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View Full Version : Need some help in what maxing now

02-07-2017, 05:14 PM
Well, like I said need some help in lvling some units, I think I have a very good team and units, I can clear some of the daily G maps but I have some problem in what should I focus for the future events and story maps...
Im not putting the silver units, they are too much and I still don't have the Barrack Extention.

I was going to max Flamel, and next Liddy, Imelia or Anelia, but the last week I roll Mia, and I really think some 'healer' units are good for my team for the lack of a plat/black healer...

Aria Unit Cost is -2, she refuse to go down after 4 tries... sad.


Should I go with my plan or is better to max other units?

02-07-2017, 05:33 PM
I feel like the only user here in this forum w/o AW units

Man, your team beats mine

02-07-2017, 05:54 PM
I feel like the only user here in this forum w/o AW units

Man, your team beats mine

I can make feeling you better saying I never rolled a Rainbow in FKG and I start with the pre-registration... even in Aigis I don't have a second black unit from that evil god in almost 2 years.

02-08-2017, 03:42 AM
his team beats both of mine separated for example in temrs of diversity. Combined , i'd still lose to be honest.....so don't worry about that.

As for your team , man u have a crapload of units i'd raise to be honest. Imelia is a great duelist (but so is lilia for example). Sasha is a great mage but u already have garania. Also Noel is good because of her passive , but shes pointless with Mia in the team (since she has the upgraded version of its aw passive).

Adele buffs all your units , but fignelia will outdps her.

Flamel is a great unit as well , and so is anelia.

Honestly , going for flamel first , followed by imelia and anelia is not a bad plan. I have both sisters for example , and i can tell you that both are really good units. As for flamel , having a plat healer on a melee spot is great , and i personally consider their class rather good....especially if lacking other healing options other then gold healers or mia

Actually ...i think shiho is your strongest burst healer (assuming max level/skill level) during her skill usage. And i hear that her saw will give u the option of having her as a permanent healer or permanent witch. Her issue is that she has a smaller heal range then normal healers

02-08-2017, 07:42 AM
Lolix covered most of it, I'd add Mia to the list, Feng Shui users are great stuff, especially on daily maps (my Marr covers all the healing on Crystal Keeper G by herself, and half the healing duty on other daily maps, plus desert hp loss reduction and assorted other effects is great stuff too)

I'd say the following order:
Flamel > Anelia > Mia > Shiho > Adele/Fignelia (HP buff vs. dps, take your pick) > Imelia > Odette/Sasha

Reason I'd drop Imelia down in priority so much is you have Olivie and Lyla at high AW levels already, so your duelist needs are lower priority than healing IMO. Anelia adds an option to your Spica/Bashira ranged combo (and Bashira's AW ability can screw with her at times). Witches are great for early magic damage but you have Belinda AW and raised so you probably only want one more, so take your pick between team buff and more damage. Odette and Sasha are great mages but you have Garania AW and raised and you rarely need more than one mage on a map, so that's lowest on list.

Others feel free to debate with me. I won't take it personally if you don't ;)

02-08-2017, 09:23 AM
I'd say the following order:
Flamel > Anelia > Mia > Shiho > Adele/Fignelia (HP buff vs. dps, take your pick) > Imelia > Odette/Sasha

R.i.p man, you have so much work to do ;/ literally too many shrine units thats waiting to be levelled.

02-08-2017, 09:44 AM
R.i.p man, you have so much work to do ;/ literally too many shrine units thats waiting to be levelled.

Yeah... Im really happy rolling those units, but is such a pain when it comes to raise at AW 50 at least... just now having Olivie/Anya combo save me a lot of time doing the G Armor and Spirit for raise a bit faster.

I still wanted Sybilla tho... she is my lost waifu... with Raven in the future.

Thanks for the replies! I start with Flamel then Anelia, as for the second witch in the future I'll go with Fignelia, more pain leveling, but I think dps is better most of the times...

02-08-2017, 10:09 AM
dont care much for sybilla design wise. I think Olivie , Karma (pre AW) and Anya look much better , but she is a great duelist. Raven tho....i'd love to have her. I like her design

02-08-2017, 02:17 PM
dont care much for sybilla design wise. I think Olivie , Karma (pre AW) and Anya look much better , but she is a great duelist. Raven tho....i'd love to have her. I like her design

Sybilla's design is OK, not great IMO. Use her in 90% of my teams though. On the battlefield, you don't have to look good, just be good at your job. ;)

02-12-2017, 05:49 AM
Sybilla's design is OK, not great IMO. Use her in 90% of my teams though. On the battlefield, you don't have to look good, just be good at your job. ;)

Dont bash our beloved Waifu! Sybilla is awesome and cuddly D:

Why is no one mentioning Uzume btw.?
I would say shes a top priority to AW as much at least as Adele is.

02-12-2017, 11:48 AM
Why is no one mentioning Uzume btw.?
I would say shes a top priority to AW as much at least as Adele is.

Cuz I don't have her :D!

02-18-2017, 07:19 PM
My fault, i was somehow mistaking Shuuka for her ._.

02-28-2017, 11:26 PM
Well... something funny happens the other day, when I need some Material for AW Flamel, I rolled in the shrine if I got lucky, and maybe roll Inari.

Aaand first try A Wild Nanaly Appears!

Thats not a Inari... fuck it (Rolled again)

And a Wild Jessica Appears!

I just stop there, fuck the luck in the moment, but just thinking in how painful it will be if I roll Mikoto or something for the leveling just hurt my heart in how expend it will be, and with Chydis include more...

I think now I just gonna change Nanaly for Anelia, tossed Anelia to the final for leveling, and include Jessica and Chydis somewhere between all the units..

02-28-2017, 11:51 PM
i got both nanaly and anelia (on different accounts tho) , both maxed and AW-ed. i'd still keep anelia in the team. During her skill she becomes like a minimage , with more damage adn a slow for half the cost....especially since there arent that many instances were mages attack more then 3-4 units at once anyway....

03-01-2017, 12:10 AM
Huh, I didn't think about the slow and the ignore defense, hmm... well then, I'm gonna delay Nanaly a bit and go with Anelia, with the time I'm gonna replace Bashira with her, but atm I think is better Anelia, thanks for open my eyes, a black unit can make me not think well..


03-01-2017, 02:00 AM
nanaly is also a great unit to have. She carried my new account really hard. Getting her deployed to just mow down enemies with quadra shot is great vs bosses or rushes...