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02-17-2018, 04:24 PM
btw, can someone give me the link to that google doc that has future events? it also lists the eido's wpns, and himes that are expected to go with the event

It's in the toolbox that is linked in your link. event encyclopedia

02-17-2018, 04:56 PM
btw, can someone give me the link to that google doc that has future events? it also lists the eido's wpns, and himes that are expected to go with the eventThe encyclopedia in Sanahtlig's toolbox (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PhfOAQk6EyK5l33ux_C4T-cexVIQp6D-_Hbd-OO1OmQ/edit#gid=1090858479)?

02-17-2018, 05:32 PM
^.^ silly me.

02-17-2018, 07:47 PM
Which ticket should I use the dragonic eye for? SR or higher kamihime GT ot SSR GT?

02-17-2018, 08:01 PM
It's preferred to save your eyes just in case you roll one of the SSRs that can be awakened. Unless you're a whale among whales and have so many eyes, you can look around which of the SSR weapons you're interested in maxing out.

02-17-2018, 10:21 PM
btw , i know this might sound dumb , but can you even stack the same wepon multiple times ? can you do anything else with copies you don't need ?

And i don't mean limit breaking.

02-17-2018, 10:26 PM
btw , i know this might sound dumb , but can you even stack the same wepon multiple times ? can you do anything else with copies you don't need ?

And i don't mean limit breaking.

If you have more than 1, you can try to MLB it again and use it to raise your base attack up.

02-17-2018, 10:28 PM
You can equip however many copies of a weapon you want. For example, the suggestion to farm disaster raids when you have the time to will naturally lead to sticking multiple copies of the respective SR assault weapon in the corresponding element's weapon grid for quite a while.

02-17-2018, 10:49 PM
ah , so they have no actuall use other then just being wepons. In aigis for example , you would get a special kind of currency when you discharged a unit above a certain rarity. I was wondering if...

02-17-2018, 10:58 PM
Nah, no special currency related to weapons yet.

Obsolete weapons do still have a use though. Once you're sure that particular weapon will never be equipped in any of your weapon grids, then it's basically meant to be used as fodder for skill leveling. Skill leveling is something that you won't completely finish for a long time.
(except N's. N's don't contribute to skill leveling so they're trash meant to waste your time enhancing/selling away)

02-17-2018, 11:04 PM
Eidolons will have that feature in the future where you can exchange SR and above for a new currency.

02-18-2018, 12:14 AM
oh , that's neat. Would be cool if you could do the same with wepons.

As it stands , i have pretty much every wepon in the game , except a god damn light sword. My souls are using a crappy R sword because of that.

Also , is it me or are waaay more SSR kamihimes then SR/R ?
Funny when you consider What ssr means. Seriously tho , compared to a game like aigis , everything not SSR (maybe a couple SRs) seems trash. In aigis you could easily play the game with no plat/blacks if you really wanted to.

Not that kamihime is a bad game....but i have a crapload of R kamihimes that i will probably never use.

02-18-2018, 02:24 AM
Also , is it me or SSR kamihimes are waaay more then SR/R ?
Funny when you consider What ssr means. Seriously tho , compared to a game like aigis , everything not SSR (maybe a couple SRs) seems trash. In aigis you could easily play the game with no plat/blacks if you really wanted to. You... skipped a word here and there, so I'm not entirely sure what you meant.

But SSRs ARE very powerful. However, many SRs are more powerful, such as Diana. Debuffs are everything, so for Light, the most important SSRs are SSR Tsukuyomi and Sol. That's why Light teams are in a fairly bad spot, they have so damn few debuffs available to them.

That said, if you're feeling weak, chances are that you just aren't geared up right. It takes a very, very, VERY long time to get your weapon grid into a good place, and once you do, even a well-built (read: debuff oriented) SR team will get you far.

02-18-2018, 04:10 AM
I've just messed up the order. English ain't exactly my first language , so sometimes i tend to fuck up the grammar.
Just edited that to corect it. What i meant is that i feel that there are more ssr kamihimes in the game then actual SR or Rs.

Edit : Just looking at the voting contest , there are 35 SSR kamihimes , and there are 28 Rs. Reflect on that for a bit. Sure , there are a bit more SRs (54) , but the ratios are hardly what you would expect considering their rarities.
The point i was making is that even the developers know just how useless Rs are that they don't even bother , making more.

Actually , i'm not complaining that SSRs are powerful. I'm complaining about the oposite. Outside of 1-2 SSRs for each element , the SSRs are hardly worth to be in that rarity IMO. They could have easily placed some of them a class lower , and some of the weaker SRs in the R class. Ofc that would actually improve the R/SR pool quite a bit and make even lower rarities viable for long term...and that would be pointless when you can release 1000 new SSRs on which the players would have to invest money in to get , because they have just 3% drop rate... Typical

I hope i'll be wrong , but as it stands , this is the feeling the game gives for now. Which is sad , since i think it has potential.

02-18-2018, 05:24 AM
know that feel, especially if you come from a game where the focus of balancing and power were on the lower tier, than the highest tier.
Most of the time when a new SSR unit is released, it comes with a R and SR unit, so basicly the amount hardly differes. although raid events introduce a SR for "free" each time.

I believe someone mentioned that there will be a bunch of new R's in the Gem gacha soon, but don't quote me on that. if i am wrong, just correct me.

02-18-2018, 05:54 AM
Anyone knows if the ssr weapons in the shop release kanihime or not?

02-18-2018, 05:56 AM
the one for the absurd amount of dragons eyes are only weapons, no release.

02-18-2018, 05:59 AM
Anyone knows if the ssr weapons in the shop release kanihime or not?

They do not.

Ofc that would actually improve the R/SR pool quite a bit and make even lower rarities viable for long term...and that would be pointless when you can release 1000 new SSRs on which the players would have to invest money in to get , because they have just 3% drop rate... Typical

The presence of many SSR kamihime is definitely not a cash grab. If they wanted to milk the low drop rate they wouldn't release miracle tickets, which can ignore all the trash SSR and get the right one immediately.

They've taken steps to make sure that teams made of SR and R kamihime are entirely useable. The elements aren't entirely in balance at the moment but most teams can have every single skill they need without a single SSR. Some of the members are in the gem gacha for crying out loud! This game makes money by being a lot of effort, not a lot of luck.

02-18-2018, 06:48 AM
The point i was making is that even the developers know just how useless Rs are that they don't even bother , making more. --As the game progresses, they'll continue to make less and less Rs. However, the few Rs that they DO make tend to be far more powerful than before. Konohana Sakuya is the first in line of those - she has freaking Sniper Shot for crying out loud! I don't think there's a single SR that has -20%/-20% debuff!

Anyway, the design philosophy isn't bad. For experienced players, R Hime like Konohana Sakuya don't mean anything. Chances are that they'll be better off using Sniper Shot EX skill if they don't have Amaterasu. But for new players? Konohana Sakuya is a BLESSING if found. It's just too bad that not all R Hime are available in Gems gacha, that'd make the situation far, far better for new players. But it's still something.
-- I believe someone mentioned that there will be a bunch of new R's in the Gem gacha soon, but don't quote me on that. if i am wrong, just correct me.Yes, around late March/early April. However, the ones that get added aren't particularly good. They're just adding them so that you can get 4 Rs of every element from the Gems gacha. A bit more fair towards the "clear Ultimate with Rs only" Advent Quest for non-paying players.

The best R Hime from Gems gacha will continue to be Zephyros. You won't be able to get ones like Konohana Sakuya from it for at least the next year.

02-18-2018, 08:14 AM
Does anyone know what i should do with the extra SR weapons i get from events? from the current one, i farmed an MLB hammer, MLB bow, and an additional 3x SR hammers and 3x SR bows

should i:
1) use them as enhance fodder
2) turn them into MLB hammer / bow
3) save them for orihalcon shop?

02-18-2018, 08:17 AM
Keep the assault one.
Use the rest for skill level up ssr weapons. It gets really absurd past slvl 10 on those.

02-18-2018, 08:23 AM
MLB hammer

its generally not a good idea to mlb def weapon...

02-18-2018, 08:25 AM
Keep the assault one.
Use the rest for skill level up ssr weapons. It gets really absurd past slvl 10 on those.

should i keep the assault ones as singles or MLB all the assault SR wpns? (not that i plan on using them soon)

02-18-2018, 08:26 AM
mlb the assault weapon, unless you plan to never ever use them in your dark grid, at that point you might as well use them as skillfodder.

02-18-2018, 08:36 AM
on a side note, that bow has fairly good attack, almost like that candy breaker/darkness lance.

ssr sword by itself (via description) holds not Schwarz Assault (ATT++), nor Abyss Assault (ATT+), just Dark Assault (ATT)

still, two-skill weapon

02-18-2018, 08:36 AM
its generally not a good idea to mlb def weapon...SR maybe, but SSRs are good. Skill up 1-2 of them per element and you will not regret it.

However, now that double skill weapons are getting more and more common, the value of pure HP SSRs is diminishing a bit. A Assault/HP SSR will replace a SSR HP weapon quite nicely.

02-18-2018, 08:49 AM
Edit : Just looking at the voting contest , there are 35 SSR kamihimes , and there are 28 Rs. Reflect on that for a bit. Sure , there are a bit more SRs (54) , but the ratios are hardly what you would expect considering their rarities.
The point i was making is that even the developers know just how useless Rs are that they don't even bother , making more.

It's not just R kamihimes that are useless but many SRs are as well and even to some point, some SSRs, which is why awakenings exist for them but Rs and SRs don't get that treatment.

If you're playing this games basic meta of debuffs and overdrive extenders, you'll end up forever using the same units, locking your teams to specific kamihimes, with very few being interchangeable, I have about 80 kamihimes and I only use a 3rd of them, some never even being used other than levelling in sub slots for jewels.

It makes me wish this game had some system implemented that would increase the use of those less or unused units. Like a cross skill system where you could equip kamihime to other kamihime to use one of their skills, with certain restrictions of course.

Though, its not like low rarity units are often any use in other games either.

02-18-2018, 09:08 AM
It's not just R kamihimes that are useless but many SRs are as well and even to some point, some SSRs, which is why awakenings exist for them but Rs and SRs don't get that treatment.

If you're playing this games basic meta of debuffs and overdrive extenders, you'll end up forever using the same units, locking your teams to specific kamihimes, with very few being interchangeable, I have about 80 kamihimes and I only use a 3rd of them, some never even being used other than levelling in sub slots for jewels.

It makes me wish this game had some system implemented that would increase the use of those less or unused units. Like a cross skill system where you could equip kamihime to other kamihime to use one of their skills, with certain restrictions of course.

Though, its not like low rarity units are often any use in other games either.

Well, given the nature of this game, you collect all the himes for their R scenes really, otherwise they're really only there to refund you 50/100 jewels, outside of the actually useful ones.

02-18-2018, 09:39 AM
most of my himes i've spent more time looking at their harem than actual time they spent hitting enemies.

02-18-2018, 10:05 AM
It makes me wish this game had some system implemented that would increase the use of those less or unused units.
Tower events. Each character has limited uses.

02-18-2018, 10:38 AM
Anyone knows what does “taunt” do? Its in daphne skill description.

02-18-2018, 10:42 AM
Oh, we finally got a taunt character.

As far as I've understood, it's a higher chance to be attacked. Like a weaker form of "guard", which is 100% chance to be targeted (used by Gaia and Kushinada for example).

02-18-2018, 12:52 PM
on that topic,

Daphne is a pretty decent character. she fills her meter faster than others. sometimes i use her to trigger burst 1 round earlier.

02-18-2018, 02:05 PM
I have about 80 kamihimes and I only use a 3rd of them, some never even being used other than levelling in sub slots for jewels.

It makes me wish this game had some system implemented that would increase the use of those less or unused units. Like a cross skill system where you could equip kamihime to other kamihime to use one of their skills, with certain restrictions of course.

Though, its not like low rarity units are often any use in other games either.

This is my point. Since i've started this game , i've used like 6 kamihimes in total.

And maybe i'm nostalgic , but aigis did that. (made lower rarities useful that is) Ofc aigis permited using more units at the same time for once , and also had awakenings even for gold or plat units...
The thing is , you could do 99% of the content in aigis with only gold units if you really wanted. For all it's flaws (and it also had somes) , that game was pretty balanced in terms of power between rarities. Sure , the higher rarities were stronger , but the lower rarities were cheaper to place , and there were plenty of maps in the game where you had to use silvers or even bronze units to pass the mission rather then a very expensive strong unit.

02-18-2018, 03:39 PM
That aspect was rather unique among the dmm games I've seen on Nutaku, entirely due to deployment cost being a thing.

The 99% of Aigis being doable by gold units would be on Nutaku side, right? IIRC, majin advents are known to be on the 'Blacks or get the hell out of here' side of things (understandable, as it's high end player content). We just never got them before it closed.
Likewise, majority of the stuff we have here are doable with SRs and below. Mainly, the events with missable rewards, as those are meant to be cleared by the general populace. The things that basically ask for SSRs are endgame content. (and then there's tower quest, which asks for quantity)

02-18-2018, 04:13 PM
yeah but DMM gave free black tickets to everyone (i believe they gave like 2 ? I know for certain that they give 1 at the start of a new account , but i remember dmm players talking about a second. Not certain tho) , on which everyone could chose a black

Assume you re-roll an account for a good black (or even plat - there were definetly plats on which you could build a team there. Some even better then blacks) , and the ability to pick 2 blacks of your chosing , and it's quite easy to have a really strong team.

And as you said , majins were end game content. Doesn't change the fact that the game was more balance in terms of power between rarities

02-18-2018, 04:35 PM
I wouldn't quite agree that there's better balance between tiers in Aigis, but I also wouldn't define balance in the same way you are. Because of the very noticable intra rarity imbalance, the respective power spectrums for each rarity tier end up overlapping to a degree. And I think that some R's and SR's being able to punch up a rarity benefits the inter rarity balance.

02-18-2018, 04:35 PM
The thing is , you could do 99% of the content in aigis with only gold units if you really wanted. For all it's flaws (and it also had somes) , that game was pretty balanced in terms of power between rarities. Sure , the higher rarities were stronger , but the lower rarities were cheaper to place , and there were plenty of maps in the game where you had to use silvers or even bronze units to pass the mission rather then a very expensive strong unit.

This honestly sounds like you are talking about Kamihime with different words.

02-18-2018, 04:47 PM
the moment you start with 2 SSRs and people still tell you to re-roll is proof enough that the game has no balance between rarities (or even between SSR themselfs)

02-18-2018, 04:55 PM
You could build a functional team out of R team if you so wish to. The key is going to be your selection of EX skills and souls.

While I have yet to clear a rag content with my fire R team (or any R team for that matter...), I believe with better weapon grid (currently fire is at 75% assault) I should be able to do so, and besides with tower coming sometime inn the future, you'll get the opportunity to use a majority of your himes anyway...

02-18-2018, 04:59 PM
well , i hope you guys are right , and i just have the wrong impression.

02-18-2018, 05:01 PM
the moment you start with 2 SSRs and people still tell you to re-roll is proof enough that the game has no balance between rarities (or even between SSR themselfs)

People tell you to reroll not because that but because of who you got specifically.

02-18-2018, 05:01 PM
the moment you start with 2 SSRs and people still tell you to re-roll is proof enough that the game has no balance between rarities (or even between SSR themselfs)

I don't know what to tell you. Advice on rerolling is for players who want to reroll for a good team to start with. You talked about rerolling in Aigis earlier. Since you claim Aigis is well balanced I'm assuming its unnecessary? Kamihime is the same.

You can win, very easily, with just rares and SRs, by putting effort into weapons and eidolons from events. People are still doing so, there are people in my friends list running rag without having a single SSR to their name.

02-18-2018, 05:22 PM
on that topic,

Daphne is a pretty decent character. she fills her meter faster than others. sometimes i use her to trigger burst 1 round earlier.

Yapp I think shes prob the best R, and better than a vast majority of SR (if u dont count overdrive multipler into account)

02-18-2018, 05:33 PM
Anyone knows any use of draconic eye other than unleashing SSR? 15 eyes for a weapon you cant even limit break is a horrible deal I think.

02-18-2018, 05:34 PM
I don't know what to tell you. Advice on rerolling is for players who want to reroll for a good team to start with. You talked about rerolling in Aigis earlier. Since you claim Aigis is well balanced I'm assuming its unnecessary? Kamihime is the same.

You can win, very easily, with just rares and SRs, by putting effort into weapons and eidolons from events. People are still doing so, there are people in my friends list running rag without having a single SSR to their name.

Actually , it is unecesary in aigis. Re-rolling is for people who want to min-max. I had 2 accouns of level 250+. 1 had no premium black (the equivalent of SSR) on it right untill the month when they announced the closing of the game , when i blew all my SCs and got 3 (talk about irony).
The point is that i've managed to finish literally every event in that game without a need of a premium black.
Also , DMM gave free black tickets for new players(edit : black tickets as in the option to pick a black of your chosing , not rolling for a random black) That option should have been introduced to our version of the game as well , before it was closed.

02-18-2018, 05:34 PM
Anyone knows any use of draconic eye other than unleashing SSR? 15 eyes for a weapon you cant even limit break is a horrible deal I think.

awakening will eat a lot of those. Its basicly the most economic use of those.
Otherwise.... the rest are not really good trade offs. If you have 10+ and don't need to awaken anything... maybe ssr guranteed ticket?

02-18-2018, 05:52 PM
awakening will eat a lot of those. Its basicly the most economic use of those.
Otherwise.... the rest are not really good trade offs. If you have 10+ and don't need to awaken anything... maybe ssr guranteed ticket?

Im a new player and from what I read about kamihime, I can probably have an awakenable SSR in like... 100 years?!? just because it will never happens lol. So im just wondering if theres any use for them from my position...

02-18-2018, 05:53 PM
Yapp I think shes prob the best R, and better than a vast majority of SR (if u dont count overdrive multipler into account)

The best Rs right now are Zephyrs and Konohana Sakuya. Daphne is an alright R attacker but she's nothing particularly special other than having the highest atk for a R, which isn't even that much, but also has the lowest HP value, which doesn't help at the fact she taunts the enemies.

Anyone knows any use of draconic eye other than unleashing SSR? 15 eyes for a weapon you cant even limit break is a horrible deal I think.

Awakening SSR himes. Don't use it on anything else unless you're a hardcore cash player with a ton.

Actually , it is unecesary in aigis. Re-rolling is for people who want to min-max. I had 2 accouns of level 250+. 1 had no premium black (the equivalent of SSR) on it right untill the month when they announced the closing of the game , when i blew all my SCs and got 3 (talk about irony).
The point is that i've managed to finish literally every event in that game without a need of a premium black.

This all basically applies to Kamihime as well. You can finish every event in this game without the use of SSR himes, especially if you put as much time as you did into Aigis into this game. Rerolling in this game and any that allows you to draw from the entire pool is literally just a free ride to whatever you want and people are simply telling you to take advantage of that.

02-18-2018, 05:59 PM
Im a new player and from what I read about kamihime, I can probably have an awakenable SSR in like... 100 years?!? just because it will never happens lol. So im just wondering if theres any use for them from my position...

I'd still hold onto them regardless. You never know when luck hits and you'll be disappointed when you need to spent who knows how many weeks or months for another 3 eyes.

02-18-2018, 06:04 PM
Yea, just save them for possible awakenings.
Those weapons for 15 eyes are a terrible deal for like, 99.99% of the population. That last 0.01% though? They're into the game enough that are looking to absolutely maximize their raw atk and have thrown enough money at the gacha to have the eyes.

02-18-2018, 06:46 PM
Im a new player and from what I read about kamihime, I can probably have an awakenable SSR in like... 100 years?!? just because it will never happens lol. So im just wondering if theres any use for them from my position...
Awakening requires 30 Draconic Eye shards.

Draconic Eye shard sources:
Weekly quest: 1/week
Advent events: 2 each (when Nutaku decides to implement them...)
Raid events: 2 each
Union events: 2 each

That's a total of about 10 available per month, so an active player capable of farming all content efficiently should be able to Awaken 1 kamihime per 3 months. Most players will have more Draconic eyes than SSRs to Awaken, or at least SSRs that would be useful for them to Awaken.

02-19-2018, 03:29 AM
Some ability has *shorten turn description. What does that means?

02-19-2018, 04:44 AM
if the unit reaches higher levels, the ability improves slightly by having less cooldown.

02-19-2018, 07:15 AM
Is there a cap to gem gacha for 10x rolls? I've done quite a few rolls until the option doesn't occur any more even if I had inventory space, and it apparently resets the next day.

02-19-2018, 07:28 AM
You can spend 100k gems with each button each day.

02-19-2018, 07:40 AM
You can spend 100k gems with each button each day.

Strange they would stick that limit in... good to know

02-19-2018, 07:55 AM
Hey there. Iam a Newbie with a question.

So i just started and got Michael and Eros. Is this good enough or should i reroll?

02-19-2018, 08:36 AM
Since both of them are the same element, you might as well keep this account. You should however invest some money in the next miracle ticket to pick up sol. Or atleast light tsukuyomi.

02-19-2018, 08:39 AM
Hey there. Iam a Newbie with a question.

So i just started and got Michael and Eros. Is this good enough or should i reroll?

Dual light SSR sounds like a good start to roll with, you just need to miracle ticket for Sol/ Light Tsukuyomi and you'll be set for a light team. Try farming for D'art for your legendary soul, you'll want to hit the 50% atk debuff cap asap.

02-19-2018, 11:04 AM
If you're still rerolling, reroll that. Michael is an ok SSR to get through regular rolls, but if you're rerolling, shoot for better (Sol or Light Tsukuyomi). Eros is pretty solid.

02-19-2018, 12:47 PM
So i just started and got Michael and Eros. Is this good enough or should i reroll?
While Sol or Light Tsukuyomi are the main priority for Light, the combo of these two 3rd-tier Light SSRs will be useful until SSR Artemis (4th Miracle ticket). That gives you time to pick up the other 2 with Miracle tickets. It's an OK roll, about the same as Sol but restricted to Light only.

02-19-2018, 01:36 PM
Thanks guys for answering.

Ive got an account now with Sol as my only SSR. Is this better than Michael and Eros combined?

02-19-2018, 01:49 PM
Thanks guys for answering.

Ive got an account now with Sol as my only SSR. Is this better than Michael and Eros combined?

No, especially not if just her alone. Sol lost a portion of her purpose when they implemented the -50% atk down cap and with Yatagarasu reprint coming in, you can still reach the -50% cap with Eros, Yata and Sniper Shot on your soul.

So you can definitely do better if you're still willing to reroll, if not, just use the Eros/Michael account.

02-19-2018, 02:35 PM
Personally, I'd rather have Sol + Light Tsukuyomi than Sol, Michael, and Eros. So I'd use the account with Sol. But you could make an argument for either, and either set will make a solid team.

02-19-2018, 02:36 PM
okey guys. i dont wanna spam you - so is there a thread which ssr's are ideal or which combinatons are desireable?

Now i got Gaia and Light Tsukuyomi - and i dont know if this is better then my other accounts.

02-19-2018, 02:48 PM
There's my Elemental Team-building Guide which you can check out in my signature.

Gaia and Light Tsukuyomi is more or less an account that could go either Wind or Light, depending on what other SSRs you end up with. It's slightly better than starting with just one of them. Gaia is nice because she directly counters the final boss in Accessory Quests, regardless of element.

02-20-2018, 06:19 AM
so i've recently got really into fate/stay night , like really into it....enough that i visit their reddit subforum at times .Heck i'm still salty they didn't released fgo in eu. Anyway , that's beside the point.

Found this fanart (it's genderbend gil ) on reddit , and found it funny , especially considering what i was saying a couple days ago about kamihime's gilgamesh lookin similar to fate gil


02-20-2018, 06:48 AM
^FGO isn't available in my country either (can't download it on playstore) but I found the apk somewhere else and I was able to play it lol

that's some nice genderbend fan art of him though

02-20-2018, 07:22 AM
back to kamihime , am i the only 1 that is slighty disturbed about the huge amounts of rape in this game ? Literally all souls i've unlocked and maxed were raped....except gil if i remember corectly.

Olivier , jeane (big mistake unlocking her instead of mordred or d'art) , van helsing , roland , bewolf as well if i remember corectly.... Seriously , the developers have a huge rape fetish

02-20-2018, 07:57 AM
back to kamihime , am i the only 1 that is slighty disturbed about the huge amounts of rape in this game ? Literally all souls i've unlocked and maxed were raped....except gil if i remember corectly.

Olivier , jeane (big mistake unlocking her instead of mordred or d'art) , van helsing , roland , bewolf as well if i remember corectly.... Seriously , the developers have a huge rape fetish

Unfortunately, I believe that's Japan in general, one only has to observe JAV to realise rape is quite integral in their porn culture.

02-20-2018, 08:24 AM
back to kamihime , am i the only 1 that is slighty disturbed about the huge amounts of rape in this game ? Literally all souls i've unlocked and maxed were raped....except gil if i remember corectly.

Olivier , jeane (big mistake unlocking her instead of mordred or d'art) , van helsing , roland , bewolf as well if i remember corectly.... Seriously , the developers have a huge rape fetish

Yeah the first releases all had way to much Rape in them. However most of the stuff that came afterwards was vanilla or some consensual stuff.

02-20-2018, 09:23 AM
Unfortunately, I believe that's Japan in general, one only has to observe JAV to realise rape is quite integral in their porn culture.

I don't believe aigis had any rape in it . I don't remember the prince raping anyone at least

02-20-2018, 09:37 AM
Not everything revolves around Aigis, you shouldn't use it as your sole source to compare everything.

02-20-2018, 09:43 AM
His personal experience.

Unfortunately, I believe that's Japan in general, one only has to observe JAV to realise rape is quite integral in their porn culture.

I highly disagree, while its true that there is a lot of content H Content with Rape, the majority are either vanilla or some annoying highschool setting. Heck even in Kamihime the amount of Rape overall falls off. It started very Rape heavy but there are fewer and fewer scenes of it.

02-20-2018, 09:51 AM
Not everything revolves around Aigis, you shouldn't use it as your sole source to compare everything.

fair enough , but i was responding to his comment that japan in general has a very rape heavy porn culture. Aigis is one of the more succesful H-game on DMM , and it reached that level of success without use of rape.

That and the fact that compared to most other games i've played on nutaku , i've played aigis a metric ton more , so i know what i;m talking about at least in that area.

It might also be nostalgia talking as well

02-20-2018, 09:53 AM
I don't believe aigis had any rape in it . I don't remember the prince raping anyone at least
Since this is Nutaku, I wouldn't be so sure.

02-20-2018, 09:56 AM
I don't believe aigis had any rape in it . I don't remember the prince raping anyone at least

The gold Rank angel, the cutie with black hair got literally raped by him. Its nice if they gloss it over that she liked it afterwards, but does not change that it was still rape.

02-20-2018, 09:59 AM
fair enough , but i was responding to his comment that japan in general has a very rape heavy porn culture. Aigis is one of the more succesful H-game on DMM , and it reached that level of success without use of rape.

That and the fact that compared to most other games i've played on nutaku , i've played aigis a metric ton more , so i know what i;m talking about at least in that area.

It might also be nostalgia talking as well

I don't believe aigis had any rape in it . I don't remember the prince raping anyone at least

All pretty fair points, I don't exactly have the evidence to back my own claims up other than personal experience, so I'll take what you guys say too.

That said, I find it kinda odd that they sometimes play the "rape soundtrack" over scenes that don't exactly seem too rapey in nature... Grimekahla's scene for example comes into mind.

02-20-2018, 10:23 AM
The gold Rank angel, the cutie with black hair got literally raped by him. Its nice if they gloss it over that she liked it afterwards, but does not change that it was still rape.

technically , we know that she has feelings for the prince (since all scenes are unlocked based on the affection meter) , so at worst it was a bit more forced rather the straight up rape

02-21-2018, 04:43 AM
According to the end of Sanahtlig's Toolbox Event list, there was apparently a Shrine maiden Nike SSR that seems to have a ridiculously OP skill set (12 turns atk buff? Boi). Question to the DMM players: Is she acquired via regular gacha or some other way? And to the predictors: are we nutaku players going to be blessed next year with this girl?

02-21-2018, 07:42 AM
According to the end of Sanahtlig's Toolbox Event list, there was apparently a Shrine maiden Nike SSR that seems to have a ridiculously OP skill set (12 turns atk buff? Boi). Question to the DMM players: Is she acquired via regular gacha or some other way? And to the predictors: are we nutaku players going to be blessed next year with this girl?
We tend to get specials like this, but they're available for only a limited period of time, and they're not included in the Miracle ticket pool. In other words, they're money sinks for whales. These limited characters often feature combinations of abilities that are uncommon in that element, such as Dark Amaterasu's class B debuff for Dark, or Light Nike's strong ATK buffing / double Full Burst capability for Light, making them particularly valuable for alternative builds.

02-21-2018, 09:52 AM
According to the end of Sanahtlig's Toolbox Event list, there was apparently a Shrine maiden Nike SSR that seems to have a ridiculously OP skill set (12 turns atk buff? Boi). Question to the DMM players: Is she acquired via regular gacha or some other way? And to the predictors: are we nutaku players going to be blessed next year with this girl?Light Nike is an interesting one, isn't she.

Do note that atk buffs are the same Assault/Character Atk from Eidolons, which largely devalues it. Regardless, Light Nike is capable of upkeeping 100% Atk on the whole team, which is... well. A lot. After 10 turns, running around with Union Assault buff is preeeeeeetty good...

However, that comes at a cost. If you want to keep Light Nike safe, you can by not buffing up the team. She gains an absurd amount of Def from unspent Amulets. ... will have to check JP Wiki later if their info was right...
Anyway, she also can't give the entire team +100 Burst if you don't stack up the Amulets. In a very, very long run (Accessory tier5 I'd assume) you can do both. But most of the time, you need to let the +Atk buff drop off a bit before you can do two Full Burst turns in a row.

I just love the more complex Hime that they've been designing as the game keeps getting older and older. Some of them are really good... ... too bad that those ones tend to also be Limited Editions.

02-21-2018, 10:07 AM
We tend to get specials like this, but they're available for only a limited period of time, and they're not included in the Miracle ticket pool. In other words, they're money sinks for whales. These limited characters often feature combinations of abilities that are uncommon in that element, such as Dark Amaterasu's class B debuff for Dark, or Light Nike's strong ATK buffing / double Full Burst capability for Light, making them particularly valuable for alternative builds.

Well, I know what I'm saving my gems for in a ridiculously long period of time :bgrin:

Light Nike is an interesting one, isn't she.

Do note that atk buffs are the same Assault/Character Atk from Eidolons, which largely devalues it. Regardless, Light Nike is capable of upkeeping 100% Atk on the whole team, which is... well. A lot. After 10 turns, running around with Union Assault buff is preeeeeeetty good...

However, that comes at a cost. If you want to keep Light Nike safe, you can by not buffing up the team. She gains an absurd amount of Def from unspent Amulets. ... will have to check JP Wiki later if their info was right...
Anyway, she also can't give the entire team +100 Burst if you don't stack up the Amulets. In a very, very long run (Accessory tier5 I'd assume) you can do both. But most of the time, you need to let the +Atk buff drop off a bit before you can do two Full Burst turns in a row.

I just love the more complex Hime that they've been designing as the game keeps getting older and older. Some of them are really good... ... too bad that those ones tend to also be Limited Editions.

Curiously, there doesn't seem to be any mention of a cap of her amulets or her buffs... I'd imagine she would at least have some semblance of a cap at around +300% def?

Agreed on the complex hime. Designs like Neptune and Light Nike's seems to make gameplay more intricate than it certainly is now.

02-21-2018, 10:21 AM
The atk buff is capped via the fact that it has a duration. 12 turn duration = 6 applications at best, for peak value of 120% assault.
No cap on def listed; doesn't seem like people have tried hanging around for 20/25/30/etc. turns without casting any buffs to see. It's that quandary of needing an enemy that can survive that long as well as not killing you in the meantime :/

02-21-2018, 10:27 AM
The atk buff is capped via the fact that it has a duration. 12 turn duration = 6 applications at best, for peak value of 120% assault.
No cap on def listed; doesn't seem like people have tried hanging around for 20/25/30/etc. turns without casting any buffs to see. It's that quandary of needing an enemy that can survive that long as well as not killing you in the meantime :/

Guess I play too much of a stall build seeing I can go 20+ turns to take only a quarter off Ragna Amphi's (Valentine event) HP... Which is probably my main motivation for asking the question in the first place, cause my setup is pretty much a turtle build.

02-21-2018, 10:30 AM
Can you pull that off with just 4 characters though? Or do you need all 5?

02-21-2018, 10:41 AM
Can you pull that off with just 4 characters though? Or do you need all 5?

Mordred sniper shot/ D'Art black propaganda SSR Nike Sol Raphael (so max atk debuff I think?) with Ouroboros Echidna for the extra blind and dizzy, especially if not using Mordred. My 5th character slot goes to Ea for damage, and mostly because I just ran out of SSR hime to work with, and I don't really have good SR light/ water hime at the moment, save for a Triton I'm still levelling.

Edit: I realise from reading the JP wiki that I should really start working on a damage build... some of the quests (like rank 5 accessory) seem to work on a kill or be killed basis, regardless of how tanky my team could possibly be lol.

02-21-2018, 10:56 AM
Well, if you pull light Nike, you could probably test her against Iwanagahime, the fire raid that's like the first or second event after her introduction. Or maybe by the time we get there, someone will have tested it.

What, those 50k+ hit all overdrives sound intimidating? Pssh, that's 80-100% damage cut strategies' time to shine :P

02-21-2018, 11:00 AM
What, those 50k+ hit all overdrives sound intimidating? Pssh, that's 80-100% damage cut strategies' time to shine :PIf 50k is after Atk debuffs, then -80% isn't enough.

Though, hard to say what our powerlevels will look like by then. There's still a full year before that raid, so we're basically halfway there.

02-21-2018, 11:01 AM
Well, if you pull light Nike, you could probably test her against Iwanagahime, the fire raid that's like the first or second event after her introduction. Or maybe by the time we get there, someone will have tested it.

What, those 50k+ hit all overdrives sound intimidating? Pssh, that's 80-100% damage cut strategies' time to shine :P

Wait, forgive me for not knowing, but that's possible with the himes we get? I don't see an immune all option from any of the skills, and the debuff cap is active, so is there something else I'm missing?

02-21-2018, 11:12 AM
Oh, general purpose damage cuts, element resistance buffs, and reflects stack additively into one term. So if you use a 40% damage cut (like from Joan), then add something like Cupid's +30% fire resist buff when fighting against a fire enemy. That's (40%+30%=70%) reduction of damage. Reiki's summon effect throws another +15% resist against fire on there. Bam, 85% damage reduction from fire.
Eidolon passives like Jack Frost's should stack with resist buffs (but I'm not 100% on this), so double Jack, Cupid's buff, Reiki summon, and Joan's damage cut all together should reduce damage to 0 from fire.

02-21-2018, 11:18 AM
Oh yea, and the wiki also says that plain damage cuts stack with themselves apparently? I'm not too sure on that one. But it is testable in our version. Joan's 40% cut + awakened Gaia's damage cut (40%, +20% thunder resist) should hit 100% reduction from thunder if they stack together.

02-21-2018, 11:24 AM
Oh yea, and the wiki also says that plain damage cuts stack with themselves apparently? I'm not too sure on that one. --Yes, they do. Always have. Back when raid buffs used to actually work (and I was still weak), I'd wait for triple Joan damage cuts whenever I was about to die.

Also, I use that same thing in Accessory R4 Wind Quests, Joan + non-Awakened Gaia can laugh off one Raging Overdrive. And then Gaia suicides herself for the greater good for the next one.

02-21-2018, 05:25 PM
The way to use Light Nike is to spend the first 10 turns charging blessings, then the next 10 turns charging ATK ups. After ~20 turns, you'll have full or near-full ATK buffs and a 1 Full Burst...

02-21-2018, 11:41 PM
Lolwut at this twitter quiz.

02-22-2018, 12:21 AM
Lolwut at this twitter quiz.

I literally choked on my water at page 3 :neutral:

02-22-2018, 02:02 AM
what twitter quiz ?

02-22-2018, 02:09 AM
what twitter quiz ?


Get all correct to (possibly?) get rewards, apparently a single wrong answer kicks you out of the reward pool.

02-22-2018, 03:15 AM
oh...thx. How the heck did i missed that ?

02-22-2018, 06:05 AM
so...i am going to be the asshole, are the questions fixed, if so can we use the swarm intelligence to complete an answear pool?

02-22-2018, 06:11 AM
so...i am going to be the asshole, are the questions fixed, if so can we use the swarm intelligence to complete an answear pool?

They used Google forms for the quiz, so I assume that the questions will be fixed, since I haven't seen a randomizer function for Gforms yet. As for swarm intelligence, maybe, but a bit of digging around and patience should give you the answers you need.

02-22-2018, 06:20 AM
ok nevermind, the quiz is very easy, no need for anything ~~ you can even google all the answear as you said.

02-22-2018, 07:32 AM
If you can't answer the questions without help, you shouldn't be competing for rewards with those who can.

02-22-2018, 08:55 AM
I saw the notice about some kamihime getting new voices, figured it would be the ones that had different voices for Valentines (Amaterasu and Nergal for instance) but those were the same. I've noticed Shiva and Zephyrus so far. Is there some point to all this?

02-22-2018, 09:04 AM
I saw the notice about some kamihime getting new voices, figured it would be the ones that had different voices for Valentines (Amaterasu and Nergal for instance) but those were the same. I've noticed Shiva and Zephyrus so far. Is there some point to all this?

It's literally just every single hime/ soul giving you Valentine's chocolate, which is indeed a culture in Japan (girls give dudes chocs). All himes and souls will have this, just keep reclicking if you wanna hear it.

02-22-2018, 09:07 AM
It's literally just every single hime/ soul giving you Valentine's chocolate, which is indeed a culture in Japan (girls give dudes chocs). All himes and souls will have this, just keep reclicking if you wanna hear it.

I'm talking about some kamihime having all their lines revoiced. Main page, battle, everything. I've only noticed Shiva and Zephyrus so far.

02-22-2018, 09:11 AM
I'm talking about some kamihime having all their lines revoiced. Main page, battle, everything. I've only noticed Shiva and Zephyrus so far.Oh shit, so that's why Mordred sounds so strange.

I thought I was going crazy.

Mister Z.
02-22-2018, 12:53 PM
Seriously, what kind of a bad luck is that ? The second ever SSR I draw after 3 months of play and numerus jewel gatcha I draw, I get Ares.


That is, exactly the SAME SSR I started with. I feel... I don't know. I would have settled for anything but I get, well... Nothing.

What the hell am I supposed to do with that draconic eye then ? :/

02-22-2018, 01:06 PM
Save them up for awakening. Incidentally, Ares should be getting her awakening in two months.

02-22-2018, 02:02 PM
I'm talking about some kamihime having all their lines revoiced. Main page, battle, everything. I've only noticed Shiva and Zephyrus so far.

Mord, gawain and artemis too, also Ares valentine line is the only one with the new voice.

02-22-2018, 02:07 PM
Seriously, what kind of a bad luck is that ? The second ever SSR I draw after 3 months of play and numerus jewel gatcha I draw, I get Ares.


That is, exactly the SAME SSR I started with. I feel... I don't know. I would have settled for anything but I get, well... Nothing.

What the hell am I supposed to do with that draconic eye then ? :/

Next awakening is Titania and then Ares, save for it.

02-22-2018, 03:48 PM
Question ... for anyone that can answer (fire main) .... who is better as the forth hime after ama svarog and mars ... is it daki or uriel(awakening) or ares (awakening)?

02-22-2018, 03:56 PM
It is Ares or Uriel, depending on personal preference. I don't think either is absolutely above the other, once Uriel is buffed that is.

Ares is about tearing apart enemies while on fire, whileas Uriel is about gathering power for a tremendous Burst turn.

02-22-2018, 04:07 PM
If we're going that far ahead, Prometheus is my pick (~2 weeks after Uriel's awakening). Orb remover, overdrive extension (that doubles as a wind atk debuff), and hell, you can even take a stab at paralyzing the enemy.

Specifically from the set of Da Ji, Uriel, and Ares? I like Da Ji the most among those three. I place more weight on her wind resist buff than others here probably would. I also don't think highly of those SSRs who get buffs and/or awakenings in the future, but haven't yet in our version. With the exception of Sol, they get those buffs/awakenings for a reason :/

02-22-2018, 04:25 PM
The problem with Wind Res is that as a Fire main, you don't need any help against Wind events/bosses. While those kinds of buffs are amazing, they help those who don't main that element far, far more.

And Awakenings don't happen just because a SSR is weak. Some of them do, yes. But most Awakened Hime are still extremely powerful and preferable over "just" SSRs.
... except trash like Odin who stay trash even afterwards...

02-22-2018, 06:07 PM
For a svarog ama mars team uriel goes better, both ares and uriel are very strong after aw, but uriel aw gets the most of it due to her charge mechanic paried with svarog stacking buff, meanwhile...

02-22-2018, 07:10 PM
So how do u use uriel ... in term of her ability ...

02-22-2018, 09:48 PM
Awakened svarog's encounter episode:


02-22-2018, 10:46 PM
Does anyone know roughly when I might be able to expect Eligos' alternate skin (something about the duke of flame, IIRC?) in the nutaku version>.

02-23-2018, 12:38 AM
Does anyone know roughly when I might be able to expect Eligos' alternate skin (something about the duke of flame, IIRC?) in the nutaku version>.The encyclopedia in Sanahtlig's toolbox (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PhfOAQk6EyK5l33ux_C4T-cexVIQp6D-_Hbd-OO1OmQ/edit#gid=1090858479) gives you a quick peek on all the upcoming Hime.

It looks like current estimate is around mid-May.

02-23-2018, 01:58 AM
Seriously, what kind of a bad luck is that ? The second ever SSR I draw after 3 months of play and numerus jewel gatcha I draw, I get Ares.


That is, exactly the SAME SSR I started with. I feel... I don't know. I would have settled for anything but I get, well... Nothing.

What the hell am I supposed to do with that draconic eye then ? :/

i feel you bro

edit : i'm editing this one as to not spam with another comment. How exactly does resistance work ? Like a % damage reduction from a certain element ? And does it stacks with other damage redictons (like jeane's ) or other defense increase buffs ? And if that's the case , aren't resistance up eidolons pretty damn good (even if specialized) ?

Or i'm misunderstanding the mechanic ?

02-23-2018, 06:13 AM
How exactly does resistance work ? Like a % damage reduction from a certain element ? And does it stacks with other damage redictons (like jeane's ) -- And if that's the case , aren't resistance up eidolons pretty damn good (even if specialized) ? Yes, yes and yes.

Using double Jack Frost gives you -20% damage taken from Yatagarasu. Adding Joan on top of that and you'll have -60%. At least, as far as I know. So yeah, resistance up Eidolons are unmatched as long as you know what element you'll be going against.
or other defense increase buffs ? ... kinda, but unlike damage cuts, they're not added. If you get 100% Def up, you'll take half damage. So if you're using double Jack Frost and using Joan's damage cut on that turn, then 100% Def up lowers your damage taken from 40% to 20%.

But you'll never reach 100% Def up, so in general, it's a crappy stat. Better than nothing, I guess.

02-23-2018, 06:29 AM
oh , it#s good to know. thx mate

02-23-2018, 08:05 AM
Progress check, cause why not.

This is my list of notable (maybe?) stuff so far:

Soul: Mordred (Water, Dark, missed the St. Nicholas sword lmao) , D'Art (Water, Light)
Water: Snow Raphy, Ea, SSR Nike, Triton, Oceanus, Kikuri
Light: Sol, Raphy, Belebog
Thunder: Raiko, Hermod, Nemesis
Wind: Gaia, Hermes
Dark: Eligos, Pharol
Gacha SSR Eidos: 1LB Ouroboros, Echidna, Grimekahla

So the things I deduce going forward will be 1. Main water, secondary light, 2. aim for Cthulhu/ Ryu-Oh (which priority?), and 3. grab dat 100% water eido in april, and maybe try for Ashirat.

What legend soul should I be aiming for, and what are some other tips for my account? Also, is it advisable to run dark main weapon on Mordred to offset a thunder element disadvantage with my current weapon and hime set up?

02-23-2018, 09:55 AM
i was lookiing through the jp wiki list of future ssrs and i noticed a buff called sneak attack. ssr cybele for example has it. what does this buff do?

also, im running light and lately im finding sol to be rather "not-as-useful" as she use to be as i can reach the atk down cap without her. are there any strong light teams set ups that dont use her in formation? at least for stuff that doesnt need heavy heals or dispels.

02-23-2018, 10:10 AM
i was lookiing through the jp wiki list of future ssrs and i noticed a buff called sneak attack. ssr cybele for example has it. what does this buff do?

It enables critical hits (at a certain probability) when the attacker has elemental advantage over the target. It's thus useless against neutral-element enemies.

02-23-2018, 10:12 AM
You generally want to match your main weapon element with the rest of the team, as you don't want your soul to miss out on all of those weapon skills. You probably also don't want to run your water team against thunder at a meaningful difficulty, as eating a free +45% damage isn't fun.
You've got Gaia. If you've got Oberon, then a Gaia/Oberon/Cybele/Zephyrus lineup should at least see you through 3 months worth of thunder events (Gluttony reprint, Mastema reprint, and a raid event).

Sneak attack is...a type of buff to damage that's basically X% chance to do Y% more damage, but only if you have elemental advantage. SSR Cybele's page says that this does affect all attacks (normal, skills, burst), so it's very useful. But again, remember that it requires advantage. The probability and the damage bonus will vary from character to character.

02-23-2018, 11:24 AM
so critical hits huh. with ssr cybele or anyone with the buff that does a double/triple attack or multi hit skills, that seems like fun to use.

02-24-2018, 12:28 AM
so critical hits huh. with ssr cybele or anyone with the buff that does a double/triple attack or multi hit skills, that seems like fun to use.

I'm simply imagining using full burst with the whole team on crit. You could probably hit the burst limit free with that.

02-24-2018, 01:30 AM
I don't think there was anyone who had crit+ to all, though. They're self-buffs as far as I remember. I could be wrong.

02-24-2018, 01:59 AM
hi guys
which soul should i pick
this three is the only 1 i don't have>>??

02-24-2018, 02:17 AM
I don't think there was anyone who had crit+ to all, though. They're self-buffs as far as I remember. I could be wrong.

If the Toolbox Event Encyclopedia is right/ if the JP wiki actually means apply to all... Ashirat might be that crit+ all buffer.

02-24-2018, 05:33 AM
hi guys
which soul should i pick
this three is the only 1 i don't have>>??

Since soul heavily depend on your lineup we won't be able to help you. From an EX skill point of view none of them are really needed, just pick the one that looks most appealing to you. Andromeda may or may not be useful for certain encounters, might consider getting her first.

02-24-2018, 10:19 AM
Who does Eligos synergize well with? Since she is my waifu I plan on using her a bunch.

02-24-2018, 11:55 AM
Who does Eligos synergize well with? Since she is my waifu I plan on using her a bunch.Absolutely nothing. She only has high base attack, nothing else.

So, cover your debuffs while bringing Eligos, I guess.

02-24-2018, 07:35 PM
I now have two questions: What team should I prioritize, my fire team with Amaterasu and Yamaraja, or my wind team with Titania and Gaia, or should I do both, as grass can cover fire's weakness and vice versa?

Second question, about Eligos again: Will the fire Eligos be able to synergize with others, or is she in the same boat as the normal version?

02-24-2018, 07:52 PM
I now have two questions: What team should I prioritize, my fire team with Amaterasu and Yamaraja, or my wind team with Titania and Gaia, or should I do both
I'd go with the Wind team, as Titania and Gaia are both very useful for Wind. However, the particular kamihime available with the next Miracle ticket will be an important deciding factor.

02-24-2018, 07:59 PM
I don't plan on spending money on the game, so Miracle tickets are a non-factor.

02-25-2018, 03:05 AM
I now have two questions: What team should I prioritize, my fire team with Amaterasu and Yamaraja, or my wind team with Titania and Gaia, or should I do both, as grass can cover fire's weakness and vice versa?The flipside of Wind is Water, and the flipside of Fire is Thunder. If you main Wind, you'll want a decent Water team that can handle Fire events.

But yes, having a strong Fire team when maining Wind can be a good thing. Since that allows you to farm Wind Accessories with ease.

02-25-2018, 07:09 AM
dumb newbie question: Are eidolon effects passive effects?

02-25-2018, 07:37 AM
dumb newbie question: Are eidolon effects passive effects?Yes. The ones in your MAIN SLOT only, plus the one in your friend slot.

Eidolons also have a different, active effect that happens when you summon them. If you pick a person who is on your Friend List to your friend slot, then you get that Eidolon usable at the start of the fight.

02-25-2018, 09:45 AM
Yo anyone who's looking to snipe MVP or at least sub MVP in disaster raids with BP, here's a tip for the day for those that don't already know.

Green auto battle is better than red auto battle.

Have a nice day.

02-25-2018, 10:47 AM
amphisbaena's encounter episode:






02-25-2018, 10:50 AM
Yo anyone who's looking to snipe MVP or at least sub MVP in disaster raids with BP, here's a tip for the day for those that don't already know.
Green auto battle is better than red auto battle.
Have a nice day.

I swear I thought you would say "run Siegfried"

Regardless, I have a little question; Soul related or Fire first world problems actually...
So I have all the Elite Souls (And by default the other Standard and Elite are complete as well), the only Souls i'm missing are Masamune, Hercules, Shingen and Solomon (Like hell I will unlock Uselessmon kek)
The question I have was regarding Shingen and Hercules since I've read that those two syngergize well with Mars for some reason that I can't explain, thus as many of you may know I main Fire, for Fire I have Svarog (I need 7 Shards to Awaken), Amaterasu, Dakki, Summer Sol and Ares. Granted I will Miracle Ticket for Mars as soon as she's available, that being on the 2nd or 3rd Miracle Ticket.

The main things I've always struggled with Fire has been A Frames...
You either go Joan EX: Ambush or Gawain EX: Trial by Jury for A Frames and of course you aren't able to use Black Propaganda, granted you could run Mordred with EX: Ambush or Trial but then you'd be losing the other A Frame. That's quite frustrating actually and later to fix this issue (I guess) Nutaku added a Fire SR that has a -15% Attack Debuff but sadly I haven't been able to pick her up and on my book getting an SR you want is hella more difficult than getting an SSR...
Anyway I read a few days ago that those Souls alongside Vine/Mars were able make up for Ambush but then again it would leave me picking between Black Propaganda and Trial.

My main doubt was: Isn't Mars + Vine Enough to make up for the -20 ATK Reduction Ambush would provide?
That way Fire would have a feasible way of getting near the cap in both Attack and Defense and extend the Overdrive Meters, thanks.

02-25-2018, 10:59 AM




02-25-2018, 11:01 AM
I swear I thought you would say "run Siegfried"

The raids are cleared so fast by other people you might as well don't need to bother using her, by the time you set up a buff the boss is probably whacked out of stun by other raiders.

The question I have was regarding Shingen and Hercules since I've read that those two syngergize well with Mars for some reason that I can't explain

Might be her double atk + passive.

The main things I've always struggled with Fire has been A Frames...
You either go Joan EX: Ambush or Gawain EX: Trial by Jury for A Frames and of course you aren't able to use Black Propaganda, granted you could run Mordred with EX: Ambush or Trial but then you'd be losing the other A Frame. That's quite frustrating actually and later to fix this issue (I guess) Nutaku added a Fire SR that has a -15% Attack Debuff but sadly I haven't been able to pick her up and on my book getting an SR you want is hella more difficult than getting an SSR...
Anyway I read a few days ago that those Souls alongside Vine/Mars were able make up for Ambush but then again it would leave me picking between Black Propaganda and Trial.

My main doubt was: Isn't Mars + Vine Enough to make up for the -20 ATK Reduction Ambush would provide?
That way Fire would have a feasible way of getting near the cap in both Attack and Defense and extend the Overdrive Meters, thanks.

Technically, yes Mars + Vine would be sufficient, but having an extra A frame def break just adds even more to the damage considering fire resist down and def breaks are not the same debuff, and therefore are not subject to the same caps. That does mean that for your case grabbing Hephaustus is the best case scenario, then you can run BB with Joan/ Gawain with BB.

02-25-2018, 11:17 AM
My comment on Shingen's usefulness for Fire was based on the principle that Fire is built for damage, and therefore a Soul that greatly boosts spike damage would play to that strength. Rage Overdrives are Fire's Achilles heel; Shingen's Provisional Forest enables high-damage builds to bypass the Rage phase entirely in most encounters, especially with Mars and Vine. The caveat is that Fire lacks Burst gauge buffs, so ensuring that the Soul gets the Burst buff requires sacrificing debuff potential from the Soul.

Joan + Black Propaganda would be highly effective for Fire teams post-Mars, as it covers Fire's main weakness: powerful Overdrives and lack of endurance. Pre-Mars you wouldn't have sufficient DEF down, nor would you be able to land your debuffs reliably. As long as Sphinx is ready to ensure Mars's debuff lands, Fire is freed from the need to run Mordred all the time.

So post-Mars, Fire has the choice between a Burst build and a Versatile build. I would favor the Versatile build for solo content, and the Burst build for group content.

02-25-2018, 11:55 AM
The raids are cleared so fast by other people you might as well don't need to bother using her, by the time you set up a buff the boss is probably whacked out of stun by other raiders.
Pretty much, I used to like her for my Wind attribute since it lacked damage but lately she's just been useless, not even reliable for Ragnarok raids. Maybe her only use is to aid thunder Thunder on his quest to kill before you get killed, that's very conditional though

Technically, yes Mars + Vine would be sufficient, but having an extra A frame def break just adds even more to the damage considering fire resist down and def breaks are not the same debuff, and therefore are not subject to the same caps. That does mean that for your case grabbing Hephaustus is the best case scenario, then you can run BB with Joan/ Gawain with BB.
Yeah, technically with Mars you would be able to hit a "hypothetical" -65% Defense Debuff if you factor the numbers her pseudo debuff leaves (factoring Vine as well) which is utterly insane, was Hephaustus Raguel (A Frame ATK SR debuffer) or someone else? I can't quite find her on the Gacha...
And yeah I was running Joan with EX Black Propaganda on R4 Accessory Quests alongside Summer Sol, Amaterasu, Svarog and the R Girl with a -10% DEF Debuffer, I didn't even need the healing drops to succeed on a 100% success rate, Joan is pretty much my way to go with Fire but if there was something I was missing out on with those two Souls I had to know...

My comment on Shingen's usefulness for Fire was based on the principle that Fire is built for damage, and therefore a Soul that greatly boosts spike damage would play to that strength. Rage Overdrives are Fire's Achilles heel; Shingen's Provisional Forest enables high-damage builds to bypass the Rage phase entirely in most encounters, especially with Mars and Vine. The caveat is that Fire lacks Burst gauge buffs, so ensuring that the Soul gets the Burst buff requires sacrificing debuff potential from the Soul.

Joan + Black Propaganda would be highly effective for Fire teams post-Mars, as it covers Fire's main weakness: powerful Overdrives and lack of endurance. Pre-Mars you wouldn't have sufficient DEF down, nor would you be able to land your debuffs reliably. As long as Sphinx is ready to ensure Mars's debuff lands, Fire is freed from the need to run Mordred all the time.

So post-Mars, Fire has the choice between a Burst build and a Versatile build. I would favor the Versatile build for solo content, and the Burst build for group content.
I'd say your observation is correct, sometimes I used neglect BP and go full A Frame to prioritize Ares' Nuke and attempt to get out of Rage as soon as possible, this is quite risky and tends to fail therefore I switched to a more "stable" strategy.
Since I got Dakki I haven't had any issue with the Raging phase due to her Double/Triple Rate up paired with Rampaging to the whole party, maybe this will be even better when I gather the Holy SP to unlock Shingen on an all out attack mentality rather than doing this with Joan, what has me worried is that this strategy won't work on the latter content (AKA Guild Quest Order) but it's still manageable with Joan and a Healer.

In my opinion another issue with Fire was the inability to use Mordred with an SSR Weapon since there hasn't been an Event with an SSR Fire Sword or Glaive, I don't run into that Issue since I have Gacha SSR Weapons for Mordred but that's a big hindering for Black Propaganda and Vicissitudes of Fortune to some extend. Disregarding that; since almost every Fire build heavily leans on Amaterasu Outrage ends up being an useless skill, that and all the Skills Joan disposes of are useful makes most Fire players ignore Mordred.

Speaking Ragnarok Advents they're a piece of cake for my Fire team disregarding the attribute of the Advent except Water but this quite changes if a debuff misses and you don't start with a loaded Sphinx, that's where Joan saves your butt, thanks to both who answered.

02-25-2018, 12:06 PM
Can't go beyond -50% def. Element resistance down is included in that.

02-25-2018, 12:57 PM
Choice of SSR event weapons won't matter at all once Relic weapons are introduced, probably by June. That's why I don't recommend planning teams around this, though it remains a consideration for now.

02-25-2018, 01:18 PM
Can't go beyond -50% def. Element resistance down is included in that.
I've updated the debuff section of my guide to hopefully prevent this misunderstanding from occurring again. "Elemental" is now listed among the debuff classes, and in the debuff cap section I specifically state that Elemental debuffs count towards their respective caps. This wasn't an issue until now since this debuff type was only just recently introduced.

02-25-2018, 01:38 PM
I had the misconception that it only stacked A, B and C Frames on both Attack and Defense but as I see it affects Elemental as well, granted only on attack, this means the hypothetical -65 on Defense is still possible?

02-25-2018, 01:40 PM
ele down is basicly just another source of def down. You are still capped at a total of -50%

02-25-2018, 01:49 PM
ele down is basicly just another source of def down. You are still capped at a total of -50%

A sad state of affairs, thanks dude.

02-25-2018, 01:53 PM
Second question, about Eligos again: Will the fire Eligos be able to synergize with others, or is she in the same boat as the normal version?

So unlike how variants usually are, fire Eligor tries to do something completely different from normal Eligor. Fire Eligor is basically give 1 ally a def/wind resist buff, give 1 ally regen and a barrier, and give 1 ally invulnerability. It's usually eh without being able to predict which ally could use protection next, which basically screams to pair up with another kamihime with either a cover type skill or some kind of taunt ability. On the plus side, fire does get an event SR with a cover skill, Kishar.

02-25-2018, 02:42 PM
which legendary soul should you focus as a beginner?

my main theam is a wind team.
water is fine too.
3rd best is fire.

02-25-2018, 03:03 PM
which legendary soul should you focus as a beginner?

my main theam is a wind team.
water is fine too.
3rd best is fire.Aside from some exceptional circumstances, you always want to go Gawain, Cass, Mordred, Dartagnan/Joan. Probably in that order.

02-25-2018, 03:18 PM
ele down is basicly just another source of def down. You are still capped at a total of -50%

Its not only that, it increases your debuff success chance since it works like a lesser vof, so elemental rst debuffs are stronger assuming mono element teams and grids (which everyone should have tbh).

02-26-2018, 04:33 AM
hey guys. just asked in another thread.. but got the feeling that i dont reach as much people as here.

i rerolled a lot of times... this is the best i got:

1: kami: michael ; eros

2: kami: amon(unleashed); azazel eido: oroboros

3: kami: shiva; aphrodite, acala eido: behemoth

4: kami: ryu eido: a thunder one... (not kirin. forgot to right down the name)

5: kami: susanoo; svarog eido: fafnir

6: kami: jupiter; metatron

7: kami: ea; titiania

8: kami: eros; gaia

9: kami: [moonlight maiden] Tsukuyomi; Tyr

10: kami: tyr; aphrodite

11: eido: belial; huanglongs

12: eido : behemoth; hectonchires; fafnir

13: brahma ;ea; raiko

what do you guys think?

02-26-2018, 07:16 AM
As I explained in my guide, if you get a +100% eidolon, you should go with that. You can always buy SSR kamihime and Miracle tickets, but if you don't start with a +100% eidolon, you'll probably never have one.

02-26-2018, 07:19 AM
As I explained in my guide, if you get a +100% eidolon, you should go with that. You can always buy SSR kamihime and Miracle tickets, but if you don't start with a +100% eidolon, you'll probably never have one.

thanks for your answer.

but what if i wanna play it for free? which constellation would be the best out of my rerolls?

02-26-2018, 07:24 AM
A team with 2x +100% eidolons can run SR kamihime and do just fine, as long as you have the right ones. Roll Jewel Gatcha enough and it'll happen. If you have 1, other players with a +100% eidolon should flock to you, making this easy to accomplish. Though you'll probably regret it if you don't at least pick up Amaterasu with a Miracle ticket.

02-26-2018, 07:31 AM
A team with 2x +100% eidolons can run SR kamihime and do just fine, as long as you have the right ones. Roll Jewel Gatcha enough and it'll happen. If you have 1, other players with a +100% eidolon should flock to you making this easy to accomplish. Though you'll probably regret it if you don't at least pick up Amaterasu with a Miracle ticket.

alright. so you would pick that 100% eidolon instead 4ssr's even as a free to play player?

oh damn. now gotta think about that ^^'

02-26-2018, 08:32 AM
alright. so you would pick that 100% eidolon instead 4ssr's even as a free to play player?

oh damn. now gotta think about that ^^'

Thats the advice from a veteran. But honestly as a new player, you will enjoy the game way more with 4ssr. There are examples of people doing ragnarok difficulty with full rare team, so there would be not much of a problem with difficult content as long as you keep playing for a long time. Its just that to make the best team possible, you need the eidolon.

02-26-2018, 08:40 AM
Thats the advice from a veteran. But honestly as a new player, you will enjoy the game way more with 4ssr. There are examples of people doing ragnarok difficulty with full rare team, so there would be not much of a problem with difficult content as long as you keep playing for a long time. Its just that to make the best team possible, you need the eidolon.

Thanks for your answer!! I was about to pick the 4ssr account... because its sounds more fun. I understand that with that eidolon i'll probably have the better team, but my goal isnt the best possible team even if its desirable.

Maybe i'll play with that eidolon account too and see what i'll get in the furture.

02-26-2018, 08:44 AM
3: kami: shiva; aphrodite, acala eido: behemoth
This is not that strong of an account. You only have 1 character that I'd even use in an endgame team. As I've said before, the number of SSRs isn't what matters, it's which ones. I have 3 Water SSRs. I only use 1 of them in my main Water team, along with 2 Water SRs and Sol. Hint: One of your Water SSRs is one of my Water SSRs that sits on the bench.

02-26-2018, 09:16 AM
Sorry I keep asking questions (thank you to everyone who has answered my previous ones), but I have some more.

First of all, what legendary soul should I go for (I made the mistake of getting Solomon the first time)? As my SSRs are Titania, Yamaraja, Amaterasu and Gaia, most of my SSR weapons are staves (although I do have Axe of Penglai, Yatagarasu's gun, and SSRs from gluttony and greed). I have all normal souls max leveled and some Elite ones.

Second, who should I prioritize awakening first, Titania or Gaia?

Related to the second point, should I MLB the both of them before awakening or can I skip the pain of MLB'ing them?

Finally, is it a bad idea to use a lot of elixirs (75+) to MLB Yatagarasu (I'm already too far in to stop, but I want to know if it was an ok investment)?

02-26-2018, 09:22 AM
Sorry I keep asking questions (thank you to everyone who has answered my previous ones), but I have some more.

First of all, what legendary soul should I go for (I made the mistake of getting Solomon the first time)? As my SSRs are Titania, Yamaraja, Amaterasu and Gaia, most of my SSR weapons are staves (although I do have Axe of Penglai, Yatagarasu's gun, and SSRs from gluttony and greed). I have all normal souls max leveled and some Elite ones.

Second, who should I prioritize awakening first, Titania or Gaia?

Related to the second point, should I MLB the both of them before awakening or can I skip the pain of MLB'ing them?

Finally, is it a bad idea to use a lot of elixirs (75+) to MLB Yatagarasu (I'm already too far in to stop, but I want to know if it was an ok investment)?

Soul wise, I'd aim for Mordred first, you already have Amaterasu for the B frame if you're rolling with a fire team, and even with a wind team, I'd wager Modred has overall more use than D'Art.

Gaia is definitely first priority for awakening, that maxed skill 2 is phenomenal in tanking single target overdrives like in rank 3/4 accessory quests.

Awakening requires MLB. Rip the loophole.

It's actually fine IMO, if you find not much use for the eidolon (which I don't think, Yata has a pretty good active skill), you can always sell in the future eidolon orb store update.

02-26-2018, 09:27 AM
Is it worth spending jewels to clear advent ragnaroks?

02-26-2018, 09:27 AM
Thanks for the replies so quickly! You answered all of my questions!

I probably was going to MLB Gaia and Titania anyways, just for completion value so to speak. I don't plan on selling Yatagarasu, as she was my first SSR Eidolon and probably my favorite Eidolon, so I would keep her just for the "sentimental" value alone.

02-26-2018, 09:44 AM
Is it worth spending jewels to clear advent ragnaroks?

No, you can always wait for the next one, and the cores actually stack up a lot once you start getting them anyway. Patience my friend.

02-26-2018, 10:45 AM
This is not that strong of an account. You only have 1 character that I'd even use in an endgame team. As I've said before, the number of SSRs isn't what matters, it's which ones. I have 3 Water SSRs. I only use 1 of them in my main Water team, along with 2 Water SRs and Sol. Hint: One of your Water SSRs is one of my Water SSRs that sits on the bench.

Damn ^^' .

Okey. Is there something you would consider as good in here or better than this 4ssr account? :

1: kami: michael ; eros

2: kami: amon(unleashed); azazel eido: oroboros

3: kami: shiva; aphrodite, acala eido: behemoth

4: kami: ryu eido: a thunder one... (not kirin. forgot to right down the name)

5: kami: susanoo; svarog eido: fafnir

6: kami: jupiter; metatron

7: kami: ea; titiania

8: kami: eros; gaia

9: kami: [moonlight maiden] Tsukuyomi; Tyr

10: kami: tyr; aphrodite

11: eido: belial; huanglongs

12: eido : behemoth; hectonchires; fafnir

13: brahma ;ea; raiko

02-26-2018, 10:49 AM
besides my belial account?

02-26-2018, 11:07 AM
Eros/Gaia, Light Tsukuyomi/Tyr, and Tyr/Aphrodite are better than Shiva/Aphrodite/Acala/Behemoth
Michael/Eros is better in certain builds than Shiva/Aphrodite/Acala/Behemoth
Maybe Dark Amon/Azazel/Ouroboros too.

The thing about Shiva/Aphrodite/Acala/Behemoth is that...
Shiva was ok for an SSR at launch, but just gets more and more outdated as the game goes on. (Shiva's the one sitting on sanahtlig's bench, IIRC)
Acala was bad at release, is relatively worse now, gets buffs in the summer, is still bad after buffs, gets awakening at the end of the year, and becomes finally acceptable at her niche. The fact that Acala is one of the few SSRs I've rolled makes me more annoyed with her than if I never rolled her.
So 4 SSRs sound impressive at first, but 2 of them you'd rather not see the light of day! So you're down to 1 kamihime who'd see use and 1 eidolon who's more situational (as opposed to Belial being a 100% in use for a fire team).

02-26-2018, 11:11 AM
Susanoo/Svarog/Fafnir's better too, now that I think about it. Svarog's a keeper, and Fafnir has value due to the fact that we're not seeing +fire eidolon via event for a long while 0.o

02-26-2018, 11:28 AM
wanted to ask: does kamihime have revives of old events ?

02-26-2018, 11:28 AM
besides my belial account?
If you plan on investing (Miracle Ticket wise) I'd recommend going for the double Light, Tsukuyomi or Double Water Account, the Belial one Is sincerly the best you have there, that Eidolon imo equals drawing two core Kamihime...
You can run Belial (whose effect exceeds two MLB Event Eidolon together) and any other crappy Kamihime and be okay, hell you can make effective use of Meng Huo.
I recommend getting that account, MT on the 2nd for Amaterasu and in the 3rd Mars.
Also remember, you can hand pick Kamihime with Miracle Tickets but can you say this for Eidolon? I don't think so,
Regardless pick whatever you feel will provide more fun to you, I'm the end it's a game and really does this all "optimal/perfect/statistic" appeal to the casual eye?
Good luck, buddy

02-26-2018, 11:36 AM
wanted to ask: does kamihime have revives of old events ?

The current two ongoing ones are reprints. However Raid events don't get any.

02-26-2018, 01:37 PM
(at) Neverbloom & Unregistered

ok thanks for your opinons/advices.

maybe... i got to reroll even more ^^'

02-26-2018, 02:53 PM
Is Sleipnir's activated effect working as intended? I can use it turn 1, attack, and assuming no DA/TA, everyone ends up with 13 burst. Gained a whole 3 burst over normal. It's a 1 turn effect, so the buff falls off. Next attack, everyone is up to 22, so only gained 9 instead of the usual 10. In the end, a whole 2 points of extra burst. Doesn't seem right.

02-26-2018, 03:06 PM
Sleipnir's actually +2.5 burst per hit. So what you're seeing is wonkiness regarding displaying the .5

02-26-2018, 04:05 PM
I'm telling you, take the Belial account. +100% x 2 fire elemental damage is better than anything else you can reasonably expect to start with. That's your best shot at clearing endgame content without spending. If you can land 2/3 of the useful Fire SRs, you'll have a pretty solid team. I don't understand your fixation on having multiple SSRs when that won't necessarily make you stronger.

02-26-2018, 06:01 PM
Oh, yea, go with the Belial account. Between the impact Belial offers over literally every other fire eidolon and the rarity (you will most likely never roll a 100% eidolon through jewels), from a pure practicality perspective, I'd say you probably would need to roll 4 foundational pieces to even start thinking of turning down Belial. Possibly lower it to 3, if 2 of them are of the same element. Other people will of course have different thresholds.
By foundational piece, I mean a kamihime that has a good argument/minimal strings attached for being placed in a high end team for that element. A gacha eidolon that is not a 100% eidolon automatically counts as a zero here. Fractional is possible; I count Michael and Tyr as 0.5 each, for example. Gaia, Svalog, and light Tsukuyomi are easy 1's. Shiva and Acala are 0's.

02-27-2018, 04:34 AM
Hey there! I got a little question: Is the damage of a Soul influenced by the Damage of the Main Weapon or simply by all the stats of all weapons? For example I got a sword with 1000 ATK and one with 1 ATK in my grid. Will the damage change, if the soul wields the different swords?

02-27-2018, 04:37 AM
okey guys. You convinced me. Iam going with the Belial account. Thank you for all your advices

02-27-2018, 04:44 AM
Hey there! I got a little question: Is the damage of a Soul influenced by the Damage of the Main Weapon or simply by all the stats of all weapons? For example I got a sword with 1000 ATK and one with 1 ATK in my grid. Will the damage change, if the soul wields the different swords?The only thing the main weapon does is decide the element of your Soul.

For everyone, the stats comes from all Eidolons and weapons.

02-27-2018, 06:54 AM
Should i focus on Andromeda for my fire team?

Probably never get amaterasu. So i guess it would be reasonable, right?

02-27-2018, 07:23 AM
Should i focus on Andromeda for my fire team?

Probably never get amaterasu. So i guess it would be reasonable, right?

Miracle for Amaterasu if you can. If miracle isn't an option, I'd argue for Mordred or D'Art for the B frame debuffs first.

02-27-2018, 08:03 AM
Hey guys how does the “preferred weapon” that grant additional stat works? I cant really find the info for it anywhere.

02-27-2018, 11:03 AM
A character gains 20% more stats from a particular weapon if it's of her preferred type. Similarly, a character gains 10% more stats from a particular eidolon if they match elements. It's nice to know to explain the numbers you see, but it's not a high priority when it comes to deciding what to equip.

02-27-2018, 11:08 AM
Hey guys how does the “preferred weapon” that grant additional stat works? I cant really find the info for it anywhere.Each Hime has a preferred weapon type, and they get 20% extra stats from that weapon. Jap wiki has a list of who prefers which.

You can check by equipping/unequipping weapons and seeing do they gain/lose extra stats in the Edit menu. Same goes for Eidolons by the way. Except on that front, same element are the ones with 10% bonus stats.
EDIT: Oh, it's 20% on weapons. Make sense, since they're harder to get the preferred type.

02-27-2018, 01:02 PM
Oh I see thanks guys

02-27-2018, 02:23 PM
Hi guys.
Does anyone know if demonic cores are going to have any use beyond trading for draconic eye shards and grails in the future?
Because I was only taking the shards until now, but these cores are really starting to pile up. Especially since the next two reprints will most likely not have any new shard either.
I wonder if I should start exchanging a few for grails.

02-27-2018, 02:34 PM
I wonder if I should start exchanging a few for grails.Cores will be used for level 150 limit breaks too, but the numbers were not all that great. I think. Those things are so far away I haven't properly looked at them.

Each R Grail will save you what, 2000 Gems? Yeah, not worth it in the slightest. Just stockpile the Cores.

02-27-2018, 02:53 PM
5 cores for the original SSRs from advent events. They get implemented along with their corresponding 2nd reprint (the actual 2nd reprint, not reprint of the 1st reprint). So, once Phoenix 2nd reprint comes around, the SSR bow can get its final limit break. With Apocalypse, the lance, and so forth.
But not with Ixion's sword; I think that Ixion's 2nd reprint was actually about a month before final limit breaks were implemented.

The trap here is that they also require 45 silver and 25 gold materials from their event. Don't forget that when you're busy exchanging for jewels :P

Unregistered Newbie
02-27-2018, 03:27 PM
Hey guys.
What does the numbers next to the weapons stand for (like +1)?

02-27-2018, 11:00 PM
Hey guys.
What does the numbers next to the weapons stand for (like +1)?
The +1 counts as a bonus the weapon has over it's stats (each +number gives an extra 1 HP and 3 Attack or the other way around), so you want to feed your bigger weapons/eidolons with others that have the "+" stat, also no worries if you have a weapon with say "+50" and you don't use it anymore, if you use it to enhance another everything will transfer.

On another note, can someone tell me what are the materials needed to enhance an Awakened Kamihime?
Thanks in advance.

02-27-2018, 11:07 PM

Thats the translated jp wiki, we have the same costs but idk if i can post pics with ctrl v like on discord so.

Edit: the translated one didnt work so thats the jp wiki without the translation, you can understand it anyways.

02-27-2018, 11:51 PM
On another note, can someone tell me what are the materials needed to enhance an Awakened Kamihime?
Thanks in advance.See the " DMM Kamihime Project: SSR Awakening Predictions" thread? Hit the "attachments" button and click on "kh-awakening2" and there you go. All that is not included is 270k Gems and 3 Dragon Eyes.

02-28-2018, 04:07 AM
The +1 counts as a bonus the weapon has over it's stats (each +number gives an extra 1 HP and 3 Attack or the other way around), so you want to feed your bigger weapons/eidolons with others that have the "+" stat, also no worries if you have a weapon with say "+50" and you don't use it anymore, if you use it to enhance another everything will transfer.

On another note, can someone tell me what are the materials needed to enhance an Awakened Kamihime?
Thanks in advance.

Oh damn...
so if one Eidolon reached maxed level i lost the opportunity to increase the "+" counter?

02-28-2018, 04:11 AM
Oh damn...
so if one Eidolon reached maxed level i lost the opportunity to increase the "+" counter?

Still possible, the level cap doesn't do anything to the +cap, you're still able to boost your eidolons with any +1 fodder.

02-28-2018, 04:33 AM
Still possible, the level cap doesn't do anything to the +cap, you're still able to boost your eidolons with any +1 fodder.

Ok. Thank you guys for your answers.

Still got some more...

Does it matter which weapon type the enhance material has (or which element for eidolons)? Better to enhance fire eidolons with fire eidolons for example?

Sometimes buffs stacks... like Attack(+) buffs and sometimes they dont, why is that?

Is it better for me to get Yatagarasu or the SSR weapon if i already got a fire eidolon (belial)? Or is this eidolon ATK debuff too good?

02-28-2018, 04:38 AM
Ok. Thank you guys for your answers.

Still got some more...

Does it matter which weapon type the enhance material has (or which element for eidolons)? Better to enhance fire eidolons with fire eidolons for example?

Sometimes buffs stacks... like Attack(+) buffs and sometimes they dont, why is that?

Is it better for me to get Yatagarasu or the SSR weapon if i already got a fire eidolon (belial)? Or is this eidolon ATK debuff too good?

Weapons get a boost in XP (1.5x iirc) if you boost them with the same weapon type e.g. glaives with glaives, swords with swords. Element doesn't matter.

Eidolons get the XP boost from using the same element.

Buffs and debuffs are separated into 5 categories: A, B, C, eidolon and stacking frames, and can stack according to these frames. Using an A frame debuff/ buff stronger than an existing one on your hime/ the enemy overrides the existing A frame, and if weaker, the buff/ debuff will miss completely, not even refreshing the turns/ timer of the buff/ debuff. More information can be found in Sanahtlig's FAQ, which you really just need to do a bit of digging around this forum to find, he's pretty active around these parts.

You do get extra stats for running the same element eidolon as your himes, so I would still recommend you get Yata, and definitely, get the weapon, the skill on the weapon benefits fire teams. Also, yes, given that fire doesn't necessarily have too many debuffs, having something to push the atk break to the -50% cap helps more often than not.

02-28-2018, 04:43 AM
Weapons get a boost in XP (1.5x iirc) if you boost them with the same weapon type e.g. glaives with glaives, swords with swords. Element doesn't matter.

Eidolons get the XP boost from using the same element.

Buffs and debuffs are separated into 5 categories: A, B, C, eidolon and stacking frames. More information can be found in Sanahtlig's FAQ, which you really just need to do a bit of digging around this forum to find, he's pretty active around these parts.

You do get extra stats for running the same element eidolon as your himes, so I would still recommend you get Yata, and definitely, get the weapon, the skill on the weapon benefits fire teams. Also, yes, given that fire doesn't necessarily have too many debuffs, having something to push the atk break to the -50% cap helps more often than not.

Thank you.

So if iam only able to get one i should pick Yata instead the weapon?

02-28-2018, 04:46 AM
Thank you.

So if iam only able to get one i should pick Yata instead the weapon?

If forced to only pick one... I'd go for Yata first.

02-28-2018, 09:34 AM
If forced to only pick one... I'd go for Yata first.

Alright, thanks.

Something else: Is there a reason to save up premium gacha tickets or kamihime weapon tickets, or can i just use them always right away?

02-28-2018, 11:45 AM
Alright, thanks.
Something else: Is there a reason to save up premium gacha tickets or kamihime weapon tickets, or can i just use them always right away?

there is no need to save them up.

the appearance bonus (ie when new hime is released) only applies to the nutaku gold / jewel gacha and not the premium tickets.

02-28-2018, 11:48 AM
anyone have an opinion on the future Light SSR hime releases? like which himes are worth rolling for?

02-28-2018, 12:31 PM
hold to 100% light eido.
and better, hold to 100% dark eido

02-28-2018, 12:32 PM
I think that Shamash was said to be good at tanking single target attacks, but that particular role in itself can be hit or miss.

Atum's... interesting.
A 9/8 turn cooldown skill that reduces one ally's cooldowns by 1 turn. One of those skills that scream high potential but requires knowing what you're doing.
Very powerful single target heal (2000 HP + a barrier to eat 2000 HP in itself) on 4/3 turn cooldown.
And a 20 turn cooldown skill that.... ok, if you remember Life 3/Reraise from Final Fantasy, think that. Give one ally a buff. When that ally gets knocked out, automatically revive with 2500 HP.
Her passive's a 250 HP regen for herself.

Freyr's a hard hitter; she's got one of those maximal damage buffs. But instead of being against stunned, Frey's is against raging. 15 turn cooldown can be rough if 1 burst isn't enough. But she sure can smack the bejeezus out of a raging foe.

SSR Artemis has a A-frame -20% def debuff. Light hasn't had one of such yet.

02-28-2018, 12:52 PM
Oh, speaking of the 100% light/dark eidolons, they work a bit differently. They start at 80% and scale up to the target number (100% at base) depending on how many light/dark eidolons you have as subs. It's still the case that if you get them, you're using them. But it's a detail to keep in mind when deciding what to carry as your subs.

02-28-2018, 04:47 PM
Guys, how important is the skill level of weapons? (is the influence big?)

And a weird question: Does a Atk + buff only increase the "normal" attack damage or also some ability attacks?

02-28-2018, 05:01 PM
For assault and pride, 1 skill lvl = +0.5% to assault/character atk
For defender, 1 skill lvl = +0.5% to max HP

+atk stuff will increase normal attack damage
Ability damage is derived from normal attack damage, ergo increasing normal attack damage will also increase ability damage
Burst damage is derived from normal attack damage, ergo increasing normal attack damage will also increase burst damage

02-28-2018, 11:43 PM
Guys, how important is the skill level of weapons? (is the influence big?)--Yes.
You'll basically need to get around 80% Assault in order to deal proper damage, and that's about slvl15 on everything. Even then, getting to slvl20 is a huge upgrade.

Also, Ability damage is generally utterly useless.

02-28-2018, 11:46 PM
So Im having a bit of trouble figuring out what soul I should run for my thunder team. I have quite a decent one being Raiko, Thor, Brahma, Ramiel, Baal, and Nemisis. Good grid all that, everything is coming together while waiting to be able to 50/50. But for now i would like to know what soul to run.

Some people say Mord with SS or Mord with Ambush is the way to go because she is very useful in alot of ways, mostly all the debuffs and the OD extension, However a fair bit of players also use Gwain with SS for thunder teams. I have been using Gwain with SS for a while and i like her more than Mord but i would like to know what others think. Asked my union and it seemed to be 1 sided that Mord with SS is better but im not quite sure.

Any help at all would be very much useful and any info i can give you to help you better answer my question will be provided if you ask me.

Thank you.

03-01-2018, 12:02 AM
Thunder has issues right now. Those are pretty much your options, though you can flip Gawain the other way around.

Mordred for her debuff- with Ambush is probably the most ideal one, Sniper Shot for those who have Tyr.
Gawain with Sniper Shot or Dartagnan with Ambush is the only way a Thunder team can reach -40% Def, so that's the other option.

And reminder that Vine exists in the Shop for the last -10% Def. Though, unless you have Thunder's healer (Sol!), content where Vine comes off cooldown is going to be really difficult for you.

03-01-2018, 03:08 AM
Just to make sure, there won't be any use for soul points in the future, besides unlocking the limited number of souls, right? So after getting the important ones, you might as well not bother getting soul points in advents, since raids will provide enough to max out the remaining ones.

03-01-2018, 03:35 AM
Just to make sure, there won't be any use for soul points in the future, besides unlocking the limited number of souls, right? So after getting the important ones, you might as well not bother getting soul points in advents, since raids will provide enough to max out the remaining ones.

Well... every resource is technically infinite in this game for it's lifetime if you argue it that way, it really depends on what you need from the soul points if you've already summoned D'Art and Mordred. If you haven't, advents are a hella awesome way to gather quick soul points so you can summon up that legendary soul you so require. Besides, I'm sure you'll stack up enough of the N and R level materials that using some on soul points after wasting them all on half-elixirs really doesn't hurt, provided you're plenty capable of gathering the eidolon and SSR weapons.

03-01-2018, 03:45 AM
Well... every resource is technically infinite in this game for it's lifetime if you argue it that way, it really depends on what you need from the soul points if you've already summoned D'Art and Mordred. If you haven't, advents are a hella awesome way to gather quick soul points so you can summon up that legendary soul you so require. Besides, I'm sure you'll stack up enough of the N and R level materials that using some on soul points after wasting them all on half-elixirs really doesn't hurt, provided you're plenty capable of gathering the eidolon and SSR weapons.

Well, not sure if farming for a Solomon or Siegfried is really worth it though, when i could trade in SRs as skill fodder instead. That's kinda what I'm currently contemplating. Even with just raid events and ranks, I'll probably have all souls in about 2 months and none the remaining will provide any significant use to me aside from their master boni.

03-01-2018, 04:25 AM
Well, not sure if farming for a Solomon or Siegfried is really worth it though, when i could trade in SRs as skill fodder instead. That's kinda what I'm currently contemplating. Even with just raid events and ranks, I'll probably have all souls in about 2 months and none the remaining will provide any significant use to me aside from their master boni.

Siegfried is quite the soul for stealing them ragnarok MVPs, I do recommend you farm for that quickly for future raid events, which can relieve your BP burn rate quite a bit during those ones. Solomon is the exception, poor girl needs a huge buff to be viable in the legend soul meta lmao. SR as skill fodder might be a viable option, but I argue that Siegfried provides way more immediate benefits.

03-01-2018, 05:48 AM
Siegfried is quite the soul for stealing them ragnarok MVPs, I do recommend you farm for that quickly for future raid events, which can relieve your BP burn rate quite a bit during those ones. Solomon is the exception, poor girl needs a huge buff to be viable in the legend soul meta lmao. SR as skill fodder might be a viable option, but I argue that Siegfried provides way more immediate benefits.

Dont give missinfo, sieg for stealing mvp on ragnarok raids is only during burst time (arguable cause its pretty easy you lose the stun window the more people are in the raid), cause outside of burst time shes awful, the upcoming union event has no stun state so again shes trash, sieg currently is literally one of the worst soul some1 can get and i can assure you theres no veteran player using sieg to steal mvps at all cause shes bad (ez arthur with pf during burst time), you get mvps by being strong and thats it, stun punishers overall are bad and sieg is one of them.

03-01-2018, 06:02 AM
Dont give missinfo, sieg for stealing mvp on ragnarok raids is only during burst time, cause outside of burst time shes awful, the upcoming union event has no stun state so again shes trash, sieg currently is literally one of the worst soul some1 can get and i can assure you theres no veteran player using sieg to steal mvps at all cause shes bad (ez arthur with pf during burst time), you get mvps by being strong and thats it, stun punishers overall are bad and sieg is one of them.

Feel free to debate my point, but I'd rather not argue in absolutes. Outside of the fact that yes, Siegfried relies heavily on the presence of a boss gauge and burst time... how exactly does she perform less in a situation where the gauge does exist? You argue Arthur does better, but you can't use the concept of burst time when you've just assumed a situation where burst time doesn't exist...

Literally the worst soul is quite a stretch... pretty sure that medal belongs to Solomon in cost to reward ratio.

You argue that MVP is attained by being strong... yeah that's a given, but that's also an issue of when you enter the raids. You can be as strong as you want, but if you can't dish out enough damage in time... I don't see how? As far as I know, as low-tier as stun punishers are (are they? I'm not well versed enough in the meta), don't you agree that when stun sniped at the correct time, the ragna MVP is pretty much yours?

03-01-2018, 06:21 AM
Feel free to debate my point, but I'd rather not argue in absolutes. Outside of the fact that yes, Siegfried relies heavily on the presence of a boss gauge and burst time... how exactly does she perform less in a situation where the gauge does exist? You argue Arthur does better, but you can't use the concept of burst time when you've just assumed a situation where burst time doesn't exist...

Literally the worst soul is quite a stretch... pretty sure that medal belongs to Solomon in cost to reward ratio.

You argue that MVP is attained by being strong... yeah that's a given, but that's also an issue of when you enter the raids. You can be as strong as you want, but if you can't dish out enough damage in time... I don't see how? As far as I know, as low-tier as stun punishers are (are they? I'm not well versed enough in the meta), don't you agree that when stun sniped at the correct time, the ragna MVP is pretty much yours?

Theres no point in arguing cause theres no chance that sieg is stronger than arthur with pf during burst time (yeah im assuming burst time cause sieg without burst time is trash).

1- The more people in a raid, the harder it is to land the stun full burst.
2- The existing soft cap makes sieg to lose dmg the better your grid is (opposite to arthur)
3- Arthur with pf doesnt need stun at all to do 1.5x+~ your sieg full burst dmg.
4- By the time the boss is stun and you are ready to use your op stun punisher full burst, arthur already destroyed you with her pf full burst+ autoattacks.

03-01-2018, 06:25 AM
Theres no point in arguing cause theres no chance that sieg is stronger than arthur with pf during burst time (yeah im assuming burst time cause sieg without burst time is trash).

1- The more people in a raid, the harder it is to land the stun full burst.
2- The existing soft cap makes sieg to lose dmg the better your grid is (opposite to arthur)
3- Arthur with pf doesnt need stun at all to do 1.5x+~ your sieg full burst dmg.
4- By the time the boss is stun and you are ready to use your op stun punisher full burst, arthur already destroyed you with her pf full burst+ autoattacks.

Ah, I did indeed forget about the burst limit and Shingen... Fair enough.

03-01-2018, 07:55 AM
seriously tho , the amount of rape is getting out of hand. As it stands , from all the souls i have unlocked (14 - before i started visiting the forum , i've unlocked some souls at random) , only 5 were not raped.

And i'd have no issue with rape if it made sense at least. Latest one was rosenkreuz (or whatever her name is) , getting tied by a prince. A single prince , with no escort , beating a legendary soul....and raping her in a cave. Where did he even had the vibrator hiden anyway ?

03-01-2018, 07:59 AM
Shingen essentially supplants Siegfried. She fills the same role and does it better, without the timing issues. The caveat with Shingen is that a proper Burst build requires a source of burst gauge up, which often means sacrificing an EX slot.

03-01-2018, 09:12 AM
Siegfried's now more like someone you'd pick up towards the end just for the passive. In this case, to squeeze out a bit more rage gauge throttle for your soul. (somehow, Solomon is useless even for this)

03-01-2018, 09:51 AM
Siegfried's now more like someone you'd pick up towards the end just for the passive. In this case, to squeeze out a bit more rage gauge throttle for your soul. (somehow, Solomon is useless even for this)
If reducing the Raging gauge was the goal, and a Burst build wasn't possible, you'd probably be better off using Gilgamesh's % rage reduction ability rather than a direct damage skill.

03-01-2018, 10:08 AM
Wait...I don't get the direction here. Wouldn't the rage gauge throttle passive be a small % boost to all types of damage in rage gauge calculations? Like I assume that it's the same type of thing as Siegfried's morale boost or Acala's land of ire? If it's not, then I have no idea what it could be then.

03-01-2018, 10:19 AM
Wait...I don't get the direction here. Wouldn't the rage gauge throttle passive be a small % boost to all types of damage in rage gauge calculations? Like I assume that it's the same type of thing as Siegfried's morale boost or Acala's land of ire? If it's not, then I have no idea what it could be then.
Siegfried's Morale boost is not a direct upgrade of Gilgamesh's equivalent skill. Siegfried's skill adds a very small amount of rage reduction to every attack, while Gilgamesh's skill directly reduces the rage meter by 20%. Gilgamesh's skill is much stronger in practice. The skill I was referring to, and I assumed you were referring to, was Siegfried's damage skill that does high damage to Raging enemies.

03-01-2018, 10:36 AM
I was referring to the +3% passive for hitting lv 20.

03-01-2018, 12:01 PM
Welp, I already have Aphrodite and Ryu-Oh but the Gacha decided I need another Water A Frame Debuffer and another healer thus it gave me Nike Unleashed...
I was really hoping to get my first wind SSR haha :/

03-01-2018, 12:32 PM
i dont really remember the skills,
but ssr nike should be better than Aphro

(at least i got first SSR wind week ago hahaha... ahem.)

03-01-2018, 12:37 PM
Nike heals a little more, Aphro has HR up for the whole party, that's like the differences regarding my team

Oh my, I'm quite jealous haha.

03-01-2018, 12:47 PM
Titania is my only ssr wind, so no need to be jelly

Aphro is good for her cleanse skill, mostly...

03-02-2018, 03:27 AM
btw...did they announced the quiz winners ?

Also , exactly what do you have to do in this sloth event ?

03-02-2018, 03:35 AM
Check the official Twitter for the winners and don't hope for much, also you're starting but I hope your Union is active and strong otherwise you won't get all the rewards from this Union.
It basically goes; kill Lilims (AP Summonable) to get Grails thus getting buffs to fight Demon Raids (BP Joinable), most of your rewards will come from both Union Subjugation Points and Union/Personal PP but you want to get everything in this events IMO.

03-03-2018, 03:12 AM
Welp, I already have Aphrodite and Ryu-Oh but the Gacha decided I need another Water A Frame Debuffer and another healer thus it gave me Nike Unleashed...
I was really hoping to get my first wind SSR haha :/

If it helps any, I believe there was a tower (or was it guild orders?) event where you can only use each hime once... that's when effectively dupe himes might prove to help.

03-03-2018, 11:33 AM
Tower Quest is the one that forces used kamihime to sit out for a few rollovers.

Guild Order is the one that asks 'oh, you can clear all the battles? Now do so with so-and-so lineup restrictions'. It's basically the one part of the game where a kamihime's type (offense/defense/tricky/etc.) is relevant

03-03-2018, 12:18 PM
Tower Quests also have special mission clear conditions.

03-03-2018, 12:27 PM
Oh, right, they do. It seems like only a few floors ask for deploy X number of Y type. Otherwise, majority of them to be clear with X number of surviving kamihime or clear with kamihime of this element which happens to be advantageous anyway.

03-03-2018, 05:45 PM
Hey guys.

Is it better to have assault or defender skill weapons? Or is a mix of both better?

03-03-2018, 06:23 PM
It's better to have SSR weapons.

03-04-2018, 07:21 AM
It's better to have SSR weapons.

Okey. Thank you

03-04-2018, 08:46 AM
so...my eros is reaching level 80. (78 right now) , and i was starting to think about awakenings. Went to wiki and saw that there are only a handful of SSRs that have awakenings yet.

Also , does kamihime allows SRs and Rs to be awakened as well ?

03-04-2018, 08:50 AM
Only SSRs get Awakenings, and they're expensive. You can learn more about Awakenings in the Awakening section (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19K_dU3rCief_ajPGS9YBuVdxXBYFyCGGXAxYYyK0jzg/edit#heading=h.uhokavvdwzk5) of my guide.

03-04-2018, 09:03 AM
Ifinally unlocked Shingen but I have to ask, is there a "proper" way to use her?I feel like I'm not using her right. Am I suppose to use prov forest skill at 100 bust then that increases her burst her attack skill to push her back to 70, then hope she double or triple attacks before PV wears off? Or does using her require other units or ex skills that boost her burst gauge even more to reliably use her?

03-04-2018, 09:06 AM
Aigis used to have both a nutaku and a dmm wiki , each with information relevant to the new charaacters released on each update and patch.

As it stands , i can find only 1 kamihime wiki , and i'm guessing that;s our version. I was actually curious about future character awakenings. I'm guessing there is nothing like that here , yes ?

03-04-2018, 09:43 AM
You should read the Awakening section of the guide I linked.

I explain how Burst builds with Shingen work in the Burst build (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19K_dU3rCief_ajPGS9YBuVdxXBYFyCGGXAxYYyK0jzg/edit#heading=h.27pfpkfyfct) section of my guide.