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View Full Version : In memoriam of MWA

11-01-2017, 12:57 PM
Since the game is ending , and it seems to be no hope whatsoever for MWA , i decided to make a thread in which we link our teams to be remembered after the game closes.
I know this forum is not that big , but i've come to like the community , and i;ve enjoyed being part of it. It;s too bad the things will end like this.

That being said , i;ll start with my "black" (aka premium) account. The only online game in which i;ve invested real money(not that much compared to others - around 150$ - but still... I never invested in an online game before)
Account level 242 (aparently i lied in the other thread. I was under the impresion that i was 245. Still close enough)


All in all , i think it;s a pretty strong account. Almost all awakened units are also saw-ed (assuming they have an saw obviously) and i have a number of good blacks on it , with ingrid being the new addition.
Outside of the units i have posted i also have a barack full of silvers.
EDIT: also forgot anna. She was in the main baracks , but because of her level she was way low and i forgot about her.

I;ll update later with my other account , because honestly , making this took way longer then i expected and i;m lazy.

11-01-2017, 05:09 PM
Okay , here is my fremium account. I never invested any money in this team :
Acount level 245


Well this is it guys. All my work of almost 3 years.

Kamahari Akuma
11-02-2017, 05:37 AM
To all ladies whom I've swooned.

To all the bros whom I got to know.

And to all I've yet to meet, in this wonderful journey.

I shall miss you all.


You WILL be missed, but never forgotten...

11-02-2017, 02:35 PM
Hmm , i kinda expected this thread to be a bit more popular considering the number of regulars we had here. I mean , we weren't that many , but we were at least more then 2 people. Guess i was the only one thinking of making something like an archive for our community....

11-02-2017, 03:21 PM
Hmm , i kinda expected this thread to be a bit more popular considering the number of regulars we had here. I mean , we weren't that many , but we were at least more then 2 people. Guess i was the only one thinking of making something like an archive for our community....

Eh, give it time. I, for instance, just need to find the time to properly screenshot my team. I was also planning on doing a little writeup about my feelings regarding each character, so that's something that'll take a bit of time to do.

11-02-2017, 03:35 PM
Hmm , i kinda expected this thread to be a bit more popular considering the number of regulars we had here. I mean , we weren't that many , but we were at least more then 2 people. Guess i was the only one thinking of making something like an archive for our community....

I'm still busy with work

Plus, I might try to work on some units for the wiki before screenshoting now

11-02-2017, 04:16 PM
Poor english incoming, not that many of you will care with those sad times... Also, BIG WALL OF TEXT INCOMING !!!

I don't ever remember how I came across Aigis at first. At the end of the month, I would have been playing for 2 years. I was immediatly addicted to the game. Even when I was on holidays I was trying to log on the game to spend my charisma and stamina (I will never tell my brother how I was using his laptop...).
Thinking about how I'd upgrade my units was fun. Trying to complete each new map, whether on event or story, was fun. Being able to finally complete each daily in G difficulty was fun (I lie, was never able to complete Crystal daily G cause I'm braindead). Taking a liking to some units was fun... This is the result of those almost 2 years :


I wasn't using all of them, far from it, but I really liked what I've been able to get. Not a lot of blacks, but I was happy with the way I was progressing through the game.

And now, Nutaku Aigis is over.

I don't even know if it's something to be ashamed of, but I like this game so much I've already began to play on DMM side. Guess my resolution about "giving DMM the f*ck you answer" on another post didn't last long against the "Aigis withdrawal"... Now I'm happy because I've been able to bring Katie to level 50 by farming Return to Ruins and because I've CCed Leeanne.
But even if I'm still having fun, it won't be the same. I won't be understanding sh*t cause of moonrunes, and everything I had will be lost... I really hope I'll be able to bring back some units I liked a lot :

- Sybilla was my first black. At first I didn't used her for 1 or 2 months cause I was totally inexperienced, and it was the first unit I got who was outside the "classics" HA / healer / archer / mage / etc... Then I put her in my team to test her, at level 1, and she diced through an ogre in 3 hits... I laughed nervously, upped her, and she never disappointed me. When I first used her after SAW was the icing of the cake, I laughed again when I saw her annihilating anything with a frightening range.
- Farne was the second and last black I got from Shrine. I got her recently, and I have never been able to use her to her full potential. Won't have enough time to do it anymore, but I liked the few times I used her on a map.
- I got Anya from her revival... I finally understood why everyone was speaking about her. She was up to her reputation.
- Karma, best panic unit ever. Enough said.
- Marr was the second plat I got. Same first impression than Sybilla : don't know the class, must suck. God was I wrong... A godsend for any poison map, and a living miracle with her skill.
- Sasha was the first plat I got, I saw from the beginning how strong she was, and how her skill allowed me to cheese some maps where I would have been unable to tank the mobs. Plus her art roxx.
- Belinda : keep being strong, I'm coming for you on DMM.
- Spica : this strong and available through DC ? Coming too
- Chydis : go look at the daughter.
- Flamel : when I got a unit able to either tank or heal, I wanted to max them ASAP. Flamel was worth every plat armor I fed her.
- Raven : you were the waifu of my friend. Too bad, I'm the one who got you.
- Claire : a gold unit this strong ? You did very well once AWed, thank you.
- Iris : from the beginning to the end, you were maybe the most staple unit in my team. Thanks a lot.
- Bernice : From the moment I got you, I made you tank almost anything. Thank you too.
- Aria : got you on your revival, maybe "only" -2 CR, but I used you a lot. Thank again
- Katie : Close second to Iris for the "Was in your team for the longest time" award I think... When I CCed you, it was a step I was finally able to complete. Thanks for this.
- Vincent : Wanted to SAW you and laugh like a madman while you would be decimating anything... Won't have time.

All of them, and lots of others, will be lost... It's strange to think I could like them this much, when they are only a few pieces of arts, a few lines of text and some variables. Nothing real, all virtual. But they all have been a part of those last 2 years of my life. Not a very important one, nothing life changing, but just a part where I was having fun, chatting with a friend on Skype about how to optimize our team and so on...
Now that I'm writing this, I finally understand this will be the end of my road with them. I know it will be almost impossible, but while playing on DMM, I really hope to be able to get all of them once again, to finally be able to play again together. They will all be special to me, hope the future will put a few of them on my way. Still don't know how I should use my black ticket, Sybilla or another one...

This wall of text goes to an end. Was almost all the time a lurker, but each of you who read this and posted on this forum was a part of why I enjoyed this game that much. Thanks a lot, I hope to see you again on a forum soon (maybe this one, who knows...).

This was Kyanon, away and out * wipes tear IRL like a noob *

11-02-2017, 06:41 PM
@Kyanon Amen.

Ill join in on this thread at a later date, it propably will take some time. First I will polish some stuff left on my account.

11-03-2017, 07:22 PM
Hmm , i kinda expected this thread to be a bit more popular considering the number of regulars we had here. I mean , we weren't that many , but we were at least more then 2 people. Guess i was the only one thinking of making something like an archive for our community....

I'm too pissed off atm. And that there's not even a single transfer option. Seriously.

11-04-2017, 07:27 AM
I'll try to post mine later. Even though it's shutting down, I want to try and speed run my Harem to 100% affection!

11-04-2017, 08:09 PM
Hi All,

Sad to be saying goodbye to all my little cuties :'(

I have however decided to go back to my old DMM account, which i stopped using after finding out that there was an english version of the game on Nutaku.

So back to getting all my lil girls back and a bunch of new ones there.

Flamey out.

11-05-2017, 10:29 AM
Although it's sad that Aigis is going, I can kind of understand were the admins are coming from. Instead of getting upset I'm going to try and think positive about the future. Hopefully we get some serious developers that actually want to make a good games. With that said I should probably stop being lazy and work towards making my own game(s) -_-


So here it is. Most (excluding most male and fodder) of my legacy.

WARNING Wall-O-Text incoming!

Units that I liked and actually used in no particular order:

Phyllis: Cute and badass. Low cost made her useful even in some of the later maps and daily's.
Katie: Good all round.
Zenobia: Pulled her late, but became my primary solder.

Leeanne: I really love her overall character design
Bernice: Solid and had a place in my team for the longest time. Really disliked the pink armor... Looked much better with (most of) it off!
Maribel: Built her up to use in situational use, but became obsolete once I got Dine... I like her artwork anyway so meh.
Dine: Became my primary heavy fairly late game. Armor looks kewl, but didn't like character design much.

Elaine: When I needed a cheap Valkyrie
Carrie: Had her uses
Emilia: Didn't use Valkyries that much but she was my go to for most situations.

Cuterie: Mostly for her +affection passive. I really like her art also.

Lilia: First princess I pulled and became my go to. I always thought her artwork was funny, in the ero scenes she looks like what you would expect but during combat I swore she put on a hamster cloak.....

Lyla: Really nice artwork. Sadly I didn't use bandits all that much. But she shined in some of the event maps
Seria: Got her really late and only used her for the passive.

Shizuka: She had a place on my team for the longest time.

Nagi: Had her uses and really liked her art, but she was a little late to take Saki's place
Saki: One of my favorite units and used a lot. Good artwork too.

Magic Fencer-
Anemone: I used her on occasion. I likely would have used Charlotte instead, but I missed her event first time.

Marie: Very cheap and good on some occasion. Liked her character art too.

Priest Warriors-
Ertel: Necessary in some situations.
Ehret: Used to replace Ertel once I got her stats up.

Dargon Riders-
Lucille: Built her up in hopes of using her, but I always ended up a day late and a dollar short.

Vampire Lords-
Eden: Became one of my favored dullest. Not healing was a pain but after awaking that wasn't too much an issue.

Gloria: Useful in some situations.
Sandra: See Gloria

Daniela and Soma: Low cost made them useful even late game.
Spica: My go to archer for the longest time.
Rita: Although she starts to be out shined by other archers late game, I kept her on my team because her artwork is badass. Her skill may have been gimmicky, but I still found it useful on many occasions.
Nanaly: Got her mid late game, put her on my team and never took her out!

Palace: Used her to replace the male fireballers once I got her. May have not used her all that much if it weren't for me missing Odette's event.
Sasha: Best fire chucker I ever had.

Alissa and Dorca: Same as the two archers, useful even late game due to cost.
Fedora and Iris: Replaced Ali and Dor most of late game.
Cydis: Replaced Fedora when I finally got her stats up.

Belinda: My primary choice when I needed a witch
Cloris: My secondary choice when I needed two witches
Calliope: When I needed a cheap witch
Nenya: When Nutaku stopped being gay and I needed two cheap witches

Monica: Kept her around for passive DC boost. Had her uses in some situations.

Vampire Hunters-
Khuri: Used when necessary.
Fran: Liked her character art and use her to replace Khuri in most situations.

Noel: Great all round unit and liked the character art and concept. She ended up taking Palace's place when I got her level up.

Kanon: Nice character design and art. Unfortunately I never got to use her a whole lot.

Waltz: When I needed a dancer.

Leda: Used her every so often. Had to be careful as I would forget to remove her when I was done.

Units released on Nutaku that I would like to have gotten (mostly for aesthetics)-

Sybilla: Spent SC whenever she came up in gacha, unfortunately I never got her.
Raven: Same with Sybilla. I almost never got spotlight come to think of it.
Sabine: May have actually used magic fences on a regular basis if I got her.

11-05-2017, 10:45 AM
raven was the 1 unit i also wanted.

edit : edited since i saw no point in double posting : I just awakened ingrid (and used the fairy to max leel instantly). Honestly , i find her a bit....underwhelming on her own. Maybe after her saw she;s stronger individually , but as it stands , she;s so and so imo.

11-09-2017, 04:45 PM
I haven't used Happy, prolly will use her. Need to figure out who.

Cornelia is my only max unit.

The other Blacks I have are Nagi at AW50, Karma below CC 70, Amanda CC 41?, Ingrid

I guess I work on Amanda w/ Happy and get Nagi up if I can.

11-12-2017, 05:03 AM
Here's my main team. Sybilla's been my favorite out of all the girls I got, and she's always been my most reliable fighter.


Honestly, posting all of my units would be a pain, so here's the highest leveled ones. :v


And just because, the valentines I got:


I ended up getting surprised when I received those chocolates and realized I hadn't leveled up Sybilla enough to get a valentine from her. Oh well. :v

11-25-2017, 03:56 PM
Well..what can i say, i play this game when was launched (did i said play? hahaha)..ok no, TRIED to play becuse my prev PC ran this game frame by frame...with intervals of 30 sec btw frames...so drop it was out of question.

funny fsact; my prev pc could run peropero, company girls (death), fkg and the game with cards mechanic (which is death too..) all of them with no problems, only Aegis and kingdom girls had lag.

Then last year i saw the event of Elva on the nutaku's event board, and i was like "damm she looks so sexy, lets try this new game"...then noticed i had alrdy an account, at least i had a new PC so i tried.

Thats how i met the aegis forum (here), and then i noticed my account was pretty fucked...
almost no male units becuse i did eat them for exp, that or were sold...whatever.
I thought my rare unit was Kerry, but no, it was Gellius, damm! i mean, please, im playin a hentai game, why do the RNG thinks giving a male unit as my Elite unit is a good idea??
Of course it had no SC...what did happend to the SC when all i had was Kerry and Gellius?? Cant be explained..must be aliens.

OK so much to be done, how much time do i have left for the Elva's event? remaining time 7 hrs...fuck. And that was a lie becuse it went to maintenace 3 hrs before the time limit..

So my record for that event was: 4* it was a Star Trial event. Got Elva lvl 1, skill 3/10, cost -1

I was happy becuse i got my first Elite unit (Please Gellius, if you are goin to cry again at least return to your corner..), but, i wasnt happy enough, i mean, yes, i got the unit but it was 4*/24*...I got my girl in diapers...

Thats why i kept playing this game, with the only goal: get stronger and wait for her revival event...didnt had the pleasure.

11-28-2017, 12:18 PM
Lets see if the uploading worked. Good bye my dear Waifus.

Edit: Special mention to Anna and the Dark knight, whom were not included in the pictures cause their level was <40.

12-19-2017, 08:08 PM
Welp, I finally managed to max level Dark Knight... he's proven interesting to use in battle, that's for sure!

I'll have to upload my units later, hopefully before it's too late... I've got a few I cycle through for various reasons.

12-20-2017, 05:58 AM
yeah , i've raised him to 99 as well.

Biggest issue is skill level. I kinda wanted to saw him , since he seems quite a bit better sawed. Still at 1/5 , because my 4/5 jerome ate like 15 fairies and refused to get to 5/5. ugh

Guess this is it. we're on the final steps. Kinda surprised that there are still people out there still playing till the end. expected most to have abandoned the game already

12-20-2017, 12:31 PM
Well, since I'm probably not going to move over to DMM - and if I do it'll be on a very casual basis - I want to get as much time in as I can. Besides, I've spent a lot of work on my soldiers, I'm not going to give them up just yet! :3

12-20-2017, 03:39 PM
I couldn't even play the game, it won't load on Google Chrome or Fire Fox

weird, DMM Aigis works fine

I'm sad I couldn't max out Amanda or Gloria - oh well. This is a shot I think on Thanksgiving Day



12-25-2017, 01:30 PM
Here's my "standard" team as of the final day:


At that point, I used Dark Knight and Momiji as frontline defenders, with Saki and Sybilla just behind to provide ranged support. Yurina could serve as a third tank, but she was primarily there for her skill. Rita was placed near enemy spawn points, where she could use her skill to remain hidden, while Spica, Despera, and Zola provided other ranged support. Liana was in here largely because of Momiji, since her own skill could ensure Momiji never becomes paralyzed. Iris was my second best healer (though by that point I had CC-Max'd Yuno and was using her when I needed a third healer), and I had Sera for melee slot healing, and Verdinate for a bit of damage and some nifty AoE healing. Katie's purpose is obvious. And of course, Memento was nice for when I needed skeletons to delay and harass enemies.

Occationally I would swap in other units. Beatrice used to be a favorite of mine, for both long range sniping and close range rapid fire. Stella was a gal I put a lot of work into, and she definitely had niche (but amusing) uses. Gina was another "for fun" project. Ricola served a similar role as Rita, and her traps came in handy. If I needed more magic AoEs, I used Mehlis and Sasha. If I was fighting undead, I brought along Vincent and Fran.

That about sums it up...

12-25-2017, 01:41 PM
And finally, my class of 2017:


And at this point we're getting into units I had, but didn't really use, or units that I simply got at level 30 like those silvers. Not shown are units like Eterna and Solano, who I got but never really had the fodder for leveling, or whom I simply didn't want to use.

12-25-2017, 05:05 PM
There was a guy who posted their Valentine stuff earlier in the thread

I couldn't find my stuff to repost :(

IIRC I think I had Cornelia, Spica and the rest I dont even remember

12-26-2017, 02:18 AM

I'll miss you :'(

12-26-2017, 10:18 AM
Wanted to get my harem to 100% affection, but ran out of time and fodder -_-

01-05-2018, 09:58 AM
it's been a bit over a week since aigis close.

tried DMM a bit , made a couple rolls. Most i got was trash , then i had issues with the interface and the fact that the language is all moonrunes to me made me give up. Man , i feel so bad for my nutaku acount.

02-03-2018, 07:35 AM
It doesnt take a genius to figure out that Aigis is the best game on the entire site. Now that it's gone, try to imagine what's going to happen to all the other shitty games. Long story short, it looks like we will be paying our respects to Nutaku when they crash and burn. I'll give them 5 years give or take.