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View Full Version : Need some advice with trading post and awakening

09-14-2017, 12:58 PM
The units in the trading post will change soon and i'm not sure if i should buy gianna.
I dont have any artilerry officier.
Is it better fo buy gianna or should i get percis and start leveling her.
I dont have any experience with artillery officiers. are they important to have?.
It would be great to know if i should spend my demon crystal now or wait until the trading post offers new units.

Also i am pretty close to cc my entire team, which units should i prioritise to level up so i can awaken them?
The units that i have cc'd are:
Katie 50cc54 (gold soldier)
bashira 50cc50 (platinum archer)
valerie 50cc50 (silver mage)
alissa 50cc50 (silver healer)
iris 50cc46 (gold healer)
leeanna 50cc45 (silver heavy infantry)
cloris 50cc40 (gold witch)
caliope 50cc10 (silver witch)

special units:
alicia 40 (platinum royal guard)
raven 30 (platinum sword master)

not cc'd:
spica 50 (platinum archer)
valerie 2# 50 (silver mage)
leeanne 2# 50 (silver heavy infantry)
phylils 50 (silver soldier)
cypria 30 (platinum rogue)

Any advice would be appreciated

09-14-2017, 03:32 PM
at work right now , so ill give a more detailed answer in a couple hours.

Artilery officers are not that important to have and are a bit of a niche. The only mission where you'd actually use an artilery officers is one of the DC dailies , but you can do that with a percy (silver artilery) , and that depends on the strategy you use to beat said daily , because there are plenty of straegies that don't use them

You could get her if you have the extra dc , but if you don't i wouldn't call it a loss hoonestly

As for which units you should prioritize ...well , seeing that your roster is not that big , going by highest to lowest rarity is not a mistake.

Ill give more details later

09-14-2017, 03:48 PM
Trading Post: I would save up for the next rotation. Artillery officers are fairly niche units, and your team is barebones enough that you'd be better off grabbing another more general-use unit. I consider Chydis or Saki better overall. This depends on how many DCs you have saved up, but I imagine you don't have that much.

For Awakening, I would say Spica first, but since she's pretty far off for you I'd recommend AWing Katie since she's always useful. My recommended order would be Katie, Spica, Iris.

For the future, you definitely want to look into getting a strong tank because what you have currently won't cut it on the harder missions.

09-14-2017, 04:48 PM
she has alicia which can tank ...especially she will get her saw , but the issue is her block

09-14-2017, 05:11 PM
Trading Post: I would save up for the next rotation. Artillery officers are fairly niche units, and your team is barebones enough that you'd be better off grabbing another more general-use unit. I consider Chydis or Saki better overall. This depends on how many DCs you have saved up, but I imagine you don't have that much.

For Awakening, I would say Spica first, but since she's pretty far off for you I'd recommend AWing Katie since she's always useful. My recommended order would be Katie, Spica, Iris.

For the future, you definitely want to look into getting a strong tank because what you have currently won't cut it on the harder missions.

thanks for the advice, i think i will keep my crystals then.
katie seems indeed to be a good start
As for lacking a strong tank, i am aware of that, sadly rngjesus thinks i need silver pirates, rogues and bandits, the only decent drop i got is raven

she has alicia which can tank ...especially she will get her saw , but the issue is her block
She got buffed on dmm but i donĀ“t know if the nutaku version is good enough for tanking.

09-14-2017, 06:19 PM
ok , just got home.

First and foremost , i'd go spica. She buffs herself and bashira and archers are one of the most general use unit in the game.

Awakening katie is not a bad ideea , but the imediate improvement aw katie brings to your team over aw spica does is really low.

Alicia is decent tank even now. At level 70 she has 530 base armor with a skill that doubles it. Leanne has 507 base at max level , which she increases by 1.6 at max skill level , and lasts 15 seconds less as well.

From that point of view , alicia beats leanne in ability to tank , but not in ability to block. Which again , it can be both a curse (when u need blockers) and a blessing (she won't stop multiple heavy hitters , therefore her load is less).
Alicia will have 200 less hp then leanne , when at level 70 , but heavily outstats leanne when awakened ( she pretty much gets 1k extra hp post awakening)

All in all , alicia is still good enough to use as a tank even now.

As for other awakenings , i'd actually go for iris before katie as well. An awakened healer is great to have asap.

09-15-2017, 12:01 PM
Thanks for the info about alicia, because she could only block 2, i didnt reallly saw her as a usefull tank.
But i will start leveling her up now,
As for awakening if i manage to get enough silver archers to cc spica, i wil priortitise her to awaken otherwise iris and kate will be first.
Thanks again both of you, the advice helped me alot.