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06-05-2017, 02:51 AM
Hello, dear all!

Last days have been really intense and nice at the same time.

We would like to know more about your personal opinion on our events! :)

So, let's vote and see which one took your heart away and which one made you less enthusiastic about grinding. We are talking not only about the girls, which were presented in the event, but also about the overall experience during it.
Please, don't be shy! Share with us your thoughts on the events... Our idea is to gather all info and make the next one even more better.

Will be looking forward to see the results <3

06-05-2017, 03:07 AM
I liked them all, and this event is also good, keep up the work

06-05-2017, 05:09 AM
I'll just give my top 5 event girls up to now to give you a better idea.

1. Val Red Battler (she's just too darn cute)
2. Virginia (what can I say, I love the naughty teacher thing)
3. Halloween Juliette (kinky ;) )
4. Easter Bunny (she's just eggcelent, and yeah I really just made that pun)
5. Geekette (very cute)

06-05-2017, 07:39 AM
I liked grinding for girls in all the events, but my favourite as of now is the music festival.

The main reason is, the game is less buggy now compared to for example the last Christmas event. That was horrible, as when a girl dropped, pictures of ALL the girls I already had in the harem popped up, and the game crashed, along with the browser, and then whole laptop. Sometimes I could reload the page, and it would happen again, and again and again, until the laptop crashed anyway. BUT I have to add, the devs changed the game as it went on and I managed to get the drops during the Christmas event, so it's all good.

But since JessieChan asked I have to say, the event that made me almost give up was the Festival. Grinded (or is it ground? :P ) everyday from morning until night, and still missed Festival Solveig. Thought the game was broken. But as it turns out, RNGesus wasn't on my side.

I'm still hoping we'd get a chance to get the missed girls someday. For example, a chance to get the previously missed Easter girls during the next year's Easter event.

06-05-2017, 07:43 AM
I liked grinding for girls in all the events, but my favourite as of now is the music festival.

The main reason is, the game is less buggy now compared to for example the last Christmas event. That was horrible, as when a girl dropped, pictures of ALL the girls I already had in the harem popped up, and the game crashed, along with the browser, and then whole laptop. Sometimes I could reload the page, and it would happen again, and again and again, until the laptop crashed anyway. BUT I have to add, the devs changed the game as it went on and I managed to get the drops during the Christmas event, so it's all good.

Really? That's weird, I didn't have any problems during the christmas event. I cannot remember it being buggy like that.
That must have sucked.

06-05-2017, 07:53 AM
Really? That's weird, I didn't have any problems during the christmas event. I cannot remember it being buggy like that.
That must have sucked.

The suckitude was beyond comprehension. :D

06-05-2017, 10:14 AM
Hi Jessie-chan

From my point of view the best has been the Easter since i liked a lot the topic of Bunny's family.

Honestly i do not like the Music event given the girls. But i think that to guarantee an event girl has been an amazing update.

See you

06-05-2017, 11:52 AM
My favorite was valentines, cuz Cupid-chan is the only girl in the entire game that I like... I'm picky, I know...

06-05-2017, 12:37 PM
My favorite was spring break, sexy events make for sexy girls. Loved valentine's day as well and I agree with DrQuatsch: I don't know who drew her, but val red battler has hands down the best art in the game. Her shading is on a whole other level, though the other events girls are also quite an improvement over the base characters.

Honorable mention for geekette but I'm a weak boob man and you know how to please us ><

06-06-2017, 04:30 AM
As a geek how could the festival not be my favorite, some of the best affection scenes in the game IMHO

06-07-2017, 02:42 PM
don't remember much of experience w/ drop rates and it's all RNG and luck

artwork looks the same for most girls imo

I went w/ Valentine's Day since I luv succubus

06-09-2017, 06:52 AM
Voted for Spring Break because of the event girls' attire.

Even though to my regret I half-assed that event and didn't get any of the event drops. ..・ヾ(。><)シ
Runner-up would be the Valentine event.. <3 Val Abraël.

Would be great if there was any way to reacquire missed drops in the future re-occurring, maybe in the form as additional drops to new event girls; Idk.

06-12-2017, 02:05 PM
Easter is winning

06-18-2017, 07:29 AM
I think my favorite were Eastern and Geek festival.

The girls overall in eastern were my favorite even though i didn't get a single one on all my 3 accounts. Not very lucky for this one. But thanks internet to let me see what i missed.
But festival geekette is my favorite single one of all the event girls so far. Hard to say why but she is so cute. Thanks for the artist on this one.

As for the event, i think there are way too many now. Getting the regular girls is very hard when you are not lucky and during event i cannot lose energy on regular one when there is a chance to get an exclusive.
There is always the kobans and i was on the point to buy some for the festival event. But man, the price for just a drawing is imho way too high. A balance should be done in that regards.
Anyway the good side of the event is that it allows us to get kobans though the quests. And that is a nice move.

As for future event, why not make possible to get, as in Osawari Island, ticket to get old event girl no longer available. Meaning, you complete some quest, and at the end you have one ticket whick let you roll on the list of girls you do not have and who are no longer in the game because tied to an event. Or something similar. Not very broken and it could give an hope to new and old players alike to get a cute new girl to their harem.

That was my 2cp