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View Full Version : Aria of Speed and Attack Speed Up

08-15-2017, 12:42 AM
I wonder why aria of speed seem to not have an effect in charts of attack speed of witches the same way Attack Speed Up seem to have... Or simply why there is even a point in making abilities that shortens time before or after attack it's kind of stupid way of complicating things i think why not only one ability for speeding up dps but with different class of power something like Attack Speed Up I, Attack Speed Up II, Attack Speed Up III. It would make more sense if those abilities are no equal( i mean Aria of Speed and Attack Speed Up).

08-15-2017, 10:09 AM
I agree that it is rather weird that they made it that way with attack speed. <br />
<br />
Regarding speeds you have 2 types which together become your total attack speed: <br />
-The time it takes to do the attack...

08-15-2017, 12:32 PM
I think it's meant to be a way to "balance" the augmented speed attack

Imagine a Mage: Large wait beetween attacks but medium-length animation. If you speed the animation you get a tiny better DPS; if you speed the wait time you end up with a bigger DPS than the shorter animation and a lot better than the original

Imagine a Healer: Short to medium wait between attacks but long casting time. If you speed the casting animation the DPS goes up a lot: if you speed the wait time it's not gonna improve that much since it was smaller to begin with

I know it's not implemented this way, but what if they thought it like a mechanic to balance something that could get easily off the roof?

Then again it's a fantasy-tower defencec-ero-game, let's not burn our brains over it :P