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06-07-2017, 01:36 PM

shit, I can't do basic formatting LOL. Just copy and paste images from Aigis wikia


06-07-2017, 02:39 PM
The 1000 one is really hard. 1 Thunder-God around 500 and 2 flying Thunder-Gods at end, together with some more nasty monsters. Only got to 966 till now, I think I need to level my units some more to get the 1000 goal -.-

06-07-2017, 02:47 PM
5008highest was 973. I wish I took a pic of my formation since it was trashed and wiped out lol

all I know was I had Gloria on the third row, 2nd column and kept spamming her skillz

Nagi was 4th row and 1st column

06-07-2017, 03:19 PM
999. Don't have the firepower to kill the bottom thundergod. Aparently saki doesn't do enough damage to drop him of his cloud and he just keeps flying. I think i might raise nagi just for that

06-07-2017, 04:33 PM
My Nagi is CC72 but she doesn't survive :( before the final thundergods5012

need to lvl up Nagi and Gloria

06-07-2017, 06:29 PM
999. Don't have the firepower to kill the bottom thundergod. Aparently saki doesn't do enough damage to drop him of his cloud and he just keeps flying. I think i might raise nagi just for that

Ugh, even my whaleness is struggling with him. I've been neglecting ranged melee units...

Though I guess we have a month.

06-07-2017, 11:54 PM
1 Thunder-God around 500 and 2 flying Thunder-Gods at end

Small correction: it is Wind God (https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/f/fd/Wind_God.png/revision/latest?cb=20170214105424), not Thunder God (https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/millenniumwaraigis/images/2/2e/Thunder_God.png/revision/latest?cb=20170419065049). Wind one deal physical damage, while Thunder one deal magical damage.

06-08-2017, 01:36 AM
Small correction: it is Wind God, not Thunder God. Wind one deal physical damage, while Thunder one deal magical damage.

Sorry, my mistake on that one. Wind God is the right name, don't know why I did go with Thunder God

06-08-2017, 05:45 AM

My silly run using Daisy instead of a ninja.

No Fedora, but using sheer firepower with Nanaly/Sybilla for the fuujin. Bernice + Ellett tanks the bottom.

06-08-2017, 02:16 PM
got 987 as my highest (https://agentfakku.tumblr.com/post/161593916470)

try to copy and try different vids

saw folks use Sandra - not sure how to use her

moar used to Gloria as my spamming waifu

06-20-2017, 11:58 AM
988 so far - think I need to AW Saki


somehow everyone survived except Saki (behind Gloria), Lucille, and Charlotte (put at the bottom) and we couldn't kill the last guy at the bottom lol

06-21-2017, 04:41 AM
Use nagi. Nagi can drop him down during her skill with just a healer to support her. Then a heavy as bernice can tank it easily evenn with just a ertel

06-21-2017, 10:28 PM
oops my bad, meant to say Nagi since I don't have Saki


4 some reason, I mix dem 2 ninja chicks

AW Cornelia since one guy told me it was a waste not to use her when I had her max CC for a long time

I don't know how to use her even for this map

Gloria is more useful b/c I can spam her ability to smash hordes to pieces, thinking of AW her and Nagi

06-22-2017, 03:38 AM
a level 80 cc nagi can drop him during her skill usage without dying. How the heck did she die ?

edit : i just saw the picture. You are using a silver healer. Thats your first problem. I'd suggest u use a higher rarity healer. Hell , get chydys from tp and raise her asap. SHes really strong

06-22-2017, 01:27 PM
To put it in perspective, even a CC70 Chydis is quite competitive with a AW80 Iris. Personally, I was bringing my Chydis along slowly due to having already scraped by without her for so long, but now that the Magic City golem maps are rolling in I've bumped up her priority.

06-23-2017, 04:25 PM
I like this mission, but I keep getting thrown off because the map thumbnail looks like the generic "large highway" map, so I form a team expecting a road 3 melee spaces wide with ranged units on both sides, and instead I get a road 4 units wide with ranged units densely packed at the top only...

Still, its interesting seeing my team take on hordes of foes. Pegasus Knight Novice Stella has come in handy with her melee AOE and UP recovery, although she gets taken out in a single salvo by the first tornado-throwing boss around 500 enemies or so... and I've so far been wiped out near the end. Also, now would have been a great time to use Nagi if I'd leveled her up at all...

06-24-2017, 01:29 PM
I fuk up my break w/ increase drop rates

I thought I did the ninja orbs map 3 times but I saw I did it twice must have fallen alseep

shit, so either save ninja orbs for Nagi which might be too late

or AW Gloria

too late to get Chydis for this event

well, if I fail to get a 1,000 it's ok

u win some, u lose some

06-25-2017, 11:17 AM
Completed it during the break, in a single sitting, both with 1000 kills and 10000 bodies total. Fun stuff)

06-25-2017, 03:11 PM
used the break to advance my story missions a bit. Went blind into magic city , first 2 maps 3 starred them blindly. 3rd is still at 2 stars , but i have a general ideea how to 3* it as well.

All in all i expected it to be a bit harder.

As for the subjugation , finished it a couple days ago. Had to raise nagi for it , but after that it was smooth sailing.

06-25-2017, 06:24 PM
991 for me - highest I got


lol everyone died