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View Full Version : [Event 37] The Shining Milky Way Crossing. (05/09/17 - 19/09/17)

09-05-2017, 08:05 AM
raid boss event.

in the event shop you can get the event currency from the past event, and it's gacha machin is still available, too.

if we don't count the old event currency, we need 45,800 to clear the shop.

09-05-2017, 08:11 AM
So no bloom form for Sakura and other 2 5* girls for this update?

09-05-2017, 08:30 AM
So no bloom form for Sakura and other 2 5* girls for this update?

nope, and no bond crystals, too.
that's realy lame. they're thinking about how to get into our purse (see those new daily deals) but not giving us new content like bloom or bond crystals. i won't spend any more money on that game if they go on with this policy.

09-05-2017, 08:32 AM
The first Daisy artist girl arrives.

Needing to wait another 1-2 weeks for these gold dupes sucks, but oh well.

09-05-2017, 08:59 AM
The previous event currency is there because Treasure Flower was in the first set of bloomed characters, which happened in this event.

09-05-2017, 09:26 AM
So help me clarify things. Now we have bloom system, but Sakura won't get hers today? Or no bloom system at all?

09-05-2017, 09:38 AM
So help me clarify things. Now we have bloom system, but Sakura won't get hers today? Or no bloom system at all?

Maybe it will be added during the second half.

09-05-2017, 09:45 AM
This maybe again like shield system delay update.
Maybe we will see blossom gift and bloom system next month.

I'll try to get this event girl and her jewelry, no more than that.
Too lazy to wait for RB. lol

09-05-2017, 10:39 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in this event, we have the same drop rate on all levels (on phase 1) for the summoning material

Event 1-1
Stamina 10
1 feathers 0.1f/S

Event 1-2
Stamina 20
2 feathers 0.1f/S

Event 1-3
Stamina 40
4 feathers 0.1f/S

Event 1-4
Stamina 80
8 feathers 0.1f/S

Also, no bonus levels

09-05-2017, 10:55 AM
Am I the only one who thought

"What? They put a guy as 6* this event???"

09-05-2017, 11:03 AM
I totally thought we had a male Flower Knight LOL


Gacha is just 2 reskin gurls and dudette (can't call her a trap?)

09-05-2017, 12:52 PM
Am I the only one who thought

"What? They put a guy as 6* this event???"

No, I did a double take the first time I saw her on the Japanese wiki; on closer inspection she seems to have a monoboob:


09-05-2017, 12:56 PM
on closer inspection she seems to have a monoboob:


Cannot unsee !!!!!

09-05-2017, 01:04 PM
I thought so as well when I first saw her on DMM. Although there have been some guys telling me that "once you see her H scene you will not doubt her being a girl ever again" etc, hinting that it might be rather spicy I suppose ?

Normally I dont look at the scenes unlocked and uploaded by the community, but If anyone pulls her and uploads her scene do let me know, as it did pique my interest ;)

09-05-2017, 01:05 PM
Didn't even see dat

09-05-2017, 01:30 PM
is up on danbooru. appears she uses the magic of chest bandages that can hide anything. name is banteishi_(flower_knight_girl) on danbooru. wont post link cause it's flat out porn :V

09-05-2017, 04:12 PM

So that's... what, now, five? Six legit rainbows?

I didn't see that coming.

09-05-2017, 06:40 PM
Ugh...reading 'German Iris (Festival)-senpai' over and over again is getting old. Couldn't they have called them 'Festival German Iris' and 'Festival Oxalis?'

09-05-2017, 07:07 PM
Did a 10+1 pull cause i've been itching for another pull since my last draws. Got 6 golds, 4 new only bad thing is that 3 of the new are purple, they will have to que up behind 5 other purples for manyus

That makes 26 golds and 3 rainbows in my last 6 10+1 draws or 44% ratio of getting good stuff. Hope this luck lasts *knocks on wood*

09-05-2017, 10:06 PM
Serissa has huge tits by the way if anyone is wondering

09-05-2017, 10:28 PM
Serissa has a huge tit by the way if anyone is wondering

Fixed this for you.

09-06-2017, 06:42 AM
Did a 10+1 pull cause i've been itching for another pull since my last draws. Got 6 golds, 4 new only bad thing is that 3 of the new are purple, they will have to que up behind 5 other purples for manyus

That makes 26 golds and 3 rainbows in my last 6 10+1 draws or 44% ratio of getting good stuff. Hope this luck lasts *knocks on wood*

Actually from that pull 2 of your new girls are Mage and 2 are Slice, the slice girls are both good stat wise as well.

09-06-2017, 03:53 PM
Are you telling me her boobs does dis?


seen cuter tomboys (https://i.imgur.com/4saWOHH.jpg) and traps (if I can call dat chick, a trap)


09-06-2017, 04:17 PM
Are you telling me her boobs does dis?


seen cuter tomboys (https://i.imgur.com/4saWOHH.jpg) and traps (if I can call dat chick, a trap)


I've seen her art on Danbooru. It is exactly like that.

09-12-2017, 11:05 AM
wow, i see these 15 and 8 million HP raid bosses and half the participants are poking them.

09-12-2017, 11:19 AM
Yeah, with such HP-bags, it's best to go full nuke-mode, not like with the 600k boss on low-frequentation hours

09-12-2017, 01:44 PM
I poked 1st one....now full on nuke team

09-12-2017, 02:21 PM
I nuked the first one. I thought it was a poke though because the damage was so low. :(

09-12-2017, 02:24 PM
Im nuking dem bugs - used up all my raid pts

reading the cutscenes now I got time LOL
feels weird to see the () and yeah, we don't say dat in real life but man it's weird

09-12-2017, 02:53 PM
I got all Ficaria Blooms and all the equipment, now for the Ampies, Manyus, gifts and materials, I need 34k shards.

Currently at 14k.
Well, tomorrow it's ampy time!

edit: well, thanks Galaxifly, ampies are already done!

09-12-2017, 03:31 PM
damn u work fast

I only got all Ficaria stuf
Seems I need to beef my gurls - dis is how much DM per RT for the blue bugs
didn't get to see the pink ones. History get buried fast bruh

09-12-2017, 03:37 PM
i hit 2 mil at galaxifly :cool:

for 3 RP :rolleyes:

09-12-2017, 03:40 PM
On those lvl 90 galaxyfly, I don't do as well as you, but at least it's something:


09-12-2017, 05:08 PM
people really need to start nuking these galaxifly's

09-12-2017, 05:22 PM
I think it's time I set up a legitimate Raid-Team. I'm never gonna burn through these Magpie feathers at my current rate :eek:

09-12-2017, 05:43 PM
people really need to start nuking these galaxifly's

They are, but there just aren't enough people on them. I put four raid points into one (an initial one, and when it got close a second run with three points) and it still got away.

I would recommend if you summon one, open it up to everybody, not just allies. It's not going to totally fix the problem, but it will increase the chances of getting them down. If things don't start getting better, I'm going to be ignoring them and only going after the Wigawdies. On a per raid point basis, it is looking like you'll get better return from the smaller pests even if the Galaxiflies don't escape.

09-12-2017, 06:07 PM
On those lvl 90 galaxyfly, I don't do as well as you, but at least it's something:


LOL dat username "wantmarriage"

Funniest one I saw ... I can't remember LOL

I did keep running into one player named "Sad Whale"

09-12-2017, 06:24 PM
I did keep running into one player named "Sad Whale"
I actually have Sad Whale in my allies list on both accounts.

09-12-2017, 07:02 PM
Holy crap! These Galaxiflies can really take some damage and dish it back ten fold.

09-12-2017, 08:02 PM
i feel like it's not worth summoning a 2nd phase raid boss. i just summoned the galaxyfly and spent 9 raid points, 3 5x battles, doing about 8 million damage. i got about 10 participants and 5 of them chose to poke it. it's going to escape soon, would've been better to just spend those 9 raid points on 9 phase 1 bosses.

09-12-2017, 08:15 PM
main reason i'm focusing on the galaxyfly bosses is because they drop guaranteed equipment enhancement materials. 1 for participating, 3 for discovering everytime

09-12-2017, 08:24 PM
Out of 6 galaxiflies I only managed to get credit for two... they should probably increase the number of people they get shared to or something, since if a third of your list is afk, a third is low level, and half of the remaining ones decides to poke, you're just not getting it down.

I'm only doing like 450k damage with 1x, maybe if I had a much larger roster so I could actually stack slash type it could be better.

09-13-2017, 12:03 AM
with x1 i do about 600k dmg

09-13-2017, 12:52 AM
Out of 6 galaxiflies I only managed to get credit for two... they should probably increase the number of people they get shared to or something, since if a third of your list is afk, a third is low level, and half of the remaining ones decides to poke, you're just not getting it down.

As I said, don't limit your assists to just your ally list. Open it up to everybody.

09-13-2017, 12:59 AM
Out of 6 galaxiflies I only managed to get credit for two... they should probably increase the number of people they get shared to or something, since if a third of your list is afk, a third is low level, and half of the remaining ones decides to poke, you're just not getting it down.

I'm only doing like 450k damage with 1x, maybe if I had a much larger roster so I could actually stack slash type it could be better.

Fun fact: DMM increased the share to 100 people at the start of this event.

09-13-2017, 06:24 AM
Our share is 50 now at least, share to public and it will die for sure, plenty of nukers there. I do 900-1mil to Galax with x1 myself and 1.6-1.8mil to the pink ones.

09-13-2017, 06:40 AM
Our share is 50 now at least, share to public and it will die for sure, plenty of nukers there. I do 900-1mil to Galax with x1 myself and 1.6-1.8mil to the pink ones.
Nukers seem limited on the amount of raidpoints they have as well, so I did see a couple of public Galaxfies time out as well.
As a rule of thumb, I don't waste my raidpoints on bosses that haven't been hit (decently) by whoever spawned them. Those have a bigger tendency to timeout, since their owner simply isn't really invested in its demise.

There's plenty raidbosses of all types going round to simply skip those leecher-bosses. I'd rather help someone who actually tries to get his RB killed to get those spawner-bonus items, than help someone who just wastes some common eventcurrency to let others do the work.

09-13-2017, 10:09 AM
Just a little bit shy of 2m on single point. Don't think I'll have enough luck to crack it.


09-13-2017, 11:03 AM
here's my dm for the pink bugs
DiabolosDragon - sounds badass - reminds me of Yugioh LOL

09-13-2017, 12:22 PM
Well, it seels that the phase 2 fever has passed, now all those Galaxifly are waiting to get nuked (ex: 1h passed, only 5 attackers...)

Makes me think that maybe it's best to nuke the 2M Fluterrug, if there are no 8M pink ones

09-13-2017, 12:25 PM
As I said, don't limit your assists to just your ally list. Open it up to everybody.

Well yeah obviously.. but if I share to 50 people, wouldn't a good portion of them be low level players, and lots of AFKs?

Plus I'm seeing some on my list that apparently were only shared to allies, like the one I have now with 39 minutes left and only two people on the list.

09-13-2017, 12:33 PM
Fun fact: DMM increased the share to 100 people at the start of this event.

Thanks Nutaku...:(

09-13-2017, 01:10 PM
in Kamihime, someone said dat the people on your raid are usually around your lvl and stats

not sure if Flower Knight Girl does the same https://emojipedia-us.s3.amazonaws.com/thumbs/120/apple/96/thinking-face_1f914.png

09-13-2017, 05:51 PM
From my experience there are plenty of high level played online all the time and RBs tend to get nuked pretty quick. Event RBs can take up to an hour because of that 8-15mil hp but most die way before that.

09-14-2017, 12:28 AM
Still seeing more then a few escape

09-14-2017, 01:04 AM
Still seeing more then a few escape

I'm lining up for a bombing run on your raid.

09-14-2017, 01:41 PM
Just need 7400 shards to finish Silver materials and the gifts, and this event will be cleared.

Raid bosses still take too long to disappear from the list.

09-14-2017, 11:34 PM
those gold equip upgrade materials give a crap load of exp :D

09-15-2017, 01:11 AM
bought all the equip manyu and event gurl's bling
just gotta get all the amphies and manyus

09-15-2017, 06:47 AM
I finished yesterday and have 12K spare tokens, shame they can't be converted to gold.

09-15-2017, 10:51 AM
What I predict do come true. The broken RB won't go down.
This reflect how small Nutaku FKG player base have, the thing I really worried since last RB event.
Anyway Good luck on next RB event.

09-15-2017, 11:52 AM
People should be doing two things for this event:

1) Don't hit the Galaxiflies with anything less than 2 RPs; these are not bosses where simply tagging is going to benefit you or anyone else.

2) Don't summon an RB if you can't hit it with at least 2 RPs, and don't summon one at all if there are two or more Galaxiflies up already that you haven't hit (with at least 2 RPs).

That should reduce the frequent gluts of Galaxiflies we're getting that allow many to escape and lets players focus on the ones that are up.

09-15-2017, 12:00 PM
i saw an ally's phase-2 RB so i participated, then i realized he didn't even spend any raid points on his own summon. if he wasn't going to even help out, why send out the request? now it's about to escape. i think i will remove him from ally list.

09-15-2017, 12:52 PM
People should be doing two things for this event:

1) Don't hit the Galaxiflies with anything less than 2 RPs; these are not bosses where simply tagging is going to benefit you or anyone else.

2) Don't summon an RB if you can't hit it with at least 2 RPs, and don't summon one at all if there are two or more Galaxiflies up already that you haven't hit (with at least 2 RPs).

That should reduce the frequent gluts of Galaxiflies we're getting that allow many to escape and lets players focus on the ones that are up.

I'm ok with the "hit what you summon" part, but for the 1st point, I wonder: when the help request in sent to 50 people, what happens if those who see it don't hit it? Will it be sent to others? If not, then it's best to go even for one point, but I agree it's best to wait for more points (if possible with the timers).

09-15-2017, 01:28 PM
I read thread back track and know you can share your boss with other 100 people on DMM.
This should help on next RB event if those dev can adapt it.
Also I believe bloom system will help with this broken RB too, maybe.

Let's hope those dev do something to help their player in next event.
But for me, only get event girl out of this is more than enough.

09-15-2017, 01:33 PM
I'm ok with the "hit what you summon" part, but for the 1st point, I wonder: when the help request in sent to 50 people, what happens if those who see it don't hit it? Will it be sent to others? If not, then it's best to go even for one point, but I agree it's best to wait for more points (if possible with the timers).

No idea if the support request gets resent; I'm betting it doesn't. That said, it's still better to wait for a 2nd RP to generate unless the boss is either quite close to being dead (<1M) or you can reliably deal 1M damage with only 1 RP. RPs regen at 1:30 minutes and RB's last for 2 hours. There's really no reason someone can't wait 30-60m if it means dealing an extra 50% damage.

Remember, there are a lot of players who struggle to hit even 300k (the number all 50 players would need to hit to deal 15M damage total) with 3 RPs, and those are the ones more likely to simply spread tags around since they know their contribution isn't much and have a greater need of the rewards so the risk of some escaping is more acceptable to them. We need to be prepared to make up the slack if we decide to hit the boss.

Now that I'm thinking about it, has anyone ever seen a RB where more than half of the max number of people who could hit it did so? In this event, most of the RB's I've seen escape never had more than 15-ish people hit it.

09-15-2017, 03:00 PM
I can one shot the 10 RB bosses - sweet

then I can prolly summon the 20 RB bosses then

09-15-2017, 06:30 PM

Finally broke 2 million on one point. I now consider this event complete.

09-15-2017, 06:47 PM
I think I usually go smash my allies' raid bosses as my main ones then go hit strangers but pick ones where it's 3/4 health or less

09-16-2017, 12:44 AM
didn't know wut da heck those flowers were but oh dat's nice for da new playas if they didn't get Treasure Flower


09-16-2017, 11:35 AM
And shop cleared!

Not so many prices this time, the card turning event seemd to give more (manyus, ampies and dragons), on this one I don't remember getting any ampy from a RB.

09-16-2017, 12:17 PM
Well yeah obviously.. but if I share to 50 people, wouldn't a good portion of them be low level players, and lots of AFKs?

Plus I'm seeing some on my list that apparently were only shared to allies, like the one I have now with 39 minutes left and only two people on the list.

Late reply, but important to note: Opening up a Raid Boss to everybody includes your allies before others are added to the list. I tested this with my three accounts...every single time I opened up a boss to everybody with one account, both of my other accounts were included in the support request.

09-16-2017, 12:25 PM
I did some testing, it seems that its better to drop the Weaker Boss into Global help request. Everytime I did that, the Boss got downed withing 2-5 minutes, whereas when I brought out the stronger Phase 2 Boss, it sometime took even 10 minutes.

I am pretty sure I wont be able to get rid of all the boss summoning currency on time before the event end. To bad I cant just directly exchange it for the one used to buy the items in 1>2 ratio.

Ah well, I`ll try to get all the Manyus, and whatever I can get my hands in addition will be an extra.

09-16-2017, 01:20 PM
Serissa has huge tits by the way if anyone is wondering

Like how big we talkin' here? Ludicrous Black Bacc watermelons or just tastefully large like Mono. Honestly, if they're bigger than a pair of Cymbidiums, I'm not gonna get my hopes up. I was really excited they might have a non-loli with a small pair for once, but I guys that's just too much to ask for. Any chance for a picture link, so I don't waste an exchange ticket months from now?

09-16-2017, 02:52 PM
And shop cleared!

Not so many prices this time, the card turning event seemd to give more (manyus, ampies and dragons), on this one I don't remember getting any ampy from a RB.

Like da card event too gave out tons of goods

All we get are equip upgrades and shop of usual goods

09-16-2017, 03:36 PM
Event is over for me. Time to farm a bit thoses Whale maps. And Manyu for more red and blue. Espacially red actually.

09-16-2017, 03:40 PM
Like how big we talkin' here? Ludicrous Black Bacc watermelons or just tastefully large like Mono. Honestly, if they're bigger than a pair of Cymbidiums, I'm not gonna get my hopes up. I was really excited they might have a non-loli with a small pair for once, but I guys that's just too much to ask for. Any chance for a picture link, so I don't waste an exchange ticket months from now?

By huge anime tiddy standards, they're pretty modest. She's about a little bigger than Mono(tropastrum?) but nothing amazing.

09-16-2017, 05:03 PM
Like how big we talkin' here? Ludicrous Black Bacc watermelons or just tastefully large like Mono. Honestly, if they're bigger than a pair of Cymbidiums, I'm not gonna get my hopes up. I was really excited they might have a non-loli with a small pair for once, but I guys that's just too much to ask for. Any chance for a picture link, so I don't waste an exchange ticket months from now?

Go here (very obviously NSFW): https://danbooru.donmai.us/
Search for: banteishi_(flower_knight_girl)

09-16-2017, 05:04 PM
Like how big we talkin' here? Ludicrous Black Bacc watermelons or just tastefully large like Mono. Honestly, if they're bigger than a pair of Cymbidiums, I'm not gonna get my hopes up. I was really excited they might have a non-loli with a small pair for once, but I guys that's just too much to ask for. Any chance for a picture link, so I don't waste an exchange ticket months from now?

Go here (very obviously NSFW): https://danbooru.donmai.us/
Search for: banteishi_(flower_knight_girl)

09-17-2017, 02:38 AM
don't know how many bugs squashed to get my 1st gold drop 6578

09-17-2017, 04:18 AM
Ho, nice.

I got silver from RB, but the gold only came from the shop.

09-17-2017, 03:00 PM
I had 70 Flower gems left and decided to do the gacha at least once before the event ends. This is probably my best "flower gems pull":


09-17-2017, 03:19 PM
I had 70 Flower gems left and decided to do the gacha at least once before the event ends. This is probably my best "flower gems pull":


That's an outstanding pull; grats!

09-17-2017, 03:40 PM
Holy shit, 2 Rainbows!

congrats !

09-18-2017, 02:14 PM
Fuk yeah baby, clear da shop (https://agentfakku.tumblr.com/post/165484603680) - man took foooorever - I guess b/c raid bosses escaped - I didn't bother to check da history

just kept smashing bugs

kinda wish they had coins in the shop - they usually do - im broke man

09-18-2017, 05:28 PM
Fuk yeah baby, clear da shop (https://agentfakku.tumblr.com/post/165484603680) - man took foooorever - I guess b/c raid bosses escaped - I didn't bother to check da history

just kept smashing bugs

kinda wish they had coins in the shop - they usually do - im broke man

I'm sitting on 5 DEF and 1 ATK ampy left in the shop but i'm not concerned, not like I need them or they are hard to come by. If they had coins in the shop tho i'd be all over that, my coin situation turned drastic after something like 12 evolves in recent months and 5-6 of them being 6*s.....

09-18-2017, 06:50 PM
I'm hurting for ampy b/c I have 3 new rainbow gurls in just 2 months due to good NG deals - I couldn't resist and my wallet got raped by Victoria

Seen so many guys fully ampy their gurls and I can't even have the patience to do it, just gonna ampy my rainbow girl up to EE 50 and then just do manyu
Not sure if I should go use up all my summoning seed tonight - I mean it could help other users if they haven't finished yet


I have nothing to do 'cept grind for manyus and purple dragons - yeah, I have too many red, blue, and yellow since I evolved almost all of my slice, pierce, and hit but Magic - I'm behind

and for some reason, I'm lucky w/ the 100% rate (do't wanna post I'm lucky b/c everyone was mad at the Dragon Drop rate but for some reason, lvl 100 reds and yellows were falling into my lap but not the purple ones)

09-18-2017, 07:03 PM
I'm hurting for ampy b/c I have 3 new rainbow gurls in just 2 months due to good NG deals - I couldn't resist and my wallet got raped by Victoria
Seen so many guys fully ampy their gurls
Rest assured, I'm not one of them. Although I'm now working on my first one: Acacia.
I maxed one or two types of ampies on some girls, but Acacia is my first one to get the full three-type treatment.
Fritialaria & Alpinia: maxed on ATK ampies
Anemone & Helenium: maxed HP and DEF ampies

Once I finish with Acacia, I'm going to max Bonci and Snowdrop. But it'll be a while before I finish those tw, so I don't have any plans beyond them (yet).

09-18-2017, 07:19 PM
psstsss not gonna fall for peer pressure

huh - one type treatment - dat might be easier to do than feeding all 3 amphies = man dat fuking drain my gold b/c I finished getting Apricot to EE 50 and im like exhausted

09-19-2017, 03:48 AM
psstsss not gonna fall for peer pressure

huh - one type treatment - dat might be easier to do than feeding all 3 amphies = man dat fuking drain my gold b/c I finished getting Apricot to EE 50 and im like exhausted
The idea I had, was to stack on their main feature.
-Fritillaria gets a percentile ATK bonus upto 30% whenever a unit in her squad makes a special attack. The higher her ATK, the bigger the bonus. So raising her ATK by 100 points actually raises it by 130 points. More ATK value from my ampies.
-Alpinia's has life leech, which is a percentage of the damage she deals on her special attacks. That means her ATK acts both offensively and defensively. More ATK means more health recovered.
-Anemone and Helenium are counter-girls (like your Apricot). Whenever they take damage, they deal damage back with their DEF added to their ATK. So, their DEF acts both Defensively and Offensively. More ATK or HP always helps, but these girls are the ones who benefit more from DEF than other girls, so it was a no-brainer to give them my DEF-ampies.

Right now I'm working on Acacia, who is a bit of a special case. Her main feature is the ATK debuff on enemies. Stacking this debuff in a squad and combining it with high DEF can reduce the damage dealt by some higher lvl raidbosses (Like the Galaxyfly in this event) considerably. It's a bit too much to expect that damage to get reduced to 1 point (the minimum), but reducing a hit worth several thousand points of damage to just about 300 points definitely helps her survive longer. And because she got so many rounds to deal damage, I figured I'd boost her ATK as well. Well, and she's waifu, so uhhhhm, yeah :D

09-19-2017, 04:29 AM
kay, thanks for the advice

gotta give Apricot DEF treatment

09-19-2017, 04:44 AM
15 minutes left to clear Raid Bosses!

09-19-2017, 05:05 AM
The idea I had, was to stack on their main feature.
-Fritillaria gets a percentile ATK bonus upto 30% whenever a unit in her squad makes a special attack. The higher her ATK, the bigger the bonus. So raising her ATK by 100 points actually raises it by 130 points. More ATK value from my ampies.
-Alpinia's has life leech, which is a percentage of the damage she deals on her special attacks. That means her ATK acts both offensively and defensively. More ATK means more health recovered.
-Anemone and Helenium are counter-girls (like your Apricot). Whenever they take damage, they deal damage back with their DEF added to their ATK. So, their DEF acts both Defensively and Offensively. More ATK or HP always helps, but these girls are the ones who benefit more from DEF than other girls, so it was a no-brainer to give them my DEF-ampies.

Right now I'm working on Acacia, who is a bit of a special case. Her main feature is the ATK debuff on enemies. Stacking this debuff in a squad and combining it with high DEF can reduce the damage dealt by some higher lvl raidbosses (Like the Galaxyfly in this event) considerably. It's a bit too much to expect that damage to get reduced to 1 point (the minimum), but reducing a hit worth several thousand points of damage to just about 300 points definitely helps her survive longer. And because she got so many rounds to deal damage, I figured I'd boost her ATK as well. Well, and she's waifu, so uhhhhm, yeah :D

Also keep in mind that the future Promotion Traits we can assign to individual girls has one called "Healing Boost" that allows a girl to buff her health up to 125% of her normal health, so in Alpinia's case, health ampies will give her a larger base and defense ampies will help her keep it.

For me, I've fully amped only three so far: Dendrobium, Saffron and Alpinia, though I will admit that amping Saffron's attack seems indulgent. I just got OCD about it.

09-19-2017, 09:28 AM
I actually go the other way about ampy's. The girl (6*s only right now) with the least in a stat gets the ampy's to buff her up. Hanamomo for instance has full +400 def because without it she only has 1600 >.>

09-19-2017, 09:35 AM
I just maxed the waifu with all three, then do the same to the favorite 6*, and on down the favorite line. After all, it's a waifu game, and not very difficult.

09-19-2017, 10:52 AM
I max-ampied Kerria and Christmas Rose for the 3 ampies, Ardisia for ATK ampies (others are currently done but stoped now) and Rose is max HP and Def ampied. Now, I'm on maxing Fritisomething aka Rice Lily.

09-19-2017, 11:34 AM
On my side, I have maxed Kerria on ATK and Helenium on Def/HP.

Now I am balancing my ampies between all my 6*, mainly with Atk for Fritillaria, but Mimosa and Saffron got some levels with just ampies (to avoid paying at 70)

09-19-2017, 11:40 AM
Event end in less than one day (with 1 more day than expected) and there is still genius who poke Galaxyfly with one lvl1 2* girl. I love raid bosses event just for that.
(and if anyone wonder why I deal so much damage, it's because of x5 damage from 3 Raid Point Battle, not because of my super high power)

Sasara Kusugawa
09-19-2017, 12:57 PM
Ok, so does anyone have any idea when will they come out with the next event? For me, chances are they're not gonna release it so fast yet because the next event is a completely new event. The jump might be 2 big 2 handle for them. If they're gonna close the game for maintenance almost every day just to update a new race, I'd suggest you guys better do the reprint.

09-19-2017, 01:12 PM
I don't think they are going to have to do maintenance each time for the Swan race or whatever it was

In DMM, they didn't do dat either

should be nice and simple for the engineers

09-20-2017, 04:51 AM
re the lost day for the boat race, it makes more sense for them to run the whole event with all races and rob a day off the start of the next event if it is just a collect tokens/kill raid boss event, as they can compensate us for the lost day with an extra FG or two for extra stamina, whereas if they chop off the first or last race, that is just naff.

09-20-2017, 05:25 AM
re the lost day for the boat race, it makes more sense for them to run the whole event with all races and rob a day off the start of the next event if it is just a collect tokens/kill raid boss event, as they can compensate us for the lost day with an extra FG or two for extra stamina, whereas if they chop off the first or last race, that is just naff.
Day 10 doesn't seem to be the one with the best payout (it's an avarage x50), but I actually don't think it'll be necessary to cut off any race day anyway, since it's a 10-day event, while events on Nutaku run for 14 days (or in this case: 13 days).

It's also possible for Nutaku to handle the event slightly different in the first place: put the racedays on different "pages", kinda like we have for the gacha-events, and let the players move to the "next" day whenever they want. Release day 1-6 for Phase 1, and day 7-10 for Phase 2, and it shouldn't be a problem for people to clear it.

Main question is: will we be able to use the cheat-sheet from DMM, or will they randomize the winners?

Sasara Kusugawa
09-20-2017, 06:25 AM
It's also possible for Nutaku to handle the event slightly different in the first place: put the racedays on different "pages", kinda like we have for the gacha-events, and let the players move to the "next" day whenever they want. Release day 1-6 for Phase 1, and day 7-10 for Phase 2, and it shouldn't be a problem for people to clear it.

Okay, if players can move to the next day whenever they want, then when will the results be posted and how do players get their bets if there's no fixed time for it? Plus, I think it'll be too much work for Nutaku, you know. If we follow the DMM version, they will most likely place the races during the last 10 days of the event.