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View Full Version : Kobans for common gear in market place?

10-18-2017, 04:46 PM
Just a quick heads up for anyone who (like myself) might not have noticed this in the Market Place.

It seems that common gear is selling for Kobans. I did not notice the currency being asked for and thought that I could free up some space in the available gear selection for when I hit my next level and got a restock by buying the low priced common items that were being offered. Imagine my shock when I realized that I had just spent 260 Kobans on 3 pieces of common gear!

I was just 4 days way from hitting 900 Kobans and now I'm down to 557!

Oh well, I'll take it has a lesson learned.

10-18-2017, 04:50 PM
One of the common items going for Kobans is Charming Big Hair, be careful.

10-18-2017, 06:19 PM
I just remembered my account info for these forums, I was posting under the name PureGuilt.

Here are some more common gears going for Kobans:

Tough Dragon Paladin 120 Kobans

Lucky Intelligent Entity 67 Kobans

Hardcare Jpop Doll 106 Kobans

Is this working has intended?

I'm hoping that this might be a bug so I could possibly get my Kobans back :confused:

10-18-2017, 06:36 PM
I just remembered my account info for these forums, I was posting under the name PureGuilt.

Here are some more common gears going for Kobans:

Tough Dragon Paladin 120 Kobans

Lucky Intelligent Entity 67 Kobans

Hardcare Jpop Doll 106 Kobans

Is this working has intended?

I'm hoping that this might be a bug so I could possibly get my Kobans back :confused:

It's not a bug, gear (of any rarity) can have a Koban price in the Market. Not really much that can be done for refunds, it's up to you to pay attention to the cost.

10-20-2017, 07:28 AM
I just remembered my account info for these forums, I was posting under the name PureGuilt.

Here are some more common gears going for Kobans:

Tough Dragon Paladin 120 Kobans

Lucky Intelligent Entity 67 Kobans

Hardcare Jpop Doll 106 Kobans

Is this working has intended?

I'm hoping that this might be a bug so I could possibly get my Kobans back :confused:

No bug, just the devs becoming ever sleazier.

10-21-2017, 05:32 AM
No bug, just the devs becoming ever sleazier.

Well at least we actually earn Kobans at a pretty good rate now, no more waiting half a year to save up 900.

10-21-2017, 08:29 AM
No bug, just the devs becoming ever sleazier.

How is it them being sleazier? It was plainly spelled out in the release notes that items in the shop would, sometimes, have a koban price. There is also the fact that kobans come at you pretty quickly these days, if you do missions. Finally, you should be asked if you want to spend kobans on a purchase before it completes, unless you disabled the warning. Granted, I'm not keen on there being a koban price for a common piece of gear. IMHO you shouldn't see a koban price on anything less than an epic, and even then, it had better be really good.

10-21-2017, 01:02 PM
It seems that uncommon items can also show up with Koban prices.

I'm watching all in-game currency prices like a Hawk :cool: