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View Full Version : What is going on with the events?

05-29-2017, 03:55 AM
First they slashed the time shards and gambits run for, then they started taking down the game an hour before events ended, and now I just received ranking rewards almost a full day before the current event is supposed to end. I don't dare refresh my tab lest I be cut off from the shard area.

05-29-2017, 09:42 AM
refresh window sometimes. Gambit ended at programed time. Now im scared of shards (and noticed how bad was the crystalis rewards on last ones).

05-29-2017, 04:31 PM
I just reopened my browser and the game screen is showing roughly 10:30 left for the event, while Nutaku's main page shows 9:30 remaining. So it seems like that problem is the result of them fucking up one of the clocks.