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View Full Version : Vampire Bride Revival event guide

02-14-2017, 06:02 AM
Good timeofaday, brave Princes! It is that time of the month again, so that means it is a time for our next Revival! But wait, there's more. We'll not only be getting our second MC Exchange Revival, but also the Drop Rate Up AND Combine XP side dish, this time for silvers!! And last but not least, TP ROTATION!!! Wow, is that signs of the coming of Apocalypse?! :D
But anyway, let's relive the rescue of the Vampire Bride!

Revival runs: 2017-02-14 to 2017-02-21

This is a Moment Crystal collection event. You farm event maps for special Moment Crystal drops and use it to buy event target(s) from Trading Post.

http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/c/c4/Karma_%28Platinum%29_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20160319025559 http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/c/cb/Karma_%28Platinum%29_AW_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/268?cb=20160517125648
(Re)Introducing the Vampire Princess Karma (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Karma_(Platinum)). The Platinum variant of her special class (meaning, no class evolution necessary), She is a magical-sword-wielding princess that can't be healed by any regular means and have to rely on her (pretty impressive) stats to down opponents before you have to retreat her. Her skill - release of her Legendary Sword Tyrfing, if you get the time to wind it up, will help that nicely by multiplying her attack and defense by up to 1.3. Awakening gives her means to extend her stay on the map by allowing her to heal 2% of her maximum HP with every strike. And Skill Awakening, whenever we'd get it, ups multipliers to x1.5 and greatly increases HP recovery (to 10% with each hit)!

http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/e/e6/Karma_%28Black%29_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20160319025552 http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/f/f9/Karma_%28Black%29_AW_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20160517124837
Likewise, (Re)Introducing the Immortal Princess Karma (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Karma_(Black)). The Black variant of her special class (meaning, no class evolution necessary), She is a magical-sword-wielding princess that can't be healed by any regular means and have to rely on her (very impressive) stats to down opponents before you have to retreat her. Her skill, which thanks to her rarity is ready one second after her placement, is mostly the same as of her Platinum variant (as her sword is the same one), up to x1.3 attack and defense, with one smaaaall[/] addition: for the duration of her skill, she CAN NOT DIE. Yes, it is as much of a cheat as it sounds. For that 13 seconds her skill aura illuminates her, she can laugh in the face of the mightiest foes, tying them down while they futilely trying to harm her. Just keep her clear of that pesky paralyzing enemies (as paralysis interrupts skills) and don't forget to retreat her before her skill ends, as it will most likely leave her with 1 HP, and no healing means the next blow will be last for her. As a genuine Black rarity character she has a passive ability pre-Awakening - and it heals all your units for 20% of damage Karma receives. Awakening improves it further, bringing the healing up to half of the damage. And Skill Awakening, whenever we'd get it, not only increases the attack multiplier to x1.6 but helps her ability even more by bringing her defense to 0 so she would receive more damage and so heal for more!) Oh, and a side note: you can't have two of this variation in the same team.

...And there's some twisted sort of humor in the fact that Black rarity Karma wears white while White (Platinum) rarity Karma is in black :P

For completeness's sake, while not an Even TP units, our new regular TP inhabitants for the next year:
http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/aigis/images/5/5b/Hien_AW_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/244?cb=20170101222217 http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/f/fc/Chydis_AW_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/213?cb=20160308190343 http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/1/1c/Viera_AW_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/153?cb=20160802174505
Introducing the [i]Ninja Hien (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Hien) - a male gold Ninja with Increase Attack III skill. He's an obvious upgrade over Saizo for your male-only team.) Awakening just decreases his cost (even further than it does for other ninjas), and Skill Awakening turns him into a melee fighter with 2.5x attack power and one-shot resurrection. Oh, and he also has an interesting distinction of being one of the few ninjas who can still block (with his Skill Awakening) on DMM side, where one of patches made all ninjas 0-block)

(Re)Introducing the Fairy Queen Chydis (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Chydis). Mother of Olivia and the best (in sustained healing) free Healer we currently have makes her triumphant return into Trading Post after the years of non-existence) She's an elf, so as expected she has minuscule health bar but increased attack and free 5 MR over her peer. Her skill, reminiscent of Spica's have a long wind-up and cooldown but also very long duration and gives her up to x1.2 range and x1.4 power. Awakening gives her additional 10 MR (for 15% total) and finally allows her HP to break 1000. Skill Awakening simply increases everything to 1.6x attack, 1.3x range [338], 120s duration and 120s cooldown (60s windup).

And finally, (Re)Introducing the Sailor Viera (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Viera). AKA rank 50 reward. With her class being somewhat unimpressive, and her being given for everybody for free, definitely not a star of this new TP :D As usual for Sailors, her skill turns her from melee attacker to melee shooter with pirate-like flinch (very brief slowdown) induction on an unfortunate victim, additionally reducing her block to 0. Awakening turns her skill-powered ranged attack into AoE blast, while reducing the slowing effect considerably, increases her damage multiplier vs fishies from x1.3 to x1.5 and improves the attack speed under the skill. Her Skill Awakening is pretty strange one: she retains all effects of her regular skill, acquires attack multiplier (x1.4), but can not kill anybody. Err, bring the partner?) Also, on the dark side in was changed to be auto-activating and unlimited duration recently, that at least gives her interesting niche of afk AoE softener from melee slot...

http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/8/8d/Karma_%28Platinum%29_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160705192359 http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/9/97/Karma_%28Platinum%29_AW_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160705192422
http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/a/a7/Karma_%28Black%29_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160705192453 http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/3/3b/Karma_%28Black%29_AW_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160705192509
http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/aigis/images/b/b7/Hien_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20170101221840 http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/aigis/images/9/96/Hien_CC_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20170101222003 http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/aigis/images/5/5a/Hien_AW_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20170101222039
http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/7/71/Chydis_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160705193425 http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/4/47/Chydis_CC_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160705193521 http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/e/e5/Chydis_AW_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160705193547
http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/d/d5/Viera_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160713182549 http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/e/e0/Viera_CC_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160713182702 http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/5/5c/Viera_AW_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20160802174407

Noted enemies:

┌───────────┬─── ─────────┬────── ┬──────┬──────┬─ ───┬─────┬────── ──────────────┐
│ Name │ Attack type │ HP │ Atk │ Def │ MR │ AS │ Notes │
╞═══════════╪═══ ═════════╪══════ ╪══════╪══════╪═ ═══╪═════╪══════ ══════════════╡
│ Lesser (http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/0/07/Lesser_Vampire.png/revision/latest?cb=20160519185424) │ Physical │ 7000 │ 300 │ 0 │ 0 │ 75 │ Paralyses in 6 blows│
│ Vampire │ Melee │ 8400 │ 360 │ 0 │ 0 │ │ Is an Undead │
├───────────┼─── ─────────┼────── ┼──────┼──────┼─ ───┼─────┼────── ──────────────┤
│ Greater (http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/7/7f/Greater_Vampire.png/revision/latest?cb=20160519185437) │ Physical │ 20000 │ 400 │ 0 │ 0 │ 38 │ Paralyses in 6 blows│
│ Vampire │ Melee │ 24000 │ 480 │ 400 │ 0 │ │ Is an Undead │
├───────────┼─── ─────────┼────── ┼──────┼──────┼─ ───┼─────┼────── ──────────────┤
│ Werewolf (http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/f/f5/Werewolf.png/revision/latest?cb=20160409025617) │ Physical │ 2000 │ 550 │ 800 │ 0 │ 58 │ Fast │
│ │ Melee │ 2400 │ 660 │ 800 │ 0 │ │ Fast │
├───────────┼─── ─────────┼────── ┼──────┼──────┼─ ───┼─────┼────── ──────────────┤
│ Silver (http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/1/1c/Silverwolf.png/revision/latest?cb=20160409025603) │ Physical │ 2400 │ 650 │ 2000 │ 0 │ 53 │ Fast │
│ Werewolf │ Ranged │ │ │ │ │ │ Kill it with magic │
└───────────┴─── ─────────┴────── ┴──────┴──────┴─ ───┴─────┴────── ──────────────┘

Stat intervals are with respect to correction multipliers. First values are for 1.0 correction, last - maximum values.
Stat correction: Revenger: 0.8; Servant of the Darkness: 0.9; Attack of the Wolves: 1.0; Battle in the Moonlight: 1.1; Wolves' Den X: 1.2; Threat of the Silverwolves: 0.9; Vampire: 1.0; The Dweller in the Darkness X: 1.2.



┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 20 ║ Experience │ 150 ║ Initial UP │ 5 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 1 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1200 ║ Life │ 15 ║ Enemies │ 31 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/2c217a8ea910da9b.png

Drops: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/7/76/Moment_Crystal_Icon.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/7531644ea7e0e832.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/587cebbc1c9f4397.png
Moment Crystals: 1x

Servant of the Darkness

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 30 ║ Experience │ 200 ║ Initial UP │ 10 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 1 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1500 ║ Life │ 15 ║ Enemies │ 52 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/4381457dbf5e1ebe.png

Drops: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/b/ba/Moment_Crystal_%C3%973_Icon.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/9351693b4f8acb4c.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/9c7a5bf37fdb94b6.png
Moment Crystals: 3x

Attack of the Wolves

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 35 ║ Experience │ 250 ║ Initial UP │ 20 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 2 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 1800 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 44 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/9147a1e99ca849da.png

Drops: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/2/23/Moment_Crystal_%C3%975_Icon.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/2d951f392058326f.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/ab5bade2e5fd1fb0.png
Moment Crystals: 5x

Battle in the Moonlight

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 40 ║ Experience │ 300 ║ Initial UP │ 20 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 3 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 2100 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 63 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/35c5fa4cc512914d.png

Drops: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/7/76/Moment_Crystal_Icon.pngx2 http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/b/ba/Moment_Crystal_%C3%973_Icon.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/c7c15afe2edc1e11.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/bcc28482a466fbff.png
Moment Crystals: 1x, 1x, 3x

Wolves' Den X

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 30 ║ Experience │ 350 ║ Initial UP │ 30 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 3 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 2250 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 29 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/c645c6ab73cfbbe7.png


Drops: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/7/76/Moment_Crystal_Icon.pngx2 http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/b/ba/Moment_Crystal_%C3%973_Icon.pngx2 http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/beaf141f236ac7ba.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/2d2f2a676fb9c76b.png
Moment Crystals: 1x, 1x, 3x, 3x

Threat of the Silverwolves

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 40 ║ Experience │ 300 ║ Initial UP │ 30 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 4 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 2700 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 44 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/8bddce25b7aa0246.png


Drops: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/7/76/Moment_Crystal_Icon.pngx4 http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/b/ba/Moment_Crystal_%C3%973_Icon.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/17f36a2e15601fc5.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/cd0983a9e0e1a51f.png
Moment Crystals: 1x, 1x, 1x, 1x, 3x


┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 50 ║ Experience │ 350 ║ Initial UP │ 30 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 5 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 3000 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 51 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/6579122f38f2c397.png


Drops: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/7/76/Moment_Crystal_Icon.pngx4 http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/2/23/Moment_Crystal_%C3%975_Icon.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/8288dddc28582597.png http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/844c4ffb17fa8cb0.png
Moment Crystals: 1x, 1x, 1x, 1x, 5x

The Dweller in the Darkness X

┌──────────┬──── ────────────┬─── ──╥────────────┬ ────╥─────────── ┬────┐
│ Charisma │ 60 ║ Experience │ 400 ║ Initial UP │ 30 ║ Max deploy │ 8 │
├──────────┼──── ────────────┼─── ──╫────────────┼ ────╫─────────── ┼────┤
│ Stamina │ 6 ║ Gold @ 3* │ 4500 ║ Life │ 10 ║ Enemies │ 30 │
└──────────┴──── ────────────┴─── ──╨────────────┴ ────╨─────────── ┴────┘

Gimmick: -
Map: http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/9c37749339c8cf4e.png


Drops: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/b/ba/Moment_Crystal_%C3%973_Icon.pngx2 http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/2/23/Moment_Crystal_%C3%975_Icon.pngx2 http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/898ec972d9d863ff.png http://image02.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/3e786f95cc281184.png
Moment Crystals: 3x, 3x, 5x, 5x

Comments about the event
Seeing as it is a revival of an rather ancient event, maps should pose no real problem for any developed army, not to mention Awakened one :D But just for the sake of caution: vampires paralyze, so take them out with ranged physical attacks; werewolves have quite a thick hide, so kill them with magic, Lich at the last map is a lich, so do unto him as you must)
Your main aim her is to grind up as many Moment Crystals as possible. Not only they are needed to buy the copies of event target units, but they also carry over to the next revival. Unfortunately, nearly all maps have rather low payoff, so prepare your SC stash) From the looks of it, X maps are the way to go. First X map seems to have a bit higher average return per stamina, but Last X map has twin silver drops!)

On a silver farming front, here's a run-down of possible drops:

Soldier (Crave (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Crave)) (map 4);
Rogue (Cecily (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Cecily)) (map 5);
Bandit (Mortimer (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Mortimer)) (map 6);
Archer (Daniela (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Daniela)) (map 7);
Valkyrie (Misha (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Misha)) (map 7);
Heavy (Leeanne (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Leeanne)) (map 8):
Healer (Christopher (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Christopher)) (map 8).

Revival MC Shop:

Vampire Karma (Platinum) - 150 (100 for subsequent);
Immortal Karma (Black) - 300 (250 for subsequent).

You may not worry about cost reductions for Immortal Karma much, as when you need her immortality, you usually have all the UP for it, and for costy units cost reductions are less of a priority.
Unspent MCs stay with you and can be used in subsequent Revival Shops to buy other Star / Collection event units.

New Characters Arriving

It's a revival!

New Classes Being Introduced

Pigs are flying! Hell has frozen over!! Trading Post is rotated!!! Surely End Times are nigh! ...But I am okay with that :cool:

ЗЫ. Links:

MWAWiki (http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Vampire_Bride) (EN)
Seesaa (http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/d/%b5%db%b7%ec%b5%b4%a4%ce%b2%d6%b2%c7) (JP)
GCWiki (http://aigis.gcwiki.info/?%B5%DB%B7%EC%B5%B4%A4%CE%B2%D6%B2%C7) (JP)
WikiWiki (http://wikiwiki.jp/aigiszuki/?%B5%DB%B7%EC%B5%B4%A4%CE%B2%D6%B2%C7) (JP)


Q: Will Immortal Karma be at minimum cost / maximum skill level?
A: No, Karma will be at skill level 1 and not cost reduced (i.e 23 UP).

Q: 1300 MC minimum for max-CR Immortal Karma?! That's insane!!!
A: You don't really need to cost reduce her for her to be usable. She is a late-game boss staller unit.
Anyway, spending 15~20 SC is par the course when you want to min-cost a Item Collection unit)

Q: About drop rates, specifically for Moment Crystals...
A: Unknown at the moment. But rule of the thumb is that more expensive maps have better drop rates.

Q: What will happen to unspent Moment Crystals when event ends?
A: You will keep all unspent MCs and will be able to use them to purchase target units in other MC Revivals. And yes, that meant pre-grinding for future events is possible.

Q: Do I reeeealy need Vampire Karma?
A: While you don't really need her, you want to. I know you do. Just ask your inner collector ;) . Besides, she was buffed quite a bit on the dark side recently, so while it will be years before this change comes to our side, it still worth considering B)

02-14-2017, 06:31 AM
The X map was a pain in the ass a year ago, but shouldn't be so bad now.

That said, I'm dangerously low on valkyries, so I might need to farm some Mishas while I'm at it. I also got way more Christophers than Naynias last event, so I'm not looking forward to getting even more of him.

Guess I'll alternate between the two last maps.

02-14-2017, 07:06 AM
I remember grinding the second map for all 200 serums the first time around, because my team couldn't handle the other maps.

Now....... IT'S TIME FOR REVENGE!!!!

02-14-2017, 08:08 AM
shitty event to grind for MCs tho. Good thing i had over 300 saved during anya's

02-14-2017, 12:38 PM
shitty event to grind for MCs tho. Good thing i had over 300 saved during anya's

This. My ocd of wanting to mincost every event unit will destroy whatever SCs I had saved up. Why did they make this a 1 week event?

02-14-2017, 01:20 PM
i have the same issue. Will try to get at least 2 CRs , and hope for future revivals...

02-14-2017, 01:43 PM
Well at least I am not the only one having problems, small consolation that it is. Good heavens the drops are atrocious, honestly Moment Crystals should be 100% drop considering that one week is the standard length.

02-14-2017, 01:55 PM
imagine that realistically speaking , you will need between 1500 to 2000 (or more) depending on your luck to perfect her. That's pretty shitty to be honest...

02-14-2017, 02:35 PM
I hope to farm Misha and Mortimer (to CR Misha fully and get Mortimer to AW Katie or someone else)

Looks like I can't do dat since I have to aim for the mission w/ the most MC

02-14-2017, 03:48 PM
Guys... i have bad news...
Grand lich Christopher is back D: http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/02/14/Bo0jJVz6Z.png

02-14-2017, 05:48 PM
question: i have 0/15 stamina and how many valentines chocolate do i need to consume to get at least one of each?


02-14-2017, 08:47 PM
question: i have 0/15 stamina and how many valentines chocolate do i need to consume to get at least one of each?


what do you mean? chocolate refill stamina to full if you have 0/15 it gives you 15, if you have 1, it will be 16
so we supposed to farm that 13 crystals of moment map till the end of the event for 300 crystal :)) in tears

02-14-2017, 09:42 PM
well it looks like they've buffed the enemies in Wolves Den X - the wolves tore my poor Aria to pieces before I could do anything ;_;

02-14-2017, 10:27 PM
I think I should probably bring out some Witches for Wolves Den X

map broke my blind 3 star streak

02-14-2017, 10:43 PM
I think I should probably bring out some Witches for Wolves Den X

map broke my blind 3 star streak

That map gives ya all a hint of how lame war of magic map is XD Its almost similar but different at same time. I don't even rmember how I managed to 3* it.

02-14-2017, 10:45 PM
I did a test run on Dweller in the Darkness X.

8 Runs so far and almost every time 2x 3MC and 2x 5MC dropped with ocassionally dropping the silver units.

Only in one run dropped only 1x 3MC and 2x 5MC.

Seems the drop-rate there is quite high for MC.

Can anyone verify tha or is it just my luck?

02-14-2017, 10:47 PM
welp, time to check the video guide then - I must being doing something stupid :V

LOL I lost 3 times on Wolves Den

02-14-2017, 11:25 PM
how ? I just start katie blocking the chokepoint , into spica into a witch. ....

02-14-2017, 11:29 PM
Can't speak for him, but I don't have a Spica. I'll have to grab her when the TP rotates in like 2 years /s

but yeah, I'm done with this event, had 250 MC, grinded 55 extra, got my copy of Black Karma and calling it a week.

02-14-2017, 11:39 PM
yeah, I used Spica but dem wolves were quick as shit


Guess I place my units and time things wrong

02-14-2017, 11:41 PM
I heard that the Vampire Bride Revival doesn't come around too often (so in our case practically never), any truth to this rumor? Do I need to spend away my valentine gifts due to this?

02-14-2017, 11:42 PM
Can anyone verify tha or is it just my luck?
Just your luck.
First run for me was 2x3MC, 1x5MC while second run was 2x3MC, 1x5MC and Leanne. Will do 3 more runs in about an hour, but still expect 11MC per run.
But nice luck nonetheless.

Edit: Update. 11MC, 16MC and Christopher, 6MC and Christopher. Seems like I'm getting 11MC per run on it.

02-15-2017, 04:22 AM
3 star everything today


most retires was on Wolves Den X LOL

Last map - only had to retry twice since Lich killed one of my Witches

02-15-2017, 01:16 PM
I did a test run on Dweller in the Darkness X.

8 Runs so far and almost every time 2x 3MC and 2x 5MC dropped with ocassionally dropping the silver units.

Only in one run dropped only 1x 3MC and 2x 5MC.

Seems the drop-rate there is quite high for MC.

Can anyone verify tha or is it just my luck?

So far most of the time I'm getting 8 or 16 MCs per run. So averaging 12.

02-15-2017, 01:19 PM
Considering the average drop rate for the last map, and that this is Karma's event, is it worth it to use the chocolates to restore stamina for this event or to save them for another event?

02-15-2017, 01:30 PM
thats a personal decision to make. I for one decided to use some to try to get at least 2 crs on her. Some people might disagree and argue that her skill is what matters more rather then her cr (and that's a fact) , and you can level that up with spirits.

Generally speaking , units that require karma aren't that likely to rush

02-15-2017, 01:40 PM
Hmm, true. I suppose what also counts is her usefulness as well. Gah, if only I had 18 and not 16 stamina I can do the five to six times a day rather than four. I suppose I will make my decision later today, given my current charisma I can easily do this event six times a day if I use chocolates.

They really should have these events last longer but at that point we are singing to the aether.

02-15-2017, 01:48 PM
my god, I should have use Eden on the Lich even if I didn't lvl her up or use affection. a perfect event Eden you freshly caught can nail the Lich

to be safe, throw/withdraw bandits @ Lich and wittle it a bit

02-15-2017, 03:04 PM
i just trow a heavy , 2 mages , and a healer and afk. That map is not that hard imo

02-15-2017, 03:31 PM
I got the map down but trying to figure how to do it faster

dat way, I can just let them loose w/o looking back @ it

02-15-2017, 09:49 PM
Hmm, true. I suppose what also counts is her usefulness as well. Gah, if only I had 18 and not 16 stamina I can do the five to six times a day rather than four. I suppose I will make my decision later today, given my current charisma I can easily do this event six times a day if I use chocolates.

One nice thing about this sort of event is that even if you end up overshooting your goals a bit via chocolates you at least still get to keep the crystals for later revival units you may be interested in.

02-16-2017, 01:07 AM
I'm wondering: is it possible to CR a black Karma with a platinum Karma?

02-16-2017, 01:08 AM
I'm wondering: is it possible to CR a black Karma with a platinum Karma?

no, you can't

02-16-2017, 07:10 AM
Is either Karama worth maxing out or should i just focus on getting bedroom versions?

02-16-2017, 07:30 AM
plat karma is a combination of shizuka and lilia that cant be healed. She has good stats , but generally speaking , shes not that great. Black karma is probably okay at any CR as long as you level her skill. You probably wont use her in any other situation then tanking ultra bosses with her ability to not die for 13 seconds.

All in all it depends on you. I will try to get at least the 100% cr's at least , but generally speaking , there isnt that much difference between an 0 cr karma and a max cr karma. Ultrabosses don't usually tend to rush anyway

02-16-2017, 08:35 AM
It's not the end of the world to make heavy use of full cost or only partially CR'd units in general since for the most part Aigis war isn't balanced with the idea that you need a perfectly tuned super team anyway. It'd probably feel like cheating to many people but over the long haul it's probably more SC efficient to only partially CR event units with naturally farmed drops and call upon the 5 Up Increase in the rare instances that such small differences in cost actually matters and you can't manage a workable substitution. It's all up to you though, since ultimately the whole point of having sacred crystals is to eventually spend them.

02-16-2017, 01:45 PM
201 MC - lol Im slow at grinding

did took 2 days to 3 star everything due to work and kids

02-16-2017, 04:11 PM
Farmed enough to get both versions of Karma as well as enough DCs from Thursday daily for Chydis. I'm happy with that for this week. I think I'll spend the rest of the week farming resources on appropriate days or silvers/MCs for future revivals. Managed to stock up my heavies and healers well enough so I can do the less efficient maps now.

Plus I still have one chocolate left :D

02-16-2017, 11:35 PM
is it either black or platinum karma? or can I get both?

02-16-2017, 11:39 PM
is it either black or platinum karma? or can I get both?

You can get both.

02-16-2017, 11:42 PM
it's asking for crystals and the karma I have already though when try to trade

02-17-2017, 02:18 AM
Kinda wish dis event was longer.

02-17-2017, 07:30 AM
it's asking for crystals and the karma I have already though when try to trade

Got the crystals for Platinum, tried it. The message says
Trade "150 crystals" and "Karma" though it should actually say "for" instead of "and". Message is the same for the other crystal units as well, so it takes 150 crystals and gives you Karma, it doesn't take 150 crystals and Karma.
Buy your plat Karma at your convenience.

02-18-2017, 08:25 PM
Well looks like I'm not getting anything from this. Have enough for Platinum Karma but to be honest I am not going to bother. Those drop rates really ruined it for me. Best thing to do is just farm as much as I can to be able to get the next unit without to much trouble. Can't believe I'm glad for the little black event units we have or else getting more crystals would be too bothersome.

02-19-2017, 12:23 AM
Same cept gonna buy Plat Karma only, just 1 copy

I had runs w/ 0 MC

02-19-2017, 03:15 AM
how the heck is possible to not raise enough for black Karma , considering we even got valentines chocolate ? I raised over 500 , and i used only chocolates (except the 3 i got from...

02-19-2017, 12:04 PM
I forgot this place since kami is out. Well, got karma and be done with the game for now, lets see if next event gonna interest me ;/

02-19-2017, 12:20 PM
how the heck is possible to not raise enough for black Karma , considering we even got valentines chocolate ?

I'd imagine a combination of bad luck and a below 18 stamina cap. Getting a string of crap drops is painful when you're getting less than 3 runs per chocolate.

02-19-2017, 12:32 PM
Unfortunately I only had 30 MCs since Anya's event and I didn't even manage to get Fleure so that I can unlock Anya. True, I can use the chocolates to try and get her but as I said the drop rates are...

02-19-2017, 12:53 PM
had runs w/ 0 MC <br />
<br />
did struggle to 3 star events which took 2 days - can't remember wut mission <br />
<br />
Dem wolves kept going past Katie or killing her <br />
<br />
Only used 1 chocolate <br />
<br />
Saving the rest of em...

02-19-2017, 01:54 PM
honestly , the only evnet units that i'd rate higher (either because of stats or simply general usefulness) then karma are :

anya - super tank that can be healed. She also attacks 2 targets at once post aw

odette - if you get unlucky with plat mages , you're pretty much screwed , and have to rely on cryus or barbi. Maybe mehlis , but shes quite a bit weaker then plat mages statwise as well

Imelia - 1 of the best duelists in the game atm

Claudia - if you get unlucky with a princess , she can be useful

Solano - great aoe magic dps , at very low cost.

And out of this 5 , odette and claudia are on the list simply because they are so general use and easy to obtain compared to their premium counterparts.

And i'd argue that Claudia is debatable since there are duelists that can replace a princess

02-19-2017, 04:49 PM
I'm so fucking angry right now. I combined 12 Leeanne's to get her UP from 19 to 18 and it didn't work... 12!!! And this is in my silvers only account. Holy shit that's the most frustrating thing I've experienced in aigis which has left me salty af.

02-19-2017, 06:20 PM
I'm so fucking angry right now. I combined 12 Leeanne's to get her UP from 19 to 18 and it didn't work... 12!!! And this is in my silvers only account. Holy shit that's the most frustrating thing I've experienced in aigis which has left me salty af.

This is the reason i leave them at 1 CR from perfect :P
alissa, leeanne, Rosalie, Soma never wanted to get that last CR so i leave every silver like that at most (-2)

02-19-2017, 08:57 PM
This is the reason i leave them at 1 CR from perfect :P
alissa, leeanne, Rosalie, Soma never wanted to get that last CR so i leave every silver like that at most (-2)

You know what's the most frustrating thing about this? I've max cr'd her and a bunch of golds with less than 5 copies on my main account that doesn't need a single gold, let alone a silver. Shitty thing is that she's my only tank in my 2nd acc so I'm kinda fucked in some missions now that I got stubborn haha. What are the stats for that last cr? 25%?

02-19-2017, 09:17 PM
And i'd argue that Claudia is debatable since there are duelists that can replace a princess

Meh, between Solano and Bishops I wouldn't really put her below Odette when it comes to being expendable. True damage and the ability to parachute in and deal magic damage immediately is a valuable enough niche that can be worth keeping around a second princess even if you never Awaken her and just deploy her on gimmick maps like the G dailies with their pink armor and golden werewolf bullshit.

02-20-2017, 03:16 AM
the point im making is that there aren't really that many valuable units right now.

Karma has a unique niche at least , and works even if not CR-ed.

02-20-2017, 06:04 AM
I'd rank Noel over Odette, even.

02-20-2017, 06:36 AM
it's debatable. Odette hits more then 100 points harder then Noel , per hit. Noel has the obvious better aw passive.

But if i were to chose , i'd go for odette if i lacked any other decent mage.

Still , yeah , i'd add Noel on the list of good units we had till now. Doesn't change the fact that there aren't really that many that are worth saving MCs for

02-20-2017, 01:30 PM
done w/ dis event - well i could farm MC in advance just a bit since every bit helps

sux I had 5 MC left from the Anya event only to spend all of it to CR Aria (which was 2 copies luckily) instead of buying Anya since let's face it, I couldn't purchase her or her stuff to AW

02-20-2017, 03:36 PM
Mostly been farming dailies. Today i took all my remaining 6 chocolates and went crazy at the Armour X daily. All these AW's take a fair lot of money.

02-21-2017, 11:29 AM
3 Stared all the maps, got a few silvers, spent crystals to get a bedroom copy of Karma Mk2 and banked the rest for future reboots.

02-21-2017, 01:25 PM

Finals Results

Leanne: 5
Christopher: 3