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View Full Version : Immortal Princess Karma

02-15-2017, 11:35 AM
So i just spent 300 MCs on Karma and i now find that she can't even be healed. Can someone fill me in on how this character is useful, Since i've not had a princess before. Or did i just blow 300 MCs on junk?

02-15-2017, 11:47 AM
Can someone fill me in on how this character is useful
Immortal Princess (the black unit, not the platinum Vampire Princess) has a very specific use. When a hard hitting boss arrives, drop Karma on him, activate her skill (1 sec initial due to her being a black), and for ~13 seconds, Karma cannot die, no matter how much the enemy hits her for. She will also give a bit of health to your other units in that time.

Neither of the two Karmas are to be used as Princesses. They are to be used as stallers and gankers, to be dropped and withdrawn.
Properly leveled, they should also hit like a truck.

02-15-2017, 12:47 PM
She is a niche unit with a niche skill (as her title says , she is immortal while her skill is on. That makes her a great unit to trow at supper bosses to stall them). The thing is her skill is broken in the right situations , and the only other unit that even comes close is olivie for physical attacks.

Other then that , you don't use her as a normal princess (duelist)

02-15-2017, 10:32 PM
Immortal Karma is the cheat that you want to use on things that you can't tank normally but still want to stall. And while she is stalling her poor target, she will deal a good deal of a damage to it AND heal all other units for the portion of health she loses. Not a normal Princess, sure, but VERY good option to have.

Also, it is aaallll in the guide (http://harem-battle.club/millennium-war-aigis/2971-vampire-bride-revival-event-guide.html) :p

02-16-2017, 09:27 AM
Plus, honestly, stronk tank is stronk. There's quite a few maps out there where you can just deploy her as a cleanup hitter and she'll smash whatever armored goons would normally make Len or a Vampire Hunter into a bad pick without any real danger of dying. I mean, healing is obviously irreplaceable in some instances but it's not like the game actually penalizes you for having someone be half dead at the end of the map. For example, I get away with deploying Sybilla outside of healer range pretty often.

02-18-2017, 11:18 PM
Karma's skill at level 1 is for only 9 seconds sooo..

02-18-2017, 11:27 PM
yeah but you can train that with Rainbow Spirits - rather than farming hundreds of MCs