick Japanese Iris (June Bride).

• Who was your favorite reworked girl?

Anniversary Maria (6* Alstroemeria). Dendrobium's rework made her into even more of a monster but Merry's rework changed her from a 5.5* Knight to an actual 6* with solid abilities and stats.

• What was your favorite new feature? (gameplay mechanics, new feature or any kind of big change)

I really like the daily spin. It's a simple and effective way to encourage players to do the standard daily quests regardless of how far along in the game they are. Better yet you can get the required 100 tokens even if you skip a few of the quests so you're not required to clean out every last one of them.

• What was your most disliked new feature?

Definitely the rainbow medal shop(s) rework. Hopefully at some point the 6* shop will be updated with the rest of the 2020 Knights along with any 2021 Knights released before said update.

• What do you really want to see in the game for 2021?

A 6* version of Astra Galus. :silly: Failing that, a new version of Silver Orchid/Cepha so that all four members of Nazuna's Newbie (k)Night squad are represented.

I also would like to see another crossover/collaboration event with Girl's Symphony now that GS is a year and change into its rebirth. It could be used to give Anri/Henri bloomed art and/or a RG form in FKG, reintroduce Oncidium (Orchestra) to circulation in GS (AFAIK she's never been available in a gacha or offer of any type), and also introduce a few more of the GS characters to FKG and vice-versa (Sandersonia showing up in GS, Petty/Petit the Jester hamming it up and making children laugh in FKG, etc).

01-28-2021, 04:37 PM
I said that I'd post the event script once the translations were done, so here they are: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Thousand-Winged_Frasberg#Beginner_.E2.80.93_Before_the_Fina l_Confrontation. All credit goes to DragonSword.

• Who was your favorite new 6*?
Lewisia, Water Poppy, Konagi, and Blackberry were all really good looking. For favorite, I think I'd go with Lewisia because I have a thing for short hair.

• Who was your favorite new 5*?
Touch-Me-Not, no question. She's gorgeous. :love:

• Who was your favorite new event 5*?
I think I'll also go with Hemlock. When she was first previewed on-stream, I expected her to be the gacha 5* and was prepared to fork over 250oo FG to get her if necessary. Luckily, I didn't have to. XD

• Who was your favorite alternative version of a previous girl?
Canola (Young Knight of Hope). It was the first new artwork from Moritan since the blooms for Lily R and Star Lily got added, and I think she looked fantastic. Coral Flower (June Bride) and Tritonia (Xmas) were very nice too.

• Who was your favorite reworked girl?
I don't really pay attention to abilities that much. I know Star Lily got reworked at some point, so I'll go with her I guess.

• What was your favorite event?
The side poll winners event, just because of Canola v2.

• What was your favorite new feature?
I can't think of much that was added this year... Daily roulette was nice, since the ludicrous number of tickets we get from it made salt pacts pretty entertaining.

• What was your most disliked new feature?
Pretty much everything they did from January until April or May when they gave us the apology 6* pick tickets. The RM shop nerf, the exclusive and limited RM units, the event FMs replacing event knights (the only thing I like about FMs is the art, and the event FM "art" was just lazy screenshots of SDs). It was certainly the closest I've come to quitting DMM FKG, and I honestly might have if Canola hadn't won in January poll.

• What do you really want to see in the game for 2021?
Moritan drawing new knights or alt versions of existing knights (especially Lily R). Canola v2 proved that they were still alive and willing to draw for FKG, so I have hope.

• Anything else?
Reality is an illusion, the universe isn't real, buy gold, bye!

01-28-2021, 05:24 PM
• Who was your favorite new 6*?
Cardamine Lyrata, Orange, and Blackberry are some of the most beautiful women in the game - with Orange and Blackberry having same artist (ueo).

• Who was your favorite new 5*?
Passion Flower who is drawn by one of my favourite artists (iltusa).

• Who was your favorite new event 5*?
Fuki, eyes and hair are really beautiful.

• Who was your favorite alternative version of a previous girl?
Jersey Cudweed (New Year), she just barely makes it into 2020 imo. She's the only girl in my top tier who got an alt, so naturally.

• Who was your favorite reworked girl?
I don't pay attention to abilities much, so I'm going to have to go with Habranthus :p.

• What was your favorite event?
Event 141: A Walk, June Brides, Rain During Clear Weather.
Mostly because it's the only event where I liked all girls.

• What was your favorite new feature?
Rework really made me enjoy this year of FKG more - both the buffing of my waifus and the rework gachas that give x1 rainbow ticket for only 250oo gems.

• What was your most disliked new feature?
I don't like exclusive Rainbow Medal shop having exclusive rainbow units.

However - and this likely isn't a popular opinion - I don't mind that 2020 units were omitted from the RM shop since it was compensated with the event gacha pity reward. If I had to choose between spending, at most, 500oo gems or 300 RM I'd rather spend the 500oo gems.

• What do you really want to see in the game for 2021?
Think I've said this every year, but EN version please. In-game, I want more centies, they've been my bottleneck for obtaining waifus this whole year.

• Anything else?
They added a lotta good stuff / were really generous this year
- x3 Rainbow Exchange Tickets
- Rework 6* Exchange Tickets for only 250oo
- Infinite x11 Re-Roll gacha
- Pity reward for event gacha
- Monthly reward sheet
- Roulette wheel

01-28-2021, 05:58 PM
Huh, so now there's a Hall of Fame for Knights who consistently rank in the top three in polls. No more new forms for Anemone and Pinkladies although they can still get new skins (i.e., swimsuit Anemone and secretary Pinkladies). Here's to seeing who gets a new form now that two of the three spots are no longer occupied.

01-28-2021, 06:16 PM
trying 2 get back into FKG

mahn been in da DLSITE blackhole

went from H Gacha games to H games

some aint worth $

01-28-2021, 06:32 PM
http://dugrqaqinbtcq.cloudfront.net/media/bcd9ef18-4760-4e75-b619-69b300257bcb.jpgTitle: Flower knight karuta (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karuta#Uta-garuta)Nazuna: Since it is New Year's and we're all gathered like this, why don't we play with my handmade flower knight karuta set?Cepha Lanthera: Sounds great!Nazuna: Let's start then! "Lantana is full of energy".Canola: HERE!! <swipes><Cepha Lanthera & Di Yu: Here!><Saint Paulia: Oh my~>Nazuna: Next one! "Russelia loves travelling".Di Yu: Hm...? Truly, we had that one just now...?1Nazuna: We did! There are overlapping letters in this pack! I made one for every flower knight after all!<Nazuna: Since it doesn't run out after being called once, the rest is prepared over here.>Canola: How many days do you want us to keep playing!?1 Russelia (RAsseria) and Lantana (RAntana) begin with the same letter in Japanese

Di Yu is da most popular 4* chick amrite?

01-28-2021, 10:15 PM
Maxed my 20th waifu :grin:.


Finally have enough for a full squad, as shown down in my signature.

01-29-2021, 01:57 AM
• Who was your favorite new 6*?
If I had to pick any, I'd say Tampala. She ties in to the lore in an interesting way, inheriting the name of Kenzan the legendary mechanic (responsible, for example, for the Mechanical Castle).

• Who was your favorite new 5*?
I'd say Red Cat's Tail. She's got a really interesting speech pattern, nicely tying her into being modeled after the Cheshire Cat. :)

• Who was your favorite new event 5*?
I think it would be Anisodontea. Though I usually don't like the ones showing over-the-top respect for other flower knights, she is by far the most memorable for her design that year. :D

• Who was your favorite alternative version of a previous girl?
Picking out one of them, I'll go for Dipladenia (Valentine). I always liked her for a bit darker backstory and her mental growth from being with the Commander.

• Who was your favorite reworked girl?
It's hard to get the list of reworked characters right now, so I'll just agree on 6* Alstroemeria. It's a positive change for her, making her a decent 6* easily accessible to the players.

• What was your favorite event?
Storywise, I'd pick the "Island of Wavering Recollection", where we get a peek into Kuko and Henna's past and discover they're actually ones of the oldest flower knights.

• What was your favorite new feature?
I'm not sure if it was in 2020, but the alternative main screen layout looks better for me and I'm using it by default.
The animated scenes are also a nice touch, though I only have one girl with that for now.

• What was your most disliked new feature?
Normally, I'd say "new girls unavailable in the normal gacha", but we already had a few locked away by codes, so time-limited ones aren't anything new from my point of view. The decision to exclude the new 6* units from the rainbow medal shop takes the spot.

• What do you really want to see in the game for 2021?
However unlikely, for contractual reasons, it may seem, I'd welcome creating real flower knights instead of the "Otherworldly" ones left over from the Slime anime crossover event.

• Anything else?
I'm happy to see FKG getting the 1st place in the game popularity statistics in DMM, as personally I can't find a better game there from the ones being announced as newly released.

01-29-2021, 07:25 AM
Di Yu is da most popular 4* chick amrite?

I think Canola has more followers overall.
I'm in the Di Yu club, since she was my first flower knight when I started with Nutaku and I like her character and unique speech pattern.

01-29-2021, 09:45 AM
Hopefully at some point the 6* shop will be updated with the rest of the 2020 Knights along with any 2021 Knights released before said update.
Really? Is it an actual true information? Is there any official source of it? I sit on almost 1200 R-medals right now but only 800 FG. If I can skip some reissue gacha it would be fantastic.

01-29-2021, 11:19 AM
I said that I'd post the event script once the translations were done, so here they are: flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Thousand-Winged_Frasberg#Beginner_.E2.80.93_Before_the_Fina l_Confrontation. All credit goes to DragonSword.

Hraesvelg-chan just wants to play.

01-29-2021, 03:23 PM
Really? Is it an actual true information? Is there any official source of it? I sit on almost 1200 R-medals right now but only 800 FG. If I can skip some reissue gacha it would be fantastic.

There's nothing official, it's just wishful thinking on my part since it'd mean easy access to someone like Tampala for a free-to-play player like myself.

01-29-2021, 04:28 PM
There's nothing official, it's just wishful thinking on my part since it'd mean easy access to someone like Tampala for a free-to-play player like myself.

I would like to see just a gold '20 ticket to get Pink Ladies dreams. She has been elusive as hell target for me:frown:
I can wait though for a free way. Basically going to use her as a Dendro replacement.
They are selling choose your '20 waifu ticket now for 5000 pts. Not likely to see any dealz for awhile.

01-29-2021, 10:11 PM
I think Canola has more followers overall.
I'm in the Di Yu club, since she was my first flower knight when I started with Nutaku and I like her character and unique speech pattern.

I'm a Di Yu fan as well although Cepha isn't too far behind. I guess it's fitting since Cepha was my first Knight in the Nutaku version while Di Yu was my first in DMM.

01-30-2021, 12:59 AM
There's nothing official, it's just wishful thinking on my part since it'd mean easy access to someone like Tampala for a free-to-play player like myself.
Oh. I see... I wish it could be true too but I'm affraid we will be stuck to the pre-2020 girl for ever.

I want a 20' stone too for Pinkladies too. I guess we will get one sooner or later this year. We got some 2019 stones in 2020. And in anyway, we will certainly got a stone for girls from begening to a certain point on 2021 this summer like every summer. We should be able to get Pinkladies this way. Even if it's something like 6-7 months.

02-01-2021, 07:18 AM
New final boss is here! But I don't understand anything at all :(

02-01-2021, 07:36 AM
New final boss is here! But I don't understand anything at all :(

You see the nodes on the purified Nidhogg picture? Click one, then click the left button and fight the battle. You can do this twice per day per node. You can also get bonus rewards for meeting certain objectives that are listed (like TP above X amount, 2 parties with 650+ speed). You know when you've met an objective when there is red text next to it.

Once you've cleared node battles, click the middle button to send a group of knights on an expedition. These cost 5 stam per hour, and shorter expeditions are more point efficient if you stay on top of them. Knights used here are not locked out of use anywhere else (except maybe other expeditions).

EDIT: Oh, and more nodes/expedition slots are unlocked when you get more points.

02-01-2021, 07:41 AM
Thanks. That was fast.
I guess it's better to send often short expeditions when I can play and longer expeditions when sleeping/working?

Also, I didn't know Nidhogg was purified and now fight with flower knights (well, I knew it last week with event plot translation).

02-01-2021, 03:12 PM
Great explanation unknown.

Made the page: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Apostles_of_Thunder

02-01-2021, 04:12 PM
Was looking for some good non crit pure support girls and that new event girl Dogwood really shines.
I am going to put her with Pinkladies:grin:
They got a 2000 DMM pt deal for a gold '20 ticket too.

Increases Attack for party members by 70% on turn 1.
Increases Damage of Skills for party members by 20%.
Increases Critical Damage for party members by 40%.
Increases Skill Activation Rate for party members by 1.65x on turn 1.

Grinding for third affection was a bitch. Its done:grin:
Really strong waifu sweeper team.

02-02-2021, 09:21 AM
Actually, seems we can get a 20' stone for 250000pts on Healv... Haervl... Hravl... Electric Moth event.

Nice team. I may look at this Dogwood. Maybe. I also want to build a kind of pursuit+crit team with Cardamine as support. It works well on Pierce stage of Electric Moth.

edit: what am I supposed to do to clear the last one?
I cleard all stages, got skill and dressbloom, raised affection, used ticket on every pools...

02-02-2021, 10:56 AM
I hope more tickets come. Canola V2 is another one I would like to get.

False Daphne is another support girl for this team who is worth looking at.
I still got enough RG stones to do one more. If I get a big surplus like I had I may add her too

False Daphne

Increases Skill Activation Rate for party members up to 1.2x based on each member's affection.
Increases Attack for party members by 25%.
Increases Attack for party members by 75% on turn 1.
After attacking an enemy, there's a 100% chance to Act Again on turn 1.
Increases Damage for party members by 25% on turn 1.

02-02-2021, 11:01 AM
Speaking of turn1, the current even girl is nice. She is one of the only three girls with 100% react and 100% skill act turn 1. And she is easy to get since she is just an event girl.

02-02-2021, 11:12 AM
Actually, seems we can get a 20' stone for 250000pts on Healv... Haervl... Hravl... Electric Moth event.

Nice team. I may look at this Dogwood. Maybe. I also want to build a kind of pursuit+crit team with Cardamine as support. It works well on Pierce stage of Electric Moth.

edit: what am I supposed to do to clear the last one?
I cleard all stages, got skill and dressbloom, raised affection, used ticket on every pools...

I believe that the last one there requires you complete any of the four stages that use the yellow crystals a total of three times. Using more than the minimum ten crystals only counts as a single completion unlike with daily quests (i.e., no using 30+ crystals at once to fulfill the requirement instantly).

02-02-2021, 11:33 AM
That was it. Thanks :D

02-02-2021, 01:07 PM
Got all Habranthus slots unlocked :grin:.
2 from exchange tickets, 1 from a reprint gacha dressbloom.


02-02-2021, 01:28 PM
That's a nice Habranthus!

02-02-2021, 05:52 PM
That's a nice Habranthus!

Thanks! Never thought I'd be able to max out a rainbow's slots unless I got really lucky with dupes.

02-02-2021, 11:47 PM
holy shit they animated the opening
Nazuna's panties fully animated

mahn we need anime

is Nazuna playable

02-03-2021, 05:40 AM
holy shit they animated the opening
Nazuna's panties fully animated

mahn we need anime

is Nazuna playable

No playable Nazuna (yet?) but Spade-chan/Pothos is the newest 6* Knight and also might be the 727th Knight added to the game.

02-03-2021, 10:12 PM
wut we reaching for 727th FKG gurl

Nazuna aint it

FKG doesnt want Danchou to bed her LOL
which Wikia link helps w UI cuz I forgot how to lvl gurls beyond lvl 80

02-04-2021, 03:42 AM
I don't know which wiki page that is, but it's the same ingame page for leveling them.
You need max out the rainbow unit first and then feed her a Centy.

02-04-2021, 05:26 PM

that took a while

02-05-2021, 01:38 PM
Did it too and got the precious 20' stone. Here comes the Saint Pinkladies. I know she was good but I forgot she was that good. She just lacks of skill activation (at least turn 1).

02-05-2021, 03:17 PM
I might miss out on the 2020 stone at this rate. I didn't get started until late Tuesday or so and I have about 90k to go after sending out six squads on another set of one hour missions.

02-06-2021, 11:05 AM
Clear Points are carried over into the 2nd part of the Moth's event, so it may be possible to earn them next week too.

Also I made a page for the Danchou Profile that lists the conditions for all existing Danchou titles, incase anyone is missing a few:

02-06-2021, 01:38 PM
Clear Points are carried over into the 2nd part of the Moth's event, so it may be possible to earn them next week too.

Hopefully that's the case so I won't need to log in once an hour to collect clear points then reassign patrols.

Also I made a page for the Danchou Profile that lists the conditions for all existing Danchou titles, incase anyone is missing a few:

...well, I guess I have a reason to work on EX Aqua Shadow and Whale Ship clears now.

02-06-2021, 02:31 PM
Thanks for the title conditions. I guess I need to clear the castle... again. But it should be easier with better memories and the new 3rd affection level.

02-06-2021, 06:45 PM
Thanks for making that Myers
Not going to happen for me to load any girl with 4 dressblooms though, at least by choice.
I do have several with three that I got from gachas back in the days when they sold a couple of dressblooms in the shop for stones.
Could get a dup of one of those someday.

Too many just need a second slot these days and that slot has a bigger impact.
I hit one on the wheel of fortune this week and it went to Pinkladies:grin:
Next one is going to Meconopsis.

02-07-2021, 12:39 AM
Actually, there is one girl "easy" to get all maxed without spending dressbloom: 6* Alstroemeria. With the dupes we got and everything, she is supposed to be max slot. Just needs to max all the other stuff. That's expensive but she is a good alternative if you don't want to max another girl's slots.

02-07-2021, 01:54 AM
That could work.
but I am short on high ampy too:cry:
think if I had to choose one right now it would be Balsam.
she's the only one I have that is good to go except for that last slot.
Wont be any day soon.

02-08-2021, 08:44 AM

looks like YourGames wants to stray away from farming millions of thousand flower medals from now on

02-08-2021, 11:37 AM
Same as 1st phase is lazy
no build up for moth like for worm either
The 2020 ticket is good though
Wish it could get Kentou Kanami frown:
I screwed up not getting her during that event


just got the head to open and it was kind of of interesting on the hard mode
only gave 5000 though
SMR is right. Going to take forever to clear shop:cry:

02-08-2021, 12:49 PM
Yeah, I'm glad I overfarmed from the last Nidhogg/Worm event.

Updated with Part 2 info: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Decisive_Battle_with_Hraesvelgr

02-08-2021, 01:04 PM
Yep. Disappointing is the right word for this week. No event, no raid bosses and Big Moth phase 2 is just a copy-paste of phase 1. Same mechanics, same groups of enemies, same rewards. It only change enemies weakness :(

The moth boss is not bad but a bit under the last really hard bosses (or should I say far under some lasts RE Aqua Shadows for example). It's disappointing for a such strong pest boss. I mean, we bring Earthworm and Nidhogg to beat it and it was not that harder.
Over all, there is no phase 2 point rewards (nor global point goals shared with other players). I cleared it phase 1, got the stone and...? The max goal is at 250k and I'm over 350k. What the point of doing it? Flower medals are too hard to get (better farm Earthworm or Nidhogg). The only good thing left is the stage with bronze affections medals. Especially the bloom affection one. Just being able to get tons of it make the event worth it.

I think they really missed something here. The concept of doing stages each day and send expedition is good... for one phase. Phase 1 was a battle on Nidhogg against swarm of thunder pests. And phase 2 was supposed to be the final attack on the Moth with the whaleship. There was so much potential to make a phase 2 based on the whaleship with, I don't know, whaleship mechanics?
Something a bit like Nidhogg phase 2 and first whalkeship stages, mixing ship battle and deck battle. And an epic final fight. A ship battle with the Moth itself and then, when it's almost dead, a fight against it's core and it's pure energy form like right now.

Or even without whaleship, why not a giant super strong Moth raid boss shared with all the players for the entire week (to go with the lack of raid boss)? With limited turns or damages of course. With goals on how much damages inflicted at the end.

02-08-2021, 02:16 PM
Thanks to a Retweet Campaign, devs sent 1 Oath Ring to everyone's giftbox

Oathed my second waifu :D.

02-08-2021, 05:19 PM
About the only thing I like about the 'new' part of the Thousand Winged event is that the way it's structured means I can focus on collecting memory crystals now. I've got Cypress up to 300% affection so far and Saffron, Balsam and R.Rose are next in line.

02-09-2021, 05:52 AM
Clear Points are carried over into the 2nd part of the Moth's event, so it may be possible to earn them next week too.

Also I made a page for the Danchou Profile that lists the conditions for all existing Danchou titles, incase anyone is missing a few:

There's one more:

天雷と暁の王 -- 最後決戦のいずれかの難易度をクリ
Thunder and King of Dawn -- Clear the final decisive battle on any difficulty.

Also, anyone who hasn't visited their profile page in a while might want to do so. There's another 50 FG reward for clearing 150 points you should be able to reach now.

02-09-2021, 10:52 AM
There's one more:

天雷と暁の王 -- 最後決戦のいずれかの難易度をクリ
Thunder and King of Dawn -- Clear the final decisive battle on any difficulty.

Also, anyone who hasn't visited their profile page in a while might want to do so. There's another 50 FG reward for clearing 150 points you should be able to reach now.

Thank you! Can be hard to keep track of new ones being released.

02-09-2021, 12:31 PM
Nice :grin:
This is the 2nd one I got off of this wheel.

02-09-2021, 01:57 PM
Very nice. At this point the prize I've gotten most often is either the 5 rainbow aqua shards or the ticket that gives a random 6* FM. I've picked up a few new memories that way.

02-09-2021, 11:21 PM
Same as Tomitain. I got mostly Aqua Fragment, 3 6* FM tickets and maybe enough petite centies to make a big one.
But I got already 3 rainbow -Rmedal shop tickets on my alt. And it just confirm my theory about "luck" being related directly to the account.

02-11-2021, 10:36 PM
I don't know which wiki page that is, but it's the same ingame page for leveling them.
You need max out the rainbow unit first and then feed her a Centy.

thx will work on it

been trying to grab $ to buy Huniepop 2

been laid off 4 months

u know priorities

Thanks to a Retweet Campaign, devs sent 1 Oath Ring to everyone's giftbox

Oathed my second waifu :D.

oh shit another rainbow hair waifu

02-11-2021, 10:52 PM
Got a 4th 6* ticket from roulette on my alt. 4 free rainbows. That's a bit crazy. I guess I'll spend all of this for a sun team.

Also, I'm the only one who prefer R-rose base version above her evolved and bloom?

02-11-2021, 11:02 PM
Also, I'm the only one who prefer R-rose base version above her evolved and bloom?

Nope, I'm right there with you.
Not only with RR as well. I don't like evolutions and blooms that make the girls look more sloppily dressed rather than cute / smart / neat.
Also, it'd be great if we had a chance to use the sprites from the all-age version as well. As an example, Liverwort's dress looks really good, but why doesn't she even wear a proper skirt in the X version?

02-12-2021, 01:02 PM
oh shit another rainbow hair waifu

Nah, same ol' Rainbow Rose :p. Just her bloom.

Also, I'm the only one who prefer R-rose base version above her evolved and bloom?

Nope, I'm right there with you.
Not only with RR as well. I don't like evolutions and blooms that make the girls look more sloppily dressed rather than cute / smart / neat.

I like some things about her base/evo more, but overall I do like her bloom. Her boobs just look so great in it, though I'm less-so a fan of her see-through dress.

That's why I made this hyrbird of the original top with censored bottom.

02-12-2021, 02:12 PM
That's why I made this hyrbird of the original top with censored bottom.

Well done, looks good. :p

02-12-2021, 02:51 PM
Actually there is a lot of girls I prefer the base form. And usually, evolved form is my less favorite. I may like sexy dresses but not when it's too vulgar or ridiculously light.
Liverwort is a bit special for me. All her forms totally inappropriates outfits. And I guess evolved form is my favorite. She is cuter than on the other forms.

02-12-2021, 04:03 PM
Happy Lunar New Year


Sauce (https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/24182950)

wut dat was RainbowRose

all da gurls r startin to look da same LOL

02-12-2021, 09:50 PM
Happy Lunar New Year


Beautiful, I love Kashino.

Just maxed my 11th waifu with High Ampys.


02-13-2021, 03:02 PM
I used my insane roulette luck with four 6* tickets to make a dreamy Sun team from scrap:
I used it to not beat Electric Moth because I don't have a Kerria wall here.
Or I guess I could spend all my R-medals for centies and push them over lvl100. and add some 3rd affection bonus as cake toping.

Anyway, I found something very interesting while testing it. Actually, you can stack more than 300% Sun with Gauge filling abilities. It will cap at 300% but refill with remanings abilities after using it.
That means, you can actually build a solid Sun team and a side team with girls like Lily or NY Jersey Cudweed for solar bonuses. You can even add some other girls with Gauge ability like Ume for more extra sun or Gauge memories fillers and allow your team to fire 2 full sun blast turn one (one before your turn and another right after). May be very powerful to nuke every problem.
I didn't tested it on Whaleship but it may work too. I guess.

02-13-2021, 11:29 PM
Nice team. Good to know.
I haven't been fortunate enough to get any of those 6* Solar FMS
except for the attack increasers which were real useful on the tower.
I sure would like to get NY Jersey Cudweed to equip that to:bgrin:

FYI I had to my change clock to Japan Time to launch a 12 hour mission

02-14-2021, 03:22 AM
Man what a dry week it has been on fkg

02-14-2021, 03:23 AM
Also Frasberg or whatever you call it is quite a pain in the arse, medal rate too slow

02-14-2021, 07:27 AM
Sure is, though I guess they went for the long run - since the rewards don't expire they probably stretched them out to future events.

02-14-2021, 09:11 AM
A couple of late posts... as usual. *sweat drops* I was not able to post them on time because of sudden changes in my work arrangements after the holidays.

Yay for oath system!


Of course, this is a done deal. As for the gold ring I have, I won't use it on anyone else until my waifu's kiss scene becomes available.

In the middle of the anniversary event, I finally grabbed the WMD that is Pinkladies' "Saint" version, via a sealstone. I had readied my resources in advance, so here she is!

From Nidhoggr to Midsorgarmr to Hraesvelgr, I always tried to have 1 party defeat all the boss phases w/o being damaged whenever possible, and after beating the rear left pierce boss node in Hraesvelgr Part 1 with just a single unit (either Balsam or Pinkladies) doing the damage work (made possible with 300% light gauge, with Jersey Cudweed and RG-ed Lily as super buffers)...

For this exercise, I also gave my Balsam a silver oath ring.


All 9.3M of that came from Balsam, more than enough to kill that pierce boss....I thought I could achieve a similar feat for Hraesvelgr Part 2 boss(es) on hard difficulty, so that was my objective in the video below.


In Turn 1 of Phase 2, it required everyone to remove the 10-hit negate, but the rest was all Balsam.

02-14-2021, 09:16 AM
Congrats Raine. I always wonder how it's possible to do that (ok here I guess it's just because Lily+NY Jersey insane bonuses). Your Balsam is full unlocked? With a lvl50 Rainbow Crit memory?

We got this annoncement today:
But what does it say?
Looks like the end of Moth event but why a 4 day annoncement just for that?

02-14-2021, 10:15 AM
Congrats Raine. I always wonder how it's possible to do that (ok here I guess it's just because Lily+NY Jersey insane bonuses). Your Balsam is full unlocked? With a lvl50 Rainbow Crit memory?

Thanks. She's using the https://i.imgur.com/MRZzGio.png?1 FM (maxed). Yes, level 50 crit memory also allows me to cap her crit rate with Silk Tree. Silk Tree is primarily there for act-again buffing, so with more chances to hit, Phase 2 negate is removed more quickly to leave it vulnerable to Balsam's attack on the next turn. I put Cowslip for the turn buffs and for negating Phase 2's own attacks. I experimented with Epidendrum (New Year) as a negate option, but Cowslip lets Balsam deal higher damage in Phase 3 that I stuck with her. I couldn't use Habranthus (enemy has no weak type) or Cardamine/Satella (self-negate, which doesn't go in line with my objective). Gogyou + Lily as explained above. I had a second team just for filling light gauge by the way.

With buffs in place, Balsam pretty much solo-ed everything, except for the turn with negate.

We got this annoncement today:
But what does it say?
Looks like the end of Moth event but why a 4 day annoncement just for that?

Those announcements just served to remind everyone of the few remaining days to throw votes.

02-14-2021, 10:28 AM
Thanks. I forgot Balsam Memory. I understand why she deals so much damages here now. I have one of it. I hope I could get it full one day. I also hope I could put my hand on NY Jersey (maybe I'll be lucky on her reissue).
That's crazy how good a girl can be with the good team mates and the good memories.
You should make more videos of boss nuking like that. That's cool see someone destroing the game while I can just beat it and it gave some interesting ideas of team building.

Okay for the banner. It's a bit strange since we can't get ticket anymore but I guess they let it run for people who don't log in every day or forgot to vote.

02-14-2021, 11:58 AM
Also Frasberg or whatever you call it is quite a pain in the arse, medal rate too slow

Yeah, can't believe I didn't complete the shop given how much time I put into the event.

Yay for oath system!


Of course, this is a done deal. As for the gold ring I have, I won't use it on anyone else until my waifu's kiss scene becomes available.

Nice wife.

02-14-2021, 01:14 PM
I was close to get all the High ampules and other important stuff. Only 1800 medals missing. But I can't send more expedition now. I guess we reached the actual end. That's a bit unfair. There is still a lot of time before maintenance.
At least, it was a pretty good way to farm affection items.

02-15-2021, 02:47 AM
Floor 100 is here at last. It's easier than 90 (at least for my girls) but DAMN did it annoy me.

02-15-2021, 11:04 AM
Congrats if you've done it on Hard. Znd if it's the case, how did you do this? The infinite Guts at the end is already super frustrating on normal mode. I can't even imagine how it could be on hard.
At least, I now have a full mechanical castle memory. +25% ATK for all is nice for a "free" one.

02-15-2021, 11:10 AM
Hell no i only did the normal one. I "kinda" cheesed it with FOREHEAD.
I've now seen the new girl and wow do i love the design. Unfortunately i sank all my gems into Pothos so she probably ain't coming home.
No regrets tho, Pothos is awesome too.

02-15-2021, 11:47 AM
I see. Beating this on normal is already a good challenge. I used the indestructible core of Kerria-Pink Miko-Cardamine to deal with it but it seems the Guts reset each time it goes over 1 HP (or it has thousands of guts?). Very annoying with its healing skill.
Now I can't wait to see Raine comming here with a one girl kill 10k points of that monster in hard.

02-15-2021, 12:49 PM
Mmmm... I Do have both Kerria and Cardamine and i keep hearing how good Pink Miko is. I might promote her at some point, but i have a solar team on my mind atm.
Did just promote Tritonia christmas just because i like her and she might be a great match for those three.

02-15-2021, 01:43 PM
Working my way up the tower on hard. My counter team is taking a beating so
I just RG Skunk Vine and her drain/skill/atk debuff along with Mistletoe's was great help beating lvl 95
I'm taking a break for awhile before I try that last bunch. Wants different stuff.

02-15-2021, 05:16 PM
Was able to get 50K/50K points in floors 91-95 (hard difficulty) using my two waifus teams. The first for 91-93 and the second for 94-95.


02-15-2021, 07:24 PM
Did 100 with Forehead, Tampala, a beat up Mistletoe, Skunk vine, and Hydrangea. No problems.
Will go back and try to get some more points later on.
Reminds of Nutaku days running Paedaria and Mistletoe against big bosses:grin:
I had Soapwort over there though. I bet she would be good on these maps too.

02-15-2021, 09:22 PM
Also managed to beat the tower through 100, though the scores look really bad for quite a few of the levels, not going to lie. I think I need to upgrade a few girls first and massively augment my lineup before I even try to improve them, though.


02-16-2021, 12:04 AM
Congrats :) I may try this too.

Who is she?

02-16-2021, 12:18 AM
Congrats :) I may try this too.

Who is she?

She's the second girl in my picture above, my undisputable MVP of Tower, 4head-chan.

02-16-2021, 12:49 AM
You mean Convoluvus? That one Convoluvus I didn't get from her reissue gacha ;-;

Edit: It could be doable with Spade-chan if that guts wall wasn't broken :(
edit2: Okay it seems this boss really has a tons of guts and not something guts reseting when above 1 HP...
I'm using Balsam+Spade-chan instead of Convoluvus. It works well but I need more power to reach the guts wall earlier. right now I could do this but I always reach the 15 turns limit.
Balsam is still lvl100 with only max high ATK ampies. I can raise her HP and Def and push her to lvl 100. And max her 3rd affection and give her an Oath ring.

Finally oathed Balsam and Cardamine:
14035 14036
I don't have enough rings for Pink Miko and Kerria (and for RRose but I don't have enough heart too). I can't wait the next and next next memory shop refill.
And I did lvl100 Hard on the test run. Very hard and very close. But doable with an insane amout of luck on Balsam re-act.

Edit3: Lvl Hard : Done.
I used the magical combo of Balsam/Cardamine/Pink Miko/Spade-chan/Mistletoe. Balsam did everything. And as expected, the combo Spade-chan+Cardamine make Cardamine immortal (at least on ennemies without instant death attacks). Spade-chan+Balsam is pretty good too. But Balsam needs some heavy skill-act support. Thanks to lady luck who blessed me with Spade-chan on the last gacha. I would not me able to do that stage without her.

Big thanks to Raine who reminds me how good Balsam can be. I left her a bit and it was a mistake.

02-17-2021, 03:55 PM
I just noticed, Fan Flower from the Bond Crystal shop gives a nice +30% Skill damages, skill act and has HP drain. She may be a good team mate for Vervain actually and she is really easy to get.

02-17-2021, 06:17 PM
I just noticed, Fan Flower from the Bond Crystal shop gives a nice +30% Skill damages, skill act and has HP drain. She may be a good team mate for Vervain actually and she is really easy to get.

Fan Flower does looks good.

Lvl 90 of castle (with a purple and two neutral pests) was the main thing I used Vervain for along with Onci bride, but my big damage girl on that team was Iwarenge which is single target like Fan Flower is. It was a real pain in the rear waiting for RNG to deliver a victory over the purple pest first which had to be done to win it. 2 outta 3 times no workie:frown:
I really want Verbascum so I never have to deal with that again. maybe they will make something similar in RG later.

02-17-2021, 08:07 PM
DragonSword has translated and uploaded the event script.


02-18-2021, 02:41 AM

we be getting horn succubus/demon

me likey

02-18-2021, 01:30 PM

we be getting horn succubus/demon

me likey

Same, I rolled for her.


02-19-2021, 01:23 AM
Last time we spoke about girls easy to get all maxed and I said 6* Alstroemeria. But actually, there are two more girls: Kugaisou and Knot Weed. We can purchase 4 of them for 90 FG each (360 for 4 copies). Sure that's a lot of FG. But it's still cheaper than doing 3 times 77 rolls on reissue+bloom gacha for 3 dressbloom.
And they are pretty solid girls. Especially Kugaisou. She worth the effort.

Obviously some girls are far better and deserve High ampules and Centies more but thoses girls are still an option to get all the commender titles.
(now we need centies back as gacha rewards)

02-19-2021, 09:30 AM
I'm getting this error message on my alt for one hour:
It occurs on the title screen... or where the title screen should be since it don't even shows. I got a white screen with this message again and again and again.
Don't works on other browsers but works perfectly fine with my main.

Someone knows what this message says? Or have the same problem?

02-19-2021, 10:01 AM
DMM is having network issue at the moment. They made a tweet about it recently.

02-19-2021, 05:17 PM
Last time we spoke about girls easy to get all maxed and I said 6* Alstroemeria. But actually, there are two more girls: Kugaisou and Knot Weed. We can purchase 4 of them for 90 FG each (360 for 4 copies). Sure that's a lot of FG. But it's still cheaper than doing 3 times 77 rolls on reissue+bloom gacha for 3 dressbloom.
And they are pretty solid girls. Especially Kugaisou. She worth the effort.

Obviously some girls are far better and deserve High ampules and Centies more but thoses girls are still an option to get all the commender titles.
(now we need centies back as gacha rewards)

Yeah come to think of it Kugaisou and Knotweed would be the easiest rainbows to unlock all equipment slots for. Even with the two blooms Anniversary Merry gets from Danchou level 175 and 200, which would take several months to reach, you'd still need three skillblooms and two dressblooms to cap Merry's skill level and equipment access.

02-19-2021, 11:54 PM
Thanks unknown. It seems it was just it.

Even with the two blooms Anniversary Merry gets from Danchou level 175 and 200, which would take several months to reach, you'd still need three skillblooms and two dressblooms to cap Merry's skill level and equipment access.
You got 2 Merry. One from lvl 150 (I guess) and one for a certain amount of login day. But yes, you still need one dressbloom.
But for a reason I don't remember, they gave us another copy of Merry. Older players may have her fully slot-unlocked (that's my case).

02-22-2021, 02:22 PM
2021 Poll Winners

Popularity Poll
1: Cyclamen (New Version + New Skin)
2: Silk Tree (New Version + New Skin)
3: Wolf Berry (New Version + New Skin)

Topic 1 Poll
1: Lycoris (New Version)
2: Silk Tree (Skipped)
3: Blushing Bride (New Flower Memory)
4: Anemone (Skipped)
5: Snowdrop (New Flower Memory)

Topic 2 Poll
1: Cepha (New Version)
2: Hinoki (New Flower Memory)
3: Canola (New Flower Memory)

Topic 3 Poll
1: Bluet (New Version)
2: Tampala (New Flower Memory)
3: Pothos (New Flower Memory)

02-22-2021, 02:41 PM

here's hoping I get only gacha tickets everyday from roulette hah

02-22-2021, 05:30 PM
2021 Poll Winners

Popularity Poll
1: Cyclamen (New Version + New Skin)
2: Silk Tree (New Version + New Skin)
3: Wolf Berry (New Version + New Skin)

Topic 1 Poll
1: Lycoris (New Version)
2: Silk Tree (Skipped)
3: Blushing Bride (New Flower Memory)
4: Anemone (Skipped)
5: Snowdrop (New Flower Memory)

Topic 2 Poll
1: Cepha (New Version)
2: Hinoki (New Flower Memory)
3: Canola (New Flower Memory)

Topic 3 Poll
1: Bluet (New Version)
2: Tampala (New Flower Memory)
3: Pothos (New Flower Memory)

Well it's good to see that Licorice and Cepha got new versions as I'd hoped. Too bad that Tampala fell short though but at least she is getting a second FM some time this year. As an aside, this is only the second time that Anemone finished outside of the top 3 in the main poll and the first time that Pinkladies hasn't had a top 3 finish ever. I can't help but think that's only because they're the first two entries to the Hall of Fame.

These results also mean that the top three in the main poll are each getting their third versions at the same time, letting them join the ranks of other Triple Knights like Dendrobium, Cattleya, Oncidium, Ivy, Ghost Weed, Nerine, Dragon Fruit, Sakura, Licorice, and everyone else I forgot about.

02-23-2021, 06:25 PM
Looks like they really beefed up honor medal and sun medal drops in addition to permanent stamina reduction to various missions. In the highest available missions, getting 2500 and 3400 per map, respectively. So glad I waited to clear out the sun medal shop.

Also, looks like Nushi and Boat missions are permanent now.

Japanese news notice: http://web.flower-knight-girls.co.jp/web/news/articles?id=929&platform_type=1

02-27-2021, 05:36 PM
there was a voting poll shit


Title: Adult chocolates

Bauera: I get the feeling that Hemerocallis also prepares adult chocolates for Valentine's Day~!
Barrenwort: Yeah, yeah!
Hemerocallis: Fufu, is that so? Actually, it's only the regular ones. For example, ones like chocolate bonbons with western alcohol filling.
Bauera: An adult~!
Barrenwort: When you said "adult chocolates" I imagined a life-sized chocolate in the shape of Hemerocallis~
<Choco Hemerocallis: I'm you present~>
Bauera: Obviously, that's out of the question since you can't even carry it around~!
Barrenwort: Eh? It can be carried around, you know?
Bauera: Eh?
Barrenwort: It can be carried around, you know?

oh well
id eat her

03-01-2021, 12:37 AM
Looks like cash-shop exclusive FMs are a thing now.

03-01-2021, 10:52 AM
Well for the free ones, I finally got the Balsam FM.
Oh my:grin: at level 1 for bosses gives 15% attack and 15% damage buff to the equipped girl
Stuck in on Pinkladies dreams. Want more of those!
Maxes out at 40-40

03-01-2021, 11:17 AM
I want it lvl5 too. It's one of the best offensive FM.
I want this one too: 14043. I only need two of them to have it complete. It's just a +25% ATK for all but with the Castle FM (+5% ATK per girls alive at the start) it's an easy +50% ATK.

03-01-2021, 09:33 PM
DragonSword has translated and uploaded the current event's script.


03-02-2021, 12:39 PM
First time I got one of these off roulette. Going to bring Skunk Vine to LVL 110 with that:grin:

03-08-2021, 07:37 PM
Memory Crystal wares restocked, can marry a 3rd girl now.


03-08-2021, 08:41 PM
I gave this one to Meco.
This will be a grindy week with lots of high amps to get.
Guess they are trying to atone for their folly a couple a weeks ago.

03-08-2021, 10:07 PM
I unlocked third affection for Saffron after the shop reset and with a little more grinding I can exchange 100 mini-hearts then do the same for someone else (either Balsam for the sake of adding more power to my helper squad or Ume because I'm holding out hope that she will be added to the Blessed Eternal Oath list soon).

03-14-2021, 05:01 PM
marry a gurl


mahn i lost da will 2 play cuz da UI

dam it

03-15-2021, 01:48 PM
I haven't paid close attention to the Mechanical Castle in the past but how long has there been a unique 6* Knight in the mech medal shop? I knew about the FM connected to the castle but this is the first time I've seen this Knight:


She's missing crit bonuses but it looks like she can help crack the shell on high defense pests with a -30% defense debuff and also add type coverage to a squad.

03-15-2021, 04:01 PM
I haven't paid close attention to the Mechanical Castle in the past but how long has there been a unique 6* Knight in the mech medal shop? I knew about the FM connected to the castle but this is the first time I've seen this Knight:

Just added with today's maintenance.

03-15-2021, 04:06 PM
Yeah, she is a dandy:grin: and free one
gives the team 1x guts like Queen of the Night bride and 40% def buff too. Big helper on the castle anywhere that needs a defender really.
Now we just need them to add a counter FM shed be a great counter unit.

03-15-2021, 06:10 PM
Just added with today's maintenance.

That would definitely explain it, yeah, so thanks for that. Man, I guess I need to make my way through the castle after all.

03-16-2021, 08:15 AM
A question about a potential solar drive squad - how viable is it currently in the game?
I have a stack of crystals for promotion and I'm wondering whether I want another hard hitter or maybe try to go in the solar drive direction for the first time (with Raddish or Calystegia for example).
It seems you wouldn't need additional ampies for such a team to be usable, as far as I can tell - is that the case?

03-16-2021, 11:29 AM
The news free 6* looks nice. And indeed, she cost almost nothing. 1200 castle medals? That's something like 10 floors? Or less? With Normal mode it's a really easy to get girl.

The new... super final boss(?) from main event is interesting. I hope we will have a special stage just for it. Someone have an idea about what it is?

About solar team, with enough sun damage memories it should be great. Good enough to blow every weaker bosses, boss phases or anything once. But it may has troubles with highest difficulty stuff. Mainly because you can expect something between 1M or 2M damages when current enemies bring far more.

03-16-2021, 12:13 PM
RG Pinkladies(Flower Saint who talks about dreams):grin:
She's the most useful one I got right now


on the latest castle, 100-105 used Dendrobium and Meconopsis (the rest to build up crit for Dendro) plus I finally found missions that Bluet was good at:grin:
and 106-110 used Pinkladies, Tampala, Hydranga, Skunk Vine, Convolvus
that new girl would likely help here if you have her built up(I don't yet)

If I ever get multiples of the FM for solar effectiveness, may put a team together.

03-16-2021, 12:49 PM
The sheer number of potential promotions is quite large and so far I'm considering one of these:
Adenium (seems like an interesting alternative to using Hydrangea all the time)
Sedum (seems like quite a good debuffer)
Skunk Vine (as mentioned in posts above)
Bouvardia (lowest prio, curious how the healing ability holds up)

On a not entirely unrelated note - with the latest 2017 ticket, I completed my collection of 5* from that year. :p
Just shows how much of a pool I'm choosing from.
I'll probably look through other possibilities searching for something interesting.

03-16-2021, 01:13 PM
Adenium seems interesting. She may be hard to kill for pests without insane attack power.
Sedum is great, especially in the castle.

And for sure, Dream Pinkladies is a very good choice. I can't wait to try her on the castle.

03-16-2021, 01:43 PM
I would like to see them make a RG with the skill drain for the team to regenerate girls for the castle.

They only got Pothos and Wolfberry (Christmas) right now. Don't have either one of them.

Glad I had Skunk Vine built up cause Mistletoe gets too beat up to fight and have no potions.

The ones with multitarget drain Tampala, Blackberry, Verbascum, Nipplewort NY are really useful too
(I only have Tampala)

03-17-2021, 01:21 PM
Looks like I missed a new batch of Eternal Oath Knights on top of the mecha medal Knight (Ash). Still no Ume but now Commanders can marry Cactus, Apricot, Lily, Ghost Weed or Snowdrop.

03-18-2021, 09:37 AM
Current event's script has been translated by DragonSword.


03-22-2021, 06:00 AM
My latest Karakuri episodes!


100F boss was virtually impossible to kill in Turn 1 because of 10-hit negate, and at the end, it had 25-hit Guts. If that wasn't enough, there's a 15-turn limit just to piss you off.

I used Pothos to be able to attain a perfect score by having everyone heal back on their own, canceling out whatever little damage the boss did to them as I put defense buffers and maxed enemy attack down. Balsam was the main damage dealer as always; on top of that, she was able to heal back lots of HP thanks to Pothos.


Turn 1 annihilation courtesy of Pinkladies V4.

03-22-2021, 10:53 AM
New version of Isogiku <3
I'm not sure if she is that good but she is clearly not bad at all. Nice to deal with low damage enemies.
Gold Bunny looks a bit broken too. 30% to heal all her HP? Seriously? Actually, even her gold form is good for an event gold.
Duranta Easter is missing something, I guess. But +45% Crit Rate can help self crit girls a lot.

And the hidden Pumila from R-medal shop... what's that crazyness? +300% ATK against one enemy, +100% DMG, +100% weak dmg and +200% crit? Gave her good allies and a nice Memory and he is perfect for solo boss.

Anyway, it's been a while since I loved all the featured girls, from the rainbow to the event girl. And all are good to pick.

03-22-2021, 01:46 PM
The new FM is good too.
I really needed something to regenerate HP for girls on castle that don't have drain.
Spent a staggering sum of gems getting one maxed and
Now I got it:grin:

03-22-2021, 09:26 PM
Whoops, wrong date. Reuploaded.

That's real nice
someday maybe Ill get lucky and get Jersey Cudweed.
I got a more defensive setup, so I cant one shot it,
but i can still get a 10k out of it with that new FM I got:grin:

03-23-2021, 01:24 PM
Easter Isogiku got damage + Current HP / Max HP / 1. Or +100% dmg when full life. Consedering she can got up to 300% max HP (without FM), it's a potential +300% damages. With healing+max HP FM, she can go up to 325% HP and dmg with 130% more healing. In others words, she can almost heal 25% of her HP each turn. Without her HP drain from skill.
She is definitively an interesting girl.

03-23-2021, 04:02 PM
Yeah, she would be extremely durable and there is a need for that.

I am thinking about RG on the 5*Duranta (Easter). Even though she has no crit damage, with that 45% rate,
she could save a slot if you need to make a full team crit using only two slots (we all got the 35% with Knotweed or FMs).
options are always good to have.

03-24-2021, 11:47 AM
I may RG Duranta too. She is unique in her way. And I like Duranta and bunny girls. It helps.
And what about Pumila? She needs some good skill and Crit rate support though

03-24-2021, 12:53 PM
I think if you use Pumila, make sure you are getting the skill rate way up and she would be great, especially against boss.

I always use those RM for centies though for endless supply of girls in need so I'm not really in the market for those so far:eyeroll:


She would be good to combo with RG Duranta/Knotweed:silly:

I am super low on gems from pulling FMs but had enough to try 1 pull to get a
copy of Duranta. It worked!:grin:

Will wait a bit before RG though. They keep coming up with good girls.

03-25-2021, 06:00 PM
I ended up with Bunny Duranta off of the one pull I did which is good since I was hoping to get her more than I was hoping for Bunny Isogiku. I also finally got around to giving Mei a ring, the first of many Knights I hope to do as much with:


Now I just need to finish powering up Mei with high ampies then get my hands on another Centy so she can reach level 110.

03-27-2021, 11:48 AM
Event script has been added by DragonSword: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Lonely_Golden_Rabbit#Event_Script

03-29-2021, 04:08 PM
Today's daily pull gave me a rainbow dupe while also letting me (nearly) complete the Acacia Corps:


Now I just need Robinia (Bride) in order to have every version of every member of Acacia's merry band of mercs.

03-29-2021, 04:15 PM

I didn't get a rainbow, but I did score 4 centy off roulette:grin:

03-30-2021, 09:26 AM
Congrats you two.

03-30-2021, 10:56 AM
Seems yesterday's roulette was quite kind

03-31-2021, 11:29 AM
New wives


03-31-2021, 12:44 PM
Nice tastes. I got the same.

03-31-2021, 08:56 PM
New wives


"Participants", the pretty, nameless girl in many of the bride contests.
Maybe they will finally make her a real knight this year:grin:

04-05-2021, 02:36 AM
I don't know what dev though but the daily free event stage is insanely hard this time. Usually I can destroy everything with my Dendrobium team but here I had to use Kerria and friends to finish it. Even a full crit Slice/Pierce team can't kill this in one turn...

04-05-2021, 11:02 AM
I don't know what dev though but the daily free event stage is insanely hard this time. Usually I can destroy everything with my Dendrobium team but here I had to use Kerria and friends to finish it. Even a full crit Slice/Pierce team can't kill this in one turn...

Yeah this one is definitely a step up in difficulty; one of my squads got wiped out from full health in a single round by the boss fight and another only avoided the same fate because of Habranthus' negate. Suffice to say I didn't get the victory.

I could maybe eke out a win if I used some rainbow coins and memory crystals on centies and high ampies to power up Dendrobium... but I think I'll instead run the final standard event stage along with the 60 stamina bonus stage whenever it pops up for event currency.

04-05-2021, 11:36 AM
I will try it after the reset. An answer may be evasion since the event girl looks to be really strong and has intercept and reaction with turn buffs.
Im gonna try meco then there is always supercounter also. has anybody tried solar? I dont have a team to try. That new FM looks to beef those team up.

04-05-2021, 01:10 PM
I tried Solar (but not super top tier Solar with all girls lvl110 max everything and 5 rainbow FM fully unlocked) and they can't kill the first ennemy. They deals someting like 75% of pests HP.

I could maybe eke out a win if I used some rainbow coins and memory crystals on centies and high ampies to power up Dendrobium...
I have Dendrobium lvl110, max super ampules, max 2nd affection with a blue team buit for her (Cactus+Valentine Onci+Swimsuit Maple+Spade-chan) with Crit and 4 +10% blue skill damages FM and the Mechanical Castle FM (+5% ATK for each girl alive at the start) on her. I don't kill anything and then, they die.
Not sure Dendrobium can skip this. Actually, even my Kerria Team has a hard time on the boss. And it's my most defensive team. Even Cardamine can die in one turn without guts.

04-05-2021, 01:34 PM
Definitely evasion/intercept works. The third boss got cutdown with only Meco alone start to finish!
if you got some crystals and cant clear it, RG the event girl. The gun loli:grin:

04-05-2021, 02:05 PM
Hmm, well if I give it another try then I'll need to build up some intercept Knights. Out of the Knights I have it looks like my best options would be Bluet or Dragon Fruit (swimsuit).

04-06-2021, 06:01 AM
It makes me realize, I think I don't have a single intercept girl (there is not that much anyway).

04-06-2021, 09:51 AM
Today I put in Evening primrose and lantana on the backend.
it made no difference at all. Its all Meco.


04-06-2021, 11:49 AM
The answer to this may not be intercept but evasion+HP drain. Intercept is just a nice bonus.

04-06-2021, 01:17 PM
I'm going to put back Kuga and add Peach see if any of them survive.

04-06-2021, 01:33 PM
I'm pretty sure they wont. Evasion and heal. That's my lasts words. And maybe crit. It can help.

04-06-2021, 02:11 PM
It took some doing but I finally cleared that stage after shuffling my squads and switching out Nerine (X-mas) for Dragon Fruit (Swimsuit). I still lost three squads but having three dodge tanks (Saffron, Cypress, Dragon Fruit) left fights lasting long enough to where my fourth squad went into the final fight at full health against one dead boss pest and the other at around 30% HP.

04-06-2021, 02:13 PM
Well then, heck with the rest of them.
Ill put in Sakura SS and just pump up Meco more. Kinda like a Dendrobium or Pinkladies 1T team that's not 1T.
Ill try this..

So the Dragonfruit guts was enough to work too... good deal. Well you got 4 squads so might as well use em:silly:

04-06-2021, 10:40 PM
For reference, I tackled this stage with my usual Hraesvelgr clearing team.
Squad 1 is a s-counter team with Hydrangea, Habranthus, Pink (Miko), Anemone (base) and Fritillaria, memoried up for defense + overheal.
This squad rushed through the pests up until the last boss, leaving only 5-10% of their HP bars, which the next squad easily mopped up.

04-07-2021, 03:25 AM
Evasion/Interecept with heal on skill splashed in from Christmas Wolfberry easily wipes out the entire mission too if Pussy Willow doesn't get hit twice with one of them being a crit.

04-07-2021, 01:25 PM
The event girl can be actually very good. Especially right after Easter Duranta
Even the other girls are not bad. The 6* with her 70% evasion every time is nice if you have Cypress and the other RG girl with +10% evasion. Or just an evasion FM actually. It may be the start of a new golden age for evasion team.

04-07-2021, 01:41 PM
Yeah I've been able to run a squad with two 90/65 Knights (Saffron and Cypress) for a while now thanks to two copies of the gold FM that adds 5% evasion when upgraded. If I go to the trouble of upgrading another copy of that memory I could add Dragon Fruit to the dodge squad for 85/55 evasion + intercept.

I used all/most of my 3rd affection items, centies and high ampies getting Dragon Fruit ready to fight though (missing three centies and 90 high ampies of each type) so it'll be a while before I can get Bluet primed for dodge tanking as well.

04-07-2021, 01:50 PM
The new FM is good too. I didn't have many gems, but I used them made sure I got a copy.
Imagine having three of those maxed out for multiple maxed out solar blasts as long as you kept your skill act up:silly:


04-16-2021, 11:48 AM
Mmh. Well. I really love that new button:
It's both so satisfaying to see all the girls' buffs and usefull to know exactly all the enemies buffs. We just need a way to se the enemies stats now.

Also, Pink Miko is awesome to deal with this entire insane bonus mission. Obviously she can even handle the boss alone as long as she uses her skill for HP drain. Easter Isogiku is nice too with her super extra++ over 9000 buffed HP.

04-19-2021, 07:11 AM
The bonus mission for the new event is back to the usual level of difficulty so maybe the previous one was just an outlier.

04-19-2021, 11:20 AM
Looks like it is Oath Affection week for me since its on sale:grin:.
I am finally trying to make a solar team with RG Turnip being the star with that new FM.
Going all first turn with a repeat blast. Would really like to max out that FM and get two full blast potentials on a first strike.
Going to take quite a while to make it all game ready.

04-19-2021, 12:24 PM
But... it's always Oath Affection week...
Good luck for your Solar Team. That new FM bring it to another level for sure.

I'm curious about the new event girl. She has something HP related. I wonder if it's like Easter Isogiku or like Spade-chan. I don't understand japanese but the description looks a bit more complicated than regular heal HP.

Also, looks like the event will stay until 4/30. That's really unusual. I wonder why. I guess maintenance will be on 4/30. Is there anything special on may? Maybe Golden Week?

04-19-2021, 01:14 PM
Pinkladies, Cattleya, Monkshood, Mirabilis/Four O Clock and Lavender are a part of the blessed oath list now. The quest for Blessed Ume continues...

04-19-2021, 01:56 PM
Also, looks like the event will stay until 4/30. That's really unusual. I wonder why. I guess maintenance will be on 4/30. Is there anything special on may? Maybe Golden Week?

Yeah, Golden Week starts on Thursday April 29.

04-20-2021, 04:17 AM
I'm curious about the new event girl. She has something HP related. I wonder if it's like Easter Isogiku or like Spade-chan. I don't understand japanese but the description looks a bit more complicated than regular heal HP.

If I'm reading it correctly, her 3rd ability causes party members to do 30% more damage to enemies that have less than 60% of their health left.

The 4th one seems to be something more complex - once any of her slash-type team members (with her included) deal critical damage to an enemy, that enemy takes 20% more damage until the end of the turn.

04-23-2021, 01:40 PM
Event script added by DragonSword: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/The_Archaeologist_and_Hero_Apprentice#Event_Script s

04-26-2021, 12:55 PM
New castle's level 110 to 115 are... interesting. I don't even know what's happening here. And I have no idea how to beat lvl 115. I guess there is some weird strat but I can't reat the "Text" indication.
But it was fun until this point.

04-26-2021, 05:12 PM
From what I gather based on Discord discussions, you get certain buffs based on the type of knight you use. For 115, if you have at least one of slice, hit, pierce, and magic units, you get shielded for a few turns I think.

04-26-2021, 06:16 PM
Beat the new floors

Also made my 4th oath

04-27-2021, 09:34 AM
Congrats :D. What was your team for lvl115?

edit: Okay, looks like I just need to use Solar ATK buff memories. And be lucky with boss evasion.
Actually, Easter Isogiku is broken on Hard Castle. With her natural HP Overlimit, she can easily keep your point at 10k and allow others to take damages.

04-27-2021, 01:22 PM
Congrats :D. What was your team for lvl115?

I used very similar teams from 111 to 120, just waifus.


04-27-2021, 01:39 PM
Thanks. I forgot Harbantus for both Negate Damages and Pierce attribute for lvl120. Shame on me. But she don't really help actually. I can do it with Easter Isogiku but everyone else die.

04-29-2021, 01:13 PM
Meh. No matter how I try and what i try, I can't beat lvl120 without losing 4 girls (on easy mode). Isogiku can survive for ever with her super heal but no other girl can do it long enough.

Anyway, someone know what is that message:
I got it each day on my ally list. Looks like a count down but of what?

And what's are these two stuff?
14086 14087
Thanks a lot :D

04-29-2021, 04:14 PM
Anyway, someone know what is that message:
I got it each day on my ally list. Looks like a count down but of what?

It's the number of players who used your helper squad since you last went to the Allies tab. The fourth tab within the Allies tab will be a list of those players.

And what's are these two stuff?
14086 14087
Thanks a lot :D

First banner is about the level cap being increased to 350.
Second banner is about a DMM points deal.

04-30-2021, 05:58 AM
Well, the wheel of fortune is 60% off for Golden Week (40 daily quest points/coins per attempt instead of 100) so you can spin it up to three times a day now. I was wondering why the wheel wouldn't let me spin it last night and I guess this is why.

04-30-2021, 10:11 AM
I just got 3 of the x5 salt tickets:frown:
but the daily free gacha with rate up got me four gold dups and a rainbow FM dup
This ought to be a good week to pick up some stuff and maybe max some FMs:grin:

04-30-2021, 12:10 PM
Memory shop reset, so that's the 5th oath for F2P players I believe.

04-30-2021, 01:21 PM
I made my 3rd oath (It's Easter Isogiku)
It's for... some secret project.

Congrats phob for your FM.
Congrats Myers for your 5th oat and thanks for the translations. I didn't found the Nazuna DMM pts deal but that's not really important.

I can't clear lvl120 without losing all my girls except Easter Isogiku. But if I don't have girls, I can't lose them:
I did it on Hard mode for the challenge and I did it on the test run with Isogiku lvl100 non oathed.
Harbanthus bring the Negate damage, the Pierce weakness and a +30% slice ATK FM.
Isogiku have a lvl10 Tampala FM (healing buff and +DEF useless here).
Sadly, the game still consider I have only 1 girl alive at the end, even if I did it with two. Only 3500pts max here.

It was a stupid idea but it actually worked. I'm really impressed of Isogiku raw damages. I tried it with 5* placeholders and she reached over 2.5M damages.

Isogiku is now my new undying princess. Slightly over Pink Miko.

04-30-2021, 05:13 PM
I did it on Hard mode for the challenge and I did it on the test run with Isogiku lvl100 non oathed.
Harbanthus bring the Negate damage, the Pierce weakness and a +30% slice ATK FM.
Isogiku have a lvl10 Tampala FM (healing buff and +DEF useless here).
Sadly, the game still consider I have only 1 girl alive at the end, even if I did it with two. Only 3500pts max here.

It was a stupid idea but it actually worked. I'm really impressed of Isogiku raw damages. I tried it with 5* placeholders and she reached over 2.5M damages.

Isogiku is now my new undying princess. Slightly over Pink Miko.

Wow, beating it with only 2 units is pretty impressive at least.

05-01-2021, 02:57 AM
Thanks. Easter Isogiku is very impressive indeed. But she still needs a good luck to kill one of the boss before they start to deals more damages than she can heal.

also, GW special stages can gives petite centies. Not that much (I got 9 on a 5 stamina potion run) but that's cool.

05-02-2021, 10:21 PM
GW stage is giving gold dressblooms today
Will help a lot with RG:grin:

05-03-2021, 09:36 AM
It can gives 5* memory bloom too. Even better than gold dressbloom.
Anyone knows what it gave the two lasts days?

05-03-2021, 10:35 AM
It can gives 5* memory bloom too. Even better than gold dressbloom.
Anyone knows what it gave the two lasts days?

Here's the full schedule:

Petite Centy
May 1 / May 5 / May 9 / May 13

Gold Skillflower
May 2 / May 6 / May 10 / May 14

Gold Dressbloom
May 3 / May 7 / May 11 / May 15

Gold Flower Memory Bloom
May 4 / May 8 / May 12 / May 16

05-03-2021, 10:44 AM
Oh thanks. I didn't know that. For only 42 stamina, that's cheap.

05-03-2021, 01:41 PM
Drop rate isn't real good. It took 30 stam potions to get three dressblooms, saving 120 RG crystals.
I don't need any gold FM or skillflowers, but i could use those Centy and more dressblooms when they come around.

05-03-2021, 01:50 PM
I got only one FMbloom for ~25 stamina potions. I'll do thoses a bit anyway for a good pool of amplues but I'll just focus all my efforts on petites centies ones. The rate is pretty good here.

FMbloom is good to max event FM (the taunt+evade one) and may help for other good gold FM like +21% ATK from solar blast.

05-05-2021, 10:56 AM
I'm doing the current DMM early summer festival. And I got this today on the roulette:
I already got a 3rd place few days ago. I don't exactly know what are the rewards for 3rd place (or even if a non japanese user can actually get it) but I should get at least 3000 free DMM points. That's a good thing.

05-06-2021, 03:28 AM
Neat! I got a couple of 3rd places and a 2nd place too. Let's see what it actually gets me.

05-06-2021, 08:03 AM
Thanks for the reminder, I actually managed to sneak in at least 2 second place draws. :p

05-06-2021, 09:36 PM
Event script added by DragonSword: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Find_it!_An_Unknown,_Great_Discovery!%3F#Event_Scr ipt

05-09-2021, 12:06 AM
There is something I don't understand with Carrot... why giving her an AKT debuff on one ally? Pests debuff aren't enough? And that's not like she was too strong.
On the other side, Solidago is very interesting as support for girls like Kerria and espacially for Easter Isogiku.

05-09-2021, 08:14 AM
So, today was my Nazuna bonus day, the 727th login...


To celebrate it (and my upcoming 2nd year anniversary), I looked at what I could accomplish with my resources and decided to finish the Mechanical Castle, as this has been the most recent thing I've been stumped on for a while.

Also managed to beat the tower through 100, though the scores look really bad for quite a few of the levels, not going to lie. I think I need to upgrade a few girls first and massively augment my lineup before I even try to improve them, though.

It took nearly every gem I had to get the necessary girls from the gachas, most of the rarity growth stones to upgrade the girls needed, every ampule I had to level them up, every single rainbow medal to centy them up, and every trick I knew to beat the levels, but the result speaks of itself...


The floors I had most trouble with were 93-95, 110, and 120. From those, 110 was mostly just a matter of lack of power, so the problem took care of itself once I upgraded some drain girls high enough, but 93-95 and 120 I just couldn't beat no matter what I tried, barring getting massively, almost impossibly lucky. Eventually, I had to rarity grow Skunk Vine, Great Burnet, and Eryngii for their enemy skill debuff in order to beat them. There were so many times I got tauntingly close, only for the enemy to nick one of the girls just before the last turn and ruin the score. I did manage to get above 9000 points though and one of those floors I got even as close as 9997 points on an especially lucky attempt. In the end, though, whether it was my failure to strategize or the lack of right girls and resources, I had to resort to the one way the levels were intended to be beaten.

Here are the girls I used for floor 110:


And here's the skill debuff party:


In other milestones, besides beating the Castle up to floor 120, here's what I managed to accomplish so far:
Defeated all available missions.
Cleaned out most shops of permanent items worth getting (except for the rainbow ticket in Memory Crystal shop, ampules in the flower medal shop, and 2 copies of Kugaisou in the flower gem shop).
Fully upgraded 4 knights (except for dressblooms, of course) and got 8 other knights to level 110.

Status of remaining main quests:
player level quests -- 201/300 levels
blossomed affection: 220/300 girls
garden picture book: 1874/1880 pest pictures

Still left to do:
Get enough flower medals to clean up the ampules that accumulated in the Hraesvelgr event and memory crystals to get the 6* ticket.
Get 42 knights from events 47-60, 62-79, 89-98.
Fully upgrade team 1 and try to put together a decent team 2, 3, and 4.

And here's the rainbows I've managed to get so far:


05-09-2021, 02:21 PM
Congrats on a merry Nazuna login. Today's my 727th day too but being lazy there are a lot of accomplishments left for me to do (~80% of the Mechanical Castle, several whale ship missions, special challenges like the EX Aqua Shadow maps, multiple shops with high ampies in stock, etc).

05-10-2021, 01:51 PM
It took nearly every gem I had to get the necessary girls from the gachas, most of the rarity growth stones to upgrade the girls needed, every ampule I had to level them up, every single rainbow medal to centy them up, and every trick I knew to beat the levels, but the result speaks of itself...


Congrats! Your results are quite a bit better than mine, even though I have way more resources used on my girls than you have :p.


05-10-2021, 02:04 PM
Congrats. Doing a perfect score on Castle is something for sure. I don't even try it on hard most of the time.
And all of this in only 727 days...

Just to know, you're 100% free player or you throw some money to gacha times to times? (I'm just curious, no judgment here. If you are, that means the game is definitively doable for free. If not, that still show your dedication).

05-10-2021, 03:14 PM
These last castle rounds are pretty hard to get a perfect score on, at least for me.
I don't have the personnel to one shot it.
I can get around 9500 consistently with this:
As far as paid gachas go , that 3000 DMM for 1000 RG crystals with some throw ins is pretty darn tempting.
That's two RG there.

05-10-2021, 08:57 PM
Congrats! Your results are quite a bit better than mine, even though I have way more resources used on my girls than you have :p.

That's a pretty good score already. The tower requires some very specific girls and, unless you have massive resources, quite a lot of trial and error and some luck.

Just to know, you're 100% free player or you throw some money to gacha times to times? (I'm just curious, no judgment here. If you are, that means the game is definitively doable for free. If not, that still show your dedication).

I usually don't spend money on these kinds of games, but I have bought 5000 point gachas twice for the rainbow exchange tickets. One I used to get Tarragon and the other I don't even remember what I used it for. Not that I really needed to, but I don't mind rewarding people for their work and the game has been pretty generous with freebies and whatnot. Other than that, I feel like the game is absolutely playable without spending any money.

That said, I don't think I would have been able to complete the tower without single-mindedly working towards it for the past several months and pouring all my resources into it. Rarity growing 3 girls to beat just a few floors alone is proof of that.

These last castle rounds are pretty hard to get a perfect score on, at least for me.
I don't have the personnel to one shot it.
I can get around 9500 consistently with this:

I can't one shot it either, but something like this should work with a fair bit of luck.


Three girls to tank/evade the damage with taunt and two to boost the damage to kill one of the pests as fast as possible. 4head can actually survive in this setup for a while thanks to her guts and does great damage to the pests with pierce/yellow weakness.

05-16-2021, 06:32 PM
RG'd 4 of my waifus today


05-24-2021, 01:17 PM
Does anyone have a translation/guide for the survey that's shown on the home screen?

05-24-2021, 01:41 PM
Someone knows exactly how the new FM works?
自身と同じ品種のパーティメンバー 攻撃力が60%上昇
Increases the attack power of party members of the same type by 60%
Same type of who? And what type?

It seems a bit too powerful to be just +60% of girls of same attribute. The 6* FM for +ATK for same attibute are +30% ATK at lvlmax and there is one for each attribute. A +60% one for any attribute is too much.

05-24-2021, 02:17 PM
As for the translations, I can help out if you provide screenshots (already did mine).
There may be more to do with this survey, since there are open answers to be written in the later steps as well.

As for the FM, I found it just now.
Up until now, any time they mention the attribute (slash, hit, pierce, magic) they usually use "属性" (zokusei), not "品種" (hinshu).
That can actually by seen here:
This means it's the family of the flower the girl is representing. :p

By the way, how are everyone's stacks of salt tickets? :)

05-24-2021, 03:05 PM
As for the translations, I can help out if you provide screenshots (already did mine).
There may be more to do with this survey, since there are open answers to be written in the later steps as well.

Well, I'd be providing screenshots for every page so it might be more trouble than it's worth. At the least I was able to figure out that the first question asks me what I like about FKG (I think with up to three choices?) and the second was how much time I spend per day playing the game.

05-24-2021, 03:08 PM
There are others that ask you what kind of outfits would you like to see on the flower knights or what kind of new functionality/UI elements you would like to see.
There's also one which asks you for three of your favorite girls and if you'd accept making a different artist handle a new form of a flower knight.

05-24-2021, 08:28 PM
I took some quick notes for a quick and dirty translation:

1st page:

What do you like about the game (max 3 choices)?

--characters --scenario/script --worldbuilding/appearance of the world --fighting --ease of play --garden(???)

How long do you play each day?
--less than 5 minutes
--5-15 minutes
--15-30 minutes
--30-60 minutes
--more than 1 hour

2nd page:

What are your favorite characters?




Would it be okay to do new versions of existing girls differently from the original artist?
--yes --either way is fine --no

3rd page:

What costumes/clothing would you like to see?




4th page:

What kind of characters do you like?


--same age/generation


5th page:

What kind of game content are you looking forward to?

--main story

--high difficulty content

--character content

--something else
(in max 150 characters)

6th page:

What kinds of functionality and UI improvements would you like to see?
(in max 150 characters)

7th page:

Are there other games beside FKG that you play?
(in max 150 characters)

Oh, and you get 2 gems for your trouble.

05-25-2021, 06:36 AM
Neat, thanks to the both of you.

05-25-2021, 09:35 AM
Thanks Volarmis for the FM translation. This is very situational but it's nice to see this kind of information actually used in the gameplay. It would still be nice as a solo +30/+60% ATK buff. Or in a full Anemone team for a little +150% ATK.

And I'm sitting on a nice 906 salticket pile :D. Can't wait for the end of the year or next FKG birthday to throw all of these in the salt machine.

Thanks kuresuta for the survey translation.
I wonder what there expect for "Are there other games beside FKG that you play?". Any kind of games? I'm not sure this info is really interesting. Or only the other gacha games? Would make sense.

05-25-2021, 09:47 AM
Or in a full Anemone team for a little +150% ATK.

I feel indirectly called out.

05-25-2021, 10:05 AM
I took some quick notes for a quick and dirty translation:

Thanks for the translation.

DragonSword has added a full translation to the wiki, along with some Japanese answers to the fill-in questions you can use: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Survey#May_2021_Survey

05-25-2021, 11:54 AM
Page3: In the future, what kind of costumes would you like? (Choose up to 3)
(Common suggestions may include:)
裸エプロン = Naked Apron
What is that answer from nowhere XD. I need to choose it now.

Anyway, I love survey so, let's share it here (and Thanks DragonSword) :
What aspects of Flower Knight Girl do you like? (You can choose up to 3)
Characters / Combat / Ease of play
I hesitated between Characters and World Setting. I like FKG world and how pretty it looks. But I prefer the girls, espacially if they are flowers I know or better, if I see flowers IRL that I've known about in the game.

How long do you play per day on average? (Please include time spent in auto play)
30 minutes – 1 hour
Actually, it depend on the event. Usually it's close to this but last week or during big bosses event (espacially Eartworm) it's way more.

Please tell us who is your favourite character? (Please select up to 3 characters)
Isogiku, Cardamine and Kerria.
I wanted to add Pinkladies too but there is not enough place. I chosed Kerria instead because she is my long time waifu and first 6* ever.

In the event of existing characters receiving an alternate version, do you feel it is a good thing to change illustrators?
I don't mind.
Actually, I prefer one girl-one illustrator but it's sad that some girls don't get alternative versions just because the artist don't work on FKG anymore.

In the future, what kind of costumes would you like? (Choose up to 3)
Bunny Girl / Summer Dresses / Naked Apron
I had to choose Naked Apron. And Summer Dress may be nice. I really like it on Cattleya Swimsuit. Lingerie would be nice but maybe too much...

What kind of characters do you like?
Similar aged
This world is filled with lolies. I don't hate lolies but not when they are an army.

Please select the type of content you would like to see improved on in the future.
Main Story
Even if I can't read japanese, I love new pages of the main story. Small events leading to a new unique final boss and it's onw event and mechanics. That's one of the most exciting part of the game.

Please let us know if there is any functionality or UI elements you would like us to improve on.
Please add 6* girls to the 6* coin shop when their event reach re-reprint state. 2020 and 2021 6* are so hard to get once their gacha is gone.
I know, it's just a dream. But I wish it can be true one day. Even if we are far from it (24 events away from the first event out of R-medal shop)

What games other than Flower Knight Girl do you play? (Please keep your answer below 150 characters)
Mainly RPG and some recurrent games (Touhou Project, Terraria,...) but Flower Knight Girl is my only gacha game.

05-25-2021, 09:12 PM
I wonder what there expect for "Are there other games beside FKG that you play?". Any kind of games? I'm not sure this info is really interesting. Or only the other gacha games? Would make sense.

They probably want to see similar games they could use to do cross-promotions and stuff.

For example, I've been playing DeepOne 虚無と夢幻のフラグメント, a gacha game on DMM where you and a bunch of girls get trapped in R'yleh, Lovecraft Foundation's underwater arcology and research facility dedicated to unraveling the secrets of an ancient grimoire, the Pnakotic Manuscripts.

05-25-2021, 11:14 PM
I would like to see a promo with Girls Symphony now that new version in 2nd year.
They have really streamlined that game and fixed the bugs.
Use a lot of the same artists as FKG.

05-26-2021, 04:59 AM
Yeah, I listed Girls Symphony and Kanpani Girls, the only other DMM games I play regularly. GS would be easier to collaborate with given that it wouldn't be the first time the two games had a crossover (GS got Oncidium (Orchestra) and FKG got Henri/Anri (Rue Anemone) from the first collab).

05-26-2021, 09:00 AM
Well, since maotd provided a nice template (thanks!), I may as well share my answers too.

What aspects of Flower Knight Girl do you like? (You can choose up to 3)
Characters / Ease of play
Characters are most important, but I wouldn't keep playing it if it weren't easy to do daily stuff in 10 or less minutes at a time. Not needing to devote a lot of brainpower to playing is a major benefit.

How long do you play per day on average? (Please include time spent in auto play)
30 minutes – 1 hour
This is pretty consistent, unless there's an exp up campaign and I'm trying to spend all my manyus.

Please tell us who is your favourite character? (Please select up to 3 characters)
Lily Rubellum, Snowflake, Hydrangea.
This one was difficult. Lily R was obvious, but there are a lot of other knights that I really like too. I ended up choosing Snowflake and Hydrangea to give some low rarity knights a bit of representation.I

In the event of existing characters receiving an alternate version, do you feel it is a good thing to change illustrators?
I don't mind.
I'd rather get a Lily R v2 that isn't drawn by Moritan than to never get a Lily R v2. The FMs that aren't drawn by character's original artist are pretty good, so I'd assume that quality would still be present in character art.

In the future, what kind of costumes would you like? (Choose up to 3)
Tomboy / Office Lady / Naked Apron
I love tomboys, and I'm kind of surprised we haven't had a crossdressing event yet (other than the base form of Robinia/Helenium/Saffron june brides). Formal business outfits are unbelievably attractive. Naked apron is hilarious.

What kind of characters do you like?
Similar aged
It was hard to choose between this and older, but I've noticed that I tend to like the girls who look like they are in their 20s. Ara ara knights are a very close second though.

Please select the type of content you would like to see improved on in the future.
Character content
Without being able to read the story, the characters are what keep me playing.

Please let us know if there is any functionality or UI elements you would like us to improve on.
I requested a way to upgrade a character with more than 10 manyus at a time, similar to how we can dump 300 ampies into a knight at once. Kudos to DragonSword for helping me put this request into Japanese.

What games other than Flower Knight Girl do you play? (Please keep your answer below 150 characters)
The only other gacha game I play at the time is Girls Frontline, and it's debatable as to whether or not that really counts as gacha. That was the only one I listed, because I don't think they care that I play FFXIV, Fire Emblem, and Pokemon :P

05-26-2021, 01:39 PM
What aspects of Flower Knight Girl do you like? (You can choose up to 3)
Characters, World Setting, Ease of Play. Characters are the #1 thing but it doesn't hurt that when I'm short on spare time there's the option to use a few skip tickets at once in order to clear daily standard/event missions in less than a minute. Also, I may not have the slightest clue what's being said in events and story missions outside of translations from people like DragonSword but I nonetheless do appreciate that there IS an overall plot where the Flower Knights are gradually making progress in their corner of the world.

How long do you play per day on average? (Please include time spent in auto play)
30 minutes – 1 hour

Please tell us who is your favourite character? (Please select up to 3 characters)
Ume, Mirabilis, Toad Lily. Ume and Toad Lily were givens since they've been favorites since I first started the Nutaku version. The third spot was trickier though; after the top two there's a big mess of Knights competing for the next few spots (Choco Lily, Scoop-chan, Dogwood, Diamond Frost, Seashore Pink, Larkspur, Night Phlox, Yarrow, etc). Eventually I settled on the sometimes costumed pyro-technician for that third spot.

In the event of existing characters receiving an alternate version, do you feel it is a good thing to change illustrators?
It's Good. If it takes an alternate artist showing interest in order to get new art for some Knights then it's fine by me. As unknown67 noted, the art on many of the FMs is quite good. So, it wouldn't be a stretch to believe that the same artists could make good character art for new versions of a Knight or bloomed art for Knights who still use their evolved art.

In the future, what kind of costumes would you like? (Choose up to 3)
Office Lady / Summer Dress / School Uniforms. I'm not 100% sure on those three (I might have gone with Maid instead of School Uniforms) but I know for sure I'd like to see more Knights in formal business wear. Ume could use a third form and I can see her rocking a business suit no problem. An office lady-themed event would also need to have at least one Knight who is wholly unsuited for the approach like Ranuculus or Lantana.

What kind of characters do you like?

Please select the type of content you would like to see improved on in the future.
Character content

(I skipped page 6 since there was nothing that really sprung to mind for me although after seeing unknown's suggestion I wouldn't mind if you could use more upgrade materials at a time; even increasing the limit to twenty would be nice)

What games other than Flower Knight Girl do you play? (Please keep your answer below 150 characters)
Girls Symphony and Kanpani Girls; Kanpani was one of the first games, if not the first game, that I played on Nutaku so getting to play it again is nice. I haven't the slightest idea what's being said in either game but I've managed to get a good grasp on how to play them anyways (the prior experience with Kanpani definitely helped).

05-26-2021, 08:45 PM
Q: What aspects of Flower Knight Girl do you like? (You can choose up to 3)
A: Characters / Ease of play / Combat
Naturally, characters are the main appeal for me.

Q: How long do you play per day on average? (Please include time spent in auto play)
A: 15 – 30 minutes

Q: Please tell us who is your favourite character? (Please select up to 3 characters)
A: Habranthus / Dahlia / Sparaxis
I have a lot of favourites, so I just named them off a whim.

Q: In the event of existing characters receiving an alternate version, do you feel it is a good thing to change illustrators?
A: I don't mind

Q: In the future, what kind of costumes would you like? (Choose up to 3)
A: Summer Dresses

Q: What kind of characters do you like?
A: Similar aged

Q: Please select the type of content you would like to see improved on in the future.
A: Higher difficulty content
Ideally, difficult content that doesn't require that you use specific 2-4 girls in the game.

Q: Please let us know if there is any functionality or UI elements you would like us to improve on.

[B]PAGE 7:
Q: What games other than Flower Knight Girl do you play? (Please keep your answer below 150 characters)
A: [Blank]
I don't play any other gacha/waifu games, which is what I interpreted them as asking for.

06-01-2021, 08:48 AM
Nobody talking about the collab it seems *crickets*

06-01-2021, 09:58 AM
Too many things to say about this event.
- I don't even know the name of the collab game.
- Can we consider this as a crossdress event? Or at least half-crossdress?
- Raid bosses can give Memory seeds but it's too rare to be reliable. I'm gonna pray lady luck.
- I want this horse as playable character.
- Special gacha with a new form for Wallnut. Is it the Bride "event" this year? I hope it's not.
- I don't know if it's just the collab or not but this event is so old flavored. We just need an event with highly random stages and rewards at the end based on number of medals and we're back at FKG firsts days.
- Boss music is too epic for the fight.

06-01-2021, 10:31 AM
- I don't even know the name of the collab game.

A VN called Walkure Romanze that also had an anime adaptation

06-01-2021, 02:23 PM
If this is anything like the previous collab event then this is probably the only chance there is to pick up the non-event Knights. Hanny Hanny Panic (the Rance event) should've had a temporary reissue around the middle of November last year but it got skipped over for the June Bride event that came after it with Japanese Iris, Queen of the Night and Coral Flower.

06-01-2021, 08:12 PM
Not going for the event girls
I'm just going to run the 0 stam missions on autopilot overnight every night this week and get some free levels up:grin:

06-04-2021, 08:28 AM
- Can we consider this as a crossdress event? Or at least half-crossdress?
I would say no, at least based on my personal definition. Women in uniform != crossdress (though women in uniform is still really attractive IMO)

If this is anything like the previous collab event then this is probably the only chance there is to pick up the non-event Knights. Hanny Hanny Panic (the Rance event) should've had a temporary reissue around the middle of November last year but it got skipped over for the June Bride event that came after it with Japanese Iris, Queen of the Night and Coral Flower.
Yeah, they have stated that they don't have plans to make the collab units obtainable in any future reissue. This includes slime and Rance collab.

06-05-2021, 06:05 PM
auto run this week. went up 3 levels so far
and will never need birdies again:silly:

06-06-2021, 10:24 AM
Nice. That's a lot of birds and lvlup. I got only ~350 of each and I already feel like I could never ran out.
I don't know if it was a good or bad idea to make autoplay available on 0 stamina stages but at least we found a good way to exploit it.

06-06-2021, 11:27 AM
Nice. That's a lot of birds and lvlup. I got only ~350 of each and I already feel like I could never ran out.
I don't know if it was a good or bad idea to make autoplay available on 0 stamina stages but at least we found a good way to exploit it.

Yeah, 120 XP per stage (240 with the currently active 2x multiplier) combined with how gatherings and garden rewards can now increase your stamina even when you're already over 100% means it's possible to build up a lot of stamina to spend all at once with skip tickets.

06-06-2021, 12:23 PM
Now we can use Manyu keys 100 by 100. It's a good way to quickly level up. With the current exp bonus, it gives 40000 EXP for 100 keys. Considering how much key we stack and don't use, it's easy and worth it.

06-06-2021, 09:23 PM
Btw, if you took part in that DMM games festival campaign thingy with the roulette and whatnot, don't forget to claim your points at http://www.dmm.com/netgame/campaign/ It only lasts until 15 June. Oh, and they expire in a month or so.

06-07-2021, 09:46 PM
Link to the Walkure Romanze manga
summary is the guy goes for the blonde

06-13-2021, 07:25 AM
Now we can use Manyu keys 100 by 100. It's a good way to quickly level up. With the current exp bonus, it gives 40000 EXP for 100 keys. Considering how much key we stack and don't use, it's easy and worth it.

Yeah, best used on danchou exp campaigns, ez level ups for 0 stamina

06-13-2021, 07:26 AM
Thanks for the claim link too

06-14-2021, 01:06 AM
Looks like Harbanthus got some ability HP/heal related. That's interesting.

06-14-2021, 08:20 AM
To be specific, exactly 143 girls got a rebalance.

06-14-2021, 08:25 AM
That's a lot of girl. Is there any list of the rebalance and the abilities added somewhere?

06-14-2021, 08:35 AM
Not a translated one yet. The wiki has updates, but anyone that got an ability type that didn't previously exist is bugged.

06-14-2021, 09:28 AM
Okay. Seems tehre was a lot of changes. Some girls are totally changed like Kerria. Can't wait for a detailed list of changes to see what's good or not.
It seems girls became more specific based on their new archetype (Attack, Defense, Support, etc.). It's good on a certain way but attack girls seems more selfish now.
They even reworked Dendrobium. As she wasn't enough broken.

For sure, they break almost all my team builds. Like... sun teams? Looks like it's no more possible to start with 300% gauge :(

06-14-2021, 10:35 AM
The best Flower Knight bride this year is from GS
Anri bride

06-14-2021, 11:07 AM
Oh... for a moment I though they added a bride version of anri to FKG :(. She is very nice. I want her.
The actual best bride of FKG is... the event girl actually. I don't know if she is really good or not but I like her design. I'm a bit disappointed with her seed skill tho. I wanted something more colorful and magic.

06-14-2021, 02:32 PM
Yeah, Henri's one of two GS characters (so far) to have three separate versions (original, swimsuit back in 2020, june bride for the event that started last night). GS is really fond of making alternate versions of characters so there was bound to be a third version of someone eventually.

As for FKG, some Knights getting updates would certainly explain why Dendro can all of a sudden casually dish out 1.5 million super crits per target. I really need to finish powering her up with centies and high ampies. At least you can use multiple centies at once now which saves the trouble of having to constantly switch between using one centy and using enough manyu to reach the new level cap.

06-14-2021, 02:40 PM
I'm still not sure at all with all those updates. Some girls seems far less effective. At least, team synergy is. But Dendro got an insane powerup. Yesterday, I was able to kill the Oath Memory stage boss with my blue team in 1 turn with ~2.5M damages. Now Dendro anihilate it alone with 5M damages. With a full team of the finest buffer, she may be over Saint Pinkladies.

edit: With the "rebalance" Golden Lace became a tiny bit stronger with just -50% pest ATK and 40% pest miss (if there is no special conditions under this). She jumped from "totally forgettable" to "must have debuff". Nice job Golden Lace. Same for Lavender Valentine with -50% ATK and -30% Skill damages.
One girl, one FM and you hit the max ATK debuff.

06-16-2021, 09:22 AM
someone knows how thoses deals works exactly? I guess it's 980 FG + 520 additionnal FG ans 20 flower tickets. But why the rewards are separated? And more important, what's are thoses flower tickets? 20 for a such low price, it shoud be something not that good.

06-16-2021, 09:48 AM
someone knows how thoses deals works exactly? I guess it's 980 FG + 520 additionnal FG ans 20 flower tickets. But why the rewards are separated? And more important, what's are thoses flower tickets? 20 for a such low price, it shoud be something not that good.


So yeah, just a cosmetic thing.

06-16-2021, 10:29 AM
Thanks. Okay so, it's really expensive for what it is. The ring pack is better from far. And maybe the current gacha with 1000 Memory seeds ans 50 R-medals.

06-17-2021, 10:20 AM
Now, the treasure rally needs 500 currency instead of 150... That's a lot, especially when you got 550 on the 60 stamina stage. Is it a bug or something?

06-17-2021, 01:43 PM
Now, the treasure rally needs 500 currency instead of 150... That's a lot, especially when you got 550 on the 60 stamina stage. Is it a bug or something?

Yeah it's definitely a big increase in cost; I wonder if this is the new normal for this type of event.

As an aside, I wanna reaffirm that Dendrobium is even more of a monster than before. I'd been having trouble completing the Aqua Shadow EX stage featuring the Acacia Corps up until today when Dendro more or less soloed the bottom path. Both Shadow Acacia and Shadow Dahlia nearly got one-shot by a giant fist and Shadow Cherry Sage got punched out in two rounds before Shadow Lupine could drop off the power up.

06-17-2021, 02:00 PM
I hope it's not or these event will ber very hard to complete. I'm thinking to rely most on 4 step items instead. They are easier to get in a certain way.

Dendrobium is extremly strong and one of the best girl arround for sure (if not the best girl). Sometimes, I see her drop a little 2M weak-crit damages. Her skill is a two hit attack and she did it twice. More than before, she can do 95% of the game by herself. Seems being one of the highest Total Power girl was not enough.
I'm glad I picked her when she got her first rebalance.

06-17-2021, 02:02 PM
Yeah, I started recompiling my list of 6* and I was surprised Stock (my only rainbow that I pulled along with her dupe) got a nice touch-up.
I haven't put it into practice, but she got super counter, increase damage on being hit, decrease enemy atack on being hit, provoke and the new barrier ability among others.
It might be worth looking into.

06-17-2021, 09:39 PM
Now, the treasure rally needs 500 currency instead of 150... That's a lot, especially when you got 550 on the 60 stamina stage. Is it a bug or something?

It probably has to do with the big overhaul of the emergency missions. Basically, they added a lot of stuff to make upgrading knights easier for new players, like petite hearts, flower petals, blooming medicines, etc...

06-18-2021, 09:10 AM
It probably has to do with the big overhaul of the emergency missions. Basically, they added a lot of stuff to make upgrading knights easier for new players, like petite hearts, flower petals, blooming medicines, etc...

That doesn't seem to justify the increase when treasure rally event is rng-heavy and one nazupon roll could either give you several combos or none at all, and increased cost just makes it harder to complete and will require more farming than usual

06-18-2021, 10:21 AM
Using google translate I am looking through these reworks.
Cattleya is who I will be getting with my ticket and finally get some
quality use out of vervain with all that skill damage:grin:
All my teams gotta change.

06-18-2021, 11:01 AM
Sadly a lot of girls seem to have lost their x1.2 skill rate. It was one of the most valuable thing.
Cattleya looks good anyway. Like a lot of girls actually. Kerria too seems to have an interesting power-up.

06-18-2021, 11:26 AM
I'm still re-writing my personal 6* lineup and I just went through the ones I have battle-ready.
On paper, Kerria once again became a beast. Out of all the girls that I have with hp-based attack boost, only she has a 1 multiplier instead of 1/2.