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View Full Version : Easter Exchange Ticket Gacha (4/14 - 4/17) *not up yet*

04-14-2017, 02:03 AM

Anyway, this seems like another Black Friday-tier sale.

Thinking I'll grab Lagurus to go along with the Suzuki I just got in the other deal.

Also, the compilation list of sales is probably getting too large at this point, so I'll start spoilering it from here on out.

1. Ticket #1 (7/01 - 7/08): Anemone / Cactace / Cattleya / Dendrobium
2. Step-Up #1 (8/05 - 8/12): Random (up to and including Daisy)
3. Ticket #2 (8/12 - 8/19): Fritillaria / Sakura / Mei Plumblossom
4. Step-Up #2 (9/02 - 9/09): Kerria
5. Ticket #3 (9/08 - 9/17): Alpinia / Anemone / Flowering Peach (player-voted)
6. Step-Up #3 (9/15 - 9/22): (Bridal) Cactace, $110 total
7. Ticket #4 (9/29 - 10/06): Cherry / Daisy / Dianthus
8. Step-Up #4 (10/06 - 10/13): Dogwood + ten $5 bonus steps for possible rainbow skill/dressbloom
9. Step-Up #5 (10/13 - 10/20): Black Baccara
10. Ticket #5 (10/20 - 10/27): Dendrobium / Ionocidium / Fritillaria
11. 5* Step-Up #1 (10/27 - 11/3): Four steps, $66 total, 1-2 random golds + a choice of any gold (prior to Lantana / Apple of Sodom)
12. Bridal Oncidium FG gacha (11/3 - 11/10): 10+1 FG roll guaranteed gold special, 20% chance vs. 80% random gold
13. Sakura early Black Friday (11/10 - 11/17): Sakura only, $30 single-roll
14. 5* Ticket #1 (11/17 - 11/24): Single roll, $30 each (up to three times), pick any gold (prior to Epidendrum / Snapdragon)
15. Black Friday ticket special (11/25 - 11/28): $10 11-roll, pick any rainbow except Lycoris / Bridal Oncidium
16. Step-Up #6 (12/2 - 12/9): Lycoris + $30 rainbow skill/dressbloom
17. Step-Up #7 (12/15 - 12/22): Christmas Rose + three steps, 1x secret gift each, NO guaranteed golds
18. Apple/Ivy early Christmas special (12/22 - 12/29): Apple/Ivy only, $30 each
19. New Year's Step-Up (12/30/16 - 1/6/17): Three 11-roll steps, step 1 ($100): regular rates, step 2 ($50): 5* and 6* only (95%/5%), step 3 ($30): 5* and 6* only (90%/10%)
20. Ardisia New Year (1/5 - 1/12): Ardisia only, 25% off ($45), free rainbow skill+dressbloom
21. Nutaku 2nd anniversary (1/13 - 1/16): $30 11-roll, pick one of the five launch rainbows (Black Baccara, Alpinia, Cactace, Mei Plumblossom, Sakura)
22. Step-Up #8 (1/19 - 1/26): Victoria only, step 1 ($45) = single roll (standard rates) + rainbow skill/dressbloom, step 2 ($15) = Victoria
23. Developer's Ticket, part 1 (1/26 - 2/2): $30 11-roll, choose from Evening Primrose, Setaria, Rose, or Violet
24. Developer's Ticket, part 2 (2/2 - 2/9): $50 11-roll, choose from Kerria, Dianthus, Alpinia, or Cattleya
25. Step-Up #9 (2/9 - 2/16): $75 six steps, 1-2 random 5* + gold skillbloom and 1 6* + rainbow skill/dressbloom at the end
26. Valentine's Gacha (2/14 - 2/16): $30 single roll, choose any rainbow (up to and including Helenium)
27. Maple FG Gacha (2/16 - 2/23): 10+1 FG roll guaranteed gold special, 20% chance vs. 80% random gold
28. Random Step-Up #10 (2/23 - 3/2): Five steps, $48, 1 gold + skillbloom, 1 gold + skill/dressbloom, 1 rainbow + dressbloom
29. Spring Break Cleaning Gacha (3/2 - 3/9): Three 11-roll steps, $70/$50/$30, first step contains 4*-6* (82%/16.5%/1.5%), step 2 contains 5*-6* (95%/5%), step 3 contains 5*-6* (90%/10%)
30. Late Christmas Step-Up Gacha (3/9 - 3/16): Four steps, step 1: $5 11-roll (standard rates), step 2 + 3: $25 Apple or Ivy (no dupes), step 4: $40 Mistletoe
31. "One Time Only" Step-Up Gacha (3/16 - 3/23): Five steps, steps 1-3: $9 total, single roll (standard rates), step 4 + 5: $1/$3 for random 5*
32. Ticket #6 (3/30 - 4/6): $60, 11-roll + 6* exchange ticket (all rainbows up to Mistletoe)
33. Random Step-Up #11 (4/6 - 4/13): Step 1+2 (11-roll, standard rates, $8 total), step 3 ($20, random 5*), step 4 ($30, random 6*), step 5 ($15, 50% gold skillbloom or dressbloom), step 6 ($25, 50% rainbow skillbloom or dressbloom)
34. 5* Step-Up #12 (4/13 - 4/20): Step 1+2 (1 + 11-roll, standard rates, $4 total), step 3 ($20, single roll + 5* exchange ticket), step 4 ($15, 50% gold skill/dressbloom)
35. Easter Exchange Ticket Gacha (4/14 - 4/17): $15 11-roll + 6* exchange ticket

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 02:27 AM
I'll also be biting with the leftover gold in my account.
Langurus, Helenium or Ionocidium. Daisy might also be good.

I just got Ardisia so getting Helenium might be dumb but she's adorable.
Edit: Dunno how I confused Ionocidium's drooly-face with Helenium's crying. But they're both cute so it doesn't matter.

(Also, Happy Easter/Happy Holiday season to those on the forum that may celebrate.)

04-14-2017, 02:41 AM
Oh, nice one! Now I have to decide: Dianthus, Christmas Rose, Helenium or maybe a dupe for one of several rainbows that could use it..

04-14-2017, 02:43 AM
Will be taking this one. And I am strongly tempted to go for Accacia, against my better judgement that is (considering I got 2 slice rainbows already).
Cheers, happy whatever you guys celebrating ;)

04-14-2017, 03:05 AM
Will be taking this one. And I am strongly tempted to go for Accacia, against my better judgement that is (considering I got 2 slice rainbows already).
Cheers, happy whatever you guys celebrating ;)
Good point about the slice! No Dianthus then, since I still have several Slice Rainbows to level.

04-14-2017, 03:21 AM
i think i will get this too. but how? lol

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 03:27 AM
It'll probably be put in after today's maintenance, I guess.

04-14-2017, 03:29 AM
It'll probably be put in after today's maintenance, I guess.

i hope so. 2 days late thou but who's counting anyway :P

04-14-2017, 03:48 AM
Was thinking of which girl to complete my Helper Squad since this will be my 5th Rainbow gurl muhahaha

fuk, I need a Rainbow Girl from http://harem-battle.club/wiki/Flower-Knight-Girl/FKG:Winter-Rose-Garden so might not be picky w/ abilities

04-14-2017, 04:31 AM
I really have no idea who I may pick.
For now I'm looking for pierce 6* unit and only Mistletoe and Mei Plumblossom not in my team.
Mistletoe is out of question I not build any counter team. So Mei Plumblossom? No... way...

04-14-2017, 04:46 AM
Crossing my fingers Nutaku makes a mistake and puts Acacia in the deal. Not holding my breath though!

04-14-2017, 05:22 AM
I really have no idea who I may pick.
For now I'm looking for pierce 6* unit and only Mistletoe and Mei Plumblossom not in my team.
Mistletoe is out of question I not build any counter team. So Mei Plumblossom? No... way...
You can always pick Mistletoe and prepare to make a counter team sometime later? They're really devastating, and counter girls are the ones making most use of event equipment, since DEF is also an offensive stat to them.
While Mei is one of the three knights I usually look for when borrowing a helper squad (at least, when speed isn't an issue), because I use solar blast, and starting with an extra 50% fill on the bar is nice to get an early blast.

04-14-2017, 05:30 AM
You can always pick Mistletoe and prepare to make a counter team sometime later? They're really devastating, and counter girls are the ones making most use of event equipment, since DEF is also an offensive stat to them.
While Mei is one of the three knights I usually look for when borrowing a helper squad (at least, when speed isn't an issue), because I use solar blast, and starting with an extra 50% fill on the bar is nice to get an early blast.

Leaning to one of the hit girls because that's what I have the least of. (I have more slice rainbows than the other 3 combined, all competing for the same resources). Dendrobium maybe? And glad to hear Mei gets some appreciation.

04-14-2017, 07:06 AM
Yep, can confirm it's up 1500 for a 6* pick.
Has Maple and Herbaceous Peony in at as my attempt to reference the latest Knights added to the pool.

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 07:08 AM
It gives you a full draw for the 1500 + the ticket.
Just scored a Kale. Love her. Seems like pierce girls are raining down nowadays on me.
Welp, time to pick up Daisy.

04-14-2017, 07:37 AM
Really think it should be a pierce - but....also no idea who to get - draw got me the little easter bunny which was nice

- - - Updated - - -

OK got it down to 3 - Anemone, pierce (I have 9 6*'s none are pierce) and counter attack ... but mistletoe seems a better version, or Lagurus to do the insane speed team

04-14-2017, 07:42 AM
newbie here...who should i get for the 6 star exchange? any recommendations for OP 6 stars?

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 07:43 AM
Anemone does have the benefit of having her own unique gear/character quest out.

Mistletoe is cute.

Lagurus would fit the holiday spirit + go with your Suzuki draw. (Congrats btw!)

newbie here...who should i get for the 6 star exchange? any recommendations for OP 6 stars?

Whichever one looks best to you. 6 Stars are pretty rare, so take your time and pick the girl that visually speaks to you the most.
Especially for your first 6 Star, picking a girl you genuinely think looks good is the most important part. They're all great in their own way.

This might help you pick which one you like: http://harem-battle.club/wiki/Flower-Knight-Girl/FKG:Units
You can see all the 6 Stars at the top, separated by type affinity.

04-14-2017, 07:53 AM
i was thinking either alpinia or black baccara

04-14-2017, 07:54 AM
Would've preferred Laurentia, but this is a fine roll otherwise.


And yes, I chose Lagurus.

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 08:02 AM
Robin: Alpinia was my first 6 Star, and I can personally vouch that she's amazing. She brings a lot of team utility, and she's in line to get a Bloomed evolution in the relative future. Great unit, especially if you get her equipment slots. Getting my Alpinia 4 equipment slots basically made her unkillable for most enemies. (Soloing the entire 12-5 map for the first time with just her was the best feeling.)

I don't personally have Black Baccara but she seems to be one of the most popular 6 Stars. Gotta be a good reason for that. I'm sure someone would be able to tell you what she brings to a team.

Off the top of my head, Alpinia brings you Speed boosts to your squad and a huge single target life-steal, while Baccara has an AoE attack instead of Alpinia's solo-hit and squad-stat bonuses.

Also, congrats Eab! Nasturtium is a solid gal, and so is Violet. May your new Lagurus help you hop to new victories.

04-14-2017, 08:05 AM
So I have been wondering... Does the ticket have duration ?
And if not, does the pool incrase over time ? Coz I would go on picking a pierce girl, but none of the viable ones are of any interest to me (I have Mei and Daisy).
Soon we should be getting Burning Bush, who has both good abilities but more importantly looks fairly cute and I wouldnt mind picking her.
Usually the gacha pool doesnt increase, though I remember there being a bug or something that did this or something similar to this with a ticket back in the past.

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 08:08 AM
I could be wrong but I thought I saw a date of the 18th on the duration for the ticket.
Pretty sure it's only good until the end of Easter, sadly.

04-14-2017, 08:20 AM
I could be wrong but I thought I saw a date of the 18th on the duration for the ticket.
Pretty sure it's only good until the end of Easter, sadly.

No actually looking at it properly you are correct indeed.
Well then back to brainstorming.... I think what I´ve come up with after slightly changing my teamps up would be either Cattleya or Nerine.
They are pretty much equal in everything, with Nerine being slightly faster. Even their bloomed forms both are very solid, so there really is no right or wrong choice.
Considering one is like (super) Loli, and the other is relatively mature Woman (even though she´s a tsundere, sigh) I think the resulting choice is leaning more towards Cattleya.

04-14-2017, 09:19 AM
I just got this as well. Got nothing from the 11 pull tho. Going to go with Oncidium (Bride) because I don't have a 6* slice yet and her +/-15% atk buff is nice.

04-14-2017, 09:28 AM
Also, congrats Eab! Nasturtium is a solid gal, and so is Violet. May your new Lagurus help you hop to new victories.


What's a "Bloomed Form"?


04-14-2017, 09:32 AM
guys i think i'm back at the game.
i decided to pull a 10+1 yolo for acacia before doing the easter draw, thats the outcome:

not bad i thought. i'm not into lolis but ivy i nice :3
ok, that done i pulled my easter draw and got this:

not bad either, at least another new 5*

the ticket from the pull will get me kerria.

after that i checked my FGs and decided to grab the luck by the p***y and do another 10+1 for acacia :D

very nice, i'm very pleased with that :3

p.s. now i have a lot to do and register all new girls to my list...

Sasara Kusugawa
04-14-2017, 10:32 AM
Man, where's my lolicon gang.......

What? Some girls have a second evolution?

Wait... that would explain some sigs I saw, like the one from Rupturez with Lv.80 Girls.

And the reason these aren't on Nutaku is...?

Is there a 6 star version from Epidendrum? Because I think that is what I saw in one of those sigs from those that post In the DMM thread.

Woah, woah, relax dude..........Reason the Bloomed form isn't implemented on Nutaku is simply because we're not there yet. What I do know is that this Bloomed form might appear after the Whale Airship is released.

Yes, there is a 6-star version of Epidendrum. It's [Swimsuit] Epidendrum and she came out in one of the events on DMM. Huh, I'm jealous that those DMM players get to vote for which Flower Knights they want to appear in the next event (with new artwork!) while we basically vote for nothing. Speaking of her, they actually voted for a Magic girl as number 1! Unlike most of the Nutaku players who only lean towards Slash girls. Please man, Slash girls are overrated as hell!

Can't believe I fell for this, although I did say to myself that I draw the line at €15 a month ago...


This is even worser than the first 10+1 pull where I wasted €10... -_-

Look at the bright side, you got a 6-star ticket and that's far more valuable than any 4 or 5-star knight. Now the question is who are you gonna pick?

04-14-2017, 10:33 AM
Great thing about 6*'s there are no real 'bad' choices - heck I nearly took Orchid bride, as I like orchid but really wanted at least 1 pierce in my 6*'s so I went with mistletoe

Last time is was Lycr's

04-14-2017, 10:39 AM
Man, where's my lolicon gang.......

Not necessarily big tits mature women, at least for me personaly. Just mature women. Mei Plumblossom is top tier Waifu candidate for me, and hers are rather humble breasts if one might say so.

Man, where's my lolicon gang.......

I dare to assume in the jail.... for... you know ? Molesting children ? :D
Unless its a legal loli (you know those types in anime world, who are fully adult yet have the body of a 10 years old ? not exactly sure our FKG lolis are in that category though), then its all fine XD

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 10:53 AM
I actually went with Daisy. So the "Why the no love for lolis" untrue. Was going to go with Ionocidium since I like her better in design and I talked myself out of Helenium, another pseudo-loli and my fave of the three honestly, but Daisy complements my current needs better.

But I do still want Helenium. Next ticket will probably be hers.

Also, congrats Paraphin. That's an amazing set of rolls, just read back and saw em. Wow, enjoy the two new 6 stars this Easter! :)

04-14-2017, 11:23 AM
Man, where's my lolicon gang.......

Well, I already have Daisy, Hanamomo, Christmas Rose, Helenium, Viola... There's also Dianthus' DFC and Pumpkin is close to lolibod too. Admittedly, no Nerine yet. Or Herbaceous Peony. Haven't found an opportunity to grab them.

I actually went with Daisy. So the "Why the no love for lolis" untrue. Was going to go with Ionocidium since I like her better in design and I talked myself out of Helenium, another pseudo-loli and my fave of the three honestly, but Daisy complements my current needs better.

But I do still want Helenium. Next ticket will probably be hers.

Also, congrats Paraphin. That's an amazing set of rolls, just read back and saw em. Wow, enjoy the two new 6 stars this Easter! :)

Helenium has a downright adorable h-scene (and her constant crying on the main page is amusing if you can tolerate it), but Daisy still the cutest/lewdest.

04-14-2017, 11:28 AM
Man, where's my lolicon gang.......

I think we have not much lolis 6* girl for now so it's be normal.
I'm interest in Viola / Flowering Peach / Pumpkin
but if I pick one (or more) of them I have to dramatic change my current tactic.
So I just stick with lolis I have.

By the way Mei Plumblossom has well develop tits in my opinion.

04-14-2017, 11:56 AM
I'd say Helenium's body is about the same as Pumpkin's, though her small frame almost makes her comparable to Daisy's. Probably close enough to loli to count.

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 12:01 PM
I like to think Helenium fits the pseudo-loli title.

04-14-2017, 12:15 PM
Oi dont ya put Helenium on the Loli pot or I´ll go all Clint Eastwood on you !
Really now, if you wanna go all "loli here loli there", study up on what "loli" actually means for crying out loud.
Same with Dianthus. Dianthus and Helenium are NOT lolis.
They are teens at best sure, but you can clearly tell them being adults, and the way the art is done in FKG its rather easy to tell. that they are most definitely not lolis. Borderline lolis ? Well... maybe subjectively on man to man basis maybe.
You know what, I´ll do ya a big one, here watch this - you might now this guy, you might now, but he does explain it in rather "user friendly" way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UP80nZOPk88

Edit: And yeah Helenium is pretty neat, both her personality and her H-scene, to her quotes and adorable crybaby attitude. She is a waifu material for sure and you wont regret if you pick her up (I at least did not, thats for sure). She pretty much took the N1 place from Mei on my list :)

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 12:20 PM
Just gonna say it again. Pseudo-loli is the word were all looking for. Moving on.

Curious to see if anyone rolls any free 6 Stars in their ticket roll. I saw Paraphin got Acacia in a 10+1 roll today but that doesn't count.

04-14-2017, 12:25 PM
There are people on Discord that do hate Helenium as much as they hate Dogwood...

Funny of you to mention that. I am actually quite fond of Dogwood myself (not her passives though, Solar blast teams require babysitting. Granted if you build one she is a solid option for it).
People hate what people gonna hate. I say, let them. I do like those two and if somebody doesnt they are free to do so ;)

04-14-2017, 12:42 PM
I clicked on "No" on the prompt as I thought it would go in my present box for me to choose the girl after i finished doing my upgrades etc. from my 10+1 draw. No sign of my ticket anywhere in the Gacha screen or Present box :/

Have lodged a ticket with them.

04-14-2017, 12:52 PM
If you go into the shop, exchange centre, you'll find where you use the tickets - unlike the reward ones from cross overs etc these are auto collected

04-14-2017, 12:52 PM
Man, where's my lolicon gang.......

Ah dont worry from my experiences 80% of the guys who say they dont like lolis secretly like them. They are just to embarrassed to admit it ^^

As for myself i just got my last missing loli 6 star girl, Herbaceous Peony. Im pretty happy, shes really cute. She is also the one i spend all my voting tickets on. So that was a nice deal from nutaku.

04-14-2017, 12:58 PM
I also used all my tickets on her :)
She´s adorable, and her ult. is dope-ass. One of the cooler skill animations out there ^^

04-14-2017, 01:01 PM
My mind is telling me no. But my body... my body has no opinion on the matter. I've spent my games share for this month in Shadowverse already, but the deal is really sweet...
Screw this, I'm going for it.

04-14-2017, 01:04 PM
- - - Updated - - -

If you go into the shop, exchange centre, you'll find where you use the tickets - unlike the reward ones from cross overs etc these are auto collected

Thanks heaps for that sniddy!

04-14-2017, 02:06 PM
10+1 roll gave me two 5* - Fir and Laurentia - both new. Couldn't decide who to pick for my 6* ticket. Used this site (http://andrew.hedges.name/experiments/random/pickone.html). Got...


Had five to choose from.


Dogwood. My guilty pleasure. I like her, I wanted to get her since the very beginning. But if I had to describe her with one word - useless. Can't remember last time I used Solar Blast.
Nonetheless, RNGesus decided - and Dogwood it is.

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 02:25 PM
Dogwood. My guilty pleasure.

I'm not into the larger breasted women but... Dogwood's hawt. Good pick, RNGesus. Despite their need for babysitting I rather like Solar teams. (Insert needless joke about all my women being useless.)

Haven't decided who yet, but I have decided which type. I sent Cherry out on a gathering mission and she came back with a Lv. 5 Purple Manyu.

So, magic it is.

I like this way of doing things. Seems fun.

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 02:30 PM
I am jelly, and you have made a wise choice.

Also it's a little sad that Hit doesn't seem to have a counter-attack girl out yet.

04-14-2017, 02:42 PM
Yai for Helenium :3 !
Welcome to the fellowship brother ! :D

04-14-2017, 03:19 PM
Ah dont worry from my experiences 80% of the guys who say they dont like lolis secretly like them. They are just to embarrassed to admit it ^^

As for myself i just got my last missing loli 6 star girl, Herbaceous Peony. Im pretty happy, shes really cute. She is also the one i spend all my voting tickets on. So that was a nice deal from nutaku.

because it's actually good to inject wrong connotations to people's words and you even had to fabricate a percentage for it lol

sorry, not interested in going to jail

and while i'm at it, Daisy is the ugliest bitch

04-14-2017, 03:50 PM
I am jelly, and you have made a wise choice.

Also it's a little sad that Hit doesn't seem to have a counter-attack girl out yet.

There is Snapdragon (http://harem-battle.club/wiki/Flower-Knight-Girl/FKG:Snapdragon) if you're counting 5*. Then again, if you weren't counting them there would not be any slice-type counterattackers as well (the only being Hypericum for now).

As for the main topic, I'll only observe who everyone is picking out of curiosity, since I stand by my policy to not invest cash into a f2p game. I agree though that this offer is quite a catch.

04-14-2017, 04:13 PM
At this point, who is the best Hit class of Flowers Knights Girls??

My help squad have Sakura, Ardisia, Black Baccara and Daisy, I think that i will get Cherry, but i dont know....

any tips? (and sorry with my english xDD)

04-14-2017, 04:34 PM
because it's actually good to inject wrong connotations to people's words and you even had to fabricate a percentage for it lol

sorry, not interested in going to jail

and while i'm at it, Daisy is the ugliest bitch

>that spoiler


At this point, who is the best Hit class of Flowers Knights Girls??

My help squad have Sakura, Ardisia, Black Baccara and Daisy, I think that i will get Cherry, but i dont know....

any tips? (and sorry with my english xDD)

Cherry for utility.
Lagurus for speed.
Hanamomo/Viola for loli.
Dendrobium for highest ever TP and because she's fucking Dendrobium.

Sasara Kusugawa
04-14-2017, 06:31 PM
Ah, I see my lolicon gang now. :D

Ah dont worry from my experiences 80% of the guys who say they dont like lolis secretly like them. They are just to embarrassed to admit it ^^

Good to know, man.

At this point, who is the best Hit class of Flowers Knights Girls??

My help squad have Sakura, Ardisia, Black Baccara and Daisy, I think that i will get Cherry, but i dont know....

any tips? (and sorry with my english xDD)

Addition to what Eab said:
Cherry has ATK down ability (-15% to all enemies) which is very good for nerfing pests.
Hanamomo does hell lotta damage (3.6x) to a single enemy.
Dendrobium has 2x skill activation for the 1st turn only. If you power her skill up, it usually mops enemies up within the 1st turn.

I would suggest Dendrobium but since you're thinking of getting Cherry, you can go ahead coz all 6★ girls are damn strong anyways. Btw, if you did pick Cherry, she goes very well with Sakura (later on when they get their Bloomed Form) in terms of killing high-level Raid Bosses since their ability gives additional damage during Raid Boss combat. With both their abilities combined, the party's ATK can go up to a fucking 108% increase!!

A Time to Screw
04-14-2017, 06:34 PM
TFW the future Viola(Yukata) version has a bloom form, but the original Viola does not.

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 07:03 PM
I totally forgot about Snapdragon! Don't own her myself, but she'd be a welcome addition.

I rather like Christmas Rose as far as hit types go but that's mostly because I have her and she grew on me. Can see why most people wouldn't pick the Christmas Nightmare as a go-to favourite girl for the Hit type.

Sasara Kusugawa
04-14-2017, 07:43 PM
I think we have not much lolis 6* girl for now so it's be normal.
I'm interest in Viola / Flowering Peach / Pumpkin
but if I pick one (or more) of them I have to dramatic change my current tactic.
So I just stick with lolis I have.

Actually, I don't think it's really necessary to pick a 6★ girl just to suit your squad. All 6★ girls are good in my opinion since they all have ATK up ability. So they'll do well in any squad. Btw, what exactly is your current "tactic"? If you have problems deciding which 6★ to get, I can help you. Maybe you can tell me (or even show me) your squad so I can suggest a girl based on your "tactic".

04-14-2017, 08:18 PM
First time posting here. Been a long time outside observer and figured might as well join in the conversations/fun here. Nice to meet you all. I've already got 3 rainbows I'm trying to round out for a team. Unfortunately, still have yet to roll for a rainbow as all of these I currently have were through Nutaku deals. I'm no whale but I don't mind dropping a little money here and there to help support the people working behind the scenes on FKG because it's their jobs after all.

Anyway, my Easter roll got me only a Camellia dupe for a gold. :( Mixed feelings on that. Also since my birthday is coming up (and $20 worth Nutaku gold after 1500 leaves me 500 to play with), I went for the first 2 steps of the other Gatcha: 1st being a silver (bumer) and 2nd got 2 new golds: Madonna and Gerbera. That made me happier after my Easter roll.

But I'm torn on which rainbows. Currently have Alpina, Maple, and Lycoris. Heaven only knows FKG loves to give me Slicers in abundance. So I need a Hit and Pierce to try and round things out. Btw, I'm a mixed bag on choosing: sometimes going for more waifu than strategy or vice versa (not a big loli fan) depending on the girl. I'm starting to lean more strategy on this pick, but what Pierce/Hit types would best round out what I have currently? So far I like Cherry and Anemone though but am open to other suggestions. Thanks all! :D

04-14-2017, 08:20 PM
I totally forgot about Snapdragon! Don't own her myself, but she'd be a welcome addition.

I rather like Christmas Rose as far as hit types go but that's mostly because I have her and she grew on me. Can see why most people wouldn't pick the Christmas Nightmare as a go-to favourite girl for the Hit type.
Christmas Rose is one of the girls I'm eyeing every time we get some "pick your 6*" deal. Still picked Helenium this time though. And Snapdragon with the current Stepup Gacha. Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to unlock their jewelry slots, so they can replace Rose and Bonci (Bonci would probably get moved to the debuff squad then).

04-14-2017, 08:21 PM
Man, I don't know who to grab for the ticket! I haven't purchased it yet, but I will. Just not sure on who to choose. :/

I really like Maple, and her design, but I'm already swimming in Slice 6* characters (Black Baccara, Alpinia, Kerria, Victoria). Lagurus is cute, but I have two Hit (Flowering Peach, Cactace). I only have one Pierce/Magic, so I'm kind of siding towards getting one of those. None of the other Pierce characters really interest me right now though (the one I do have is Anemone), as for Magic I only have Sakura, and Lycoris is really tempting me (her voice makes me melt).

I've basically narrowed it down to:

Maple (not sure I want another Slice though...)

I'm kind of leaning towards Lycoris right now, but a part of me is still hesitant. GAH! How can I choose!?

04-14-2017, 08:31 PM
Man, I don't know who to grab for the ticket! I haven't purchased it yet, but I will. Just not sure on who to choose. :/

I really like Maple, and her design, but I'm already swimming in Slice 6* characters (Black Baccara, Alpinia, Kerria, Victoria). Lagurus is cute, but I have two Hit (Flowering Peach, Cactace). I only have one Pierce/Magic, so I'm kind of siding towards getting one of those. None of the other Pierce characters really interest me right now though (the one I do have is Anemone), as for Magic I only have Sakura, and Lycoris is really tempting me (her voice makes me melt).

I've basically narrowed it down to:

Maple (not sure I want another Slice though...)

I'm kind of leaning towards Lycoris right now, but a part of me is still hesitant. GAH! How can I choose!?

I have Lycoris and by far one of my favorite Magics. I love how her gather has 3 running animations and 3 celebration animations (the rare one where she becomes naked surrounded by her magic cards was a pleasant and amusing surprise. Her skill always does such good damage when I need her to. Keep in mind she is also leading the poll significantly now. So you can try having a shot at her that way in the future Gatcha. I also have Maple. Her Evolved form is one I love with that confident smile in her samurai armor. Her skill is also badass. Just reminds me of Ichigo from Bleach a lot.

I'm on the fence between Anemone and Cherry. How's your experience been with Anemone, if I may ask? :)

04-14-2017, 08:33 PM
guys i think i'm back at the game.
i decided to pull a 10+1 yolo for acacia before doing the easter draw, thats the outcome:

not bad i thought. i'm not into lolis but ivy i nice :3
ok, that done i pulled my easter draw and got this:

not bad either, at least another new 5*

the ticket from the pull will get me kerria.

after that i checked my FGs and decided to grab the luck by the p***y and do another 10+1 for acacia :D

very nice, i'm very pleased with that :3

p.s. now i have a lot to do and register all new girls to my list...

I have a theory. After gacha deals the % rate for golds & rainbows increase. I've had it happen to me twice where I get rainbows when doing a 10+1 pull after doing the natuku gold deals. If I don't get a rainbow I usually get a high number of golds.

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 09:03 PM
Christmas Rose is one of the girls I'm eyeing every time we get some "pick your 6*" deal.
She's been good to me. Got her on my first day so as soon as she evolved she became my only Whirlwind/Spiderweb girl until... Well today actually. She's got a neat little flying animation on her staff that cracks me up, though the upscale twat-shot her picture becomes post-evolution took some getting used to. Like, Jesus woman have a little class don't just shove that thing out on display.

I'm kind of leaning towards Lycoris right now, but a part of me is still hesitant. GAH! How can I choose!?

Well, she is leading the polls right now, so you could pick up Lagurus/Dogwood instead and use the Voting Contest Gacha to try and get Lycoris.

First time posting here. Been a long time outside observer and figured might as well join in the conversations/fun here. Nice to meet you all.

Welcome to the forum, friend! Congrats on the Madonna/Camellia/Gerbera pulls! Hit types, I'd recommend either Lagurus because it's Easter and she's an extra +150 speed to match with your Alpinia (FULL SPEED AHEAD NO BRAKES ON THIS RAPE TRAIN CHOO CHOO), or Christmas Rose, since I personally have found the utility from Disabling Spiderweb Nodes awesome, and Snow Meteorite is rad.
For Pierce, Ionocidium because she's cute, although that may not apply to you personally, Anemone for the gear/a powerful counter girl to match your Alpinia when her bloom form comes out, or Daisy for the gear/raw stats. I chose Daisy because 700 Speed + DUGS has a ridiculous proc-rate + her 30% attack bonus and her defensive bonuses are better suited than Ionocidium's buffs for my current wants.

A lot of people seem to also value Cherry for her debuff, so if you're lacking those types of gals she might be a good pick.

04-14-2017, 09:12 PM
I have Lycoris and by far one of my favorite Magics. I love how her gather has 3 running animations and 3 celebration animations (the rare one where she becomes naked surrounded by her magic cards was a pleasant and amusing surprise. Her skill always does such good damage when I need her to. Keep in mind she is also leading the poll significantly now. So you can try having a shot at her that way in the future Gatcha. I also have Maple. Her Evolved form is one I love with that confident smile in her samurai armor. Her skill is also badass. Just reminds me of Ichigo from Bleach a lot.

I'm on the fence between Anemone and Cherry. How's your experience been with Anemone, if I may ask? :)

Yeah, the more I look at Lycoris the more I think I might go with her. Her design is nice, and I really like the look of her special. Also, again...that voice. Man, so pleasing to the ears.

As for Anemone, I really like her (hence my hesitation to replace her with another Pierce-type). She counters like a beast, has solid stats, and her special (while it can be random when multiple enemies are present) is pretty consistent in its damage. As the name implies, it hits multiple times, even if there's only one enemy, and I never get tired of seeing her zip around the screen pelting the boss with a bunch of attacks.

Cherry sounds really nice too, but I can't vouch for her. It doesn't sound like you can lose with either! I know, not an easy decision, haha.

Well, she is leading the polls right now, so you could pick up Lagurus/Dogwood instead and use the Voting Contest Gacha to try and get Lycoris.

I was thinking that, but honestly...I want to save my Flower Gems for when the game next offers the 5*+ ticket (the one that gives you a 20% chance of getting the 6* rainbow they have advertised), before I do my next set of multi-pulls. We have one for Oncidium (Bride) and Maple, so I'm hoping we'll get another one eventually. Not only do you get a chance at other 6* while pulling, but you're guaranteed (at the least) a 5* with your 5*+ ticket, so you're getting something out of your multi-pulls even if you get nothing but a silver pot.

My record of going after specific 6* with my Flower Gems hasn't been the best, so I know trying solely for Lycoris (especially with two other 6* in the same rate-up) will end in headaches for me. Even more so when I already have Black Baccara. :/

04-14-2017, 09:14 PM
Man, I don't know who to grab for the ticket! I haven't purchased it yet, but I will. Just not sure on who to choose. :/

I really like Maple, and her design, but I'm already swimming in Slice 6* characters (Black Baccara, Alpinia, Kerria, Victoria). Lagurus is cute, but I have two Hit (Flowering Peach, Cactace). I only have one Pierce/Magic, so I'm kind of siding towards getting one of those. None of the other Pierce characters really interest me right now though (the one I do have is Anemone), as for Magic I only have Sakura, and Lycoris is really tempting me (her voice makes me melt).

I've basically narrowed it down to:

Maple (not sure I want another Slice though...)

I'm kind of leaning towards Lycoris right now, but a part of me is still hesitant. GAH! How can I choose!?

If you are concerned about tactical aspects, this will make you into difficult to choose.:p

But if only to see which girl is like or love for her, then there is the answer, but the priority is not the same.:o

I personally like the girls are Slice properties. So ... 6 * there are 8,5 * there are 10 but it does not pose a problem for me because it will enter the voyage stage (whale spacecraft). The problem is ... owned only 165 lattice ... hope to have this new feature of the warehouse.:cool:

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 09:20 PM
Ahh, the crushingly tough choices of either YOLO-pulling on a priority for the sliver of a chance you'll be blessed by RNGesus, or to save for the sensible purchase. Always a tough choice, Vyse. I wish you the best of luck in getting your dream 6 Star though. If I could share my luck with you I would, those pull rates are brutal - especially if you finally pull a 6 Star on a priority gacha only to get a non-priority girl.

04-14-2017, 09:34 PM
Welcome to the forum, friend! Congrats on the Madonna/Camellia/Gerbera pulls! Hit types, I'd recommend either Lagurus because it's Easter and she's an extra +150 speed to match with your Alpinia (FULL SPEED AHEAD NO BRAKES ON THIS RAPE TRAIN CHOO CHOO), or Christmas Rose, since I personally have found the utility from Disabling Spiderweb Nodes awesome, and Snow Meteorite is rad.
For Pierce, Ionocidium because she's cute, although that may not apply to you personally, Anemone for the gear/a powerful counter girl to match your Alpinia when her bloom form comes out, or Daisy for the gear/raw stats. I chose Daisy because 700 Speed + DUGS has a ridiculous proc-rate + her 30% attack bonus and her defensive bonuses are better suited than Ionocidium's buffs for my current wants.

A lot of people seem to also value Cherry for her debuff, so if you're lacking those types of gals she might be a good pick.

My helper squad is currently 711 in speed. Good heavens I can't imagine going any faster! I'll be gone to plaid (damn I'm dating myself with that Spaceballs reference)! I definitely will keep Lagurus in mind. I just really can't go for Christmas Rose or Daisy if I can help it as lolis just don't really do it for me. I mean, I would go with it if that was from a gatcha roll and just skip the affection scene. But since I have a choice here, I really prefer to try and stick with the more curvy/mature looking ladies if possible over the strategy benefits. You are right in that Ionocidium is cute. I don't have really any debuff girls either. So that is the main factor in considering Cherry too versus Anemone's counter/defense. Thanks for the feedback and warm welcome. :o

Yeah, the more I look at Lycoris the more I think I might go with her. Her design is nice, and I really like the look of her special. Also, again...that voice. Man, so pleasing to the ears.

No doubt I found her affection scene to be one of the better ones. The pose was very erotic and her soothing voice reaching heights of ecstasy was simply sublime. Probably my second favorite scene right behind Alpina's.

04-14-2017, 09:45 PM
First time posting here. Been a long time outside observer and figured might as well join in the conversations/fun here. Nice to meet you all. I've already got 3 rainbows I'm trying to round out for a team. Unfortunately, still have yet to roll for a rainbow as all of these I currently have were through Nutaku deals. I'm no whale but I don't mind dropping a little money here and there to help support the people working behind the scenes on FKG because it's their jobs after all.

Anyway, my Easter roll got me only a Camellia dupe for a gold. :( Mixed feelings on that. Also since my birthday is coming up (and $20 worth Nutaku gold after 1500 leaves me 500 to play with), I went for the first 2 steps of the other Gatcha: 1st being a silver (bumer) and 2nd got 2 new golds: Madonna and Gerbera. That made me happier after my Easter roll.

But I'm torn on which rainbows. Currently have Alpina, Maple, and Lycoris. Heaven only knows FKG loves to give me Slicers in abundance. So I need a Hit and Pierce to try and round things out. Btw, I'm a mixed bag on choosing: sometimes going for more waifu than strategy or vice versa (not a big loli fan) depending on the girl. I'm starting to lean more strategy on this pick, but what Pierce/Hit types would best round out what I have currently? So far I like Cherry and Anemone though but am open to other suggestions. Thanks all! :D

if u want a hit/pierce unit but aren't a fan of lolis i would go for mei plumblossom she gets bloomed form early on with skill activation rate up which would go well with alpinia(bloomed form)/maples skill activation rate up

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 09:52 PM
Well, if curvy women are your preference, several people have vouched for Mei Plumblossom as their Pierce pick, while Cactace has a rather well defined figure for Hit. They've both yet to be offered as options and are actually both the curviest (Arguable with Lagurus for the Hit section though, Cherry aside) in the 6 Star tier, so they might be interesting options.

Mei is supposedly the strongest unit currently (or something like that) and Cactace has a great voice in my opinion. I'm a sucker for the shy type though.

04-14-2017, 10:42 PM
Actually, I don't think it's really necessary to pick a 6★ girl just to suit your squad. All 6★ girls are good in my opinion since they all have ATK up ability. So they'll do well in any squad. Btw, what exactly is your current "tactic"? If you have problems deciding which 6★ to get, I can help you. Maybe you can tell me (or even show me) your squad so I can suggest a girl based on your "tactic".

I build team base on skill activation and move speed.
And I have Christmas Rose + Ionocidium that I can't offort leveling them.
The 4th group just build for nothing right now.

So with some future reason I decide to go for hit girl.
I always have Flowering Peach and Lagurus on my sight but I don't want to FTL all over the map yet.
Viola is out since her futureself (maybe) stronger.

Drip also said I can pick Mistletoe and keep her for future use.

04-14-2017, 10:54 PM
I went against the "tier" and chose Lycoris after all. Her design is too beautiful to pass up, and I fell in-love with her voice. It was a tough choice between her and Maple, but I'll grab the latter the next time a ticket such as this presents itself.

BTW, in my 10+1 pull? It was rainbow, I couldn't believe it. What did I get though? A dupe Kerria, along with a 5* Rose (who's new, at least). :/

I'm not going to complain, as I was expecting (at best) a 5*, preferably a new one, which I got. A duplicate rainbow...is still a duplicate rainbow, I'm not going to be dis-satisfied with that. Would I have preferred Acacia or one I don't currently have? Absolutely, but such is life.

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 11:07 PM
I know this is off topic but is your avatar Stocking, Vyse?

If so, nice.

04-14-2017, 11:20 PM
I know this is off topic but is your avatar Stocking, Vyse?

If so, nice.

It's not, but I can understand the resemblance (I like Stocking, as well!).

She's actually the girl from the Teddyloid music video titled "ME!ME!ME!". Great song, very weird video. Not at all safe-for-work, just a warning to those curious, haha.

Bloodsport Bloom
04-14-2017, 11:50 PM
She reminds me of a strange fusion of Koko from Jormungand and Stocking. Catchy song though, thanks for the tune!
Back on topic, sorry for the derail all.

04-15-2017, 04:40 AM
Man, where's my lolicon gang.......

Woah, woah, relax dude..........Reason the Bloomed form isn't implemented on Nutaku is simply because we're not there yet. What I do know is that this Bloomed form might appear after the Whale Airship is released.

Yes, there is a 6-star version of Epidendrum. It's [Swimsuit] Epidendrum and she came out in one of the events on DMM. Huh, I'm jealous that those DMM players get to vote for which Flower Knights they want to appear in the next event (with new artwork!) while we basically vote for nothing. Speaking of her, they actually voted for a Magic girl as number 1! Unlike most of the Nutaku players who only lean towards Slash girls. Please man, Slash girls are overrated as hell!

Look at the bright side, you got a 6-star ticket and that's far more valuable than any 4 or 5-star knight. Now the question is who are you gonna pick?

pretty sure we have users who like DFC -

im picking girls for phat ass now

04-15-2017, 05:32 AM
pretty sure we have users who like DFC -

im picking girls for phat ass now

DFC = mei plumblossom

Bloodsport Bloom
04-15-2017, 05:54 AM
im picking girls for phat ass now
Fatsia comes to mind. She was my first event girl, in tandem with Hypericum, and when I saw her my first thought was "Dayum, gurl, dat's a phat booty."

04-15-2017, 06:26 AM
Thank you for the help, this time I have chosen Cherry

My Easter Sale Gacha was awful, except for my new FKG Snapdragon (Funny fact that I get another Black Baccara in the step II of Special Step up gacha) xD

(sorry with my english :p)

04-15-2017, 07:45 AM
I went for Alpinia as my second 6* - my other being Viola from a 10+1 pull a few weeks ago.

I liked Lycoris, but am hoping there might be a discounted Gacha for her as the winner of the poll. Helenium's abilities are nice as I have Snapdragon and Hypercium as counters already, but just didn't like the look. Anemone was also close, but Alpinia it is, even with her silly combat animation where she looks left/away from the enemies after throwing her weapons.

04-15-2017, 10:22 AM
Well in the frustratingly difficult decision between Anemone and Cherry, I finally made my choice after a little more research and sleeping on it: Cherry.

What I liked about both:
1) They are lovely, curvy beauties
2) Both have great looking affection scenes (I fucking love cowgirl!)
3) They have back intros/back stories that make me just want to pull them in and hold them tight.

Why Cherry?
1) Her sprite is cute as fuck!
2) I am still currently lvl 79. So while I can beat 80 stam maps, they still hit my girls pretty hard at times. Especially on my weaker 2,3, and 4 squads. So Cherry's ability of weakening of pests will help my 1 squad nuke tougher pests more easily.
3) Her evolved ability boosts attack against raid bosses, which will definitely come in handy with raid events
4) Research found that Cherry has an upcoming bloom eventually, while Anemone does not.

If Nutaku comes around with a deal like this again, I'll look at picking up Anemone. In the meantime, even if fruitless in doing so, I will give Anemone my votes. Thanks again for the advice everyone.

04-15-2017, 10:40 AM
Above post was me btw. :p I forgot to log in. :rolleyes:

04-15-2017, 02:14 PM
I ended up picking Pumpkin, I don't see her that much out there and she seems like a decent combination of stats and skills. Cherry and Dendrobium were the runners up.

04-15-2017, 09:20 PM
I got lucky with my draw.


I also picked Anemone because I really needed a pierce type girl and counter is awesome. Plus, I think she has a great voice and I like violet haired girls. ♥

Bloodsport Bloom
04-15-2017, 10:48 PM
Congratulations on your new Dianthus, Zerana!

04-17-2017, 03:42 AM
I ended up picking Pumpkin, I don't see her that much out there and she seems like a decent combination of stats and skills. Cherry and Dendrobium were the runners up.

Just so you are aware Pumpkins lvl 70 AOE skill is OP as all hell! I love seeing helpers with her and i'm currently lvling my own ASAP.

Also Dendrobium is one I want soon even tho I now have 3 hit type 6* (Pumpkin, Hanamomo {Flowering Peach} and Alstroe Maria {Who is basically a 5*}) based solely on what she has been telling Oncidium! (and her bride form).

04-18-2017, 02:12 AM
There is if you're counting 5*. Then again, if you weren't counting them there would not be any slice-type counterattackers as well (the only being Hypericum for now).

As for the main topic, I'll only observe who everyone is picking out of curiosity, since I stand by my policy to not invest cash into a f2p game. I agree though that this offer is quite a catch.

Wow! You're the man! You are just a f2p player but your helper squad consisting of just gold is legit! I wonder, have you ever got a 6 star girl during your long f2p gameplay?

I am on the verge of giving up on getting a 6 star knight cause I think most people here got one by buying them... and the normal rate is 6000 nutaku gold. I don't think I can spend that much...

I agree though that this gacha is very good maybe I can finally achieve my goal of getting Cattleya (sp?) the super powered sexy girl from the story that stopped the snow storm. If and if (I'm 50-50) I will buy this gacha I am divided between Cattleya and Ioconidium? (the gentle beauty) - they are the only 2 6 star knights I like cause of their looks.

---- Update

Yehey I bought it and got my first 6 star Cattleya ...


My 11+1 draw is not that good but managed to get 1 gold


Sasara Kusugawa
04-18-2017, 04:38 AM
Well, 1 gold is considered lucky, as I've seen too many people getting silvers and worst of all, all bronze......
Btw, that girl will be a good addition to your team. You'll definitely want to keep her for a very long time since she's one of those girls with the rare ATK down skill. Plus, she just recently got a Bloomed Form.

Bloodsport Bloom
04-18-2017, 05:22 AM
Pitahaya gets a Bloomed form? Awesome.

Congrats on the new 6 Star, Damdamon. If it makes you feel better about your odds in finding another 6 Star naturally, I've gotten the majority of mine through 50 FG pulls. Other than the Daisy I got this event via a ticket and the Sakura starter bonus I picked up on my alt, all my other 6 pulls were Free2Waifu, so don't get discouraged. RNGesus could bless you at any time!

Edit: Eck, realised this wasn't true just after posting. That Ardisia I pulled last week was technically in the Step-Up 300 Nutaku Gacha. But that one aside.

04-18-2017, 12:21 PM
Pitahaya gets a Bloomed form? Awesome.

Congrats on the new 6 Star, Damdamon. If it makes you feel better about your odds in finding another 6 Star naturally, I've gotten the majority of mine through 50 FG pulls. Other than the Daisy I got this event via a ticket and the Sakura starter bonus I picked up on my alt, all my other 6 pulls were Free2Waifu, so don't get discouraged. RNGesus could bless you at any time!

Edit: Eck, realised this wasn't true just after posting. That Ardisia I pulled last week was technically in the Step-Up 300 Nutaku Gacha. But that one aside.

You Sir are a gentle soul. If only the luck you wish to people would actually help em. I sure could use some of it after all this time :D
Cant be unlucky 4ever right ? (If only we were not Gem starved so drastically as we are) ^^

04-18-2017, 07:50 PM
Hey guys, I need some advice.

I haven't used my 6* exchange ticket yet but I no longer see the option to exchange it in the Shop tab. What can I do?

Bloodsport Bloom
04-18-2017, 07:59 PM
I think it might have expired on you. Maybe send a ticket to Nutaku or go onto Discord and try to get someone in charge there to tell you what to do. <br />
<br />
Maybe one of the older players might have more...

04-18-2017, 08:18 PM
Tickets can expire? I wish this was a more obvious thing...I really hope this sale wasn't a waste of 1500 Gold. <br />
<br />
Thanks for the help.

Bloodsport Bloom
04-18-2017, 08:56 PM
Back on page 3 of this thread me and Myrdin discussed ticket expiry and saving the tickets.

Unless someone else has experience with this type of thing happening to them the best you can do is hope Nameless is feeling generous today. Since the expiry date was there in plain view they might tell you that they won't refund it/give you a new ticket. I hope they decide to give you back your ticket though. :/

Sasara Kusugawa
04-18-2017, 09:04 PM
Tickets can expire? I wish this was a more obvious thing...I really hope this sale wasn't a waste of 1500 Gold.

Thanks for the help.

I'm afraid your ticket has already expired. The Easter sale runs from 4/14 (Friday) throughout the weekend till 4/17 (Sunday). Tickets don't usually have expiry date but in this case, it does. Maybe because it's only up for Easter event. That's why it is advisable to use your 6★ ticket the moment you get it. Right now, I suppose you can send a help ticket and hopefully they'll be able to help.

04-18-2017, 09:48 PM
I even put the start and end dates of each sale in the thread title, and people still manage to do this sort of thing.

Come on, people. Common sense.

04-18-2017, 11:46 PM
Also note that all tickets are limited to the girls that are out when you get the ticket... there is no reason at all to save them... ever.

That Easter sale specifically said in the information that the pool of girls would not change, you will notice the same thing in all ticket sales.

Same rules apply as gaining event girls with event currency, do it right away with no waiting or you will loose the chance.

- - - Updated - - -

EDIT: Tickets from crossover events may not be the same as in game events when it comes to the pool of girls, but they would be the only exceptions.

04-19-2017, 12:16 AM
I even put the start and end dates of each sale in the thread title, and people still manage to do this sort of thing.

Come on, people. Common sense.

Common sense, eh? How does the start and end date of a sale have anything to do with the expiration period of a ticket? The sale ad on the first page makes no reference to such a thing either.

Unless this was clearly labelled why would any newer player know of such an obscure thing in the first place?

Sasara Kusugawa
04-19-2017, 12:32 AM
How does the start and end date of a sale have anything to do with the expiration period of a ticket?

Very true indeed. Period of sale has no relation to a ticket's expiry date.

Bloodsport Bloom
04-19-2017, 12:58 AM
Well, I mean, it was marked in the shop when you actually went to go use the ticket when it expired. And again, now that I think about it, on every single girl you had the choice of picking. Each girl option had the expiry date in the exchange itself also, which is probably why it stuck with me.

Edit: Reading this post, it sounds pretty assholish. I basically mean that you can't really say the devs didn't mark the expiration date somewhere on the ticket, because I'm pretty sure it was marked in three separate places when it would expire. It was my first ticket too and I didn't know they expired, so I can totally understand accidentally letting it expire and then being upset.

But it's not just a newer-player-wouldn't-know type of thing. Myrdin had to ask too and he's been around a while.

04-19-2017, 02:02 AM
I simply learned to treat every form of currency as if it can expire, and only get any when I intend to use it more or less immediately or when I know I'll definitely use it within the expiration time. Flower Gems (the ones you buy for NGold have an expiration date, yes!), Nutaku Gold itself (Expiration date: 1 year after purchase), Gacha and/or Exchange tickets, you name it.

Bloodsport Bloom
04-19-2017, 02:05 AM
Personally I'm so impulsive things never see their expiration date. My ticket was gone within 2 minutes of purchasing, so I'm a little confused why you would get it and then wait almost a week to use it.

04-19-2017, 04:59 AM
Common sense, eh? How does the start and end date of a sale have anything to do with the expiration period of a ticket? The sale ad on the first page makes no reference to such a thing either.

Unless this was clearly labelled why would any newer player know of such an obscure thing in the first place?

Considering this is like the 16th ticket exchange, I'm not sure why you'd expect an explanation at this point. Tickets obtained through this type of sale have expired since the very first one, nine months ago.

You get a pop-up right after your roll saying if you'd like to use the ticket. From there, the expiration date is clear. If you didn't even go to the exchange shop between now and then, yeah, it's pretty much your fault. Newer player or not, the game took the steps to lead you to the exchange shop at least once, and just about everything has an expiration date there.

04-19-2017, 07:42 AM
Considering this is like the 16th ticket exchange, I'm not sure why you'd expect an explanation at this point. Tickets obtained through this type of sale have expired since the very first one, nine months ago.

You get a pop-up right after your roll saying if you'd like to use the ticket. From there, the expiration date is clear. If you didn't even go to the exchange shop between now and then, yeah, it's pretty much your fault. Newer player or not, the game took the steps to lead you to the exchange shop at least once, and just about everything has an expiration date there.

Maybe because I'm the one paying for this type of good? It'd make sense to have this fact be more clearly labelled. Regardless of the frequency of ticket exchanges, that has no bearing on the fact that this is my first type of sale purchase and that I didn't have any prior exposure to this risk.

Sorry for ranting in this thread even though it was only for something like $15, but of course, I'm irritated that I paid for a product that expires.

I can see now that the exchange shop has the expiration dates on it under the individual purchases and I'll be more prudent in my observation of this going forward. Tough way to learn though :\

Personally I'm so impulsive things never see their expiration date. My ticket was gone within 2 minutes of purchasing, so I'm a little confused why you would get it and then wait almost a week to use it.

I'm simply not as impulsive in my purchases. Since the product costs me money, why wouldn't I put some thought into want I'd like to redeem it on? As well, not everyone has the time to play this game, I have other commitments to focus on. Just two bad coincidences I reckon'.

And as well, I didn't read Myrdin's post on this forum earlier, in comment to your earlier post.

Again, sorry for ranting. I don't want to end my discussion on a negative note and I want to say that I appreciate the feedback and advice providing by this community. Thanks everyone!

04-19-2017, 07:54 AM
Either way, I don't think they'll reopen the exchange shop considering how they have their hands full just to get the next event started up.

Your best bet is to send a ticket explaining the suggestion and state which rainbow you want to redeem. Then hope they're feeling generous enough to send her to you in your gift box.

Bloodsport Bloom
04-19-2017, 08:11 AM
I hope that this incident doesn't taint your enjoyment of the game/cause you to quit, Monarch. It'd be a shame to lose a well spoken community member over this type of thing.

Edit: Yeah, I can understand wanting to sleep on your choice. Some people weren't aware of the sale several hours before it launched and didn't have that time to mull over their choices, and some people take a lot more time in their decision making. Hopefully you can at least get your 6 Star.

A Time to Screw
04-19-2017, 08:14 AM
He could always use this as an excuse to move to DMM instead? :rolleyes:

04-19-2017, 08:14 AM
Pitahaya gets a Bloomed form? Awesome.

Congrats on the new 6 Star, Damdamon. If it makes you feel better about your odds in finding another 6 Star naturally, I've gotten the majority of mine through 50 FG pulls. Other than the Daisy I got this event via a ticket and the Sakura starter bonus I picked up on my alt, all my other 6 pulls were Free2Waifu, so don't get discouraged. RNGesus could bless you at any time!

Edit: Eck, realised this wasn't true just after posting. That Ardisia I pulled last week was technically in the Step-Up 300 Nutaku Gacha. But that one aside.

Thank you! I want to get more 6 star knights, I hope RNGesus will bless me with Ionicidium? (the genteel beauty) now I know people don't just buy 6 star knights.

Also, thank you Sasara for the tip about Pitahaya ... I didn't know she was that strong and even got a bloomed form... I didn't like her character design so I was not going to add her to my team. Now she is on my 3rd squad after feeding her with fried Manjus.

04-19-2017, 12:43 PM
Personally I'm so impulsive things never see their expiration date. My ticket was gone within 2 minutes of purchasing, so I'm a little confused why you would get it and then wait almost a week to use it.

Hehe, for me I actually spend two hours or so while playing ME3, brainstorming which girl I wanna get. There were those I want simply because I like them, but there were those I wanted to get for both looks and team synergy. In the end I took Cattleya. I like the looks, she has decent abilities, plus taking an AOE Mage allowed me to shuffle Sakura back into the Team1 without loosing the Magic type in Team2.
Second choice was Nerine for magic / Viola for Hit and Anemone for Pierce (though I am not a big fan of her).
Ofc Dianthus/Keria two mature beauties were very appealing but I have two slice 6* so I decided against it.
But I kinda ranted too much.
What I wanted to say, was that / exactly, while some people may take some time deciding, thus not using the ticket "immediately" after purchase, taking too much time is not advised. Especially in games that have purchases in the form of "event" (limited time Gacha).

Drip said it well - treat everything as expirable currency and plan accordingly. My policy is to resolve such issue within the day of the purchase, if I cannot make the choice immediately.

Monarch: Dont worry about ranting. Thats what the community is for (to a degree that is), I sympathize with you - I missed a sale on Steam, that expired just a minute before I could finalize it :D You cant imagine how angry I was, mainly because I worked a lot and could not do the purchase sooner, and when I went to finalize it, I got some sort of error. And once I solved it the sale was over :D
There is a saying I believe "A lesson hard earned is a lesson well learned." you`ll be more careful next time *thumbsup*