View Full Version : Ultimate raid battle bug? Can't "give up"

07-13-2017, 08:10 AM
So wanted to try the rank 1 ultimate raid battle and well apparently it doesn't allow you to quit the fight. You can leave (go to home), but doing so will leave the fight pending until the day ends and if you rejoin with BP you're whole party is still wiped and still can't give up. Is this a bug or intentional? If intentional kinda bull that you can't even swap party due to this.

07-13-2017, 11:12 AM
I haven't lost a battle yet. It is intentional that your Union is allowed to join the fight after you die with the damage done retained. Can you do other battles after a loss, like a Demon Expert, Lilim Expert, or daily quest?

07-13-2017, 11:30 AM
They can still do other fights. It not any different than how it works with other raids, except the fact that you cannot give up, locking your party until the timer is up (resets each day) or your union comes and defeats it.

You have 6 other slots, so you edit one of those to make another party for the time being.

If you happen to get locked with all 6 parties, then well, I don't know.