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View Full Version : Asking for advice

04-16-2017, 09:41 PM
I have been playing for like 3 weeks and already got some basic himes and at least get the lastest event eidolon.... I got Garuda and the fire one too but no chance to full lb them.

Currently I have 5 SSR: Shiva, Satan, Susano, Michael and Ares:
And also:

I did not play the dmm so I do not understand how the game is going to change.
At this point, I was trying to sustain every event by getting the right element himes together.
However I wonder if this is in the long run the right way to go? Do you suppose to just focus on one element and build it up?

When should you do it and what condition? Like having 2 SSR or some specific SSR? In my case
Or just build up team for all element?
And I am happy to take any advice. I am currently having Arthur and Andro, looking to unlock Dart next

04-17-2017, 08:54 PM
I don't understand how you focus on one element when all the draws are random.

04-17-2017, 09:16 PM
I don't understand how you focus on one element when all the draws are random.
You focus your efforts on leveling, limit-breaking, and skill-enhancing weapons of a single element, then choosing an expert soul that complements whatever team of kamihime you settled on.

04-17-2017, 11:13 PM
You have SSR in 4 elements, 5x SR/R in Wind, and 4x SR/R in Lightning.

You should definitely play all elements because you can! You do the same thing for all elements that you do for a single element, except you work on skill enhancing weapons for the element you are planning to use next. The benefit, of course, is strong element bonuses EVERY fight.

05-16-2017, 11:57 AM
if one team for all element, dark is a good choice.

satan is good against boss, susanoo hits hard with ability up buffs.

Ares and shiva, both are only hitters, if you like fire then Ares, if you like water then chiva.

05-16-2017, 01:11 PM
i think dark/fire is good glass canon build, satan+susanoo+ares+beelze until ur weapons setup are done, meaning all dark atk skill then swap ares out maybe? and if u met water element, u can always swap are with ur tsuki so a full dark team~

forming a team for every element doesn't sound viable to me....due to the slots limitation... unless u spend jewels to expand.... sooner or later new batch hime will show up and a stronger version...i will keep jewels try my luck to get a hand on them for an upgrades

05-16-2017, 02:35 PM
Not to be the negative guy, but seriously fuck you X# like, 5 SSRs? man! you dont need advice, the world is your oister go show em what true power means! I mean seriously, i think ive spent like 150$ and i have a single SSR. You either lucked out or used the most powerful weapon in any online game lol. being serious though, il have to agree, thunder is your best pick from what you got, although in max 2 events is quetzalcoatl so you might want to plan a back up team.