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10-24-2023, 09:15 AM
Another Kumasan collab. Do we have to play some games for extra rewards? It was fun last time.

10-24-2023, 11:20 AM
Collaboration is like last time. Go to each of the 5 games, complete their tutorials, and log into them for 3 days to get their respective KUMASAN ticket. Also there's a Retweet Campaign.
* Campaign Page (SFW): https://kumasanevent.com/
* Campaign Page (18+): https://kumasanevent.com/x
* Retweet Link: https://twitter.com/flower_staff/status/1716726225400418471

10-24-2023, 01:13 PM
Thanks a lot. Its help.
I tried Girls Creation first as it seems to be the new game. It's confusing. I'm not even sure what is considered tutorial and what is not. I did the mandatory battle and gacha and I was sent on the main screen and... that's all. There is a lot of mini-tutorial all over the place on the various screens but I don't know if it's considered tutorial or not. I may have missed some of them. Weird.
The game looks nice and maybe fun, some girls have good design (and some... are more questionable) but everything take years to load. That's crazy.

After testing several of theses gacha games, they all looks pretty similar on many points. I don't feel really invested on them and none catch me. I started to wonder why FKG worked for me. First gacha game? Nutaku translation make it easier to start? Better general feeling?
What do you think about it? Why did you stay here instead on another game?

10-24-2023, 01:17 PM
Looks like Lavender is the Flower Knight of choice on Mist's splash screen this time around while Passy (https://mist-train-girls.fandom.com/wiki/Passy) is the chosen Train Knight on FKG's splash screen. Most of Passy's versions feature flowers (usually roses) so she's a good choice.

EDIT: As for why I'm still sticking with FKG and Mist, for FKG it's the first gacha game I remember playing and it's fairly friendly to a f2p player to this day. I might not get many rainbows nowadays but I can clear everything except the super challenge maps and similar content with rainbows introduced near the start of the game (Red Ginger, Ume, Dendrobium, Cattleya, etc) along with RG golds like Rainbow Rose. Sure, lucking out and getting someone like Adlay every once in a while is nice, but again most content isn't hard enough to where I need Knights like her in my squads.

As for Mist, it's similar to FKG in my eyes. Outside of optional content aimed at whales, I can make do with whatever SSR Knights I pick up from gachas (or in the case of Salem a Knight who has a SSR version available as a potential reward for clearing stage 2-5 in the main story). Mist doesn't introduce new characters nearly as often as FKG does but on the other hand for me that means I have fewer characters to keep track of in terms of how they interact with each other.

10-24-2023, 01:57 PM
After testing several of theses gacha games, they all looks pretty similar on many points. I don't feel really invested on them and none catch me. I started to wonder why FKG worked for me. First gacha game? Nutaku translation make it easier to start? Better general feeling?
What do you think about it? Why did you stay here instead on another game?

Honestly it probably is cuz of access to an English version + first gacha game bias.

Though I have been playing Twinkle Star Knights since it's release and still enjoying it.

10-24-2023, 03:25 PM
Oh yeah, having access to an English version helped too. Mist's English version has been dead for awhile but while it was there I was able to figure out the personality of the various characters as well as not-quite-parallels in FKG (Abashiri and Lavender would initially dislike each other but eventually share tips on how to catch the heart of their One True Love, Versailles would enjoy the opportunity to train with Rose and/or Ume, Ohana would get along very well with fellow cooks like Curry Plant or Watercress, Passy and Yoshino like designing clothes so Saffron would probably get along with them, etc).

11-11-2023, 10:37 PM
Hey guys! Been a long time since I played. Was thinking of getting back into it. I think I stopped playing because the vpn i used to use to get past locale restrictions Hola VPN chrome web extension was very limiting much more than it used to. What do you all use to use to play now?

11-11-2023, 11:37 PM
Welcome back. It's good to see old friends again.
TunnelBear VPN, browser extension. It's free 2000 mb per month. Activate it just during area verification and desactivate it when the game start to load. 2000 mb is way enough for that.

11-12-2023, 01:56 AM
Thnx Maotd! Anyone have any recommendation on who I should rarity grow? Was hoping for something broken like rainbow rose or Adenium. Or are even those considered weak after power creep since I last played?

11-12-2023, 02:26 AM
The powercreep has gone too far. Even new regular rainbows struggle to be meta. The top tier is mainly occupied by limited gacha 6* (aka girls you can only get in their special gachas for a short time then wait until they come back at dev will). The old top tier are not viable anymore sadly.
There is almost no new gacha 5* (last one was on event 220). Only event 5*.
Event 5* Poison Berry (https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Poisonberry) is excellent. Top tier Slash ally support. I think we are 3 reprint away from her. Must have with top tier like Bunny Cactus and Niddhog (girl, not boss) around.
I really like Winged Everlasting (https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Winged_Everlasting) too but her reprint was last week and ended already.
I don't even know if they still do rereprint...

I guess that's almost all. But now, you can farm Rainbow shards for RG every 7 and 27 of each month. There is a really easy nazuna-stage available for the whole day where you can get 1~10 shards. That's cool.

11-12-2023, 03:55 AM
The powercreep has gone too far. Even new regular rainbows struggle to be meta. The top tier is mainly occupied by limited gacha 6* (aka girls you can only get in their special gachas for a short time then wait until they come back at dev will). The old top tier are not viable anymore sadly.
There is almost no new gacha 5* (last one was on event 220). Only event 5*.
Event 5* Poison Berry (https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Poisonberry) is excellent. Top tier Slash ally support. I think we are 3 reprint away from her. Must have with top tier like Bunny Cactus and Niddhog (girl, not boss) around.
I really like Winged Everlasting (https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Winged_Everlasting) too but her reprint was last week and ended already.
I don't even know if they still do rereprint...

I guess that's almost all. But now, you can farm Rainbow shards for RG every 7 and 27 of each month. There is a really easy nazuna-stage available for the whole day where you can get 1~10 shards. That's cool.

Oh wow that power creep sure sucks... all that resources (especially gold) irrelevant... They should really do something about that. Then again I did kinda feel this already before I left so I doubt it will change.

Oh Niddhog girl! I was browsing all the new 6stars that came out since I left and she was the most interesting! At first she didnt really appeal to me with her skills but since you say shes actually good. I'll definitely try rolling her.
edit: Im too late arent I? Shes one of those limited only girls you were trying to tell me about RIP

Btw does the rainbow medal exchange still let us exchange for new girls? Currently there are only two which are new and another section for 6 stars up to like 2020

11-12-2023, 06:29 AM
Yep. Powercreep sucks. And Sadly, I don't think it will or can change. Someone on the discord says it's a monster devs themselves can't tame anymore. I like this image.

Yep². Nidhogg is a limited gacha unit. She is not available currently but she will be. Later. When devs will decide.
At first sight, I didn't think she would be that OP. But she is. With the right support, she steamroll all the Hraesvelgr stages (current hardest stuff where it's advised to bring alternative team styles). For me, she is the second best girl after Adlay.

R-medals exchange didn't add more regular gacha girls. Still locked on 2020. The other two are R-medal exclusive girls. Here is the list of exclusive R-medals girls : https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Clearing_House#Rainbow_Medals. Pavonia is the best and only top tier here. The others are ok to awful. But there is good waifu material.

Well, despite the pityful state of the gacha and meta, the game is still fun and there is still potential to have fun on everyday missions and lower level content with girls out of the S++ uber meta top tier.

11-13-2023, 02:29 AM
Wait new events only have one mission? How the hell are we supposed to farm for flower gems now?
edit: I think I can earn some gems from the event mini game? the mini event gatcha. I'm guessing the gems from these mini games will eventually total to what the old fighting stages gave in completed stage fgs?

11-13-2023, 09:25 AM
There is only one stage but it gives 14oo gems instead of 2oo for each stages. And there is some bonus gems in the event mini games. At the end, we got more gems than before.
Also, it's a gacha event. You can do the last step (on week 2) infinitly and it gives 100 6* aqua fragments for each completion (aka infinite 6* fragments). Now 6* fragments can be converted into aqua stones (https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Item#6*_Aqua_Stone) (10 6* fragments for 1 stone). Aqua stones are used to evolve equipements (20 for event equipements, 100 for personnal equipements). Evolved equipements give huge bonuses.
In short, this event is the best way to evolve equipements. It's a good thing to start intense grinding now.

11-22-2023, 05:03 PM
Any thoughts on Zinnia? She seems like it takes a lot of turns to be really good (5/6 of Zinnia and not the team)? Zinnia Christmas sounds good too. guaranteed guts for team for 1 turn if a unit activates a skill. I'm thinking you can chain this to be unkillable unless enemies attack you twice. dont know which is better

11-22-2023, 06:25 PM
Christmas seems to be a good ancient girl as support.
She would be real good on my Cattleya team. I like that 1.05x20 skill act too:grin:
Haven't been using that team much lately though so I got to pass, maybe get her next time she comes round. I only have 500 gems at this time:sad:
OG is good too. If you could use a good attacker get OG.

11-24-2023, 05:40 PM
Did 110 pulls and got the guaranteed Zinnia. Put her with an accuracy reducing and guts and nullifying team and damn. They almost take everything out compared to before where they couldnt even clear two non boss nodes. Now I just need one more attacker and I can clear the 85000 missions. Still cant clear the last battle of nidhogg though. not enough power to overwhelm his turn healing. Do all of you use accuracy reducing teams? because I dont know how else we are supposed to survive more than 3 turns when the boss can 1 hit ko even when damage is reduce to 70%

11-25-2023, 12:00 AM
I usually use Sigillaria as packed debuff. Then, the broken combo of Adlay+Zinnia+Nidhogg (previously Corbett) delete everything from existance. I add Spring Star (Parallel Academy) for extra guts, HP drain and damages. Nothing in the game can handle this much damages.
I think Adlay is the key here. But I was too overpowered for Nidhogg and didn't really pay attention to it. Same for Midgardsormr. Hraesvelgr is another story. I brought the big guns and beat it in one try but it was just pure luck. This thing is stupidly strong.

11-27-2023, 01:59 AM
Nice wife


11-27-2023, 02:18 PM
She looks like a nice support. Not suited for farming stages with her massive -150 speed but defintively nice to have on the long run. If her buffs can proc even if she's dead, she can be usefull in evade teams to help with their damage issue.
She has a silly hat but she's worth the RG. Not as broken as Poison Berry though.

11-27-2023, 03:30 PM
Mother Jugs and Speed:bgrin:(RIP Raquel)
A good start for the holidays.

12-11-2023, 04:57 AM
Nice wife


12-11-2023, 06:13 PM

Seems like they are really trying to make solar a thing now. Weird after ignoring it for so long.

12-11-2023, 07:34 PM
So how does this work? You click the pick up button to choose which knights you want to increase the drop rate of?
Im guessing the old flower knights on the banner pic are just cosmetic as in they dont have increased drop rates?
The drop rate of the selected 6 star doesnt increase the less you select right? and when I read the deatails using google translate it says something about a rotation? not really sure what thats all about

12-11-2023, 11:34 PM
Since there is no limited gacha girls it sounds like a waste of gems. Unless you're really desesperate to get your 2020+ waifu, 1000 FG for one non meta girl is way too much. But it's still better than the old bland premium gacha with nothing else.

Is there something with Halloween stage right now? Since yesterday, I get a lot of raid bosses with the Halloween background. I guess they came from reprint events but it weird if that many people just decide to do the same reprint at the same time.

Btw, I'm affraid enemy evasion is becoming the new meta. It was a thing with Hraesvelgr but now it reached the daily extra event mission. Not great when there is only two girls with bonus hit rate. At least, I don't regret my XMas Blue Lotus at all.

12-12-2023, 01:27 AM
Btw, I'm affraid enemy evasion is becoming the new meta. It was a thing with Hraesvelgr but now it reached the daily extra event mission. Not great when there is only two girls with bonus hit rate. At least, I don't regret my XMas Blue Lotus at all.

I used a Solar Drive team and they one-shot the enemies since seem to have low HP. That's an alternative if you don't have +Hit Rate units.

12-12-2023, 02:50 AM
Oh. That makes sense with the event girls. I'll try it. It old solar girls + 5* FM can be enough.
For the main path, XMas Blue Lotus + Bunny Cactus are perfect. I just have troubles for the second (by trouble, I mean killing enemies in one turn to save time and efforts).

12-12-2023, 01:15 PM
Is there something with Halloween stage right now? Since yesterday, I get a lot of raid bosses with the Halloween background. I guess they came from reprint events but it weird if that many people just decide to do the same reprint at the same time.

I hadn't been paying close attention in-game until now but for whatever reason the current event is using the Halloween background for its raid bosses.

12-13-2023, 12:35 PM
You're right. That's weird. I wonder if it's intended or a bug.

Myers> Sun works well. Thanks for the advice.

12-13-2023, 05:04 PM
Is there an increased chance to get rainbows in the daily free 11 draws? Been getting a rainbow a day so far lol14806

12-13-2023, 05:38 PM
Also. Hp Protection or retain hp does stack with each other right? 100% hp protection + 50% = 150%? Doesnt mention anything specific in the ability particulars wiki regarding this interaction

12-13-2023, 09:13 PM
Is there an increased chance to get rainbows in the daily free 11 draws? Been getting a rainbow a day so far lol

Devs said they made a mistake and put the rainbow rate as 2% instead of the normal 0.5%. The 2% will remain for the rest of this week, but will go back to normal the next time.

Also. Hp Protection or retain hp does stack with each other right? 100% hp protection + 50% = 150%? Doesnt mention anything specific in the ability particulars wiki regarding this interaction

Just added this info now. Retain HP stacks with no limit.

12-13-2023, 11:18 PM
Thnx Myers!

12-18-2023, 08:16 AM
Details on the new minigame based on the old Sapling Raising event type: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/The_Holy_Night%27s_Hungry_Hungry_Naae

12-19-2023, 10:57 PM
The Nae mini-game is really cool. That's a good thing they bring it back in that format. I hope they do the same for Swanboat Race and maybe even Treasure Race.

12-20-2023, 06:06 PM
Dang Serket seems really cool! 40% chance to negate damage each turn, though I'm not exactly sure what other units can gain her 1 other ally in same family buffs. Thoughts?

12-20-2023, 10:06 PM
Anyone able to beat the 180th floor in the unlimited castle? Their turn heal is too strong. Do we have any knight with abilities that disable healing or something?

12-20-2023, 11:46 PM
Dang Serket seems really cool! 40% chance to negate damage each turn, though I'm not exactly sure what other units can gain her 1 other ally in same family buffs. Thoughts?

It's only Khepri (https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Khepri) and Riko (https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Riko). Serket is probably just made for Khepri though, since Khepri can Summon and is a damage dealer unlike Riko who is a support.

12-27-2023, 07:44 AM
I beat stage 180 of the infinite castle!
Had a lot of RNG and cheesing with equipments and character personal equipment but finally did it! All the buffs really helped and somehow I was able to slightly out burst the healing in the later turns, but I definitely wouldnt have been able to beat the stage without having to further lvl up past 80 if it wasnt for catleya

12-28-2023, 09:32 PM
Been wondering something about the mobile ports for FKG.

I'm already connected to my account via phone, but i've been thinking about moving the game to my tablet. However, when trying to navigate the startup on the latter, I keep getting met with an error message trying to click the latter two of three options (linking DMM data and "restart with ID", according to google translate; not picking the first since it's "play from the beginning").
Am i just stuck with the phone version or is there a way to get the tablet to run it?

12-28-2023, 11:15 PM
Been wondering something about the mobile ports for FKG.

I'm already connected to my account via phone, but i've been thinking about moving the game to my tablet. However, when trying to navigate the startup on the latter, I keep getting met with an error message trying to click the latter two of three options (linking DMM data and "restart with ID", according to google translate; not picking the first since it's "play from the beginning").
Am i just stuck with the phone version or is there a way to get the tablet to run it?

Can you screenshot the error message?

12-30-2023, 04:16 PM
I beat stage 180 of the infinite castle!
Had a lot of RNG and cheesing with equipments and character personal equipment but finally did it! All the buffs really helped and somehow I was able to slightly out burst the healing in the later turns, but I definitely wouldnt have been able to beat the stage without having to further lvl up past 80 if it wasnt for catleya

You got me interested in trying this floor again after I failed a bunch of times in the past. I got to beat it with this waifu team at 10K points.


12-31-2023, 04:07 AM
Can you screenshot the error message?

Sure. I'll also do a little extra; here's what I get for clicking the second button, and the screen after i put in my DMM password stuff.


12-31-2023, 11:46 AM
Sure. I'll also do a little extra; here's what I get for clicking the second button, and the screen after i put in my DMM password stuff.


Aw the error you get is just a generic error message, no specifications.

If that's from the DMM Store .apk then you could try the QooApp Store .apk. QooApp only has the All Ages version of FKG, not the 18+ version. It at least doesn't require a VPN.

12-31-2023, 01:48 PM
If that's from the DMM Store .apk then you could try the QooApp Store .apk. QooApp only has the All Ages version of FKG, not the 18+ version. It at least doesn't require a VPN.

But I did download the game with QooApp, on both the phone and tablet. I think because I registered on the former device first a long while ago, the latter is unable to register for some reason. At least, that's the only explanation I'm working with.

01-05-2024, 04:13 PM
Reminder that there's a Hidden Nazuna Minigame where you can earn 7oo FS total.

Here are the locations if you can't find them on your own: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Dragons_and_New_Year_Visits_While_Flowers_Bloom#Hi dden_Nazuna_Minigame

01-13-2024, 12:19 PM
Does anyone here know about the HOME screen Easter Egg? The act of occasionally seeing an Evolution Dragon speak to you when pressing the HOME button on said screen. Moreover, does any other JP wiki makes note of this Easter Egg?

01-15-2024, 06:43 PM
If you don't have Pavonia or Hinoki academy, now is the time.
I picked up Hinoki for 150 FG:bgrin:

01-15-2024, 10:50 PM
Same here. I finally got her. She is worth her gems. Also got a lucky pick with Tarragon NY. Just in case some magical Pavonia appears.

01-16-2024, 07:01 AM
Pavonia is free if you have rainbow medals:grin:

01-16-2024, 09:21 AM
I mean a Magic type girl as good as Pavonia. Not Pavonia herself. Already got mine long time ago. I knew she would be OP.

01-16-2024, 10:09 AM
Maybe they make a new OP Rainbow Rose this year.

01-16-2024, 01:55 PM
It would be nice. I miss the time when RRose was the best girl around. I can't say it was better, but I'd like to get back there for a moment.

01-17-2024, 01:18 PM
Yeah it'd be nice to have another RG option that can at least hold up to the current 6* juggernauts, especially now that events consist solely of one or more 6* Knights + the event 5* Knight. Checking the wiki, it looks like the last time there was an event with a gacha 5* was back in mid-June 2023 when Cinnamon was the gacha 5*, Chervil was the event 5* and Macadamia was the gacha 6*.

01-17-2024, 02:26 PM
Above all, we really need a new rework of the old girls to rebalance everything. RG is only good for a few 5* (well, only Poison Berry is actually really good) and most of the old 6* are worse than the new event 5* RG. There is no point at all in * ranking now.
Actually, only abilities really matters now. Stats, FM, equipements are close to nothing. Even ampule, centies, skill level and affection are secondary. I mean, did you even bother to get all your support girls to lvl120, full high amp and lvl5 skill? I usually don't. I only focus on attackers. Supports can do their support job at lvl80 with regular ampules. And it change almost nothing.
That's just sad. The game is rich with a lot of different mechanics and stuff with infinite potential but everything is crushed under the ability powercreep.

01-17-2024, 03:21 PM
Itll take a rework to make almost all older girls useable again
I still use RG Pincushion and RG Poisonberry both are still pretty good
Still want Bunny Cactus too finally have gems:grin:

01-17-2024, 07:53 PM
Does anyone here know about the HOME screen Easter Egg? The act of occasionally seeing an Evolution Dragon speak to you when pressing the HOME button on said screen. Moreover, does any other JP wiki makes note of this Easter Egg?

Not sure if theres a wiki article with translations and transcript of their voice lines. But we used to get valentines day and christmas cards which sometimes had non flower knights send greetings. There was a thread on here with translated cards from the users here. I think there is also a thread on the jp wiki but of course they are untranslated

01-18-2024, 01:35 PM
9th Anniversary Stream on January 20th @8PM (Jst)


01-22-2024, 03:55 AM
NC! they made the prizes for the gogo wheel 300 rainbow medals, 20 petite centys, and 10 gatcha tickets!
Edit: Dmn seems it will go back to normal after the event...

01-22-2024, 07:02 AM
Well, the event is off to a nice start. I got a 6* II ticket from the daily spin. None of the current-day heavy hitters seem to be there but at least the selection is different than the rainbows found in the 6* coin shop.

01-22-2024, 07:30 AM
Holy shit cant beat any of the 99 event pests. I really do need to save gems for the exclusive non part of regular gatcha units...
Edit: bought the main story part x gatcha and got nighthoggle / nidhogg and fully maxed her with oath, lvl 120 and ampys but still cant win. dmn

01-22-2024, 12:47 PM
Well this funny stage is somehow a tiny bit not easy. It's doable until 5th fight with thoses -90% skill rate pests. I can pss thoses with Tritoma to finish them but I lose my best team in this process. It won't do it until I find a reliable way to beat them (who's not called modern counter). I don't think good old evade team can do the job. And I have to manage speed with precision to get the teams in the right order...

Gacha with limited gacha girls only. Cool. But no ancient knights, world flowers or Riko. Seems some girls are more limited than others :(

01-22-2024, 05:41 PM
Tacca Chantrieri for 5 rolls is a friggin steal if you dont already have her:grin:
I think Ill go for Chili Pepper wont see much use. still looking.
...ended up taking Bay Laurel. She looks to be somebody I can use:grin:

01-22-2024, 08:16 PM
Quiz Dungeons are back and are permanent.

New Answers are here: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Quiz_Dungeon_99!

Page includes links to old answers.

01-23-2024, 03:46 AM
With the second most brainless team possible
For a while, I had good results with Luluna. At least until she fail (not without fighting) on 5th enemy. Even if it didn't worked, that was great to bring her back.

I wonder if they will do a second limited unit gacha with the missing girls. I can understand why Ancient Knights, Nation flowers and outside girls are "too specials" to be in a special limited gacha but how do they justify Bunny Cactus being absent?

01-23-2024, 06:00 PM
yeah I just did 9 was quite a long challenge and fun
and got good use out of Bay Laurel and Zinnia
That Christmas Zinnia you have would have been nice on my team May have to get her when she comes back around
No idea why Bunny Cactus is protected here. There is no good reason I can think of.

01-23-2024, 10:47 PM
Congrats! Bay Laurel is that good?

Bunny Cactus is broken and devs don't want to give her for cheap. Too meta, too good source of money.

01-24-2024, 04:36 AM
This is what I used. Bay Laurel works really good with pierce and Zinnia. Id like to sub christmas in for Adlay if I had her.


01-28-2024, 08:14 AM
Thought I'd retry Hraesvelgr phase 1, lightning apostles again now that I got lvl 120 fully ampied Niddhogg and Zinnia. Was able to clear all the other nodes except for the one with two apostles of thunder with magic weakness. No matter what combo of giels I mix with niddhogg and zinnia I cant seem to get past damage numbers of 30.

When I look up videos of people playing this stage I always see that they all have Bamboo swimsuit to deal with this specific stage. Guess she'll be my top priority to roll for if she ever comes out again along with adlay. Or maybe even regular bamboo plus serket for her counter since I already have her...

01-28-2024, 08:32 AM
When I did it, I think I just threw Zinnia(normal)+Adlay+Sigilaria+Nidhhog+Poison Berry. Steamrolled everything Hraesvelgr related, including the super hyper final boss first try with indecent amount of luck (didn't know it was that hard and I never cleared it again).

02-03-2024, 08:45 PM
Hmmm I wonder if adlay's increase damag based on hp works on retain hp?

02-04-2024, 01:37 AM
Pretty sure it don't. But it definitively works on over limit HP.

02-05-2024, 08:28 PM
14834Anyone able to beat this stage and what teams they used? Cant seem to beat honey suckle ex stage due to the intercept damage. Im guessing youd need hit rate and maybe team skill drain

02-06-2024, 01:40 AM
I did when it came out but I don't remember what team I used. I think I didn't have any troubles. I retried it now with that team:
That my event EX dungeon team btw. Not something built for this specific stage.

It deal with Adlay and Honeysuckle in one turn. I didn't bother to try Zinnia. I know she is not that hard and will fail as the others.
I think we can get the same results with less effectives teams. But I don't know exactly your options.

02-09-2024, 12:09 AM
The 10 stamina map / 100FS is kinda tricky, even my best team couldn't beat it

02-09-2024, 09:10 AM
I wonder how does this work, does this mean I can pick whoever I want ? https://i.imgur.com/NAvoiXV.png

02-09-2024, 10:11 PM
Finally, beat this garbage, I had to summon for Chrimas Zinnia, no wonder Japanese people called it mega-hard difficulty:


02-10-2024, 12:01 AM
Yeah. This map is stupid. A walk in the park if you pack the Zinnias and the few other top tier S++ girls. Extremly hard otherwise.
Congrats on doing it.

Speaking of broken girls, do we have good pierce attackers? The new Strawberry looks nice. Usually, monotype teams are hard to build efficiently but considering Zinnias are pierces, it could be an exception.

02-10-2024, 12:18 AM
Bunny Cactus seems to be a must-have at this point, it's so annoying those skill debuff foes but her having 100% skill activation rate no matter what in the world happened is game changing.

02-10-2024, 12:28 AM
I guess she is yeah. Fortunatly, I got her already. And she is one of the most broken girl around. Especially with XMas Zinnia as support.

02-10-2024, 06:02 AM
I think I like that 9th anniversary map, it's challenging but doable if players know how to build team with perfect speed so their:
1st team will do 1,2,3,4
2nd team do 5, then succide to 6
1st do the rest

The 2nd team should be a counter team and this team eat 5th fight alive.

But building team with perfect speed like that is painful.
I did something like that once, almost cleared but then I changed my team and lost all the changes.

I'm gonna send positive feedback about this fight.

02-11-2024, 03:36 AM
I just checked my unit list and somehow I found a Tacca Chantrieri in my garden, did they gift all players a Tacca for free or did I summoned her but didn't know ? :D

I guess it's best to pair her with Pavonia then, if she's still best best Blunt attacker ?

02-11-2024, 05:56 AM
They never gave Tacca. You got lucky. As far as I know, Pavonia is still the best Blue attacker and the best attacker in the game. But I consider Bunny Cactus more aggressive and better for the real thing. Pavonia really shines on teest your strengh bosses during raid boss events.

02-13-2024, 04:23 AM
Belle's attack stat is abyssmal. even lower than sigilaria. Is there any point in even boosting her attack stat with ampies? or rather I already fully ampied up her health and defense stats. If I fully ampy her attack stat (with even the 6star or rainbow lion ampies), is there like a bonus to her defense and health if all three of her upgradable stats are fully ampied?

02-13-2024, 05:02 AM
Yup beat the mothra heavenly guardian pest stage that I was stuck on using belle and serket together. Counter really is still useful in some situations.
Edit: okay seems my new limit is to beat 120 stamina mothra. I think based on vids of other people doing this stage that I'm missing Adlay and maybe bunny cactus.

02-13-2024, 02:48 PM
Yup beat the mothra heavenly guardian pest stage that I was stuck on using belle and serket together. Counter really is still useful in some situations.
Edit: okay seems my new limit is to beat 120 stamina mothra. I think based on vids of other people doing this stage that I'm missing Adlay and maybe bunny cactus.

Belle looks interesting to make a good counter team. Its been awhile since those were playable. I would get BV in there if you got them too and see if that helps. Hell she might make Kerria playable again. Probably not. I got low stones and I want the christmas banner oh well.

02-13-2024, 04:52 PM
Belle looks interesting to make a good counter team. Its been awhile since those were playable. I would get BV in there if you got them too and see if that helps. Hell she might make Kerria playable again. Probably not. I got low stones and I want the christmas banner oh well.

BV? All I can think of is Bergamot Valley

02-13-2024, 05:49 PM
yeah the extra kickers for Bergamot Valley team
Shes good without them but its worth trying if you can
Lot of good knights are BV. Even has good RG

02-15-2024, 07:38 AM
Yup beat the mothra heavenly guardian pest stage that I was stuck on using belle and serket together. Counter really is still useful in some situations.
Edit: okay seems my new limit is to beat 120 stamina mothra. I think based on vids of other people doing this stage that I'm missing Adlay and maybe bunny cactus.

I think beating 120 stamina probably doesn't require Adlay, because the boss hits so hard, it's a oneshot anyways so you can choose a high DPS support instead and live off guts stacks,

This is my farm team, I could rid of Adlay because I cleared once without her:


02-15-2024, 05:12 PM
I think beating 120 stamina probably doesn't require Adlay, because the boss hits so hard, it's a oneshot anyways so you can choose a high DPS support instead and live off guts stacks,

This is my farm team, I could rid of Adlay because I cleared once without her:


Hmmm I actually have almost all of the same knight except for chirstmas zinnia. I'm actually able to get up to the third form using poisonberry anemone june bride zinnia makino and nighthoggle/nidhogg girl. I was able to get it up to 75% hp before they died then down to 25% using belle serket jack in the pulpit great burnet new year and Dwarf lilytuff + BV knights in the other two teams.

I'm sorta saving gems for right now for other knights so I dont think I'll be getting chirstmas zinnia and wasnt able to get her after 3 - 11 pulls. But im really tempted though. Very rare to have a support give attack buffs and skill activation and that amount of guts.... Maybe in her third reprint banner?

Cool to see someone beating the boss this way though!

02-15-2024, 10:41 PM
Xmas Zinnia is one of the absolute top tier right now. It's worth getting her.

02-19-2024, 03:50 AM
Nice wife


Also here are the Decisive Vote results: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/9th_Anniversary_Popularity_Poll!#What_Characters_G et

02-20-2024, 05:20 AM
She's a quite good healer, mini-Adlay I guess pretty good for Adlay-less players.

02-29-2024, 01:22 AM
the new Queen of the Night should be good with Belle right? Unless we want something with more punch and damages buffs instead of attack, skill and def? I'm so far from the meta counter. I lost track of it long time ago and still think like good old Kerria/Saffron days.

02-29-2024, 04:41 AM
I think almost every counter team builder agrees on Swimsuit Bamboo as a requirement. Then some counter damage boosting knights like Wood sorrel swimsuit or oxalis swimsuit, christmas pink plus some recovery (makino and dwarf lilytuff). Some people are anticipating there will be more pests in the future with resistance to counter damage I think? after Mothra's egg or second form? Theres a lot of people discussing counter teams on the jp fkg wiki's belle page

Either way I got her. For Belle's high defense and I plan on teaming them up with Swimsuit Bamboo and Adlay if there ever is a reprint. All those defense buffs I think will be converted thnx to Queen of the night

03-04-2024, 02:38 AM
Nice wife


03-04-2024, 11:25 AM
She is nice upgrade, congratulations.:grin:
I still dont have enough gems, so still using Iwarenge on a complete purple team.:cry:

03-04-2024, 01:11 PM
...man, I just rebuilt my gem hoard back to a decent level and now there's a new version of Ume. Well, worst case scenario I'll be back around 110 gems by the time I roll her.

03-08-2024, 01:30 PM
Well it took six rolls but I have Doll Fest Ume along with a gift in the second roll:


I appreciate that both their basic art and evolved art can be set side by side to make a whole picture.

03-09-2024, 07:16 PM
Good Job!:grin:

03-11-2024, 04:23 AM
I appreciate that both their basic art and evolved art can be set side by side to make a whole picture.

Their evo arts are combined in the new FM: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/FM_1000219

03-11-2024, 12:12 PM
Nice. Makes me wonder if their bloomed art (provided they both get it) will be two halves of a single scene as well. Some to think of it, I checked in the garden just now and some of their special animations are also set up to work together.

03-11-2024, 12:55 PM
Me *want to draw Sakura Doll*
FKG *Bunny Bloss*
*Intense hesitation*

03-13-2024, 06:02 PM
With the new Sakura, that makes 60 maxed wives for me.

03-13-2024, 11:36 PM
That's a pretty big harem. You can be proud.

Got my Bunny Bloss in two shots:
That was lucky.

03-14-2024, 05:25 AM
congrats to the both of ya!

03-14-2024, 06:11 PM
Yeah grats. I was going to try for Bunny Bloss but I'm a little low on gems now that I spent 300 on picking up Doll Fest Ume and Sakura... although I'll probably do a single 11 roll anyways just in case I get lucky.

In other news, it's looking like something with FKG and Mist Train Girls might happen some time this year. I just finished watching Mist's 3.5 year anniversary stream on Youtube and near the end a certain graphic popped up:

I wonder if it'll be an actual event or if it's just another Flower Memory (FKG) and PT Skill (Mist) set like with the Kuma-san collabs.

04-14-2024, 07:48 AM
Well, the next in-game event in MST is starring some familiar faces:


It'll probably start within the next day or two given that the current event is set to end later today.

04-15-2024, 04:02 PM
Appears that you can make a decent team out of the MTG's too. If you got gems and can manage to get them.

Kings cross would be a nice upgrade for me from Iwarenge but she kinda makes my Hinoki academy useless though so im gonna pass.

04-15-2024, 06:46 PM
I'm hoping I roll Yoshino even if she doesn't end up being super powerful. She's one of my favorites and it helps that she's one of the Train Knights who has a strong flower connection (Somei-Yoshino/Yoshino cherry is a very popular cultivar of cherry tree planted around the world and cherry blossoms show up in a quite a few of Yoshino's character artworks).

I'm kinda bummed Ohana (https://misttraingirls.wiki.gg/wiki/Ohana) didn't show up in FKG as well as she has a strong connection to moss pink/phlox (almost all of her artwork has moss phlox in it, one of her favorite things is moss phlox, her mother's name is Shibazakura which just happens to be another name for moss phlox, etc).

04-24-2024, 07:10 PM
That new girl Sun, I am getting her. Time to try solar again:grin:

04-25-2024, 12:05 AM
The +5000 solar damage sounds stupid. I like this. I would get her, if I could get King's Cross before :angry:

04-25-2024, 05:26 AM
I'd like to do a single roll just in case I luck out but I'm low on gems again since I had to use the ticket from eleven rolls of the first event gacha in order to get Yoshino. I've had the same lack of luck over on Mist - eleven rolls combined of the two event gachas there and no SSR/6* Flower Knights.

04-28-2024, 11:43 AM
Getting that power seed VI bonus wasn't exactly easy. Used a ticket I still had to get Godetia and using a couple of RG
to get that full Banana Ocean team.

EDIT: Coral Bush and Zinnia (Life Tree's Blessing), Bunny Cactus, Zinnia Christmas and Turep I could use all of them to upgrade teams.


I found I had Flame Lily being unused, so built her up to use for some more skill act. Took out Rainbow Rose Swimsuit.

Bessera I had never used before, found that she's a pretty good support girl.:grin:

04-30-2024, 11:35 AM
Nice wife


Also new feature:

And current minigame:

04-30-2024, 04:49 PM
That's a good girl there. Congrats!:grin:

05-02-2024, 05:27 AM
Hi guys. I got this one with 1 Roll on her Gacha (kinda had a gut feeling i would get her).

Do you have any tips how to use her? Building a Squad of at least 19 BO Girls is kinda tough and unfortunately a lot of them are mediocre at best.

The best ones i have are Rainbow Rose Swimsuit, All Versions of Zinnia, Coral Bush NY, Coral Bush (Life Tree Bleesing), Godetia, Poison Berry, Tacca and Turep.

I think at least aiming for 9 BO Girls for Seed Level IV would be a good idea?

You guys who have her, how do you use her atm?


05-02-2024, 02:29 PM
RG the rest of the solar squad Kiwi, German Iris, Coral bush bride all of those for the skill act component is why I would choose those.
There are many other choices like Hibiscus, Casablanca and Morning Glory without the skill act.
The problem is they all are placeholders until I get Coral Bush (Life Tree's Blessing) and Zinnia (Life Tree's Blessing) to make a full rainbow squad with Fill the Light Gauge by 100% instead of 50%. Also don't forget FMs, the 5* ones are fine for the job if thats all you got. Heck you may have a old rainbow ticket and can get Coral Bush OG easily.

Id try to get the seed level where you can make all decent squads which will take experimentation. Hydrangea is another good rarity growth to use on a team to get some pep out of it.:grin:

The transform team with Rye is pretty solid. I think a team with Bunny Cactus would be too. Im just trying to make the best out of the full BO team for fun.
EDIT wondering if and when I get the native rainbow team would it be a good idea to run a RG solar team too to increase those bonuses for Seed lvl VI? Hope to know someday.

05-07-2024, 05:01 PM
>7313 guests viewing harem battle club today

Data breach?

05-13-2024, 04:07 PM
The event girl Staghorn_Fern is a useable upgrade on my Banana Ocean transform team:grin:

05-20-2024, 06:02 AM
Shooting glass boss is insane! I have no idea how we are supposed to beat her...

05-20-2024, 05:31 PM
it's time to use a VPN again, or not if you only play FKG on a smartphone.

05-20-2024, 08:05 PM
The new Banana Ocean girl is really good. She cost me a pity though:cry:
She is worth it, like a transform team by herself. Have to use vpn yeah for fanza they seem to have done region lock today or can use SFW site still without it.

05-21-2024, 01:11 PM
RIP Cattleya+Vervain.

Shooting glass boss is insane! I have no idea how we are supposed to beat her...
What shooting glass boss? The new Star Rush boss on the 120 stamina stage?

05-21-2024, 03:15 PM
VPN is needed today to get into both sites


I used my banana ocean team that has Star Rush and Sun on it to beat the 120 Star Rush boss.
The Ring it gives you boosts Star Rush even more!!:grin:

05-22-2024, 01:19 AM
This week DMM started geo blocking the mobile version of DMM Games Store, so a VPN is now required to access their content.

05-22-2024, 03:17 AM
RIP Cattleya+Vervain.

What shooting glass boss? The new Star Rush boss on the 120 stamina stage?

yup that one. used the google translated name from the jp wiki.
Was also able to beat her but it took rolling for her (110 rolls I might add T_T) and I rolled for witch of light crepis too for extra skill damage to comit fully into the skill damage team

05-22-2024, 10:52 AM
I didn't know she was supposed to be difficult. I steamrolled this stage with my Sun and almost banana regular farming team. It's made out Sun, Coral Bush & Godetia for solar blast, Mimosa for extra solar blast & negate damages and Habranthus for extra banana & negate damages. Solar blast dropped Star Rush to guts and she killed herself few turn after on Habranthus counter. She is bad or solar blast with Sun is absurdly broken.

05-23-2024, 06:39 AM
I didn't know she was supposed to be difficult. I steamrolled this stage with my Sun and almost banana regular farming team. It's made out Sun, Coral Bush & Godetia for solar blast, Mimosa for extra solar blast & negate damages and Habranthus for extra banana & negate damages. Solar blast dropped Star Rush to guts and she killed herself few turn after on Habranthus counter. She is bad or solar blast with Sun is absurdly broken.

can confirm a solar blast with sun and rest being BO girls drop her health down to guts. When I first fought her I couldnt get her down to guts using two zinnias and nidhogg girl and adley

05-23-2024, 10:29 AM
Didn't need to switch VPN to Tokyo today. Don't know what their deal is.
Anyway bought the Rainbow ticket deal and picked up The Bunny girl and Turep off my want list.:grin:

06-13-2024, 09:47 AM
Free gacha was good today:bgrin:

10 yen deal got me back to 500:grin:

06-24-2024, 07:55 AM
Nice wives


06-24-2024, 02:30 PM
Nice. I've been trying to pick up swimsuit Sigillaria but no luck so far. At least the event shop has flower gems as something you can buy so I was able to offset half the cost of one of the rolls.

06-24-2024, 07:26 PM
Congrats. Hard to believe there are two more banana ocean upgrades right now. No balance.
I will RG Shell Ginger too and use her to upgrade Sneezeweed Easter.
I like the new version of Turep a lot, but saving gems for the Zinnia alt reprints.

06-25-2024, 09:30 AM
Thanks! And yeah, remember to get those gems in the event wares.

06-27-2024, 09:14 AM
Did they already remove the 10 DMM pts pack? I thought it was supposed to last until july 16th.

06-27-2024, 12:39 PM
Looks like it. Mine is greyed out but shows regular price now.
Event shop has 25 though.:grin:

06-27-2024, 01:11 PM
I already got them. But I wanted thoses almost free gems. The durrent DMM roulette campaign refuse to give me my points (guess we need to wait until the end haha) and by the time I collect them with daily DMM missions, it's gone. Sucks -_-

07-01-2024, 08:48 AM
Nice wife


07-22-2024, 05:15 PM
Here's an explanation for the new event type: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Rhythm

And also for the new feature that I assume is permanent: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Love_Meter

07-23-2024, 02:20 AM
Thanks for your contribution <3
This love meter system is a bit weird. You says characters get EXP if they are vice-leader. I guess they have to be the number one main vice-leader. I got no EXP on my secondary vice-leaders.
Then, you can only access the Love Meters with girls you've done Eternal Oath but I'm pertty sure I've accessed the love meter of girls without Eternal Oath. I can't confirm right now as the game is under surprise maintenance...
I hope this system will be reworked to get EXP even if the vice leader does not participate in missions. Your waifu is not always a good unit or fit in your teams :/

On another hand, is there some hero to save us for the new super boss?

07-23-2024, 08:51 AM
Thanks for your contribution <3
This love meter system is a bit weird. You says characters get EXP if they are vice-leader. I guess they have to be the number one main vice-leader. I got no EXP on my secondary vice-leaders.
Then, you can only access the Love Meters with girls you've done Eternal Oath but I'm pertty sure I've accessed the love meter of girls without Eternal Oath. I can't confirm right now as the game is under surprise maintenance...
I hope this system will be reworked to get EXP even if the vice leader does not participate in missions. Your waifu is not always a good unit or fit in your teams :/

On another hand, is there some hero to save us for the new super boss?

Thanks. Just made a clarification on the page that units require Oath Affection unlocked, rather than Eternal Oath. Also that it only applies to the #1 Vice-Leader, the other Vice-Leaders don't seem to get anything.

As for getting EXP for my waifu, I just stick them in any team being used since most of the stages I farm (Memory Dungeons, Worm stages, Event stages) are easy for any rainbow. Also using Skip Tickets will always give EXP to the #1 Vice-Leader.

07-23-2024, 09:57 PM
anyone beat the new ex mizuworm 120 stamina mission ? my team of shooting star and 2 zinnias couldnt get past the first node with the mizuworm personas and my other teams just die from the boss's first turns and cant deal enough damage to get past 10

07-23-2024, 10:39 PM
Same. My best results are good old intercept but dealing damages one by one would takes years. And by looking at the stage, I'm pretty sure you're forced to beat them at least twice with two differetn teams and keep at least 3 teams alive to reach the goal. Evil.

Little note about the love meter: Art the end of Worms stages (for farming medals), you don't have the heart icon to check the love meter progression like any other stages. But your girl still get love EXP if she's part of it.

09-10-2024, 06:33 AM
huh seems like citrus and intercept is the way to beat the mizu worm missions based on youtube videos from japanese players. doubt whether counter can beat them which makes them kinda irrelevant again in its already brief momment in the sun when belle and mizu bamboo