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View Full Version : Return of the Dragon Princess Revival event guide

12-20-2016, 06:12 AM
Good timeofaday, brave Princes! It is that time of the week again, so finally, after the week of wait, we have a second half of a event for Black rarity (Dragon) Princess, the one and only Anya! Well, technically for Echidna, but we all know who is the real star here ;)
So let's relive the Return of the Dragon Princess!

Revival runs: 2016-12-20 to 2016-12-27

This is a Moment Crystal collection event. You farm event maps for special Moment Crystal drops and use it to buy event target(s) from Trading Post.
http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/2/24/Aria_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/140?cb=20150525212115 http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/b/bb/Dorania_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/270?cb=20160710184904
http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/4/46/Fleur_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/149?cb=20150822020653 http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/a/a7/Echidna_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/210?cb=20150521013317

(Re)Introducing the Dragon Shaman Echidna (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Echidna). First (and currently only) of her special class (meaning, no class evolution necessary), Echidna is a healer-mage hybrid who is normally seen healing injured allies, but piss her off and she pops her skill to unleash her draconic heritage and become a fireball-breathing killing machine ;) Awakening makes her strengthen all draconic units' health and defense by merely being in the team. And yes, that includes Dragon Riders like Lucille) Skill Awakening whenever it will come to us, turns her into all-healer, restoring health of every unit in range and even buffing defense for draconic units in range as a bonus!

For completeness's sake, as they are still part of the Event Trading Post,
(Re)Introducing the Lieutenant Aria (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Aria). She may be only Gold rarity, and not as tanky as Katie, but she has better attack and, more importantly for Reinforcement soldier, can be min-costed. Awakening gives her ability to improve party's attack power a little (2%) by simply being in team. And Skill Awakening makes her so much worse in her primary role of a ramp that it might as well not exist :P

Likewise, (Re)Introducing the Sealed Dorania (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Dorania). He (yes, he) might be the first Black rarity event character, but not many would ever put him on the team, as he is capped at level 30. But that is because he was never intended to fight on his own! Right, his only purpose in life is to be reborn into everybody's favorite Black Dragon Princess, Anya!

To make that possible, (Re)Introducing the Spirit of Time Fleur. This fairy can reduce the cost of any unit she is fed to with 100% guarantee! Unfortunately, only one can be obtained per event cycle, and she is necessary component of Class Evolution (or rather, Unsealing) of Dorania into Anya, so if you are new, cost reductions will have to wait.

Last but not least, (Re)Introducing the star of this show, the one, the only, Black Dragon Princess Anya (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Anya)! A Princess who can block two and (after Awakening) attack them as well. Her Skill, trusty "Holy Blade Ascalon" cuts all (but magical) incoming damage in half! Awakening ability grants her 20% MR. Skill Awakening, whenever it will come to us, turns her skill from defensive into offensive, granting her ability to attack all enemies in range with double the power.

http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/b/bf/Aria_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160708004336 http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/c/c8/Aria_AW_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160708004535
http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/8/86/Echidna_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160710183336 http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/4/41/Echidna_AW_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160710183452
http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/c/c5/Anya_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160704190929 http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/8/8a/Anya_AW_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160704190942

Noted enemies:

┌───────────┬─── ─────────┬────── ┬──────┬──────┬─ ───┬─────┬────── ──────────────┐
│ Name │ Attack type │ HP │ Atk │ Def │ MR │ AS │ Notes │
╞═══════════╪═══ ═════════╪══════ ╪══════╪══════╪═ ═══╪═════╪══════ ══════════════╡
│ Lizard (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/6/6b/Lizard_Swordsman.png/revision/latest?cb=20160410200426) │ Physical │ 420 - │ 210 -│ 50 │ 0 │ 48 │ Is a dragon │
│ swordsman │ Melee │ - 600 │- 300 │ 50 │ 0 │ │ Fast │
├───────────┼─── ─────────┼────── ┼──────┼──────┼─ ───┼─────┼────── ──────────────┤
│ Lizard (http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/6/65/Lizard_Spearman.png/revision/latest?cb=20160410200406) │ Physical │ 600 - │ 300 -│ 150 │ 0 │ 170 │ Is a dragon │
│ spearman │ Melee │ -1000 │- 500 │ 150 │ 0 │ │ (Claudia delights) │
├───────────┼─── ─────────┼────── ┼──────┼──────┼─ ───┼─────┼────── ──────────────┤
│ Lizard (http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/0/0b/Lizard_Knight.png/revision/latest?cb=20160410200349) │ Physical │ 900 - │ 360 -│ 150 │ 0 │ 86 │ Is a dragon │
│ knight │ Melee │- 1000 │- 400 │ 150 │ 0 │ │ Fast │
├───────────┼─── ─────────┼────── ┼──────┼──────┼─ ───┼─────┼────── ──────────────┤
│ Lizard (http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/c/c5/Lizard_Axe_Thrower.png/revision/latest?cb=20160410200335) │ Physical │ 540 - │ 300 │ 0 │ 0 │ 130 │ Is a dragon │
│ AxeThrower│ Ranged │ - 600 │ 300 │ 0 │ 0 │ │ Fast'ish │
├───────────┼─── ─────────┼────── ┼──────┼──────┼─ ───┼─────┼────── ──────────────┤
│ Dragon (http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/4/4d/Dragon_Soldier.png/revision/latest?cb=20160410200319) │ Physical │ 2800 -│ 490 -│ 300 │ 0 │ 190 │ Is a dragon │
│ Warrior │ Melee │- 4000 │- 700 │ 300 │ 0 │ │ (Claudia delights) │
├───────────┼─── ─────────┼────── ┼──────┼──────┼─ ───┼─────┼────── ──────────────┤
│GreenDragon (http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/2/26/Dragon_Mage_green.png/revision/latest?cb=20150914185906)│ Magical AoE │ 800 - │ 230 │ 120 │ 0 │ 170 │ Is a dragon │
│ Mage │ Ranged (160)│- 1000 │ 230 │ 120 │ │ │ (Claudia delights) │
├───────────┼─── ─────────┼────── ┼──────┼──────┼─ ───┼─────┼────── ──────────────┤
│ Red Dragon (http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/f/fb/Dragon_Mage_red.png/revision/latest?cb=20160908053935)│ Magical AoE │ 4800 -│ 400 │ 400 │ 0 │ 170 │ Is a dragon │
│ Mage │ Ranged (160)│- 6000 │ 400 │ 400 │ │ │ (Claudia delights) │
├───────────┼─── ─────────┼────── ┼──────┼──────┼─ ───┼─────┼────── ──────────────┤
│ Dragon │ Physical │ 7200 -│ 540 -│ 500 │ 0 │ 181 │ Is a dragon │
│ King (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/9/9d/Dragon_King.png/revision/latest?cb=20160908053758) │ Melee │- 8000 │- 750 │ 500 │ │ │ (Claudia delights) │
├───────────┼─── ─────────┼────── ┼──────┼──────┼─ ───┼─────┼────── ──────────────┤
│ Grand (http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/2/24/The_Grand_Elder.png/revision/latest?cb=20160908053636)│ Magical AoE │ 8100 -│ 300 │ 300 │ 0 │ 300 │ Is a dragon │
│ Elder │ Ranged (160)│- 9000 │ 300 │ 300 │ │ │ (Claudia delights) │
├───────────┼─── ─────────┼────── ┼──────┼──────┼─ ───┼─────┼────── ──────────────┤
│ Black │ Magical all │ 40000 │ 1000 │ 300 │ 0 │ 300 │ Is a dragon │
│ GrandElder (https://i.gyazo.com/07ebca51f9a4815b47e8911fcbd5b8fc.png)│ Ranged (160)│ │ │ │ │ │ attacks all in range│
└───────────┴─── ─────────┴────── ┴──────┴──────┴─ ───┴─────┴────── ──────────────┘

Stat intervals are with respect to correction multipliers. Last values are for 1.0 correction (90/12 map).
Stat correction: Fugitive: 0.6; A New Invasion: 0.7; Melee: 0.7; Dragonewt 2: 0.8; Ryujin King 2: 0.9; The World of Darkness: 0.9; The Dragon's Nest: 0.9; Depths of the Earth: 0.9; The Grand Elder: 0.9; Surprize Attack of Cunning Dragons: 1.0.


The Fugitive

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 10 ║ Experience │ 20 ║ Initial UP │ 15 ║ Max deploy │ 6 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 0 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 450 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 23 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Who is the person who suddenly appears being chased by the ryujins? A new battle begins.
Gimmick: -
Map: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/9291b08d3d787dd8.png

Drops: -
Moment Crystals: -

A New Invasion

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 20 ║ Experience │ 100 ║ Initial UP │ 20 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 1 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 750 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 38 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Fight against the renewed invasion of the dragon men!
Gimmick: -

Drops: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/378087cc0bb9d515.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/da8660b4bbc6fe2d.png
Moment Crystals: 1x, 1x


┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 30 ║ Experience │ 200 ║ Initial UP │ 20 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 2 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1200 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 63 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Seize victory agianst the intensifying attacks of dragon men!
Gimmick: -
Map: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/a619cb0798375ef2.png

Drops: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/378087cc0bb9d515.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/da8660b4bbc6fe2d.png
Moment Crystals: 1x, 1x, 1x

Dragonewt 2

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 40 ║ Experience │ 300 ║ Initial UP │ 20 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 2 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1500 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 49 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Once more strong enemies are attacking the Temple. Protect your home from Dragonewts!
Gimmick: -
Map: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/e9f8bb417cacf730.png

Drops: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/378087cc0bb9d515.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/da8660b4bbc6fe2d.png
Moment Crystals: 3x

Ryujin King 2

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 70 ║ Experience │ 400 ║ Initial UP │ 40 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 3 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1800 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 87 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Defeat the ambitions of the dragon people in the final battle aboveground!
Gimmick: -


Drops: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/378087cc0bb9d515.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/da8660b4bbc6fe2d.png
Moment Crystals: 3x, 3x

The World of Darkness

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 30 ║ Experience │ 250 ║ Initial UP │ 10 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 3 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1500 ║ Life │ 5 ║ Enemies │ 61 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Breach the caves who were home to invading dragon men!
Gimmick: -
Map: http://gyazo.com/0a9d42535b0486f187973240159f5720.png


Drops: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/378087cc0bb9d515.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/da8660b4bbc6fe2d.png
Moment Crystals: 3x, 3x

The Dragon's Nest

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 35 ║ Experience │ 400 ║ Initial UP │ 20 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 4 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1800 ║ Life │ 5 ║ Enemies │ 49 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Infiltrate the nest of Dragon Men and do what you must!
Gimmick: -
Map: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/a0973c1e48fecd92.png


Drops: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/378087cc0bb9d515.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/da8660b4bbc6fe2d.png
Moment Crystals: 3x, 3x, 3x

Depths of the Earth

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 40 ║ Experience │ 350 ║ Initial UP │ 30 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 5 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1950 ║ Life │ 5 ║ Enemies │ 64 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

All-out battle with the main army of ryujin it the depths of the Earth!
Gimmick: -
Map: Decisive battle with the Ryuujin's king / Defeat the enemy army pouring in!


Drops: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/378087cc0bb9d515.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/da8660b4bbc6fe2d.png
Moment Crystals: 5x, 5x, 5x, 5x

The Grand Elder

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 50 ║ Experience │ 400 ║ Initial UP │ 30 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 5 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 2250 ║ Life │ 5 ║ Enemies │ 80 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

To open the path to the better future of for men and ryujin... Face the wrath of the Grand Elder himself!
Gimmick: -
Map: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/7806a13fbd90112f.png


Drops: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/378087cc0bb9d515.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/da8660b4bbc6fe2d.png
Moment Crystals: 5x, 5x

Attack of the Chiryu G

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬─────┐
│ Charisma │ 90 ║ Experience │ 450 ║ Initial UP │ 10 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼─────┤
│ Stamina │ 12 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 3300 ║ Life │ 20 ║ Enemies │ 115 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴─────┘

Being invited into the depths of caves by Grand Elder... Endure the ambush of dragon men and mount the counterattack!
Gimmick: Increased enemy speed
Map: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/7806a13fbd90112f.png






Drops: -
Moment Crystals: 3x, 3x, 3x, 5x, 5x, 5x

Comments about the event
Seeing as it is a revival of an rather ancient event, maps should pose no real problem for any developed army, not to mention Awakened one :D Do note however that enemies are numerous, and there are only five life points on some maps, so be careful to not let anybody slip by.) Still, new 90/12 map can be challenging, so take care.
Your main aim her is to grind up as many Moment Crystals as possible. Not only they are needed to buy the copies of event target units, but they also carry over to the next revival. Unfortunately, nearly all maps have rather low payoff. 90/12 map is quite good tho.

All maps but first and last drop Silver Dragon Officer Gadoras and Bronze Ryujin Soldier needed for Anya's unsealing and Anya's (and Echidna's awakening). You need grand total of 3 Gadoras for that, so guaranteed drops will have you covered. Gadoras is also a proud owner of vaulted Increase Attack III / IV skill utilized by quite a number of Shrine units, so is a valid farming target, if you give up on farming MCs on 90/12)
No other silvers or drops to hunt for.(

Revival MC Shop:

Aria - 70 (50 for subsequent);
Dorania - 300 (250 for subsequent, as long as you didn't turn first copy into Anya)
Fleur - 500 (only one copy)
Echidna - 150 (100 for subsequent)

You should be having some MCs in the pocket already, from farming the "Ryuujin Invasion" maps, so proceed accordingly to what you need to buy.
Unspent MCs stay with you and can be used in subsequent Revival Shops to buy other Star / Collection event units.

New Characters Arriving

Note: This is based off of current JP version stats for perfected units.

Ferocious Beast Uru (http://aigis.wikia.com/wiki/Ur)

┌─────┬──────╥── ────┬──────┐
│ HP │ 2718 ║ Range │melee │
├─────┼──────╫── ────┼──────┤
│ Atk │ 782 ║ Block │ 2 │
├─────┼──────╫── ────┼──────┤
│ Def │ 252 ║ Cost │ 11 │
├─────┼──────╫── ────┼──────┤
│ MR │ 0 ║ │ │
└─────┴──────╨── ────┴──────┘

Skill: Rush!: 20s; post-attack delay is shortened (attack speed up); AS: 31; WT: 15; CT: 30
Awakened Ability: Auto Heal: HP gradually recovers (20HP/0.5s. Disabled by paralysis).
Awakened Skill (NI): Spinning Claw: ; attack and HP 2.2x ; true damage; skill weakened afterwards (*2nd use: Atk and HP 1.6x; 3rd and rest: 1.2x); AS: 53; WT: 15; CT: 30

New Classes Being Introduced

They REALLY going out for a Christmas! :cool:

ЗЫ. Links:

MWAWiki (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Return_of_the_Dragon_Princess) (EN)
Seesaa (http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/d/%ce%b5%c9%b1%a4%ce%c9%fc%b3%e8) (JP)
GCWiki (http://aigis.gcwiki.info/?%CE%B5%C9%B1%A4%CE%C9%FC%B3%E8) (JP)
WikiWiki (http://wikiwiki.jp/aigiszuki/?%CE%B5%C9%B1%A4%CE%C9%FC%B3%E8) (JP)


Q: Do I need to buy more than one Dorania / Anya to min-cost my Anya Prime?
A: No, Anya will be at her minimal possible cost the moment you obtain her, and is not affected by Dorania's cost.

Q: Will Anya be at maximum skill level as well?
A: No, Anya will be at skill level 1.

Q: WHAT?! They expect me to make multiple Anyas to raise her skill?!
A: No. Christia, Rainbow Spirit, exist exactly for that.

Q: 800 MC for one Anya?! 1020 MC for em all?!! That's insane!!!
A: Wanna go Black? Cough up some Sacred Crystals. But remember, there will be second "half" of this event at 20th-27th, so you will have additional week to grind up necessary MCs.
Anyway, spending 15~20 SC is par the course when you want to min-cost a Item Collection unit)

Q: Is it me or drop rates are good? I got everything on the first try!
A: 100% drop rates for the first drop are indeed a thing now. Second and subsequent drops are with regular rates. Also, if you already had received the drop at the original event run (or even at earlier revival), you will not have a guaranteed drop when you run the map at revival

Q: Speaking of drop rates, specifically for Moment Crystals...
A: Unknown at the moment. But it appears that 90/12 have >90% drop rates and seems to be the best map to farm them.

Q: What will happen to unspent Moment Crystals when event ends?
A: You will keep all unspent MCs and will be able to use them to purchase target units in other MC Revivals. And yes, that meant pre-grinding for future events is possible.

Q: Can I buy more than one Fleur, Spirit of Time? Pretty please?
A: NO.

12-20-2016, 06:19 AM
That black elder is no joke. It's even stronger than the black dragon in Claudia's event. Speaking of which, I might just have to bring out Claudia for this.

But yeah, the 90/12 in general is pretty rough this time around. Not only is the map difficult for lightning rod/healer placement, but the beginning is pretty tight on UP. I came in woefully understaffed on my first few blind runs.

Jay Rich
12-20-2016, 06:45 AM
Hmmm, was running this event with my second team after reading this once my stamina is recharged I think I will bring my A team in for this one. Sounds very challenging and I usually don't do well on...

12-20-2016, 07:56 AM
Managed to 3 star everything today. I didn't think I'd be able to 3 star the last one (I could farm it on 1-2 tar runs ok) but a slight change (and a look at Key Kii's video) got me through. Flamel is truly amazing on an open map like this!

Cheers to the Devs for 4 star challenges. Those should tip me over the top (plus if we get an event next week) so total SC spending this month is 100.

Now I'm at my next predicament. I have what I need to get Anya. Do I max level Doriana first or is there no need?

Edit : comments on Doriana's page on the wiki had the answer. Need to max level.

12-20-2016, 08:10 AM
Depths of the earth and dragons nest videos are swapped.

12-20-2016, 09:09 AM
The black grandelder dragon is a dick
I got it blocked and saw that 2 healers woulnt cut it so i placed a third one and holly shit it attacked the healer INSTEAD of the unit blocking him D:

Other than that, since i cannot get a second fleur and i decided to not get a second Anya, i guess i will just farm 90/12 with natural regen and with the spare charisma i will do/try the 4star challenges

nice overall

12-20-2016, 09:39 AM
Depths of the earth and dragons nest videos are swapped.

While they are swapped, it's more that the maps in our revival version got mixed up. The videos show how it should be.

12-20-2016, 10:36 AM
Dragon's Nest is even easier if you place a Pirate by the closest Ranged spot to the spawn point, it's like a safety measure if you have doubts your duelist by the mid of the rushes, but even so not needed at all.

I do have a doubt with the 90/12 map, two soldiers is the ideal because of the UP generation (Aria and Katie are a plus) but I wonder if replacing Phyllis with say Shuka? -2 to all costs after she's placed, can help take down the early mobs easily far easier, the only bad point between Phyllis and Shuka is cost, but still I think Shuka has the stats to handle those rushes far more easier than Phyllis.

12-20-2016, 11:00 AM
I luv Echidna's design

12-20-2016, 03:12 PM
*stares at final map*

Crap, I'm such an idiot, why didn't I grind out MC with the last event. This map looks horrendous.

12-20-2016, 03:54 PM
*stares at final map*

Crap, I'm such an idiot, why didn't I grind out MC with the last event. This map looks horrendous.

I have no idea if phase 1 or 2 were easier and if drop rates were higher in phase 2 or 1. I know for sure that I will struggle since I couldn't 3 star the last map in phase 1.

12-20-2016, 04:34 PM
What's with the Elder? That's no freaking AoE! He literally hit Minerva by the top left AND Aisha in the middle bottom slot at once (wasn't blocked at the time, so Main Target should have been Minerva. Yet near the end, he didn't hit Uzume until after he'd killed Prince who was in front of Jerome (who was above Uzume). WTF?

12-20-2016, 08:56 PM
I haven't got dat far yet

Next one is Dragon's Nest 4 me

Shit, Elder looks sum ugly Yugioh MOFO

12-20-2016, 11:07 PM
What's with the Elder? That's no freaking AoE! He literally hit Minerva by the top left AND Aisha in the middle bottom slot at once (wasn't blocked at the time, so Main Target should have been Minerva. Yet near the end, he didn't hit Uzume until after he'd killed Prince who was in front of Jerome (who was above Uzume). WTF?It's is "attacks all in range" variation, as noted in the guide. Fun stuff)

12-21-2016, 12:14 AM
this is why i should train my chizuru a bit.

That being said , the map is not that hard assuming u have decent dps...

More importantly , im more curious what are the drop rates for MCs on other maps. One of the 5 stamina map dropped 20 MCs , compared to 24 of the 12 stamina map

Obviously the drop rates do matter , since i'm guessing that they have quite lower chance to drop then MC on the last map , but that might be an alternative for newbies that cant finish the G map

12-21-2016, 01:02 AM
More importantly , im more curious what are the drop rates for MCs on other maps. One of the 5 stamina map dropped 20 MCs , compared to 24 of the 12 stamina map

I've been wondering myself. I've done about 8 runs on 90/12 and perfect drops every time. Definitely better rate than the Ryujin invasion.

And concerning that 5 stam map. If the drop rate was at least 50% it would be identical per stam to the last map (plus or minus RNG).
You also get the Gadoras making it even more worth it. I wonder if anyone is keeping track of drop rates cause 50% doesn't seem too unreasonable.

12-21-2016, 02:36 AM
I've been wondering myself. I've done about 8 runs on 90/12 and perfect drops every time. Definitely better rate than the Ryujin invasion.

Well , i got max dropps each time except once on 1 of my account during that event as well , so i'm guessing the drop rate was over 90% there. I'm guessing its the same here

12-21-2016, 03:50 AM
The 5-sta map is convenient to me because with my 15 sta I can run it 3 times, spent the rest on BS II and be done for the day, as I'm rather busy lately. Drop rates don't seem too bad, I get both drops most of the time. Maybe I'm just lucky though.

12-21-2016, 06:14 AM
....there are 4 drops.

12-21-2016, 07:13 AM
Two crystal drops, x5 each. I'm not counting the bronze and silver dragon soldiers, I have more than enough.

12-21-2016, 08:43 AM
this is why i should train my chizuru a bit.

That being said , the map is not that hard assuming u have decent dps...

More importantly , im more curious what are the drop rates for MCs on other maps. One of the 5 stamina map dropped 20 MCs , compared to 24 of the 12 stamina map

Obviously the drop rates do matter , since i'm guessing that they have quite lower chance to drop then MC on the last map , but that might be an alternative for newbies that cant finish the G map

....there are 4 drops.

I saw that and did some runs on that 5sta map, got 1,1,2,1,1,2,1 so 9*5=45 MC, 45/35= 1.28 MC per sta; compare that to 21/12= 1.75 MC per sta
90/12 is still superior on average drops, but assuming you have all the gods on your side and get all 4 drops on that 5 sta map, 20/5 = a whooping 4 MC per sta (but then again we all know RNG is and will be a bitch

considering that average 1.2 MC per sta plus the chance of some gadora on the side i would say it's better for those interested in silver farming; i'm gonna far just MC on the last map, it's also faster to dump sta there :)

12-21-2016, 08:49 AM
Well, the good news about the last map is: you don't have to kill that OP Elder to get all 6 drops, and the drop rates are phenomenal.

And one of the 5-stamina maps has 20 MC???

20/24 = 5/6 of MC at max yield

5/12 stamina ratio means anything better than 50% drop rates would make that map flat out better (at 50% would mean final is technically better due to slightly less charisma used). Of course, this also assumes you are able to get all necessary kills in the final map. Also assumes drop rates are about 90%

12-21-2016, 08:50 AM
Two crystal drops, x5 each. I'm not counting the bronze and silver dragon soldiers, I have more than enough.

you are farming the wrong 5 stamina map then

Kili Krieger
12-21-2016, 10:36 AM
Cleared it... somehow.... I'm not sure if this is a good idea.... I really should've used up everything in the 1st half.......

12-21-2016, 11:31 AM
you are farming the wrong 5 stamina map then

...Indeed I am. Damn. There goes two days worth of farming.

12-21-2016, 01:58 PM
maybe you guys shoul've said the NAME of the map you were refering to, instead of the stamina cost :p

12-21-2016, 04:32 PM

STuck on Chiryu

Turns out I need another unit w/ the same skillz as Katie

So someone suggested Aria over Phyllis

Only have 300 MC - yeah, Ima fucking behind

Got to CC Aria b4 reattempting Chiryuu

12-21-2016, 04:43 PM

STuck on Chiryu

Turns out I need another unit w/ the same skillz as Katie

So someone suggested Aria over Phyllis

Only have 300 MC - yeah, Ima fucking behind

Got to CC Aria b4 reattempting Chiryuu

Phyllis works just fine as long as she's capped. I use her and Katie on my main team and have no problems

12-21-2016, 04:55 PM
Phyllis works just fine as long as she's capped. I use her and Katie on my main team and have no problems

I haven't used any soldiers since Katie - I left Phyllis to dust in my box.

12-21-2016, 06:06 PM
Real men use Assal.

12-21-2016, 06:41 PM
I saw the G map. I remember how badly the Memento's G map which uses same map violated my butt. I went yeah.. no. Not doing that map. :3 I attempt to do it when echidna event gets revived again.

12-21-2016, 08:34 PM
question: does the blue dragon (silver rarity dragon) does any use other than CR/SU him and using for the black unit anya(?)

PS: suprisingly class changing the blue dragon doesnt require another blue dragon.... and yes i assume his gender

12-21-2016, 08:45 PM
question: does the blue dragon (silver rarity dragon) does any use other than CR/SU him and using for the black unit anya(?)

PS: suprisingly class changing the blue dragon doesnt require another blue dragon.... and yes i assume his gender

omg did you just assume their gender in plain 2016? omg.. just...


Uses for Gadoras:
1- Used to convert Sealed Dorania in Dragon Princess Anya
2- You can feed it to itself for SU/CR
3- You can feed him to a unit with increase AT III for the SU
4- Since its skill changes after CC, you can CC and then feed him to another unit with increase AT IV
5- When CC'd it is used as AW fodder for Dragon Princes Anya along with a Samurai and a HA

I hope this helped :D

12-21-2016, 09:35 PM

12-21-2016, 09:52 PM
Real men use Assal.


I barely remember her. I did the desert missions so late in the year since it kept kicking my ass

Left to her to dust w/ Phyllis

12-21-2016, 11:52 PM
Uses for Gadoras:
You forgot that he's also needed to awaken Echidna.

12-22-2016, 06:30 AM
omg did you just assume their gender in plain 2016? omg.. just...


Uses for Gadoras:
1- Used to convert Sealed Dorania in Dragon Princess Anya
2- You can feed it to itself for SU/CR
3- You can feed him to a unit with increase AT III for the SU
4- Since its skill changes after CC, you can CC and then feed him to another unit with increase AT IV
5- When CC'd it is used as AW fodder for Dragon Princes Anya along with a Samurai and a HA

I hope this helped :D

Echidna need it too for AW (CC'd)

12-22-2016, 06:57 AM
You forgot that he's also needed to awaken Echidna.

Echidna need it too for AW (CC'd)

shhhh she's not relevant >.>

12-22-2016, 07:47 AM
Ha! EAT THAT ELDER!! I finally found a way to 3* reliably (doubt it will help most people here, since I use AW Camilla, Sybilla and Nanaly to take him down, along with AW Garania to clear the mobs and AW Minerva to kill the dragon mage that spawns on the right and starts to move when the elder moves)

12-22-2016, 07:53 AM
what the hell ? Does that elder gives you guys that much trouble ? And im not even close to having your blacks... That dragon mage that spawns on the right dies solo to a non awakened claudia , assuming u block him asap so he doesn't aoe your team. You dont even need a healer or her skill for that i think

12-22-2016, 08:00 AM
He's not really that troublesome...

Earlygame you place two soldiers and archers, proceed with a mage, follow up with 2 healers and 2 princess/valk/highMRorHealth units and it's all done...

12-22-2016, 08:12 AM
my non nanaly account does it with 2 soldiers. My nanaly account does it with just jerome....and nanaly ofc. You don't even need 2 healers. Just iris/camilla was enough

12-22-2016, 08:12 AM
what the hell ? Does that elder gives you guys that much trouble ? And im not even close to having your blacks... That dragon mage that spawns on the right dies solo to a non awakened claudia , assuming u block him asap so he doesn't aoe your team. You dont even need a healer or her skill for that i think

First few runs, I didn't understand his "hit-all-in-range" mechanic, so I left too many people in his range, so my healers' healing was too spread out to keep Sybilla up. If I had Claudia leveled and AW (might do that after the event is over), it'd likely be much easier. But I've neglected her due to having Sybilla and Sherry AW and leveled (Olivie I AW a few weeks ago). Overall, I was just careless due to it being a revival of an early event. Now that I figured him out, I end up dueling him with Sybilla. The Dragon mage on the right dies to Minerva before he takes one step forward.

12-22-2016, 08:24 AM
I think it was mostly we all forgot or weren't aware he hits all units in range, which well as Ivan said, can really screw up your healers priorities. For me, it hasn't been a problem at all, Claudia handles the black elder perfectly fine, Lyla is overkill for the average elder on the right but my main issue in the map was timing placements on my first runs which let a few lizards pass through.

FINALLY! At 813, I can buy both Dorania and Fleur as I had planned! And still got 4 1/2 days to keep farming. After them, what to do, I guess I will save up what I can grind for future revivals, Aria sounds tempting to try minCost, but not entirely sure on the long run, a minimum of 4 is required to try minCosting her, but that's just the minimum if luck, Aigis, and RNGesus are on my side during each combination.

12-22-2016, 08:47 AM
Like I said in my first post, blind-running the G map and not knowing how the black elder operates really fucks with your placement. It's not a friendly map for healer placements, so again, planning your lightning rod placement is extremely important. And difficult to consider when you're hurting for UP to get your mage(s) out to deal with the rush.

But there's too much shit going on in this map anyway, so I'm just trying to farm Gadoras in the 40/5 map.

12-22-2016, 10:59 AM
Like I said in my first post, blind-running the G map and not knowing how the black elder operates really fucks with your placement. It's not a friendly map for healer placements, so again, planning your lightning rod placement is extremely important. And difficult to consider when you're hurting for UP to get your mage(s) out to deal with the rush.

But there's too much shit going on in this map anyway, so I'm just trying to farm Gadoras in the 40/5 map.

I actually go Jerome -> Uzume -> CfR3 -> Zola and that takes care of early rush. Prince and Iris after that, followed by Garania for the later swarms (her skill wrecks those swarms like nobody's business). Minerva gets dropped on the bottom right slot to kill the dragon mage on the right (even with the random spawns during that time, with skill active she mows them down quick and gets back on him). Zola gets replaced by Camilla. Once just the elder is left, Garania and Minerva are out, Sybilla is in and once elder gets to melee range of her, I drop Nanaly in top right and she out-ranges the elder and can pop skill to help burn him down without getting hit in return.

Got 7 Gadoras already, doubt I'll need more if all I'm doing is AW Echidna and Anya with him (Echidna is unlikely, but who knows?). I know Despara and Adele both have IA4 but I have both their skills maxed with Rainbows... who else would use him for SU fodder?

12-22-2016, 10:59 AM
...I almost wonder if anybody is even reads what I am writing in the first post anymore...

12-22-2016, 11:26 AM
...I almost wonder if anybody is even reads what I am writing in the first post anymore...

You write stuff in the first post? I thought there were only a few YouTube links there...

12-22-2016, 12:43 PM
...I almost wonder if anybody is even reads what I am writing in the first post anymore...

i really apreciate the job zero , but i haven't looked at the guide video in ages. I sometimes take a look to see the layout of the map or see if its any gimmick , but most of the times i do it blindly for the challenge.

Honestly , my first run was lucky. I had like 4 duelists in the team so i could change between them (since i placed healers rather poorly). After that it was rather easy as long as you understand that the black elder is practically an AOE lich

Still a great guide for most newbies , and i'm guessing for the vast majority of stalkers that are creepying on this forum without ever commenting at all....:p

12-22-2016, 04:16 PM
It seems I am not the only one struggling. This revival has drained the life blood out of me and I just got Dorania. I need another 630 crystals for Fleur and Echidna and I still have to focus on speed leveling other units to be able to do the last map. Speaking of which, I am not at all interested in 3 staring it. All I am interested in is to get all the crystals and surviving the map. I have no qualms with having two or even one star but all the videos focus on having a perfect run. Does anyone have advice on only surviving and getting the crystals?

12-22-2016, 06:45 PM
I'm using the guide. Thank you for posting the videos

Just I need to train a 2nd soldier fast so I use Para Trooper's strategy

I lack a princess so I probably use Lucille as a substitute

12-23-2016, 01:26 AM
Videos alone guide make not :p
Notable Enemies table is also could be used to strategize ahead of time, by learning their attack pattern and values and defensive capabilities to prepare teams to meet them... ;)

12-23-2016, 11:14 AM
Damn, I forgot how long it takes to lvl up a unit after CC

Aria @ CC lv 31 - maybe she's ready at lv 40

Or play it safe get her to lv 50 - if I can get those damn gold spirits LOL RNG Goddess bless me w/ high drop rates on DC yesterday but not fairies

Wait for night fall for charisma to fill up again

12-24-2016, 11:28 AM
Well it looks like I failed this one. Did some math and the amount of SC I need to just get Echidna is not justifiable (I have 23). Hopefully we get to have Fluer from another event to awaken Dorania but I am worried about it costing 1000 Rainbow crystals like on DMM. Eh, who knows. Hopefully Anya doesn't fall in use when I do manage to get her. On a side note, what would the next star revival be?

12-24-2016, 11:51 AM

damn, failed Chiryu - thought I got it - maybe I screwed up timing again since my healers kept getting slaughtered by axe geckos


It's like difusing a bomb. Yesterday, did 1 star it barely LOL

My team is good I think


Just need to lvl them up

12-24-2016, 12:22 PM
[...]what would the next star revival be?

Remember revivals of collection events also use MC as currency. not only star trials :)

12-24-2016, 01:09 PM
Well , at least now i understand why some of u have issues with that map. I assummed you had a more...veteran team .For me , an awakened iris is enough for this map. That being said , my strategy involves 2 mages (both awakened , 1 being odette - which helps vs the elders as well). Well , technically 1 of the mages is noel , so actually a bishop , but whatever.

12-24-2016, 02:20 PM
On a side note, what would the next star revival be?
As Blaxer already pointed out, item collections also will follow the MCs rule. If what they showed up with the previous revivals of Farming Unit events (Belinda first, then Maribel's) and now going with the others we missed (Anya-Aria-Echidna revival) the best GUESS we can make would be Karma's, but we aren't sure if we will get another revival for the end of the year, or a new event. Anyways, right now only thing we can do is guess and assume, at least until Monday's patch is applied.

Out of curiosity, what do you think of this plan: Getting 3 Aria's for the guaranteed CRs and then save up for whatever comes in the future?

12-25-2016, 12:10 AM
Thanks to the new 4 star stuff I was able to get Anya, Echidna maxed out and 2 Aria with 12 SCs to spare, might end up blowing a couple more trying to get her to max CR as Katie is still full cost.

12-25-2016, 02:30 AM
got just anya. Any other MC i will get will be there for Karma. Technically the next revival should be karma's , and considering each coppy of her will cost 250 after the initial 300 , i'm certain that event is going to require a hell lot more mcs then this one to get a perfect black.

That being said , i already have awakened jerome , and while echidna is nice to have....i'd rather pass it for now

Jay Rich
12-25-2016, 04:04 AM
got just anya. Any other MC i will get will be there for Karma. Technically the next revival should be karma's , and considering each coppy of her will cost 250 after the initial 300 , i'm certain that event is going to require a hell lot more mcs then this one to get a perfect black.

That being said , i already have awakened jerome , and while echidna is nice to have....i'd rather pass it for now

Been farming these MC the best I can on sort of normal regent and SC use (using SC to a minimum to get the best results with stamina). Have managed to score Anya, Min costed Aria and Echidna and was wondering if it was worth getting sealed Dorania for my male team but if Karma is the next revival event I think it may be best to save my MC for her.

I like to collect all units but is sealed Dorania worth getting as a stand alone unit?

12-25-2016, 07:34 AM
Been farming these MC the best I can on sort of normal regent and SC use (using SC to a minimum to get the best results with stamina). Have managed to score Anya, Min costed Aria and Echidna and was wondering if it was worth getting sealed Dorania for my male team but if Karma is the next revival event I think it may be best to save my MC for her.

I like to collect all units but is sealed Dorania worth getting as a stand alone unit?

not really. You can easily search for her stats on aigis wiki btw. 1800 hp , 325 attack , 390 def , no aff bonust , 30 cost , blocks 2. A bit more hp the usual silver male soldiers....generally similar attack (kinda worse since all the male silver soldiers get extra attack as aff bonus) , better defense , but worse block (a cc-ed silver soldier will have 3 block).

I guess its generally tankier then a silver soldier with more hp , defense and a defensive skill. Hits worse , and costs a crapload more to deploy (30 vs 11 ) tho , so he's not that great of a unit

12-25-2016, 01:53 PM
Time to do this again. Will I get a 2 star?

Last night's run - barely 1 star again


It wasn't the healers but when the mage dragons appear and slaughter folks

Oh yeah, Aria died - definitely need to lvl her up

12-25-2016, 02:53 PM
I was wondering where i should farm Gadoras the best since i got like none after the 1. drop thing. got almost everything i need with MCs so farming him for the Skill.
Any ideas which map would be the best? i thought ryujin king 2? bc he drops 2 times there .

12-25-2016, 03:02 PM
I can't remember but it was either Depths of the Earth or The Dragon's Nest for me

12-25-2016, 03:08 PM
not really. You can easily search for her stats on aigis wiki btw. 1800 hp , 325 attack , 390 def , no aff bonust , 30 cost , blocks 2. A bit more hp the usual silver male soldiers....generally similar attack (kinda worse since all the male silver soldiers get extra attack as aff bonus) , better defense , but worse block (a cc-ed silver soldier will have 3 block).

I guess its generally tankier then a silver soldier with more hp , defense and a defensive skill. Hits worse , and costs a crapload more to deploy (30 vs 11 ) tho , so he's not that great of a unit

Dorania is basically a crappy Garrett. Look upon that, ye mighty, and despair.

12-26-2016, 02:34 AM
I like to collect all units but is sealed Dorania worth getting as a stand alone unit?

Eh, I really look at Doriana as a "pre-class changed" Anya. In that regards, if "collecting all units" includes pre and post CCed units then I guess you can do that, but if not I don't see much of a reason to collect something you already have. In that regard, I view the (hopefully) upcoming Karma event the same way, with the black one just being a "CCed" platinum.

12-26-2016, 02:53 AM
die u nutaku!!!!!! u made me pissed off, now i get her!!!! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻


12-26-2016, 02:56 AM
gratz people

Jay Rich
12-26-2016, 05:08 AM
not really. You can easily search for her stats on aigis wiki btw. 1800 hp , 325 attack , 390 def , no aff bonust , 30 cost , blocks 2. A bit more hp the usual silver male soldiers....generally similar attack (kinda worse since all the male silver soldiers get extra attack as aff bonus) , better defense , but worse block (a cc-ed silver soldier will have 3 block).

I guess its generally tankier then a silver soldier with more hp , defense and a defensive skill. Hits worse , and costs a crapload more to deploy (30 vs 11 ) tho , so he's not that great of a unit

I had a quick compare off his stats and wasn't too impressed, thought I would ask just in case I was missing something. Not sure I will get him, I guess I could consider since I have Anya hes not worth having event by collection standards as I would rather spend the MC on Karma or other such revival units.

I guess in the end I feel he;s not worth another 300 MC,

Eh, I really look at Doriana as a "pre-class changed" Anya. In that regards, if "collecting all units" includes pre and post CCed units then I guess you can do that, but if not I don't see much of a reason to collect something you already have. In that regard, I view the (hopefully) upcoming Karma event the same way, with the black one just being a "CCed" platinum.

Are both Karmas worth getting I always saw them as two different units (With similarities) that work in there own similar way? I am pretty sure I will be getting both and trying to CR and Su them both but will work on Black karma first.

12-26-2016, 05:17 AM

Finally 3 star it

Too late 4 me since it took me 7 or 8 tries

Won't have enuff MC for Time Fairy or Anya

Back to buying Aria and mincosting her Maybe, Anya event will come back in a year

12-26-2016, 05:37 AM
i have some question guys
i already have anya & aria min cost, should i go for the spirit of time? it reduce cost of unit right?
and if i buy unit copys of revival, it is 100% chance to reduce cost and level up skill??

12-26-2016, 05:50 AM
if u buy copies of revival units , it will have the same chance as a normal combine with a copy usually , unless the dev ups the chance like they did now. Considering that , we get 2x chance. That means that the first 2 combines are 100% tho

The time spirit is good to have generally even if you don't use it on dorania. You can get only 1 tho and its rather expensive , so get it only if you have extra MCs.

12-26-2016, 05:53 AM
god i loved this event. Echidna was a bitch to min-cost but I managed and I got to awaken Cornelia too.

12-26-2016, 09:27 AM
I managed to get a spirit of time, but that's about it..... Guess I'll have to wait till next year to get Anya -_-. I managed to perfect most of the late event units, so I'll have to bank crystals at that point when their revivals happen.

12-26-2016, 03:01 PM
I think I prefer star rush events since I sux at grinding MC

THEN AGAIN, this 2 part event had 3 event gurls - bit challenging for new playas and one of them needs special ingredients to be purchasesd

I have 136 MC rite now - won't be able to buy time fairy in time

Just going to work on Aria

12-26-2016, 03:31 PM
just 3* ed last map with 0 healers :) On a side note , gold rush. With a bit of luck , you people will get a bernice

12-26-2016, 05:11 PM
Wow, fuck! I'm one lucky MOFO

I didn't have a lot of MC since I fucked up Chiryuin or whatever the hell it's called so many times

I bought 2 Arias and only have 46 MC left


Aria got mincost w/ just 3 Arias in total (http://agentfakku.tumblr.com/post/154998504220/im-one-lucky-mofo-just-3-arias-in-mincost)

Guess Im done w/ Aria

too bad, I don't have MC to buy either Echidna or Anya. Oh well, better luck next year

By dat time in the future, I have OP units (hopefully by the name of Aigis Goddess

12-26-2016, 06:38 PM
Whew. Barely made it in time for Anya. My SCs took a hit though. Ah well. 4 star challenges, here I come!

12-26-2016, 06:50 PM
Used up more SCs than I would've hoped (10 from the event missions 8 from 4 stars and 2 saved from stamp card) but I got everything done, mincosted Echidna/Aria and Anya with 80 MCs to store for the next set. Have 8 SCs left and another 12 4 star missions to complete..I have no decently lvled Silvers so some are pretty much impossible right now.

12-26-2016, 11:27 PM
Hmm, I had been setting my eyes on being able to unseal Dorania, but by my calculations I need to do Attack of the Chiryu 10 more times to get enough crystals, and I'm not sure she's worth it even if I am angling to use a bunch of SCs this week.

But now I'm not sure whether to just get enough for Spirit of Time and maybe Echidna or Aria, or or try and lower the cost/increase the skill of Echidna or Aria... and on top of that not sure whether to keep grinding or call it with my current total of 558, or close to it... and I probably should have brought up these questions back when someone would have time before maintainance to respond to them. XP

EDIT: I honest-to-god thought maintenance was at 2 AM Central Time (my time), not 1 AM. Though, I had just reached the conclusion that perhaps nothing was really worth getting, and it would be best to save my Moment Crystals for another time.