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View Full Version : Is that supposed to happen?

10-01-2017, 07:35 AM
The moment I went into the plain of rituals, I fought the boss. From the first 3 times I've fought her, I've already gotten all of her girls. Is that implemented in the game, or was I struck with an abundance of luck?

10-01-2017, 09:05 AM
I was going to ask the same.
Got the 3 girls in a row, I knew it would be easier but didn't expect that much.
Pretty funny how it went from an extreme to another. :D

10-01-2017, 09:21 AM
I got them too in the first 3 time, but i didnt see any dropable quest items :confused:

10-01-2017, 10:06 AM
damnit after reading this thread i quickly spend some kobans to refill both my energy bar and my fighting energy bar so that i could reach the plain of rituels. But i got nothing out of it, it seems it got fixed. And to add insult to injury. only one part is from the story is unlocked so i wasted 85 energy...

10-01-2017, 10:18 AM
No such luck for me after fighting her half a dozen times.

The chances have been noticeably better since version 2.0 hit. I've gotten Solveig, Stephanie, Rumiko, Lola, Miss Spook, and Sylvia to drop since then. But I'm still missing Sung Tai Ki (world 3), Housemaid (world 4), Kelina (world 6), Leeditt (world 7), Marina (world 8), and of course all three world 9 girls.

10-01-2017, 12:57 PM
Had all the troll girls so far, and I did get the new girls in 3 fights. Not sure if intentional or not either.

10-01-2017, 01:45 PM
If it's a bug, it's not fixed yet. I got all 3 girls just now. (Maybe 5 minutes before the time of writing this.)

10-01-2017, 02:54 PM
Well not a bug for everyone... got nothing ^^

10-01-2017, 02:58 PM
I also got the three New girls in the first three fights.. Thats a little too fast.. In the event i got zero girls..

10-01-2017, 04:55 PM
It has something to do with the new drop system overcompensating, its an extreme form of an intended feature. Basically you get a bonus for every day you don't get a girl while fighting a certain amount of times on that day (and certain other conditions), and that bonus decreases when you get a girl drop. You can get a bonus that lets you get multiple in a row through that, so not everyone has it but some people do.
It's not a exactly bug, but more of an oversight that creates this situation if you can't get girls for an extended period of time.

10-01-2017, 05:08 PM
Just adding that same thing happened to me. I've had all girls available from previous worlds for awhile and have just been farming the latest troll for money. Guess I built a really high pity score over the past month or so.

10-02-2017, 06:12 AM
It has something to do with the new drop system overcompensating, its an extreme form of an intended feature. Basically you get a bonus for every day you don't get a girl while fighting a certain amount of times on that day (and certain other conditions), and that bonus decreases when you get a girl drop. You can get a bonus that lets you get multiple in a row through that, so not everyone has it but some people do.
It's not a exactly bug, but more of an oversight that creates this situation if you can't get girls for an extended period of time.

Only fights I did with trolls since they implemented 2.0 were those when even was up. Otherwise all my battle energy was used on PvP. So 10 days of farming trolls and getting the event girls dropped is enough to trigger this system to get all 3 new world girls in a row, or they count days even if you don't battle trolls, or they count used energy or actual fights but count PvP in.

As a side note: I to got all 3 girls in a row when I hit new world (12h ago). At least I can continue doing PvP and see how generous are the affection drops in it ;].

10-02-2017, 10:46 AM
So how does this getting 3 girls in a row affect the event girl drops?
Or is there no effect at all?

10-02-2017, 11:00 AM
Or is there no effect at all?
No idea yet I'd say. Been fighting Gruntt non stop, still nothing so far. But too early to tell.

10-03-2017, 11:28 AM
yesterday i got the Orc girl on dark Lord.
Just now i got the Red Demon Girl, so i got both event girls on 2 days.
Wasnt expecting it at all this fast but since you guys are saying you got the 3 new girls, maybe they changed it 180ยบ

10-03-2017, 12:19 PM
Same with me. I got both girls in the first two days. It was quite a pleasant surprise after fighting Dark Lord between 800-900 times without getting Justina in the previous event.

10-03-2017, 01:31 PM
One girl for me so far but in most events I got girls on last 2 days so I consider that good luck :) ... now I hope to get the other one fast so I can start farming cash from last boss so I can buy more affection items :)

JT a
10-06-2017, 07:58 AM
I got the demon girl really fast, but it took until today to get the orc girl... then I got the other 2 girl I was missing from Finalmecia back to back.(and I thought I had been lucky getting the first girl from her on my first try..)

I do a lot of boss fighting for the contests though.. (free koban is free kobans :D)

10-10-2017, 02:26 AM
Hello, all!

Thank you so much for reporting this.
(There was a second threat on the topic, too)

Anyways, yes. There was a bug. One of the most ''generous'' bugs ever :D
Our dev team is working on it, so that it doesn't happen again, well.. at least not all girls on the first try. We want to keep you interested!!!

Best regards,

10-18-2017, 06:05 PM

I'm confused to how this worked out for some players. I've been battling Finalmecia now for over 3 weeks and I've yet to get a single drop from her. I've also had no luck in getting Regine from Grunt.

I most have logged at least 300 battles vs Grunt with only Regine left for me to pick up and still she shuns me.

I think that for the New game mechanic to work for me on Finalmecia I must have needed to have all the other Story Girls in my Harem. :confused: