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06-26-2017, 07:41 AM
while Karma SAW is outright terrible.
Why? You lose the ability to activate immediately, but gain higher attack and 2 more seconds of immortality. Defense is not something you care that much about with Karma, and it does allow her to heal your other units for a greater amount.
Or am I missing something, other than the 5 second activation timer?

06-26-2017, 07:46 AM
It's 13 seconds immortality for both 5/5 and SAW.

But yes, the entire point of using her is as an emergency lightning rod. If you extend the startup time, you may as well just use tokens instead.

06-26-2017, 07:51 AM
well....when we get second AW , you will have 6 which is ...cool i guess

Also i kinda agree on karma's being bad. Karma's skill is so great because you can trow her against literally anything and activate her skill isntantly , and she will do her job. Her saw makes it that its not possible to make her a ganker vs a very strong boss because she can die before her skill comes online.

06-26-2017, 08:09 AM
It's 13 seconds immortality for both 5/5 and SAW.
It is? Ah, difference between Nutaku Wikia and DMM Wikia. Apologies for that, though we should see which one we get tomorrow.

06-26-2017, 08:22 AM
It is? Ah, difference between Nutaku Wikia and DMM Wikia. Apologies for that, though we should see which one we get tomorrow.

I think that was a recent buff. Probably won't get that yet.

Yeah, it was the balance patch last month.

06-26-2017, 09:31 AM
For maps that are tight on UP cost (hi Danger in the Oasis), those extra four seconds can be fatal.

But I have three Nanalys anyway, so...

My problem with this line of thinking is that I value map trivializing power a lot more than I value the niche utility of being a bit more viable in gimmicky low UP maps. I say this mostly because the former is somewhat rare whereas the alternate solutions to tight maps is often as common as reaching back into your unused & unloved units bin and pulling out a couple of silvers or some easily CR'd event unit and giving them a cameo appearance. I mean, yeah, sure, SAWing every Nanaly you own isn't really a priority when you have multiples but for most players you're going to be better off SAWing units like Berna for her AoE assassination and Nanaly for her raw power rather than fretting over maps that you can typically squeak through by deploying a a cc'd Khuri.

Anyway, who to eventually SAW is mostly a no brainer for me since my gacha blacks include Sophie, Clissa, Deine and Despara. 4 seconds isn't nothing, but it might as well be compared to that much extra aoe potential and boss smashing power.

06-26-2017, 09:37 AM
Well, Berna 5/5 vs. SAW isn't as much of a dealbreaker, since anything she doesn't assassinate in one second vs. anything she doesn't assassinate in five probably won't make much difference if she "dies" before getting 2-3 hits in with the former, especially if you throw her against something like a golem.

Using Nanaly 5/5 vs. SAW to cheese something instead of just using CC'd Khuri is admittedly laziness on my part.

06-26-2017, 11:47 PM
Biggest question is whether we get the rebalanced SAWs or not. It's kind of a dealbreaker for Deine. That said, i'll be SAWing Aisha first so she can make the SAW fairy map a lot easier.

And i agree with kay on this one. Getting their upgraded SAWs is way more important than worrying about some 5 sec activation for that one odd map. What you should worry about is whether it helps your character as a whole. Karma and Anya are good examples. In Karma's case, her general use IS to be dropped and activated asap, but at the same time if the UP isn't too tight there should be no problem dropping her 5 sec earlier unless she needs to survive some ranged attack (let's not count golems, who the heck uses Karma vs golems?...). Anya goes from defensive to offensive so that's a trade-off to consider.

Things lika Aisha, Berna and Nanaly should not even be doubted a second, there are other alternatives for those super odd maps.

While i'm at it, i figure Estelle will most likely get brought up. SAW her if you have her. I had this very same doubt on DMM when it was my time to AW Estelle, and i must say i do not regret SAWing her. In fact, so many times on nutaku i have wondered when we would get SAW because my Estelle here feels gimped without it.

06-27-2017, 02:14 AM
i got ester from a premium summon and looking at the stats i am pretty sure her SAW is great. 45 seconds flying to 60 seconds flying with 1.5x attack and only 20% def hit. and her awakened ability of 50% extra flight time for all pegs means she goes from just flying to flying and MURDERING EVERYTHING.
also it's only def not MR so she can tank ranged magic just as well as ever.

06-27-2017, 05:07 AM
just got home .....instantat awaken Aisha. Shes op as fuck

06-27-2017, 05:48 AM
You guys wouldnt care about 5 sec initial timer on blacks, but how about a unit like Farne who absolutly needs her skill? She activates her skill 5 seconds later and it has 5 seconds longer resue time but she gets the trade to ignore MR which... is kinda great.
Grace hers is a little boring tbh. 30% more stats (230% compared to 200%), losing the insta skill use. I dont see that being necessary atm as her stats on skill already rape and tank everything. For now that is.

06-27-2017, 08:37 AM
how about a unit like Farne who absolutly needs her skill? She activates her skill 5 seconds later and it has 5 seconds longer resue time but she gets the trade to ignore MR which... is kinda great.
Actually, looking at the skill awakening for Farne in game, her skill duration and reuse timer are unchanged. The only difference is the true damage and the 5 second initial timer.

Grace hers is a little boring tbh. 30% more stats (230% compared to 200%), losing the insta skill use. I dont see that being necessary atm as her stats on skill already rape and tank everything.
Grace on the other hand is rather worse, assuming the description is correct, as it presently claims to change from "For 35 seconds, attack and defense gets 2.0x, but HP is halved when the effect ends. Initial Time 1 sec. Reuse Time 55 sec." to "For 30 seconds, defense 2.3x HP is half when the effect ends. Initial Time 5 sec. Reuse Time 50 sec." While it may be the case that the lack of an attack increase is a typo, I'll likely hold off on skill awakening her right away. As noted, she is fairly strong already with a 2x boost.

For those who mentioned it earlier, Deine does have the 2.0x defense on her skill awaken at this time.

06-27-2017, 12:46 PM
man I can't even join the discussion lol

so lost...

Gold Rush is fun

06-28-2017, 09:05 PM
SAW Despara is fun on Path of the Archer.

06-29-2017, 12:14 AM
With SAW Aisha, all the peggies are dead on the affection daily map. Now if i can just get Estelle SAW'd during the weekend, she can take care of the other fliers alone and the great afking begins. So annoying when i've had to place down more than just Estelle for those since she lacks SAW.

07-03-2017, 02:38 AM
Maintenance Details
Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission "Gold Rush" ends
- The Total Domination Mission
 "A Thousand Demons in the Night" ends
- Basic EXP x3 for Gold or above female units ends
- Basic EXP x2 for Gold or above male units ends
- The Urgent Mission
 "The Priestess Warrior and the Mithril Giants" begins

Other Changes
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon
So, it seems Sera (http://aigis.wikia.com/wiki/Sera)'s event (http://aigis.wikia.com/wiki/The_Priest_Warrior_and_the_Great_Mithril_Soldier) is next. Can't say I'm especially thrilled to get a collection event so soon after the last one. Still, she's likely useful for people who don't have Famel.

07-03-2017, 07:59 AM
Why every collection event coming these days has a class I already got ? I'm happy with Flamel, but now I've got a few hours left to consider investing into Sera or not...

07-03-2017, 09:59 AM
I'll invest. A second plat PW is quite handy in the future, i still remember that one nightmare map that some guy turned into giggles with double plat PWs...

07-10-2017, 03:26 AM
Maintenance Details
Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission
 "The Priestess Warrior and the Mithril Giants" is now in progress
- The Total Domination Mission
 "The Awakening of the Subterranean Ryujins" begins

Add Special Awakening Class
- Vampire High Lord
 Required Orb
  "Advance Strategist", "Priestess Warrior Leader"

Other Changes
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon

AW Yuiss! My lovely Eden gotta get even more AWesome!!!

And Total Domination... In the middle of the Item Collection event? Yeah, no, later, all later.

Kamahari Akuma
07-12-2017, 03:54 PM
And Total Domination... In the middle of the Item Collection event? Yeah, no, later, all later.

Unless you need it for a Charisma dump, then yeah :P

07-12-2017, 04:22 PM
which im doing right now. 70% done with total domination.

Honestly , i'm probably not gonna try to go over 700 for a cr of 3 during this event , so yeah....

07-14-2017, 08:27 AM
Lewd angel incoming.

1) Date and time
July 18th 03:00 - 06:00 (EST)

2) Urgent mission
"The Fallen Angel's Seal". Chloe will be dropped in the event missions.

The subjugation event, "The Awakening of the Subterranean Ryujins", will continue.

In Summon, "Patra" will be added. She is a platinum unit and her class is Bishop. She has a skill called "Heal Shower" and she can recover the allies for one time.

07-14-2017, 12:17 PM
"Gasp!", Chloe is finally here?! Well now this will be interesting. Given her artwork for both AW and 2AW I honestly thought we wouldn't see her for a long time.

In terms of stats there really isn't much comparison. There are are only two platinum Angels and they're both events. Miruno (the other event Angel) is ranged based so it's not a fair comparison. Either way, Chloe's stats are pretty good and is a definite upgrade from anyone who only has Niel or Erun, who I just maxed not too long ago... Well, two pretty angels are better one!

07-14-2017, 06:48 PM
Awesome, i was waiting for her!

07-24-2017, 04:09 AM
I was wrong, I guess I was looking at a similar named event. Good, sick of Collection events.

07-24-2017, 04:37 AM
Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission
 "The Fallen Angel's Seal" ends
- The Urgent Mission
 "The Dark Knight and the Guardian of the Holy Forest" (http://aigis.wikia.com/wiki/The_Dark_Knight_and_the_Sacred_Forest%27s_Guard) begins

Other Changes
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon
- Sacred Crystal present campaign
 For 7 days, 1 Sacred Crystal will be given everyday
 when you log-in as a presents from July 26(Wed) till August 1(Tue)
 *For the Sacred Crystal on July 26th, it will be available from 6:00 (EST).
  And for Sacred Crystal on August 1st, it is available till August 2nd 5:59 (EST).
It's Star Rush (http://aigis.wikia.com/wiki/The_Dark_Knight_and_the_Sacred_Forest%27s_Guard) for Ricola (http://aigis.wikia.com/wiki/Ricola) the ranger

Kamahari Akuma
07-24-2017, 07:04 AM
It's Star Rush (http://aigis.wikia.com/wiki/The_Dark_Knight_and_the_Sacred_Forest%27s_Guard) for Ricola (http://aigis.wikia.com/wiki/Ricola) the ranger

I wonder if she'll keep that name when she officially comes in tomorrow, because if she does I can make all the Ricola references I want (with 50% more exaggerated letters!).

Edit: So after looking her up, I noticed she and Rita share the same skill. Neat. But when SAWed, Ricola's version pulls back her attack in exchange for untargetable status from ranged units for 65 secs, and meanwhile Rita is sitting over here with an attack multiplier (1.2x not much much but meh), untargetable status, and double the duration. Is it just because Ricola is a Ranger or is there something I'm missing?

07-24-2017, 08:02 AM
Edit: So after looking her up, I noticed she and Rita share the same skill. Neat. But when SAWed, Ricola's version pulls back her attack in exchange for untargetable status from ranged units for 65 secs, and meanwhile Rita is sitting over here with an attack multiplier (1.2x not much much but meh), untargetable status, and double the duration. Is it just because Ricola is a Ranger or is there something I'm missing?Initials AND reuse. Rita have to wait 40 s before she can hide in the shadows, and when her SAW ends, it can't be used for additional 80 s. Ricola, on the other hand, can pop hers in mere 7.5 seconds after deployment, and when it fades, downtime is mere 15 s!

07-24-2017, 11:50 AM
I wonder if she'll keep that name when she officially comes in tomorrow, because if she does I can make all the Ricola references I want (with 50% more exaggerated letters!).

Well she's good for the map and good for the throat. Poor jokes aside it's good to see that the events are moving along nicely without the long breaks. Only a little more time for the really big players to come out. Though this does make wonder how they will handle the skipped events. If they are after every new event then it shouldn't be too much of a hassle.

Onto our to our favourite cough drop; Rangers in general are a little weaker than their Archer forefathers but not to a debilitating point. What really makes them shine are their tokens. Their ability to deal a single true damage hit and stop an enemy in its tracks would make for a great boss delayer so that other units can pick them off. Ricola is actually quite good in this department with her added stealth. She helped a fair bit on an event with ranged giants over on DMM.

07-28-2017, 09:15 AM
Solano revival. Time for more SCs and use all that RevCs I stocked up.

Hey everyone :)


Date and time
Aug 1st 03:00 - 06:00 EST

We will have a revival mission "The Summon Beast in the Earth". In the event, Moment Crystal will be dropped and you can exchange them in the trading post for "Solano".

The urgent mission "The Dark Knight and the Guardian of the Holy Forest" as well as the subjugation mission "The Awakening of the Subterranean Ryujins" will be continued.

There will be no new unit in summons.

07-28-2017, 09:21 AM
Solano, yay! She was one girl I regret not being able to obtain the most, starting around her event and all... Well, time to prepare for another Legend Card run next month!

07-28-2017, 12:17 PM
solano is pretty much one of my most used units on 2 different accounts (a bit less now on the aisha/nanaly account since aisha can do somewhat similar things at a similar cost - as weird as it sounds )

I would seriously recomand min costing her as much as possible because she is quite strong (huge raw stats - she naturally has around 1.1k attack , an awakening passive that increases her attack speed , and a SAW that makes her do true damage. Everything about her is pure raw destruction ) .... Actually , of all old units that i would recomand spending moment cristals on , the only ones that stand out in my opinion are anya , karma and solano. And unlike karma (anya u can easily min cost if you unseal dornia) , that can work just as well at no cr or 1/2 cr , i'd actually recomand trying to min cost and max su solano.

Ofc , this is just my personal imput , but then again , i am a huge solano fan. Other veterans might not feel the same

07-28-2017, 01:39 PM
So I take it that this would be a bad week to have to leave in the middle of for a lengthy trip, with very little projected free time?

07-28-2017, 08:15 PM
solano is pretty much one of my most used units on 2 different accounts (a bit less now on the aisha/nanaly account since aisha can do somewhat similar things at a similar cost - as weird as it sounds )

I would seriously recomand min costing her as much as possible because she is quite strong (huge raw stats - she naturally has around 1.1k attack , an awakening passive that increases her attack speed , and a SAW that makes her do true damage. Everything about her is pure raw destruction ) .... Actually , of all old units that i would recomand spending moment cristals on , the only ones that stand out in my opinion are anya , karma and solano. And unlike karma (anya u can easily min cost if you unseal dornia) , that can work just as well at no cr or 1/2 cr , i'd actually recomand trying to min cost and max su solano.

Ofc , this is just my personal imput , but then again , i am a huge solano fan. Other veterans might not feel the same

yes Senpai, I shall work hard on micosting Solano

07-28-2017, 09:11 PM
A lot of magic damage plats are pretty underwhelming so Solano actually comes out pretty well by comparison given the way true damage helps her stand out from the umpteen different bishops the developers will throw at us over time. The only thing I dislike about her is that I feel like the universe was trolling me a little when I finally bothered to Awaken her and the devs immediately graced my Despara with the long awaited SAW.

07-29-2017, 11:39 AM
needed an AOE unit - never did use a summoner

if only she came b4 Ricola

dem Orcs are savage and hit like a Bitch

07-30-2017, 12:52 PM
I have AW Farne so i take this as a break.

08-01-2017, 04:50 AM
man , this event feels so much easier then it used to be the first time around

08-01-2017, 07:33 AM
Well... AW is pretty OP

Kamahari Akuma
08-01-2017, 06:49 PM
Having a Feng Shui user takes a load off the annoying dot gimmick on the Flame Beast maps, AWed Clissa tanks Ifrit fire blasts and empowered lich attacks all day long, actually having melee ranged support units, need we say more?

At the time it was hard, but with progress its about mid-range in difficulty.

08-02-2017, 01:42 PM
Having a Feng Shui user takes a load off the annoying dot gimmick on the Flame Beast maps, AWed Clissa tanks Ifrit fire blasts and empowered lich attacks all day long, actually having melee ranged support units, need we say more?

At the time it was hard, but with progress its about mid-range in difficulty.

Or you place AW farne and out heal the burn all day while tanking those magic attacks with... grace, anya, sherry, dahlia, thetis... pretty much everything. With grace her +10MR for every melee.

08-07-2017, 02:19 AM
- The Revival Mission
 "Pride of the Beastwoman" begins

- The Item Drop Rate for Story Missions is x1.5 begins
- The Item Drop Rate for Daily Missions is x1.5 begins
- The Item Drop Rate for Awakening Orb is x2 begins
*The Item Drop Rate will be available
 until begin of maintenance on August 22(Tue).

Other Changes
- Added the Story Mission "The Magic City" Second Half
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon

** Notice **
The next maintenance will be scheduled on August 18, 2017 (Fri) 3AM.

Yay, more golems! ;) And werewolves! :D And a break to sink all leftover SCs into farming dailies and raising new units!!! :cool:

Seeing the strange date for the next maintenance, Gold Rush after that?

08-07-2017, 03:31 AM
Only got Ada down to 9 cost last time as I was fairly new, on the bright side that should mean I'll have some more SC to get from maps I couldn't finish.

08-07-2017, 03:40 AM
Ada´s event was routhly 3 Months befor i started playing. Shes actualy a interesting unit and min cost 8 UP is her biggest value id say... but getting her there is too much of an investment in a revival unit for someone who doesnt realy need her.

Kamahari Akuma
08-07-2017, 07:26 AM
Ada´s event was routhly 3 Months befor i started playing. Shes actualy a interesting unit and min cost 8 UP is her biggest value id say... but getting her there is too much of an investment in a revival unit for someone who doesnt realy need her.

If you do have the ability to invest in her I'd say go and farm her during the brief window we have here, and even if you don't want to invest in her there is another unit of note (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Fran) who has the same skill as Ada whom if you didn't get to max skill level before now you have a second chance here.

08-11-2017, 07:57 AM
Yay, one of the instaAW99 fairies is here.

Hey Everyone!

As the devs pointed out on the last news post, the update for next week will come on Aug 18 (Fri) 03:00-06:00 (EST).

The story and daily missions drop rate will remain x1.5, and the Orb drop rate will still be x2.

The subjugation mission "Katie's War Games" will be implemented. (Players can obtain rewards by defeated enemies per play as well as by total defeated enemies. When players reach to 600 defeated enemies, "Spirit of Blessing Joy", which can provide 150k EXP, will be given.)

Gianna will be added to the trading post. (She is a platinum unit and her class is "Artillery Officer". She has a skill called "Scatter Shot" and her blast attack range will be wider while her skill is active. )

Skill Awakening for archers will also be implemented. The applicable units will be Gold and Platinum.

08-11-2017, 08:54 AM
Well then, I just awakened Rion this morning,seems like a good candidate for that. Just need the orbs to get her SAW too.

08-11-2017, 09:46 AM
my blacks are all already lvl 40+ but... since those are the baby levels compared to 40-99 i guess i can still use the spirit without regret

08-11-2017, 07:25 PM
My Nanaly/Despera/Sophie are all AW99, my Elyse/Grace are AW90, my Anya is AW89, and my Saki is AW74... only things I have that aren't already high AW are Nagi and Karma. So I guess I either save the fairy or finally Awaken Karma.

08-14-2017, 06:23 PM
150k exp fairy!? Nice!
Just so the OCD people would know: AW Blacks need 145967 exp from lv1 to get to lv99. So one wastes 4033 exp points per fairy even using them on the ideal moment :^)

08-17-2017, 10:48 AM
Sneak peek ;)

Preview of the banner, I don't want to post it everywhere else, thought you guys may like to see it!

Joy is such a cutie...

08-17-2017, 11:20 AM
Sneak peek ;)

Joy is such a cutie...

Wait... is that a fairy without unessesarily huge boobs? :O

Looks like this week was the perfect time to mincost my Chidis since the DC shop will rotate :D

08-17-2017, 11:55 AM
hmm , the tp will rotate ? i should probably get a copy of all the units , for collection sake...

08-17-2017, 12:25 PM
about time, we get Katie - I desperately needed Katie copies

do use both Katie and AW Aria who is mincost (yeah, I haven't AW Katie but I will just outta OCD :V

08-17-2017, 04:42 PM
Katie is my 1 unit who I CC'd without getting to level 50 first... will be nice to get a copy that I can actually do that with (though my current one is Awakened by now, so will have to Awaken the new one, but c'est la vie).

08-17-2017, 07:07 PM
My Katie is already -1 CR... lets see if i can get her to -2 ^^"
ill enjoy a new challange in addition to my free AW99 'ticket'

If TP does rotate i should try to -2 CR Chydis a last time. She refused until now. Newbies can grab Spica again. Any thoughts on the new TP units?

EDIT: Nope. Wasted 200 DC. The 50% chance is just to cruel on me. Heck i know why i dont try to CR TP units more then once.

08-17-2017, 09:38 PM
My Katie is already -1 CR... lets see if i can get her to -2 ^^"
ill enjoy a new challange in addition to my free AW99 'ticket'

If TP does rotate i should try to -2 CR Chydis a last time. She refused until now. Newbies can grab Spica again. Any thoughts on the new TP units?

EDIT: Nope. Wasted 200 DC. The 50% chance is just to cruel on me. Heck i know why i dont try to CR TP units more then once.

New TP:
 "Fairy Village Archer Spica"
 "Flashgun Gianna"
 "Fallen Angel Erun"

08-18-2017, 05:25 AM
welp , got Joy. Gotta say tho....the bandit goddess likes katie a lot more then she likes me. Just look at her team

08-18-2017, 06:04 AM
598, so close, 1 is easily fixable, Sybilla got through with like 5% health at the end.

And got her, wasted Awakened Monica in the 2nd run, she was the difference. Also, goddamn is Bernice's SAW amazing in this.

08-18-2017, 08:44 AM
Sadly no -2 on my Katie :/ all those dang 50% chances are working against me lol

08-18-2017, 11:36 AM
Got everything but Joy on the first try; how did you guys do it?
That last wave seems like more than my army can take atm

08-18-2017, 12:00 PM
I personally did it with SAW saki. Used her to block the topside entry and use her skill during the rogue rush , an archer on the botside and the rest were anya/cornelia (or anya jessica on the other account) deployed right on spawnpoints with heavy healing support (2 awakened healers) as well as some magic dps and an archer (nanaly or bashira) to try to kill at spawn , as well as a barbarian on the 4th lane to block elizabeth and lilia

Ofc my way is a pretty brute force aproach and is based on having multiple awakened and saw-ed units but i think i saw multiple strategies with non aw units on wiki. Let me a moment to see if i can find the link , and ill post a video.

EDIT :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLkCq7tPgwY

He is using mostly non aw units other then claire (you should have it from a gold rush if i remember corectly) , but the isssue is that the other aw unit he is using is olivie

08-18-2017, 01:37 PM
600 on first try. AW'd Nanaly, threw Joy on her and SAW'd her. Was nice.

08-18-2017, 01:46 PM
actually , i have no ideea what to use my joy on. All my blacks are awakened and max-ed or very close to max (cornelia is 85+)

08-18-2017, 04:06 PM
I also just brute forced it, SAW Bernice+AW Garania chewed through pretty much every melee unit, that last rush was melted by AW Nanaly+SAW Rion+AW Monica. Used Joy to take Rion from AW15 to 99. 7 shot SAW with 877 attack...jesus.

08-18-2017, 06:05 PM
actually , i have no ideea what to use my joy on. All my blacks are awakened and max-ed or very close to max (cornelia is 85+)

Not like you HAVE to use it asap, just throw her into the barracks and wait for another good unit to pop up.

08-18-2017, 06:15 PM
yeah , i know. There are a couple event blacks to come and we will eventually get a second aw as well

08-18-2017, 09:25 PM
In my case it was pretty obvious what to do with Joy. I once mildly resented the Deine I pulled with the legend ticket I scrimped and saved for but it's damn hard to stay salty when Nutaku went straight to the revised version of Deine's SAW and I've got 150k experience burning a hole in my pocket. Deine will be a fully armed and operational battle station by Sunday.

08-19-2017, 05:31 AM
Any recommendations on who I should use joy on?
I have Rion, Saki, or Sophie. Who would benefit more moving forward, only can 3 Star up to Hopeless Castle Town. Thanks in advance.

08-19-2017, 05:40 AM
well...it mostly depends on what other units you have in your team. So it's between rion or sophie depending on what you need more : dps or duelist.

08-19-2017, 06:54 AM
Decided to make an account to make it easier, These are the only units I use for everything. So which black unit Do I give Joy to? I will skill awaken the one, so keep that in mind when choosing

08-19-2017, 07:34 AM
Honestly , i would generally rate rion a bit higher then sophie , because post skill awakening she attacks 7 times with her skill for 20 seconds. At max level she has 691 damage (without any prince buff) , so that means that she will do 4837 damage per voley. That is insane in itself. Nanaly for example will do just 3135 per volley with her SAW for 15 seconds...

But , looking at your team , the only duelists you have are lyla (which is pretty good. I personally like barbarians) and Emilia which is kinda bad , because she is a unit with holy awakening (which is a rather powerful skill) , she has worse stats then she should have for her rarity.
And this is the main reason i'd raise sophie over rion.

I mean , sophie becomes a high tier duelist during her skill awakening , being able to block 3 and attack 2 , double her attack , defense and MR (which all are already really high because she's an angel) , and you have a very strong unit that can duel bosses during her skill duration , be a very powerfull lightning rod (she has 30 base magic resistance. During her skill , it;s doubled) and she can even act as an offtank because she has triple block.

All in all , i believe sophie will help you more right now rather then rion which basically just provides ranged dps from a melee slot.

PS: other units that you have and i also own and i really like are uzume (good aw passive - 5% damage to all your units. good skill , especially if you are fielding units with multiple hits like rion or nanaly) , anelia (great skill IMO , especially good on maps like the curent subjugation) , and jessica (another offtank with good wave clear)
Mia and zenobia are also good units to raise.

All in all you have a very strong team , and all you have to do right now is raise your units.

08-19-2017, 08:19 AM
Actually, they already Awakened Gloria, so they do have another OK duelist w/ built-in wave clear. She's no SAW Sophie, obviously, but that nasty aoe stun is a lot better than nothing. Personally, I'd probably just give it to Sophie anyway because she's the lower level of the two so you'd save yourself a tin can or two but honestly it's not like maxing out Rion is ever really a mistake with that septuple shot.

08-19-2017, 08:23 AM
I personally did it with SAW saki. Used her to block the topside entry and use her skill during the rogue rush , an archer on the botside and the rest were anya/cornelia (or anya jessica on the other account) deployed right on spawnpoints with heavy healing support (2 awakened healers) as well as some magic dps and an archer (nanaly or bashira) to try to kill at spawn , as well as a barbarian on the 4th lane to block elizabeth and lilia

Ofc my way is a pretty brute force aproach and is based on having multiple awakened and saw-ed units but i think i saw multiple strategies with non aw units on wiki. Let me a moment to see if i can find the link , and ill post a video.

EDIT :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLkCq7tPgwY

He is using mostly non aw units other then claire (you should have it from a gold rush if i remember corectly) , but the isssue is that the other aw unit he is using is olivie

You can sub an awakened 50+ Lolonee for Olivie in that video. It's rough, but it works.

08-19-2017, 03:28 PM
Ok so i think i have it now, with better micromanagement i got to 597 and now to 599
I'm pretty sure the issue last time was a poorly timed skill and should be a matter of figuring out that skill :D

08-19-2017, 05:05 PM
well , i'm glad that helped then :)

08-21-2017, 02:32 PM
The Ship of the Dead and the Admiral's Determination up tomorrow. Reanbell is now up for the taking, gently of course.

Hmm, a farm type mission and a sailor as well haven't seen those (Sailors) in awhile. I hope the 100% drop on the first attempt will work.

08-21-2017, 03:36 PM
Are we finally getting Rubinas and can I finally use my 400+ crystal pieces and ~5 plat tickets?

08-25-2017, 10:05 AM
Black bishop Eterna and her collection event confirmed for next week, and Alice in the shrine.

08-25-2017, 11:51 AM
fuck - I haven't recovered from the last item collection, Sera the Plat Priestess Warrior which was the same month I spent 150 SC - didn't have enuff to roll for Amanda when I fell in love over her gyaru, tone bod

08-25-2017, 04:21 PM
Black bishop Eterna and her collection event confirmed for next week, and Alice in the shrine.

Nice i love event blacks :D the last one i got was that ninja which i don't use at all (Saki has proven to be as good if not better atm)
Looked Eterna up on the wiki and she seems kinda... meh as far as i've read; her AT is not exactly that high to replace my Oddete and her AW ability is AT speed up... and SAW is healing and attack at the same time for 90 seconds...

I will farm her but she doesn't seem that interesting until SAW'd (that minimum 33 UP for a black mage tho)

08-25-2017, 07:50 PM
Damn, I expected the next one to be collection but still hoped for more time to build up SCs. This one looks a bit rough too,maybe only 500-600/1600 without spending anything.

08-26-2017, 07:58 AM
Damn, I expected the next one to be collection but still hoped for more time to build up SCs. This one looks a bit rough too,maybe only 500-600/1600 without spending anything.

1600 for mincost max skill, considering the max drops per sta is on the Pumping King map with 2.29; We're looking at around 80 runs with perfect drop, natural regen for the event gives 336 sta + whathever you start with. given a random factor multiplying that 80 perfect rounds by 1.5 we have 120 runs for average-bad luck and since we can de 50~ runs with just natural regen assuming we don't waste a single sta point, we are looking at 15~ SC just thinking on STA so throw in a few for charisma too

Totally not using SC for her, i mean she's not Karma-tier. Probably will go with just natural regen and skipping monday and thursdays as usual

08-26-2017, 09:02 AM
honestly , karma is just as good at max cr as at non cr. What matters there is her skill level .You need karma simply to stop mega bosses more then anything else...and msot of the times , you will have enough up for her regardless of her cost.

Eterna on the other hand doens't seem especially impressive....untill u see her saw (which considering she is a black , we will have it as soon as we get eterna). Her saw is long lasting (90 seconds) and rather good.

Sure , her attack is going to get reduced , but at 825 base attack , it means that her saw will do 660 when her saw is used , without prince buff or any other boosters. Assuming 20% from prince buff , it's around 800 or so again (it depends how the prince buff interacts with the saw debuf )

Regardless , an unit that does 800 damage (keep in mind that her attack speed is buffed a bit by her aw passive) as well as healing at the same time is pretty good in my opinion.

I for one , will try to max her

08-26-2017, 11:54 AM
What?! We are getting Eterna already?! Does this mean we are getting Nataku as well? If that's the case then damn it! I was hoping to build up enough SC to try and roll for her. If not then I still got some time.


@lolix Ah so that's how SAW works then. I have Eterna over on DMM (albeit non cr) and was a little worried that her skill took too much away from her performance. Good to know she can still pack a punch. I for one will also try to get her up as best I can. But good heavens, it's a shock to get her so soon.

Edit - I just took a look at the first page and it seems that we were supposed to get Alice with Ricola's event. So I assuming that Nataku will come at a later date and I overreacted a bit. Hopefully I get enough crystals to try to roll for her until then.

08-26-2017, 12:45 PM
Eterna's biggest problem is that she's expensive but her skill attempts to provide good value for the UP rather than something OP like gacha blacks get. So she's pretty solid if the pace of the map lets her simultaneously replace a mage and a healer but otherwise is kinda underwhelming by black standards.

08-26-2017, 01:36 PM
well, I spent SC on Nagi's event b/c everyone told me if you don't have a ninja - you better get her as she's good at subjugation maps, clearing yokai

Eterna - sounds like she's not good if you have Odette or something - should look up Eterna on Aigis Wikia

08-26-2017, 02:57 PM
well, I spent SC on Nagi's event b/c everyone told me if you don't have a ninja - you better get her as she's good at subjugation maps, clearing yokai

Eterna - sounds like she's not good if you have Odette or something - should look up Eterna on Aigis Wikia

I wouldn't really compare the two as they are two different classes unless you're looking at clean stats. In that case then Mages win out over Bishops in most cases but you see this whenever you compare a hybrid class to its "parent" class.

Eterna base skill heals allies, Odette decreases incoming magick damage. Eterna SAW'ed heals and attacks enemies for less attack and Odette SAW'ed decreases enemy magick resistance making her hit harder. Regardless of how you look at it Odette beats Eterna in stats. As I said though this is nearly always the case. Bishops also focus on healing something Mages can't do. It really depends on what you want and need.

08-26-2017, 04:05 PM
also , you could perfect nagi without wasting any scs because nutaku screwed up the map costs

there is also the fact that saki exists and is better at being a ninja IMO then nagi is. Ofc vs youkai nagi is better , and her skill lets makes her able to duel somewhat , but still....i'd rather use saki as a ninja (especially with her saw)

08-26-2017, 04:27 PM
1600 for mincost max skill, considering the max drops per sta is on the Pumping King map with 2.29; We're looking at around 80 runs with perfect drop, natural regen for the event gives 336 sta + whathever you start with. given a random factor multiplying that 80 perfect rounds by 1.5 we have 120 runs for average-bad luck and since we can de 50~ runs with just natural regen assuming we don't waste a single sta point, we are looking at 15~ SC just thinking on STA so throw in a few for charisma too

Totally not using SC for her, i mean she's not Karma-tier. Probably will go with just natural regen and skipping monday and thursdays as usual

Isn't Meeting of Souls from the 2nd half of the event max drop 2.6 per stam? Unless you really want to go all out, you should be able to save SCs without using any on Charisma since it's 40/5 you should have plenty of Charisma leftover. Still...I'm still torn on whether or not to bother, Paula is decent and can just wait on a revival to mincost. The next item collection should be Metus, right?

08-26-2017, 07:04 PM
Isn't Meeting of Souls from the 2nd half of the event max drop 2.6 per stam? Unless you really want to go all out, you should be able to save SCs without using any on Charisma since it's 40/5 you should have plenty of Charisma leftover. Still...I'm still torn on whether or not to bother, Paula is decent and can just wait on a revival to mincost. The next item collection should be Metus, right?

First of all: I hope it's Metus <3
Second: You must be loking at her revival, then yes the map "Previous Gathering of the Soul" gives a max of 2.6 per sta; but on the original event (which is what we'll get) the best ratio is 2.29 for "Pumpking King" :)

08-26-2017, 08:10 PM
Ah ok, thanks. was using a google translated site. Looks like it's either wait for a revival or burn some SCs. I think I might just farm Parade the whole event, I'm short on warriors and plat armour/DCs are always nice.

08-26-2017, 09:40 PM
Don't worry google translate does a decent enough job to orientate yourself but it's still google translate :P

08-26-2017, 10:29 PM
I can confirm that the next collection unit is indeed Metus (yay!) but she's far along the time line of events and that's assuming we don't get other collection events that Nutaku skipped. I believe we have yet to get Liana's event for some reason.

On the issue of revivals, I can't really say much. Going by the japanese wiki it seems that revival events are somewhat sporadic at best and they seem to revive mostly the more popular/older events more frequently. A good example is the amount of revivals both Karma and Anya have received by now where as Eterna only had one revival back in April.

Thankfully Nutaku players have the benefit of "looking ahead" and see if the next event is worth the investment. Ultimately the decision of to perfect or to not perfect depends on the player.

08-26-2017, 11:24 PM
My guess, based off nothing really, is we'll get Eterna(item) > Gold Rush 8 > Len revival(farm) (mostly hoping, since I missed her apparently) > Irene (star) > Metus (item)

08-26-2017, 11:36 PM
[...]I believe we have yet to get Liana's event for some reason.[...]

She was skipped because Liana is a shrine healer that replaced Elyse back in the day (because fully adult flat-chested females weren't allowed), so getting her event would mean nutaku would have to a) GIVE AWAY Elyse for free to all the players that rolled Liana (which i don't really think they will), b) give them back the 5 SC they use to roll her, c) Give them a black ticket for a consolation roll of equalish value, d) nothing at all leaving those poor souls screwd for eternity

All that left Liana in a vary bad standing for Nutaku players since she is very a costly healer (since she was an event unit her base cost is higher than regular fellow blacks) and getting her meant you should've gotten the very OP Elyse :P

08-27-2017, 01:27 AM
Question about getting Eterna mincost for my team? Is she worth the SC

The only mages I have are Female Gold Mage Mehlis (CC 21) and Gold Male Mage Barbastroff (CC 54). Also I don't have ant Bishops that are Gold+

08-27-2017, 01:41 AM
well...at max level , she is going to outdamage both of them , but you have to consider that she is a black and they are golds. Also , depending on the number of enemies , she might actually do less damage , because her skill doesn't increase her area of effect like barbastroff's skill does for example, but instead her skill will let her become a healer.

She;s a hybrid unit , and hybrids tend to be less strong in 1 area then specialized units , but can instead fill different niches because they are more adaptable.

That being said , eterna's skill awakening will reduce her damage by 20% , but let her attack and heal at the same time for 90 seconds (which is rather long ) , with an initial deploy of 5 seconds.

I personally think it;s rather good , but some people have different opinions. Also , i can actually power level units and SAW her pretty quickly. That is not necesarily an option for a newbie that would preffer to invest his resources in other stuff.

08-27-2017, 02:23 AM
The people who make videos guides for the nutaku version are mostly using Bishops over Mages, so I presumed they were better.
So are they using Bishops over mages just because of there higher attack power?

08-27-2017, 02:34 AM
For 1 , we had multiple bishop events (Noel and Paula for example - which are both decent) , so many people have those at max crs. There is also the fact that dps wise , the difference between bishops , and mages its not THAT big....as well as bishops having a bit of a longer range (so they can be deployed in more restricted spaces) , and they can heal as well , so that makes them more versatile...

i'm guessing you're also seeing plenty of videos with Noel. The difference in dps is not that big to matter most of the times. People simply use noel because her AW passive boosts the gold dropped by 10%.

08-27-2017, 02:54 AM
I was underlvl doing Nagi's event, did forget the Char/Stam glich but I was too poor of a user - so I did used a lot of SC on it

well I have Noel who is CC and she other than Paula are my only Bishops

Yosh!!! I get Eterna too

08-27-2017, 03:51 AM
I've been holding off using Bishops simply because I have Garania and Mehlis both awakened and I don't think Garania's AW ability works with Bishops. I also have Sasha who I've been tempted to level to replace Mehlis.

08-27-2017, 07:44 AM
I also have Garania+Sasha... yeah. And blacks cost a lot to rise too. And its not like i dont have anything to level/AW for the next 3 month.
Ill decide when she hits the stage.

08-27-2017, 08:09 AM
Which is honestly sad....because both are great units and synergyse well with each other , but there aren't many maps where you'd want to have 2 mages in your team. Hell , i;d rather run an single mage and a bishop (noel - for the extra gold) rather then run 2 mages.

Honestly , with how much good units we have already (not to mention DMM) , the biggest buff the developers could give us would be bigger teams. Even 2-3 more slots , and i't be amazing.

08-27-2017, 09:04 AM
I agree on the 2 mages team, i run my main team with a Mehlis + Mel and Noel just for the gold boost but also as a backup in case i need aditional magic damage

08-27-2017, 09:32 PM
She was skipped because Liana is a shrine healer that replaced Elyse back in the day (because fully adult flat-chested females weren't allowed), so getting her event would mean nutaku would have to a) GIVE AWAY Elyse for free to all the players that rolled Liana (which i don't really think they will), b) give them back the 5 SC they use to roll her, c) Give them a black ticket for a consolation roll of equalish value, d) nothing at all leaving those poor souls screwd for eternity

What is it with Nutaku and flat-chested woman? They even had Fran relegated to chibi form in the event banner. What happened to "Love a loli, save the world" ? Not all women have overly large breasts for heaven's sake! Anyway, a black ticket would do I think.

@lolix I don't see the downside at having two mages per team. I have been doing for some time and it's saved me a great deal. Granted, Bishops aren't the most common unit and my Noel is still non CC. Then again I was thinking of replacing one of my mages with Zola but still debating it.

I think a good question is for those that have Paula, is Eterna worth perfecting? I did some number crunching a while ago and found that Paula actually out-shined Eterna somewhat, though I am interested in everyone's thoughts.

08-27-2017, 09:51 PM
there is nothing wrong with having 2 mages in a team (even tho i'd consider that a bit too UP heavy in general. I'd rather use my solano in conjunction with a mage/bishop and use my other slots for other units) ....but having 2 mages means that it would be awkward to include a bishop as well in that team comp , because why the heck would you have 2 mages and a bishop in a team considering their costs and role ? Not like you're going to need 3 magic aoe dps on most maps anyway.

And the reason some people (myself included) might want to include a bishop in a team is noel. Her aw passive has good utility and its not like the DPS will take such a huge hit between having another plat mage (let's say odette) and having Noel. Obviously , it's going to be lower overall , but most of the times its not that important , while her aw passive will matter everytime (even in commision sorties)

08-27-2017, 10:02 PM
there is nothing wrong with having 2 mages in a team (even tho i'd consider that a bit too UP heavy in general. I'd rather use my solano in conjunction with a mage/bishop and use my other slots for other units) ....but having 2 mages means that it would be awkward to include a bishop as well in that team comp , because why the heck would you have 2 mages and a bishop in a team considering their costs and role ? Not like you're going to need 3 magic aoe dps on most maps anyway.

And the reason some people (myself included) might want to include a bishop in a team is noel. Her aw passive has good utility and its not like the DPS will take such a huge hit between having another plat mage (let's say odette) and having Noel. Obviously , it's going to be lower overall , but most of the times its not that important , while her aw passive will matter everytime (even in commision sorties)

Wait, Noel's AW passive works even in sorties? how? she needs to be on team 1? or any team counts? :O

08-27-2017, 10:18 PM
there is nothing wrong with having 2 mages in a team (even tho i'd consider that a bit too UP heavy in general. I'd rather use my solano in conjunction with a mage/bishop and use my other slots for other units) ....but having 2 mages means that it would be awkward to include a bishop as well in that team comp , because why the heck would you have 2 mages and a bishop in a team considering their costs and role ? Not like you're going to need 3 magic aoe dps on most maps anyway.

And the reason some people (myself included) might want to include a bishop in a team is noel. Her aw passive has good utility and its not like the DPS will take such a huge hit between having another plat mage (let's say odette) and having Noel. Obviously , it's going to be lower overall , but most of the times its not that important , while her aw passive will matter everytime (even in commision sorties)

Hmm, that's a good argument. I will admit it is a grind to get two Mages out but I generally carry two for the sake of insurance and to help move things along towards the end of a map. And yeah, having three magick aoe is rather overkill. I honestly would probably have used Solano as well but by the time I started her event had past and Bishops were quite few, the only Bishops I have now are Paula and Noel and they're both event units.

And too side with Blaxer's bewilderment, Noel's passive works in commision sorties as well?! How does that even work?

08-28-2017, 03:46 AM
Wait, Noel's AW passive works even in sorties? how? she needs to be on team 1? or any team counts? :O

Yes it works on sorties , and it should even stacks with gold get (but gold get doesn't work on sorties tho) , and yes , she has to be in the team that is taking the sortie.

08-28-2017, 09:21 AM
Yes it works on sorties , and it should even stacks with gold get (but gold get doesn't work on sorties tho) , and yes , she has to be in the team that is taking the sortie.

never noticed that lol
but i'll make sure she is on the active team whenever i take a sortie now

08-29-2017, 05:16 AM
Someone post earlier the best map to farm, but the name does not match any of the missions.
So does anyone know the proper name of the map? Thanks

08-29-2017, 05:45 AM
as a rule of thumb , more stamina cost , better rewards. Should do some maths first and check , but i'm lazy right now :)

08-29-2017, 06:02 AM
Someone post earlier the best map to farm, but the name does not match any of the missions.
So does anyone know the proper name of the map? Thanks
It was me DIO!! :P

1600 for mincost max skill, considering the max drops per sta is on the Pumping King map with 2.29; We're looking at around 80 runs with perfect drop, natural regen for the event gives 336 sta + whathever you start with. given a random factor multiplying that 80 perfect rounds by 1.5 we have 120 runs for average-bad luck and since we can de 50~ runs with just natural regen assuming we don't waste a single sta point, we are looking at 15~ SC just thinking on STA so throw in a few for charisma too

Totally not using SC for her, i mean she's not Karma-tier. Probably will go with just natural regen and skipping monday and thursdays as usual

But the Pumpking King map is named exactly that, what are you talking about?


I guess you're talking about gathering of the souls which was discussed later as the best to farm on the revival, but since this is the original event it's not, for now

08-29-2017, 06:44 AM
Sorry didn't notice, I was looking on the wiki page and it looks like the person just copied and pasted it from the dmm english wiki. The wording of the level threw me off

08-29-2017, 08:16 AM
It was me DIO!! :P
Also worth noting that the 90/12 map gives 2.167 souls per stamina when you get max drops which is slightly less, but it likely has better drop rates. Not sure what the drop rates of the two maps are to compare which is actually better overall, but it is also likely a decent choice for farming.

08-29-2017, 02:25 PM
Also worth noting that the 90/12 map gives 2.167 souls per stamina when you get max drops which is slightly less, but it likely has better drop rates. Not sure what the drop rates of the two maps are to compare which is actually better overall, but it is also likely a decent choice for farming.

Yeah 90/12 maps are like that, better drop rates at the cost of possibly wasting a lot of STA; lesser maps (Pumpking King in this case) have worse drop rates but in the worst scenario you waste 7 STA instead of 12 which is almost double

08-29-2017, 04:07 PM
Yeah 90/12 maps are like that, better drop rates at the cost of possibly wasting a lot of STA; lesser maps (Pumpking King in this case) have worse drop rates but in the worst scenario you waste 7 STA instead of 12 which is almost double

It's been my experience with both revivals and the original events that the 80/9 maps are quite decent to farm as well. They don't give as much as the 90/12 but for those that can't do the last maps it's a good option.

The only downside is that there is no way to get a perfected unit without spending a great deal of SCs, certainly more than for a 90/12 map. However you could comfortably get 600-700 items which can give a -3 cost and a level 6 skill. A nice deal I think.

08-29-2017, 06:12 PM
Does our Aigis follow exactly Gold rushes from original? Found out which should be next,, need Julian and he is there so i would be rly glad if that happens =)

And there i seen its not exact time difference between their GRs from 2m to 3,5m.. so whats your opinions on when should we have next one?

08-30-2017, 01:13 AM
tanking dracolich with no paralise immune unit is hard...

08-30-2017, 06:14 AM
Theres no need to tank it

08-31-2017, 10:01 PM
It'd be interesting to see what the minimum composition you can use to burn the draco down would look like. I've just been mindlessly throwing Elizabeth, Despara and Sybilla at the problem.

09-01-2017, 01:21 AM
try using a dancer with elizabeth , and she's going to burn it in no time. I used vincent for example , and he is much worse

09-01-2017, 02:17 PM
Charlotte's revival next week btw according to Nordland's post in ULMF (http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=1007347&postcount=29458).

09-01-2017, 03:06 PM
Charlotte's revival next week btw according to Nordland's post in ULMF (http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=1007347&postcount=29458).

Thanks for info,, could use decent fencer since i have only silver one and not rly any mellee spot ranged magic unit =)

09-01-2017, 05:14 PM
Still need 1 last CR on her, hopefully I get that early and can just farm some dailies. This was fairly early on so I get the feeling I may still have some maps to 3 star as I recall getting several of her during Paula's event.

09-03-2017, 12:26 PM
Charlotte's revival next week btw according to Nordland's post in ULMF (http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=1007347&postcount=29458).

Charlotte, the one who gets controlled by every single monster, enemy in the game to the point that even Anna scolds her for it? That Charlotte? Hmm, I think I'll wait for Horus. Then again, she is a unit farm and therefore easier to complete while Horus would need MC's. Oh, might as well.

09-03-2017, 01:03 PM
Thanks for info,, could use decent fencer since i have only silver one and not rly any mellee spot ranged magic unit =)
Well to be fair they only become magic attackers upon skill activation; until a later patch that will make them magical all the time

Charlotte, the one who gets controlled by every single monster, enemy in the game to the point that even Anna scolds her for it? That Charlotte? Hmm, I think I'll wait for Horus. Then again, she is a unit farm and therefore easier to complete while Horus would need MC's. Oh, might as well.
Based on AW I hold Charlotte higher than I do Horace, that chance to double attack every so often is nice while Horace's bonus seems... meh imo
The fact that nutaku got Charlotte right before Horace just made evident who would be easier to get a perfect copy of

I'm exited about her revival, first time around i didn't farm her seriously because Horace was easier and I don't really use her tbh
I need a lot of copies to get her mincosted but since I don't care about the main event I can commit to the revival :D

09-04-2017, 11:30 AM
Based on AW I hold Charlotte higher than I do Horace, that chance to double attack every so often is nice while Horace's bonus seems... meh imo
The fact that nutaku got Charlotte right before Horace just made evident who would be easier to get a perfect copy of

I'm exited about her revival, first time around i didn't farm her seriously because Horace was easier and I don't really use her tbh
I need a lot of copies to get her mincosted but since I don't care about the main event I can commit to the revival :D

After comparing the two I suppose your right. For me it seems the deal breaker on Horus was her skill. It holds for ten secounds longer but the cooldown is quite long and with SAW I have to say that Charlotte got the better bargain. Horus also attacks slower as well it seems for a stronger attack though I am not sure on dps of the two.

I just hope for an upgraded Charlotte lore and unit wise so she can stop being controlled all the time. It's... tiresome. Funny, but tiresome.

09-04-2017, 11:33 AM
well , she is a gag character , obviously...which works , considering aigis doesn't have that many actually

09-04-2017, 01:59 PM
After comparing the two I suppose your right. For me it seems the deal breaker on Horus was her skill. It holds for ten secounds longer but the cooldown is quite long and with SAW I have to say that Charlotte got the better bargain. Horus also attacks slower as well it seems for a stronger attack though I am not sure on dps of the two.

I just hope for an upgraded Charlotte lore and unit wise so she can stop being controlled all the time. It's... tiresome. Funny, but tiresome.

To be fair it all started with "controlled Kerry" because the dev tea didn't really have many art sprites to work with and with new events it was easier to toss a controlled Kerry than to design a new boss; and the idea kinda got reused not for the lack of sprites, but rather to change the game a bit imo. Think about it like this, you always fight monsters and some even get to be boring because you see them all the time so fighting a main unit is quite refreshing e.g. the AW orbs dailies and the new AW fairies map on weekends

09-06-2017, 11:56 AM
To be fair it all started with "controlled Kerry" because the dev tea didn't really have many art sprites to work with and with new events it was easier to toss a controlled Kerry than to design a new boss; and the idea kinda got reused not for the lack of sprites, but rather to change the game a bit imo. Think about it like this, you always fight monsters and some even get to be boring because you see them all the time so fighting a main unit is quite refreshing e.g. the AW orbs dailies and the new AW fairies map on weekends

Their was a controlled Carrie (Kerry?)? That might be from before I started playing so I have no knowledge on it. I don't mind there being situations where you fight your own units, it's quite nice to see them especially the ones you don't use often. My problem with Charlotte is that unlike other units who fight you for training, misunderstanding, or mischief, Charlotte is always controlled all the time. I get that it's a gag but it would nice to see another side to Charlotte rather than the controlled damsel.

Think Brock from Pokemon. His gag was to always swoon whenever a pretty girl walks on screen and even though that did get overplayed you had Brock as an individual character with his own story, goals, and views. I would like to see that with Charlotte as well. Maintain the gag but give her something more.

And once again a unit revival without 100% first drop. I would like to know why this is the case despite having had roughly three events with it in place.

09-08-2017, 12:56 PM
it's because it's an old mission. the 100% first time thing only applies to missions introduced after that feature was created.

09-09-2017, 11:25 AM
it's because it's an old mission. the 100% first time thing only applies to missions introduced after that feature was created.

That makes little sense to me though. On DMM they have daily revivals of unit farms and unless I wasn't paying attention they also have a 100% first drop, with all the unit farms. Unless they changed coding significantly enough to be considered a different event altogether I cannot see why 100% first drop can't be achieved with a standard unit farm revival (even MC revival) here.

09-09-2017, 04:14 PM
That makes little sense to me though. On DMM they have daily revivals of unit farms and unless I wasn't paying attention they also have a 100% first drop, with all the unit farms. Unless they changed coding significantly enough to be considered a different event altogether I cannot see why 100% first drop can't be achieved with a standard unit farm revival (even MC revival) here.

They literally just told you because it's an old event
And 100% first time drop for MC already happened iirc I think it was on Anya' s but don't quote me on that

09-10-2017, 12:33 PM
They literally just told you because it's an old event
And 100% first time drop for MC already happened iirc I think it was on Anya' s but don't quote me on that

I will be perfectly honest, I am not following with what you're saying. I understand that it's an old event, but I don't understand how that affects the drop rates on unit farm revivals.
I'm must be missing something here because I really don't get it.

I mentioned the MC because I couldn't remember when it first happened, but I think you're right about Anya being the first.

Update: I think my problem is that I don't fully understand how revivals work in terms of their programming. I would be grateful if someone could clear this up for me.

09-10-2017, 05:31 PM
farm revivals are COMPLETELY identical to their original version, star and collection events are not. this is why star and collection revivals have 100% first drop, they need to be reprogrammed to drop MCs anyway so they add the 100% drop while they are at it. farm revivals don't drop anything special besides their special unit, which they have a drop rate based on stamina already.

09-10-2017, 10:23 PM
farm revivals are COMPLETELY identical to their original version, star and collection events are not. this is why star and collection revivals have 100% first drop, they need to be reprogrammed to drop MCs anyway so they add the 100% drop while they are at it. farm revivals don't drop anything special besides their special unit, which they have a drop rate based on stamina already.

Oh, that's how it works. Alright, I get it now. Sorry about the misunderstanding.

09-11-2017, 07:50 AM
Next event's unit looks cute 6489
Too bad her event doesn't drop samurais either :/
I guess i'll just farm valks and angels and hope for her to drop

09-11-2017, 11:11 AM
So the White Empire makes its first appearance. Well this should be interesting. Isabelle is a Pegasus Knight who boosts other Pegasus Knights' attack by 7% on AW. She has an odd skill where it...

09-11-2017, 11:18 AM
Next event's unit looks cute 6489
Too bad her event doesn't drop samurais either :/
I guess i'll just farm valks and angels and hope for her to drop

man, her legs are fuking long -

09-11-2017, 11:44 AM
But where in heaven's name is Anna? Are we going to get her or will she be like Liana, who is perpetually skipped?
Well Liana's situation is gacha-related but Anna's is not so I really don't see why we don't get her

09-11-2017, 03:22 PM
Already have Stella, Esther and Alicia neither of em awakened yet tho,, should i go after this pega unit too?

09-12-2017, 01:22 AM
since her ability is to make other pegs stronger, then yes.

09-12-2017, 01:24 AM
yeah , but then you are forced to field at least 2 pegasus riders in your team (her , and probably esther) , which most of the times is not something you want

09-12-2017, 09:44 AM
yeah , but then you are forced to field at least 2 pegasus riders in your team (her , and probably esther) , which most of the times is not something you want

Well you don't need to field her, her stat boost works the same as Spica's or Belinda's so having her in the active team is enough to get the boost

09-12-2017, 10:33 AM
Biggest issue with Isabelle is that she's a later bloomer and pegasus riders cost so damn much relative to their stats. She has way more potential than the average farmable unit due to mounted imperials qualifying for umpteen million different tribal bonuses but in practice it's usually easy to find another unit out there that you'd rather develop before her. So she's in this rough position where you really want to mincost her if you intend to use her but she's also not high on the list of priority awakening targets. She gets a thumbs in the middle from me: not great, but a solid alternative to just blowing your wad on a handful of yolo rolls as long as you're patient with her.

09-12-2017, 11:37 AM
Well you don't need to field her, her stat boost works the same as Spica's or Belinda's so having her in the active team is enough to get the boost

i didn't meant field her as in deploy on the map. I mean field in as in the starting team. I honestly wouldn't want to have 2 pegasus riders in the team. And if you aren't going to place her on the starting squad (to buff ester) , there is no point in awakening her. That was my point

09-12-2017, 02:15 PM
Bring Esther and Liddy, make aerial horse team ;D

09-14-2017, 06:13 AM
A combined force of being under the the weather and finally being able to F/GO made me drop under the radar for quite a bit, but luckily I was able to collect the thoughts and roll out the guide. Better late than never, right?)

09-14-2017, 06:57 AM
man , i wish we coulg play f/go in europe.

Never been much into anime , but i've actually watched fate ubw and zero at the recomandation of a friend. It was epic

09-14-2017, 11:51 PM
APKPure has it open for all the world. Install their app and you'll even get the game updated nearly the same time as Google's appstore users do. I know, I play mine from there)

Fair warning, that game is addictive as hell)

And yes, Fate IS epic.

09-15-2017, 02:00 AM
had no idea. Ill try that ....probably next month or so , when i will take a break from work

09-18-2017, 03:36 AM
Yay, Julian and Jerome Skill Awakenings!

Thank you for playing Millennium War Aigis.

Maintenance will be performed on September 19, 2017 (Tue) 3AM.
Maintenance Period
September 19, 2017 (Tue) 3AM ~
September 19, 2017 (Tue) 6AM (EST) (Estimated Completion Time)

Maintenance Details
Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission
 "The Imperial Pegasus Knight" ends

- The Item Drop Rate for Story Missions is x1.5 begins
- The Item Drop Rate for Daily Missions is x1.5 begins
- The Item Drop Rate for Awakening Orb is x2 begins
*The Item Drop Rate will be available
 until begin of maintenance on September 26(Tue).

Change of unit list of Trading Post
- Start of the Exchange of Demon Crystals
 "Swordswoman Akane"
 "Sailor Viera"
 "Ninja Hien"

Other Changes
- Added the 4 star challenge "Eastern Wind"
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon
- Basic EXP x3 for Silver female units
- Basic EXP x1.5 for Silver male units
 (Only basic EXP will increase; levels will not increase.
 EXP will return to normal after the maintenance scheduled
 for September 26, 2017 (Tue) 3AM. )
- Add Skill Awakening
  "Commander Julian"
  "Tactician Jerome"
  "Lieutenant Aria"
  "Tactics Instructor Katie"
  "Sacred Swordswoman Zenobia"

All users should be sure to finish their current games 5 minutes
prior to the start of maintenance.
Game data may not save properly in the minutes before
maintenance commences.

Please be aware that you will not be able to play the game during
the Maintenance Period listed above.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and ask for
your understanding and cooperation.

The Millennium War Aigis Development Team

09-18-2017, 06:00 AM
So we'll have a break event, actually i can work with that considering i need a few AW orbs as well as gold and DC (as always :P )

09-21-2017, 11:33 AM

Some update information for you:

Sep 26th 03:00 - 06:00 (EST)

Urgent mission "The Dark Knight Clan and the Imperiled Healer" will be implemented. "Yuno" will be dropped in the event.

"Nataku" will be added in the summon. Nataku is a black unit and her class is "Hermit". She normally flies in the air and she can land on the ground to attack while her skill is active. Her skill is called "Flaming Spear" and she can attack in spite of enemy's defense and magic resistance ability.

Looks like Yuno is up for grabs. Never was too fond of her with her wanting to play Dark Priest. SAW has her behave like a Shaman with alternating damage and healing. Good heavens woman what do you want to be?

But another farm event? Seems a little odd to have one at the heels of another.

And dammit! Nataku is in the gacha and I only have 95 SC's. My odds of getting her have dropped severely.

09-21-2017, 12:25 PM
Sweet, another free week. I'll just clear the missions once and move on.

09-21-2017, 02:02 PM

Well since Chydis is better than Yuno her at raw healing (even better with skill up) i guess i'll just get a copy for fuc...collection purposes
I guess that AT boost ability for healers is good too whenever i have spare space in the team

I'll just focus on getting samurais and let Yuno be (inb4 i get lucky with her because i don't actually care), too bad they drop on the 12 STA mission :/

09-22-2017, 12:44 AM
Oh well, I guess it's better than another collection event. Min-costed the last one with 3 days to spare, so should help me restock some SC.

09-22-2017, 05:10 PM
Well since Chydis is better than Yuno her at raw healing (even better with skill up) i guess i'll just get a copy for fuc...collection purposes
I guess that AT boost ability for healers is good too whenever i have spare space in the team

I'll add her with Rowanna and Eva as "Sexy but rather useless" units. I don't know what they were thinking with this one, she's like a human variant of the Dragon Soldier class; they have no clue what they want.

Considering this, would her 7% attack boost be worth it? Unlike Belinda and Spica who retain their class traits and take advantage of their buffs, Yuno would end up forgoing class trait and waste the buff on offense rather than support. In a tight situation that could spell doom for the player and a great deal of frustration.

09-22-2017, 11:15 PM
I'll add her with Rowanna and Eva as "Sexy but rather useless" units. I don't know what they were thinking with this one, she's like a human variant of the Dragon Soldier class; they have no clue what they want.

Considering this, would her 7% attack boost be worth it? Unlike Belinda and Spica who retain their class traits and take advantage of their buffs, Yuno would end up forgoing class trait and waste the buff on offense rather than support. In a tight situation that could spell doom for the player and a great deal of frustration.

That attack boost applies to healing power as well, so could help if your tight on healers.

09-23-2017, 12:21 PM
That attack boost applies to healing power as well, so could help if your tight on healers.

That is true, though I personally wouldn't sacrifice a healing spot for Yuno's boost since Yuno herself wastes it with her skill and skill is where a healing unit can make or break your run.

09-23-2017, 01:38 PM
I do wonder (since I don't have sufficient experience for this):

Is the concept of healer by default->attacker with skill (which also applies some buff or another) just fundamentally flawed relative to the other way around (attacker by default->healer with skill & buff, like bishop or shaman)?

Or is Yuno specifically a bad implementation of this concept?

Or a mix of both?

09-23-2017, 08:40 PM
I do wonder (since I don't have sufficient experience for this):

Is the concept of healer by default->attacker with skill (which also applies some buff or another) just fundamentally flawed relative to the other way around (attacker by default->healer with skill & buff, like bishop or shaman)?

Or is Yuno specifically a bad implementation of this concept?

Or a mix of both?

Let me try to explain:

The first example you mentioned was Attacker that heals while the skill is up, for this example i'll use Noel (a gold bishop that we got on a star trial event). Whenever you place a damaging unit you want that unit to do damage, but since every now and then you would want some healing over damage you would use the skill so she can heal in that moment and then she can return to damage

The other way (Healer that attacks while skill is up) is... imo harder to plan for. You see, whenever you plant a healer you want that healer to HEAL all the time, so even if you need the attack you would be sacrificing healing which may lead into a dead unit because you wanted to make your healer attack instead of fielding a temporary witch or some other damage dealer

The way i see it is: You put your healer because you know you want X unit healed if needed, so the option of converting to attack is not often taken, thus making Yuno a rather niche unit

Then again it's my opinion, you can go and read or watch videos and judge by yourself
Remember at the end of the day only can convince yourself :D

09-24-2017, 10:18 AM
I do wonder (since I don't have sufficient experience for this):

Is the concept of healer by default->attacker with skill (which also applies some buff or another) just fundamentally flawed relative to the other way around (attacker by default->healer with skill & buff, like bishop or shaman)?

Or is Yuno specifically a bad implementation of this concept?

Or a mix of both?Both are pretty flawed and fairly niche roles. They add an annoying element of micromanagement, while not really being that much more useful than a vanilla unit would have been in that slot. It is true that disabling a healer tends to lead to disaster more often than disabling an attacker, since you'll have less healers on the map compared to attackers, so disabling one might be critical.

Honestly - think of a situation where you'll want to switch a healer to an attacker. How often does that come up? Almost never, right? Now, how about switching an attacker to a healer? Pretty easy - maps tend to swarm you early game then drop huge bosses which need to be tanked later.

Generally, the best multi-role units are ones who toggle with a low CD skill like Shiho, or ones who simply do both at the same time like Eterna.

09-24-2017, 01:06 PM
Blaxer put into words this issue beautifully, a job very well done :D

hchan1 also highlighted a factor that makes dual units both a blessing and a curse with their need of micromanaging.

To me the better hybrid units are those that have a passive change in attack such as Priest Warriors and Dark Priests and both also have a heal priority skill. All in all an attacker to healer is always a good thing, the other way around not so much. Actually the only class I know of that does that are Dragon Shamans, though I think most people field them for their attack oriented skill rather than their non-skill healing.

09-30-2017, 09:42 PM
Honestly - think of a situation where you'll want to switch a healer to an attacker. How often does that come up? Almost never, right? Now, how about switching an attacker to a healer? Pretty easy - maps tend to swarm you early game then drop huge bosses which need to be tanked later.

Generally, the best multi-role units are ones who toggle with a low CD skill like Shiho, or ones who simply do both at the same time like Eterna.

Word up.

Last recent example was my (admittedly shitty) 3* Soldier in the Tower run, which would've failed if I didn't switch Shiho off of attacking to avoid aggro'ing the mythril golem.

10-02-2017, 12:55 PM
The Dark Guild's Servant (star trial) is up next with Irene up for a light patting on the head.

Hmm interesting, our first Maid it seems. Maids, as is their role in life and society, strengthen their masters and give them various boosts. They also tokennize (spelling please) their masters as well making those three stars just a little bit easier. Not sure if I should mention 2AW since that's very far away.

All Maids specialize in a particular theme with Irene focusing on "outlaw" units. Base ability gives Bandits 7% extra max health and Rogues 20% extra skill duration. AW'ed ability adds Pirates and Thieves in the mix giving them 5% extra attack and -1 cost respectively; though honestly who fields Thieves anyway?
Irene also gets a good skill as well, with max skill doubling her attack and defense for 30 secounds. SAW decreases the boost to 90% for the same duration and makes her attacks ranged (200).

All in all Maids are probably the most solid support units in the game I think. They are both able to boost their fellows and hold their own in a pinch; definitely worth the effort of perfecting.

10-02-2017, 02:49 PM
well , rogues can be good if you have a berna , but generally speaking , there are better duelists out there

10-03-2017, 01:32 AM
Don't sleep on the Pirate boost though. As new units come out Pirates will eventually find themselves in the enviable position of getting attack boosts from a couple different types of unit, a setup which makes it pretty easy to squeeze in a Pirate boost or two into most deployments without running into as severe of a redundancy issue you as you typically see with other classes. You only need one platinum or higher gacha pirate to start make such tribal setups pretty compelling, since Helena (Pirate boosting vanguard tactian), Irene and Sabrina (Solid event pirate with w/ global pirate cost reduction Ability) all support the strategy well and are event units. Honestly, the biggest thing I dislike about Irene is that she herself isn't really that compelling until AW2, which is both expensive and a long way off.

10-03-2017, 01:58 AM
bandit boost means my amanda's HUGE GUTS(HP) get even HUGER

10-09-2017, 02:37 AM
Revival time!

Maintenance will be performed on October 10, 2017 (Tue) 3AM.
Maintenance Period
October 10, 2017 (Tue) 3AM ~
October 10, 2017 (Tue) 6AM (EST) (Estimated Completion Time)

Maintenance Details
Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission
 "The Dark Guild's Servant" is now in progress

- The Revival Mission
 "Ancient Automata" begins

Other Changes
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon
- Add Skill Awakening
  "Fairy Bishop Marius"
  "Elven Priest Noel"
  "Sun Priestess Patra"
  "Missionary Paula"

10-09-2017, 03:07 AM
Not bad, I think I missed this event the first time around, I have Rika at -2cost, but I think I got her from a Gold Rush. Should be easy to mincost and save some SCs.

10-09-2017, 01:48 PM
With these to events going on, which platinum unit is worth farming?
Rita -2 Skill 4/10,
Miranda CC -3 Skill 5/10
Maribel -2 Skill 3/5
Rika Got from gold rush, missed first event

Units I have of the same class: Bernice AW Max -1, Spica and Bashira AW lvl60

10-09-2017, 02:34 PM
With these to events going on, which platinum unit is worth farming?
Rita -2 Skill 4/10,
Miranda CC -3 Skill 5/10
Maribel -2 Skill 3/5
Rika Got from gold rush, missed first event

Units I have of the same class: Bernice AW Max -1, Spica and Bashira AW lvl60

Maribel is meh, though may occasionally be useful. Miranda can tank 4K hits at max level. Rita's untargetable will be nice in the future.
Rika is a niche that's similar to sailors (block while not on skill, allow passing and ranged attacks outside skill), but her SAW is one of the best out there. The unhealable part may be either a curse or a blessing, depending on how you deploy your troops.

I will be going for Rika, but I've already finished with Rita.

10-09-2017, 03:07 PM
Simply put, Rika >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rita > Miranda > Maribel

10-10-2017, 09:51 AM
Yep, Rika's niche but it's a good niche. It never hurts to have good sources of true damage in your toolbox.

10-16-2017, 02:44 AM
Maintenance Details
Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission
 "The Dark Guild's Servant" ends
- The Revival Mission
 "Ancient Automata" ends

- The Urgent Mission
 "Anna's Great Adventure" begins
- Basic EXP x3 for Gold or above female units begins
- Basic EXP x2 for Gold or above male units begins
 Only basic EXP will increase; levels will not increase.
 EXP will return to normal after the maintenance
 scheduled for October 31, 2017 (Tue) 3AM.

Other Changes
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon


10-16-2017, 02:54 AM
I really hope I'm not looking at the wrong event, 2 time spirits and a 150k exp spirit? Not sure if that's the normal event or a revival.

Edit: It seems the normal only has 1 time, revival has the other and the exp. Damn.

10-16-2017, 09:16 AM

Took a break this event and now it seems like the perfect time to come back >:D

10-16-2017, 11:03 AM
what am i missing? Anna is black and to me it looks like crappy unit

10-16-2017, 11:08 AM
what am i missing? Anna is black and to me it looks like crappy unit

Looks like a dancer only for prince. But is Anna :D

10-16-2017, 12:34 PM
It is Anna. A face of the game. One to always greet you first every time you load up. One that speaks for you at every event. Only woman in your entire army you were unable to, ahem, invite to your room before. Such grave injustice is finally going to be fixed!

Gameplay matters not in the face of the waifu.

ЗЫ. This event was supposed to be a celebration of Aigis's first anniversary, but cuz reasons it was delayed for us. So let's celebrate to the fullest!

10-16-2017, 01:08 PM
Oh nice finally we get anna.
Also it has a katie drop, hopefully rngjesus will be kind to us so we can cost reduce her,

10-16-2017, 03:16 PM
Oh good heavens, finally! The white haired beauty is upon us! Gameplay wise, yes, she may not be that needed though giving a -3 cost to AW'ed prince is nice.
But as ZeroZet said it's more than just gameplay; we've developed a relationship with Anna as one of the few consistent people in the whole game.

Regular units? Yeah, we use them but they rarely have time to have full personalities. They have some time during events but that's relatively recent.

Event Units? They have personality to be sure, yet how often do we see them after their event ends? Do Ada, Belinda, Fran (whom I love), or recently Reanbull, and Irene show up after their events? For the vast majority the answer is no, they don't.

Anna? Whenever you open the game or start a mission she's always there to support you no matter what so she deserves her own event regardless of what she can do. And most importantly, to have a hentai theme(ish) game where the protagonist doesn't get some loven from a sexy childhood friend? Heresy I say!

All in all, Hooray for Anna! Oddly enough we get her around the secound year since I started playing so I'm going to perfect the hell out of her. She is an anniversary unit after all.

10-16-2017, 07:53 PM
The Event is really just a Themed Gold Rush...

Yes you will get a Black Unit as a Star Reward but really she's not a unit that anyone who has any decent unit selection would carry in their squad much less deploy.

Instead the rewards that matter are the GR rewards for the stages. I believe their is a Cost Reduction Spirit on one of the stages.

10-16-2017, 11:44 PM
We finally get a chance to grab Aigis's mascot character. Anna isn't the best character to use, but you can get her from getting her min/max by just completing the event quests in a star rush fashion. Which is the least SC way to gain an event character to min/max CR and skill. The rewards for getting all the drops per map is also worth participating in the event , so Anna is a side bonus.

I'm happy with the silver/gold fodder that I can use for CC and AW. I'll save for later Fleur since I don't have Anya yet. Same with Happy until I awaken a Black unit later on. Speaking of Anya/Dorania, Anna isn't able to CC or AW yet and her max level is 30 just like Dorania. Is DMM procrastinating to update Anna to have a similar "unsealing" like Dorania? Even though she has 2 other black versions of herself (swimsuit and waitress)? If she eventually gets "unsealed", I wonder how she'll compare to Sarah.

Edit: Whoops, Happy is for the revival of this event and not the first release.

10-18-2017, 12:06 PM
More power to anyone who likes Anna, but I’ve always found her to be one of the more boring secretaries. Give me Nazuna any day.

I did one roll on premium as usual, and surprisingly got the spotlight. Unfortunately, it was Eva and not Saria. At least Eva is cute, I guess? But she’s also the clingy yandere type, not even the crazy-but-willing-to-share type like Memento is.

10-19-2017, 06:13 AM
Now that we actually got one of the events that were deemed "Faith Events", do you think we'll be getting the other Anna event or Healing Treasures down the line?

10-19-2017, 06:19 AM
Other Anna event on the list is not even Anna's one, actually :p But yes, we should be getting it any moment now (Maybe on Christmas? It is winter-themed event after all)

But Liana's Healing Treasures? No way in the Makai.

10-19-2017, 12:17 PM
My Liana doesnt want to tell me either, no matter how often i... ehem...interrogate her.

10-23-2017, 06:28 AM
Azami time:

Notice: Maintenance

Thank you for playing Millennium War Aigis.

Maintenance will be performed on October 24, 2017 (Tue) 3AM.
Maintenance Period
October 24, 2017 (Tue) 3AM ~
October 24, 2017 (Tue) 6AM (EST) (Estimated Completion Time)

Maintenance Details
Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission
 "Anna's Great Adventure" is now in progress

- The Revival Mission
 "Ninja Army of Darkness" begins

Other Changes
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon
- Add Skill Awakening
 <Advance Guard>
  "Land Strategist Uzume"
  "General Shuka"
 <Rear Guard>
  "Air Strategist Len"

10-23-2017, 12:07 PM
For reference (or for thread revival), this is the old thread http://harem-battle.club/millennium-war-aigis/756-ninja-army-darkness-guide.html

10-30-2017, 02:54 PM
Can someone clear this up? I read over on the ULMF forum that we may have a break week tomorrow. If this happens then the dev team is really asking for trouble. Anyone here have any ideas on what's going on?

10-30-2017, 05:49 PM
Presumably the speculation is based on the notes for the upcoming maintenance, which for some unknown reason lack a Maintenance Details section.

Notice: Maintenance

Thank you for playing Millennium War Aigis.

Maintenance will be performed on October 31, 2017 (Tue) 3AM.
Maintenance Period
October 31, 2017 (Tue) 3AM ~
October 31, 2017 (Tue) 6AM (EST) (Estimated Completion Time)
This doesn't innately mean there is no event however. Even when we've had break weeks in the past, they would still have the section to note the previous event was coming to a close. As such all we can do is speculate about what will happen tomorrow.

10-30-2017, 06:24 PM
Hopefully they just gaffed and all would be well. A break would be a very serious thing to occur. The events need to continue properly, hell even another gold rush or a 1.5x exp/2x drop rate would be better than a break.

10-30-2017, 09:54 PM
Can't have Authentic NutAigis Experience(tm) without some breaks in-between ;)

10-30-2017, 11:46 PM
I thought the 2x drops period were consider breaks in between events. Though I wouldn't mind the release of the fodder and silver barracks.

10-31-2017, 03:16 AM

10-31-2017, 03:24 AM
Well fuck. If Aigis closes down, I guess Kamihime going to be the only game worth a damn on Nutaku.

10-31-2017, 03:28 AM
Damn!!! Why are they closing Millennium War Aigis??? It is probably the best game on Nutaku...

10-31-2017, 03:29 AM
but seriously, they need to explain why they are doing this somewhere, was it not making enough money? too few players? did they offend DMM?

10-31-2017, 03:31 AM
starburst98, not sure, this was a game I've actually spent quite some money on... It annoys me so much...

10-31-2017, 03:45 AM
First : WTF just happened ?
Second : no declaration from Nutaku as of now ?

10-31-2017, 04:17 AM
◆Announcement regarding "Millennium War Aigis" service closure◆

Thank you for playing Millennium War Aigis.

We are contacting you to inform you that the tower defence RPG "Millennium War Aigis",
which opened on the Feburary 12th 2015, will come to an end on Tuesday December 26th 2017.
We of the Aigis development team would like to express our gratitude to all you who have played until now.

The closure of this game will proceed as follows:

・2:00 (EST) Tuesday October 31st 2017
Last game content update

・2:00 (EST) Tuesday November 28th 2017
End of sale of "Sacred Crystals" and "New Prince Support Packs"

・2:00 (EST) Tuesday December 26th 2017
End of all services

There is still a short period before the end of service, and we hope you can enjoy the game until then.

The Millennium War Aigis Development Team

... well that's a punch to the groin... it dpesn't seem real, like a Halloween prank.

10-31-2017, 04:28 AM
Welp, this means that's it for me on Nutaku. Not gonna support JP devs by joining DMM side, can't read moonrunes anyway.

Sad, really. This was my most beloved game for quite some time.

Oh well, more money for F/GO.


Damn it all! T_T

10-31-2017, 04:29 AM
Funny, I just rolled Tamamo last night too. Wasn’t even aiming for her.

Of course, any joy I felt that time can’t be felt now.

10-31-2017, 04:31 AM
◆Announcement regarding "Millennium War Aigis" service closure◆

Thank you for playing Millennium War Aigis.

We are contacting you to inform you that the tower defence RPG "Millennium War Aigis",
which opened on the Feburary 12th 2015, will come to an end on Tuesday December 26th 2017.
We of the Aigis development team would like to express our gratitude to all you who have played until now.

The closure of this game will proceed as follows:

・2:00 (EST) Tuesday October 31st 2017
Last game content update

・2:00 (EST) Tuesday November 28th 2017
End of sale of "Sacred Crystals" and "New Prince Support Packs"

・2:00 (EST) Tuesday December 26th 2017
End of all services

There is still a short period before the end of service, and we hope you can enjoy the game until then.

The Millennium War Aigis Development Team

... well that's a punch to the groin... it dpesn't seem real, like a Halloween prank.

Well... that's it for me too on Nutaku. It was the only game that kept me playing on there. Would never have guessed that MWA will shut down...

10-31-2017, 04:35 AM
Well, looks like I'm done with Nutaku.

10-31-2017, 04:35 AM
We must go to the barricades and save this game!

10-31-2017, 04:37 AM
what the fuck?

only online game i ever spent money on , and the game looked like it was starting to improve and catch up to dmm.....wonder what happened

10-31-2017, 04:40 AM
Lolix: Completely agree.

Obviously Nutaku just can't be trusted to keep games running at this point; it doesn't matter whether the games are doing well, have a loyal following, etc; they're willing to either axe or allow to be axed games that we've spent a lot of time and money on (from a consumer standpoint it makes no difference which it is, the end result is the same. We lose access to what we've purchased).

So, yeah. I'm unfollowing, not picking up any more Nutaku games. If they're not willing to fight for us, why support them?

10-31-2017, 05:04 AM
DMM is in full control of the product. Obviously they canned the English version because "hey, not worth the effort". They still have their userbase on the original Japanese version.

TImes like this I really wish Nutaku devs were able to take control of the English version back in the day before DMM devs decided "naw we got this". We wouldn't be as caught up and still have a few breaks, but you know what? We just might still have an English version of the game.

10-31-2017, 05:16 AM
I used up all my SC, got 4 dupe Ellet, 1 Dorothy, 1 Fedora, 1 Stray, and 1 single platinum Cypria out of about 100 Sacred Crystal. At least I got an answer to what my luck might be like if I had money to spend on this game.

Goodbye Nutaku.

10-31-2017, 05:23 AM
have around 149 scs on my non black account. was waiting to see what new event we might get before trying to get a black on it as well. I'm probably going to wait 1-2 more days see what nutaku's responses are and then roll and see what my luck is on an account i have invested no money into

10-31-2017, 05:33 AM
Will wait a bit more and use my 127 sc in a big summon before leaving I guess...
Now I got a question : the decision to end nutaku MWA come from nutaku themselves or JP devs ? I though nutaku took the hand over the english version of the game a few months ago but I might be wrong... (just to know if I can think about going to the DMM side or tell them to f*ck off...)

10-31-2017, 05:38 AM
Pretty sure the jap devs are the ones in control

10-31-2017, 05:44 AM
Guess it'll be the "f*ck you" option then... Thanks for answering :x

10-31-2017, 06:03 PM
Fakku would have been a much more trustworthy host compared to Nutaku if they ever expand their market for DMM games. Alas, it's not like we can transfer our Nutaku Aigis account over to Fakku. *sigh*

11-01-2017, 05:39 AM
I didnt hear about Fakku in a long time since they got payment exclusive and kicked thier free content (even though i know the reason why and respect it it still killed it for me).
Tbh i dont think that nutaku is much in a fault here. Rather it is DMM. The international market is not very... loved... in japan.

11-01-2017, 06:03 AM
I didnt hear about Fakku in a long time since they got payment exclusive and kicked thier free content (even though i know the reason why and respect it it still killed it for me).
Tbh i dont think that nutaku is much in a fault here. Rather it is DMM. The international market is not very... loved... in japan.
Not a very popular opinion on the Aigis wiki. Basically everything is Nutaku's fault, and people are now flocking to the original version owned by the company who killed the International version.


11-01-2017, 06:55 AM
Not a very popular opinion on the Aigis wiki. Basically everything is Nutaku's fault, and people are now flocking to the original version owned by the company who killed the International version.


pretty much, yes.

11-01-2017, 03:41 PM
I didnt hear about Fakku in a long time since they got payment exclusive and kicked thier free content (even though i know the reason why and respect it it still killed it for me).

They're doing an amazing job with the translations lately, and have been dependable with what the customers wanted with the content they're releasing. Doujins will take a while if they can set up a foundation for Comiket or not. Company made doujins aren't a problem though.

Tbh i dont think that nutaku is much in a fault here. Rather it is DMM. The international market is not very... loved... in japan.

That reasoning there is more with Japan's view if the western international market is dependable. That's not really a DMM only thing. Which goes back to the reputation of western publishers for Japan's content. Which again, Nutaku is a publisher. So let's compare to the good, bad and the ugly with our western publishers. 4kids filed bankrupcy due to all the shenanigans they pulled with the classic anime such as Pokemon and Yugioh. Yugioh being the nail on the coffin where they filed the lawsuit that caused 4kids to go bankrupt. Funimation has an iron claw with not participating with any crossovers and only want to release the first few seasons and some of the dvd releases. They don't bother with anything else. For the publisher of Shakugan no Shana Light Novel and Spice and Wolf novel. Both publishers only released the first 3 volumes and didn't bother releasing the rest for 7 years. At the very least Yen Press rescued Spice and Wolf but Shakugan no Shana's rights are still with that one publisher.

As for the good, Yen Press is going for stable releases on most of the popular novels, and slowly rescuing the old light novels. Crunchy Roll is decentish with the manga and anime content. While Google is safe as a western publisher for manga.

Now let's look back to Nutaku and their quality of what they done. Most of their deeds are actually very similar if not an incarnation of 4kids with translation quality, release quality and how they even drop content all together. So it's really a no brainer if the original company doesn't feel safe having Nutaku publishing their games.

11-01-2017, 05:19 PM
Now let's look back to Nutaku and their quality of what they done. Most of their deeds are actually very similar if not an incarnation of 4kids with translation quality, release quality and how they even drop content all together. So it's really a no brainer if the original company doesn't feel safe having Nutaku publishing their games.

What content did Nutaku drop? Are you referring to the closed games like (soon to be closed) MWA, or something else? Nutaku is claiming that they're only the distributor of MWA and it's entirely the developer's decision. I'm not trying to dispute what you're saying, I'm just trying to figure out what's going on as I really didn't expect MWA to get shut down now.

11-01-2017, 06:58 PM
They're doing an amazing job with the translations lately, and have been dependable with what the customers wanted with the content they're releasing. Doujins will take a while if they can set up a foundation for Comiket or not. Company made doujins aren't a problem though.

That reasoning there is more with Japan's view if the western international market is dependable. That's not really a DMM only thing. Which goes back to the reputation of western publishers for Japan's content. Which again, Nutaku is a publisher. So let's compare to the good, bad and the ugly with our western publishers. 4kids filed bankrupcy due to all the shenanigans they pulled with the classic anime such as Pokemon and Yugioh. Yugioh being the nail on the coffin where they filed the lawsuit that caused 4kids to go bankrupt. Funimation has an iron claw with not participating with any crossovers and only want to release the first few seasons and some of the dvd releases. They don't bother with anything else. For the publisher of Shakugan no Shana Light Novel and Spice and Wolf novel. Both publishers only released the first 3 volumes and didn't bother releasing the rest for 7 years. At the very least Yen Press rescued Spice and Wolf but Shakugan no Shana's rights are still with that one publisher.

As for the good, Yen Press is going for stable releases on most of the popular novels, and slowly rescuing the old light novels. Crunchy Roll is decentish with the manga and anime content. While Google is safe as a western publisher for manga.

Now let's look back to Nutaku and their quality of what they done. Most of their deeds are actually very similar if not an incarnation of 4kids with translation quality, release quality and how they even drop content all together. So it's really a no brainer if the original company doesn't feel safe having Nutaku publishing their games.

There is also a big cultural related difference even if this may sound like a blunt old story it isnt. It was one of the reasons why fakku choosed to kill all free content and actualy make money now that they can give back. Ive read lots of storys. Theres reasons why the japans are not trusting the internetional market... but what they dont see is that it did develop. Fakku is a great example. Especialy in some cuntrys as mine (germany) things have quiet changed a lot. Licensing is actualy taken seriouse now other then 10-20 years ago. I know every anime fan who streamed his animes, read his mangas, doujinshis, hentais, ovas, music and whatsoever for free in the internet (mostly because childrin dont have hundreds of bucks to spend) can feel the changes. If they can just manage to dump prices down like in japan where mangas are litelary something you read once and then throw away and figures cost 1-15$ where they would cost 60$ here everyone would be able to afford it even childs and teenagers (who been the biggest audiance). Im just throwing this out without adressing everything thats attached to that. Its a two sider. They have to work to make a market here too. Its not like the consumers (we) are not willing and there.

11-02-2017, 05:40 AM
Oh no worries, your first sentence already told me to clarify what they drop and you wanted more info about it. There's quiet a lot of skipped events, along with another cash shop package for exp....

11-02-2017, 11:25 AM
Oh no worries, your first sentence already told me to clarify what they drop and you wanted more info about it. There's quiet a lot of skipped events, along with another cash shop package for exp. Which includes a fairy that you can lock and keep in your main barracks and she'll give a boost of any exp you get whenever you upgrade any units. There's also a long list of games from DMM that they closed down.To be fair, about ONLY event event Aigis - and so DMM devs in control - skipped forever is Liana. Because lolshrineblack. Elisa was looking to be next event after Anna. Everything else was released already.
EXP Fairy is a recent'ish addition to DMM, around third anniversary, while we were around second anniversary event-wise. So really, not applicable.

There's also Osawari Island that Nutaku (well, some English mobage devs affiliated with them) is running even past closure of DMM side from what I heard.

11-02-2017, 03:30 PM
To be fair, about ONLY event event Aigis - and so DMM devs in control - skipped forever is Liana. Because lolshrineblack. Elisa was looking to be next event after Anna. Everything else was released already.

Liana was more of a "localized" issue than dropped content. You did mentioned Elisa which was the "Anna and the Snow Beauty" event but it's techically dropped due to the announcement of the game getting closed. There's also the "Shadow of the Devil King" event. As for the rest, it were the Gold Rush/Save The Witch events that weren't really worth doing as they were replaced with other content. Though to be fair the other content has better availability since Save The Witch became a tutorial event and the rest appeared in the Trading Post.

EXP Fairy is a recent'ish addition to DMM, around third anniversary, while we were around second anniversary event-wise. So really, not applicable.

Fair enough.

There's also Osawari Island that Nutaku (well, some English mobage devs affiliated with them) is running even past closure of DMM side from what I heard.

Hopefully Aigis gets the same treatment, but the question is does Osawari Island still get events due to that? Most of Aigis's good content until Makai were about the events and new events.

11-03-2017, 12:43 AM
Hopefully Aigis gets the same treatment, but the question is does Osawari Island still get events due to that? Most of Aigis's good content until Makai were about the events and new events.

Osawari is on its second English original event now. Quality on the event writing and brand new girls took a bit of a dip in my opinion, but better than the game shutting down.

11-03-2017, 09:59 AM
Company made doujins

You should know that's an oxymoron.

11-03-2017, 10:28 PM
You should know that's an oxymoron.

Yeah I know. It's just the other word choices would be Original Work Hentai Manga, which most are company made. Then again there are self made Original Work Hentai Manga that are consider doujins. Yet there are circles that have become a small scale company as well at Comiket. Then there's the part where Doujins can implied hentai manga of an already made series; yet a good portion of that now a days, are also made via companies.

It's more like the term Doujin has gotten bastardized where the original meaning has gotten rather diluted. Filler has also gotten bastardized very badly where people are using it to describe Change of Pace and Genre that should just be cut out and no one would miss it.