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View Full Version : Silvanus

03-15-2017, 01:01 PM
Silvanus is Harem Heroes' newest boss, residing in the Magical Forest. I noticed something odd about him however, and I'm not talking about his mask.

Silvanus is weaker than the boss of the previous world, Donatien.

Now I know that combat isn't really the primary focus of this game, but making the boss of a later world easier than the previous boss seems like a step in the wrong direction. None of the bosses, in my play experience, have ever been strong enough that I actually had to worry about whether I'd be able to defeat them, but now we're making them weaker?

More concerning however, is that his rewards seem to correlate to his lower strength. That is to say, he gives less experience and worse rewards than his predecessor. The XP isn't really noticeable right now because of the XP cap (a whole different problem), but this design decision just begs the question of why?

I actually sent in a error report when I first noticed this, thinking that it couldn't possibly have been an intentional decision, but the team responded to me that the game was in fact working as intended.

But why?

03-16-2017, 06:27 AM
Hello Everblue,

Yes. We know its an issue, we have content scheduled to bring to you first, after which we will address this and various other balance questions that you and others in the community have sent us.

Please be patient ;)

Thank you,
Jessie Chan
Kinkoid Support

03-16-2017, 08:05 AM
So is it safe to say that he drops all of his girls? Since the new quest was opened, ive been spending my fights on him. If not, then i'll go back to edwarda to get bonnie :D

03-16-2017, 08:53 AM
So is it safe to say that he drops all of his girls? Since the new quest was opened, ive been spending my fights on him. If not, then i'll go back to edwarda to get bonnie :D

Same thing here and communtiy replied: (http://harem-battle.club/harem-heroes/3088-magical-forest-drop.html)

03-16-2017, 01:57 PM
Hello Everblue,

Yes. We know its an issue, we have content scheduled to bring to you first, after which we will address this and various other balance questions that you and others in the community have sent us.

Please be patient ;)

Thank you,
Jessie Chan
Kinkoid Support

Thanks for the swift response!

I'm glad to hear that you're aware of the problem and have plans to address it. I hope to see your solution soon.

Thank you for all of your hard work!