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View Full Version : What is the best thing to do with 3 star girls?

01-31-2017, 04:10 PM
So I hear that it's only worth investing resources into 4+, so what do you do with the 3* use them to level or sell them or what?

01-31-2017, 04:25 PM
As a beginner playa, you start w/ 3 star knights until you get enough 4 star and 5 star (which most will come from events)

Depends on you on what to do w/ them


I evolved my fave 3 star knights and the rest I didn't lvl - I keep a squad of them for special event raid boss events since they can't kill shit

01-31-2017, 04:36 PM
I leveled them until I could replace them with something better. I think the highest level ones I have are about 36 or so (not evolved). They are still part of my very weak raid boss team as well although not the one I use the most.

01-31-2017, 04:50 PM
I used to keep one copy of every 3* knight. But eventually i started to wonder why i should bother to waste so much of my knight capacity just for some collector reason. Especially since it isn't rly hard to get them anew. So i sold every 3* knight who was below lvl 40 and I haven't regreted it since then. Now i sometimes add one of those 3* again to my roster, when i feel like maxing ones affinity in order to get a FG.

01-31-2017, 05:20 PM
I kept them all, but didn't invest a single manyu in them for ages. Recently however, I started to occasionally level them up again, since my main unit is (mostly) complete and leveled. We should get Nation Battles in a while, and they'll be somewhat useful again when that happens.

02-01-2017, 12:52 AM
Same here. I got them all, maxed skill and equipment slot for all and leave them before I need them again for nation battles.
Now, I send every 3* dupe I got since I don't need them anymore for anything. 500 coins is always welcome after all.

02-01-2017, 05:42 AM
I wish the blooming and such was implemented. I have been keeping a bunch to seel once we get it, but seeing as this version takes ages to update anything significant, I suppose I should just get rid of them and free that inventory space.
Any estimated time we could get some of the more imoprtant updates from DMM ?

02-01-2017, 05:58 AM
I wish the blooming and such was implemented. I have been keeping a bunch to seel once we get it, but seeing as this version takes ages to update anything significant, I suppose I should just get rid of them and free that inventory space.
Any estimated time we could get some of the more imoprtant updates from DMM ?

To quote a discussion i read on discord with Nameless:
"So when can we expect the next big updates?"
N: "soon"
*some time later* "Would be nice to hear something different than soon when we'll get new content"

:p I for myself am not getting my hopes up that it'll be soon

02-01-2017, 12:54 PM
I use 3 stars and 4 stars as the filler for 5 star in low level. Some 3 stars are really good (as strong as pre gifted 5 star :D) are Marigold, Astral Galus (special skill) and Rose diana (high attack state). A team of 3* and 4* combine can kill maximum 2 mob in 80 stamina map and a few 5 stars are still necessary to prop up the whole team. 3 stars are valuable resource if you want to save up gems when you first star playing game. 3512 , this is my team in total power order (i upgrade 3 star in dmm ver cause there are a lot of manyus reward ).

02-01-2017, 01:33 PM
To summarize what people are saying:

Early on: Raise them, level 5 manyus only (maybe 20s, don't bother giving them 100s), they're necessary to fill out teams.

Later on: They'll get phased out as you get event 5*s and the occasional lucky gacha pull. Thus the reason you shouldn't invest too heavily in them.

If you've been playing for months: Only really good for, uh... "research material" ;)

02-01-2017, 02:59 PM
It just depends on what do you want to do in that game. On my side I keep all Knights, including all 2* and I have even some of them Evolved and maxed. I have also a Squad with Mint 2* who farm the most dangerous maps.

02-02-2017, 08:07 AM
1. Collect them all and don't keep copies.
2. Use the copies to upgrade their skills and equip slot.

They're easy to collect anyway and you'll max everything except their level since at this point you will be focusing on 4star or 5star girl.

02-02-2017, 05:14 PM
If you're looking for a weakish raid boss squad and use the skip button for fights...greens and unevolved bronzes seem to get through fights faster because there are none of the ability activation messages.