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View Full Version : Girls on Tanks - Tips/Tricks/Guide

06-30-2017, 08:52 AM
*Please note, the following is based on personal experience and may not be 100% accurate as it is not the same as the Advance wars games
- This is intended to give a general direction for players to follow
- any discovered errors will be verified and edited

Information and Terms:
Post-game scoring: After a victory the player is given a score of 1 - 3 stars. If 3 stars are achieved on the first try the player is rewarded with a chest that gives ~200 credits and 10 random girl cards. 2 star victories seem to give around half those rewards.

If the level has been cleared before, the player will get chests awarding 10-25 credits and 3 random girl cards.

Based on my experience in the game thus far the score is similar to the following: (correct me if I'm wrong)
After adding the 3 scores together: (where the max is 300%)
3star - 271%-300%
2star - 241%-270%
1star - <240%-240%

The 3 areas that are scored are the following:

Speed: Determined by the number of Days (turns) a player takes for the level.
On most levels the Speed score stays at 100% until around Day 10 for the player, at which time, every additional day removes some of that percentage at a rate based on the difficulty of the level.

Example: some battles lose 5% Speed score for every additional Day after Day 10.

Power/Strength: Determined by the number of enemy units killed and number of captures that takes place over the course of the entire level. Please note that units killed by a different AI force will not count toward this score.

One can think of this score starting at 0% and increases a set percentage per enemy killed/capped. This score (like the others) cannot go over 100%. Each level has its own requirement, so its best to think that one should kill/cap as many as possible. (especially levels where the AI can spawn additional units)

Example: The player must kill/cap 30 units in the level to achieve 100%, so each kill/cap would give 3% toward this score.

Technique/Skill: "Technique depends on how you manage your army. Each unit you keep alive or building under your control adds Technique to your score." - Amber level1

It isn't clear whether or not losing a capped building and then capping it back affects this score, or whether it simply counts the number of owned buildings when the level ends. Either way, try to keep as many units alive as possible.

Turns/Days: Each level begins on Day 1 with the player going first. After the player's turn each AI gets its own "Day 1" turn as well, once all forces have completed their "Day 1" turn, the player then gets to act again with their "Day 2" followed by the AI forces, this repeats until the level ends, either by defeat or victory for the player.

Hit Points: All units have a starting health of 10, but when they are full health no number is shown.
If a unit has lower health, their attack damage decreases proportionally as well.

Percent Damage: Any unit within attack range (usually 1 square away) will show a percentage of damage. This number is based on the max health of the enemy.

Example: the enemy has a mid tank with 2 hp left, your infantry shows 22% damage. this means your unit will be able to kill the mid tank outright, without any chance of enemy retaliation

The tens place in the percentage number seems to be absolute, but the ones place seems to be based on chance/rolls

Example: your bomber will do 95% damage to an enemy artillery on the plains. This means your bomber will always do 9 damage (the 90%), but has a chance to do 100%. It seems like a dice roll of 1-9, so 95% has around a 50% chance to 1-shot the artillery. but if the damage was 91% instead, it would have around a ~10% chance (maybe slightly higher) to 1-shot the enemy. but remember even if the roll fails, your bomber will still always do at least 9 damage to the enemy.


*note, Defense ratings only effect ground units (non-aerial units)
**mov cost of -1 denotes impassible for that unit type

Terrain Name
Defense Rating (0-5)
Infantry move cost
Vehicle move cost
Tank move cost
Aerial move cost










Special Bar: Commanders can only use their active ability, aka "Special Power", after this bar completely fills

Ways to raise the special bar:
the main method - kill enemy units with one of your units (killing with girl powers doesn't count)
- some captains have their active ability to fill up the bar 10%-50% based on level. can only be used once unless willing to spend crystal
- various girls have passives to increase the rate the bar fills up or even autofill a little every turn.

Pre-game: Choose your team
Players get to choose 4 girls to fight with in each battle. One of each rank.

Commanders have normal or even slightly weaker passives, but have the ability to use their special power multiple times during a level.
However, the special bar must be filled to use it first. So unlike the other ranks, commander abilities normally can't be used on the first turn.


Special Power (Active)

Heals 1 hp to 5 random units *(+1hp per lvl)
Bonus Infantry damage +3% (+3% per lvl)

Bonus Infantry damage +60% **(+10% per lvl)
Special bar fills 2% faster each turn (+5% per lvl)

Deals 1 damage to 5 random enemy units *(+1 damage per lvl)
Bonus Aerial damage +3% (+3% per lvl)

Bonus Aerial damage +60% **(+10% per lvl)
Increase the Special bar +3% extra every time an enemy unit is defeated (+3% per lvl)

Tanks gain +30% extra defense ** (+10% per lvl)
Vehicles are 3% cheaper (+3% per lvl)

Bonus tank damage +30% **(+10% per lvl)
Bonus tank damage +3% (+3% per lvl)

Bonus move range +1 to all units **(+1 per lvl)
Bonus vehicle damage +3% (+3% per lvl)

Bonus attack range +1 to range units **(+1 per lvl)
Bonus War Funds +40 per turn (+20 per lvl)

*only occurs at time of use
**actives last until your next turn (are still active thru AI's turn)

Captains: currently there are 3 actives shared among all captains, but it's their passives that are particularly strong


Mega Bomb: 6-10 damage to 1 enemy
Special Bar increases 5%-25% faster

Fury: Fill Special Bar by 10%-50%
Discount to all units 3%-15%

First Aid: heal 6-10 hp to 1 ally
Bonus Artillery Defense 8%-40%

Mega Bomb: 6-10 damage to 1 enemy
Generate 100-500 War Funds per turn

First Aid: heal 6-10 hp to 1 ally
Probably of healing 2 hp to all Aerial units 5%-25%

Mega Bomb: 6-10 damage to 1 enemy
Probably of healing 2 hp to all Tank units 5%-25%

Fury: Fill Special Bar by 10%-50%
Probably of critical attack 5%-25% ???

Fury: Fill Special Bar by 10%-50%
Generate 40-120 additional War Funds per building

First Aid: heal 6-10 hp to 1 ally
Probably of healing 2 hp to all Vehicle units 5%-25%

Lieutenants: currently the only source of tank deployment. with similar passives that focus on very specific attack or defense


Tank Airdrop*
Bonus Artillery damage to Mid Tanks 5%-25%

Air Strike: Damage to 3 random units 1hp-5hp
Bonus Motorbike defense against Mid Tanks 5%-25%

Storm: Damage to 3 random Tanks 1hp-5hp
Bonus Bazooka damage to Light Tanks 5%-25%

Storm: Damage to 3 random Tanks 1hp-5hp
Bonus Copter damage to Anti-Airs 5%-25%

Air Strike: Damage to 3 random units 1hp-5hp
Bonus Missile defense against all Tanks 5%-25%

Tank Airdrop*
Bonus Mid Tank damage to Heavy Tanks 5%-25%

Storm: Damage to 3 random Tanks 1hp-5hp
Bonus Heavy Tank damage to Copters 5%-25%

Tank Airdrop*
Bonus Heavy Tank defense to Bombers 5%-25%

Air Strike: Damage to 3 random units 1hp-5hp
Bonus Light Tank damage against Artillery 5%-25%

Tank Airdrop*
Bonus Anti-Air damage to Fighters 5%-25%

Storm: Damage to 3 random Tanks 1hp-5hp
Bonus Artillery defense to Heavy Tanks 5%-25%

Air Strike: Damage to 3 random units 1hp-5hp
Bonus Light Infantry damage against Motorbikes 5%-25%

*get a tank according to level: mid -> heavy -> m/h rank 1 -> m/h rank 2 -> m/h rank 3

Sergeants: the source of Infantry and vehicle drops. with more general damage/defense passives


Troop Airdrop*
Bonus damage to Light Infantry 4%-20%

Roulette: get 250-1250 War Funds
Bonus damage in cities 2%-10%

Sniper: Deal damage to 1 enemy 1hp-5hp
Bonus defense to all units 1%-5%

Roulette: get 250-1250 War Funds
Bonus defense in roads 2%-10%

Troop Airdrop*
Bonus defense in plains 2%-10%

Sniper: Deal damage to 1 enemy 1hp-5hp
Bonus defense to Bazooka units 8%-16%

Vehicle Airdrop**: Motorbike -> Artillery
Bonus motorbike damage 4%-20%

Troop Airdrop*
Bonus copter defense 2%-10%

Vehicle Airdrop**: Ant-Air -> Missiles
Bonus bomber defense 2%-10%

Roulette: get 250-1250 War Funds
Bonus fighter damage 2%-10%

Vehicle Airdrop**: (Ant-Air)???? -> Artillery
Bonus copter damage 4%-20%

Sniper: Deal damage to 1 enemy 1hp-5hp
Bonus defense in mountains 2%-10%

Sniper: Deal damage to 1 enemy 1hp-5hp
Bonus damage in forest 2%-10%

Troop Airdrop*
Bonus damage in mountains 4%-20%

Roulette: get 250-1250 War Funds
Bonus mid tank damage 2%-10%

Vehicle Airdrop**: Ant-Air -> Missiles
Bonus damage in roads 4%-20%

Roulette: get 250-1250 War Funds
Bonus light tank defense 4%-20%

Vehicle Airdrop**: (Ant-Air)???? -> Missiles
Bonus damage in wastelands 4%-20%

Troop Airdrop*
Bonus mid tank defense 2%-10%

Sniper: Deal damage to 1 enemy 1hp-5hp
Bonus defense in wastelands 4%-20%

Sniper: Deal damage to 1 enemy 1hp-5hp
Bonus light tank damage 4%-20%

Sniper: Deal damage to 1 enemy 1hp-5hp
Bonus damage in plains 2%-10%

Roulette: get 250-1250 War Funds
Bonus light infantry defense 4%-20%

Roulette: get 250-1250 War Funds
Bonus missile defense 4%-20%

Troop Airdrop*
Bonus motorbike defense 2%-10%

Vehicle Airdrop**: Ant-Air -> Artillery
Bonus defense in forests 2%-10%

Sniper: Deal damage to 1 enemy 1hp-5hp
Bonus bazooka damage 4%-20%

Troop Airdrop*
Bonus medical vehicle defense 4%-20%

*get infantry according to level: light inf -> baz -> INF/BAZ rank 1 -> INF/BAZ rank 2 -> INF/BAZ rank 3
**get vehicle according to level: 1st vehicle -> 2nd vehicle -> 1st/2nd rank 1 -> 1st/2nd rank 2 -> 1st/2nd rank 3

Beginner Tips:

While some using aggressive tank play style, I personally cleared missions 1-80 (3-star) using a balanced team.
Running Amber, Nari, May, and Sara

before I had unlocked Nari, I was using Catherine.

Early game:

Most games on turn 1 I would want to move all my pre-deployed units. Having the infantry and motorbikes cap any nearby buildings (focusing on factories), then start grouping your remaining units. Make sure to keep your low armor units outside range of all enemies. If you have to place units within range, make sure only 1 or 2 enemies can reach them, and then block using tanks.

using infantry/bikes in forests or cities will also work if it's only 1 enemy.

Once all units have moved, I would immediately deploy my vehicle (either anti-air or artillery) followed by my tank drop.

If the enemy has a heavy tank (or bomber in later missions) that can attack you in turn 1 or 2, highly consider using your Mega Bomb (captain active) on it so that you win that fight, or at least gain time to reinforce that area.

Since the AI almost always rushes in with its entire army, surviving the early game is what I use my captain, lieutenant, and sergeant actives for. and if I can manage to hold through this period, the remainder of the level is usually coasting.

If you are unable to hold, make sure to steadily retreat while punishing the AI for overextending its units.

Mid game:

Once the player survives the early game or if the AI either doesn't attack or is too far away to attack, the player can proceed to the mid game strategy.

At this point, I would normally start scattering my infantry and motorbikes toward all un-capped (and unguarded) buildings. While the rest of my army would start forming up to bring the fight to the enemy.

In open areas, you can form a line of defenders (often tanks), and use them to guard your artillery, missiles, or other units. However, normally it's best to bottleneck roads using water , mountains or wastelands to force your enemies to move you how want them to. (make them come to you)

Attempt to bait the enemy's fast units (light tanks, motorbikes, copters) into rushing ahead of their main force. This gives you time to deal with them before the slower main force is within range.

If anti-air, missiles or fighters aren't present in the enemy army, you may find that blocking choke points with your air units is often better than attacking if you're fighting on multiple fronts or if your front line is damaged.

Likewise, ground units can be used to cage in low health air units or even full health copters and bombers from an enemy fighter's attack.

Late game:

Change from passive to aggressive.

This is the part where the player's army is no longer out-numbered, victory is within reach (killing all units), a motorbike is within range of an enemy HQ, or there's a time limit on the level (either trying to get 3stars or otherwise)

Tanks and air units are the stars of this phase. You can simply rush in dealing as much damage as possible, while attempting to retain some sort of isolating formation; surround enemies, placing low health units out of reach of enemies while still using low health units for blocking and attacking.

If the terrain and unit advantages are used correctly, one can overrun the enemy lines and hit their back line directly, potentially destroying their artillery.

Depending on the level and terrain, the player might have to sacrifice some of their units during this phase. But if the game extends to this phase, I am no longer worried about losing but more concerned with score.

Be aware of super effective unit match ups:

Fighters can 1-shot copters and bombers
Anti-air can 1-shot copters
Missiles can 1-shot all aerial units

Bombers can 1-shot most low defense units and even tanks if they don't have terrain cover

Heavy tanks can 1-shot all infantry, vehicles, and light tanks that aren't using terrain cover
Mid tanks can mostly 1-shot infantry, and unguarded vehicles

Unit Costs
These prices assume the player isn't using any discount passive abilities

Ground Units: Built from a factory

War Funds Cost

Light Infantry (Lt. Inf)


Motorbike (Moto Inf)

Light Tank





Mid Tank

Heavy Tank

Mission specific info on next post.

currently WIP

06-30-2017, 01:33 PM
A preview of the maps guide would help tremendously to newbies since they will know which team members to pick for the situation.

06-30-2017, 01:44 PM
A preview of the maps guide would help tremendously to newbies since they will know which team members to pick for the situation.

Roger. I saw someone posted they needed help with mission 57. so I'll start there.

lol jk, I'll separate the mission into this post, make it easier for me to read.


looks like someone else is adding video guides on the tube.

I know most people would prefer that to my crappy text. but I'll continue to add stuff here as needed.

Quick Starting Point Pictures by mission #:

Unit drop location is marked by red circle.

Fraternity Hills: Missions 1 - 12 (1 complete so far)Mission 12
For full map plus grid image go to:

Full steps at:

TLDR strategy:

- rush motorbikes over to the cities on the island to get quick funds. M4 and K3
- use your two cities just south of your F4 factory to form a defensive wall
(ideally D7, E6, F6, G6)

this forces the AI to either let you keep those cities or split their forces trying to take them from you.

- let the AI smash against your wall, swapping out damaged units with full health ones as much as possible
because amber can heal units that aren't yet dead
- extra infantry can be kept on the mountains near the D7 city or behind the defensive line until they are needed

- slowly retreat and retake the defensive line as necessary

- use your copter carefully as you only get 1 and it cant be replaced (but can be healed by amber)
- save your damage abilities for 1 of their copters and for when their tanks are near your defensive line.

Lightning Mountains: Missions 13 - 24 (0 complete so far)
Sereanne Forest: Missions 25 - 36 (0 complete so far)Mission 25
Mission 26
Mission 27
Mission 28
Mission 29
Mission 30
Mission 31
Mission 32
Mission 33
For full map plus grid image go to:

Full steps at:

TLDR strategy:

normally, I'd say focus on purple and don't damage units you can't kill.

However, even I couldn't get 3stars anymore. So, I'm putting this on hold until we find out more.

Mission 34
Mission 35
Mission 36
Ancient Ruins of Nimeria: Missions 37 - 48 (0 complete so far)
New Nimeria Capitol: Missions 49 - 60 (2 complete so far)Mission 49
Mission 50
Mission 51
Mission 52
Mission 53
For full map plus grid image go to:

Full steps at:

End Summary:

use motor bikes to try and cap your factories as fast as possible

bottleneck the bridge F5 (pretty easy to do)
and try to bottleneck the I8 and J10 areas, I lost that ground once or twice

I prefer dealing with the copters first, because they can ignore my defensive lines

in my match for this guide, the AI decided to ignore my motorbike caps at the N11 factory
and broke through my line to cap the J10 factory

while they were able to get a couple early kills because of this, they had to deal with 2sides instead of one

when I played this before, the opposite was true. the AI attacked the N11 factory hard and I was able to hold the J10
position longer.

either way, you should be able to hold 1 of the 2 factories and slowly fight back the enemy

Amber's power did not seem that effective because of the nerf, and because the AI was able to
isolate my units pretty well due to the terrain and loss of defensive line

if the defensive line had held, Amber would have been more effective

but once again, the tank drop and artillery/anti-air drop, along with the mega bomb
seem to be most effective on nearly all maps

I could see getting a missile drop working on this map as well.
just that it means that it's one more unit you have to guard and unlike anti-air it cant
attack ground units at all

Mission 54
Mission 55
Mission 56
Mission 57
For full map plus grid image go to:

Full steps at:

End Summary:
bottleneck the enemy using D6 and E5

rush cap the airport. then use the mountain at H10 to make a wall, slowly backing off to the forests and city around F10 when waiting for special bar, then once the bar is back up, take back the ground to the H10 mountain and H12 airport.

making sure to never let the enemy cap it.

bait the enemy copters in with tasty targets then assassinate them with anti-air (you need to build them, find them in crate or deploy them from sergeant ability)

If you're brave enough to read the moves, it reads like a chess game. so good luck =P

Mission 58
Mission 59
Mission 50

Shelter Rock: Missions 61 - 80 (0 complete so far)

06-30-2017, 04:56 PM
Other than the initial reward, is there a reason to go back and gold-rank missions after you've cleared them?

06-30-2017, 05:09 PM
Other than the initial reward, is there a reason to go back and gold-rank missions after you've cleared them?

Not that I know of. It's mainly for people like me who like to get everything.

and also look at entire pages of gold things.

07-01-2017, 01:47 AM
Stage 53 is giving me problems any tips for that stage?

07-04-2017, 05:57 PM
Stage 53 is giving me problems any tips for that stage?

mission 53 added

- - - Updated - - -

mission 12 added

Ville Buju
08-20-2017, 04:51 AM
Requesting Help on a 3 starring mission
Sereanne Forest Mission - 33 to get 3 Star
after 30-40 attempts i cant get it higher than 2 star and its bugging me >.<

i tried attacking Purple, tried red, tried to hold back, tried going all out hahaha i just cant do 3 star
Lv. 22 and girls of Amber Lv 5, Catherine Lv 5, May Lv 5, Lucy Lv 5.

08-24-2017, 08:43 AM
Requesting Help on a 3 starring mission
Sereanne Forest Mission - 33 to get 3 Star
after 30-40 attempts i cant get it higher than 2 star and its bugging me >.<

i tried attacking Purple, tried red, tried to hold back, tried going all out hahaha i just cant do 3 star
Lv. 22 and girls of Amber Lv 5, Catherine Lv 5, May Lv 5, Lucy Lv 5.

Starting to add mission 33

Grid map completed.
Guide is completed. However, 3 stars may no longer be possible based on the current scoring. Sending it up to the devs.

Because I got 3 stars on this before with a much worse game. it'll be put on hold for now.

01-28-2018, 03:31 PM
Requesting Help on a 3 starring mission
Sereanne Forest Mission - 33 to get 3 Star
after 30-40 attempts i cant get it higher than 2 star and its bugging me >.<

i tried attacking Purple, tried red, tried to hold back, tried going all out hahaha i just cant do 3 star
Lv. 22 and girls of Amber Lv 5, Catherine Lv 5, May Lv 5, Lucy Lv 5.

my result win at turn 8 score speed is 100
i didn't keep score how many i killed but strength score was 53. ( if i should take a guess its around 15 units orso)

i lost 2 light tanks only and tecnique was 94
further i captured all the 1 buildings in the map aswell.

end result 2 stars. Question how many i need to kill to get the strength up higher?